Decorate a portion salad. Salad decoration for the holiday: recipes with photos

30.04.2019 Meat dishes

On the New Year's table everything should be fine. A little to prepare delicious snacks. It is necessary to place them even competently, and most importantly, to the original one. That's about it and it will be speech. After all, that the table turns out to be festive, it is not necessary to prepare something unusual. You can be beautiful and unusually to make an even simple olive or the usual selence under the fur coat.

Salad of New Year: Cheese, protein of boiled egg squirrel, mayonnaise, garlic (optional). Put portion on each plate, on the lettuce, the wonderful start of the New Year's dinner and the table decoration for the new year 2019. Eye, ears, tail, can be made from any trimming of vegetables, nose-patch cut from a piece of sausages.

here, for example, a salad with crab chopsticks, you can decorate in the form of a pig, grinding crab meat on a large grater and using olives with sausages slices

Recommendations from the photoecept website: we advise you to prepare verified (see recipes with step-by-step photos), delicious, new salads. You can decorate each salad in the New Year version.

assorted photos with the original decoration of New Year's salads

How to decorate the New Year's salad, general principles

Salad decoration methods are not so much. The easiest thing is the situation with layer snacks. First, they look so beautifully in transparent portion salad bowls. Secondly, the layered salad can be postponed in any form, for example: crescent, Christmas tree, snowman, heart. It will already look unusual and beautiful. At the same time, the upper part can simply be decorated with a pattern or inscription from mayonnaise or other refueling sauce.

Penguins or snowmen from eggs, olives and carrots, strung on toothpick, will become an excellent decoration of your New Year's salad.

Christmas trees from vegetables, fruits and candies.

But an example of a New Year's carving from carrots - Christmas bump.

Here are such pigs from stuffed squid, you can decorate any New Year's salad 2019.

But how originally the hostess decided to present to the New Year's table, only instead of traditional cabbage or fresh cucumber added rice.

You can pour the chill in a plastic bottle, cool and decorate in the form of a pig. If you use a small bottle, you can, with such a piglet, decorate many New Year's salads.

A no less original option for feeding a puff salad can be wrapped in a roll. In this form, any snack will look very unusual, even an elementary secline under a fur coat. By the way, it's easy to make a roll, if you collect salad not on a plate, but on the food film.

"Snegir on the fir branch", one more original decoration for the New Year's salad of tomato, eggs, green onions and olives. In the second salad, a walnut was used as a bump, and a spruce spray was decorated with grenade grains.

You can work a little more, prepared the design of the halves of eggs and Korean carrots. From these ingredients it is easy to lay out, for example, the dial of the clock. But this is very simple. In fact, from ordinary boiled eggs, you can depict whole art compositions.

In general, the optimal option for decorating any salad is a sprinkle. This design takes not so much time, but it is almost unlimited for fantasy.

Here is an example, how can you decorate the fruit salad for the new year. Such christmas canapes, you can simply decompose on the table as a snack.

However, it is worth understanding that the products that will be applied to design salad must be harmonized with the ingredients of the snack itself. In fact, it is not very good if the salad with red fish will be decorated with pieces of sausages. Although there are exceptions. For example, a great addition to vegetable salad with tomatoes can be balls made of low-fat curds, mixed with chopped greens and crushed in dft garlic.

New Year's bar of Luke Feather.

An interesting design option is the unusual feeding of the dish. Salads in which there are vegetables or fruits can be served in salad bowls made from the same vegetables. A beautiful portion salad bowl is obtained from a pod of sweet Bulgarian pepper or from halves a large apple, if you take out the whole pulp. A salad bowl in the form of a boat can be made of cucumber. Well, from half of pineapple will be a whole salad ship.

Bags with a salad, folded on one dish, will look completely unusually. It is also not difficult to make them. A pair of salad spoons is laid on baking in advance. Damn is wrapped in the bag and is tied by a green onion skeleton.

Ideas for registration of New Year's salads 2019

Now it's time to go directly to ideas. Of course, no one says that it is necessary to issue salads that are described below in the methods. Here are only some examples. So it is not worth limiting your own fantasy. But perhaps it is these options that will become the basis for creating their own masterpieces.

And how do you like such a culinary masterpiece of boiled beets and carrots and salty cucumbers. Salad author Real artist!

Decoration "Christmas Tree Balls"

The usual salad can be turned into a New Year's composition, if you put on its surface "fir-branch" from fresh greenery and dress it with balls made of halves of cherry tomatoes and olives. Additional decorations can be cut from colored bell pepper. The background for such a "drawing" can serve as a vintage egg protein or a fresh cucumber. It all depends on which ingredients the salad itself consists.

And you can make a composition from different salad on one dish, laying out them in the form of all the same Christmas balls. You can decorate them with figures from boiled carrots or just paint mayonnaise. Well, a fir branch again is made from fresh greenery.

Decoration of the New Year's Salad "Candles"

Candles - the New Year's mood is perfectly emphasized. So such a decoration will be quite appropriate. It is almost any salad that can be issued, since the main products for the decoration are greens, cheese for sandwiches, as well as canned corn.

