How to make wine from cucumbers. Vegetable wines

23.11.2023 Lenten dishes

It’s hard for modern beauties to imagine, but just 30 years ago there wasn’t such a variety of cosmetics in stores. Of the series of cleansing products, you could only buy “Cucumber Lotion” from the Novaya Zarya factory.

By the way, it perfectly cleansed and dried pimples, lightened freckles and evened out the complexion! It has not lost its popularity to this day. The secret of the effectiveness of the miracle product lies in the naturalness of its composition: nothing superfluous - only alcohol and cucumber essence. It is cucumber extract that has a beneficial effect on the skin.

What are the benefits of cucumber?

Cucumber is a vegetable that has been familiar to us since childhood, but what do we really know about it? Many people, when asked about the beneficial properties of the fruits of this plant, will throw up their hands: “What are the benefits? One water..."

There is indeed a lot of water in cucumbers, almost 97%, but they also bring a lot of benefits to our bodies. The thing is that very important microelements such as calcium, iron, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, and many others are dissolved in the water contained in cucumbers. There are also polysaccharides, organic acids, dietary fiber and vitamins of groups A, PP, C, B. So eating cucumbers is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy.

Interesting fact: not everyone knows that a cucumber is considered a vegetable only according to culinary classification. Botanists classify this fruit as a false berry, and according to scientific classification it is a fruit.

Tonic or lotion – make the right choice

Many well-known cosmetic companies have taken note of the beneficial properties of cucumber and launched production of products based on it. In stores and pharmacies there is a large assortment of products with extracts and extracts from the fruits of this plant: creams, masks, tonics, cleansing wipes and other cosmetics for every taste and budget.

Why don't we try making cucumber lotion at home? The recipe is simple and all the necessary ingredients can easily be found in the kitchen.

But before you start making lotion or tonic, you need to understand the difference between these cosmetics. They are designed for different skin types and have different effects on it.

  • The lotion is intended to cleanse the skin and disinfect, and is a good antiseptic, as it contains alcohol. Lotions are recommended for use if facial skin is oily and prone to rashes and pimples (acne). The high alcohol content in the lotion promotes deep penetration of active substances into the pores, dries and disinfects.
  • The toner does not contain alcohol or alcohol is present in very small quantities, therefore it is recommended for dry and sensitive skin. Tonics moisturize, nourish, and saturate the skin with active ingredients.

The lotion prepares the skin to receive beneficial nutrients, and the tonic saturates it with these substances. Ideally, we need both.

Making homemade cucumber lotion

To avoid unpleasant consequences after using home care products, you need to know that all products must be fresh and cleanly washed, tap water cannot be used, and instead of vodka it is better to take diluted medical alcohol.

From personal bitter experience, I can advise you to prepare cosmetics only from cucumbers that you have grown yourself. Fruits purchased at the nearest supermarket can provoke allergies, cause rashes, redness and itching.

If you are already in the mood to make cucumber lotion, you can use the following recipes.

Basic recipe

You need to take a medium-sized cucumber, finely chop it along with the peel and pour vodka. Vodka can be replaced with alcohol diluted to 40%. Both ingredients are taken in equal quantities (proportion 1:1). Transfer the resulting mixture into a glass container, close it tightly with a lid and leave it in a warm, sunny place to infuse for two weeks.

The lotion is ready - wipe your skin with it once or twice a day and enjoy cleanliness and freshness. This recipe is ideal for caring for problematic and oily skin.

Recipe for dry skin

People with dry or sensitive skin are not recommended to use products containing alcohol, as they dry out the epidermis even more. If the need for deep cleansing nevertheless arises, it is necessary to soften the resulting infusion.

To do this, dilute the prepared lotion with clean (preferably distilled) water in a ratio of 1:2 (part infusion and two parts water) and add glycerin - 1 teaspoon for every 100 ml of solution. After using the lotion, do not forget to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Wine option

As an option, you can prepare cucumber face lotion using dry white wine. It dehydrates cells less and is suitable for all skin types. Mix 60 grams (4 heaped tablespoons) of finely chopped cucumber peel with a tablespoon of chopped parsley leaves.

Pour wine (200 g) and leave for 2 weeks in a transparent glass container, tightly sealed with a lid. This lotion will not only cleanse, but also brighten the skin, and pigmentation will become less noticeable. It is worth taking note of the recipe for those who want to get rid of freckles.

