Instant tomato paste. Homemade tomato paste for the winter: simple recipes for making thick paste

25.11.2023 Lenten dishes

I always prepare tomato paste for the winter in mid-September, when tomato prices drop significantly. Such preservation is very helpful in winter, when you want to add bright color and the summer aroma of ripe tomatoes to your first or second hot dish. However, this preparation also has its disadvantages - it takes more than 2 hours to create and is boiled down by about 3-4 times, but it’s worth it!

I recommend it to everyone, but remember that tomato paste is stored only in the cold: in the cellar or refrigerator. If you are going to store it at room temperature, be sure to add vinegar when preparing it. Create a paste from fleshy varieties of tomatoes - I used the popular and inexpensive variety "Slivka", I think it is available in every region.

So, let's rinse the tomatoes in water and start cooking.

Let's select an appropriate thick-bottomed container and cut the tomatoes into slices or circles, cutting out green cuttings from them.

Place the container on the stove and bring its contents to a boil, stirring several times. There is no need to add water - we try to evaporate it! Then reduce the heat and simmer the tomato slices for 30 minutes until soft.

Grind the hot contents of the container through a sieve with a spoon, removing the pulp and seeds, being careful not to burn your hands.

Afterwards, pour the resulting tomato juice and pulp back into the cauldron or saucepan. Place the container on the fire again, but at a minimum, and continue to simmer for about 1.5 hours, stirring from time to time. Don't forget to add salt and, if necessary, 9% vinegar.

After about an hour of simmering, the juice will evaporate by two-thirds and begin to turn into a paste. At this stage you will need to stir it much more often than at the beginning. Since everyone determines the degree of density of the paste for themselves, judging by its gurgling, I decided to stop there and sterilized the containers.

From 2 kg of ripe tomatoes I got about 350-400 ml of tomato paste. Place the hot pasta into sterilized jars and immediately seal them with vacuum lids. Turn the containers upside down and wrap them in a blanket, leaving them there until they cool completely.

Homemade tomato paste is ready for the winter. Let's move it to storage. Tomato paste can be stored for about 1 year.

Enjoy your culinary exploits!

Tomato paste is a product obtained by grinding and boiling ripe tomatoes. When processed, these vegetables practically do not lose their beneficial properties and retain their composition, which is why concentrated tomato products are considered healthy at any time of the year.

Where is the paste used?

Cooking borscht, kharcho and soups is impossible without using this product. Tomato paste is included in ketchups and Italian sauces, and is used to prepare marinades and pizza seasonings.

In summer and early autumn, when there are a lot of fresh vegetables, fleshy and juicy tomatoes are used for cooking. The first harvest of ground vegetables appears in July, and in September-October the harvest stops. In order to please yourself and your family with delicious and nutritious dishes with the addition of tomato paste, you need to prepare it in advance.

This popular product is prepared differently in different countries: Georgians add Caucasian spices and nuts, Greeks strive to preserve the most natural taste and use light spices, Italians add garlic, onions, basil and red pepper. If you are interested in how to prepare tomato paste at home, then decide what product you want to end up with. You can try different recipes, expanding the menu as much as possible!

Useful substances and composition

Tomatoes contain vitamins A, C, E and B complex. Minerals: iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, nickel and cobalt. Tomato paste is rich in phytohormones and lycopene, which prevents the appearance and development of cancerous tumors. It contains essential oils and acids. The hormone serotonin is present, the inclusion of which helps in the fight against stress and improves mood. If you don’t yet know how to prepare tomato paste at home, use our tips and get a healthy addition to your diet.

How to choose tomatoes

It is necessary to prepare ripe, fleshy tomatoes without any greenery. Since the paste is obtained by boiling, the green fragments of the fruit will darken during heat treatment, which will worsen the appearance and quality of the product. Are you interested in how to prepare tomato paste at home? It is best to choose the fruits of the well-known Slivka variety: they have enough pulp and little juice, which will optimize the processing process.

