Chicken breast polendvitsa. Amazing dried chicken breast - a real delicacy

24.09.2019 Salads

Dried meat is a delicacy that has never been considered a cheap product. As a rule, high-quality beef acts as the initial "raw material" for it. But at home, you can try to make dried chicken fillet - it will turn out no less tasty, but much more “budgetary”. This ordinary culinary miracle has already been nicknamed "chicken salmon" by the people.

Cooking such a chicken fillet with your own hands is a completely troublesome business. In addition, your guests will be pleasantly surprised to learn that such delicious aromatic meat is cooked at home, and not bought in a store. An undoubted plus to this product can be attributed to “ecological purity”: instead of preservatives, alcohol (or vodka) and natural spices are used here - ground hot peppers, French herbs, garlic, salt and sugar.

Chicken meat does not have to be cooked at all. Raw meat will become edible through contact with vodka.


Cooking. Pour all the seasonings listed and salt into the plate.

Pour in vodka.

Mix until a homogeneous slurry is obtained.

Rinse the chicken fillet under running water and be sure to dry it well. It is better to buy a larger beep or fillet, the proportions of the recipe are for 2 chicken fillets weighing 500-600 g.

Spread the fillet on all sides with a mixture of seasonings with vodka, carefully rubbing it into the surface of the chicken fillets. Place them in a resealable container (plastic container). Leave for 6 hours at room temperature. During this time, turn the fillet pieces 3-4 times to the other side.

After 6 hours, quite a lot of liquid will have collected in the container.

The liquid must be drained, and all the spices should be washed off under the tap so that nothing remains. You will notice that the chicken fillet has become a little denser. Dry the pieces with paper towels, rub with chopped garlic and put on a clean cheesecloth folded in several layers. Wrap the fillet tightly in gauze, tie it with a thread and hang it by the battery tube for 24 hours.

After a day, remove the dried chicken fillet in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then unfold the gauze.

And now the dried chicken fillet, cooked at home in 1.5 days, can finally be served at the table.

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The author's photos of Elena Selyun were used in the design of the master class. Copying is prohibited!

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Dried chicken breasts are a delicious appetizer that spreads in an instant. It is served at the festive table or eaten with beer. But the price of such a delicacy in stores goes off scale, and the quality of the product is very doubtful. Often, dried balyks are stuffed with various preservatives to extend the shelf life. "Popular about health" offers to cook home-dried chicken breasts on your own. Their recipe is very simple, you just need to be patient, because the meat is dried for at least 3 days. Ready to experiment? Then let's get started.

Chicken Breast Recipes

It all starts with the purchase of chicken fillet. Give preference to trusted sellers, choose the freshest, without foreign odors, preferably large.

Take the quantity at your discretion - 2, 4 or 6 pieces of fillet, it does not matter, but we warn you - dried breasts after salting and drying lose weight by about one third, as salt draws liquid out of them. In addition, they are very tasty, so they are eaten pretty quickly. We recommend using at least 1 kilogram of meat in order to get about 600 grams of delicious balyk at the end.

Recipe 1

Ingredients: chicken fillet - 1 kg; coriander - 10 g; black pepper peas - 10 g; paprika - 1 tsp; thyme - 10 g; dried garlic - 1 tsp; salt - 40 g.

Dried breasts can be prepared at home in a variety of ways. Rinse the fillet thoroughly, cut off pieces of fat, film from it, dry with napkins. Now you need to crush the pepper and coriander in a mortar or grind them in any other way. Mix all the spices and salt in a bowl. Place the fillet in a suitable container and sprinkle with the salting mixture. Try to apply a layer of salt evenly on all sides of the chicken. Then we close the container and put the chicken fillet in the refrigerator for 6 hours. After waiting this time, remove the bowl and turn the meat pieces over. Return the product to the refrigerator for another 6 hours.

In 12 hours, the fillet was completely salted, it became hard and decreased in size. Now it must be washed, remove the remaining salt from the pieces. Clean meat must be wiped dry with a towel. For drying, we need a thread or a thin rope. Make a hole in each piece of meat on one side, thread a thread through it. Hang the meat to dry at a temperature of +8 to +18 degrees. How long to dry chicken breasts? Each cook will give a different answer to this question. Someone dries the fillet for 3 days, someone for 5, and if you like hard salmon, then dry longer. The more the meat dries, the tougher it becomes in the end. In most sources, you can find information that drying should last at least 72 hours.

Attention! If you plan to dry chicken breasts in an apartment where the thermometer rises above the indicated values, it is better to move the meat to dry in the refrigerator. Wrap the fillets with a thin layer of gauze and hang them on wire racks or in some other way. Drying meat in a hot room is dangerous. It is allowed to make drying on the street under a canopy, if it is not very hot. Just to avoid infection on meat, which can be carried by flies, wrap chicken breasts in cheesecloth.

