How to make blueberry fluffy mousse. Blueberry mousse (dessert)

04.03.2020 Dishes for children

Blueberries are a delicious wild berry with unique healing properties. It is equally useful in raw and thermally processed form. Therefore, it is widely used in cooking. Today's article presents a selection of interesting recipes for dishes from this fragrant berry.

Ways to harvest blueberries for the winter

Unfortunately, this tasty berry cannot be kept fresh for a long time. Therefore, many prudent housewives try to stock up on it for the future. One of the simplest methods of harvesting blueberries is freezing. The sorted, washed and dried berries are put in low containers and stored at sub-zero temperatures. Subsequently, they are used to make pastries, ice cream, sauces and other blueberry dishes.

For those who do not have a spacious freezer, it can be recommended to dry the berries. To do this, the sorted fruits are laid out on paper or thick fabric, covered with gauze and left in direct sunlight. Dried vegetable raw materials are dried in an oven heated to eighty degrees. Store such berries in cotton or linen bags in any cool room.

Those who don't have time to dry blueberries can simply grind them with sugar. To do this, ground berries are combined with sweet sand in a ratio of 1: 2, laid out in clean jars and put in the refrigerator. In addition, all kinds of preservation, such as compotes or jams, are made from it.

berry jam

This recipe will surely arouse some interest among those who do not know what to cook with blueberries. This sweet treat keeps well through the winter and can be used to create flavorful homemade baked goods. To make this jam, you will need:

  • A kilo of blueberries.
  • 500 grams of sugar.

The sorted and washed berries are poured into a convenient pan and covered with sweet sand. All this is sent to the stove, brought to a boil and boiled to the desired density, not being lazy to periodically remove the resulting foam. After about an hour, the hot jam is transferred to a sterile glass container, rolled up and sent for storage.

Blueberry pie

This pastry is made on the basis of crumbly shortcrust pastry, which goes well with fragrant berry filling. Since this blueberry pie recipe calls for some non-standard ingredients, see if you have on hand:

  • ¾ cup buttermilk.
  • 12 large spoons of butter.
  • 1.5 cups blueberries
  • Fresh egg.
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • ¼ cup brown sugar.
  • ½ teaspoon of soda.
  • A couple of glasses of flour.
  • Vanillin.

The process of preparing this simple and delicious blueberry dish can be divided into several simple steps. 10 tablespoons of chilled butter are cut into cubes and combined with salt and flour. Everything is thoroughly rubbed until crumbs are obtained, half of which is laid in a separate bowl. In the rest add the egg, vanillin and buttermilk. The sorted and washed berries are poured into the resulting dough and beat well with a mixer. All this is laid out in a greased form and covered with the remaining crumbs mixed with the rest of the butter and brown sugar. Dessert is baked at an average temperature for a little less than an hour.

jellied pie

Baking made using the technology described below will be an excellent addition to a cup of fragrant herbal tea. It has an unusual taste and retains its original freshness for a long time. It is also important that this blueberry pie recipe involves the use of a slow cooker. And this greatly simplifies the task of the cook. To bake this dessert, you will need:

  • 370 milliliters of sour cream.
  • ½ cup sugar.
  • A couple of eggs.
  • 120 grams of butter.
  • A little more than a glass of flour.
  • A couple of large spoons of starch.
  • ½ cup blueberries.
  • A pinch of baking powder and salt.

Having figured out what to cook from blueberries, you need to understand exactly how to do it. Frozen butter is grated and combined with a glass of flour, baking powder and salt. The resulting mass is mixed with 70 milliliters of sour cream and put in the refrigerator. Thirty minutes later, the dough is spread over the bottom of the multicooker bowl, covered with a layer of berries and poured with a mixture of the remaining sour cream, eggs, sugar and starch. Immediately after this, the device is covered with a lid and left in the “Baking” mode for eighty minutes.

berry jelly

We bring to your attention another interesting version of the blueberry dish. This dessert is served chilled. Therefore, it will be an excellent alternative to popsicles. To prepare it you will need:

  • 200 grams of blueberries.
  • 450 milliliters of water.
  • 25 grams of gelatin.
  • Sugar (to taste)

Gelatin is dissolved in 150 milliliters of cold water and left for at least half an hour. In order not to waste precious minutes, you can take care of the rest of the components. 300 milliliters of water is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and combined with washed berries and sugar. All this is boiled over low heat for a quarter of an hour, and then removed from the stove and cooled.

