Hangover cocktails. A delicious hangover cure

23.08.2019 Vegetable dishes

Had a good time yesterday, but in the morning after drinking a hangover?

Suggesting advice from Tom Sanders, Professor of Medicine, King's College London

It offers a potent hangover cocktail, alcohol-free, that will bring you back to life in about 1 hour.

The cocktail consists of 5 components, which will quickly relieve the effects of alcohol poisoning

1. Defeat nausea

Throw 10 slices of fresh ginger root in 750 ml of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, then strain the liquid. Ginger will enrich the cocktail with 6-gingeroll - a substance that successfully fights your urge to vomit.
2. Energy impact

Add 250 ml of orange juice to the jug, where the water with gingerol is already splashing. It is high in fructose and glucose, which will add energy and speed up the elimination of toxins from the body. In this case, the juice will not cause jumps in blood sugar levels.

3. Clear your head

4. Drive out alcohol

If you drank too much yesterday, your liver is still processing alcohol in the morning. Add vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) to the jar, which protects the liver from ethanol and its derivatives. An ampoule with a solution for injection (pyridoxine content 0.01 g) is suitable for a cocktail, or you can simply grind a tablet of B vitamins (both are sold in any pharmacy).

5. Restore the water-salt balance

You need to add two sachets of powder for the preparation of saline solutions like "Regidron". This ingredient will replenish your body's supply of electrolytes. The ones you wastefully poured into your urinal yesterday.

The resulting mixture must be thoroughly stirred and drunk for an hour, 250 ml every 15 minutes.
Of course, the pleasure from this drink is not enough, but the main thing is the result.

1. Conquer nausea

2. Charge the batteries

3. Clear your head

4. Drive out alcohol

Expert: Tom Sanders, Professor of Medicine, King's College London

Make a cocktail of 5 ingredients that will ease the effects of alcohol poisoning in 1 hour.

1. Conquer nausea

Put 10 slices of fresh ginger root in 750 ml of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, then strain the liquid. Now this water contains a lot of 6-gingerol - a substance that successfully fights against your urge to vomit.

2. Charge the batteries

Pour 250 ml orange juice into a jug where the water with gingerol is already splashing. It is rich in fructose and glucose, which provide energy and accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body. At the same time, the juice does not cause jumps in blood sugar levels.

3. Clear your head

Add 2 soluble aspirin or paracetamol tablets to the mixture. This is what is called palliative treatment: aspirin will not make a special contribution to cleansing the body, but it will quell the headache a little.

4. Drive out alcohol

If you tucked it in your collar yesterday with a really shock, your liver is still processing alcohol in the morning. Add vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) to the jar, which protects the liver from ethanol and its metabolites. An ampoule with a solution for injection (pyridoxine content 0.01 g) is suitable for a cocktail, or simply rub a tablet of B vitamins (both are sold in any pharmacy).

5. Restore the water-salt balance

Add two sachets of powder for the preparation of saline solutions like "Rehydron". This ingredient will replenish your body's supply of electrolytes. The ones you wastefully poured into your urinal yesterday.

Stir the mixture well and drink 250 ml every 15 minutes for an hour. Of course, you won't get pleasure from this drink, but you hunted for positive emotions yesterday. Today you have to pay for them. You can still get off cheap with this cocktail.

Almost every holiday involves consumption, so many people know about it firsthand. This condition can bother every person: someone got drunk, someone was let down by poor quality. In any case, the effect is the same - a severe hangover the next morning. What is it and how to deal with it? What's the best way to deal with your morning hangover? Are there any drinks that can alleviate the condition of the drunk person? The answers to these questions can be found by reading the following article.

How a hangover occurs and what it entails

Hangover syndrome usually occurs in the morning after consuming a large amount. Also, the fault may be low-quality alcohol, which causes symptoms of severe poisoning of the body.

How can we help an exhausted body to cope with the problem that has arisen? In such cases, it is necessary to observe complete rest and find the most effective means to fight the hangover. And most importantly, remember that alcohol abuse does not lead to anything good, and a hangover is the most harmless thing that can happen to a patient who is addicted to alcoholic beverages.

Non-alcoholic hangover cocktails

In order to get rid of hangover at home, you can and should use various food products that help restore the body's water and electrolyte balance, normalize metabolic processes in it and improve the performance of internal organs and systems. The following foods are considered the most effective for a hangover:

  • Pickled apples, sauerkraut, or pickle
  • ayran, kefir and other fermented milk products;
  • non-alcoholic cocktails containing citric acid;
  • non-carbonated mineral alkaline water.

