Beetroot soup recipe. Cooking cabbage soup with beet tops

10.09.2019 Restaurant notes

Beetroot soup is an incredibly healthy, light and nutritious dish enriched with vitamin micro and macro elements. Beet tops give the first dish notes of freshness and original taste. Such a soup will fit perfectly into the diet of people who monitor their weight, but love to eat deliciously.

Fancy cabbage soup

To prepare the first dish with such an unusual ingredient, only young beetroot tops are suitable. For the aroma and improvement of taste, many housewives add sorrel and nettle leaves. It's time to experiment, let's make a revolution in the world of culinary and cook delicious soup from the tops of young beets.


  • 0.2 kg of beets along with the tops;
  • 1-2 pcs. garlic cloves;
  • a bunch of green feather onions;
  • carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • onion head;
  • 1 tbsp. l sour cream;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaves;
  • 3 tbsp. l refined olive oil;
  • 3-4 pcs. potato tubers;
  • head of cabbage;
  • 1 tbsp. l vinegar with 9% concentration.


Such a green soup will refresh on a summer day and warm in cold weather. You can cook it all year round, because beet tops, sorrel and nettle leaves are very susceptible to freezing. However, they do not lose their beneficial properties.

On a note! The finished soup can be chopped with a blender to a puree consistency and served with a half of hard-boiled eggs or crackers.


  • 3 l of filtered water;
  • 8 potatoes;
  • carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • onion head;
  • 150 g of sorrel;
  • 100 g of young beet tops;
  • bunch of nettle leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. sour milk;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • parsley and dill - 1 bunch;
  • a bunch of feather green onions;
  • 3 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l


  1. Pour filtered water into a pan with a thick bottom.
  2. We put it on the stove and bring to a boil.
  3. Peeled potatoes with shredded chopping sticks.
  4. We spread it in boiling water and boil until cooked.
  5. Nettle and sorrel leaves, dill, feather onions, beet tops and parsley are thoroughly washed with running water.
  6. Dry and grind with a knife.
  7. Peel the carrots and onions.
  8. Grate carrot root, cut onion into small cubes.
  9. Heat the vegetable refined oil in a pan.
  10. Strain onions with carrots until golden.
  11. Pour sour cow's milk into a separate bowl.
  12. Add chicken eggs and beat thoroughly with a whisk.
  13. When the potatoes are ready, we send the fried vegetables to the pan.
  14. Next, spread the greens.
  15. Pour in a thin stream of milk-egg mixture. Constantly mix the soup.
  16. We boil it for a couple of minutes and set it off the stove.

Vitamin Soup

Young beetroot soup with tops is only half an hour. It can be safely called dietary, because in one portion weighing 100 g contains 70 kilocalories.

On a note! During heat treatment, beets can change their color, and to prevent this from happening, add a little acetic acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice.


  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 beet root;
  • 100 g beet tops;
  • 1 tbsp. l tomato paste;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1-2 pcs. garlic cloves;
  • to taste salt and black pepper;
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. l freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l refined sunflower seed oil.


  1. We clean all the vegetables and rinse thoroughly with running water.
  2. We chop the potatoes into cubes and send them to a pot of boiling water.
  3. While the potatoes are being cooked, we chop the onions, carrots and beet root crops with equal cubes.
  4. In a pan on refined sunflower oil, fry the onions with beets and carrots.
  5. When the vegetables are softened, add tomato paste.
  6. If desired, you can pour a little boiled water.
  7. Add the fry to the soup.
  8. Stir well.
  9. Pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice, add granulated sugar, salt and black pepper.
  10. Then add the chopped beet tops and chopped garlic cloves.
  11. Boil a few more minutes.
  12. We check the readiness of vegetables and turn off the fire.
  13. Insist a little soup.
  14. Serve it to the table better with sour cream and fresh herbs.

Many probably remember the fairy tale about the “tops” and “roots”, in which the cunning peasant several times deceived a rustic bear who wished to profit from other people's labor. However, if it was a matter of beets, then a peasant would have to scratch his head, because beet tops in Russia have long been valued as a useful treat, not inferior in taste to root crops. In addition, modern nutritionists claim that there are much more vitamins and other useful substances in beet tops than in beets.

We offer a recipe for a popular and beloved dish - beets with beet tops, the preparation of which will take no more than an hour and a half (along with cooking meat).

Such a soup, like any cabbage soup, can be both in the lean version and in the fast. We will introduce meat soup, as the lean option is somewhat easier to prepare. Learning how to cook cabbage soup with meat, it will be easy to cook and lean option.