The swollen gelatin is brought to a boil. As soon as it is completely dissolved, berry syrup is added to it and poured into molds. Almost ready blueberry jelly is sent for several hours in the refrigerator. Only after that the frozen delicacy is served to the table.

Curd and berry mousse

A dessert made according to the recipe below is not only tasty, but also healthy. It does not contain a single gram of artificial additives, so it can be offered not only to adults, but also to small sweet tooth. To make blueberry mousse, you will need:

  • 200 grams of cottage cheese.
  • 3 large spoons of pasteurized milk.
  • 150 grams of blueberries.
  • ½ ripe banana.
  • A pinch of vanilla.

Washed berries are combined with banana slices and crushed in a blender. In a separate container, mix cottage cheese, milk and vanilla and beat it all with a mixer. The resulting masses are laid out in layers in bowls and decorated with waffles and mint leaves. If desired, a little sugar can be added to the blueberry mousse.


This dessert is prepared using a very simple technology that does not involve heat treatment. Instead, it should be kept in the refrigerator for several hours. Therefore, it is better to start the process in the evening in order to try a piece of delicious delicacy in the morning. To make Blueberry Cheesecake, you will need:

  • 300 grams of cookies.
  • Half a stick of unsalted butter.
  • Half a kilo of cottage cheese.
  • 500 milliliters of sour cream.
  • 300 grams of sugar.
  • 200 milliliters of cream 20% fat.
  • 200 grams of blueberries.
  • A couple of sachets of gelatin.

The ground cookies are poured with melted butter, spread over the bottom of a split mold and put in the refrigerator. While the base hardens, you can start preparing the cream. To do this, grated cottage cheese, sugar and sour cream are combined in one bowl. All this is whipped and divided into two unequal parts. Blueberry puree is added to the smaller one, the larger one is left as it is.

Gelatin is soaked in a small amount of water, and then poured with heated, but not boiling cream. The resulting liquid is divided in half. Each part is combined with curd masses.

On the sandy base for the future blueberry cheesecake, alternately spread the white and berry mixture so that a pattern is obtained. The finished dessert is sent to the refrigerator for solidification.

Berry muffins

These delicious little cupcakes are a great addition to a cup of aromatic tea or a glass of warm milk. They are distinguished by a delicate structure and a pronounced berry aroma. To prepare this blueberry dish, you will need:

  • 300 grams of flour.
  • A tablespoon of baking powder.
  • 150 grams of blueberries.
  • Fresh egg.
  • 130 grams of sugar.
  • 220 milliliters of pasteurized milk.
  • 75 grams of unsalted butter.
  • ½ teaspoon salt.

In one deep container, beaten egg, ghee and milk are combined. Bulk ingredients are added to the resulting liquid and intensively mixed with a mixer. Washed blueberries are sent to the prepared dough and all this is distributed over silicone molds. Muffins are baked at two hundred degrees for no more than twenty-five minutes.

I advise you to take quality products: butter 82.5%, dark chocolate at least 55% cocoa, natural condensed milk. Cream cheese and condensed milk should be at room temperature so that the gelatin does not seize during the preparation of the mousse, so take them out of the refrigerator in advance.
The ingredients are designed for a cake with a diameter of 20-22 cm. I baked brownies and collected the cake in a confectionery ring, setting the diameter to 20 cm. A detachable form is also suitable. Or you can bake brownies in a silicone mold, and collect the cake in a confectionery ring.
It is more convenient to cook the cake in the evening, it takes 8 hours to stabilize the mousse (just overnight in the refrigerator).