All these drinks can be taken separately, or you can prepare various kinds of cocktails from them. Here are the recipes for some of them:

  1. Egg cocktail. To prepare, drive one fresh chicken egg into a glass, season with salt and pepper, add about ten milliliters of vinegar. Drink the drink in one gulp.
  2. A brine cocktail is an effective remedy. To prepare it, you need to mix half a glass of olive oil with 200 ml of cabbage brine. Then pepper to taste.
  3. Cheerfulness. To prepare a drink, take an egg yolk, twenty milliliters of mild ketchup, pepper and salt. Mix the ingredients, add a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  4. Sleepy cocktail. This citrus burst will help keep your body healthy and relieve hangover symptoms. To prepare it, add lemon and honey chopped in a blender to a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Stir the ingredients and the cocktail is ready to use.

There are many cocktails based on fermented milk drinks that are also very good for a hangover. The most effective are:

  1. Cabbage in the snow. To prepare it, you need to chop some fresh cabbage and mix with kefir or ayran. You need to drink the drink in small portions for an hour.
  2. Strawberry meadow. To prepare this drink, you need to take a glass of strawberries or strawberries and beat in a blender until smooth. Then add a tablespoon of honey and mix. The resulting mass should be poured with 2 glasses of kefir and beat everything in a shaker or blender.
  3. Cocktail with pickles. Grate pickled cucumber and pour 500 ml of kefir. Then add ground pepper to the mixture and mix thoroughly. It is necessary to drink a cocktail in small portions within an hour. After eating it, it is advisable to abstain from food for a while.
  4. Rose hip. To prepare such a drink, you need to pour 400 ml of boiling water over the rosehip and let it brew. Mix the prepared infusion with the same amount of low-fat kefir and add sugar to taste.
  5. An invigorating drink. To prepare it, you will need half a fresh cucumber, half a tablespoon of salt and pepper, two tablespoons of sugar and fifty grams of dill. Mix all ingredients in a blender and use for a hangover.

Cold soups based on fermented milk products are very effective for relieving hangover syndrome. The most popular of them, of course, is the traditional okroshka made with kefir. But no less effective is the tarator soup, made from grated fresh cucumbers, herbs and several heads of garlic. All this is poured with low-fat kefir and sprinkled with nuts.

Alcoholic cocktails for a hangover

Many people practice treating hangovers by drinking small amounts of alcohol. As the saying goes: "They knock out a wedge with a wedge." However, in these cases, you need to be very careful so that the hangover does not develop into a new booze.

In addition, it is important to distinguish between a common hangover and a severe hangover that occurs with a shortage, causing withdrawal in the alcoholic. And this is already a sign of chronic alcoholism.

With an ordinary hangover, a person begins to stir up at the mere thought of drinking alcohol; in the case of persistent alcohol dependence, such a proposal causes only a joyful foreboding.

It is possible to relieve a hangover with a small amount of alcohol diluted with other ingredients, but you should not resort to this method quite often. Here are some recipes to help you deal with hangover symptoms in the morning:

  1. Opohmelin is one of the most effective cocktails, well known to fans of stormy feasts. To prepare it, you need to take fifty milliliters of Scotch whiskey and the same amount of low-fat cream. Add two tablespoons of honey, a few ice cubes and mix in a blender.
  2. Bloody eye. This drink is prepared from mixed with egg and tomato juice. Tomato juice is poured into a deep cocktail glass, a glass of light beer is poured on top and egg yolk is carefully poured. The ingredients are not mixed.
  3. Caucasian hospitality. To prepare it, you need to salt and pepper one egg yolk. Pour twenty-five milliliters into the mixture cognac and drink in one gulp.
  4. Auster. Salted and peppery egg yolk is driven into a glass, previously generously greased with vegetable oil, and two to three milliliters are added. All this is mixed with each other and immediately drunk.
  5. Prairie oyster. To prepare such a drink, you need to drive a fresh chicken egg into the glass, add three tablespoons of whiskey, brandy or cognac on top. Then add salt and Worcestershire sauce. The cocktail should be drunk in such a way that the yolk does not remain intact.
  6. Morning fizzy consists of a small amount of whiskey, sugar and lemon juice. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the drink is drunk in one gulp.
  7. If you mix two tablespoons with a tablespoon of lemon juice and add fifty milliliters of Angostura, you get a hangover cocktail with the eccentric name Suffering Bastard. It is good to use it in the morning after a feast for a significant improvement in the condition.

