Pumpkin casserole with apples - delicious and simple recipes for the whole family. Carrot and pumpkin casserole Pumpkin and carrot casserole in the oven

06.12.2023 Salads

Carrot casseroles are very tasty and simple. The main ingredient, of course, is carrots. It gives an unusual taste and a beautiful, appetizing color. This vegetable is very useful for the diet.

This article contains several dietary recipes for carrot casseroles.
The content of the article:

Carrot casserole for prune lovers


  • carrots – 500 g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • sugar - tablespoon;
  • semolina - a tablespoon;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • prunes – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - a tablespoon;
  • butter - a tablespoon.

This casserole will take you an hour of time. Number of servings – 6

Description of preparation:

  1. We start the casserole with our favorite carrots. Mine, clean, three on a grater. Place the carrots in a saucepan or deep frying pan, add water and simmer for 15 minutes over medium heat. Then we set it aside.
  2. Next we take the egg and sugar. Beat until smooth, so no sugar is heard.
  3. Add semolina. Mix.
  4. It is advisable to beat the cottage cheese with a blender to make it fluffier. Add to the bowl.
  5. Preparing prunes. It is better to take something that is not too dry. Cut in small pieces.
  6. After the carrots have cooled, you need to add oil. Add carrots to curd mixture with egg. Mix.
  7. We prepare a casserole dish; it may not be a very high pan. Lubricate it with vegetable oil so that the casserole does not burn.
  8. Place our casserole in the oven at medium temperature for 15-20 minutes.
  9. Take it out and turn it over onto a plate. You can decorate with sour cream.
  10. Bon appetit!

Extraordinary carrot casserole with raisins and rice


  • carrots – 3 pieces;
  • rice or rice cereal - 5 tablespoons;
  • raisins - here to taste, you can use 50 g or 100 g;
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil and butter - a tablespoon each.

Cooking time – 1 hour

Let's start cooking:

  1. Preparing the carrots. Three it on a fine grater. Simmer in water and vegetable oil until cooked.
  2. It is advisable to take rice flakes. They are softer and boil faster. Boil them in milk along with raisins until completely cooked.
  3. Beat the yolks with sugar, add salt at the end.
  4. Mix everything until smooth.
  5. Grease the baking pan with butter. And you can sprinkle it with breadcrumbs to make it easier to remove and not stick.
  6. Pour the resulting mixture and place in the oven until done.
  7. Serve to guests with jam or condensed milk. A little fasting day for you.

Hearty vegetable and carrot casserole


  • carrots – 300 g;
  • zucchini – 300 g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • eggs 4-5 pieces;
  • flour - half a glass;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • hard or processed cheese – 100 grams;
  • baking powder packet;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Take eggs and beat them with butter. Add flour and stir until smooth. Add baking powder. Mix.
  2. Now let's move on to preparing the vegetables. Mine, peel and grate. It is better to finely chop the onion. Mix together.
  3. We're working on cheese. Grind it on a grater and mix it with the spices.
  4. Mix all our ingredients together and pour into a baking dish.
  5. Place in the oven for 20-25 minutes at medium temperature.
  6. Serve the casserole with your favorite sauce.

Carrot-pumpkin casserole


  • sweet carrots – 200 g;
  • pumpkin – 200 g;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • whole grain flour – 100 g;
  • honey – 100 g;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

Now the preparation:

  1. Peel carrots and pumpkin. Grate the carrots, and it is better to finely chop the pumpkin. Cook until not fully cooked.
  2. Once cooked, blend in a blender until pureed. Add honey, cinnamon, flour and egg. Mix everything again in a blender and get a homogeneous mass.
  3. We prepare our baking dish, grease it with vegetable oil.
  4. Pour the mixture and place it in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.
  5. If desired, honey can be poured on top as a decoration.

Lenten carrot casserole


  • half a kilogram of carrots;
  • pumpkin and sunflower seeds – 100 g each;
  • parsley;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • spices of choice.


  1. Let's start with carrots. It needs to be boiled and cut into slices.
  2. The seeds need to be ground into coarse grains.
  3. Add garlic and parsley and place it in a blender.
  4. Add our carrots to the blender and turn it into one mass.
  5. Take a baking dish. We grease and send our future casserole to bake for 40 minutes in a preheated oven.
  6. Serve with mayonnaise or sour cream.