Seed lotion

If the cucumber is a little overripe, then lotion can be prepared from its seeds. Remove the seeds from the fresh cucumber and chop them.

Pour three tablespoons of the resulting mass into a glass of vodka and leave it covered for a week in a glass container.

The resulting infusion should be filtered, add a glass of distilled water and a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. This recipe is suitable for oily skin - it will help remove greasy shine, refresh and whiten the skin.

It is important to remember that all prepared lotions should only be stored in the refrigerator. You can use it within a month and then replace it with freshly prepared ones.

Cucumber toners for different skin types

Making cucumber tonic is also easy, here are a few recipes

If your skin is oily and prone to breakouts:

  • Pour lemon juice over chopped cucumber, leave for an hour, squeeze. 15 minutes after using this tonic, it is recommended to wash your face with cool water.
  • Mix cucumber juice with an equal amount of yogurt or sour milk and leave in the refrigerator for an hour. Can be used several times a day.

Dry, sensitive skin:

  • Chop half a medium-sized cucumber and pour warm milk over it. Leave for half an hour, strain. Use two to three times a day.

For all skin types:

  • Pour a glass of freshly brewed green tea over grated cucumber. Close the container with a lid, wrap it in a towel and wait until the infusion has cooled completely. Can be brewed in a thermos. Wipe the skin with strained tonic several times a day.
  • Squeeze the juice of one cucumber, add a couple of tablespoons of distilled water, shake well. Use as needed throughout the day.

There is no need to prepare cucumber tonic in large quantities, because the shelf life of the product prepared at home is only two to three days and must be kept in the refrigerator.

It is difficult to argue with scientists who talk about the benefits of using natural herbal cosmetics, especially since its effectiveness has been tested for centuries. Perhaps you also have your own little beauty secrets. Let's share our favorite recipes with each other, because your reviews about cucumber lotion or tonic can be very useful for many.

Vegetables are not only a source of nutrition, but also a natural medicine, measured by nature itself in doses necessary for the body.

M. S. Bunin

To live long, you need to eat right. In addition, the diet should be varied, and vegetables must be included in the diet of any person. Cucumbers, as part of the vegetable world, are of particular value.

Cucumber was grown in Rus' before other vegetables. Having fallen in love with this early-ripening crop, the peasants began to inventively master the means, techniques and methods of cultivating it, as well as various options for preparing dishes from cucumbers.

Culinary art, as an ancient field of knowledge, consists of many secrets accumulated over the centuries. Knowledge of the basic principles and important details, the organic combination of both constitute culinary science.

This book offers you cucumber recipes for every taste. By using them creatively, you will find your signature dish. Most of the recipes in the book are characterized by simple cooking technology; they can be done even by those who have never tried their hand at cooking before.

We are accustomed to pickled cucumbers, pickled cucumbers, and cucumber salads, but many of us have not even thought about the fact that cucumbers can be used to make jam or compote. Jam, marmalade, meringue, cake, as well as various honey and sweet salads are successfully prepared from cucumbers.

Despite the fact that we are accustomed to eating pickled cucumbers, we are not accustomed to such dishes as cucumber adjika, cold cucumber soup, cucumber cutlets, cucumber mayonnaise, fish soup with fresh cucumbers, dumplings with cucumbers, cucumber meatballs or fish cutlets with them. .

Try making homemade cucumber wine. It will become your favorite drink at family gatherings.

We advise you to try everything new and unusual, because without trying, you will not learn anything about these wonderful, delicious dishes. Sometimes it is difficult for us to believe in such unusual recipes, because our culinary consciousness is fundamentally conservative; we have difficulty getting used to new food, not believing that something exotic can be prepared from ordinary, everyday vegetables. Don't be afraid to expand its boundaries. Cook the recipes presented in this book and experiment by creating new ones.


Pickled cucumber pilaf


250 g rice, one onion, 50 g margarine or vegetable oil, 300 g pickles, 50 g tomatoes, salt, 250 g water, parsley and dill, lettuce.

Cooking method

Peel and finely chop the onion, fry it until golden brown in margarine, then add chopped cucumbers and tomatoes, add rice and, after adding water, place in the oven. Having brought the pilaf to half-cookedness, salt it and put it in the oven again.

Sprinkle the finished pilaf with herbs.

