Pancakes made from expired milk. Lush pancakes with sour milk: a list of ingredients and a recipe

19.09.2019 Vegetable dishes


Lush pancakes with sour milk prepared according to this recipe will easily become an excellent addition to tea gatherings with old friends. In addition, this dish can be a great light breakfast and energize the whole day.

Such pancakes, as we are used to seeing them, appeared in Russia already in the 16th century. At a time when ordinary people could not afford a variety of food, they learned to cook pastries from what they had at hand, namely: from chicken eggs, sour milk and wheat flour. The dish turned out to be extremely tasty and satisfying, despite the limited ingredients and a relatively short cooking time.

Soon the fame of pancakes spread throughout the country, and this dish fell on the table of the nobles. The wealthy people immediately appreciated the taste of this delicacy, and the pancakes gained fame not only in the circles of the common people, but also among the nobles.

Later, the popularity of fritters spread throughout the world. They had different names in different cities and villages. They were called "pancakes", "olashki", "alabyshs", "pancakes", "olankas", "aladias" and "olashki", depending on the region in which they were baked. Some historians believe that this dish was named in honor of the Old Slavic goddess Lada, who was the personification of kindness and the keeper of the family hearth.

If we talk about paganism, then pancakes, as you know, were very often used in ceremonies and rituals. Nowadays, this dish is especially popular on such a holiday as Maslenitsa. At this time, people bake pancakes and pancakes, burn a scarecrow and have fun, treating themselves to delicious pastries. Pancakes made from dough in water are very often made during fasting.

There are a lot of recipes for preparing this delicacy. Pancakes can be made with or without filling, and the basis of the dough for them, in addition to flour, can be vegetables, fruits, meat or liver. Pancakes are usually served in a dish called “pancake”, seasoning the dish with sour cream, honey, jam, jam, condensed milk or all kinds of sauces (the choice depends on what the pancakes were made of).

This recipe differs in that sour milk is the basis of the pancake dough. Thanks to this, the pancakes are very fluffy and tasty. To prepare them, you need to spend very little time. If you want to pamper your family with delicious homemade pancakes with sour milk, we suggest you use our recipe with step by step photos.


  • (2 tbsp.)

  • (2 tbsp.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (2 tbsp. L.)

  • (1 pinch)

  • (1/2 tsp.)

Cooking steps

    To begin with, we take all the necessary products and put them in front of us. This is done in order not to waste time looking for them during the cooking process.

    Now take a small deep container, drive two eggs into it, add sugar and salt.

    Mix the eggs well. It is not necessary to beat strongly, it is enough just to beat the mass several times with a pastry whisk.

    After that, we begin to introduce flour. Without stopping stirring, pour it into a container, then, beating well, add a little more milk if the mixture is not liquid enough.

    Pour baking soda or baking powder (1 teaspoon) into the dough and stir again thoroughly.

    Now take a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil and heat over medium heat. When the pan is hot, use a spoon to pour the dough into it in portions. Fry for 2 minutes on each side until golden brown.

    That's all! Your fluffy sour milk pancakes are ready to eat. You can serve them to the table, seasoned with sour cream or honey.

    Bon Appetit!

Pancakes are prepared, as a rule, on the basis of fermented milk drinks - kefir, yogurt, sour cream or yogurt (as well as buttermilk and whey), it is these products that make the pancakes tender and fluffy. Each fermented milk product has its fans, and pancakes with sour milk are no exception: they come out so tasty and beautiful that many housewives begin to bake them not only when a portion of milk turns sour in the kitchen. Often milk is fermented specifically for pancakes, and some connoisseurs buy selected, natural, fatty milk for these purposes and claim that only lush pancakes can be made on it. You can quickly turn milk into curdled milk by heating the milk well and pouring vinegar into it (0.5 liters of milk will need 2 tsp of 9% table vinegar). Almost before our eyes, the milk will begin to curdle.

Despite the seeming simplicity of preparation, not all housewives get pancakes with sour milk from the first (and even the second and third) times. It is not enough just to mix the foods and spoon the dough into a hot pan, you need to follow a few simple rules, and then fluffy, ruddy, fried pancakes will appear on the table, and not flat half-baked round dough pieces.

So, to make lush pancakes with sour milk, you will need:

Ingredients for the dough

  • sour milk 500 ml
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar 2 tbsp. l. (sweet tooth can put 3 tablespoons of sugar)
  • soda 1 tsp with a slide
  • salt 0.5 tsp
  • vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • premium wheat flour about 3 cups
  • For frying

    100-150 ml of vegetable oil

    dough kneading 10 minutes
    proofing 20 minutes
    fry for about 30 minutes

    How to cook pancakes with sour milk

    You do not need to use a mixer to knead the pancake dough, everything is mixed with an ordinary whisk.
    Break eggs into a cup, add sugar, salt, beat everything with a whisk.

