Caribbean cuisine recipes. Caribbean Vinigret

05.03.2020 Meat dishes

We talked about the traditional methods of cooking chicken, favorite vegetables and the skill of the inhabitants of the Caribbean Islands to turn unbelled bananas in a full-fledged dish. In this article, we will dwell in more detail on the most popular types of fish and meat specialists.

Aki and Salt Fish

The National Jamaican Dish, which is most often served for breakfast. Aki Yamaica fruit is also considered national, and they are not at all embarrassing that his real homeland is West Africa. Sweetish pulp Aki is first boiled, then fried with tomato, onions, sweet and sharp pepper, and finally served with a salted cod or head. Many compare the finished dish with the scrambled eggs. An entertaining fact: in Western Africa from immature fruits and peel Aki produce soap, and the pulp of green fruits goes to the manufacture of a special poison, with the help of which local residents catch fish.

Sandwich Kubano.

Vegetarians, depart from the screens, this recipe is definitely not for you. The traditional Cuban sandwich includes ham, fried pork, swiss cheese, mustard, mayonnaise and dill. The history of the emergence of this meat abundance in Cuban bread is exactly unknown. It is assumed that the sandwich originated on the cigar factories and sugar plantations of Havana and Santiago de Cuba in the 1860s and soon moved to the cigar factories Ki West in Florida, where he is in demand to this day. The new round of popularity Sandwich Kubano added the appearance in the film "Cook on wheels".

Cabribota Stob.

Simply put, stewed with lambs of lamb or kozdyatin. In different variations is preparing on Montserrat, Aruba and Cayman Islands, somewhere broth more, somewhere less. The whole secret is to stew meat until it starts to easily depart the bone. Properly cooked convertible stob literally melts in the mouth!

Fly fish and ku-ku

You did not go crazy, this is a real dish of Barbados. Bat Fish is a local delicacy and one of the characters of the island, and Ku-ku (COU-COU) is a side dish of corn cereals, beans and lives, a consistency resembling puree. The history of the occurrence is the same as the majority of Caribbean dishes - Ku-ku was the main food of slaves, which were brought to the island of the British.


Knowing English, it is not difficult to guess what is a dish - a sharp meat stew baked in a pot. Eating a pepperpot on all islands, from bugs to Barbados. The composition may include eggplants, winds, pumpkin, potatoes, corn flour, cinnamon and not only. Like any extremely common dish, two identical recipes are not found, so try and look for your favorite.

Caribbean cuisine is the alloy of the West and the East in incredible combinations on the table. Here you will understand how templates are broken in the cooking standards. Thanks to the bright history, where the fate of different peoples mixed up, we get such an extraordinary culinary heritage.

To understand what she represents, you need to look at the history of the Caribbean Islands. In the pre-column period, the Indians lived here - the tribes of the Caribbean and Aravakov. Caribbeans preferred to catch fish and hunt, the other tribe was better mastered agriculture. It was Aravaki that brought Cukouruz to these islands, sweet potatoes, chili pepper, butat. Since on the islands in large quantities such fruits like, Pineapple and Guava, they were not alien to these tribes and gathering. Later the Spaniards arrived at the island and brought more fruits, as well as vegetables - Lime, Coconut, rice. You will notice that these products are well traced in the Caribbean cuisine. Slaves brought from Africa added to the above-mentioned black and white beans, surroundings. Workers from India left their famous seasonings of chuts and curry. Due to frequent colonial wars, some kind of islands passed to one representatives of European countries, then to others. Add to this the fact that settlers sailed from China for the best life with their unique recipes dishes. And you eventually get something among the kitchens of such parts of the world as Europe, Africa, Asia. In this case, what group of the islands in the Caribbean does not take, they still will be distinguished in their kitchens.