Classic version

This recipe for making tomato paste is familiar to many housewives, but you need to know the subtleties and secrets to get a quality product. Let's prepare the ingredients:

  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • 5-6 heads of onions;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • table vinegar - 100 g;
  • table salt.

We clean the tomatoes from impurities in running water, cut off unripe fragments and spoiled areas, and remove the stalk.

In an enamel pan we put the fruits, cut in half (lengthwise or crosswise, it doesn’t matter), onions, pour half a glass of water. Cover the pan with a lid and wait until it boils. Reduce heat and simmer for half an hour.

Primary processing allows you to make tomatoes soft and pliable for subsequent rubbing. After the mass has cooled, pass it through a sieve to remove seeds, skins and coarse inclusions of pulp. The semi-finished tomato product must be boiled 3-5 times over low heat. Stir the mixture constantly to prevent burning. Add spices, squeeze out the garlic, cook for a few more minutes and remove from heat.

You need to prepare jars and lids for sealing in advance, because the paste needs to be stored closed. Now you know how to make tomato paste at home. However, there are still many interesting recipes.

Cooking spicy tomato paste in the oven

Adding spices improves the taste of any dish. The original tomato paste is no exception - the recipe for cooking in the oven will appeal to many. The serving is designed for 4 kg of tomatoes, but if desired, you can adjust the recipe by adding the required amount of spices. So, for the specified amount of tomatoes, prepare table salt (4-5 dessert spoons), black pepper, coriander and cinnamon (1/2 teaspoon each), 12-14 dried cloves, 1/2 bunch each of parsley, celery and basil. Dill umbrellas will add a special piquant aroma.

Primary processing

Tomatoes need to be washed, damaged areas cut off and divided in half. Next, put it in a saucepan, add water (no more than 1 glass) and boil for about 8-10 minutes. Cool the mixture and pass through a medium sieve, getting rid of excess fragments (seeds, skins).


Mix the semi-finished product with salt, put it in a mold with high sides, and put it in the oven, heated to 200 °C. Cooking time depends on the quality of the raw materials. During the process, it is important to monitor the consistency that is obtained during boiling. To do this, every 20 minutes we take out the mass, mix and check the thickness. When the paste reaches the desired consistency, add bulk spices. Tie the herbs into a bunch and dip into the mixture. After half an hour, remove the herbal bunch, and distribute the hot mixture into jars and seal.

Now you know another option on how to prepare tomato paste at home.

You can prepare a mass only from tomatoes, you can add other fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. This will improve the appearance of the product and make its taste rich and pleasant. The result is an incomparable homemade tomato paste, the recipes for which are given below.

Pasta with apples

For preparation you will need 3-3.5 kg of tomato fruits, 0.7 kg of apples with dense pulp, 0.5 kg of onions, 30 g of table vinegar and salt (1-1.5 dessert spoons). Wash the products, remove the stalks and grind them in a juicer. Next we act as desired.

Option one

Boil the mixture over low heat until the amount of the mixture decreases several times. Immediately after cooking, place the tomato paste in a container and seal.

Option two

Place the resulting mass after the juicer in a clean cloth, tie a knot and hang it over the container overnight. During this time, the excess liquid disappears, and in the morning it is enough to boil the mixture for 30 minutes with salt and another 10 minutes with vinegar. We close the resulting product in jars.

It is important to remember that you should leave the pureed mixture in a cloth overnight in a cool room so that it does not turn sour until the morning.

Tomato with celery

Thanks to this recipe, you will get not just a paste, but a real vitamin “bomb”. Prepare 2.5 kg of tomatoes, 5-6 medium celery roots, 5-6 onions and 6 medium apples. For spices, it is recommended to add equal parts cinnamon and ground black pepper (1/2 teaspoon each), 6 cloves and red pepper (a pinch). The rich taste will be complemented by sugar (100 g) and salt (150 g).