    Pour milk and vegetable oil into the egg mass, beat again with a whisk. Pour in 2 cups flour and baking soda, mix everything gently with a whisk.

    Ideal uniformity should not be achieved, let small lumps of flour remain - dough for lush pancakes with sour milk does not like kneading!

    Then add flour in portions of 3 tbsp. spoons and stir in the dough. It is necessary to achieve the consistency of thick sour cream, this moment is especially important. If there is not enough flour, then the pancakes will not rise, and if there is a lot, then they will not bake.

    Now the dough needs to be spaced, to do this, cover the cup with a lid and put it in a warm place for 20 minutes. If the house does not have a warm place for proofing, then move the cup with the dough into a wider bowl with warm water.

    After 20 minutes, the dough will be ready for frying. Bubbles from the reaction of soda with sour milk will be visible on the surface. Do not stir the dough!

    Pour oil into a frying pan (the most reliable, with a thick bottom, ideally if cast iron) and heat it very well over high heat, and this is the next important point. If the pan and butter are not hot enough, the pancakes will not come out "perforated."

    Take the dough from above with a tablespoon. Do not interfere! And put it in hot oil. The fire can now be lowered to medium. If everything is done correctly, such holes will appear on the pancakes.

    Turn the pancakes over with forks or spatulas when one side is brown enough and fry on the other.

    Remove the finished batch from the pan and put a new batch to fry.
    From the specified amount of products, a huge mountain of pancakes with sour milk is obtained, about 50 pieces.

    Serve slightly cooled pancakes with jam, sour cream, honey or condensed milk. Even when cooling down, the pancakes will not fall off, but will remain the same high, with fried crispy barrels.

    Well, that's done. Now you know everything to make sour milk pancakes perfect!

    Hot pancakes with sour milk and cold sour cream are a "secret weapon" with the help of which loving grandmothers manage to successfully lure their grown-up grandchildren to visit. The presented simple recipe allows mothers to compete with the older generation.

    The main feature of sweet aromatic pastries is a rather batter. The baking soda will give it volume and airiness. Excess flour can ruin the whole thing, so you should adhere to the proposed proportions.

    The versatility of sweet pastries lies in the fact that they organically fit into any dessert "configuration".


    • sour milk 1 cup (250 ml)
    • chicken egg 1 pc.
    • salt 1 tsp
    • sugar 2 tbsp. l.
    • soda 0.75 tsp
    • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l. + for frying
    • wheat flour 200 g


    1. Pour the sour milk into a deep bowl for making the dough. Add baking soda to make the pancakes fluffy. Stir. Leave for 5-7 minutes for the soda to react with the sour milk.

    2. Add salt and sugar. Stir to dissolve both ingredients.

    3. Whisk in a medium egg to the rest of the ingredients. Shake with a whisk until evenly distributed.

    4. Pour in vegetable oil. Stir.

    5. For baking, it is always recommended to sift the flour to make the finished product soft and airy. Add the sifted flour in portions to the liquid ingredients. Stir until a smooth, lump-free consistency is formed.

    6. The pancake dough should not be liquid and not very thick (for example, like 15% sour cream). Leave on the kitchen counter for 10-15 minutes.

    7. Pour oil into the pan. Adjust the amount to your liking. You can cook pancakes without vegetable oil in a hot skillet. Spoon small portions of dough into well-heated butter. Grill over medium heat for 2-3 minutes on each side. If you cook over low heat, then it will take a little more time.

    8. Place the fried pancakes on a paper towel or a layer of napkins to absorb excess oil. Serve to keep them cool.

    Note to the hostess

    1. Eggs and milk, intended for kneading the dough, should be at room temperature. Inadvertent heating of milk in a water bath can lead to separation of the whey, so you should take it out of the refrigerator beforehand.

    2. In order to get an airy dough, eggs, beaten separately, are introduced into it. In the composition of viscous milk, this cannot be done efficiently. Some of the flour can be replaced with semolina.

    3. Constant stirring while adding flour will avoid annoying lumps in the dough. You can add small pieces of apples, cinnamon or vanilla to it. You can add green onions or dill to the snack version of pancakes, any spices to taste. But the addition should be small in volume so as not to precipitate the dough.

    4. After proofing, do not stir it. If the dough is thick, you can spread it by helping yourself with another spoon. Too large portions may not cook well: the optimal amount is half a tablespoon.

    5. It is better if the pan is cast iron, with a thick bottom - it will ensure uniform heating of the entire area. When gas bubbles begin to form on the surface of the dough, turn the pancakes in the pan. If necessary, this can be done several times, achieving a dense crispy crust.

    Pancakes are a truly, primordially folk dish, because many generations of women first learn to cook them, and then they cook, cook and cook all their lives ... how fairy tales are told and songs are sung ...