Dietary carrot vegetable casserole


  • carrots – 2 jokes;
  • cauliflower – 300 g;
  • bell pepper – 2 pieces;
  • onion - one;
  • tomato - one;
  • egg - one;
  • milk – 100 g;
  • processed cheese – 2 pieces;
  • sour cream or cream – 200 g;
  • butter or vegetable oil;
  • spices and herbs to your taste.


  1. Let's start with vegetables: divide the cabbage into pieces and boil. We clean the pepper and cut it into slices.
  2. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots.
  3. Lightly fry the onion and add our vegetables to simmer.
  4. Prepare the sauce: mix egg, milk and sour cream, add spices and herbs.
  5. Cheese on a grater.
  6. Place our vegetables in a pre-prepared form and pour in the resulting sauce.
  7. We cut the tomato into rings and place it on top, crushing it with cheese.
  8. Place in the oven for half an hour at high temperature.
  9. Enjoy your meal!

Recipes sent by Alexandra Bondarenko

Pumpkin is a typical autumn vegetable that delights with its rich taste and bright color. Pumpkin casseroles for kids are as healthy as they are delicious, and the orange hue is sure to please little ones.

Pumpkin will charge you with a powerful dose of vitamins and energy, lift your spirits and create a warm atmosphere as cold weather approaches. We hope that our recipes will inspire you to create your own culinary masterpieces. And we promise that it will be tasty, healthy and brightly sunny!

Such an autumn gift as a pumpkin is loved by children and adults for its rich taste and accessibility. The vegetable reveals itself especially brightly in various casseroles, and the beauty of such a dish will decorate your table - bright sunshine and summer with the onset of cold weather. We offer a variety of recipes for making casseroles in the slow cooker and in the oven, and all of them are guaranteed to be delicious. So let's get started!

Babies under one year old are advised to steam pumpkin or steam it in water, and vegetable soup can be offered as early as 4 months of age. For a child over one year old, you can safely dilute the diet with a delicious pumpkin casserole.

Complete benefit

  • it contains a loading dose of vitamins A, B, C and E;
  • the vegetable has a choleretic effect;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • saves from constipation in children;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • promotes restful sleep;
  • improves memory and attention;
  • helps with anemia;
  • necessary for eye diseases;
  • contains a lot of beta-carotene (100 g of vegetables is the daily requirement);
  • potassium and magnesium cause a diuretic effect.

Children with hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, gastritis with low acidity or stomach ulcers during an exacerbation and, of course, with an allergy to this vegetable will have to refuse pumpkin.

For the best casseroles, the best pumpkin

  1. When choosing this vegetable, the principle “less is better” applies. Of course, there is a great temptation to take a larger version, and it will be enough for a larger number of delicious dishes; besides, pumpkin can be stored for quite a long time and is unpretentious to the conditions. But large pumpkins are often not very ripe or flavorful, and their flesh can be watery or dry, which is not ideal for children. That is why we recommend taking a closer look at pumpkins weighing less than 5 kg.
  2. We advise you to take a close look at the peel and conduct one small experiment: press on it, and if after that you find a dent, then this is an unripe vegetable. You can also click on the pumpkin: if you get a ringing sound, then it is juicy and ripe. The entire surface of the pumpkin should be of a bright, uniform color, without flaws or damage, and fairly dense.
  3. Pay attention to the pumpkin's tail. It should be a rich dark green color and fall off easily. If you notice that it is neatly cut, then the pumpkin was picked ahead of time.
  4. Having already cut the pumpkin, remove a couple of seeds from it: if they are large and thick and easily separated from the pulp, then you are lucky - you have purchased a ripe and tasty vegetable that is ready for all your culinary experiments. But if this is not the case, don’t be sad: the pumpkin will ripen right at your home.

Recipe with apple

Even if you are preparing a dish like casserole for the first time, this recipe will not seem difficult to you. A few simple steps and you will prepare a fragrant and very tasty dish. It is suitable even for a child who is a picky eater and gets capricious when you offer him vegetables. In this version, pumpkin will become one of his favorite treats. By the way, many mothers use this casserole as complementary foods until their baby is one year old.

We will need:

  • 300 g pumpkin;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 2 medium apples;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter (butter or vegetable);
  • 2 eggs;
  • cinnamon optional.