Washed and chopped tomatoes are evaporated for 20 minutes and passed through a sieve. Apples are baked in the oven, mashed, removing the core and skins. Celery and onion are finely chopped, evaporated with a small amount of water, and wiped. Mix vegetable and fruit purees, add salt and sugar, and boil until the consistency of thick jam. Add the spices before removing the mixture from the heat and boil for a couple of minutes. When hot, pour into jars and seal tightly with lids.

Original recipes

If your garden plot has a great harvest, we will tell you how to make tomato paste at home with the addition of plums or sweet peppers.

Option 1

Prepare 2.5 kg of tomato fruits, 0.7 kg of plums, 3-4 heads of onions, 1 head of garlic, spices (red, black pepper) to taste. Sugar and salt are added depending on taste preferences. Separately, prepare tomato puree with onions and plum puree according to the familiar scheme (boil and rub through a sieve). Mix the resulting masses and boil again. Add spices and garlic at the very end of cooking, put the paste into jars.

Option 2

Tomato with red bell pepper. You will need tomatoes, peppers and onions (approximately 1 kg each). Peel the vegetables, chop them finely, mix and boil together. After half an hour, cool the mixture and wipe it. Add salt and sugar to taste, bring the jam until thick, stirring constantly. We seal it.

How to store prepared pasta

When choosing a container for storing tomatoes, immediately keep in mind that only a small amount of it is used for cooking, which means that an open jar will remain in the refrigerator for a long time. You can immediately select small jars (200 g each). If the tomato is packaged in jars of 500 g or more, then to prevent the appearance of mold, sprinkle the rest of the paste with salt and pour a little oil on the surface.

Not every cook knows how to make tomato paste at home. After all, such a fragrant and thick sauce can be purchased at any supermarket. However, it is worth noting that the product sold in the store is not always of the highest quality. In this regard, we bring to your attention which at home turns out very tasty and aromatic.

How to make tomato paste from fresh tomatoes

Required ingredients:

  • large onions - 1-3 pcs.;
  • large red tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • table salt - 20 g (add to taste);
  • granulated sugar - 115 g;
  • vinegar 9% - ½ cup;
  • cloves, ground black pepper, celery seeds, a small piece of cinnamon and other seasonings - add at your own discretion.

Before making tomato paste at home, you should purchase several kilograms of large tomatoes from the store or from your own garden. It is worth especially noting that such a product must be ripe. After all, if you use vegetables for cooking, they will significantly worsen the taste and aroma of your pasta.

Vegetable processing

To understand how to make pasta tasty and quickly, you should remember that such a product turns out much more flavorful if during the cooking process you use not only ripe tomatoes, but also onions. Thus, all presented vegetables must be washed, peeled and cut into small cubes. By the way, some housewives prefer to process these ingredients using a meat grinder. But we do not recommend this procedure, since the tomatoes will still be ground through the sieve.

Stewing vegetables

After all the products have been processed, they must be placed in an (enamel) bowl and simmered over very low heat for 18-20 minutes. During this time, the components will become soft, after which they can be crushed into puree.

Grinding vegetables

When the tomatoes and onions are well stewed, they should be cooled slightly, and then placed in a fine sieve and mashed with a masher. As a result, you should get a liquid and aromatic tomato mass without any lumps.

Heat treatment

How to make tomato paste at home so that it turns out thick and aromatic? To do this, the prepared mass must be placed again in a saucepan (enamel), and then boiled and cooked until its volume is reduced by 2.5 times. Also, you should definitely add spices and seasonings to such a product (cloves, ground black pepper, celery seeds, a small piece of cinnamon, etc.). To prevent them from spoiling the homogeneous consistency of the paste, it is advisable to wrap them in gauze and place them in a bowl. In addition, you need to pour sugar and salt into the container, as well as pour in 9% vinegar.

The final stage in preparation

After the paste has boiled, you need to remove the gauze bag with seasonings from it, and then place the product in small sterilized glass jars and roll up.

Now you know how to make tomato paste at home. This preparation can be used in the preparation of various sauces, as well as added to other dishes.

Tomato paste is used for cooking by millions of people of all nationalities. This is a product known to every housewife in our country, and not only in ours.

