What is the difference between shawarma and shawarma: comparison, difference, difference in the recipe, in composition. How to say correctly: shawarma or shawarma? Which is tastier: shawarma or shawarma? All about shawarma: origin, what meat and sauces are used to cook it

26.09.2019 Vegetable dishes

Shawarma, or as it is most often called in the CIS countries, this dish - shawarma - is a bright representative of oriental cuisine of Arab origin. Thanks to the quick preparation of shawarma and the rule of eating the presented dish with your hands, it has become an integral part of fast food. Many modern residents of a large metropolis, in the absence of a large amount of time for a lunch break, often use shawarma.

The innumerable number of outlets for the aforementioned dish and various reviews from skeptical opponents of street food have turned shawarma from fast food to a stop dish. Unfortunately, people have lost, and some did not even know, all the delights of this wonderful combination of thin dough and minced juicy meat in combination with vegetables and sauce.

The difference between shawarma and shawarma and other dish names

In fact, shawarma is just one of dozens of variations of a dish based on meat and vegetables wrapped in unleavened dough and generously poured with sauce.

The word "shawarma" appeared in the name of the dish, which is usually called shawarma only due to the difference in dialect and pronunciation between Muscovites and Petersburgers. In fact, both “shawarma” and “shawarma” are a classic dish of the Arab world, in which the main role is played by meat (preferably chicken, lamb or beef), vegetables and sauce wrapped in thin pita bread. The difference between the two concepts is only in pronunciation, which is more convenient for the inhabitants of a particular region.

It is preferable for each country and region to choose the dough filling according to their religious beliefs, national cuisine and taste preferences.

Depending on the number of ingredients, their composition and preparation features, there are:

  1. Pita is when all the filling is placed on one side of the dough, and the other is covered and fried in this form in a hot pan or grill. This type of shawarma is prepared in Belgium.
  2. Doner or doner kebab is a kind of shawarma, which in its filling distinguishes all kinds of meat, sausages, sausages and a great abundance of sauces and vegetables to choose from. Duner can be found in the vast Azerbaijani, Armenian, German and Polish fast food cuisine.
  3. Girros is a Greek shawarma that takes its name from the meat that is wrapped in a thin, yeast-free dough.

Classics and variations of the shawarma recipe

According to the appearance, shawarma is a flatbread, pita bread, or, in other words, pita, for which various products are used as the inside - minced meat, various vegetables, as well as special spices and sauces.

In the vastness of the Russian Federation, meat is used as a filling for shawarma - be it boiled pork, beef, lamb, and also poultry meat - turkey or chicken. But the inhabitants of Muslim states approach the manufacture of doner kebab even more demandingly and use only camel or ram meat for these purposes.

The meat for the inside of the shawarma must certainly be grilled according to a special technology. Since, according to the traditional classic recipe, shawarma should give off a sharp and bright taste, many different spices are used in cooking. Pepper, turmeric and cumin are considered classic additions, a lot of new greens - parsley, dill and cilantro, and according to some recipes, also garlic and onions.

More suitable as a sauce for shawarma and more useful are kefir or sour cream sauces seasoned with garlic.

Vegetable garnish for doner kebab should be chosen based on the season - in summer it is great to use cucumbers with tomatoes, and in winter - cabbage, carrots and other seasonal vegetables.

There are also vegetarian options for making shawarma that do not contain meat.

Many manufacturers fill shawarma with ordinary sausages or canned fish.

About the dangers of fast food shawarma

British experts investigated the value and composition of the famous fast food: Indian and Chinese dishes, kebabs and "fish and chips" - fried fish with french fries. They found that almost all fast-food cuisine contains an overestimated amount of fat. However, kebab turned out to be a favorite in harmful food.

Nutritionists from the English county of Hampshire indicated that shawarma, 25% fat. Eating shawarma about 2 times a week increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 10 times, since the main cause of heart problems is an excess amount of body fat in the human body.

There are some contraindications to the consumption of shawarma. Such a dish is contraindicated for people with problems in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for pregnant women and children. The whole point is not only the high fat content of this dish, but also the content of a large amount of hot sauce and spices, which adversely affects the work and condition of the internal organs of a person.

As a rule, the size of shawarma is quite large, and therefore it is necessary to sensibly assess the capabilities of your body and understand that frequent use of such a dish leads to the accumulation of excess body weight.

Since shawarma is considered a fast food dish from affordable products, you can find an alternative in the form of cooking the presented dish at home, replacing fatty sauces and meat with more dietary options. Proper preparation and compliance with all sanitation standards is the right way to enjoy a dish called "shawarma".