How to cook :

  1. Grate the peeled apples and pumpkin on a coarse grater, add sifted flour, eggs and 1 tbsp. l. oils
  2. Grease a baking dish with oil and place the mixture on it, then make the surface of the casserole even.
  3. Place the mold in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. When the casserole turns an appetizing orange color, take it out.
  4. After cooling, after 15 minutes, eat.

It will be even tastier if the pumpkin casserole with apples in the oven is supplemented with sour cream or cream, and washed down with fruit compote.

Casserole with apples: video recipe

Delicate version with semolina

Among pumpkin casseroles, this one occupies a special place, and a very honorable one. The recipe will have virtually no impact on your wallet, because it requires a minimum amount of ingredients. But such savings will not affect the taste in any way, which is an important selection criterion for children aged 1 year.

We will need:

  • 350 g pumpkin;
  • 1 egg;
  • 75 g semolina;
  • 30 g raisins or dried apricots;
  • 3 tsp. powdered sugar.

How to cook :

  1. Boil the vegetable and turn it into puree.
  2. Add egg and powdered sugar to the puree.
  3. Gradually add semolina to them and knead into a homogeneous dough.
  4. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. If you choose a double boiler for cooking, the waiting time will be 40-45 minutes.

This simple yet delicious pumpkin casserole is served with a milkshake or ice cream. Just lick your fingers! The minimum age for children to be introduced to the treat is 1 year.

The resulting mixture will make excellent cupcakes, and, as you know, this is the most adored format of baking for a child.

Dessert with semolina: video recipe

Children's favorite recipe with cottage cheese

Another option that children rate as “5+”. It takes a little more time than previous recipes, but we assure you, the results are worth it.

We will need:

  • 500 g pumpkin;
  • 400 g. cottage cheese;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 4 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • ½ tbsp. Sahara;
  • 15 g vanilla sugar or vanillin;
  • ¼ tsp. salt.

How to cook :

  1. Heat the milk until it is warm, add semolina to it and leave for 40 minutes.
  2. Peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes about a centimeter in size.
  3. Place the pumpkin in a saucepan and add cold water so that it slightly covers the vegetable, boil and simmer the dish for 20 minutes at a minimum boil, then make pumpkin puree.
  4. Rub the cottage cheese through a fine sieve to the desired consistency.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, and meanwhile beat the eggs with sugar.
  6. Add pumpkin puree and milk with semolina to them, mix the resulting mixture.
  7. Then comes the turn of cottage cheese and sour cream; after adding them, also mix.
  8. Melt the butter and add to the casserole (reserve some for greasing the pan).
  9. Finally, finish the process by adding salt and vanilla. Mix well again until the dough has the consistency of sour cream.
  10. Bake the dish for children in the oven for 40-45 minutes.

Cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole according to this recipe turns out very bright, aromatic, and its taste is simply amazing. Until you try, you won't know!

This cooking method was invented for children who do not really appreciate pumpkin. Here they may simply not notice it and believe that in front of them is their favorite cottage cheese casserole. And at this moment the pumpkin will quietly do its job: it will saturate the child with benefits and vitamins.

Cottage cheese and pumpkin masterpiece: video recipe

The brightest option with carrots

This recipe requires almost no effort or time. We will prepare a juicy casserole with an appetizing orange color in a slow cooker. By the way, it recommends preparing dishes for children aged one or two years.

We will need:

  • 200 g pumpkin;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 egg;
  • ½ tbsp. milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • vanilla or cinnamon to your taste.

How to cook :

  1. Grate the peeled carrots and pumpkin on a coarse grater.
  2. Throw the gruel into the boiling milk, simmer the vegetables over low heat with the lid closed until the milk boils away and the vegetables become soft.
  3. Beat the egg with sugar, add semolina, a pinch of salt, vanillin and cinnamon if desired, mix with the cooled carrot-pumpkin pulp.
  4. In the multicooker, activate the “baking” mode and place our casserole in a greased form. Cooking time will be 50 minutes.

The resulting treat will be especially valuable for children with vision problems: both benefits and taste in one dish.

Carrot-pumpkin baking for children over 1 year old: video recipe

Take note of these pumpkin casserole recipes for a child aged 1 year and older and delight the whole family with them!

Carrots are a very popular vegetable that is widely used for culinary purposes. First courses, salads, desserts and baked goods are prepared from it. Carrot casserole in the oven turns out to be especially tasty and healthy. This dish can be prepared either according to the classic recipe or with the addition of auxiliary products.

