Lavash with cod and eggs. Lavash roll with liver: step by step recipe with photo

The liver extracted from the famous cod fish is a seafood very useful for our body, from which those who do not like to consume it fresh can cook a large number of the most unusual and original dishes, for example, a delicious roll. Lavash roll with cod liver is incredibly simple, satisfying, tasty, festive. An excellent option for preparing cod liver dishes, both for the everyday menu and for the holidays, and right now some useful tips for preparing this dish.

To make a roll of pita bread with cod liver turned out to be beautiful, neat and at the same time tasty, you need to know a few simple secrets for its preparation.

  1. It is easier to work with a rectangular bakery pancake, it is convenient and easy to roll it up and then cut it, it is much more difficult to make it from a round or oval product.
  2. Before you put the cod on pita bread, be sure to first coat it well with mayonnaise so that it becomes, so to speak, more rubbery, wraps up well, and does not tear.
  3. When spreading your pancake, do not forget about its ends, otherwise it will be very difficult to roll them up.
  4. The filling in the roll can be laid out either in layers or alternately one ingredient after another. You can also mix all the products at once, and then distribute them over the pita bread. Everything here will depend on your taste.
  5. When you lay out the layers, you should leave about two to three cm on each side of your sheet. This is necessary so that later it would be convenient to roll your masterpiece into a roll.
  6. By playing with the ingredients, adding or removing them from the dish, you can delight your loved ones with more and more new rolls every time.

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Cod liver pita bread recipe with cheese

This is a classic version of cod liver roll cooking, the dish is made very quickly and simply, does not require large expenditures, it turns out tender, satisfying, and is usually liked by both adults and children.

So, cod liver in pita bread, recipe with photo.

We take for cooking:

  • - 2 eggs.
  • - A can of cod liver.
  • - 120 (plus minus 10-20 gr.) grams of hard cheese (Russian is perfect).
  • - A small bunch of parsley, dill and cilantro.
  • — Medium-sized fresh cucumber.
  • - Lavash bought thin, better than a rectangular shape.

Step by step cooking process:

  1. We clean the cooled boiled eggs from the shell, three on a grater coarsely or finely, it does not matter how you like it.
  2. We take out the liver from the jar. Oil (fat) is not needed in pita bread, only the seafood itself. Gently grind it with a fork.
  3. Three cheese on a grater, add finely chopped greens to it and mix.
  4. On a note! If you want to make the dish more spicy and fragrant, you can use basil instead of parsley.
  5. My cucumber, cut off the tips on both sides, three together with the peel on a coarse grater, you can finely chop it as an option. If the product has released a lot of juice, it should be squeezed out.
  6. We unfold our Georgian or Armenian, most importantly thin bread, coat the sheet with mayonnaise a little, just a little, and immediately lay the liver on it in layers, then eggs, grated cucumber and cheese with herbs, carefully wrap everything up, roll our roll.
  7. We put our dish in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes, everything is ready.
  8. The cooled roll can be taken out after 15-20 minutes, before serving, beautifully cut into an even or oblique cut, decorate a little with sprigs of greenery or a flower cut from a cucumber.

Lavash roll with cod liver and cheese, and cucumber can be laid out in layers on pita bread, as we described, or you can lay out the ingredients one by one and wrap them, or mix everything in one bowl, lay it out immediately and wrap it, in this case it all depends on your taste and preferences.

Lavash roll with cod liver and cucumber

A light, tender and satisfying snack option that even those who have never cooked anything can cook.

Required for cooking:

  • - One thin pita bread (best if it is rectangular)
  • - 200 gr. canned cod liver.
  • - 2 or 3 cucumbers.
  • - 1-2 tomatoes, depending on the size of the fruit.
  • - 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise or mayonnaise sauce.
  • - Bulb.
  • - A little dried marjoram.
  • - One tablespoon of vinegar 6% or for salads.
  • - Hard cheese - 60-70 gr.

Making pita bread with cod liver recipe step by step

  1. Remove the skin from cucumbers and tomatoes, previously washed, and then cut the vegetables into small cubes.
  2. We remove the husk from the onion, cut it into halves of the rings, if the onion head is small or quarters, if the onion is larger.
  3. Pour the onion with vinegar mixed with three tablespoons of cold water, leave to marinate for 20 minutes.
  4. We open the liver, right in the jar, draining the liquid from it, knead the product with a fork or crush.
  5. We spread the bakery product on the table, coat it with a layer of mayonnaise, a small one, 2-3 tablespoons are enough, depending on the size of the product.
  6. Squeeze the onion from the water, spread the first layer.
  7. Following the onion, we put cucumbers, tomatoes, liver and grated cheese, roll up the roll, pack (wrap) it in a food film or a regular bag and send it to the refrigerator. Get the cooked product and cut it right before serving.