Spicy cucumbers


2 kg of fresh cucumbers, 30 g each of vinegar and paprika, salt, cinnamon, 3 cloves, 60 g sugar, 10 g adjika, 250 ml water, 90 g vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Cut the cucumbers into thin slices. Prepare the sauce by diluting vinegar, salt, sugar, cinnamon, cloves and paprika, adjika and vegetable oil in water. Mix everything thoroughly, pour over the cucumbers and leave for 2 hours.

Caviar from cucumbers


1 kg of fresh cucumbers, 300 g of carrots, one onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 90 g of olive oil, salt, ground pepper, 10 g of sugar, paprika and saffron, 30 g of tomato paste.

Cooking method

Peel the cucumbers and grate them. Do the same with carrots. Chop the onion and garlic. Place vegetables in a preheated frying pan and fry for about 20 minutes. Then add salt, add sugar, seasonings and tomato paste and simmer over low heat for a few more minutes. Serve chilled.

Cucumber paste


500 g cucumbers, 100 g melt


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There is no need to peel the vegetables, but it is necessary to wash them with a brush and remove damaged areas. Vegetables must be ripe and of high quality. It is better to focus on those that are most productive in a given season.

Sweet wines are not made from vegetable materials, because in this case they turn out tasteless. Below are recipes for wines made from the most common vegetables in our country.

Characteristics of vegetable wines:
– quite strong, similar to port wine.
- dry sherry.
- White wine.
– dry white wine without odor.
- a fairly strong white wine.
- dry, very strong white wine.
– dry golden-white wine.
- pink wine.
- dry, fairly strong white wine.


2 kg of raw beets, 3.5 liters of boiling water, 50 g of ginger, 4 cups of sugar per 4.5 liters of juice, 1 tablespoon of yeast, juice of 2 lemons.

  1. Wash and cut the beets into slices.
  2. Pour boiling water and add ginger.
  3. Let it sit for 4 days. .
  4. Measure the amount of juice, add sugar, yeast and lemon juice.
  5. Place in a warm place (18–24°) for fermentation.
  6. After fermentation is complete, stir well.
  7. Let it sit for 3 days.
  8. Strain, pour into a barrel and leave for 8–9 months.
  9. Pour into bottles, seal and store in a cool, dark place.


2 kg of carrots, 4 liters of boiling water, 4.5 liters of juice 4-5 cups of sugar, 1 tablespoon of yeast, juice of one lemon, juice of one orange, 1 cracker. Made according to the previous recipe. In point 4 changes: after measuring the juice, add sugar, lemon and orange juices and yeast spread on breadcrumbs.


2.5 kg of celery, 4.5 liters of boiling water, 4.5 liters of juice, 6 cups of sugar, 1 tablespoon of yeast, juice of one lemon, juice of two oranges, 25 g of ginger. It is made in the same way as WINE, but the aging period is 10–12 months.


3 kg of zucchini, 4.5 liters of boiling water, 25–50 g of ginger, 4.5 liters of juice, 6 cups of sugar, 1 tablespoon of yeast, juice of three lemons.

  1. Use all the zucchini.
  2. Cut into pieces and add ginger, pour boiling water.
  3. Infuse for 6 days, increasing the press daily.
  4. Measure the amount of liquid, add sugar, lemon juice and yeast.


2.5 kg of green peas, 4.5 liters of boiling water for 4.5 liters of juice, 6 cups of sugar, 1 tablespoon of yeast, juice of one lemon, juice of one orange. Made according to WINE recipe.


2 kg of potatoes, 3.5 liters of boiling water, 40 g of ginger, for 4.5 liters of juice 4 cups of sugar, 1 tablespoon of yeast, 125 g of raisins, 1 cracker, juice of one lemon, juice of one orange, 225 g of barley grains.

  1. Wash and cut the potatoes without removing the skins.
  2. Add ginger and pour boiling water.
  3. Leave for 4 days.
  4. Measure the amount of liquid, add sugar, raisins, barley, yeast spread on breadcrumbs, lemon and orange juice.


2 kg of rutabaga, 6.5 liters of boiling water, 4.5 liters of juice 4-5 cups of sugar, 1 tablespoon of yeast, juice of two lemons, juice of one orange. Made according to WINE recipe.