Benefits of carrots

The vegetable consists of a whole complex of useful substances that the body requires for full development. Carrots are especially rich in vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on human vision. And B vitamins help increase hemoglobin.

The root vegetable contains sufficient potassium. This macronutrient has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Selenium helps strengthen immune function and maintain youth. Fluoride has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

In addition, the root vegetable contains the following substances:

  • Fiber.
  • Starch.
  • Ash.
  • Monosaccharides.
  • Organic acids.

It should be noted that boiled or baked carrots are better absorbed by the body, improve intestinal function and increase appetite. Due to its low calorie content, the vegetable is used for weight loss. You can read about the benefits of orange vegetables.

Carrot casserole recipe

A delicious carrot dish is easy to prepare at home. Let's look at a simple carrot casserole recipe. It's great for breakfast or dinner. It turns out to be a very nutritious and tender dish for the whole family.


  • Wheat flour – 60 g.
  • Carrots – 0.5 kg.
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Baking soda – 1/4 tsp.
  • Sour cream – 45 ml.
  • Granulated sugar – 45 g.
  • Butter – 25 g.


  1. Rinse the root vegetable with water and boil until soft.
  2. Beat the eggs and combine with sugar.
  3. Add baking soda and sifted flour.
  4. Peel the cooled carrots from the skin using a knife. Grind on a fine grater and add to the dough.
  5. Grease the bottom and sides of the mold with oil, fill it with carrot mixture.
  6. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the workpiece and bake for approximately 35-45 minutes until golden brown.

Recipe for casserole with carrots and cottage cheese

Now let's see how to prepare carrot curd casserole in the oven according to the classic recipe. This light dessert is suitable not only for children, but also for those who want to lose extra pounds. You can serve this dish with fruit jams or condensed milk.


  • Cottage cheese – 200 g.
  • Carrots – 0.5 kg.
  • Semolina – 70 g.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Cow's milk – 250 ml.
  • Sour cream – 50 ml.
  • Butter – 70 g.
  • Salt – a pinch.


  1. Peel the vegetables and rinse well with water. Grind the root vegetables using a food processor.
  2. Place the grated mass in a saucepan and add milk. Add half a glass of sugar, salt and butter. Simmer covered for 20 minutes over low heat. Then grind the mass with a blender.
  3. Add semolina and cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. Beat the egg yolks separately. Add them to the puree and cool.
  5. Rub the curd through a fine sieve, then beat with sour cream. Add to the main consistency.
  6. Add the whipped whites with granulated sugar and salt, stir slowly until smooth.
  7. Place the prepared mixture into a baking dish. Bake for about 30 minutes at 190 degrees.

Cottage cheese carrot casserole is ready. It can be served with sour cream, cream or sweet sauce. For convenience, cut the dish into small portions.

Options for carrot-curd casserole

You can take the classic casserole recipe as a basis and add additional products to it. These can be various dried fruits, apples, pears, as well as poppy seeds, pumpkin, cranberries, strawberries and cherries.

Let's take a closer look at the recipe for oven-baked cottage cheese carrot casserole with poppy seeds. You can add different types of flour and semolina to the dough. The second option is most often used by housewives for preparing casseroles.


  • Egg – 4 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese – 600 g.
  • Raisins – 3 tbsp.
  • Poppy seed – 2 tbsp.
  • Granulated sugar – 120 g.
  • Sour cream – 4 tbsp.
  • Semolina – 120 g.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Margarine – 1 tbsp.
  • Baking soda - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Mash the cottage cheese and sugar well with a spoon.
  2. Beat raw eggs with a mixer and add to the overall mixture.
  3. Dilute soda in a spoon of sour cream and pour into cottage cheese. Leave for 7 minutes.
  4. Cut the skin off the carrots and grate on a fine grater. Add to the main mixture and stir until smooth.
  5. Lastly, add poppy seeds, washed raisins and semolina.
  6. Take an iron mold and grease it with margarine. Sprinkle with semolina so that the dough does not stick to the bottom. Spread the mixture and top with sour cream. Bake for approximately 35 minutes at 190 degrees.