Lavash roll with cod liver and egg

An excellent delicacy and, most importantly, useful, with which you can please your family and loved ones at any time, the main thing is to have a simple set of products on hand - canned cod liver, eggs, tomatoes and Armenian bread.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • - A liver bank.
  • — Lavash is thin.
  • - 4-5 eggs (you must first boil hard-boiled).
  • - Tomato.
  • - Processed or soft cheese - 70-80 gr.
  • - A spoonful of mayonnaise.
  • - A couple of sprigs of dill.

How delicious to make pita bread with cod liver and egg, step by step recipe.

  1. - We open the cod liver, grind it, draining the juice from the jar into minced meat.
  2. - We mix the cheese with mayonnaise, grease thin bread with this composition, smearing it well not only inside, but also around all edges.
  3. - We put the liver on top of the cheese, sprinkle it all with chopped dill.
  4. - Tomatoes are peeled, cut into slices, put on greens.
  5. - We clean the eggs (they must be cold), three on a grater, this product will be the final layer.
  6. - We wrap our roll beautifully, send it to a cold place until the very moment of serving. Before serving the dish on the table, cut it into portions.

On a note! If there are too many products, the layers can be repeated.

Completely ready to use! Enjoy your meal!




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Lavash roll with cod liver.

To prepare a roll of pita bread, we need:
cod liver - 1 can;
Armenian lavash - 1 pc.;
egg - 3 pcs.;
hard cheese - 50-70 g;
lettuce leaves - 1 bunch;
mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Prepare products. Hard boil the eggs and set aside. Wash and dry lettuce leaves.
Grease a sheet of pita bread with mayonnaise. It is better to leave the edges of the pita bread clean, so it will be more convenient to wrap the roll and it will be more accurate. Peel the eggs from the shell, grate on a coarse grater. Put the chopped eggs on the pita bread and form a dense strip.
Then put a couple of lettuce leaves next to the eggs, also in a strip.
Drain excess oil from the cod liver, and then mash the liver with a fork, put it on pita bread next to the lettuce.
Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and lay out the last strip. Thus, we got 4 strips of filling.
Wrap the empty edges of the pita bread over the filling, and then roll the pita bread into a tight roll. Wrap the resulting roll in cling film and refrigerate for 2 hours.
Cut the finished roll of pita bread with cod liver into portions and serve. This appetizer is perfect for serving with beer. Look how bright and appetizing rolls turned out!
Enjoy your meal!

Armenian lavash is best suited for a variety of rolls. This thin, unleavened cake rolls up beautifully and is soaked with filling. It will take quite a bit of time to prepare a pita roll with cod liver, I indicated 40 minutes, taking into account keeping the roll in the refrigerator for soaking. This appetizer can be prepared ahead of time.

So, let's prepare the necessary products. If desired, you can take garlic and mix it with mayonnaise.

Let's put the eggs to boil, but for now let's take care of the other ingredients. Take the liver out of the jar and mash with a fork.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Finely chop the greens. Dill, green onions, parsley - any favorite herbs will do.

Meanwhile, the eggs are cooked. Peel them from the shell and cut the whites and yolks separately.

I have a large pita bread - about 50 * 30 cm. Spread one half with mayonnaise and lay out half of the filling in turn. I added a mixture of peppers. If you have a smaller lavash, take two.

We cover with the second half of the pita bread, again grease with mayonnaise and lay out the remaining filling.

We twist the roll tightly, wrap it in cling film and send it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes (or more).

With a sharp knife, cut the roll into slices about 1 cm thick. A wonderful snack, hearty and tasty, is ready! Lavash soaked in sauce and became tender and soft. Cod liver perfectly "made friends" with cheese, eggs and herbs. The roll disappears from the dish in an instant.

Treat yourself to a tender pita bread roll with cod liver, bon appetit!

If you think about it, there are not many delicious snacks that can be prepared without the processes of boiling, frying in a pan or baking in the oven. But exceptions still exist. Now we will share with you the secret of making pita bread roll with cod liver. The best recipes actually turn out to be the simplest and easiest, even a novice hostess can handle them.

The main thing in the preparation of any snack is the correct, balanced and harmonious selection of ingredients. Add here the high quality of the products used for cooking and get a true masterpiece of cooking. It should be noted that Armenian lavash goes well with many food products. But today we will focus on the tasty and healthy ingredient of the dish - cod liver, we will offer you some quick and easy recipes that, after one trial preparation, you can put aside in your culinary piggy bank.