Ketchups and sauces are prepared on its basis. In itself, it is not a final product, but a semi-finished product for future dishes. Nobody eats it without first processing it.

It is added to first and second courses to give it a characteristic tomato taste and bright color. And normal, healthy digestion, as we all know, starts with how food looks and smells.

Another thing is winter. Tomatoes are not as tasty, not as sweet. What is their taste and color? And they are not cheap in winter. I don't want to buy it in a store. I once bought a small jar and thought I’d add a teaspoon at a time for color. So it stood open in my refrigerator for three months, and at least it didn’t get moldy or disappear.

What did they mix with the tomatoes? I started reading the ingredients, and I even felt bad, all E-shki. And since I already know everything about these E-shki and even wrote about them. I threw this store-bought product out of harm's way. And I don’t buy it anymore, my own tomato paste, although not so beautiful, but certainly healthy.

According to GOST, pasta should contain only tomatoes and salt. This is how we will prepare it together with you. Of course, pasta may be a strong word. What I get is something between a paste and a juice, neither liquid nor thick. I don’t grind tomatoes through a sieve, and I have it along with seeds. Why waste something good and waste time? Moreover, during cooking there is nothing left of the seeds.

A simple recipe for making tomato paste for the winter

The recipe will be simple. Without any difficulties. Although, if there is a desire to complicate it, I will tell you how this can be done.

We will need:

  • tomatoes
  • sunflower oil


I don't specifically indicate the quantity. Whoever deems it necessary to prepare will do as much. I always buy one or two boxes of tomatoes. That is, my cooking process is done on an industrial scale.

But I have my own tomato paste in autumn, winter and spring. It tastes like real tomatoes. And if they don’t eat store-bought tomato paste, then just give me this!

Once my husband and I left on business for a week, and my daughter and son-in-law lived at home. Upon arrival, I saw that the jars with it on my shelves had become considerably smaller. And my daughter says: “So your beloved son-in-law fell in love with him, I couldn’t tear him away!” Of course, why not eat it when you eat it, and it’s as if the tomatoes are fresh.

I buy tomatoes at the end of August, when they are the ripest and reddest. Gaining strength from the Sun! Full of juice, taste, vitamins. This is what I cook with.

It's very easy to prepare!

1. Wash the tomatoes, remove the stem, and cut into pieces. So that it is convenient to twist.

2. Twist in a meat grinder. Previously, they turned it manually, it took so long. And now, if you have an electric meat grinder, you can twist everything in an instant.

It also works well if you beat it with a blender in a food processor. Here you can grind it finer or coarser, as you wish.

3. Pour into a large saucepan. And if you have a big cauldron, that’s good too. It is less likely to burn and is easier to stir. The tomato mass does not accumulate in the corners of the pan. If you cook in a saucepan, keep an eye on these treacherous corners and stir often.

4. Don't forget to do this. I stir with a slotted spoon, it grabs well in the cauldron and nothing burns. Cook over low heat. Our preparing pasta should gurgle quietly, not bubble.

This way it will retain its color.

5. While it is cooking, prepare the container where you will prepare it. I store it in glass liter bottles; they remain when you buy different juices. When there are no bottles left, you can use jars with screw-on iron lids. Bottles and jars should be washed well with soda and sterilized.

6. To do this, put water in a regular saucepan and bring to a boil. Place a colander in the pan and place two bottles or jars upside down. The evaporating steam must penetrate into the containers. This is how the sterilization process occurs.

Pour boiling water over the lids in a separate bowl and let stand for five minutes. Better yet, boil it.

Can also be sterilized in the microwave. Fast, simple and convenient. Yes, in principle, choose any one. I'll leave a link for anyone interested.

7. We cook for a long time, our task is to evaporate the water. You'll see when it happens. The mass should become thick. Depending on the number of tomatoes, it may take from one and a half to two hours.

Now you especially need to make sure that it doesn’t burn. About 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt. Give her the opportunity to break up, try. Don't add too much. You should get the usual salty taste.

