Hebrew sweet roast with honey. Jewish cuisine: "Esik-Fleish

12.01.2021 Seafood dishes

Sweet and sour roast beef is prepared in a very simple and straightforward manner, although, as is clear from the background, this is a rather long process. Meat needs to simmer for quite a long time in a cauldron or other thick-walled dish in order to acquire the most delicate consistency and a piquant rich taste. However, after you have mixed all the ingredients, this process goes on by itself and requires little or no attention or control. But the result is the most delicate and literally melting in your mouth beef dish that your whole family will surely enjoy.

Since beef is often tough and does not chew well, especially if you buy inexpensive or frozen meats, dishes from it do not always delight the household. However, according to this original recipe, you can prepare a very tasty and delicate dish even from the most problematic meat, since it must simmer for a long time in a special sauce. This unusual sweet and sour sauce is prepared with the addition of honey, prunes and grated gingerbread, and tomato paste and lemon juice harmoniously balance their sweet taste. As a result, tender pieces of meat are obtained in a spicy thick gravy saturated with different tastes that will surely please both children and adults. Roast beef in sweet and sour sauce is a great idea for a delicious and healthy second course for any occasion!

Helpful information

How to Make a Delicious Roast Beef - Sweet and Sour Beef Stew Recipe with Step by Step Photos


  • 1 kg of beef
  • 2 bol. onions
  • 200 g prunes
  • 100 g tomato paste
  • 100 g gingerbread without additives
  • 1 small lemon
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey
  • 150 ml plant. oils
  • 4 - 5 black peppercorns
  • 2 - 3 bay leaves
  • ½ tbsp. l. salt


1. To cook beef roast, peel the onions and cut into quarters.

2. Rinse the beef thoroughly under running water, dry and cut into medium-sized cubes.

Advice! Since this dish involves long-term simmering in a cauldron, it is not at all necessary to take the best beef tenderloin to prepare it. Inexpensive stewed beef pieces are also fine.

3. Heat vegetable oil in a cauldron or a thick-walled saucepan, put onion and fry it over medium heat for 10 - 12 minutes, until it starts to lightly golden.

4. Put the beef in a cauldron, stir and simmer the meat covered over low heat for 1.5 hours. Sufficient liquid should be released from the beef so that the meat does not burn and cook in its own juice.

5. While the meat is stewing, grate the gingerbread cookies, rinse the prunes thoroughly, and squeeze the juice out of the lemon.

6. Prepare also all the remaining ingredients for the sauce - tomato paste, honey, salt and all the spices.
7. Add prunes, gingerbread cookies, tomato paste, lemon juice, honey, salt and spices to the meat.

8. Mix everything thoroughly and simmer the roast beef over low heat, covered for 1 - 2 hours. Stir the meat a couple of times while cooking and make sure it doesn't burn.

Advice! The cooking time of the roast largely depends on the quality of the meat and the hunger of the household. In most cases, one hour will be enough, but if the beef was not very young and wiry in appearance, then it is better to take 1.5 - 2 hours to stew it. However, if time permits, this dish should be cooked as long as possible, since the prolonged simmering of meat in a rich sauce over the lowest heat makes it especially tender and tasty.

You can serve roast beef with absolutely any side dish - potatoes, rice, buckwheat or pasta to your taste. This tasty and aromatic meat in a spicy sweet and sour sauce can amaze you and your guests. Bon Appetit!

    • Stalik Khankishiev: “Do you know what will happen if you ask two Jews how to cook Jewish dishes? You will hear two diametrically opposite answers. And so it will be with every Jewish dish. Take, for example, eysik-fleisch, the Jewish-style sweet and sour meat. If you ask about how to make an ace-flush, you will hear at least three different recipes, and one of them will be mine! "

      Ingredients: beef brisket, salt, vinegar, gingerbread, bird lard, vegetable oil, onions, garlic, black pepper, cloves, bay leaves, dried grated ginger, turmeric, canned tomatoes, water, narsharab sauce, honey, prunes.

      Cut the meat into pieces.

      Stalik Khankishiev: “If you cook in a very Jewish way, in compliance with all Jewish rules, the laws of Kashrut, then the meat should be salted, allowed to stand, and then marinated. We will do it a little easier. I'll just cut the meat into pieces, salt them and start marinating. Moreover, you can take the cheapest meat. For example, I took the meat from the brisket. It is absolutely not necessary to take a tenderloin or fillet, all the same everything will be stewed and, one way or another, the meat will turn out soft. "

      Season the meat with salt and vinegar. Stir and leave to marinate for 20 minutes.