Cooking pita bread roll with cod liver

A step-by-step recipe for preparing such snacks can be found in the cookbook of almost any hostess. True, after looking there several times, she, as a rule, begins to experiment and add new components to the list of products used. Well, her right. But we'll start with the classics. To prepare this dish, you will need the following set of products:

  • Thin Armenian lavash (preferably homemade, bought from an Armenian grandmother at the local market) - 2-3 pieces.
  • Processed cheese in a "bath" or regular hard cheese - 100 g.
  • One can of cod liver - 250-300 g.
  • Any fresh fragrant greens (parsley, arugula, sorrel, lettuce leaves) - the amount is optional.
  • Homemade mayonnaise - 200 g.

How to make homemade mayonnaise

Almost any pita roll with cod liver will have mayonnaise in its composition. But we, like most experienced housewives, would not recommend buying it in a store. Making homemade mayonnaise is easy. But the result will be much healthier and tastier than store-bought.

So, we take a container for mixing (you can use a mug from a blender), two chicken eggs, 400-600 ml of vegetable oil (odorless), salt and pepper to taste, a spoonful of mustard. We break the eggs into a container, add salt, mustard and a little ground black pepper, mix well. If you want lighter mayonnaise, then use olive oil for the recipe. If you are a fan of real homemade mayonnaise, so that, as they say, “the spoon stood”, then use vegetable. Note that the total calorie content of the pita roll will depend on the type of mayonnaise used (and it will be with cod liver or with other fillings - it’s not so important).

We turn on the blender and begin to beat the ingredients already in the container, gradually adding vegetable oil to them. As soon as the mass turns white and begins to thicken, the control of the amount of oil should be especially strengthened. The consistency, calorie content and density of homemade mayonnaise will depend on how much oil you added in the process.

Roll making process

Mayonnaise is ready, you can start collecting the roll. We spread the product of Armenian culinary specialists on the table, grease it with mayonnaise. Sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top. In a separate bowl, mix cod liver and cheese, which was previously grated on a fine grater. We spread this mass on top of the greens. Now it remains only to roll the pita bread into a roll, put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, let it soak - and you can serve it on the table. We do the same with the other two sheets of pita bread.

Lavash roll with cod liver and bell pepper

The following recipe will be of particular interest to summer residents and picnic lovers, on whose tables in the summer there are always a lot of fresh vegetables. To prepare this version of the roll, you will need a large amount of greens (any), three Armenian pita bread, two or three large (preferably different colors) bell peppers, processed cheese, mayonnaise, salt and one jar of cod liver.


We start cooking this dish with cooking homemade mayonnaise. If there is no time or desire to mess around with cooking, then you can use the store. In a small cup, mix four to five tablespoons of mayonnaise with finely chopped (crushed) herbs. Fans of "sharper" can grate another clove of garlic. It will not spoil the dishes, but will give a piquant sharpness and brightness to the taste.

Bulgarian pepper should be washed, seeds and partitions removed, and then cut into arbitrary pieces (bars, ribbons, strips). The main thing is that they are not too large and do not interfere with the process of rolling the roll.

Processed cheese, before also grating, should be put in the freezer for 20 minutes. After that, it will rub easily, and will not stick to the grater or your hands.

This roll of pita bread with cod liver will consist of three sheets. We spread the first one with a mixture of mayonnaise, garlic and herbs. The second is cod liver. Third - grease with a thin layer of mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese and add chopped finely multi-colored bell pepper on top.

We advise you to prepare cling film for rolling the roll. It will greatly facilitate the process, and the roll will eventually turn out to be dense and rolled with high quality. We first put pita bread with herbs on the film, cover it with a sheet of pepper on top and the last row - pita bread with cod liver. Tightly roll up and send for half an hour in the cold.

Delicate egg roll

A delicious pita roll with cod liver is obtained by adding a little tender cheese and boiled chicken eggs to the main ingredient. The process of preparing this dish takes about fifteen minutes. Everything ingenious, as they say, is simple. And insanely delicious!


  • Lavash (Armenian).
  • Three chicken eggs.
  • Cream cheese.
  • Cod liver.
  • Dill.
  • Mayonnaise.

Boil the eggs for 5-7 minutes over high heat, cool and peel. Then they should be rubbed on a grater, because we are preparing a tender roll. Cover pita bread with a layer of mayonnaise, add a thin layer of cheese and sprinkle everything with grated eggs. It remains only to grease the liver on the entire surface of the pita bread and sprinkle with fresh fragrant and finely chopped dill.

Thanks to the use of these simple, but low-calorie ingredients, pita roll with cod liver, cheese and eggs turns out to be surprisingly tasty, light and suitable even for those who watch their figure and count calories.

Roll "Piquant"

For lovers of an unusual combination of flavors and spicy ingredients, we offer to cook a pita roll with cod liver and “Korean” carrots. It is she who will give the dish a unique Asian flavor, but at the same time will not spoil the overall taste picture.