8. Heat the oil in a frying pan. We will use it to seal our workpiece.

9. Now is the most crucial moment. We've got everything ready. Take a sterilized jar and place the prepared paste in it with a large spoon, almost to the very edge. Place it tightly, press down with a spoon, making sure there are no air bubbles left.

Now pour a tablespoon of hot oil on top, the oil will spread and form a film. Screw on the lid.

10. If you have prepared bottles, then you need to prepare a funnel. It will make it easier to spread the paste over them. It is thick, will be capricious, and will not want to get into the bottle. But you have to get creative.

Why do I prefer to prepare it in bottles? You only need to pour a little oil, half a spoon is enough. To be honest, I always have a deficit with banks.

I remember how they used to prepare it: they poured it into ordinary glass bottles, and put nipples on top. There were no bottles with lids, and the jars were all being used for other preservation.

11. It is not necessary to turn the jars over; place them on a towel and cover with another towel on top. Let them cool slowly.

As you can see, everything is very simple. But as I warned, it comes with seeds. If you want, you can cook without them. That is, to complicate the recipe somewhat.

If you want to cook pasta without tomato seeds, then you need to grind the cooked paste through a sieve, or squeeze through cheesecloth. And boil for some more time.

Below is a video recipe where I will show you how to do it.

12. Let the jars stand in a visible place for a week, or even two. If you did everything correctly, the workpiece will look normal. And if the technology is violated, it will swell. It may lift the lid, or even knock it out. The contents of such a jar must be thrown out. It cannot be eaten.

Tomatoes have a lot of acid; they themselves are preservatives, so they are not capricious. As a rule, nothing swells. Only if the lid was not tightly screwed on and air could get into the jar.

But I think you will succeed. It is better to store the workpiece in a cool place, away from heating appliances. All apartments have storage rooms. Equip it for workpieces and supplies. Then you will eat tasty and healthy all winter.

Video on how to make tomato paste from tomatoes at home

If you don’t want the resulting tomato to have seeds and small patches of skin, you can cook it without these elements.

It is clear that such a product will be more gentle and pleasant in feel. It will take a little more time to prepare, not for cooking, but for additional processing. Specifically, grinding through a sieve and removing everything unnecessary. But this is not too much time, perhaps only 20 or 30 minutes.

However, see for yourself.

As you probably noticed, here we used absolutely nothing for additives except tomatoes. This is very convenient - when the tomato is salted, and we add it during cooking, then the prepared food can be over-salted.

I used to salt such a preparation, I thought that it would be better stored this way. Then I experimented and found out that it can also be stored perfectly without salt. And now I don’t add salt.

Yes, and I also want to note that you can cook tomato paste until it reaches the thickness you want, right up to store-bought consistency. This is convenient, you will need less containers, and the paste, since it turns out to be highly concentrated, will be consumed more slowly.

By the way, don’t throw away the cake that remains. Put it through a blender along with red hot pepper, add garlic, herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro) if desired, and salt to taste. And the seasoning is ready. You can store it in the refrigerator.

And if you boil it, you can store it like a regular preparation.

Friends, that's all for me.

Cook and eat for your health!

Tomato paste is simply an irreplaceable product in winter and summer. Without it, it is impossible to imagine preparing borscht, kharcho, ketchup, stew, gravy for cutlets and many other dishes. I, being a supporter of natural food, prepare it for the winter only myself, at home. After all, the store-bought equivalent, as a rule, contains various preservatives, artificial colors and flavors.

At first glance, it may seem difficult to prepare. This is not true; even those who have never prepared it can handle it. Although, of course, it will take some time and labor, for example, for the moisture contained in the tomatoes to evaporate and the mass to thicken, it will take about 2 hours. But later you will get a delicious winter preparation with which you can cook your favorite dishes.

I present to you 5 recipes for delicious tomato dressing. They differ in the method of grinding tomato pulp - using a juicer, blender, meat grinder or just a sieve. Choose any one you wish or, for example, whichever seems least labor-intensive to you.