Recipe 2

Ingredients: chicken fillet - 1 kg; cognac - 2 tbsp. l.; coriander, black pepper, dried garlic - 10 grams each; red pepper - 0.5 tsp; salt - 40 g. For rolling before drying - paprika - 10 g; coriander - 10 g; dried garlic - 10 g.

This dried chicken breast recipe is even more interesting. The finished meat is translucent and very spicy. Be sure to try cooking it.

Rinse the fillet, dry it with napkins. Put the chicken in a bowl and add brandy there. Roll the meat in it and let it lie down for 20 minutes. Then prepare the curing mixture and sprinkle the fillet with it, rolling it on all sides. After covering the bowl with a lid or film, send the chicken meat to salt in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

When the fillet is salted, remove it from the dish and wash it with plain water. Dry the pieces with a towel. Now the breasts look different - they have darkened and become elastic.

Prepare a spicy mixture of paprika, ground coriander and dried garlic. Spice each piece well with spices and wrap in gauze, in one layer. Hang the meat to dry for 3 days or more, focusing on your taste.

Some tips from seasoned chefs

There are many ways to dry chicken breasts. But the general idea is clear - first the meat is salted, then dried. Some housewives recommend soaking the meat after it has been salted to reduce the salt level. Do this in boiled water for about an hour or two, achieving the optimal taste. As for the salt itself, many culinary experts advise using sea salt rather than ordinary table salt, referring to the fact that it dissolves worse and penetrates into the meat fibers exactly as much as necessary. Perhaps this is worth checking out.

We told you how to cook chicken breasts, recipes for this have resulted. We hope that you will like some of them. Remember that it is better to dry the meat in the refrigerator than in a hot and stuffy room so that it does not spoil before you can taste it. The health of your household and yourself will depend on the correctness of your actions, and this is the most valuable thing we have.

Dishes and snacks from chicken breast are tasty and varied. White chicken meat is a dietary product and is therefore especially valued in cooking. Chicken fillet is a low-calorie product rich in proteins, micro and macro elements, vitamins of group B, A, PP and others. You can cook a lot of delicious dishes and delicacies from chicken breasts, one of which is dried chicken breast. According to the preparation, the recipe for drying chicken fillet is very simple and even a novice hostess can handle it. The only thing that is required to prepare this delicacy is time, and, of course, patience. For a successful result and excellent taste of dried breast, time is required for the pickling and drying process.

To make the dried chicken breast extraordinarily tasty and fragrant, you need cognac. You can easily do without adding this alcoholic drink, the taste of dried chicken breast will still turn out very tasty. If you are inspired and ready to start cooking, then take care of the necessary products.


  • One chicken breast;
  • coarse salt ½ cup;
  • cognac 80 grams;
  • paprika (seasoning from slightly hot red capsicum ripe pepper).


Stage 1

If you purchased a ready-made fillet in a store or on the market, then simply rinse the breast under running cold water. Then, with a sharp knife, cut off unnecessary fat, veins, and bone remnants, if any. Rinse again with running water. It is recommended to dry the fillet with a paper towel.

If you bought a whole chicken from you, then you should carefully fillet it to get the fillet necessary for the recipe.

Add cognac to a glass with a weighed amount of salt and mix well.

Divide the fillet into two large parts and two small ones, respectively.

At the bottom of the plastic container in which the chicken will be marinated, pour one tablespoon of the salt-cognac mixture, carefully coat the bottom.

Lay out large portions of the chicken breast, then place some brandy salt on top. Now lay out the small parts of the fillet and add the rest of the salt-cognac mixture. Lubricate the chicken well, close the plastic container and place it in a cold place or refrigerator for about 24 hours.

Stage 2

Remove the marinated chicken breast from the refrigerator and rinse it thoroughly under cold running water. The action of the salt will make the white meat of the cured chicken firmer and tougher to the touch.

For the next step, prepare four pieces of gauze measuring 30 by 60 cm. Lay them out on the table. If you do not have gauze at home, then you can safely use a cotton towel.

Sprinkle the fillet on all sides with paprika and rub the pepper over the entire surface of the breast. Dried chicken breast with the addition of paprika will sparkle with new colors and be enriched with an interesting spicy taste.

Wrap each piece of fillet in cheesecloth, put in a dry, clean bowl or plastic container and put in a cold place or in the refrigerator for another 7 days.

Interesting! The longer the time it will stand in the refrigerator and infuse the fillet, the tastier, more aromatic and juicier it will turn out.

Dried chicken breast according to this recipe is ready in 4 days, so if you really want it, you can already serve it to the table.

How to apply

When serving, the dried chicken breast should be thinly sliced, thanks to which you can feel the whole taste of dried fragrant meat. On the festive table, this appetizing appetizer, as a rule, scatters in the first place and does not stale.

How to store

Ready-made dried breast is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator, after wrapping it in food film or putting it in a plastic bag.