Recipe for casserole with apples and cherries


  • Pitted cherries – 50 g.
  • Apple – 70 g.
  • Carrots – 100 g.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream – 20 ml.
  • Granulated sugar – 25 g.
  • Cottage cheese – 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the peeled carrots until half cooked.
  2. Pass all the cottage cheese through a sieve.
  3. Finely grate the peeled apple and boiled carrots. Add the pulp to the cottage cheese and stir.
  4. Break a raw egg into the main mass, add cherries, granulated sugar and fermented milk product.
  5. Place in a silicone mold and place in the oven for half an hour. Cool slightly, cut and serve the dish.

Cottage cheese and carrot casserole with prunes


  • Oat flour – 60 g.
  • Sugar – 50 g.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 220 g.
  • Lemon essence – 1 tsp.
  • Carrots – 320 g.
  • Nutmeg – 1/4 tsp.
  • Apple – 100 g.
  • Prunes – 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the skin from the carrots, pour water over the root vegetable and cook for 20 minutes.
  2. Pour boiling water over prunes for 5 minutes. Drain the liquid and cut the plums into small pieces.
  3. Add lemon essence and granulated sugar to the cottage cheese, mash the mixture with a spoon until smooth.
  4. Beat the whites, combine them with the yolks and flour.
  5. Chop the peeled apple on a coarse grater and sprinkle with nutmeg.
  6. Mix half of the grated carrots with apples.
  7. Separately combine prunes, carrots and cottage cheese, add whites.
  8. First, place a layer of vegetables and fruits in the mold, and then distribute the curd mass. This carrot casserole takes approximately 45 minutes to prepare in the oven.


  • Cottage cheese – 250 g.
  • Orange zest – 10 g.
  • Pumpkin – 100 g.
  • Dried apricots – 70 g.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Milk – 3 tbsp.
  • Chicken egg – 3 pcs.
  • Semolina – 70 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Bake the peeled pumpkin in the oven until soft; you can wrap it in foil.
  2. To swell, pour milk over the semolina.
  3. Break the eggs into a separate container. Add powdered sugar and whisk until smooth.
  4. Add cottage cheese and chopped carrots to the egg mixture.
  5. Add pumpkin with semolina, stir well.
  6. Lastly, add the orange zest and chopped dried apricots.
  7. Fill the ceramic molds with the resulting mixture. Cook in the oven for about 35-40 minutes at 200 degrees.

Casserole of carrots and cottage cheese in a slow cooker


  • Cottage cheese – 250 g.
  • Semolina – 50 g.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Butter – 35 g.
  • Cow's milk – 120 ml.
  • Carrots – 400 g.
  • Brown sugar – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Breadcrumbs – 1.5 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the vegetable and chop into large strips.
  2. Pour into a slow cooker, put a little butter and pour in milk. Set the “Bake” option for 15 minutes.
  3. Then add semolina and leave covered for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Beat the egg whites with sugar until thick foam.
  5. Add cottage cheese to the yolks, mix thoroughly.
  6. Add the curd mixture to the carrots, then the egg whites and stir until smooth.
  7. Grease the multicooker pan with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Pour out the dough and smooth it out with a spatula. Turn on the “Baking” program for 1 hour.

Carrot casserole with semolina

A regular carrot casserole can be prepared with either semolina or flour. The cereal swells during baking, resulting in a soft and tender dessert. To prepare this dish, you need to boil the carrots in advance.


  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Semolina – 4 tbsp.
  • Baking soda – ¼ tsp.
  • Carrots – 0.5 kg.
  • Powdered sugar – 2 tbsp.
  • Sour cream - for serving.


  1. Using a medium grater, chop the boiled carrots.
  2. Beat the eggs well with powdered sugar.
  3. Add baking soda and semolina and stir with a spoon until smooth.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into the carrots and stir.
  5. Place in a pre-greased mold. Cook in the oven for 35 minutes until golden brown. Serve dessert with sour cream.


Carrot casserole is a simple recipe that can be easily prepared at home. And to get an excellent result, follow these nuances:

  1. Brush the surface of the dish with egg yolks or sour cream. These ingredients give it a delicious golden brown crust.
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks and add them separately.
  3. The raisins will be better distributed throughout the dough if they are first rolled in flour or starch.
  4. It is recommended to grind the curd through a sieve.
  5. The finished dessert can be sprinkled with coconut, grated chocolate or ground almonds.

Carrot casserole in the oven is a healthy and satisfying dish for the whole family. Often, household members do not want to eat cottage cheese and carrots in their pure form. Therefore, you can prepare a wonderful dessert, which, in combination with sweet sauces, will not leave anyone indifferent.