Let's prepare the cake: melt the butter and chocolate broken into cubes in a water bath (the dishes do not touch boiling water), or in the microwave, mix until a smooth homogeneous mass. Cool down a bit.
Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer until fluffy. Add the chocolate-butter mixture to the beaten eggs, mix with a spatula. Add sifted flour, baking powder, salt. Knead the dough with a spatula.

Pour the dough into a mold (if necessary, oiled), smooth. I baked in a pastry ring, making the bottom of 3 layers of foil.

Bake in an oven preheated to 170 for 15-20 minutes, until a dry match. Do not overcook brownies in the oven! The middle should be moist (but not liquid), and on top - a thin crispy crust! Ready brownie to cool in the form. If the form is silicone, the cake is easily separated, but it is very fragile, so you need to take it out by covering it with a flat plate or a board and quickly turning it over. To remove the foil from the bottom, I also, having removed the ring, covered the cake with a board, turned it over and carefully separated the foil.

Let the blueberries thaw, beat with a blender. Rub through a sieve. I have 200 g of puree from 250 g of blueberries.

Pour gelatin with water, heat until dissolved (I have instant, without pre-soaking).

Mix cream cheese thoroughly with condensed milk (products at room temperature). If you like it sweeter - add 250 g of condensed milk, 200 g was enough for me.

Add blueberry puree, stir. Pour in warm gelatin and mix quickly. I add warm gelatin so that it does not start to harden and does not go in strands, since the puree was cold, from only defrosted berries.

Beat the chilled cream at low speed with a mixer until peaks form. Do not leave the mixer, if it is on the attachment, the cream can be easily whipped into butter in a matter of seconds!

Pour the whipped cream into the mousse and with light, but thorough movements of the spatula, knead until smooth.

Put the mousse on the brownie, tamping it with a spatula so that there are no voids, smooth it. Send the future cake to the refrigerator for 8 or more hours. I covered the top with a plate so it wouldn't dry out.

The finished cake must be carefully removed from the mold by passing along the side with a sharp thin knife and removing it. For decor, I whipped 100 ml of cream, adding powdered sugar, and deposited them from a pastry bag with rosettes. On some I added melted blueberries each, sprinkled with chocolate sprinkles. You can simply sprinkle the cake with grated chocolate and add mint leaves.

"Blueberry mousse on brownie" will surely surprise and delight with its amazing look and delight with rich chocolate-blueberry taste :))

Who wants a piece...?

And cakes. Do you want to impress your guests with your culinary skills? Follow the fashion trend and prepare a delicate blueberry cake mousse instead of the usual cream. Why blueberries were chosen from berries? It has an amazing taste, tolerates freezing without losing its qualities and goes well with different types of dough. My mousse cake recipe is very simple. Do not be afraid of the abundance of step by step photos taken. 🙂 I just tried to cover all the steps in as much detail as possible so that anyone can cook this creamy cake with their own hands.


  • sugar - 4 tbsp. with a slide;
  • water - 5 tablespoons;
  • proteins from large eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cream from 33% - 200 gr;
  • fresh or thawed blueberries - 200 gr;
  • gelatin - 10 gr.

How to make blueberry cake mousse

We start preparing the mousse for the cake by whipping the berries with a blender until puree.

Soak gelatin in three tablespoons of water. When it absorbs all the water, melt it in a water bath. Leave the solution warm until required.

For the protein component of the mousse, you need to cook a thick syrup of sugar and 2 tablespoons of water. To do this, combine them in a small saucepan with a thick bottom. We put on medium heat and boil to 121 ° C, if you have a thermometer, or to a test for a hard ball, if you cook without special equipment. Let me remind you how to test. In a glass of cold water, a drop of syrup turns into a hard ball.

Whilst the syrup is boiling, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Verification test: turn the egg whites upside down and make sure they don't even stir.