To begin with, the finished snack should be put in the form of a ring or garland. Top to lay thin twigs of dill and rosemary. To scatter a little corn on the greens. It will be nice to look if the yellow corn grains will be "diluted" with a small amount of grenade grain. And the final barcode is a uniform candle made from the cheese cooled in the tube. Flame tongues can be made of boiled carrots, pieces of crab sticks, carrots in Korean or small pieces of sweet bell pepper.

You can easily simplify the task and simply "draw" a candle. For this, the salad must be put in the form of a truncle with a rounded base. Top salad align and lubricate mayonnaise. Slip the entire surface of the coarse cheese, and in the upper part, pour a small oval from the spinner of the egg protein. Fitulets of the candle can be made of a piece of prunes, and a flame of cheese, egg yolk, boiled carrots and a piece of red bell pepper. The lower part of the composition lay out dill branches and decorate the bows and balls cut out again from sweet pepper.

Christmas wreath

For such design, the salad must be put on a large plate in the form of a ring. Picture it is simple enough, putting a glass of plates in the center of the plate, lay out the ingredients or already a ready snack, and then take out the glass. Salad surface must be aligned and deceived by mayonnaise.

The workpiece must be sprinkled with a finely chopped greens and decorate the halves of cherry tomatoes. Imitation of ribbons that bind the resulting wreath can be made of dike, radish or boiled carrots.

Salad decoration "Christmas bell"

You can arrange a salad on a dish in the form of a belltolor, almost the same as in the previous case. First, the dishes are displayed in the desired form, and then the salad is sprinkled with a treasted carrot. The drawing on the resulting bell tape is laid out by black caviar or finely chopped olives.

If desired, the composition can be supplemented with a bow of red Bulgarian pepper. Well, a spruce branch can be simulated from dill.

Pig - 2019 symbol and other characters

It is not clear how the symbol of 2019 will occur to the fact that the salad in the form of a pig appears on the table. In ambiguous to this kind of decoration include our fellow citizens. However, if this is not embarrassed by anyone, then why not arrange one of the salads in the form of a funny pig.

posted from slices of pink bread (you can paint slightly dipping with milk with food dye and drown in the oven)

and such pigs from rice, you can decorate any New Year's salad

Decoration "Solka Watermelon"

Not only fresh fruits can be perfectly decorated, but also salads made in their shape, for example: in the form of a valley watermelon. This option is well suitable for vegetable or meat salads, the ingredients of which are cut in not very large pieces.

Finished lettuce put in the form of a lobby of watermelon, align the surface and smear it a little by mayonnaise. The entire surface of the salad fall asleep with a thin layer of squeezed on a fine firing of carrots (you can use both boiled and fresh root root). Watermelon crust make out of fine chopped greenery, for example: dill, parsley and green bow. Between the "crust" and "pulp" pour a thin strip of the cooler cheese - it will make the appearance of salad even more similar to this Watermelon. Well, seeds can become small pieces of olives.

1. In Tartlets.

Graceful baskets from dough (tartlets) can be bought in any supermarket. They are also easy to prepare themselves.

Chicken breasts boil, finely cut. Shapignons are finely chopped, cut onions to cut a quarter rings, fry until ready on a small amount of rap. Oil, cool. Carrots and a couple of garlic cloves rub on a small grater. All mix, salt, refuel mayonnaise. Stay in tartlets, sprinkle with cheese, decorate.

Shrimps, squid and eggs to boil, clean everything and chop finely.

2. In the leaves of green salad

The dish prepared for your favorite recipe is laying out on the washed and the dry melted leaflets, we turn along the type of the cooler or roll.

3. In glass glasses

Best cognac glasses are suitable at a low stable leg. Especially spectacular salad will look in a crystal dishes.

For cooking Salad cocktail With tomatoes, you will need:

  • boiled carrots
  • boiled sausage
  • mayonnaise
  • boiled potatoes
  • tomatoes
  • green pea

The above ingredients are finely cut and put the layers: first the sausage, the potatoes on top of the potatoes, then the eggs, then the cheese, tomatoes on top of the mayonnaise, peas on it, and repeat all the layers again, starting with potatoes. Salad put for an hour in the refrigerator in order to fill.

Salad with ham and rice

  • 100 g of ham
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 3 tbsp. l. Boiled rice
  • 100 g of solid cheese

For refueling:

  • 100 g mayonnaise
  • 1-2 h. L. Tomato Sauce.
  • salt to taste

Prepare products. Cheese and eggs rub on a major grater. Cut the ham straw. Share ingredients in a small Salad type of low glasses, refuel by mayonnaise, mixed with tomato sauce, mix, salt to taste.

Dessert salad


  • 500 g fresh apples
  • 500 g dried drains
  • 1 l apricot or pear compote
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 orange
  • 50 g cognac or liqueur or rum
  • 300 g seal
  • 3st spoons of crushed nuts

Dried plums to boil in sweetened water, choose bones and chuck from them to cook the dessert salad and put it on the table. Next, you need to clean fresh apples, divided by quantity, and then on thin slices. Lemon and orange cut into circles, separate the fruit from the apricot (or pear) compote. Drain together decoction from draining and compote, if necessary, satteniate, bring to a boil.