      Let's grate the gingerbread cookies.

      Stalik Khankishiev: “In the meantime, let's get down to gingerbread. In general, when cooking according to this recipe, you can use not only gingerbread, but also black bread, honey, some spices. But the point is this. As a rule, gingerbread made from rye flour already contains everything you need to make an esic-flush - black bread itself, a little sweetness, a note of mint. "

      Turn on the fire and place a spoonful of bird fat in the bottom of the pan.

      Stalik Khankishiev: “What fat, what oil to cook with? The fact is that in Jewish cuisine, poultry fat, for example, chicken or duck fat, is traditionally very often used. "

      Also add some vegetable oil.

      Stalik Khankishiev: "But if you don't want to use a lot of animal fat in your diet, add some vegetable oil."

      When the oil has warmed up, begin to fry the meat.

      Stalik Khankishiev: “There is no need to rush to stir. Each piece of meat should get a solid golden brown crust. No need to interfere! Let the meat stand for another minute. When you feel that it has turned brown from below, it will sound differently, then mix it. Here, do you hear the grumbling ?! So it's time. "

      When the meat is a little fried and gets a crust, put the chopped onion in a saucepan.

      Add some garlic.

      Add spices and herbs - a little black pepper, cloves, bay leaves, dried grated ginger and turmeric.

      Stalik Khankishiev: “I want to say that the Jews still remember that they are a little Eastern people. Therefore, they are very fond of spices. But turmeric is my own supplement. In all dishes where I use a lot of onions, I make sure to add turmeric. Do you know why? After all, the dish may remain for tomorrow. To prevent it from souring due to the large amount of onions, I add a little turmeric. Turmeric is a good antiseptic. "

      After stirring, reduce heat and cover the dish, leaving to simmer.

      After a while, add the canned peeled tomatoes.

      Stalik Khankishiev: “The smell went to the whole house! I feel like everything is right here, and it's time to add the tomato. I take peeled tomatoes canned in their own juice without vinegar and without salt. "

      Add some water and stir the dish.

      Stalik Khankishiev: “Scrape the bottom with a spoon. If meat pieces are attached to the bottom, then they must be lifted so that they are saturated with the sauce. "

      Add a spoonful of narsharab sauce and a spoonful of honey.

      Stalik Khankishiev: “This dish should be sweet and sour at the same time. But still a little more sour than sweet. Therefore, I will put a spoonful of narsharab - this is one stripped off pomegranate juice. Or you can take something else, starting with lemon juice. And be sure to have a good spoonful of honey. "

      Let's add prunes.

      Stalik Khankishiev: “If all goes well, you can put in the ingredient you could possibly do without - prunes. There are prunes - put them on, but no, so there is nothing to worry about. "

Hello, friends! Today I cooked a dish of Jewish (more precisely - Ashkenazi) cuisine in a multicooker-pressure cooker. This is esik-fleish or sweet and sour beef with prunes in Jewish style.

A dish with history, originated in the Middle Ages. It was considered a dish of the poor. And now more and more housewives are preparing meat in a Jewish way in a slow cooker. Sweet and sour beef turns out to be very tasty in it, and the cooking process itself is much easier than according to traditional recipes.

Different culinary sources have different varieties of sweet and sour beef. That is, the cooking method itself is the same, but the products used, except for meat, may vary.

So, for example, somewhere instead of black bread they cook with gingerbread or gingerbread plus bread. Somewhere, instead of prunes, put raisins or prunes plus raisins. Someone uses fresh or tomato paste instead of canned tomatoes. Some of the spices use only black pepper and bay leaves, and the rest, especially cinnamon and cloves, are considered "lordly manners."

As far as meat is concerned, there is definitely no need to buy an expensive tenderloin. After all, as I mentioned above, the esic-fleisch from time immemorial was considered the food of the poor. Yes, and in our time it is irrational to stew the tenderloin.

My recipe is a kind of symbiosis. The recipe was based on the advice I borrowed from Stalik Khankishiev, Uriel Stern, Pinchas Slabodnik and Rustam Tangirov. Well, I cook meat in Jewish style in the Redmond RMC-PM380 multicooker-pressure cooker.