What did we eventually score? A wide variety of vegetable crops, fruits, an abundance of seafood and fish. Due to the roast and wet climate on the islands of meat and the fish tried to marine or saline. Meat is taken to marine in acute sauce. Preferences of the species of meat as follows: Pork, Kozdyatnaya, Chicken. Moreover, all parts of the pork carcass go through, try not to throw away anything. According to special holidays, stuffed juicy piglets are served, according to the tradition of the side dish, it serves boiled sweet potatoes.

The Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean is rich in fish and, I must say, the islanders use it. The famous national dish is a salt cod to you practically in any restaurant in the Caribbean. The kitchen also uses tuna, shrimp of different types, crab meat, crayfish and mackerel.

The abundance of vegetables and fruits is a bright feature of Caribbean cuisine. The main representatives of vegetables are rooting: sweet potatoes, butat, manica, etc. The famous Turn of Indians is pumpkin, beans and corn are also widely used when cooking. But the rice is everywhere and no matter with vegetables, with meat or fish.

The generous gifts of Asia and India are also necessarily added to each dish. Marination in sharp and spicy sauces make the taste of food more tender. Popular spices are cinnamon, Chile, carnation. The herbs more often put the following: coriander, quinent and thyme.

It is worth noting that the recipes of dishes are trying to be transmitted by inheritance, and the unique combinations of the seasonings are completely held in secret.

When they say about the Caribbean, it certainly, many remember pirates, and where the pirates necessarily have rum. Yes, and it is no secret that sugar cane is grown in the Caribbean Islands. Its so much that he is inexpensive and, as a result, it is preparing a famous drink of different varieties. There are also many fruit juices, syrups, tea and coffee.

Well, now is the time to tell about some of the caribbean mealchstran.

Cuba - Achiako

The most popular dish on the island, and with a long history. Initially, it was a fish soup where bananas, pumpkins, corn were added. But, as described above, historically the Spaniards added a pork here, and Slaves from Africa - Lime, sauce and vegetables. Now this dish has become a business card of Cuba for gastronomic tourists.

Dominican Republic - La Bender

A very simple dish, which is eating simple Dominicans for dinner. It looks like an unusual dish, as there are two types of garnish in it: beans and rice. The central ingredient is meat, here already for what is much. But more often put a chicken, so more economical. By the way, the names of the dish translates from the Spanish "flag". The appearance corresponds to the name.

Jamaica - Salted Fish with Aki

This dish can be found in the USA and Canada. But the homeland is Jamaica, it is starting to understand when it comes to the ingredients. For a start, a saline cod is taken and is passable in a bow, tomatoes, various spices and ake. It also happens that this is all is washed by coconut milk. In restaurants served with bread, boiled banana.

Barbados - Ku-ku

In this dish with an unusual name there is a fried bat. And on this island, it is in excess, because Barbados is often referred to as the "country of volatile fish." Mandatory ingredients are the winds and corps of corn. Puerto Rico - Sofrito

In Christmas holidays, this dish is necessarily fed to the table. In olive oil, fry the cilantro, pepper, onions, tomato paste and garlic. All this creates an incredible fragrance.

If you want in truth to penetrate the Caribbean cuisine, do not stop at the choice of only one island or the state. And in this you will help you! Look for our site

More than 7,000 islands are part of the Caribbean, forming a large arc from Florida to Venezuela. Very many countries are located in the Caribbean region: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Salvador, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Luisia, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Terks and Caicos, American Virgin Islands ...

Is it worthwhile to be surprised at how diverse the cuisine of the Caribbean! Having experienced many cultural influences for more than five centuries, today Caribbean cuisine is considered a "alloy" of Spanish, French, English, Danish, African, Arab, Indian, Chinese and Creole cuisines! But all this "alloy" can be divided into many styles characteristic of a particular region of Caribbean.