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alkobarrier". It is a natural remedy that blocks alcohol cravings, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, the Alkobarrier launches regenerative processes in the organs, which alcohol began to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

Summing up

Hangover syndrome always develops in the morning after drinking alcohol. It is possible to significantly alleviate such a serious condition with the help of various anti-hangover cocktails, both with and without alcohol. But it should be remembered that alcohol abuse can lead to severe and serious consequences for the body. Therefore, one should abandon such an addiction or reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum.

A hangover cocktail in the morning has an analgesic and calming effect on the body, which helps to get rid of feelings of anxiety and irritability. Any holidays and parties are accompanied by alcohol intake, and the result is a painful hangover in the morning. Of course, drinking alcohol even in small amounts is not considered a good choice, so it is recommended to use the right drinks to relieve hangover.

At home, you can make anti-hangover cocktails that contain alcohol:

You can get rid of a heavy hangover after a holiday or party with the help of alcohol-free cocktails:

Hangover is an inevitable consequence of any party or party that involves alcohol consumption. Special cocktails will help alleviate a person's condition and relieve him of the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover.

Hangover cocktails at home

A fun evening with a beer or something stronger, the next morning turns into heaviness, headache and other symptoms of a hangover. And it's good when there is time to get sick, to "sleep" all the troubles, but if not? And after a couple of hours to work, to the kindergarten, how can you relieve the symptoms without overloading an already sick body with pills? A hangover cocktail that does not contain a drop of alcohol will help! It will turn out to be prepared from the available products, and we will be happy to share the recipes.

What to drink so as not to get sick with a hangover?

Any alcoholic beverages cause dehydration of the body, which is why nausea, migraine, and tremors appear. To restore balance and heal from a hangover at home, warm liquid, drunk in sufficient quantities, will help. It can be plain water, but there are more powerful remedies:

  1. Part of the cucumber and part of the cabbage brine, mixed and drunk in one go, quickly restore the electrolyte balance, but are contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Alkaline mineral water with potassium and sodium salts will help return to life. Add a slice of lemon and you get a good anti-hangover cocktail, which is drunk in the amount of one glass warm and in small sips.
  3. Citrus juices flavored with a spoonful of honey, a sprig of mint will soothe even the most severe headache.
  4. Strong freshly brewed coffee with lemon will also invigorate the brain by narrowing blood vessels, but you should drink it no more than one cup and immediately after it is brewed.
  5. One spoonful of wild rose berries plus a spoonful of lingonberry leaves - steam in half a liter of boiling water and drink like tea. This is perhaps the best hangover drink, helping not only restore balance, but also replenish lost micronutrients.

Important! Pouring lingonberries are good in any non-alcoholic cocktails. Possessing a mild diuretic effect, the phytopreparation will remove excess water from the body along with toxins and decay products of alcohols

Fermented milk drinks: kefir, ayran, tan help great on their own, but it would be even better to mix them with a spoonful of honey, citrus juice, banana

  1. Fermented milk drinks: kefir, ayran, tan help perfectly by themselves, but it would be even better to mix them with a spoonful of honey, citrus juice, banana. A cocktail will quickly bring the body back to normal and relieve thirst.
  2. For a glass of tomato juice, one yolk, a pinch of pepper - loosen up a little and drink on an empty stomach. Helps with severe alcohol-induced migraines.
  3. The herb of mint, lemon balm, motherwort, hawthorn is brewed in equal proportions and drunk like tea - the remedy will cleanse the body of toxins, calm the nerves and allow you to sleep if you have time for it.
  4. Eggnog with honey and citrus juice will restore balance, relieve thirst and migraines. Plus, it's a decent breakfast.
  5. Infused motherwort infusion, prepared from 1 tbsp. l. herbs brewed with a glass of boiling water, a remedy for fever and headaches. Drink in small sips on an empty stomach.
  6. Tomato juice without salt, but with pepper and pieces of celery, relieves hangover and saturates with useful minerals. Tomatoes contain a huge amount of magnesium, which is washed out by alcohol, a lack of substance leads to oxygen starvation, which causes migraines and other unpleasant symptoms.