Shawarma is to the taste of all lovers of hearty Middle Eastern fast food. In order not to talk about the dangers of this product, which can currently be bought everywhere at train stations, markets, and recreation areas, the taste of crispy pita bread with juicy meat and vegetable filling leaves no one indifferent. What is the origin of shawarma, who invented it and where is its homeland?

Few people know that the history of this delicacy originates from ancient sources. Initially, a Turkmen dish was prepared in a similar way, which was invented by steppe shepherds. Only the saiga carcass was used as a meat filling.

Chopped meat was placed in the washed stomach of the same animal, everything was poured on top of its fat. Then the stomach was sutured. Such a dish could not spoil for several months. But it is not known whether it and its contents were subjected to heat treatment.

Many are interested in the question of how shawarma differs from shawarma. Basically, it's the same thing. Just from the Arabic translation, this word can be read in different ways (also shaorma or shavarma). You can often hear the Turkish sound of this dish - dener kebab. Therefore, some believe that it refers specifically to Turkish cuisine.

In Turkey, fried meat with the addition of vegetables and spices was stuffed into a thin Arabic flatbread - Pita. This product migrated to the CIS countries through Armenia, as a result, the kebab turned into a shawarma, and Armenian lavash was used instead of pita. But even now it is very popular in European countries, being a traditional Turkish dish.

Answered by Yesenia Pavlotsky, linguist-morphologist, expert of the Institute of Philology, Mass Media and Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

A dish of pita bread stuffed with meat, some Russian speakers call shawarma, and others shawarma.

And many are convinced that only one of the options can be true. Two very similar yet different words for the same thing - that's kind of weird, we think. There is such an idea: if the distortion is insignificant, then it is the result of an error.

And if none of these words is a mistake, then their similarity must be explained by something. However, with this similarity shawarma and shawarma it seems like they are not synonyms, because synonyms have a similar meaning (and not the same); and they are not paronyms either, because paronyms, with such similarities, have different lexical meanings.

Really, shawarma and shawarma designate one object, have one meaning, although they are perceived almost as different words. (There are native speakers who consider shawarma to be some other dish or a comic distortion of the word shawarma.)

In science there is a concept denotative meaning. For example, denotate the words mainland are Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Australia. So, shawarma, shawarma, doner kebab, doner kebab, simply doner, as well as shawarma, shaorma, shuarma is one object of reality. Yes, we are not talking about synonyms, but about absolute synonyms.

The words shawarma and shawarma are doublets, that is, they completely replace each other (although this is not such an unambiguous question today, but more on that later).

The fact is that when borrowing these words, certain processes took place - the same ones that were presented to our language. mattress and mattress, putty and putty, as well as comforter and burner. In general, absolute synonyms that look like paronyms are not a new phenomenon for our language system.

This happens, among other things, because a word can exist in several languages ​​at the same time even before borrowing. And as soon as a new object of another culture appears in someone's culture, everyday sphere, this object can “pull up” several words from the language practice of different peoples at once. Often this is well tracked by names: for example, Angelina and Angela have successfully coexisted in Russian for many years.

So, out of all this diversity, only two well-known variants “settled” in Russian - shawarma and shawarma.

After each of the words received territorial consolidation: now the farther from the Northern capital, the less shawarma and more shawarma in the speech practice of native speakers. This is explained in different ways, but more often by the fact that in Moscow there were more native speakers of the language in which the dish is called exactly shawarma, and in St. Petersburg there are more of those who speak their native language shawarma.

That is, both words today are in the same row as front / entrance and file / multifora. Of course, none of them is wrong.

Recently, two processes have been observed associated with these words:

  1. They are gaining autonomy as the practice has spread to cook different recipes and call one type shawarma and the other shawarma;
  2. Words began to appear (natural for such a geographical stratification) connotations, that is, associated values. For example, Siberians very often pronounce the word shawarma ironically, deliberately singling it out as someone else's (with front door same).

At the same time, today only the word shawarma. Shawarma not yet in the authoritative normative dictionaries. Linguists argue that this is temporary, since the word shawarma does not contradict the signs of the norm and, by the way, is phonetically more convenient - the Russian language diligently avoids the confluence of two vowels.

Today, a strict norm instructs us in certain styles of speech and in certain contexts to use only the word shawarma, but the tendency to change in this case is very strong.

Faced with the fact that colleagues create stalls with shawarma, marking them in the category "food". But the stalls are named differently.

1 question. What is the name of such establishments? "Shawarma" or "Shawarma"?