4 kg of tomatoes, 1.2 liters of boiling water, a pinch of salt, 4 cups of sugar for 4.5 liters of juice, 1 tablespoon of yeast, juice of two lemons.

  1. Chop the tomatoes and sprinkle them with salt.
  2. Pour boiling water over and press.
  3. Leave for 4 days and then strain.
  4. Add sugar, yeast and lemon juice.


2 kg of turnips, 3.5 liters of boiling water, for 4.5 liters of juice 5–6 cups of sugar, 1 tablespoon of yeast, juice of two lemons. Made according to WINE recipe.


225 g parsley, 4.5 liters of boiling water, 6 cups sugar, 1 tablespoon yeast, 25 g ginger, juice of one lemon.

  1. Pour boiling water over the parsley and simmer for 10 minutes, adding ginger.
  2. Add sugar and lemon juice to the warm broth, and then yeast.
  3. Place in a warm place for fermentation.


Making wines from grains requires more yeast than other wines because the natural sugars and starches in the grains have to ferment. Wines made from most grains are similar to very strong ports.

600 g of wheat, 4.5 liters of boiling water, 50 g of yeast, 7 glasses of sugar, 1 kg of raisins.

  1. Place wheat, sugar and raisins in a vessel.
  2. Pour boiling water over and cool.
  3. Add yeast.
  4. Leave for 3 weeks, stirring occasionally.
  5. Strain into a vessel.
  6. Allow to ferment and seal after fermentation is complete.
  7. Aging for at least 6 months (preferably a year) before bottling

Cucumbers are the oldest vegetable crop. The smaller, greener and unripe cucumbers, the better and tastier. In ancient times, the Greeks called them "aguros": which means "unripe, unripe." This is where their name comes from – cucumber. Cucumbers came to us from the land of eternal summer, India. Wild cucumber in its homeland, a tropical liana, grows in forests, long lash branches climb high into the trees, and the fruits hang down. For almost six thousand years, people have known and loved this culture, as evidenced by finds in the ruins of the Khazar city of Sarkep, where cucumber seeds were discovered.

The Roman Emperor Tiberius demanded that he always be served fresh cucumbers for dinner. And one and a half thousand years ago there were no greenhouses: boxes with cucumber seedlings were placed on wheels, the wheels turned to follow the sun. For a long time, cucumbers occupied second place on the table after cabbage, but more recently, tomatoes began to compete with them.

Composition of cucumbers

Cucumbers contain a lot of water (95-96%), mineral salts (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron), trace elements (copper, manganese, sulfur, cobalt, zinc, silicon, iodine). There is more iron than in strawberries or grapes. Useful for cardiovascular diseases and kidney diseases, because they contain calcium salts and gently remove water.

Cucumbers consist of 95% water and attract not so much for their nutritional value as for their taste and aroma, which activates the activity of the digestive glands. Cucumbers contain vitamins (C, B1, B2) in small quantities. Of the mineral salts, they contain the most potassium. The fiber in cucumbers stimulates intestinal motor function, so cucumbers are useful for chronic constipation .

Walker assured that “cucumbers are an excellent natural diuretic that improves urine secretion, helps eliminate excess uric acid from the body, and therefore indirectly treats rheumatic diseases, gout.” Cucumber holds the record for the content of alkaline equivalents, therefore it eliminates acidosis (from the Latin acidis - sour), cures chronic inflammatory processes, suppuration, wherever they are located.

Cucumbers are contraindicated: for acute and chronic nephritis, exacerbation of chronic renal failure, kidney stone diseases; with nephritis with alkaline urine reaction. It is necessary to limit the consumption of cucumbers during exacerbation of peptic ulcers, gastritis, enterocolitis, colitis.

It is not recommended to consume pickled cucumbers: for obesity, acute and chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis, exacerbation of gastritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia.

Cucumbers are indispensable for fasting days. They are compatible with all products except milk.

Cucumber seeds have medicinal properties, which remove excess cholesterol from the body. And cucumber juice has a healing and rejuvenating effect on the body and skin.

Cucumber Recipes

Pickled cucumber recipe

The taste of pickled cucumbers is especially delicate if you chop up yellow and large cucumbers and place them in the bottom layer. Place nice little cucumbers on it. Sprinkle each row with chopped cucumbers. Salt, black currant leaves, garlic, and water should not be poured. It wouldn't hurt to add a little shaved horseradish.

