How to properly fry river fish in a frying pan. Small fried river fish in a frying pan

17.12.2023 Buffet

Ingredients for fried river fish.

River fish – 0.5 kg
Sunflower oil – 50 ml
Wheat flour – 100 g
Milk – 50 ml
Spices for grilled fish – 0.5 tsp.
Ground black pepper – 0.25 tsp.
Salt - 0.5 tsp.

How to cook fried river fish: delicious secrets.

1. Before you start frying fish, you need to prepare it, i.e. peel the husks, gut the insides, cut off the tail and fins with kitchen scissors. Wash the cleaned fish thoroughly under cold running water, pat dry thoroughly with kitchen napkins, the fish should be dry. The fish needs to be cut into portions, but not thicker than 3 cm, since the top layer will be fried, and in the middle it will be raw. Small fish are not cut into pieces, but fried whole. So, let's start cutting, first you need to cut off the head from the carcass, then cut the rest of the fish. The fish head is generally not fried, but it can later be cooked into an unusual rich or versatile dish for lunch that ideally complements pasta, meat or fish.
2. I know many people who do not like fried river fish because of the unpleasant specific swamp smell. But there is one secret how to easily get rid of it. Pour milk at room temperature into a bowl or other container. Immerse the fish pieces in milk and leave to soak for 20 minutes. The milk, of course, neutralized the swamp smell, but not everyone likes the smell of milk... To remove it, rinse the fish in cool water.
3. Transfer the fish to a clean container and season with salt, pepper and grilled fish seasoning to your liking, mix the pieces well, set aside for 10 minutes, the fish will take as much salt as it needs and absorb all the flavors of the spices. After the fish has stood in the salt and seasonings, ichor appears at the bottom of the container, drain it and dry the fish with kitchen napkins.
4. Place the frying pan over high heat, pour in sunflower oil, take enough oil to cover the fish by 1/3, heat it well. Sift the flour into a bowl. Roll our fish pieces in flour on both sides, shake off excess flour and place the fish in a frying pan on hot oil. There are also little secrets that will definitely come in handy: to get a crispy golden crust, add a small pinch of salt to the boiling oil, but do not sprinkle it on the fish. And in order to get rid of the unpleasant smell of burning oil, put a few slices of peeled raw potatoes directly into the pan with the fish. Fry the fish on each side for 5-6 minutes, turning the pieces only with a wooden spatula. Transfer the hot fish to a paper napkin to remove excess fat, cool slightly and serve with.

If you do everything as described above, you will get a fish with a crispy golden crust and incredibly tender and juicy inside, and believe me, you have never eaten anything like it before.

It’s in the store that we buy the fish that we like, but when fishing we don’t have to choose much... it’s just the kind of fish that we catch. This time my husband brought small fish. Some were sent to salt, and others decided to be fried. Small river fish scare many people away because they are very bony. There is a way to fix this and end up with delicious fried fish.

How to cook small river fish


  • fresh small river fish
  • vegetable oil


  1. The fish must be cleaned, the gills pulled out, gutted, washed under running water, if suddenly it turns out to be caviar, then the caviar can be put back into the abdomen.
  2. And now the most interesting thing - you need to chop the fish carcass on both sides, i.e. Use a sharp knife to make fairly frequent transverse cuts, reaching the spine, but not cutting through the carcass. We cut the entire tail, and the rest of the part up to the head, only the back; the part where the ribs are located does not need to be cut. Thanks to such a fine cut, the bones are crushed, and after cooking they will not be felt at all.
  3. The fish must be salted and left for a while. During this time we will prepare for frying.
  4. Pour flour onto a wide plate. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and put on fire. As soon as the oil is hot, reduce the heat a little. Dip the fish on both sides in flour, place in hot oil, quickly fry on one side, then turn over to the other side. Small fish, and even chopped ones, cook quite quickly, but I still cover it with a lid for about 5 minutes. Then fry without a lid so that it turns out with a crispy crust. Place the finished fish on a plate.

Now you know how to cook small fish without feeling the bones. And even if you don’t have your own fisherman, you can safely buy small river fish, because during the meal we will only have to remove the ribs and spine and enjoy its taste.

Bon appetit!

P.S. You can make some kind of vegetable salad with the fish, for example.