For many, carrot casserole remains a pleasant memory from childhood, although perhaps it previously evoked completely opposite emotions. Be that as it may, you must definitely prepare such a delicacy at home, so that no one is left in doubt that this dish is amazingly tasty and appetizing. Even if a simple version of the casserole is not to everyone's taste, just adding a couple of new ingredients will make it disappear from the plates at an unprecedented rate.

Preparing a casserole from grated carrots. It can be used raw, boiled until tender, or stewed in milk. Semolina, sugar, salt, soda and eggs are often added to the dough. It is not recommended to use flour. You can add additional flavor notes to carrot casserole using raisins, nuts, pumpkin, apples or cottage cheese. You can add any other additional ingredients. More often, the casserole acts as a dessert, but some prefer to cook it with salty ingredients.

To make the dish even more aromatic, it is seasoned with various spices, you can use lemon or orange zest, cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom. Serve slightly warm or completely cooled. Along with it, sour cream or whipped cream is placed on a plate. The finished casserole can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Secrets to making the perfect carrot casserole

Carrot casserole will not go unnoticed on the table not only due to its bright color, but also its amazing taste. This delicacy is ideal for a hearty breakfast, and with a certain composition it can even replace a full dinner. How to make carrot casserole for all family members, you can ask experienced chefs:

Secret No. 1. If you are preparing carrot casserole with semolina, then you need to let it swell for some time. This usually takes about 15-20 minutes. It is better for this process to take place in a baking dish or slow cooker.

Secret No. 2. For preparing casseroles in the oven, a silicone mold is best suited.

Secret No. 3. If the recipe calls for boiled carrots, it is better to boil them in their skins. This way the vegetable will retain more juice and flavor.

Secret No. 4. It takes about 30 minutes to cook the casserole in the oven and steamer. In a slow cooker – 40-45.

Secret No. 5. In order for the carrots to give juice, after chopping, you need to immediately add sugar to it and leave for a few minutes.

Secret No. 6. Carrots themselves are sweet enough, so you don’t need to add sugar to the casserole. However, you should also start from the type of vegetable.

A diet menu doesn’t have to be boring and tasteless. If you prepare such a dish, then the whole household will come running to it, even if only one person is forced to adhere to a strict diet. If desired, you can add crushed walnuts along with raisins to the recipe, and vanillin and cardamom for flavor.


  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon;
  • Raisin.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the egg with salt, sugar and cinnamon.
  2. Peel the carrots and grate them lightly, mix with the egg mixture.
  3. Lightly mash the cottage cheese with a fork and soak the raisins in boiling water for 15 minutes.
  4. Add the cottage cheese and raisins to the carrots and mix again.
  5. Bake the dish in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Interesting from the network

What could be brighter than a combination of carrots and pumpkin? This dish will fill the entire kitchen with amazing aromas, and after tasting it will become a traditional autumn dish in the family. With the help of a multicooker, any housewife can handle cooking, even if cooking is not her forte. It is best to choose a nutmeg pumpkin.


  • 200 g carrots;
  • 200 g pumpkin;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the carrots and pumpkin, rinse under running water and grate into a common bowl.
  2. Pour the milk into a saucepan and boil, add vegetables to it.
  3. Cook everything over low heat until the milk is completely absorbed.
  4. Cool the carrots and pumpkin, then add the egg, sugar and semolina to them.
  5. Mix the dough and transfer it to a multicooker bowl greased with butter.
  6. Cook carrot and pumpkin casserole for 45 minutes in the “Baking” mode or steam for 50 minutes.

Carrot casserole with cottage cheese is very nutritious and satisfying, and at the same time it consists of the simplest and most affordable products. This recipe is often found in kindergartens, so for many it will also be a return to childhood. It is important not to preheat the oven too much for this casserole, otherwise the dish will burn.


  • 400 g cottage cheese;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 4 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 1 pinch of vanillin;
  • 20 g butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate the carrots, mix with a spoon of sugar and leave for a while, pour boiling water over the raisins.
  2. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks, beat in separate containers.
  3. Place the cottage cheese in a bowl and mash it, add the yolks and whites alternately.
  4. Add the remaining sugar, salt and semolina to the cottage cheese, grind everything until smooth.
  5. Combine the curd mass with carrots and raisins and mix again.
  6. Preheat the oven just slightly and place the carrot dough in a greased baking dish.
  7. Cook the casserole at 160 degrees for 40 minutes.