All drinks prepared without alcohol have only one purpose: to normalize the body's balance and remove toxins. The first is answered by the high content of trace elements in the proposed liquids, and the second is the amount of drinking. Do not forget about vegetable juices: celery, cucumbers - a high level of vitamins will fill the gap, which will relieve migraine and nausea symptoms.

How to avoid a severe hangover?

Hangover cocktails are good, but there are several ways to reduce acidosis and not suffer the next morning.

Hangover shakes are good, but there are several ways to reduce acidosis and not suffer the next morning:

  1. Do not smoke or smoke less often. Nicotine and alcoholic beverages are an explosive mixture that the body cannot cope with.
  2. Do not drink on an empty stomach, even if you have nothing to eat, drink a glass of milk and water before the start of the feast.
  3. Hot snacks "steal" the degree - this is true and useful to know when going to a long celebration.

Remember the famous phrase from the popular cinema: "never eat vodka with cold appetizers, only hot ones." Take advice on board, at the same time reducing the dose of alcohol or taking a long time between drinks. By the way, beer, beloved by many, is drunk in large quantities precisely because alcohol dehydrates the body, causing thirst. Therefore, it turns out that you are thirsty - a new mug of beer on the table. Replace one serving with mineral water or plain water, the hangover syndrome will be much weaker.

Advice! If there are no drinks at home other than milk and water, make a cocktail with them. You can add a little warmed up plain water to the milk, drink a glass of the product in small sips, and in an hour the long-awaited relief will come. In case of very severe alcohol poisoning, you should drink a glass of warm milk with honey. Let there be vomiting, in this case, every hour drink half a glass of the product until the onset of improvement, which comes after a couple of hours.

Traditional and drug treatments for a hangover

  • Treatment of a hangover syndrome with folk methods
    • What to eat?
    • Healing drinks
  • Drug Treatment for Hangover Syndrome
    • Anti-hangover

After heavy libations, reckoning necessarily comes - a hangover syndrome. Headaches, nausea, weakness and other malaise are the result of severe poisoning of the body with alcohol decomposition products. Over the many centuries of human drunkenness, there have been many tips on how to treat a hangover and recover faster.

Treatment of a hangover syndrome with folk methods

It is best to resort to traditional treatment at home. All the ingredients are at hand, you can safely look for tips on how to relieve a hangover, take your time, make yourself a healing cocktail or herbal tea. In any case, the main steps for relieving hangover at home are aimed at:

  • removal of intoxication;
  • stimulation of the digestive system, incl. liver;
  • cleansing the body of ethanol decay products.

Excellent relieves hangover symptoms at home sauerkraut and pickled cucumber juice, sour cabbage soup, kefir, rosehip broth, cranberry juice, dried fruit compote, tomato juice. Coats the stomach well and helps treat hangovers with a raw chicken egg. You can simply drink it by pulling it out of the shell. Or mix with 1 tsp. vinegar, add a pinch of salt, a little black pepper or tomato juice, stir in a glass and drink in one gulp on an empty stomach.

A contrast shower can help treat a hangover. It is not necessary to immediately pour over ice water, at first you can do cool and alternate it with hot. You can take a relaxing bath with baking soda or salt at home. Warm water is relaxing, while baking soda and salt are excellent at removing toxins from the upper layers of the skin.

If possible, it is recommended to take a walk and not sit at home. The fresh air and activity wears out hop residues more quickly, forcing the blood to circulate better and flushing out toxins faster. But you can just do the exercises at home. Just a little warm-up is enough.

What to eat?

If nausea is present, then it is necessary to remove it. At home, you can induce vomiting to clear the stomach of unbroken alcohol and excess food. After that, wait 1-2 hours and be sure to eat.

The most preferable would be:

To make it easier for the body to digest food, it is recommended to eat in small portions. It is better to do this at intervals of 2-4 hours.

Healing drinks

Various cocktails and other drinks help to quickly relieve a hangover. You can make herbal teas from the teas or chamomile. The most effective homemade recipes:

The key is to drink as much fluids as possible to rebalance and help the body cope with dehydration. In addition, water flushes out toxins faster.

Drug Treatment for Hangover Syndrome

In a work setting, it is preferable to treat the malaise with medication. They are always at hand, easy to purchase at any pharmacy on the way from home to work, help to cure a hangover faster. Among the drugs, to remove the symptoms of a hangover syndrome help:

For headaches, you can take 2 tablets of citramone or aspirin. The latter is recommended in the form of dissolving effervescent tablets, then it will be absorbed faster and begin to act. Aspirin breaks microclots well in vessels, but it can only be taken 6 hours after drinking the last portion of alcohol, otherwise poisoning is possible.