Faced with the fact that colleagues create stalls with shawarma, marking them in the category "food". But the stalls are named differently.

1 question. What is the name of such establishments? "Shawarma" or "Shawarma"?

Faced with the fact that colleagues create stalls with shawarma, marking them in the category "food". But the stalls are named differently.

1 question. What is the name of such establishments? "Shawarma" or "Shawarma"?


Faced with the fact that colleagues create stalls with shawarma, marking them in the category "food". But the stalls are named differently.

1 question. What is the name of such establishments? "Shawarma" or "Shawarma"?

Faced with the fact that colleagues create stalls with shawarma, marking them in the category "food". But the stalls are named differently.

1 question. What is the name of such establishments? "Shawarma" or "Shawarma"?

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Shawarma, which in different countries is also called shawarma, shuarma or doner kebab, is a Middle Eastern dish (most likely of Turkish origin) of pita or pita stuffed with minced fried meat with the addition of sauces, various spices and fresh vegetable salad.

Almost any meat is suitable for preparing this quick dish: lamb, pork, beef, turkey or chicken fillet are placed in it. Although in some countries, according to national culinary traditions, a certain type of meat is added to shawarma: for example, in Libya, Turkey and other Muslim states - lamb or camel meat, and in Israel - turkey or chicken.

Meat for shawarma is fried on special equipment and according to a special technology. Meat tenderloin, pre-marinated in a special sauce, is strung on a vertical rotating skewer, along which flameless gas burners are located. In the process of frying, thin pieces are cut from the meat with a long knife, which form the basis of the shawarma filling.

Doner kebab is a varied dish: only in Ukraine and Russia there are a couple of dozen recipes for its preparation. Instead of pita bread, some people use thin pita bread, and fresh vegetables for shawarma can be selected based on personal gastronomic preferences. So, Korean carrots and cabbage are often added in winter, and fresh tomatoes and cucumbers are used in summer. As for spices, there are never too many of them in shawarma. It is seasoned with red and black pepper, turmeric, zira - it is believed that the taste of this dish should be fiery sharp. In addition to spices, shawarma is also rich in herbs: according to the recipe, it should contain a lot of parsley, dill and cilantro, and some add garlic and green onions.

Real shawarma should not contain either mayonnaise or ketchup - the idea to use these ingredients in the recipe came to the mind of entrepreneurial local merchants who decided to save on more expensive raw materials. Doner kebab should be filled with sour cream or kefir sauce with herbs and garlic.

In Ukraine, they also offer a vegetarian version of shawarma. And some even manage to cook this dish with canned fish or semi-finished meat products (wieners, sausages, etc.).

Doner kebab is served mainly in pita or pita bread, but there is also a “plate” version of this food: the meat and vegetable filling is laid out on a plate and served with bread or warmed flatbread.

Composition and useful properties of shawarma

Modern nutritionists have "pasted" the label of fast food to shawarma, and there is one "but" in this matter. Doner kebab, properly prepared at home, is quite normal, and not at all unhealthy food. It should be made exclusively from healthy products. So, from meat, preference should be given to veal, chicken or turkey - after all, these are its most dietary types. There is almost no cholesterol in their meat, but it is rich in proteins, vitamins A, E, group B and many minerals (iron, potassium, iodine, manganese, phosphorus, etc.).

In the “correct” shawarma, high-calorie and harmful mayonnaise should be replaced with kefir or sour cream sauce with garlic, and ketchup with freshly prepared tomato paste. The composition of this dish also includes fresh vegetables, many of which have antioxidant properties, and contain a large amount of vitamins and other substances beneficial to the body. The spices used in doner kebabs are natural antibiotics, but it's important not to overdo them. And if you add more fresh herbs to the dish, then it will turn out to be a very nutritious and healthy product that will strengthen the immune system and replenish the body with protein and the missing trace elements and vitamins.


The threat to health for each person is shawarma, purchased on the street in a stall. Scientists have found that one serving of this dish is equivalent to drinking a glass of melted cooking oil. But obesity is far from the only unpleasant consequence of fast food: on a par with it are diabetes, various heart and liver diseases, infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, indigestion, and simply indigestion. Scientists have also established a link between regular consumption of fast food (including shawarma) and the occurrence of depression, Alzheimer's disease and even schizophrenia.

There are restrictions on the use of homemade shawarma. It is not recommended for those who are concerned about any problems with the gastrointestinal tract and a tendency to obesity. Due to the large amount of spices and garlic, shawarma is contraindicated for people with a diseased liver, nursing mothers and children.