    Pancakes are prepared, as a rule, on the basis of fermented milk drinks - kefir, yogurt, sour cream or yogurt (as well as buttermilk and whey), it is these products that make the pancakes tender and fluffy. Each fermented milk product has its fans, and pancakes with sour milk are no exception: they come out so tasty and beautiful that many housewives begin to bake them not only when a portion of milk turns sour in the kitchen. Often milk is fermented specifically for pancakes, and some connoisseurs buy selected, natural, fatty milk for these purposes and claim that only lush pancakes can be made on it. You can quickly turn milk into curdled milk by heating the milk well and pouring vinegar into it (0.5 liters of milk will need 2 tsp of 9% table vinegar). Almost before our eyes, the milk will begin to curdle.

    Despite the seeming simplicity of preparation, not all housewives get pancakes with sour milk from the first (and even the second and third) times. It is not enough just to mix the foods and spoon the dough into a hot pan, you need to follow a few simple rules, and then fluffy, ruddy, fried pancakes will appear on the table, and not flat half-baked round dough pieces.

    So, to make lush pancakes with sour milk, you will need:

    Ingredients for the dough

    • sour milk 500 ml
    • eggs 2 pcs.
    • granulated sugar 2 tbsp. l. (sweet tooth can put 3 tablespoons of sugar)
    • soda 1 tsp with a slide
    • salt 0.5 tsp
    • vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l.

    premium wheat flour about 3 cups

    100-150 ml of vegetable oil

    dough kneading 10 minutes
    proofing 20 minutes
    fry for about 30 minutes

    How to cook pancakes with sour milk

    Pour milk and vegetable oil into the egg mass, beat again with a whisk. Pour in 2 cups flour and baking soda, mix everything gently with a whisk.

    You should not achieve ideal uniformity, let small lumps of flour remain - the dough for fluffy pancakes with sour milk does not like kneading!

    Then add flour in portions of 3 tbsp. spoons and stir in the dough. It is necessary to achieve the consistency of thick sour cream, this moment is especially important. If there is not enough flour, then the pancakes will not rise, and if there is a lot, then they will not bake.

    Now the dough needs to be spaced, to do this, cover the cup with a lid and put it in a warm place for 20 minutes. If the house does not have a warm place for proofing, then move the cup with the dough into a wider bowl with warm water.

    After 20 minutes, the dough will be ready for frying. Bubbles from the reaction of soda with sour milk will be visible on the surface. Do not stir the dough!

    Pour oil into a frying pan (the most reliable, with a thick bottom, ideally if cast iron) and heat it very well over high heat, and this is the next important point. If the pan and butter are not hot enough, the pancakes will not come out "perforated."

    Take the dough from above with a tablespoon. Do not interfere! And put it in hot oil. The fire can now be lowered to medium. If everything is done correctly, such holes will appear on the pancakes.

    Turn the pancakes over with forks or spatulas when one side is brown enough and fry on the other.

    Remove the finished batch from the pan and put a new batch to fry.
    From the specified amount of products, a huge mountain of pancakes with sour milk is obtained, about 50 pieces.

    Serve slightly cooled pancakes with jam, sour cream, honey or condensed milk. Even when cooling down, the pancakes will not fall off, but will remain the same high, with fried crispy barrels.

    Well, that's done. Now you know everything to make sour milk pancakes perfect!

    You do not need to use a mixer to knead the pancake dough, everything is mixed with an ordinary whisk.
    Break eggs into a cup, add sugar, salt, beat everything with a whisk.

    It just so happened that my milk turned sour. I didn't get upset, because I know that pancakes or pancakes can be made from sour milk. I decided to stay on the second option and bake lush pancakes for my household in a frying pan.

    For kneading the dough, I need a suitable bowl, a whisk, and for baking - a spatula for turning over ready-made pancakes, a tablespoon. So, first I broke a couple of chicken eggs into a bowl.

    I poured the declared norm of granulated sugar into the chicken eggs. By the way, this rate can be varied. For example, if you plan to serve pancakes with jam or other sweet toppings, you can reduce the amount of the sweet ingredient. In general, it's a matter of your taste preferences. Following the sugar, I added an incomplete teaspoon of salt to the chicken eggs.

    For the next culinary operation, I needed a hand whisk. Beaten eggs with added spices. Not as intensely, just stir the ingredients for about one minute.

    The resulting egg mass was poured into the main component for the dough - sour milk. Milk should be at room temperature. She mixed the ingredients again.

    Now you can add wheat flour to the milk-egg mass. It should be added in portions, each time intensively mixing into the milk mixture. Add water at the same stage. There is no need to extinguish it. This will be done by the acids present in sour milk.

    As a result, I got this dough. You may need a little more flour than I indicated in the ingredients list. I added a couple more tablespoons to make the dough similar in consistency to sour cream. The dough came out without lumps. While I was mixing the dough, I put a frying pan on the stove. I poured vegetable oil into it to warm it up.

    The oil has warmed up in the pan, which means you can spread the cooked dough. I used a regular soup spoon.