Very tasty pickled cucumbers can be made without vinegar with red currant juice (150 g of juice per 1 liter of water).

To prevent pickles from becoming soft, cherry and oak leaves should be added to the brine; To preserve the color of cucumbers when salting, first soak them in boiling water for 2-3 seconds.

Cucumber Recipe for Treating Constipation:

Soak the cucumbers in salt water for a month, strain the brine, and store in the refrigerator. Drink 2-3 tbsp. brine several times a day after meals, 20-25 minutes. Throw away the cucumbers.

Cucumber lotion recipe

Wash the cucumber and squeeze out the juice, pour it into a saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over very low heat. Cool. Strain. Boil the twigs and leaves of hazelnuts. For 2 tbsp. cucumber juice add 1 tbsp. hazel decoction. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. You can add 4 tbsp to the mixture. decoction of mint or lemon balm.

Cucumber wine recipe

You should wipe your face with this cucumber wine morning and evening.

Cucumbers can be cut into slices, placed in a bottle, filled with vodka or diluted alcohol, and placed on a sunny windowsill for 2 weeks. Shake occasionally. After 2 weeks, the cucumber wine is ready. It should be stored in a dark place.

Cucumber lotion recipe

Cucumber can be used to make eye lotions for tiredness and redness.

Peel the cucumbers, grate and squeeze out the juice. Place in the refrigerator. Soak two pieces of cotton cloth in water, then dip in cold cucumber juice and apply to the eyes 2-3 times a day. If you add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to water, there will be fewer wrinkles in the eye area.

Fresh cucumber salad recipe without salt

Finely chop 4 fresh cucumbers, 2 boiled eggs, green onions, dill, parsley, 200 g white cabbage; add vegetable oil.

Fresh cucumber soup recipe

1.5 liters of water, 4 fresh cucumbers, 1 carrot, parsley root, 3-4 potatoes, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 0.5 cups sour cream, 1 tbsp. wheat flour, parsley, dill, citric acid, salt.

Chop the peeled carrots, parsley root, and onion and simmer until tender in a sealed container in a small amount of water and oil. Cut the peeled cucumbers into cubes, add a little water, citric acid and simmer for 10 minutes in a sealed container. Place peeled and chopped potatoes into boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, add carrots, parsley, cucumbers, dried flour diluted with vegetable broth. Add salt and cook for another 10 minutes. Season the soup with sour cream, finely chopped parsley and dill.

Recipe for cucumbers in batter

2 cucumbers, 2 tbsp. flour, 1 egg, salt.

Beat the egg, flour, and salt into a homogeneous mass. Cut the cucumbers into slices, dip in batter and fry until golden brown.

Recipe for cucumbers baked in sour cream

4 fresh cucumbers, 2 tbsp. butter, 70-100 g sour cream, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons wheat flour, salt.

Peel large cucumbers, cut in half lengthwise, roll in flour and fry on both sides in a frying pan with heated oil until golden brown. Then place in a greased frying pan, pour in sour cream mixed with egg and salt, and bake in the oven.

Stuffed cucumbers recipe

2 cucumbers, 20 g potatoes, 10 g beets, 15 g carrots, 10 g onions, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 25 g sour cream, salt, sugar, pepper to taste.

Cut the cucumbers lengthwise into two parts. Remove the pulp, chop, combine with boiled and diced potatoes, beets, carrots, and fried onions. Mix the mixture, season with salt, pepper, sugar and butter. Fill the cucumbers with the resulting minced meat. Serve with sour cream.

Cucumber juice

Cucumber juice combined with carrot juice has a beneficial effect on diseases that are a consequence of the retention of uric acid in the body. Adding some beet juice to this mixture speeds up the beneficial process...>>