  • pork - 200 g (if with a bone, then a little more. From the bone the meat broth only wins, it’s not just the water in which the meat was cooked, but a delicious rich broth - the soup base of taste);
  • beet tops - from 3 young root crops. Ideally, the tops go along with young beetroots. Only the formed root crops, when they are still in “milky” ripeness, are especially tender and sweet. But the ideal option is not always possible. If the beets are already ripe enough, then young root crops can be replaced with additionally prepared stalks of leaves without leaves. The result will be: three "bushes" and peeled stems from another beetroot;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs. medium size. Summer soups are not particularly “fond” of potatoes, so if you put a little less potatoes than you used to, the taste will benefit from this;
  • onions - 1 pc. medium size;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • garlic - a pair of cloves;
  • greens (dill, parsley) - to taste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Cooking the broth. Pour the meat with water, salt, put the pan (volume 2.5 liters) on fire. At the first stage, the fire is maximum, but as soon as the broth boils, we switch the stove to minimum heating so that the liquid barely gurgles. Be sure to remove the foam! This guarantees not only the transparency of the broth, but also its taste.
  2. While preparing the broth, manage with root crops. We clean potatoes, carrots. Potatoes in a tiny “peasant” way: after cutting a peeled potato with a knife deeper, we break off a small piece. You can, of course, chop the potatoes in a modern way - on the plank. But, firstly, the "peasant" method limits the contact of the vegetable with the metal of the knife, and secondly, the natural break of potatoes in the soup and looks more appetizing.
  3. Cut carrots in small cubes.
  4. We take out a bone from the broth. Separate the meat from the bone, then cut the meat into small pieces along the fiber. Return to the broth, add the potatoes.
  5. While the broth boils again, we clean the onions, chopping it into small cubes.
  6. We crumble the leaves and stalks of beet tops. Stems - in cubes, and we try not to grind the leaves very much, cut into at least a centimeter wide.
  7. We pass to frying. We heat the vegetable oil in a pan. Add onion to the oil, fry it until golden brown. Then we put the prepared carrots in the pan, fry them until the butter acquires a beautiful orange hue. Then add the stems of the tops and a spoonful of tomato paste, lightly fry.
  8. I must say that in the traditions of old Russian cuisine cabbage soup was made with flour dressing - a spoon of flour was fried in the frying pan immediately after the onion, but for some reason modern recipes about this detail are silent.

  9. We send half of the tops to the broth, and the second half to the pan.
  10. Together with the leaves of the tops, add the broth to the pan, and for about five to seven minutes the contents of the pan are stewed over low heat. The cooked tops and stewed tops have a different flavor, so if you cook the cabbage soup as suggested here, this shade of taste will become your little secret, according to which the soup will be pleasantly different from those prepared by others.
  11. Finely chop the garlic and herbs. Put the frying in the broth. At this magical moment, the broth turns into cabbage soup!
  12. In the boiling soup, we discard the garlic and herbs, turn off the stove, and put a towel folded several times on the lid of the pan - the soup simmers until it’s ready for another fifteen minutes.

   Calorie content:   Not specified
   Time for preparing:   Not specified

  Botvinnik - one of the options for summer borsch, only without cabbage. This is such a soup from beet tops, the recipe of which we want to reveal to you. Instead, a young beet leaf with petioles is added, and with it sorrel, so that the soup is sour. Unlike the classic botvigny - cold soup with beet tops and fish, it is usually served hot, it is cooked both lean and with meat or chicken.

In this embodiment, botvinnik is cooked lean, on water, and vegetables are fried in vegetable oil. The taste is very unusual - there is sorrel of sorrel, and a sweetish taste of young beets, starchy potatoes, the aroma of fresh herbs. In normal times, when dairy products are allowed, it is very tasty with sour cream, and in the heat of the cold gingerbread man seems even tastier than hot. While there is a young beet tops, try to cook such a light summer soup. Be sure to put more different greens: a large bunch of sorrel, dill, parsley, celery.

- potatoes - 3-4 pcs;
- water - 1.5 l .;
- young beets about 5 cm in diameter - 2 pcs;
- small carrots - 1 pc. or 0.5 large;
- beet tops or petioles - a bunch;
- onions - 1 pc;
- young sorrel - one large bunch or two smaller;
- salt - add to taste;
- dill or parsley - a bunch;
- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l

Recipe with photo step by step:

  Put a pot of water on medium heat and until it boils, prepare all the vegetables. Peel the beets by cutting a thin layer of the skin and removing the remains of the petioles. Cut into slices, then chop into strips. Young beets are cooked quickly; strips can be made not very thin.

  Chop the onion into smaller pieces. Cut carrots into strips or slices, if young.