Very tasty fish cooked with vegetables, pay attention to the recipe

It may not be very clear in words how to hook a fish correctly, so I suggest watching the video.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

See also:

Of course, what could be simpler - fry some fish! I rolled it in flour, threw it into the frying pan, turned it over a couple of times and, as they say now, voila. I do not argue. You can fry the fish like that. It doesn’t matter that after the second addition, the flour that has fallen off from the first one already burns. Lower the temperature and you'll be happy. It doesn’t matter that the fish is fried, but not completely. Does fish need a lot of fish to be ready? The fun begins later, when the half-fried trifle is served on the table. You can spit on the bones if you are lucky enough to spit them out. Swallow the bread crumb if the bone flyer stands across the throat. And the process itself, when you delve into this fish, separating the edible from the inedible, although unsuccessful, is entertaining. Either he ate the fish, or simply dismantled it for parts - beauty! In such cases, I still prefer a different path. It guarantees complete roasting of large rib bones to crisps and an absolutely juicy back of the fish. That is, in fact, what is edible in it, if you don’t want to crunch on fried ribs. The main thing is that before you fry fish, you need to find it. However, for those who are comfortable with a fishing rod - summer or winter - this is not a problem. Moreover, it’s pure pleasure.

You sit there waiting for a bite, listening to the silence and accumulating adrenaline...

...and here she is - the first.

Then the second, third, tenth. In short, there is something to fry.

And now, actually, about the cooking process. We clean the caught fish from scales, gut it, and rinse thoroughly several times with running water - each one separately. This is done in order to to eliminate bitterness- a constant companion to sloppy disembowelment, when the gallbladder accidentally ruptures. But that is not all. A thoroughly washed fish should first be placed in a colander to drain off excess moisture. For the frying method we have chosen, this is important so as not to splash oil all over the kitchen. And only after all these procedures can the fish be placed in a suitable bowl for subsequent marinating.

What is included in the marinade, so to speak, which certainly enriches the taste of the future dish?

1. Definitely onion, cut into rings or half rings, and not necessarily thinly. He has a dual role, and we'll talk about that below. How many onions should there be? Average head, at least. Or better yet, two or three.
2. Salt to taste, but still a little less, because small fish is very easy to oversalt.
3. Freshly ground black pepper is definitely to taste.
4. If desired, a pinch of fragrant spice, such as cumin or ground coriander.
5. Juice of half a lemon.

All this stuff is put into a bowl of fish...

... And mixes thoroughly. The marinating time for small fish is at most twenty minutes, no more, otherwise it will begin to get rough: after all, this is not meat for barbecue. During marinating, it is very advisable to stir the fish a couple more times so that everything we added to it is distributed evenly. And one more important detail: marinating is carried out exclusively under a covered lid, so as not to waste the flavors of the marinade..

After marinating, the fish should be separated from the onion and placed on a separate plate. Because we will need onions first. And that's why.

The frying method I have chosen is deep-frying, for which 300-400 grams of vegetable oil are thoroughly heated either in a wok, or in a cauldron, or in a steel ladle. After heating the oil, it should be flavored with onions separated from the fish - this has a very positive effect on the final taste of the fish. As a rule, well-brown deep-fried onions serve as an excellent addition (and decoration) to a dish. You just need to fry the onion correctly, removing it from the oil only with a slotted spoon or a strainer, holding it slightly over the dish so that the excess oil drips off and then transferring it to a plate covered with a paper napkin. I am forced to write about this in order to prevent absolutely groundless suspicions that the onions will become extremely fatty. Anyone who thinks so does not have the slightest skill in deep-frying foods and has not the slightest idea that different foods behave differently in deep frying. But this is true, by the way...

After the onion is removed, the oil should be heated again, and then the fish should be carefully lowered into it. Not all of it. And just enough so that they do not create a crowd in the oil, and so that there is a small space between the fish, laid in one, of course, layer.
Another very important detail that those inexperienced in frying fish techniques do not always take into account. Once the fish is placed in oil, it does not need to be disturbed for some time. The slightest attempts to move, turn or turn over fish that has begun to fry inevitably lead to it falling apart right in the oil. The fish, roughly speaking, needs to be grabbed by the crust on the side with which it faces the bottom of the dish. This is easy to determine visually - by the light blush that forms on the outside of the fish. Then you can turn it over. And it’s even necessary if you don’t fry fish one piece at a time, when it literally floats throughout the entire volume of oil. However, even in this case, it is better to turn it over, remembering that the temperature of the oil on the surface is always lower than at the bottom of the dish. After the fish has already been turned over, its frying time is reduced by half or even three times compared to the frying time before turning over.
Finally, an extremely important detail related to the degree of frying of the fish, which is very easy to dry out, resulting in not only “chips” in its rib part, but also on the back. This should not be allowed under any circumstances. That's why:
1. During frying, you need to monitor the condition of the back, correlating this condition with the condition of the rib part.
2. The rib part, being the thinnest, is fried faster than the back.
3. A well-browned rib part, while the back browns less intensely, is a signal that the fish should be removed.