From Europeans to the new light got wheat, beef, onions, garlic, from Africans - Bamia, Kalalo (CALLOO), vegetable like spinach; Aki - fruit, to taste, resembling a boiled egg, I became an important Asian innovation. All these new products for indigenous people mixed with already familiar - beans, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, chili peppers. Almost all the products of open new light spread throughout the world and today they constitute the daily menu of each inhabitant of the planet. Thus, the interpenetration of cultures as a whole enriched all world cooking. But the Caribbean is in this plan, perhaps the richest variety of culinary styles, "crazy" mix of all kinds of products and dishes, the most confusing mixing of gastronomic traditions.

Sundayed by the sun and warm waters, this corner of the Earth, lying between the two Americas, conquered his European christophore of Columbus, who called the Island of West Indies, "Paradise Garden".

Magnificent tropical vegetation islands Palauses inhabitants and tourists with a huge variety of fruits: coconuts, pineapples, papaya, mango, bananas, bread fruits, coals (UGLI) - citrus fruits like grapefruit, sapodyill, Tamarind, Annon, Platane - a variety of bananas, Cherima, Monster, Mushmula, Karambol, Guava, Mom's Capote and many others. Some of the exotic fruits are not exported, as very fragile for transportation, so you can only try them on the caribbean islands. Vegetables are also presented here in all its fullness: NMS, a variety of pumpkin, yukka, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers, beans ... All that you wish, Caribbean nature has already created for you!

Fruits, for example, mango and papaya are used in alcoholic beverages, desserts such as shrimbet or mousse, as well as in spicy chutney. From coconuts make bread, ice cream, pastries, the famous Pina Colada liquor. Coconut milk is used for meat sauces, as well as in beans dishes. Bananas are fry, they make chips, baked in pies with meat.

Very popular in Caribbean cuisine, the use of a variety of legumes, especially black beans, of which the famous Cuban soup is preparing. Pigeon peas are common among other legumes (Pigeon Peas), black-eyed peas and red beans. Most legumes are served with rice and corn bread, which is especially common in the Creole South State menu.

Sea kitchen caribbean has its own sophistication and wealth of tastes. Hundreds of fish species can easily embarrass inhaled by such a variety of tourist: sea bass, sword fish, pompano, kefal, king fish, yellow-rod, tuna, Waha, Lucian, Scutch, Macrel, Dolphin meat, and so on, and so on ... Of course, this wealth complement lobsters, shrimps, mollusks, turtles and other sea delicacies. And all this is served in fried, baked, stew, boiled species.

Among all the types of meat are the most common chicken meat, as the most economical. The process of its preparation is worth describing: after fivefold washing it in water, washing in vinegar or lemon juice, marinate it with ginger, lime, chili or other seasonings, the list of which will burn to be unusually long, and after that they are preparing. Beef and pork are also common in the Caribbean cuisine, but mainly in the Spanish Islands. The latter in popularity go goat meat and lamb, it is used only on some islands. For example, on Jamaica, where the goat meat under Carry is a special festive dish.

Probably, due to the widespread growth of sugar cane on the islands, all sorts of desserts are an important component of Caribbean cuisine. Many desserts include local fruits and vegetables, both in fresh and dried.

Contrary to the current opinion, not all Caribbean dishes are increasingly sharp or patient, despite the fact that Chile is the most common seasoning. Other can be called red pod pepper, Annato seeds, bay leaf, black pepper, Schitt-bow, coriander, cinnamon, coconut, powder curry, garlic, ginger, lemon, nutmeg, onions, oregano, sugar, cumin, lime, juice Orange, tamarind, tomato paste, vanilla, white pepper and others.

As for alcoholic beverages, the most important Caribbean "elixir" is rightfully considered rum. Each island has its own option to prepare Roma, as well as drinks based on it. Rum is made from the molasses - the product obtained by processing sugarcane. History says that for the first time Rum was produced in 1630 on the island of Barbados, then it was a very strong drink, much stronger than the modern Roma. The Roma Association with Pirates is only a partly fiction. Pirates really preferred to all other drinks when they had such an opportunity.