Let's start with the fastest recipe for making pasta at home. For this you will need a meat grinder. It will make cooking easier that even novice cooks can handle, because you won’t have to grate each tomato on a grater or sieve. And don’t be afraid that vegetables minced through a meat grinder will lose their beneficial substances; in fact, they are preserved.


  • 4 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.


1. In general, only ripe tomatoes are used to make pasta. And the meatier the pulp, the less unnecessary liquid will be formed, which will have to be evaporated.

If the tomatoes have defects, remove them with a knife.

2. Then twist through the fine grid of a meat grinder.

3. Place the grated tomatoes in a deep saucepan and place on the stove, but do not fill it to the brim, because the mixture may form foam during the boiling process. Add salt and vegetable oil. Mix well and bring to a boil.

4. If the mixture turns out watery after boiling, boil for another 30-45 minutes, if thick - 10-15 minutes.

5. Tomato paste prepared in a meat grinder is ready! Now pour it into pre-sterilized jars and roll up. It can also be used to make soups, sauces, pizza (instead of ketchup).

By the way, you can store it in the freezer, so it will retain its aroma and taste. And defrost it every time in winter and use it when preparing various dishes. Which is very convenient, isn't it?

A simple step-by-step recipe for making tomato paste at home

Here's another homemade recipe for the winter. It’s also easy to prepare, and our preparation turns out very tasty, and what’s most interesting is that it doesn’t contain any spices or oils. Therefore, it will especially appeal to those who do not like spicy dishes.


  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • salt to taste.


1. Take fresh and juicy tomatoes. Soft and wrinkled fruits are also suitable, but not spoiled ones. Cut each of them into several slices and place them in the pan. Cover with a lid and place over medium heat for 30-40 minutes to soften later.

2. While they are cooking, make sure that the juice does not run away, this happens if you cook them over high heat.

3. During this time they will settle and release juice. If you notice that some tomatoes are damp and the peel is not very soft, then let them simmer a little more without covering the pan with a lid.

4. Then let the finished mixture brew and cool. Next, drain the excess liquid into another container; we won’t need it.

5. The remaining fleshy part must be rubbed through a sieve. This way the seeds and skins will end up on the sieve, and the pulp will go down.

6. This is how you get a thick, very tasty juice, which should either be put on the fire for several hours so that the liquid evaporates, or grind again using a fine sieve or double gauze.

7. We will use the second method, since it is faster. The liquid passed through the sieve will go down, and what remains in the sieve, the thick part, pour into another pan.

8. This is the mass for the paste. Now put it on the stove and cook for 30-60 minutes. If desired, you can add salt to your taste.

9. Stir occasionally and after a while, when the mass acquires the required thickness, it will be ready. Now you need to put it in a pre-sterilized jar and close the lid. This is what we got.

10. Turn her over and wrap her in something warm. So let it cool completely until tomorrow. Store in a cool, dry place, such as a cellar or basement.

Preparing tomato paste for the winter without vinegar

If, in addition to tomatoes, you have also harvested a large harvest of apples, you can also use them to make tomato paste. With the addition of apples, it turns out with a rich taste and delicate texture. If you want a winter preparation with sourness, add sour apples; if you want a sweeter one, add correspondingly sweet ones. And if you consider that it is prepared without vinegar, then it’s just doubly good!


  • 4 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg apples;
  • ½ kg of onion;
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 3 tbsp. salt;
  • 20 black peppercorns;
  • 8 bay leaves;
  • 5 whole cloves;
  • 1 tbsp. red pepper;
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon.


1. For this recipe, select the ripest and fleshiest tomatoes. Grind them together with apples and onions in a meat grinder. Then the ground ingredients should be poured into the pan and stirred.

Do not cook in aluminum cookware, as aluminum oxidizes, thereby allowing toxic substances to enter the food.

2. This mixture should be simmered for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

3. After an hour, add sugar and salt. You can vary their quantity according to your taste. Mix well again and then add black pepper, bay leaf, cloves, red pepper and cinnamon.