As in the case of frying onions, the removed fish should be held slightly over the dish - on a slotted spoon or on a strainer, so that excess oil drains. Then transfer to a paper napkin and begin frying the next batch of fish, repeating the previously used techniques.

by the author

Hello friends! Who doesn't love fried fish? Yes, the one who doesn’t know how to cook it. Read how to properly fry fish in a frying pan. I have selected several delicious and healthy recipes for you.

River species are ideal for frying - crucian carp, river trout, pike, perch, catfish or carp. From marine meats, red fish, flounder, pollock, hake, tilapia, cod, whiting are perfect. Marine species are less bony, although among river species there are less bony ones. For example, tilapia or catfish. In fact, almost any fish can be fried if you know a few secrets.

Clean and salt

In the store, fish is sold with the head or already prepared in the form of fillets. I like to buy with my head. This way there is a better chance of determining what freshness it is. Let's start with the fact that the product must be thoroughly washed and cleaned.

  1. If the fish is whole, then cut off the head, cut along the belly, and gut it. For convenience, you can help yourself with a tablespoon. How to scrape out the guts, especially the dark film. Remove the gallbladder especially carefully. Do not damage it, otherwise the fish will taste bitter.
  2. Cut off the fins with kitchen scissors.
  3. Remove the scales with a well-sharpened knife. We start cleaning from the tail.
  4. It happens that the surface is covered with a layer of mucus. And no matter how you wash it, it remains. Just rub the carcass with salt and wash it again.
  5. You can leave the head in the broth and cook a delicious fish soup.
  6. If you are making fillet, then cut the carcass into pieces about 3 cm. This is easier to do if the fish is slightly frozen. This way the pieces will turn out even and will not move away from the bone. Sprinkle these pieces with salt. But not too much. The golden rule is that it is better to under-salt. Add salt and leave for 10-20 minutes so that the future dish is soaked. For fresh fish, 10 minutes is enough
  7. If the fish is small, it is better to cook it whole. The fins and tail do not need to be trimmed. When fried, they will turn out like chips. Make cross cuts on both sides. Salt the dish and let it brew for 20 minutes. Next, you can put herbs in the belly - dill, cilantro.

And now I’ll tell you a secret: it’s easy to get rid of the strong smell of mud (this is typical for river rocks). To do this, soak the pieces in a solution of milk, salt and ground black pepper. Proportions: ¼ glass of milk, half a teaspoon of salt, add a little pepper. This solution should almost cover all the pieces. After 20 minutes, remove the pieces or drain them in a colander. There is no need to rinse, let the milk drain, or blot the pieces with a napkin. No need to salt anymore. Let everyone add more salt later if it seems too little.

Prepare directly for frying

Any of the following breadings are perfect as a breading for fillets or small pieces:

  • Roll in flour. This is the easiest breading method. Pour flour into a plate, you can add spices and dried herbs for taste. And then roll in the fish pieces. In order not to stain the entire kitchen with flour, inventive housewives pour flour into a bag and send the pieces there. Just shake the bag and the fish is already breaded. And the kitchen will remain clean :)
  • Breaded breadcrumbs work well. They need to be ground to a flour-like state. And here you can add a variety of fillings: cheese, herbs, nuts. The fillet should be salted, peppered, and then rolled in breading.

  • To prevent the juice from leaking out of the fish, batter is perfect. It is prepared in different ways. The simplest one is to take 2 eggs, flour and herbs. Take any flour - oatmeal, rice or wheat. Break 2 eggs in a bowl and mix with a fork. Then add flour in small portions. You should get something like thick sour cream. Add a little salt, pepper, ground saffron. And roll the pieces in batter. This way the meat will be “sealed” and the juice will not leak out when frying.
  • Another option is to mix 1 egg with 2 tablespoons of milk. First we roll the fish in this egg mixture, and then we need to roll it in flour.

Frying fish

Now that we've cut it up and chosen the breading, let's start frying.