In order to most fully imagine the culinary palette of the Caribbean, to visit a little in one of his corner. If this time you go to one of his islands, no matter how much you didn't like it, the next time this opportunity, visit the other corner of the Caribbean, and you will be surprised by new tastes and flavors. After all, you can open the Caribbeans again and again, not tired to amaze them after the Great Portuguese ...

Caribbean Islands, Open Columbus in 1492 are a real paradise. This beautiful earth is full of unusual beauty with flowers, delicious tropical fruits, an unforgettable singing of birds.

The history of the Caribbean Islands has undergone difficult times. The first indigenous inhabitants of the islands, Caribbean and Aravaki were engaged in agriculture, hunting and fishing. At that time, corn was brought to the island, podpper, sweet potatoes. Thanks to the Spanish settlers on the island expanded the variety of fruits. If at once the main fruits that were collected by the indigenous people were wild fruit like pineapple, Guava, now there are lime, coconut, mango and others.

African slaves who worked on sugar cane plantations drove the beans, and Indian workers - curry. Since the Caribbean Islands collided with many wars and conquests - all this could not not affect culinary traditions, it means that it is not so easy to determine the specific style of cuisine of the Caribbean Islands. It combines many styles.

Both in former times and in the present, the foundation of the Caribbean cuisine is fruits, vegetables and seafood. Dishes are prepared according to recipes that are transmitted from generation to generation. Most recipes store secret ingredients that give special uniqueness dishes.

Favorite dishes of local residents are vegetable soups, stew. As a rule, fish and meat, here are prepared on open fire. Figure is served as a side dish. The main varieties of meat is a kids, pork and chicken, although beef is used at least. According to special cases, the inhabitants of the Caribbean islands are preparing a stuffed juicy piglery. Classic garnish to a pig - Sweet potatoes or a batt.

Since this area is rich in seafood, then lack of crabs, shrimps, crayfish, tuna is not observed here. Cheap and widely used fish variety - mackerel, and salt cod was and remains a traditional dish of the islands.

A huge variety of vegetables on the Caribbean Islands: Sweet potatoes, Batat, Manica. Most often, vegetables are stuffed or added to stew and curry. The composition of vegetable and sweet dishes is increasingly popular pumpkin. Bean added to soups or served as a side dish.

Caribbean dishes are impossible to imagine without fragrant herbs and spices. In order for meat and fish to become softer, more gentle and acquired a special taste, before cooking, they must be marked. Different spices are used for marination, including such as coriander, chili, pepper, carnation, cinnamon, thyme.

Since sugar cane is a major cheap product on the islands, it is used to prepare desserts and drinks. From sugar cane make rum. It can be used in pure form, and you can add to various cocktails. Fruit juices, ginger beer, sweet fruit syrups, tea and coffee are considered no less popular drinks.

The delicious combination of the tastes of the West and the East helps to create an abundance of fruits and vegetables, as well as a variety of culinary styles of different nationalities.

The main ingredients of Caribbean cuisine

Aki is a tropical fruit, the appearance of which resembles scrambled eggs. The fruit has a thin gentle taste. Most often aki can be found in canned form.

Starch - replaces flour and is used when cooking baking.
Jamaican pepper is used in the form of dried berries resembling round pepper. The taste of the Jamaican pepper resembles a carnation, nutmeg.
Gray California Walnut - Used as a side dish instead of potatoes, pasta, rice.
Callala - call the leaves of two plants: spinach and tarot. Callal is preparing a popular caribbean soup.
Teatuch is a type of pear-shaped zucchini. It is suitable for frying. Young chapter shoots use as an asparagus, tubers - like a battle, and the leaves are like greens.
Chili pepper - widely used in crushed form. From it they make a sharp pepper sauce and vinegar insists on it.
Corn flour - used for cooking bread, pudding, casserole.