4. Then mix everything well again and continue cooking over low heat for about 3 hours. After this time has passed, the sauce will be ready.

5. The result should be about 3 liters of sauce. Therefore, we prepared 6 half-liter jars, added boiling water (half a jar) to each of them and closed the lid. Due to the high temperature and steam, the jar along with the lid will be sterilized if left in this state for 10-15 minutes.

6. After this, open the lids and pour out the boiling water. Then turn the jars upside down and place them on a towel to remove excess moisture. Pour the resulting sauce into jars.

7. The next day, when it has cooled down, put it in a cold place, in a cellar or refrigerator. If desired, you can rub it through a sieve to obtain a more homogeneous mass that resembles a store-bought product.

How to quickly make tomato paste from tomatoes using a blender

I also prepare it through a blender. How is this device convenient? And the fact that it can quickly and thoroughly chop tomatoes along with other ingredients, thereby saving me my time. If you don’t have one, be sure to purchase such an indispensable kitchen assistant. Although, if you have a food processor, you can use it instead of a blender.


  • 9 kg. tomatoes;
  • 800 gr. Luke;
  • 100 gr. garlic;
  • 750 gr. Sahara;
  • 6 tbsp. salt;
  • 200 gr. vinegar (9%);
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • 1 tsp carnations;
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon.


1. Place washed tomatoes in a pan of boiling water for 2 minutes. Next, remove them from the boiling water and fill them with cold water and leave for a few minutes. This will make it easier to remove the skin.

2. Now peel off the skin and cut into small pieces. Then put them in a blender in their purified form. Add chopped onion, garlic and chop.

3. This is what should happen.

4. Then put this mass in a saucepan and place on the stove. When it boils, cook for another 45 minutes. Remember to stir constantly to prevent the paste from burning.

5. After a while, add sugar, salt and mix well. Cook for another 45 minutes.

6. Next, take bay leaves, cloves, cinnamon and red pepper and wrap them in a small layer of gauze in a bag. Throw this bag into the brew and cook for another 1.5 hours. Then add 200 ml of vinegar and continue cooking for 20 minutes.

7. Now pour the mixture into jars and roll up the lids.

Store tomato paste with the lid down to extend its shelf life.

Video recipe for thick tomato paste for the winter, prepared in a slow cooker

Sometimes, to prepare tomato paste you can simply use a slow cooker. What could be easier than just turning on such a wonderful device, dialing the desired mode and going about your business, without worrying that she will run away or get burned. By the way, it is well suited for making soups, sauces or noodles. Watch this video recipe.

Recipe for making tomato paste using a juicer

And to prepare this paste you will need a juicer. Of course, it also greatly speeds up cooking, and it also produces more homogeneous juice, without seeds and without large pieces of fruit. Briefly prepared like this. The squeezed juice is boiled through a juicer in a saucepan over moderate heat until foam appears and to the desired thickness. Pour into hot sterilized jars and you're done!


  • 9 kg of tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. salt.


1. Cut the washed tomatoes into slices and pass them through a juicer.

2. Place the resulting tomato juice on low heat. You don’t have to constantly stand at the stove, just stir once every 10-15 minutes for 1.5 hours. After this time, the composition will thicken, its volume will become less and then you need to stir more often.

3. Add salt. Although you don’t have to put it in, this paste will keep well in the refrigerator if the jars and lids are well sterilized. As soon as bubbles appear, it means it is almost ready. At this time, you need to stand at the stove and stir continuously so that it does not burn.

4. Place it in sterilized jars and screw the lids on well. Place it upside down and cover with a thick cloth. Let cool and then store. The result is 1.5 liters of tomato paste.

Here, perhaps, are all the recipes for such a tomato preparation, with or without the use of modern kitchen appliances. By the way, do you know how to store opened tomato paste? Everything is very easy. When you open the jar and take the required amount, level the top with a spoon and pour in a little refined vegetable oil (about 1 cm). This is a kind of protective barrier that will prevent our product from becoming moldy.