Lay out fresh and boiled fruits in a bowl, pour the compote received, sprinkle rum, brandy, or can be replaced with a liqueur and let it brew for several hours.

Feeding a dessert salad on the table, pour compote with fruits into wine glasses, to put the orange and lemon circles on top, add seals on one tablespoon and sprinkle on top of nuts.

4. In the "cups" of red tomatoes

My vegetables, cut off the "cap" and choose a spoon a bit of meakty - so that the cup is obtained, it fill it with a salad, decorate and serve.

  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Cooked shrimps purified - 30 g
  • Rice boiled - 30 g
  • Green peas canned - 20 g
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • Salt to taste

Prepare tomatoes. To do this, from the side of the frozen, you need to cut the lids, take out some of the flesh and finely chop it. Then cut the shrimp with small cubes, combine with the pulp of tomatoes, rice, peas, salt and fill sour cream. After that, tomatoes are peeling the resulting mass and cover with lids. When submitted, the tomatoes stuffed with greens.

5. "Carrot with a surprise"

Major carrots are carefully mine, drunk. With the help of vegetables (moving in a circle), we cut the peel with a thin layer. You must have one solid carrot ribbon. It is forming it in the form of a kulechka, pill with delicious delicious ingredients, decoracing long twigs of dill or parsley.

  • minced chicken - 450 g
  • carrots (boiled) - 450 g
  • crooked manna - 3 tbsp. l.
  • cream - 50 ml
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • egg protein - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 2 tooth.
  • onion - 1 pc.

Drink carrots in advance, skip the chicken fillet through a blender or meat grinder. Fry finely chopped onions with one spoon of olive oil, clean 2 cloves of garlic. Mix the chicken fillet with a fried bow, garlic, salt and black pepper. Mix mince. The boiled carrot is rubbed on a fine grater, add a semit, cream, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. Spoons of olive oil, salt. Mix so that it turns out Cashier.

Two masses from carrots and minced meat divide equally into two parts - for future two carrots. Carrot mass is laying out in the form of a heart on a foil with a height of 1 cm. Filling from minced meat to the cake and put it closer to the center of the carrot formation and we turn on both sides. We close the stuffing, connect the edges.

Draw the form of carrots, first with your hands. Then we take a knife, and the stupid side of the knife align unevenness. Watch in foil. It is necessary to do it very carefully. And close all the edges so that the juice does not flow. We bake in the oven 40-50 minutes, at a temperature of 220 degrees.

After baking the rolls, remove the foil, we shift on the heat-resistant dish. If carrot reservoir separated from the chicken fillet - tolerate holes with a stupid side of the knife. In completion, it is necessary to lubricate the rolls with a whipped protein. And again in the oven for 10-15 minutes, also at 220 degrees. Decorate with parsley and cucumber.

6. In footwash

Lavash sheets are cut on the same rectangles, spread the salad portion on them, spread the spoon and turn the lavash in the form of neat rolls.

  • lavash Armenian (thin) - 3 sheets,
  • meat minced meat (pork + beef 1: 1) - 300-400 g,
  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • carrot - 1 pc.,
  • tomatoes - 1-2 pieces,
  • lettuce leaves
  • cheese - 50 g,
  • mayonnaise,
  • garlic - 1-2 slices,
  • parsley or dill

Onions finely cut. Grind carrots on a coarse grater. In a frying pan with a preheated vegetable oil, fry onions. After 3 minutes add carrots and fry until the carrot sepiculture. To lay onions with carrots put mince and fry, periodically stirring, 20-25 minutes until minced is ready, salt, pepper. Tomatoes cut into circles. Grate cheese on a large grater. Salad leaves wash and dry. Mayonnaise is mixed with a garlic passed through the press. Greens finely cut.

Lavash leaf deploy, lubricate it with mayonnaise with garlic, uniformly decompose the minced meat on it, not reaching the edges of 2-3 cm, and sprinkle with greens. The second sheet of footwash lubricate garlic mayonnaise from two sides and put it on top of the minced meat. Lavash the leaves of the salad over the entire surface of the pita leaves, put the tomato mugs on top of the salad, and pouring mayonnaise tomatoes. To cover the tomatoes by the third sheet of Lavash, slightly with a lubricated garlic mayonnaise on both sides. Sprinkle paws with grated cheese on top and gently roll in the roll.

The finished roll is placed in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes, then you can cut across, thickness 1, 5-2 cm.

7. "Boats" from cucumber

From fresh cucumber cut off the peel, we divide the vegetable along two halves. On the one hand, each half choose the flesh. Favorite long boats fill with salad, "bring beauty" with greenery, olives or pieces of vegetables.

  • 2 medium mature tomatoes
  • 1.5 teaspoons of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 80 grams of feta cheese
  • 2 large cucumber
  • salt pepper

Cut tomatoes into small pieces, add olive oil, vinegar, oregano, salt and pepper, gently mix everything. Put in the refrigerator for several hours. Before cooking the dish, add cheese to tomatoes (turn it), and mix thoroughly.