Then, pour boiling syrup into the proteins. Pour it carefully, in a thin stream, right under the beaters of a running mixer. The protein mass is compacted and becomes shiny, at the end of whipping we similarly introduce a gelatin solution.

Add blueberry puree to the whites in three batches, gently mixing with a spatula each time.

Whip the chilled cream to soft peaks.

In three doses, add the cream to the mousse. Mix with a spatula.

You can also use a mixer. Do not beat, but simply mix the masses until completely combined at the lowest speed. Here is such an airy mousse - a layer for a cake - it turns out in the end.

The addition of whipped proteins makes the cream mousse especially tender and airy. Use it as a layer in cakes or pastries, fill sand baskets or eclairs with it - do not be afraid of sweet experiments.

This easy-to-make berry mousse is sure to become your favorite recipe. Thanks to the huge amount of vitamins contained in berries, it not only gives pleasure, but also energizes.

For the first time, mousse began to be prepared in France. And this is not strange, because it is the French who are considered the discoverers of almost all the gourmet dishes of our time. French cuisine is famous all over the world for its simplicity and luxury at the same time. The recipe for sweet mousses made from ripe fruits and berries, chocolate, vanilla or caramel has the same characteristics.

Mousse is a fluffy, foamy dish. Initially, it was prepared only sweet, using fruit or berry juice as the basis, but a rich imagination led to the emergence of such outlandish recipes as salmon, spinach or even meat mousse. But the favorite of all European cuisines, of course, was and remains berry mousse.

Everyone knows about the invaluable benefits of berries, which is why in the summer you need to eat cherries, gooseberries, red and black currants “with a margin”. If at the height of the season you are tired of eating fresh currants, cherries and other berries, and you want to diversify your diet, but not stop the healing process, then this recipe is simply created for you.

A strawberry smoothie or mousse is a great option for those who love berries but have had enough of them over the summer. To somehow diversify this recipe, but at the same time not turn it into a high-calorie dessert with dough and fat cream, add a little sour cream to it. By adding a handful of red currants, you will make the sour cream dessert more fragrant, tasty and "vitaminous". Such a light but incredibly tasty strawberry dessert will decorate the table and increase the rating of the hostess in the eyes of the guests. If you fantasize a little with the decoration, then your mousse will look like a real birthday cake, as in the photo. Cooking it is as easy as shelling pears: the cooking process itself will take about 30 minutes, and most of the time will be spent on solidifying sweets before serving.


  • Sour cream (15% fat) - 2 packets (about 750 g);
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Gelatin - 2 sachets (about 40 g);
  • Red currant berries - ½ cup;
  • Fresh strawberries - 150 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Gelatin must be poured into a bowl in advance and poured with a small amount of cold water so that it dissolves. For "swelling" it will take about 40 minutes. At this time, you can do the preparation of currants and strawberries, and the preparation of sour cream.

2. Rinse and clean the berries. It is not necessary to cook exactly strawberry mousse, this is a matter of your taste. The recipe will not get any worse if instead of strawberries you take the same amount of blueberries, for example. If you want more sweetness, then choose ripe raspberries, and if you are a fan of desserts with "sourness", then add a little blackcurrant or gooseberry. If there are various varieties of berry fruits at home, then do not be afraid to make platters.

3. Sour cream must be mixed with sugar and beat with a blender until a strong foam. If you are a fan of diet food, then a glass of sugar will be a bit much. Add a little vanilla to the whipped mixture to make the flavor even more delicate. Warm the swollen gelatin over low heat and make sure that it does not boil in any case, otherwise the berry mousse will not harden and will look like a regular strawberry cocktail. Stir gelatin with sour cream.

4. Put the berries in a mold (preferably glass) and pour cream on top of them. If you want to get a large cake to serve on the table (as in the photo above), then the form should be large. If you are preparing portioned treats for your household, then it is better to pour the mousse into small glass bowls or glasses.