I want to cook delicious and healthy dishes for children, regardless of the time of year. This casserole will allow you to make an unusual treat from those fruits and vegetables that can be found in stores even during cold weather. Little gourmets will surely love the new dish, and their mothers will be pleased with its rich vitamin composition.


  • 3 carrots;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 apples;
  • ¾ cup sugar;
  • 1 cup semolina;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder;
  • Powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater into a deep plate.
  2. Add sugar to the grated carrots, stir and wait a little until all the grains dissolve.
  3. Remove the cores and skins from the apples, cut the pulp into very small cubes.
  4. Beat the eggs in a separate container, pour into the bowl with the carrots and mix well.
  5. After the eggs, place apples, semolina, baking powder and add vegetable oil.
  6. Sprinkle the dish with cinnamon and mix thoroughly again.
  7. Place the resulting carrot dough in a baking dish and let stand for 20 minutes at room temperature.
  8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and cook the casserole for 40 minutes.
  9. After the dish has cooled, sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

Delicious carrot casserole with semolina

It’s even easier to find a recipe; most likely, it just won’t work. This dish is prepared very quickly and with a minimum amount of ingredients. It can be made either sweet or salty depending on your own wishes. The calorie content of the casserole is low enough so that you don’t have to worry about extra pounds during your meal.


  • 500 g boiled carrots;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the carrots and grate on a medium grater.
  2. In another bowl, mix eggs, soda, semolina, and salt to taste.
  3. Beat the egg mixture with a whisk and pour into the carrots, stir.
  4. Grease the mold with oil and place the carrots in it.
  5. Cook everything in the oven at 180 degrees for 35 minutes.

Now you know how to cook carrot casserole according to the recipe with photo. Bon appetit!

Pumpkin and apple casserole

Pumpkin-apple casserole is a healthy, nutritious, and most importantly – very tasty dish.

Pumpkin is not only an elegant, sunny fruit, but also a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Potassium is needed for normal heart function, vitamins C, A and E are necessary for the normal functioning of the body as a whole. In addition, both pumpkin and apples are rich sources of fiber.

It is better to choose apples for casserole that are moderately sweet and not very watery, otherwise the casserole will “float.” If the apples are very juicy, after grating, place the mixture on a layer of gauze or a clean napkin and lightly strain the juice - you can give it to your child while the casserole is being prepared.

We take:

Pumpkin –300 gr.
medium-sized apples - 2 pcs.
egg - 2 pcs.
wheat flour - 2-3 tablespoons
butter or vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
cinnamon - optional
sugar to taste, but remember that pumpkin gives quite
enough sweetness


Wash apples and pumpkin, cut into slices, remove skin, grate on a coarse grater, place in a deep bowl, add eggs, sifted flour.

Grease a baking dish with half the butter that you and your child eat, and add the second spoon of butter to the dough.

Place the pumpkin-apple mixture in a greased pan and smooth it out. Place the filled form in the oven preheated to 180º for 40 minutes. Bake until beautifully golden brown.

When the casserole has cooled slightly, invert the pan onto a plate and remove the pan. You can wait 15 minutes, cut and serve.

It is best to serve pumpkin (as well as carrot) dishes with cream, sour cream and other fermented milk products, so that milk fats help better absorb beneficial vitamins and microelements.

Fruit compote goes well with pumpkin and apple casserole.

Zucchini casserole for children

Zucchini is one of the first vegetables in baby food. Zucchini dishes are actively used in baby food, as it is considered a hypoallergenic vegetable. But like any other food, children quickly get bored with zucchini in its pure form, so we begin to come up with more complex and tasty dishes from this healthy vegetable, for example, zucchini casserole for children.

To make the zucchini casserole look more appetizing, in addition to zucchini, you can add some carrots to it. Together with carrots, zucchini casserole turns out to be an appetizing golden color. But this is not necessary if your child suddenly does not like carrots, although in a casserole they acquire a completely different taste (not like boiled carrots).

We take:

Young zucchini – 2 pcs. (approximately 800 gr.)
carrots – 1 pc. (150 gr.)
chicken egg – 3 pcs.
sour cream – 150 gr
wheat flour – 6-8 tbsp. l.
vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.