Remove the skin from cucumbers, and cut them into two halves along. With the help of a spoon, remove the middle with seeds so that it is such a "boat". Top lay out the stuffing, decorate the greens! Alternatively, you can add chicken fillet instead of cheese. Everything is ready, you can eat!

  • fresh cucumbers or marinated medium sizes - 8 pcs.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • yolk - 1 pc.
  • ham 100 g
  • sour cream - 100 g
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • 1 tsp of lemon juice,
  • 1 tsp. Sahara,
  • some mustard.
  • a pinch of salt,
  • 100g. Lean oil.

Purified cucumbers are cut along in half along, cleaned the seeds and fill the minced meat.

Cooking minced: from sour cream, boiled egg yolk, lean oil, mustard, lemon juice prepare cold sauce (mayonnaise can be used). Boil eggs and potatoes in uniforms. Eggs and purified potatoes are cut into cubes, and ham - strips and mixed with sauce.

Stuffed boats put in the refrigerator. Served as a cold snack.

  • basil, dill - 1/2 handstone
  • sour cream - 1/4 tbsp. l.
  • large orange - 1 pc.
  • tomato Big - 1 pc. (about 100 g)
  • salt to taste
  • salmon / Trout Malosol - 200 g
  • cucumber - 8 pcs.
  • ground pepper - to taste
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • onion - 1/4 pcs.

Grate the zest, cut the flesh of the orange segments (without films), mix with tomato, fish, onions, basil, olive oil, pepper and salt. Fill the cucumber boat with a mixture. From above to each boat, lay out 1.5 hours l. sour cream. Decorate with greens.

8. Appetizing pancakes

The principle is the same as in the case of Lavash, only the serving of salad wrap in their own baked pancakes.

for pancakes

  • eggs - 3 pcs,
  • milk - 0.5 liters,
  • flour - 1.5-2 cups,
  • sugar - 0.5 Art. spoons

for salad with herring

  • herring - 200 g,
  • marinated cucumbers - 1 pc.,
  • onions on 1 pc. (Little Head),
  • eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • mayonnaise,
  • white bread or loaf - 2-3 slice,
  • green Luc

Prepare pancakes. Low-salted swelling herring cut into cubes. Boil the eggs screwed and cut into cubes. Onions finely cut. Cucumbers cut into cubes.

With white bread, remove the crust and cut into cubes or stripes (the bread is dissolved in the stuffing). Mix together herring, cucumbers, onions, eggs and bread, fill the mass mayonnaise and mix.

On the edge of the pancake, lay out the filling and sprinkle with a finely chopped green onion. Pancakes roll with an envelope or tube.

  • dough for pancakes
  • bunch of lettuce leaves
  • 300 g champignons
  • 300 g chicken fillet
  • 100 g of solid cheese
  • mayonnaise

Pour the dough for pancakes into the plastic bottle, make a small hole in the lid, closer to the edge of the lid. Bake such pancakes from the entire test. I get about 26-30 pieces of one portion of the test:

Chicken fillet fry on vegetable oil to a golden crust. With frying salted and season with black pepper. Cool and cut into small cubes. Champignons cut into slices, squeeze the liquid on the frying pan and fry until a golden color, adding some cream oil.

Place a salad leaf on the edge of the pancake. On the salad leaf, lay out the filling along:

9. In cheese baskets

We take a piece of solid cheese, rub on the largest grater and melted on a preheated pan. We press up to melting and slightly shutting. The main thing is that cheese grabbed like a pancake and it could be easily pushed and moved to the form. We press within 3-5 minutes. Quickly remove the wooden spatula, lay out the most ordinary glass on the bottom and wait until the mass cools. You can take any dishes that you like, for example, deep, but not greater in diameter a round salad bowl or shape for cupcakes. We press the edge tightly and leave until complete cooling. You have to get the original cheese tartlets - we put the finished salad into it. We make the next basket and so on by the number of servings.

  • Solid grade cheese - 200 g
  • Apples - 1 pc.
  • Cream ~ 10% 100 ml
  • Wheat flour - 10 g
  • Olive oil - 10 ml
  • Food salt - 1 h. L
  • Dried Mayran - 1 h. L
  • Garlic Solk - 2 pcs.

Beshamel sauce with fragrant herbs, but if you do not like this sauce, you can use an ordinary sour cream as a refueling or mayonnaise. So, Beshamel sauce: Nallem cream in comfortable dishes. Mayran (I used fresh leaves) Finely cut, 1 garlic clove finely chop or skip through the press. Mix herbs and garlic with cream, make cream to fire. Meanwhile, flour with olive oil mix to homogeneity. As soon as the cream begin to pour into introduce flour with butter and, constantly stirring, cook before thickening. It is necessary to interfere, necessarily constantly so that there are no lumps.

Cut the remaining cheese cubes and an apple in the same way. The second clove of garlic skip through the press or finely chop. Salt, fill with sauce and mix.

Share the salad into our cooled basket, decorate with grated cheese and parsley greenery.