Coconut - contains a liquid that is known as coconut juice, water. It is drunk in pure form or add in rum, vodka, gin. There is a canned coconut milk. Creamy coconut is widely used - compressed coconut pulp. Coconut cream appeared on sale.
Turkish peas - used in dried, fresh and canned form.
Guava - suitable for making jams, jelly, pastes. It occurs in a canned form.
Okra - green pods that attach the viscosity of soups and stewed dishes.
Papaya - used for cooking sauces, sweet and salt dishes.
Yams - the same thing as the batt. Preparing like potatoes.
Sweet potato - His sweet taste resembles chestnut. It can be frying, stew, bake, cook.
Vegetable banana - is used only in the finished form. His delicate taste resembles a zucchini. Suitable for the preparation of sweet and salt dishes.

Traditional recipes of Caribbean cuisine

The main traditional dish of the Caribbean islands is considered Callala.

It will take it for cooking

Leaves Callalo or Spinach - 450 g
finely chopped bulb - 1 pc
Creamy oil - 25 g
Crab meat - 225 g
Canned coconut milk - 400 ml
Chicken or vegetable broth - 850 g
Ground garlic - 2 teeth
Thyme - 1 twig
Sliced \u200b\u200bOkra or Bamia - 115 g
Salt and black pepper
acute pepper sauce


First of all, finely cut the leaves of Callalo or Spinach. Next, take a saucepan and calm the creamy oil. Add onions, garlic, fry 10 minutes. At the turn of the eye, thyme. Fry, stirring for 5 minutes. Then add Callalo or Spinach, stirring, and take turns in turning broth, coconut milk. Do not forget to add seasonings. All bring to a boil, cover with a lid and cook no more than 15 minutes on slow fire. After that, add crab meat, prepare another 5 minutes. At will, you can add a bit of the pepper sauce. The dish is served in warm plates, decorated with sweet red pepper cubes.

Caribbean pancakes


For dough: Egg - 2 pcs
Coconut milk - 115 ml
Wheat flour - 115 g
Milk - 175 ml
Sugar sand - 1 tbsp
Melted butter - 15 g
vegetable oil for frying
powdered sugar

Ingredients for filling:

Dark rum - 3 tbsp
Terching zest and juice 1 Orange
banana - 4 pcs
Light brown sugar - 3 tbsp
Creamy oil - 40 g


In one container, we whip the eggs with conventional milk and coconut milk. In the other - sift the flour and salt. We add sugar. From the flour mixture lay down the slide and in the center we make a deepening. There we pour an egg-milk mixture. Gently stirring, adding melted butter. Make sure that there are no lumps.

Heat the frying pan. Add some vegetable oil. Fry pancakes until golden color from two sides. This mixture is enough for 8 pancakes.
Preparing filling. Heat the butter in a pan, dissolve sugar in it. Add chopped bananas and prepare 1-2 minutes so that the bananas become soft. Add rum, juice and zest orange. Everyone is brought to a boil so that the fluid evaporates. The filling should thicken a bit.

On the half of each pancake put a spoonful of the filling. Pancake fold in the form of a triangle. Before serving, the pancakes must be sprinkled with powdered powder.

The cuisine of the Caribbean is the recipes of thousands of the islands and islets of Central America. Local traditions of the Indians smoothly, but tightly walked here with the culinary habits brought at different times and new products of Europeans, Asians, Africans. As a result, the Caribbean cuisine turned out - the same bright, motley and saturated, like the whole nature of this region, is the same generous and interesting as local residents. No wonder Columbus somehow called these islands to be "Paradise Garden on Earth."

It is difficult to talk about any common features of this boiling alloy of flavors - in each region of Caribbean, something has been allocated, especially favorite and significant. But let's try to somehow orient you.

Vegetables and fruits - Main products

Well, still, with such a geographical location! A wet roast climate and a variety of relief from lowlands and plains to hills and mountains give life to the incredible variety of plants on these islands.

The basis of vegetable dishes here is the "Indian Trio" - corn, beans and pumpkin. They are eaten in boiled and stew, make flour for pellets, cereal and soups. Vegetables stuff or add to stew.