  1. The frying pan should be well heated.
  2. Add simple refined oil. There should be enough of it so that the fish is half immersed in it. Don't worry, it's not much. The dish won't absorb much. But this is the secret to the appearance of an appetizing crust.
  3. Place breaded pieces onto a hot surface. The fish is placed in well-heated oil. This way the breading will be “sealed” better.
  4. If you want to achieve a crispy crust, do not close the lid.
  5. Do not turn the fish over for the first 5-7 minutes. Otherwise the juice will leak out and the crust won’t work. Until a golden crust forms on the bottom, do not turn the piece over.
  6. Then carefully lift the fish with a wooden spatula. If it's browned, feel free to turn it over. Fry on the other side for 3-5 minutes.
  7. This dish cooks very quickly. Check readiness like this: pierce a piece with a knife. Is the meat soft and falls off the bones easily? All is ready. How long to fry fish in a frying pan can be determined experimentally. Usually this is from 3 to 10 minutes on each side.

If after frying you still feel that the pieces are too greasy, place the finished pieces on parchment or a paper napkin. I always do this when I fry pancakes or cheesecakes :)

Fried fish recipes

Fried flounder in flour and egg

There are several basic rules on how to properly fry flounder in a frying pan. For medium-sized flounder we take: 2 eggs, half a tsp. salt, juice of half a lemon, black pepper (2-3 turns of the mill), 100 grams of flour.

Trim the tail and fins with scissors, clean the scales and gut them. When gutting fish, do not damage the gallbladder. Otherwise the meat will be bitter. Make 5-6 cuts diagonally on both sides of the carcass. Squeeze half a lemon over the flounder; lemon juice will remove the specific smell. After dipping the carcass in the stirred eggs, roll in flour. After salt and pepper, place it in the pan.

Place the flounder in a heated bowl with the dark side up and the white belly up. Fry over medium heat for 7 minutes. Turn over and cook for another 5 minutes. This way the finished dish will better retain its shape and will not fall apart during frying. The golden crust that forms will help you understand how long to fry the flounder in a frying pan.

Another recipe for fried flounder from Sergei Malakhovsky:

Crucian carp fried in breadcrumbs with onion and egg

Any fisherman will tell you how to properly fry crucian carp in a frying pan. In this recipe we will do without flour. For 5 medium fish, take: 3 medium onions, half a glass of ground breadcrumbs, 3 eggs, sunflower oil for frying, 10 grams of salt.

Prepare crucian carp for frying by gutting, removing the gills, cutting the backs with a fine mesh, rinsing, and wiping dry with a paper towel. Rub the salt in evenly, allowing it to soak in for 5 minutes. Finely chop the onion. Fry it in sunflower oil and leave to cool in the pan, turning off the heat. Mix raw eggs well with fried onions. Heat a dry frying pan over high heat. Dip the fish in the onion and egg mixture, and then roll in breadcrumbs. Fry the crucian carp on both sides. How long to fry crucian carp in a frying pan will be determined by the rosy color of the dish.

Video recipe for fried crucian carp in sour cream

Pollock fried in batter

Sea fish is slightly different in preparation from river fish. This is due to physiological characteristics. If you take them into account, it becomes clear how to properly fry pollock in a frying pan. Sea fish, such as pollock or hake, takes a little longer to prepare than river fish and has a tougher skin.

Ingredients: 700 g pollock fillet, 2 eggs, 150 g flour, 150 g milk, 1 tsp saffron, olive oil; salt and pepper to taste.

Pour the flour into a deep bowl, add salt (half a tsp), pepper and 1 tsp. saffron It gives the finished dish a wonderful appearance and aroma. Mixing everything thoroughly, gradually add milk and then eggs. This kind of liquid batter is better suited for a frying pan. Place the fillet in the batter. Place the pieces of pollock in hot oil, which should be at least 1 cm in the frying pan. How long to fry the pollock in a frying pan can be determined by the hardened and whitened fillet. On average 7-8 minutes on one side if the fish pieces are large. For smaller ones it takes less, just 5 minutes. At this time the batter will turn into a golden crust.

Another version of fried pollock in the video:

Fish is best cooked on a grill pan. There are special grooves on the surface of such a frying pan. Thanks to this, the juice remains inside. Plus, this cookware requires much less oil when cooking. Therefore, the food will be healthier. Read more in the article "

If you don’t know how to fry fish in a frying pan so that it turns out delicious, then be sure to check out the recipes below. They will help you get an appetizing dish in a matter of minutes and without much effort.

You can fry delicious fish very simply and quickly in a frying pan. This dish is served with sauce or side dish.

Required ingredients:

  • one or two carcasses of any fish;
  • any spices to your liking;
  • three spoons of flour.