10. On slices of bread

Take a loaf, cut into slices of medium thickness, fry on butter on both sides to light rosy. To the cooled toasts with a slide lay out the cooked snack, decorated in the measure of your fantasy.

on 4-5 sandwiches:

  • baton or bread - 4-5 slices,
  • sausages or boiled sausage - 2 pcs.,
  • tomato - 1 pc.,
  • garlic - 1-2 slices,
  • cheese - 50 g,
  • greens,
  • salt,
  • mayonnaise

Sucks or sausage cut into cubes or straw. Tomatoes wash and cut into cubes. Grate cheese on a large grater. Skip the garlic through the press.

Greens finely cut. Connect together sausages, tomatoes, garlic, cheese and greens, add mayonnaise, salt and mix. Lay out the mixture on slices of bread or baton. Bake sandwiches in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees 10-15 minutes.

  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • big Bunder
  • small bundle of parsley
  • canned corn - 1 bank (425 g)
  • mayonnaise
  • salt,
  • freshly ground black pepper

Eggs put in cold water and put on the stove. When water boils, cook them for another 10 minutes. Finished eggs pour cold water and let them cool. We clean and cut into cubes. Green onions mine and finely cut. Petrushki also chop finely. Corn drain liquid. All ingredients are mixed, refuel mayonnaise. Solim to taste. You can lay out a salad on slices of bread and sprinkle with fresh black pepper.

  • wheat bread - 8 slices
  • creamy oil - 80 g
  • salmon caviar - 80 g
  • onions shallow onions - 1 pc.
  • salmon salsen fillet - 120 g
  • cucumber - 1/2 PC.
  • lemon - 1/2 PC.
  • cottage cheese - 100 gr.
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • the root of the horn is grated - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • pepper red hammer
  • greens of dill, parsley

Cut from bread 8 round slices with a diameter of 6-7 cm, 6-7 mm thick. Greens are finely babble. The top and side surface of 4 bread slices. Lubricate with softened oil. A slightly appling, the side surface of the slices cover the chopped greens. The remaining 4 slicks are smeared by curd mass, sprinkled with chopped greens. For cottage cheese, cottage cheese connect with sour cream, add grated root of shine and ground red pepper. On slices with butter, spread the caviar; Substitute lemon and greens. On slices of bread with cottage cheese sauce, put the fish slices and place the cucumber, onion rings, greens.

And in conclusion - salad by the year of the snake: "Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

Salad is very tasty, divergent to "Hurray" !!!

  • 2 boiled chicken colors,
  • 400 g champignons,
  • 3 fresh cucumber
  • 200 g smoked sausage cheese,
  • 4 boiled eggs,
  • mayonnaise,
  • salad leaf,
  • carrots and pickled cucumbers for decoration.

Champignons fry. Meat, cucumbers, eggs cut into small cubes, cheese to lose on a large grater. Mix everything, fill with mayonnaise, put on a sheet of salad in the form of a snake, making a tongue and crown from carrot. Decorate the snake with thin circles of pickled cucumber. I think that you can use smoked chicken in cooking and ordinary cheese, but I do not know how tasty it has not tried.

Photos and recipes from many other sources are also used (sorry, I can not give hyperlinks more than one, I will simply post the main pages):

Simple original and extraordinary decorations of salads for the new year 2018 do it yourself. 48 photos of salads. Useful tips and links to our recipes.

The content of the article:

Without salads, no solemn event is required, incl. And the New Year. Beautifully decorated dishes create a festive mood, they excite the appetite and please the eyes. To surprise guests and deliver aesthetic pleasure, many are looking for different ways to decorate salads. Find out how to decorate salads for the new year 2018.

Features of the decoration of salads for the new year 2018

New 2018 will be held under the sign of the yellow earthen dog. To pay attention to the hostess of the year, use products for yellow and brown products to decorate. Also will be appropriate food growing on Earth, like mushrooms or nuts. Dog will be happy to see the bread on the table. This feed product, for example, in the form of crackers, can become an ingredient for salad and decoration. It is worth mentioning that the dog will appreciate meat. Therefore, all meat products may elaborate in the decoration of the 2018 New Year's menu.

Products for decorating salads for the new year

To create a drawing, ornament and decoration of dishes Use products combined with each other. It is advisable to decorate the salad those ingredients that were used for its preparation.

For scenery Products (egg protein and yolk, cucumbers, boiled carrots, beets, cheese, sausage) can be grate. Sprinkle Use in pure form or mix with mayonnaise or other sauce. Vegetables can be used boiled or raw. Also try cut out beautiful flowers, rods, rhombiki, triangles, stars from the products ... In addition to the grated ingredients, take the chopped greens, as well as separate small products, like green peas, corn, red and black caviar, grenade grains, nuts.

Additional decorative effect can be done using mayonnaise. Especially attractive and appetizing thin patterns look. If mayonnaise in a tuba, then draw right so. If you need thin lines to shift it into a confectionery bag or a regular cellophane package and draw as cream on the cake.

Salad decoration for the new year 2018 in the form of a dog

Creating a festive menu, it is necessary to take into account the symbol of the upcoming year. Therefore, it will be appropriate to arrange one of the salads in the form of a faithful friend. The spectacular salad in the form of a dog will become the main dish at the New Year's Table 2018. It can be issued on the example suggestion.