Wash and peel the zucchini and carrots. Grate half the vegetables on a coarse grater and the other half on a fine grater. This will make the structure of the casserole more interesting. Lightly squeeze the vegetable mixture to remove the juice and prevent the casserole from being too runny.

Add 3 eggs, sour cream and flour to the vegetable mixture. The amount of flour will depend on the thickness of the sour cream, the amount of vegetable juice in the mixture and the size of the eggs. The flour must be sifted before adding.

Stir the mass until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and lightly beat the dough, saturating it with oxygen. This will make the casserole more fluffy.

Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil. Pour the dough into the mold and smooth it out.

Bake the zucchini casserole in the oven at 200 degrees for about an hour. When the casserole is well browned, check for doneness with a match or toothpick.

It is best to remove the casserole from the pan when it has cooled slightly. Serve zucchini casserole to children, cut into portions, with compote or tea.

Vegetable casserole with chicken

Vegetable casserole with chicken is a very easy to prepare dish, as well as tasty and healthy. We hope not only your children, but the whole family will like it.

We take: chicken fillet - 400 gr
frozen vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots) - 1 pack
milk - 1 glass
flour - 1 tbsp
butter - 1.5 tablespoons.
cheese - 50 gr
Cut the chicken into small pieces, lightly fry in vegetable oil, add salt to taste.

Place chicken fillet in a greased baking dish, then washed and chopped vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli and carrots), pour milk sauce, sprinkle grated cheese on top of vegetables.

Place in the oven for 25-30 minutes at t=200 degrees until golden brown.

Milk sauce

flour - 1 tbsp.
milk - 1 glass
butter - 1.5 tablespoons.

Place the saucepan on the fire, pour flour into it and add butter. Mix everything well. Then dilute with hot milk, pouring it in gradually. Cook the sauce, stirring continuously for 7-10 minutes.
If we need it for a vegetable dish, we add salt, if for a sweet dish, we add sugar.

Semolina casserole with fruits

We take: semolina - 1 cup
milk - 4 cups
salt - to taste
sugar-2-3 tsp.
any fruit or berry jam - 100 gr.
eggs - 2 pcs.
oil - 2-3 tbsp.


Cook semolina porridge in milk. Add sugar, eggs, salt and butter to the finished porridge. Mix all this and place in a greased form, level and sprinkle with granulated sugar. You can mix half the berries into semolina. Bake in the oven until golden brown.

Before serving, place fresh boiled or canned fruit on the porridge and pour over fruit sauce or berry jam.

Rice casserole with apples

We take: rice - 150 gr
milk/water - 400 gr
apples - 100 gr
carrots - 100 gr
raisins - 70 gr
sour cream - 2 tsp.
olive oil - 2 tsp.
sugar - 15 gr
salt - a pinch


Rinse the rice, cook, place in a colander to drain. Wash the raisins, peel the apples and cut into slices. Peel the carrots.
Beat the egg with 1 tsp. spoon of butter. Place the rice in a bowl, add the egg mixture, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and raisins. Mix the resulting mass.
Grease the mold with oil and place half of the cooked rice mixture there. Place apple slices on top and sprinkle with a little sugar. Sprinkle remaining rice on top. Smooth the surface and sprinkle with melted butter. Bake until light golden brown.

Beetroot casserole

We take:

Boiled beets - 300g
bread, preferably stale - 400g
raisins - 100g
eggs - 4 pcs
margarine - 40g
breadcrumbs - 40g
maybe a little sugar


Cut the bread into thin slices without crust and lightly moisten with water or milk. Grate the boiled beets on a coarse grater, mix with steamed raisins, sugar and 2 eggs. In a mold greased with margarine and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, first place a layer of bread, then a layer of beets, then bread again. Pour 2 beaten eggs on top and lightly sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Bake for 40 minutes. Very tasty with sour cream or syrup.

Meat casserole with pasta and cabbage

We take: beef -150 gr.
pork - 150 gr.
onion - 1 pc.
pasta - 100 gr.
cabbage - 200 gr
egg - 1 pc.
butter - 40 gr.
cheese - 50 gr.


We prepare minced meat and onions and salt it. Cook the pasta, chop the cabbage and simmer a little in butter. Combine pasta with cabbage, add raw egg, mix well. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil and first place the minced meat in it, in a layer of about 2 cm, and then the pasta and cabbage. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake at 180 degrees for approximately 30-35 minutes.