Put the liquid strawberry mousse in the fridge and after two hours you can start enjoying it!

Strawberry mousse with sour cream is not only a healthy and tasty dessert; it is so beautiful and appetizing that it can easily be served at the table at the holidays instead of cakes with oily fat cream. To see this, just look at the photo.

Fluffy Blueberry Protein Mousse

This recipe is much "lighter" than the previous one: both literally and in terms of calories. This airy blueberry dessert is prepared in just 20 minutes, and even the most inexperienced hostess can handle it. Even in the photo it is noticeable that the blueberry and protein mousse is light and airy, like a cloud.


  • Fresh blueberries - 250 g;
  • Sugar - 110 g;
  • Protein - 2 pcs.;

Cooking method:

2. In a separate container, mix the berries with sugar. The amount of sugar depends on the chosen berry (if you are preparing cherry or strawberry or raspberry mousse, then 70-80 g will be enough), the recipe can be changed to your liking. The berries need to be crushed a little so that they give juice.

3. Push the resulting mixture through a sieve to make sweet berry juice.

4. Beat the whites until a thick foam is obtained (to make sure this succeeds, add a pinch of salt).

5. Gently pour the berry juice into the resulting foam, continue whisking with a blender or whisk. Blueberry mousse should be airy, as in the photo.

The recipe is ready to serve! You can put whole blueberries in the bottom of the glasses in which you are going to serve the mousse. This blueberry dessert impresses with its simplicity and sophistication, as well as its delicate taste. It's hard not to take a photo of such an appetizing dessert.