Those who love not ordinary jerky, but also dried meat, then you should hang the breast on a thick thread, in the kitchen or right on the balcony. Keep at room temperature for at least 2-3 days, ventilating the room more often. It is preliminary recommended to wrap the meat in gauze so that annoying flies and other insects do not sit on it. The meat will dry well even at a temperature of -5 ° C, just in this case, you should increase the time for drying at least up to four days.

Dried breast can be prepared according to different recipes and thus differ in a variety of tastes. For example, after the fillet is marinated, it should be washed well and rubbed with chopped garlic and black pepper. Garlic will give the chicken delicacy a pleasant taste and aroma.

In order for the white meat of the chicken to be marinated and dried much faster, it must first be cut into portioned pieces.

Do-it-yourself dried breast cannot be compared with purchased counterparts, because when you cook it yourself, you put not only your soul into the dish, but also used only natural ingredients.


And could we think that just a few years ago, no one even thought about how to cook their own dried chicken breast at home? And even if there were such innovators in cooking, they were few and they probably kept it all a secret. But now, absolutely any housewife can cook such a wonderful holiday snack. Dried breast is prepared very simply, and very little personal presence is required in time. The whole cooking process is divided into two stages, first we must salt the chicken breast well, and then actually make it dried. In general, it will take 4 - 5 days, it all depends on what degree of curedness you need. I like the chicken breast to be drier and firmer, so I just cut it in two - I really liked it. It seems that this is a real chicken basturma. If it is not cut, then the dried breast will be more tender and juicy, but just as deliciously tasty. And if you are planning a holiday, then take care in advance and be sure to prepare this festive snack, usually all guests are simply delighted with this dried delicacy.


  • chicken breast about 500 gr
  • 1 tbsp coarse salt
  • red ground pepper a little less than 1 teaspoon
  • ground black pepper 1 tsp
  • 2 - 3 teaspoons ground paprika
  • 2 - 3 garlic cloves
  • any aromatic spices

Cooking method

Rinse the chicken breast under running water and dry well from excess moisture with a paper towel. Mix salt with half red, black pepper and half paprika. If desired, add your favorite aromatic seasonings, I often use suneli hops, shamballa, oregano. Then we cut the chicken fillet lengthwise into two parts (you can leave it whole) and rub it well on all sides with salt and spices. We place in any container with a lid, preferably in one layer. We put everything in the refrigerator for one day, during which time the meat will give juice - this is normal. You can turn it over a couple of times, but this is not essential in this recipe.

After 24 hours, rinse the fillet again under running cool water and also dry it well with a paper towel. Chicken meat has become denser in its consistency and acquired a different color. Mix the remaining pepper and paprika with chopped garlic, also add your favorite seasonings if desired and apply to the meat. For drying, you can build a structure from improvised means, before hanging everything, each piece can be wrapped with gauze, in winter I don’t do this. After three days, the dried breast is ready, try and continue the process if necessary. Enjoy your meal.

Men adore various delicacies for beer. Dried chicken breast is especially popular. The dish is quite easy to cook at home. There are many appetizer recipes and they are all similar in technology.

Classic performance

Chicken breast should be as fresh as possible, without bruising and rotten smell. Frozen meat is not suitable for curing. Before cooking, the skin is removed from the chicken, cleaned of film and fat, and the bone is removed. Then the fillets are washed and dried.

You can cook dried chicken breast on your own according to the basic recipe.

It involves the use of the following components:

  • half a kilo of chicken fillet;
  • thirty grams of salt;
  • two garlic cloves;
  • a small spoonful of paprika;
  • as much red and black pepper.

Step by step execution technology:

  1. The prepared meat is rolled in a salt and pepper mixture.
  2. Seasonings are rubbed into it.
  3. The fillet is wrapped in clingfilm and placed in a dish.
  4. Put it to marinate in the refrigerator for twenty-four hours.
  5. The breast is then washed to remove excess salt.
  6. Wet the fillet with napkins.
  7. The meat product is rubbed with grated garlic and paprika.
  8. Each piece is individually wrapped in a layer of gauze and tied with a thread.
  9. The meat is dried, hanging, in a dark place where it is cool. It must be well ventilated.
  10. Drying continues for three days.
  11. You can fix the meat in the refrigerator on the inside of the door.
  12. After the time has elapsed, the fillet is cut into thin slices and served on the table.

The calorie content of this dish is 108.5 kcal.

Cooking with a quick recipe

You can quickly get a dried delicacy thanks to a special dryer.

For the marinade you will need:

  • sixty grams of salt;
  • black pepper;
  • dried garlic;
  • soybean sauce (one hundred grams).

Step by step recipe:

  1. The fillet is cut into strips and laid out in a deep bowl.
  2. Sprinkle it with salt and stir.
  3. Add pepper and garlic.
  4. Put in the refrigerator overnight. Intermittently interfere.
  5. In the morning add soy sauce and stir.
  6. Leave the meat for three hours.
  7. Spread it on the dryer tray in an even layer.
  8. The chicken is dried for six hours at a temperature of sixty degrees.