Ingredients for Cooking Jewish Meat

  1. Boneless beef - 0.8-1 kg
  2. Onions - 2-3 heads
  3. Prunes (pitted) - 140 g
  4. Canned tomatoes in their own juice - 100-150 g
  5. Honey (liquid) - 2 tablespoons
  6. Black (rye) bread - 200 g
  7. Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
  8. Salt to taste
  9. Ground black pepper - ¼ teaspoon
  10. Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  11. Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  12. Cinnamon - 1 stick
  13. Carnation - 3-4 buds
  14. Cumin - 1 tsp (not full)
  15. Turmeric - 1 tsp
  16. Butter - 1.5 tablespoons
  17. Vegetable oil - 1.5 tablespoons
  18. Water - optional

How to cook Jewish sweet and sour beef with prunes in a multicooker pressure cooker

1. We collect all the necessary components for the esic-flash. Next, prepare all foods for cooking. This will consist in the following: cut the washed beef into pieces no larger than 3 centimeters; clean and peeled onions and garlic, chop into cubes with a knife; wash the prunes, cut too large dried fruits in two; squeeze lemon juice; cut canned tomatoes into several parts, if with skins - remove; cut the crusts from the bread and crush the bread. Naturally, everything that has been cut, squeezed, crumbled - we put it in different containers. Heat boiled water or boil fresh water and leave to cool slightly.

2. And now we start cooking in a multicooker-pressure cooker. Put butter in a saucepan and pour in vegetable oil. Do not close the lid and turn on "Frying / Frying", set the time to 25 minutes (default 18 minutes). We are waiting for the signal. This means that the pressure cooker has reached the required temperature, and we can send meat to the bowl. We fry the beef until the color changes.

3. Add onion and garlic to the meat, continue frying.

4. After 6-8 minutes, salt, add lemon juice, honey, all spices, prunes, tomatoes, bread. Pour in some water, stir the contents of the multi-bowl. We do not turn off "frying / deep frying", we will need about six more minutes. During this time, the bread will swell, the liquid will thicken a little. Further, if the program has not ended, turn it off ourselves.

5. Add water so that the liquid is higher than the beef and everything else by about two or three fingers. Close the lid, select "Stew / Jellied" on the pressure cooker display, time 30 minutes. We turn on "Start", "Auto-heating" we leave on. We cook until the end of the program (in the photo the dish after cooking) and leave it on the heating for 30-40 minutes (after all, according to all the rules for cooking esek-flush, meat is simmered for a long time).

6. Ready esic-flush is served to the table. Sweet and sour beef in sauce is served as a separate dish, but with different options. For example, the chef of the Moscow Jewish community Pinchas Slabodnik puts meat and prunes together with sauce into a deep dish. Moreover, it is served with slices of fresh orange, fresh strawberries (cut berries), mint leaves. Stalik Khankishiev puts beef with prunes in a shallow plate. The sauce is poured into a gravy boat and placed next to it. And Uriel Stern says that any side dish from potatoes to rice is appropriate for this delicious dish. On my own I will add, it is very tasty in any version. And yet we (my family) are closer with a side dish - potatoes, pasta, rice.

Travel to Israel and ask: what is Jewish cuisine?
No, no, you go and ask! What prevents you from asking at least two Jews what Jewish cuisine is and getting three mutually exclusive answers to begin with?
A Moroccan Jew will talk about the viscous aromatic dishes of the Maghreb and explain that only goyim can eat without couscous.
A Bukharian Jew will tell you about bakhsh and how good fried fish with garlic and cilantro is on the table.
And a Jew, a native of Eastern Europe, will shower you with names that sound imperceptibly familiar even in Yiddish.
Well, in fact, is it not clear what an ace-flush is?
Eisik is sour, acid, and flush is meat! But translated into Russian, the name of this dish fully reveals its essence: sweet and sour meat.

New, relatively recently invented dishes have one, "the only correct" cooking option, often rather clumsy.
Old dishes acquire perfect forms, honed by time and polished by the experience of millions of people. But sometimes culinary antiquities become like a tree because of the dozens of variants with which they grow. Moreover, any of the branches looks harmonious and tempting.
Any recorded recipe for acid flush begins with the same phrase: take the fatter beef. This phrase is like a trunk, like a base. And do you know how much wisdom there is in these three words? Do you know how to translate this phrase from Hebrew to any other language? A large family does not eat lean food for a long time! If you want your boys to be smart and cheerful, and your daughters to be slim and hard-working, buy brisket from the butcher, not tenderloin. As a last resort, if you are late for the butcher, take the ribs, or that piece that can be fried, and then stew for a long time and with a sense, filling the house with the heady smell of prosperity.