  • Lavash leaf.
  • Melted cheese.
  • Korean carrot.
  • Cod liver.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Greens.
  • Egg.

We apply a good layer of mayonnaise on the sheet. In the preparation of such dishes, the main thing is that they do not end up dry, so it is not recommended to save on the amount of sauce. Sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top and rub the boiled chicken egg. The next layer is the "Korean" carrot.

Roll "Green"

The last version of the pita roll with cod liver can be safely called "summer" or "green". It consists of:

  • Pita.
  • Cucumber.
  • Bulgarian pepper green.
  • Lots of fresh greens.
  • Mayonnaise (homemade).
  • Lettuce leaves.
  • Cod liver.
  • Two boiled chicken eggs.

All ingredients, except cod liver, lettuce and mayonnaise, should be cut very finely. Mix greens and mayonnaise. We spread even large sheets of lettuce on pita bread. On top we apply mayonnaise with herbs. Then sprinkle with finely chopped cucumber and add bell pepper and cod liver. An egg can be rubbed on a grater directly over a sheet of pita bread, spreading evenly over the surface. We twist it into a tight roll and, as usual, send it to cool.

So, today we have shared with you all the secrets of preparing a delicious dish and the most interesting recipes. Lavash roll with cod liver - and the reviews of experienced housewives confirm this - always goes with a bang.

And finally...

According to housewives and experienced chefs, lavash roll with various ingredients, including cod liver, is a delicious and win-win dish. It is perfect for feasts, it is not a shame to serve it on the festive table.

Judging by the reviews, housewives use these recipes quite often. They are especially useful for those who love various gatherings in nature, picnics and open-air buffets. Prepare a roll of pita bread with cod liver. Indulge your household with a delicious and healthy dish.


Lavash roll with cod liver is a simple and delicious delicacy that is easy to make with your own hands. A step-by-step snack recipe with photos, which can be found below, will tell you in detail and clearly about how you can quickly prepare a simple dish for a picnic or a festive feast at home. Ready food is incredibly tasty and tender.

Stuffed pita rolls are very popular among many connoisseurs of this original dish. There are many variations of preparing a simple snack and a huge number of filling ideas. Ready-made pita stuffed with canned cod liver and boiled eggs can rightfully become your signature snack, which you can treat your family and friends to for a holiday or family celebration. The delicacy is also ideal for the daily menu.

The advantage of a cold snack is that portioned pieces of food do not stain your hands and look very impressive on a plate. In addition to the proposed variation of the filling, you can use a different set of products. They can be mushrooms, sausage or ham, seafood, vegetables, fish caviar, grated cheese with eggs, and many other ideas.

A neat and original snack can pleasantly surprise guests. If you listen to some of the tips described below, you can end up with a tasty and appetizing product, similar to a restaurant dish. We are sure that a hearty, tender and nutritious dish will appeal to any gourmet. Having prepared original rolls of pita bread with cod liver for the first time, you will surely appreciate this delicacy and want to make it again.


  • (thin, 1/2 part)

  • (1 bank)

  • (125 g)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (2 tablespoons)

  • (1 pen)

  • (3 tablespoons)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    To prepare lavash rolls with cod liver, you need to stock up on the necessary components from the list of proposed ingredients. First, boil the eggs until cooked and cool them in cold water.

    In the meantime, you need to start preparing the filling. It is necessary to coarsely chop hard cheese on a grater, and then grate the eggs in the same way. Parsley should be finely chopped. From the canned fish delicacy, drain the oil into a separate bowl, and chop the product itself with a fork. All elements must be mixed, and then flavored with mayonnaise, salt and spices at your discretion.

    A little advice. Before spreading the contents on pita bread, be sure to coat the surface of the cake with a thin layer of mayonnaise. This will allow the filling not to crumble while cutting the roll. Also, do not forget to coat the side and ends of the snack with mayonnaise. Instead of this product, you can use sour cream or another favorite sauce. If you have chosen 3 small pita breads, then overlap them. After the surface of the product is evenly smeared with a layer of mayonnaise, put the filling on the pita bread, and then gently roll it into a roll. The roll must be long. Stuffed rolls should be wrapped very carefully so as not to tear the thin cake. For convenience, the roll can be cut into two equal parts, each of which must be wrapped in foil. Next, the food should be sent to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and let the snack soak in mayonnaise.

    After some time, the dish can already be tasted. It is quite difficult to cut a thin pita bread of a large size, oval or rounded. To facilitate the task, you need to adapt and use a very sharp knife. Ready portioned pieces of the dish can be put on a plate, and then served to the table, effectively decorating with freshly cut greens or fresh vegetables. Delicious do-it-yourself pita rolls with cod liver are ready.

    Enjoy your meal!