Many specialty hangover medications contain aspirin and succinic acid, which can be purchased separately at the pharmacy for much less.

No-shpa or Dratoverin relieve liver condition and relieve muscle spasms. Absorbents such as activated carbon, Polypefan and Enterosgel relieve intoxication well.

All of these drugs can be taken at home, but it is better to combine hangover treatment with folk methods.


Separately, in terms of popularity, Antipohmelin can be distinguished. The drug contains succinic acid, which slows down the production of a liver enzyme (alcohol hydrogenase) that breaks down alcohol. Due to this, liver poisoning with toxins occurs more slowly. During this time, the rest of the anti-hangover components are eliminated by alcohol breakdown products and symptoms of malaise. In addition to amber, the drug also contains ascorbic, fumaric and glutamic acids.

Anti-hangover is not a medicine, and is registered as an active dietary supplement (BAA). Therefore, overdose cases are not described.

The drug is a combined agent with good tolerance and high efficacy. Nevertheless, an individual intolerance or allergy to the components of the dietary supplement may serve as a contraindication.

You can take Antipochmelin before a meal to reduce the negative effects of alcohol, or to treat a hangover. For prevention, immediately take 2 tablets, and then 1 pc for every 250 g of low-alcohol and 100 g of strong drinks.

As you can see, there are various ways to cure a hangover, and everyone chooses something suitable for themselves. But it is best to avoid a hangover syndrome, as it has a serious blow to the entire body.

A hangover can occur from drinking a lot of alcohol or low-quality drinks. Headache, nausea and weakness cause such suffering that a person is ready to do anything to get rid of them. Quite often, you can hear that a drink consumed the day before helps to get out of a hangover. But a person who does not suffer from alcoholism is unlikely to be able to pour even a drop of alcohol into himself. In this case, a hangover cocktail can help. There are a large number of recipes, you just have to choose the right one.

What should be a cocktail

To figure out which remedy helps with a hangover, you need to understand what is happening at this moment in the body.

Alcohol immediately enters the circulatory system, its effect becomes noticeable after a quarter of an hour (sometimes less). Ethanol starts several processes:

  1. Intoxication. On average, a healthy liver is able to process about 10 grams of pure alcohol in one hour without harm to the body. If the amount drunk exceeds this figure, toxins are carried throughout the body. The brain suffers the most. All forces are directed to the fight against alcohol, so there is a lack of energy.
  2. Change in water-salt balance. Alcohol slows down the movement of lymph and frequent urination, therefore, against the background of severe dehydration, edema appears, including in the brain tissues. The loss of moisture acts on the hypothalamus, and severe hunger arises, even if the person has ate tightly the day before.
  3. Irritation of the stomach lining with toxins, which causes nausea (sometimes with vomiting).

So, a hangover cocktail should solve these problems. Therefore, it must meet the following requirements:

  • quench;
  • supply;
  • envelop the mucous membrane;
  • normalize the imbalance of salts and minerals;
  • neutralize toxins and accelerate their elimination.

Since during a hangover, vasoconstriction occurs, it is permissible to add a small amount of alcohol to the drink.

Recipes for drinks that normalize the condition with a hangover

There are many recipes for invigorating and refreshing drinks that will remove the signs of alcohol intoxication. They are composed of simple ingredients: juices, oils, eggs, and sometimes alcohol (in small quantities).

Tomato juice is especially useful for a hangover. It contains ascorbic acid, sucrose, potassium and sodium, that is, everything that the body needs at this moment. It can be drunk even in pure form. Scientists from Japan conducted an experiment studying the effect of tomato juice and water on an excess of alcohol in the blood. With a natural product from tomatoes, the amount of ethanol decreases 3-4 times faster, and sobering up occurs 1-2 hours earlier.

Despite all its benefits, it is not recommended to drink tomato juice for pancreatitis, a tendency to allergic reactions, kidney stones and stomach ulcers.