In addition to the old "Trinity" here, it is cultivated here and prepare wheat, yams, yukku, batt, potatoes, salads, tomatoes, onions, zucchini, pepper, pepper, salads, tomatoes, onions, zucchini, pepper ... Very popular meals: Local bean soup, Corn cinnamon and vanilla , salad salsa with red bow and pineapple, rice with tomatoes and even beans with rice (one of the traditional dishes)! By the way, here you can meet in the recipes are completely incredible in the opinion of the European Combination: How do you mango with a bow? And you try.

The local tropical fruits (famous Papaya, Mango, Bananas, Coconuts, Pineapples, and not very - Aki, Coals, Sapodilla, Musmula, Karambol, Annon) are used both in the raw form and in the preparation of numerous sweet desserts and drinks. By the way, bananas are mostly vegetable and used by the type of potatoes in European cuisine. And some local fruits due to the complexity of transportation can only be tried here.

Meat and fish

Do you know that, according to some researchers, the term "barbecue" comes from these places? This is what (Barba Koah) called the territory of the Indians the process of frying meat above the deepening with open fire. Actually here today is the most traditional way of cooking.

Most often in meat recipes you can find chicken - the most affordable and fast boiling meat. The pork and beef are in popularity, it is closed by a lamb and kozdyatin. On some islands, however, their preferences. So, you can meet, as the favorite festive dish, the goat under the sauce of curry, pork ribs with pineapple, roasted rabbit or stuffed with a whole milk piglet.

Any meat here, as a rule, marinate before preparing a few hours in special sharp marinades, the composition of which is widely varied from the area to the terrain. Rice, tomatoes, potatoes or a batt are served as a side dish.

Delicious delicacy is considered the local spicy dried meat Jerk - smoked in the coupon smoked and covered with a thick layer of spices (mostly pepper).

The lack of fish and seafood on the islands is also not felt. Here you can try all sorts of their views from the usual tuna and Kefali to the meat of shark or dolphin, as well as Luciana, Pompano, Appuk, Wahu ... - European may not know the third names in general. Talking about the methods of cooking local sea fauna is meaningless - not to list. We call only a few traditional dishes: salt cod, baked mackerel, mussels in coconut sauce, steak of fish sword, salad with shrimps, turtle soup, stuffed crab backs.

On gold weight

We will discuss, of course, about spices and seasonings, so characteristic with central America unlike the northern neighbor. Spices use here abundantly. Know: Almost there is no such caribbean dish, which would be put on fire, pre-carefully preferably failing and not marking for a few hours - it concerns meat, and birds, and fish, and vegetables.

Apply here vinegar, mustard, juice lime, tomato paste, curry, onions with garlic, salt and sugar, many types of peppers (especially love chili), thyme, muscat, carnation, ginger. Very often, the composition of marinades or sauces includes rum or coconut milk, sour cream, yogurt.

Drinks and desserts

The main objects of exports of islands - coffee and sugar. Moreover, both plants, of which they are produced, not local, but imported by the long-lasting settlers: Coffee trees from Arabia, sugar cane - with Canar. And now guess what is the most popular drink? Right, rum!

And this is almost no joke, although, of course, coffee here is also very loved. Especially sweet, with cane sugar. But much more willing sugar cane is used on the islands for the preparation of a local symbol - Roma, which there are several varieties. All of them in its pure form and in the composition of numerous cocktails can be tried in the caribbean.

From other alcoholic beverages, ginger beer is respected here, from unpirty - fastening tea and freshly squeezed fruit juices.

The dessert eat all kinds of variations from fresh, fried or dried fruits, adding them in jelly, ice cream, sweet salads and baking.

Our advice is finally: you want to know the Caribbean cuisine - in no case are you not limited to one or two islands, no matter how you like it. We guarantee - on the next island you will definitely find new taste and fragrance that you will surprise, delight, intrigue ... To discover Caribbeans can be infinite, including in a culinary aspect.