Traditional healers recommend: “Eat cucumbers, and you will not be affected by illness associated with thyroid disease.” Indeed, cucumbers contain iodine, and it is in an easily digestible form. In general, cucumbers are rich in the original composition of microelements: copper, manganese, cobalt, zinc, iodine. Copper is needed for the normal functioning of the central nervous system and for regulating the motor functions of the body. Zinc is necessary for the production of insulin, which regulates carbohydrate metabolism. Iodine, in addition to normalizing the functions of the thyroid gland, has a noticeable anti-sclerotic effect.
Of the mineral salts, cucumbers contain potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and iron. They contain more iron than radishes, currants, strawberries, and grapes. Cucumbers contain fiber, pectin, proteins, and small amounts of vitamins A, C, and B1. Their nutritional value is low, but the enzymes present in cucumbers contribute to better absorption of protein foods, and the presence of alkaline salts helps the body get rid of harmful decay products that are formed during the metabolic process. The pectin substances found in cucumbers help improve digestion and inhibit putrefactive processes.
If you regularly eat cucumbers, the body reduces the process of converting carbohydrates into fats. Fasting cucumber days have been developed, which are prescribed to patients with obesity, gout, cardiovascular disorders, and liver and kidney diseases. Cosmetologists also paid attention to cucumbers: by rubbing the green peel on your face, you can get rid of freckles and blackheads and make your skin velvety. All of the above suggests that cucumbers are a very necessary product for a wide variety of human painful conditions.

A unique vegetable wine for lovers of extraordinary drinks. It is remembered for its light green taste and almost complete absence of aroma. The shade depends on the type of zucchini, but it is generally yellowish with green tints.

Before starting preparation, in order not to contaminate the wine with third-party microorganisms, you need to steam sterilize all containers used.


  • zucchini – 2 kg;
  • water (boiling water) – 4 liters;
  • lemons – 3 pieces (or 15 grams of citric acid);
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • unwashed raisins (fresh berries) – 50 grams (or wine yeast).

Lemons are needed to stabilize acidity; zucchini itself has little acid and without additional acidification, fermentation will be weak.

Zucchini wine recipe

1. If there is no wine yeast, then 3-5 days before processing the zucchini you should prepare a wine starter from raisins or fresh berries (raspberries, currants, etc.), which will replace the yeast.

To do this, pour unwashed raisins (berries) into a jar, add 25 grams of sugar, pour 150 ml of water at room temperature. Stir, bandage with gauze and place in a dark, warm place. When foam appears, hissing, and a slight sour smell (usually after 2-3 days), the starter is ready and you can move on to the next stage.

If mold appears, it means that the starter is contaminated and you will have to start all over again, using different raw materials for preparation.

2. Wash the zucchini, cut into several pieces, remove the core and seeds.

3. Pass the pulp together with the peel through a meat grinder or grind in any other way, for example, with a blender, until smooth.

4. Place the resulting slurry in an enamel pan with a wide neck, pour boiling water over it, stir, and cover with a lid. Leave for 24 hours.

5. Filter the contents of the pan through several layers of gauze, squeeze out the pulp well.

6. Add 0.5 kg of sugar, citric acid and the starter made at the first stage (without berries) or wine yeast to the resulting squash juice. Mix.

7. Pour the wort into the fermentation container, filling it to a maximum of 75%, so that there is room for the next portions of sugar, foam and carbon dioxide. Install a water seal of any design on the neck, for example, a medical glove with a hole in one of the fingers.

The glove is inflated - fermentation is underway

8. Transfer the container with the future squash wine to a dark place (can be covered) with a temperature of 18-27°C.

9. After 5 days, remove the water seal, drain 0.5 liters of fermenting wort separately, stir 250 grams of sugar in it. Pour the resulting syrup back into the fermentation container and close with a water seal. After another 5 days, repeat the described procedure, adding the last portion of sugar - 250 grams.

10. Depending on the temperature and yeast activity, fermentation of zucchini wine lasts 25-60 days. The end of the process is indicated by the absence of gas from the water seal (the glove has deflated) and a layer of sediment at the bottom. The fermented wine must be drained through a straw into another container without sediment.

11. Try the drink. If desired, sweeten with sugar to taste or secure with vodka (alcohol) 2-15% of the volume. In this case, fixing has almost no effect on the taste and aroma, it only increases the strength.

12. Fill storage containers with wine (preferably to the top to avoid contact with oxygen) and seal tightly. If sugar was added, keep it under a water seal for the first 7-10 days in case of re-fermentation.

13. Transfer the wine for aging to a dark, cool place with a temperature of 5-16°C (refrigerator, cellar or basement). Leave for 3-4 months.

14. Once every 20-30 days, as sediment appears in a layer of 3-5 cm, filter the drink by pouring through a straw.

15. When the sediment no longer appears, the zucchini wine is ready. It can be bottled and capped. Strength – 10-12%, shelf life when stored in the basement – ​​2 years.