Also, the dog will be delighted, seeing on the table salads in the form of a bone, which she loves very much in life.

See our recipes:

  • with mushrooms and eggs
  • with sprats and peas
  • and apple in the form of a dog
  • with cheese and apple

Ideas Decoration of Salads for the New Year - Photos

Creative people will be interested will cook New Year's salad not only in the form of a dog, but also in other New Year images reflecting the topics of the holiday. Winning on the New Year table looks salads decorated in a New Year's design in the form of Santa Claus, snowman, bells, snow maiden, Christmas trees, chips, cones, calendar, caps, or mittens Santa Claus ... Make a similar beauty just. Prepare your favorite salad, mixing the products or laying out them in layers. Most give the desired shape to be reel (sprinkle, decorate, lubricate). Creating similar colorful culinary masterpieces, choose for decoration various multicolored products.

Below are examples of decoration and design of salads for the new year. You can take any of the proposed options as the basic and supplement it with other products and personal ideas for design.

Salad "Mitten of Santa Claus":

Salad Santa Claus Salad:

Salad "Santa Claus":

Salad "Snowman":

Salad "New Year's toy":
See the recipe - with chicken and Korean carrot.

  • Puff salads. Machinery puff salads is simple. Alternately lay out the strata of products, alternating colors. For example: Green cucumbers, orange carrots or red fish, yellow corn, etc. For puff salads, use transparent deep dishes or a flat dish with a special culinary ring or other shape.
  • Burning candle for the salad "New Year's Wreath". To make it cut from the solid cheese, the rectangle, on which cut the corners. It will be a candle. Sweet red pepper cut out the elongated triangle. Place it from above the candle - it will be a flame. Another candle can be made from the crab stick, upstairs insert a piece of cheese in the form of a flame.
  • Pictulate a beautiful garland. Lower green onions: it will be covered in neat rings.
  • How can not make salads? Symbol of the coming year, dog. She definitely does not like the design of a dish in the form of a cat with which she "is not lying."
  • Design of sandwiches. Lay out sandwiches on a wide dish on each other to get an interesting Christmas tree.
  • Beautifully decorated cutting in the form of "Christmas tree". Sausage, cheese, vegetables cut into thin slides of different sizes. Get them on a long wooden skeleton, the cuts of more more, to the top smaller. Skat stuck into a piece of bread or half of potatoes for stability. Mcuish decorate a star from sweet red pepper or carrots.

How to decorate a salad for the new year:

Today it is difficult to imagine any festive table without salads. Our Slavic people love salads: different, delicious, under vodka, traditional and original! And beautiful salads are such a pleasant addition to any salad, which is trying to embody every hostess in the kitchen.

The decoration of salads is like religion and philosophy - every mistress has its own, and unites them one general passion - decoration of dishes. Philosophy on how to decorate salads for a long time. And there are people who do not like the decoration of salads in our usual understanding. In any case, beautiful salads are an atmosphere of a holiday, a celebration, it is an opportunity to make our brighter and rich.

Dear guests of the site, I bring to your attention the original selection with examples of decorating salads, which I hope you will not only like, but also appear on your holiday table.

Salad "Sunflower"

Salad Recipe "Sunflower" and design options

Salad with chicken and champignons "Mushroom"

How to cook and decorate mushroom salad


  • Chicken breast - 300-400 grams,
  • champignons - 300 grams,
  • onion - 1-2 heads,
  • eggs - 2-3 pcs.,
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.,
  • fresh cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.,
  • onion green - 1 bundle,
  • solid cheese - 100-150 grams,
  • olives.


Chicken breast boil - finely cut.

Mushrooms and onions cut into cubes, fry on vegetable oil, with the addition of butter.

Boot eggs, cut into cubes.

Share the layers: Chicken breast - sour cream mushrooms, fried with onions - sour cream - boiled eggs - sour cream.

Decoration from above: tomatoes - finely chopped, cucumbers - straw + dill, cheese - on a grater, olives.

Salad from Gorbushi "Chamomile"

How to cook and decorate a salad from the humpback "chamomile" look

Salad "Hedgehog" with Korean carrot


  • half chicken fillet - about 300 grams
  • marinated champignons whole from banks
  • 2 medium bulbs
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • middle cucumber
  • about 200 grams of solid grade cheese
  • 1 Packaging mayonnaise
  • hand in walnuts
  • a glass of Korean carrots
  • 3 medium olives without bones
  • bunch of salad leaves
  • Salt and a little punch


1. Chicken fillet boil in salted water, cool and cut into not very large cubes.

2. Boot eggs and rub large on the grater.

3. Clear bulbs and chop finely.

4. Move the cucumber and cut into a small straw. You can, of course, grate on the grater, but then too much juice and the cashey cucumber will not pass in this salad.

5. Cheese rub on a large grater.

6. Walnuts are very good to crush, you can be in a blender and pepper them.

7. Leave several fungi for decoration, and the remaining champignons finely cut and fry on cream oil.

8. Even from this quantity of products, it is a rather big hedgehog, so take a plate more, lay out onto the bottom of the salad leaves and form a silhouette of the hedgehog, laying out layers in turn: chicken - layer of mayonnaise - onions - more mayonnaise - Mushrooms - Maoneza layer - Eggs - Once again Mayonnaise - Cucumber - grated walnuts - Cheese Mayonnaise.