desserts We are pleased to present you a step-by-step recipe for preparing the dish "Dessert from cheese mousse and melon". It's really worth a try. Cream cheese 250 g. Cream 33% 200 g. Egg white 2 pcs. Cognac 50 ml. Chocolate 100 g. Melon 1 pc. Cherry canned 100 g Cherry liqueur 50 ml. Sugar 200 g Beat 100 g of sugar and whites in a stable thick foam. Add cherry liqueur and beat again. First, let's prepare the cheese mousse. We take a separate container and beat the cream with the remaining sugar in it until a fluffy mass is obtained. Add 1 tablespoon of whipped cream to the cheese and mix into a creamy mass. Mix remaining whipped cream with whipped egg whites. Add cream cheese to the prepared mass and gently mix everything together. After that, add cherries, chopped chocolate to the cheese-cream mixture and mix thoroughly. We line the form with cling film and put the prepared mousse into it and place it in the freezer for 3 hours. Before serving, cut the frozen mousse into portions. Cut the melon in half. Cut each half into 3 equal parts and remove the seeds. We cut each portion with a fan so that it is divided into 4-5 thin slices fastened in the stalk area. Cut the peel off each slice, leaving it connected at the point where the slices are fastened together. We put the melon on a plate, placing the slices in a fan, and sprinkle with cognac. Put a portion of the frozen mousse next to it and serve immediately. Cheese mousse can also be frozen in portion molds. For this, molds for small cupcakes are ideal. True, before serving the mousse, it is better to withstand 10 minutes at room temperature. Enjoy your meal!
  • 15min 25min Desserts We are pleased to present you a step-by-step recipe for preparing the "Chocolate Mousse" dish. It's really worth a try. Water 3/4 cup Ice to taste Chocolate black 150 g. Whipped cream to taste Place the saucepan with the resulting sauce in a bowl filled with ice. Beat the substance with a fork or mixer to make the future mousse more airy. Serve topped with whipped cream. Enjoy your meal!
  • 10min 6h 0min 299 desserts Chocolate mousse with pistachios. You pronounce it - and you see yourself sitting at a beautifully laid table among smartly dressed people at some kind of celebration. Yes, this most delicate, originally French, and now international, dessert is intended for the holiday. But do not think that it is difficult to prepare. Not at all. It will take much longer to cool down than to cook. According to our recipe, the mousse will turn out thick and at the same time airy. Pistachios will give originality. In general, you will have something to please and surprise guests over dessert. Chocolate black bitter 200 g. Chocolate black sweet 50 g. Sugar 1/4 tbsp. Whipped cream 50 g. Fatty cream 2 tbsp. Pistachios 50 g. Yolk 4 pcs. Milk 2 tbsp. Gelatin 10 g. Vanilla extract 1 tbsp. l.. Salt 1/4 tbsp. l.. Pour milk into a bowl, add egg yolks, milk, sugar and salt. Whisk all ingredients until smooth. Then add gelatin, mix and let stand for about a minute. Cut the chocolate into slices. Add chocolate to the mixture, mix and put in a water bath. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly. We do not boil the mixture. Add vanilla extract, stir and remove from heat. Using a mixer, whip the cream and mix it with the chocolate mass. Pour the resulting mass into molds and send it to the refrigerator until completely solidified (about 4-5 hours). Decorate the frozen mousse with pistachios and whipped cream. Enjoy your meal!
  • 10min 180min 225 desserts Cranberry mousse with semolina is the most delicate low-calorie dessert, which is undoubtedly admired by everyone for its exquisite taste. Cranberry mousse is perfect on a summer day and will be a light, pleasant snack. Cranberry 300 g Semolina 100 g. Sugar 250 g. Water 400 ml. Mash the cranberries thoroughly. Add half a glass of water, mix and filter the mixture through cheesecloth. Add the remaining 300 ml of water to the cranberry pulp and bring the mixture to a boil. Cook for 5-7 minutes. Then we filter. Then add semolina to the strained cranberry broth and cook over low heat for several minutes, stirring constantly. We get the consistency of porridge. Add cranberry juice to the resulting cranberry porridge. We lay out the cranberry mousse in molds and send it to the refrigerator for several hours. Cranberry mousse with semolina is ready. Enjoy your meal!
  • 10min 60min 141 desserts Blackcurrant mousse marmalade is an amazing dessert that will undoubtedly delight both children and adults. The mousse turns out to be airy, tender and beautiful, and what is most pleasant, it is prepared simply and quickly. Black currant 250 g. Gelatin 1.5 tbsp. l.. Powdered sugar 200 g Water 1/2 tbsp. If you have frozen currants, defrost it. Fresh berries are washed and sorted. Grind the berries with a blender and grind through a sieve. Mix cake with ode and grind again. The result is approximately 250 ml of currant juice. Pour into a refractory bowl and add gelatin, stir and leave to swell for 10-15 minutes. Then add powdered sugar and mix. We put the currant mixture in a saucepan with boiling water and cook in a water bath over low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved., Stirring constantly. Let the mixture cool to room temperature, and then beat with a mixer. The mixture should increase in size. Pour the currant mixture into a baking dish lined with parchment paper. We send it to the refrigerator for several hours until completely solidified. Blackcurrant mousse is ready. Remove parchment paper and serve. Enjoy your meal!