So, let's move on to cocktail recipes:

  1. Red eye. In a beer glass, combine 200 ml of tomato juice and light light beer, add 1 fresh chicken egg yolk. If you want, you can add a little salt and pepper. The drink is drunk in one gulp, the yolk must enter the esophagus intact.
  2. Sleepy. Take 150 ml of orange juice (preferably fresh), beat in a blender with a tablespoon of lime honey and half a lemon (with zest). Drink very quickly and lie down.
  3. Egg. Beat one large egg (which you are sure of freshness) until frothy with a pinch of salt and pepper. Pour the resulting mass into a mug, add 30 ml of apple cider or rice vinegar.
  4. Explosion. In a glass of tomato juice, add half a teaspoon of cayenne sauce, a pinch of ground hot pepper, 2-3 tablespoons of lemon or orange juice. Mix all ingredients and drink quickly. The spicy taste of this drink will invigorate you instantly.
  5. For jellied meat. Pour into a small stack in layers in the following sequence: a tablespoon of tomato juice, a pinch of salt, a little grated horseradish (a quarter of a teaspoon), a tablespoon of vodka, brandy or other strong drink. Drink in one gulp.

Some hangover cocktails add a little alcohol, so do not get carried away with them, so as not to try again the next morning to overcome alcohol intoxication.

The upcoming holidays will inevitably entail a massive hangover syndrome, which usually no one has the strength to cope with. Denying yourself fun in the New Year is by no means a good idea, it would be much more correct to prepare in advance and study the right means of putting the body in order after a long fun night.

FURFUR has already written about several such methods, and now the editorial office publishes 12 recipes for hangover cocktails that will help you survive the holidays with minimal headaches and get rid of the hard consequences of crazy New Year's toasts.

The best hangover cure is not to get drunk. Well, if it's too late and you woke up with a "cast-iron head", then you should eat some light soup, something like chicken broth or tom-yam. Our favorite cocktail in the morning is Bloody Mary. But there is a better idea - replace Bloody with Mini and get a wonderful anti-hangover shot called Mini Mary.



1. Brandy - 40 ml.
2. Gin - 40 ml.
3. Lemon juice - 40 ml.
4. Angostura - 5 ml.
Mix brandy, gin, lemon juice in a tall glass. Stir and add bitters.
1. Tomato juice - 240 ml.
2. Light beer - 180 ml.
3. Raw egg - 1 pc.
Mix beer and tomato juice in a large glass. Add whole egg yolk to the resulting mixture. Drink without stirring.
1. Tomato juice - 200 ml.
2. Cream - 2 tbsp. spoons
3. Raw egg - 1 pc.
4. Beer - 70 ml.
5. Nutmeg
Whisk the egg and cream, add juice and beer. Stir well and sprinkle with a pinch of ground nutmeg.

Withdrawal symptoms are the result of poisoning the body with ethyl and methyl alcohols, in which the entire body is affected - from the brain to the skin, dehydration and loss of mineral salts occur. The only way to help the body is through time, water and, I believe, honey. M For thousands of years there has been such a drink as "sated" - a mixture of honey and water. It is better to take water at room temperature, and lime honey. Take a break, take a drink and go to the skating rink.


1. Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons
2. Dry white wine- 100 ml.
3. Mineral water- 100 ml
Squeeze the juice of a large lemon wedge, add dry wine and carbonated mineral water.
1. Vodka - 70 gr.
2. Sugar - 35 gr.
3. Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. spoons
4. Milk - 1 glass

Mix vodka, lemon juice and milk in a glass. Add sugar and stir.
1. Cognac - 50 gr.
2. Egg - 1 pc.
3. Wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. a spoon
4. Ketchup - 1/2 tbsp. spoons
5. Tobasco sauce - 1 tsp
6. Worcester sauce - 1 tbsp. a spoon
Mix the liquids in a glass, add red pepper, salt, cinnamon to taste and a whole egg yolk. Drink in one gulp without damaging the yolk.

We have a cocktail on the menu that I once invented and which, in principle, can be classified as a hangover. Firstly, it is quite spicy and salty - it contains lemon and tomato juice, and secondly, it strongly resembles the "classics" of Bloody Mary hangover cocktails. It has a rather specific taste, method of preparation and ingredients. I think that if he does not save you from a hangover, then at least he will make your stomach and head work. I named the cocktail Very Mary.



1. Whiskey - 30 ml.
2. Honey - 30 ml.
3. Cream - 60 ml.
Whisk all ingredients in a shaker with ice and pour into a glass, adding a sprig of mint for flavor.
1. Beef broth - 100 ml.
2. Vodka - 40 ml.
3. Lemon juice - 10 ml.
4. Worcester sauce
5. Tobasco sauce
Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a little crushed ice and strain into a glass. Add a couple of drops of Worcester and Tobasco sauces, salt and pepper to taste.