9. Hedgehog torso cover Korean carrots, leaving the fruit of cheese. Make the eyes and spout from olives, arrangely spread the greens and on top of the "needles" put mushrooms.

I recommend this dish for the holiday. It seems to me that the Salad Hedgehog recipe is purely male, but if you remove the pepper, it will be suitable for both children. Very charming animal for the center of the festive table. And mayonnaise is better to prepare themselves, for your own health!

Salad with grenade "Ladybug"

How to cook and decorate a salad "Ladybug" with a grenade look

Salad "Tulips"


1. We make the tulip cut the petals at the top of the tomato, better if the tomatoes will hardly.

2. Remove that we cut. Note neatly.

3. Then we take a spoon with the core, remove up to half the tomato, so that the taste of the tomato was also present, but someone like it. If you like more fillings, take out more cores.

4. For filling cheese, two eggs cook, garlic, walnut and mayonnaise.

Salad "Calla"

How to cook decorate the "Calla" salad

Salad "Birch Grove"


  • 300 gr. chicken fillet boiled
  • 300 gr. champignons fried
  • 3 bulbs fry,
  • 200 gr. prunes without bones,
  • 5 eggs (protein, yolk separately)
  • 2 small fresh cucumber,
  • mayonnaise, greens.


1st layer-chicken fillet finely sliced,

The 2nd prune layer finely chopped,

3rd layer-champignons with onions

4th layer of proteins,

The 5th layer of cucumbers with small cubes.

Yolks on a small grater from above, on the sides of the squirrel, too, on fine.

Decorating for every taste. Ready.

Salad "White Piano"


  • Curly meat 500 gr.
  • Cucumber 2 pieces (fresh)
  • Eggs 3-4 pieces
  • Mushrooms 300 gr. (any taste)
  • Solid cheese 100 gr.
  • Mayonnaise


The entire process of cooking salad consists of layers that are laid out in a certain sequence. Before we proceed to laying out the layers of lettuce, we will need to prepare all the necessary ingredients in such a way:

- chicken meat should be boiled;

- mushrooms fry in a pan;

- Cucumbers grate with a grater, while we use a large grater;

- Eggs also boil and grate on a large grater.

Layers lay out in a certain sequence:

1 layer - boiled chicken;

2 layer - mayonnaise;

3 layer - fried mushrooms;

4 layer - mayonnaise;

5 layer - fresh cucumbers;

6 layer - mayonnaise;

7 layer - boiled eggs;

8 layer - mayonnaise;

9 layer - cheese.

Decorate in the form of a piano, using solid cheese and black olives for this. You can also form a beautiful rose from weakly salmon, which perfectly transforms the entire salad landscape.

Salad "Ladybug" with caviar

How to prepare a salad "Ladybug" with caviar See

Salad "Garden Polyanka"


  • 1 Large bulb
  • chicken breast
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 pickled cucumber
  • 2 fresh tomatoes
  • mayonnaise
  • greens of dill, parsley, green onions.
  • To decorate:
  • maslins
  • little tomatoes
  • green salad

The menu of festive dishes has already been composed, all products are prepared and taken into account the tastes of invited guests, but the last question remains: how to decorate salads so that the feast is remembered for a long time.

It is not necessary to be a professional culinary machine to effectively arrange a dish. There are many ideas that will help to decorate salads with your own hands without much difficulty.

Among them you can find both completely simple ways and intricate, allowing you to connect all your fantasy and create a true masterpiece.

Decorate salads, as in the photo, you can use the most simple products. For bright vegetable snacks of Caesar or Greek salad, which themselves are beautiful, crackers, seeds, nuts, grenade grains, orange slices are suitable. They should be decorated with a salad from above, when it is already decomposed on the portion plates.

Mayonnaise salads, and some puffs often look very simple and can be lost on the festive table, if you do not decorate them. In this case, help:

  • Green (parsley, dill, basil, salad leaves, green onions).
  • Patterns from mayonnaise.
  • Eggs - whole, crushed or sliced \u200b\u200bslices.
  • Grated cheese.
  • Ground boiled sausage or chopped sausages.
  • Olives or olives.
  • Cherry tomatoes or large tomatoes slices.
  • Circles of fresh or salted cucumber, radishes, boiled carrots.
  • Canned polka dots, beans or corn.
  • Seafood, including shrimp, squid rings, sprats, or slices of salted fish.
  • Ground nuts (walnuts, cedar whole, almond chips).

Simple decoration

You can decorate salads with greens in different ways, for example, simply decompose or stick dill branches, parsley or basilica in the upper part of the snack, creating any pattern or sprinkle with a dish with chopped greens. You can decorate a dish sheet salad, posing it on a plate under the snack, adding Cherry tomators and branches of any greenery.

Spectacularly and beautifully looks salads that are decorated with mayonnaise patterns. It can be just a mesh over a contrast top layer of snacks: beets, nuts, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, etc., complemented by twigs of fresh greenery.