  • 20min 180min Desserts Making mousse from cherries or other berries is very simple. The only advice is to choose very juicy fruits and berries, then the mousse will turn out to be really very tasty. I offer my recipe for how to cook cherry mousse quickly and tasty. Canned cherries 250 g Sour cream 200 g. Water 180 ml. Gelatin 2 g. Sugar 2-3 g. Prepare all the necessary ingredients. In 180 ml. dissolve the gelatin with warm water, leave it for 10 minutes. Grind cherries in a blender along with sugar. Place the chopped cherries in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then remove from heat, add swollen gelatin and mix well. Add sour cream to slightly cooled cherries, mix well with a spoon or mixer. Pour the resulting mousse into bowls or glasses, refrigerate for 2-3 hours, and then serve.
  • 20min 120min Desserts I bring to your attention an excellent delicacy, which is very fond of both adults and children. Creamy curd mousse is prepared for no more than an hour, it also freezes for about an hour. Berries and fruits can be taken according to your taste. Peaches, bananas, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, cranberries and so on go well with cottage cheese. Cottage cheese 400 g Sour cream 100 g Powdered sugar 100 g Fruits, berries To taste (optional) For this mousse, you can take cottage cheese of any fat content, but I recommend 0% or a maximum of 5%, since sour cream is added to it and it turns out to be quite fat. Add sour cream (20% fat), start kneading the mousse. We introduce powdered sugar and knead the mass with a blender. If desired, you can add a little vanilla sugar. Add fruits, berries and nuts according to your taste. I decided to take roasted peanuts, crushed it. We add it to our curd mass, mix everything. Now you need to beat the berries / fruits. I had frozen cranberries. I whipped it with powdered sugar in a blender until smooth. Now put the curd mass in a glass, then pour over the berry sauce, then the curd mass again - and again the berry sauce. And so on until you reach the top of the glass. It turns out so beautiful. Sprinkle everything with the remaining nuts on top, send the creamy curd mousse to the refrigerator so that the mass freezes a little. After about an hour, creamy curd mousse can be served at the table. It is better for children to give it not from the refrigerator, but immediately after preparation.
  • 20min 55min Desserts Mousse can be made from white or dark chocolate, from fruits and berries, or just vanilla. It will be an excellent cream and decoration for any pastries: cakes, pastries, muffins. And if you put the prepared mousse into bowls and send it to the refrigerator for several hours, you will get a delicious dessert that can be decorated with berries. Ready mousse must be cooked immediately before decorating to maintain a light and delicate texture. White chocolate 300 g. Cream 400 ml. Gelatin 1 tsp To prepare white chocolate, break it into small pieces and send it to an iron bowl or saucepan, send it to a water bath and heat it, add 100 milliliters of cream and melt it, stirring constantly. Gelatin is pre-soaked in warm water for 20-30 minutes. After that, heat half a glass of cream and pour into the swollen gelatin, mix. Add the gelatin mixture to the melted chocolate, mix gently with a spatula and send to the refrigerator to cool. Whip the remaining cream until stiff peaks form, then fold the cooled chocolate mass into the whipped cream with a spatula. The main thing is that the cream does not settle. With the resulting chocolate mousse, immediately grease the cake until the mousse is frozen. Enjoy your meal!
  • 20min 60min Desserts Here is a recipe for making classic berry mousse. I would love to share the recipe with you! Delicious, tender, melt-in-your-mouth dessert! And if you consider that such a delicacy is also useful, then in general you should have no doubts. Prepare urgently, your family will appreciate it! Berries 800 g. Lemon juice 3 tsp Gelatin 20 g. Water 1/3 stack. Fatty sour cream 500 stack. Eggs 4 pcs. Sugar 3/4 stack. Grind the berries in a blender and grind through gauze so that there is a smooth and homogeneous mass. Add lemon juice and sugar. Mix until smooth. Separately, we heat the water, dissolve the gelatin in it, as indicated on the package. Then add to the berries along with sour cream. Separately, beat the egg whites until fluffy white mass, gently add them to the mousse. And now let the dessert brew well in the refrigerator. And when it hardens, decorate it with berries and serve it to the table!
  • 20min 20min Desserts I will tell you how to make strawberry mousse, a delicious, delicate and very delicate dessert that will absolutely satisfy even the highest demands of your home gourmets. Try it, I assure you you won't regret it. Dessert will not leave indifferent even those who are always on a diet! Strawberry 200 g. Egg 1 pc. Sugar 4 tbsp Wash my strawberries, peel them from the stalks and crush them to a puree state along with 1 tbsp. Sahara. Pour a little sugar, grind the strawberries until all the sugar has dissolved. Separately, beat the egg white with a mixer until sharp peaks. We don't need the yolk here. Let's mix. Mix thoroughly - and there will be such a mixture. We lay out the finished dessert in glasses and decorate with berries. Let it cool down a bit and you are ready to serve!