Now, if you take the ribs not of beef, where a layer of fat passes through the layer of meat, but of veal, then you will have to spend a lot of bird lard, or pour vegetable oil into a bowl. After all, you can already extinguish them, but they are rather lean!

The ribs should be salted in advance with coarse salt, pepper and sprinkled with vinegar or sour wine, so that nothing happens. If you follow the traditions, then the meat must be washed after salting.
It doesn’t matter that after these manipulations it will not fry for a long time, but will sizzle and sprinkle with oil - you just don’t have to rush the time! Everything will work out, you just have to wait.

But by the time the meat can be called fried, it will already be half finished.

Then you need to add chopped onions, garlic, bay leaves, a few cloves and black peppercorns to the meat.
Reduce heat and cover dishes - you know this technique well from lamb ribs and onions.

When the onions start juicing, I usually add turmeric and grated dry ginger. Turmeric is my own initiative, I always add turmeric if I cook food with a lot of onions. And why I add dry grated ginger, I will explain later.

If there are good fresh tomatoes, grate them, leaving the skin.
If not, grind the canned ones with a blender.

Pour the crushed tomatoes into a saucepan, let it simmer and add water to completely cover the meat.

After the water boils, add salt, try and decide - is the broth sour enough? If not, then add something to fix the situation. For example, I took a nar-sharab.
You can do without tomatoes at all, and pour clean water, but then add something sour - for example, tomato paste.
But tomato paste, and the tomatoes themselves, are quite new in cooking, and before the ace-flush was acidified either with apple marshmallow - lavashan, or some other acidic products, up to sour dried fruits.

After the dish has become sour enough, it should be ... sweetened. For example, honey. Take honey with light aromas - this is my advice to you. And there is no honey - well, add sugar.
I know how some chefs get scared of the word "sugar" when it comes to meat dishes. It seems to them that the sugar will make the dish tasteless. What to say, how to dispel doubts associated with a lack of experience? Better to remain silent - time will straighten everything. After all, it was precisely the time and experience that taught the Jews that to get a tasty sauce, first add sour and then sweet.

Time, experience and frugality have taught the Jews how to turn a fairly thin broth into a thick and satisfying sauce.
Probably, someone once just crumbled bread into a plate, as many do when they want to eat only soup, but at the same time they should be full. But, most likely, this method goes back to much more ancient dishes, from where the Russian Turya, and the Iranian-Turkic khalim, and the Maghreb harris have their roots. Indeed, the first way to consume cereals was probably adding them to a meat brew, and adding bread is a later modernization and, at the same time, a way of using stale bread. I have seen descriptions of sweet and sour sauce, where even flour was used as a thickener. That is, human experience has consistently passed along the path of grain - cereals - flour - bread.

But the most surprising thing is the addition of grated honey-gingerbread to the ice-flush, not brown bread without a crust. Can you imagine this picture? Someone brought an expensive present to the family - a printed gingerbread. It was shown to children for a long time, demanding obedience and diligence from them in their studies, and then, one fine day, a mother or grandfather with the exclamation "so don't get anyone else!" rubbed this almost icon into a pot of meat!
So what? Here is bread for you, here is honey for you, here is ginger for you (which I added at the very beginning) and everything will get to the right place - we’ll eat it anyway, children? No need to cry, but stir in a saucepan until the bones and meat grind the gingerbread or bread into a homogeneous mass.

You'd be surprised how much bread you can crumble into one pan until you get the thick sauce you need it to! Now the time has come for prunes and something needs to be done to prevent the sauce and meat from burning. The thicker the contents of the pan, the worse the heat is distributed over the contents by convection. Therefore, either put the divider, or completely put the dish into the oven, preheated to 100-120C. But sometimes you still have to mix, if only for the sake of not cutting off the oil and the sauce remains homogeneous. When the prunes have softened, when the sauce becomes smooth and turns a deep red color, you are ready to go.

You can serve. Meat and prunes are served separately, and the sauce is served separately.

After they have eaten the meat, they proceed to the sauce, which is eaten by dipping ... bread in it.