And you can show a fantasy, for example, one of the ways you can decorate the salad herring under a fur coat: put a snack in the form of fish in advance, after which you can draw the olive olives in the intervals and in the place of the eyes, the fins are sliced \u200b\u200bfrom greenery.

It is very easy to decorate the salad with an egg, for this fit both crushed proteins or yolks and quantity, halves or even whole. With their help, you can decorate a snack from above, sprinkling it or laying out patterns, and large slices can be decomposed along the edges.

For the birthday of a child, we often decorate salads, eggs for this are suitable as it is impossible. Of these, it is possible to make chickens, "seated" several boiled eggs on top of a snack. Scallops and keyboards make from sweet pepper, eyes from olives or black pepper.

Figured salads

Decorate the table will help salads laid out in the form of some animal or plants. In this way, you can decorate a salad for its contents, but the design is worth starting from the coating of the finished shape to a homogeneous color and consistency with a layer: mayonnaise, grated cheese, crushed proteins.

You can make a carrot salad, putting a snack in the form of a cone and covering it with a grated carrot, from the twigs of the greenery to make a tail. Boiled carrots are combined with most products, so you can decorate in this way you can almost any salad.

Mushroom salad can be put in the form of a mushroom, a hat to coat with thin slices of tomatoes, and a leg - cheese or mayonnaise. The latter can make points on the hat to get a "flying".

The base of the legs decorate greens and marinated widespread. You can decorate for such a principle of salads prepared for any recipes, picking up the color and taste of the ingredients for registration based on the product set for the manufacture of the dish.

In the photo there are many such ideas with which you can decorate a salad for a children's birthday. The easiest way is to turn a puff snack into a pretty animal muzzle.

  1. You can make a tiger, covering a salad on top of a layer of cotton carrot (boiled, fresh or Korean), on the sides of it de do ears.
  2. From the halves of the egg squirrel to make a muzzle, mayonnaise to draw eyes. Nose and pupils will turn out of Maslin.
  3. Strips are also made from olives, chopped straw.
  4. From the halves of Cherry Tomato make a tongue.

According to this same principle, it is possible to make a leopard (the basis is egg yolks, grated cheese, yellow pepper, specks - olives or walnut nuts), piglet (with boiled sausage), puppy (with walnuts), etc.

Vegetable mix

Come up with how beautifully you can decorate salads, you will help the photo and grater-shings, which will be found in many owners. With the help of the latter, you can quickly and gently chop fresh or boiled vegetables or fruits smooth straw, rings or cubes.

Sliced \u200b\u200bproducts can be decomposed by slides on the dish, for example, in the form of an appetizing flower or rainbow. Or use them to decorate salads from above. For example, it is impressive and juicy looks salad decorated with cucumber, more precisely, its neat circles flat or ribbed shape.

If you cut with large identical cubes different in color vegetables, then you can add a spectacular portion salad in the form of a color cube, feeding it on a plate with sauce. Such a salad can be vegetable, fruit or fruit and vegetable.

The main thing, the ingredients should be fairly elastic: boiled potatoes, carrots, beets, cucumber, pumpkin, apple, banana, pear, etc. It is such a spectacular way to apply a vinaigrette, adding it a separate lying green peas and refueling in a sauce.

Think how to spectacularly decorate salads with your own hands, looking at the photo? Take advantage of a curly grater. With its help, you can turn into an elegant spiral or spring any ingredient of the oblong shape: cucumber, carrots, a piece of cheese or sausage. Such spirals can be decomposed around the salad slide or put in the center of the top, turning in various ways.

It looks spectacularly and brightly on the table salad, decorated with tomatoes. It can be whole tomatoes Cherry or their halves, and large tomatoes can be simply cut into thin slices, roll them in the form of a funnel, making a flower like.

Beautiful festive salads, decorated in a carving technique, as in the photo, always produce an indelible impression. Figured cutting is carried out by special tools, and as a material can act anything: cabbage leaves, pumpkin flesh, root, other fresh vegetables or fruits. Even the most ordinary coat type salad, you can decorate as the soul wishes.

other methods

A simple and affordable way to decorate salads or beautifully file them, as experience shows, is jelly. You can make a fruit jelly or based on broth with greens added to it, and when it freezes, cut into cubes or another convenient way, decorating such an elements of a snack. Jelly decorations look well in conjunction with flowers made of boiled vegetables, greens, crackers.

In the form of the fuel, you can apply any salad, starting with a vinegaare or fruit mixture, ending with Olivier or other meat snack. Jelly can be prepared transparent or add milk into it. Such salads are best prepared in small forms to serve their portion.

Always win-win salads decorated with rosas, orchids or boiled tulips or fresh vegetables, chips, chubbyin slices, egg pancakes. It can be one big flower in the center of a snack or a whole glade of small flowerfish of different colors. Cores can be made of crushed yasters, olives, grenade grains. Supplement decoration of greenery sprigs.

You can always decorate a salad by making it in the form of a clearing, covering greens. It can be placed on her marinated fungi or all sorts of figures: Ladybugs from tomatoes and olives, hedgehogs from grated cheese and walnuts, egg protein bunnies, etc.