  Cut the potatoes into large strips, cut the young potatoes into medium-sized pieces.

  Salt water, drop the potatoes. Bring to a boil again, cook on a gentle fire almost until ready.

  As soon as the potatoes went into the pan, put a frying pan with oil on medium heat, heat and pour the beets. Do not fry the beet straw, simmer, stirring until it becomes soft. In time it will take about ten minutes.

  Pour the carrots and onions to the softened beets, mix, lightly fry the onion cubes.

  Transfer vegetable frying to soup, stir, bring to a boil. Continue cooking over low heat until the carrots and beets are soft. Young vegetables are boiled quickly, carrots of the last harvest are boiled for 6-7 minutes.

  Rinse beet tops and sorrel thoroughly. Throw sorrel stalks, cut the beet stalks into small pieces. Chop the leaves in strips.

  Greens should be added to the soup not earlier than all the vegetables are completely ready so that vitamins do not break down and sorrel of sorrel does not disappear. Try the beets and carrots for softness - if cooked, pour out the beet stalks, after two to three minutes put sorrel and tops. Once it boils, turn it off, leave it on the burner for about ten minutes, so that the soup is infused.

  In summer, Botvinnik may not necessarily be served hot. When infused, it is tasty and cold. Sometimes boiled eggs are added to this soup, served hot with sour cream, acidified with lemon juice - choose the appropriate option and cook for health! Enjoy your meal!
  We remind you that the last time we cooked

Beetroot soup - a light summer soup. Young beet tops contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein several times more than beets, therefore, beet top soup is not only tasty, but also a very healthy dish.
Required Products:

Carrots - 100g

Tomatoes - 2 pcs. - 220g

Parsley Root - 20g

Celery Root - 50g

Potato - 3 pcs. - 400g

Beet Tops - 200g

Young beets - 1 pc. - 200g

Onions - 1 pc. - 100g

Bell pepper - 0.5 pcs. - 80g

Butter - 40g


Ground black pepper

Parsley - 15g

Chives - 2-3 pcs.

Sour cream to taste

For broth:

Chicken legs - 500g

Black peppercorns - 5-6 pcs.

Allspice - 2 pcs.

Bay leaf - 1 pc.


Wash the chicken, add 3 liters of water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, remove foam, add peppers and bay leaf and cook for 30-40 minutes. Then remove the chicken and bay leaf. Separate the meat from the bones and finally return to the soup.

While the broth is cooked, cook the vegetables.

Finely chop the onion. Grate straws, carrots, celery and parsley root. Cut or rub the beets with a larger straw.

In oil, fry the onions for 2-3 minutes, add carrots and celery and parsley roots to it. Fry for 3 minutes.

Add the grated beets. Fry for 5 minutes, then pour the soup ladle into the broth, cover and simmer for 10 minutes on low heat.

Dice potatoes. Cut the small beets from the tops, peel them and cut into thin slices. Pour potatoes and beets into boiling broth and cook for 10 minutes.

Pepper seeds and cut into small cubes. Dice tomatoes as well. Add to soup.

Beetroot soup can be a favorite treat for the whole family. Naturally, it is easiest to cook it in the summer. However, you can enjoy it in the winter, if you freeze the chopped tops in advance. Just say that we will present a modern recipe for a dish. This soup has been known for many years. However, in the old days, there was no tomato paste in the composition, from which he only benefits.

List of Essential Ingredients

To make beetroot soup, you will need the following components: two liters of water, 3 medium-sized beets with tops, same amount of medium potatoes, one piece of onion-turnip, same amount of carrots, 1 teaspoon of tomato paste, one clove of garlic and salt. You can cook the dish with or without meat. In the first case, we advise you to add 200 grams of beef or pork.

Cooking method

In order to prepare the soup from the tops, first start cooking the broth. Cut the meat into pieces and add to the water. Once the broth is ready, add the potatoes to the pan. Peel the beets and rinse the tops. Cut it all into small cubes.

Pour boiled water over the cut tops and leave until excess liquid drains.

Cut the carrots and onions into cubes. Pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan, add the onion and fry until it becomes transparent. Add the carrots, fry a little, add the beets and fry all together for a short time.

After the beetroot cubes have stained all other components in a pan, add the tops, part of the broth, tomato paste and simmer, and do not fry all this for five minutes under the lid.

Attach the cooked fry to the cooked potato with broth, cook another 7-10 minutes. Salt. Throw chopped garlic a few minutes before cooking. Let the soup brew a little and pour the necessary portion into the plate. In order to give it even better taste, season the beetroot soup with sour cream. You can be sure that your homework will be delighted with such an appetizing dish.