Cooking process:

  1. The selected fish must be cut, washed well, cut into medium-sized portions and dried with paper towels or naturally.
  2. Sprinkle each piece with spices, pepper and salt, then roll in flour and place in the pan.
  3. Fry the workpieces on both sides in oil for about 2 - 3 minutes, then reduce the heat, cover with a lid and keep for another five minutes so that the dish “cooks”.

Cooking in batter

Frying fish in batter is no more difficult than just pieces. At the same time, it turns out even tastier and more satisfying.

Required ingredients:

  • three eggs;
  • approximately 500 grams of any fish fillet;
  • a glass of milk;
  • about 200 grams of flour;
  • any seasonings you wish.

Fish, especially noble varieties, do not really like spices. Peppers, marjoram, white mustard, parsley, garlic, mint, and thyme go harmoniously with it. It is enough to choose a couple of types of seasonings so as not to drown out the taste of the main ingredient.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the fish into portions and sprinkle well with spices on all sides.
  2. Place the contents of the eggs in a bowl, beat it with a fork, add a little salt, pour milk into it and add flour. The result should be a mixture of medium thickness.
  3. We dip each prepared piece of fillet into it so that it well envelops the fish preparation on all sides, and place it in a frying pan that has been preheated with the addition of oil.
  4. Cook for about five minutes on each side until the surface of the pieces is nice and golden brown.

Fried red fish

We are used to baking red fish in the oven, but it can also be very tasty cooked in a frying pan.

Required ingredients:

  • half a lemon;
  • salt and pepper to your taste;
  • two to three tablespoons of olive oil;
  • several red fish steaks.

Cooking process:

  1. Sprinkle the fish with the indicated spices; you can, of course, add something else, but this is usually quite enough.
  2. Brush the pieces with olive oil on both sides and squeeze a little lemon juice on them.
  3. Heat the oil in a frying pan and place the steaks there. Fry them over high heat until a crust forms, and then for about five minutes under the lid, but at the same time reducing the heat level.

Pollock fried in a frying pan

Frying pollock fish in a frying pan is very easy. The process does not require any special set of products, but the dish turns out to be nutritious and low in calories.

Required ingredients:

  • any spices you want, you can take a ready-made mixture for fish;
  • three tablespoons of flour and vegetable oil for frying;
  • one or two pollock carcasses.

Cooking process:

  1. Be sure to remove the skin from the carcass, remove the head and all excess, rinse with clean water and dry. This can be done with paper towels or naturally. Then cut the fish into pieces that are not too thick.
  2. Pour the flour into a medium-sized container, add the selected spices to it, and mix. Dip all the pieces of fish into this mixture one by one so that they are completely covered with the spicy mixture.
  3. Place the fish in a frying pan with oil, turn on medium heat and keep the fish on the stove until its color on both sides becomes nice and rosy. For medium-thick pieces it takes about five minutes, for those that are thicker - 8 - 10.

With a crispy crust

There are several ways to fry crusty fish. In this recipe we will consider the simplest one. If all the conditions are met, then within half an hour you will delight yourself with a crispy dish.

Required ingredients:

  • any fish of your choice – about 500 grams;
  • salt, ground black pepper and other spices;
  • 100 grams of flour and the same amount of vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking process:

  1. First, prepare the fish - remove all excess, rinse it well, let it dry and divide it into medium-sized pieces. After this, sprinkle the preparations with the selected spices.
  2. Leave the pieces for a while so they can soak in the seasonings. Turn the heat up high, pour the oil into the pan and let it get very hot.
  3. Roll the pieces in flour and place in a preheated frying pan. Keep it until the side becomes very brown, with a crust, then turn the workpiece over to the other side and turn the heat much lower. Also finish the back side until golden brown and serve the finished dish with potatoes and fresh cucumber.

No added flour

How to fry river fish

Frying river fish is practically no different from cooking any other fish. But there are several nuances - you need to remove the not very pleasant smell and somehow get rid of the bones.

Required ingredients:

  • half a glass of flour;
  • any seasonings as desired;
  • kilogram of river fish;
  • half a lemon.

Cooking process:

  1. Start the process by cutting the fish; you need to remove all excess from it and, of course, cut off the head. To remove the unpleasant odor, lightly sprinkle the carcass with lemon juice and let stand for 10 minutes.
  2. Divide the fish into pieces, not very thick, wait until they dry or use paper towels.
  3. In order not to fillet the fish to remove the bones, you need to make as many deep cuts as possible on the carcass, right up to the ridge, and be sure to fry over high heat. Small bones will simply dissolve.
  4. Heat the skoroda, put the pieces there, rolled in spices and flour, and fry on both sides until beautifully colored.