Secrets of cooking meat dishes. Men's recipes: the secrets of cooking tasty and juicy meat

On the history of the origin of vinaigrette are endless debate! Some experts refer it to the dishes of French cuisine, others believe that the vinaigrette is a Russian dish and first created it was several centuries ago. And there is also the opinion that this vegetable salad appeared not so long ago. Vinaigrette, as usual, is seasoned with mayonnaise or vegetable oil, but the classic vinaigrette should be served under the same sauce. The classic vinaigrette sauce consists of vegetable oil, wine vinegar, and spices. Each time the ingredients are added to the sauce, they are thoroughly mixed, and mustard or yolk are added to give the necessary consistency. We offer classic vinaigrette recipes and original ones.


Friday, April 25, 2014 13:35 (link)

10 secrets of cooking meat and meat products

1. The liver becomes very tasty if you hold it for 2-3 hours in milk before frying. The liver is fried unsalted, otherwise it will become firm.

10. In the absence of a refrigerator, fresh meat can be preserved for a day by wrapping it in a thin cloth moistened with vinegar.


10 secrets of cooking meat and meat products

Monday, March 17, 2014 12:30 (link)

1. The liver becomes very tasty if you hold it for 2-3 hours in milk before frying. The liver is fried unsalted, otherwise it will become firm.

2. It is easy to remove a film from a liver if to lower it for a minute in hot water.

3. If the fried liver is dry and hard, pour it with sour cream or sour cream with onion sauce, bring to a boil and simmer at low heat until the liver is soft. When serving, the liver must be poured over the sauce in which it was doused.

4. If a sharp, unpleasant smell has appeared in beef kidneys in the sauce, the kidneys should be separated from the sauce, rinsed with hot water, again filled with cold water and brought to a boil. Then fry and combine with the newly cooked sauce.

5. If you oversalt the azu or stew, you can add pre-sliced \u200b\u200band spiced fresh tomatoes to the dish, salt will not feel that way.

6. If you overdosed the meat, you need to add fresh flour or butter sauce to the dish, which will take away the salt. You can add sour cream to grilled meat: for this, hot, salted meat is placed in a bowl with cold sour cream, it is cooled and then heated (preferably in a water bath).

7. Boiled chicken will taste better if you take salt out of the broth and then put it in another pan with a lid or towel

8. Sausages will not burst during cooking if they are punctured with a fork before being lowered into the water.

9. Some varieties of smoked sausage are quite difficult to peel. But if you put the sausage for half a minute in cold water, then clean it will not be any difficulty.

10. In the absence of a refrigerator, fresh meat can be preserved for a day by wrapping it in a thin cloth moistened with vinegar. Source: http: //\u003dwall-52361900_43439

How to soften hard meat?
What is the best way to pickle meat?
  How to pickle meat for a kebab in just 30 minutes?
When should be salted meat?
How to store meat without a refrigerator? and many other things you will learn from this small article.

1. In order for the boiled meat to be juicy, tender and fragrant, it must be cooked with a whole piece. If you want the meat to be soft and crumbly, then you need to cook it for at least 1 hour - for pork, 2 hours - for veal.

2. After washing the meat, before cutting, dry it with a paper towel. This is done so that when chopping or using a meat slicer, the meat does not slip in the hands. In addition, dried meat is easier and faster to butcher.

3. To soften the old and tough meat in the following ways:

hold for several hours in whole milk;
grate the mustard powder on a piece of meat from all sides and marinate for 11-12 hours; wash off the mustard with cold water before cooking;
cook the meat with the addition of banana peel;
in the water for cooking meat, you can pour a tablespoon of white vinegar;
marinate meat in dry white natural wine in half with highly carbonated water;
use soy sauce as a marinade (keep in mind that it is salty in itself, so do not overdo it with salting).
4. If the meat before frying soak in water with the addition of starch, it will not only soften to a large extent, but will be with a beautiful crispy crust.

5. Stew will turn out to be tender, refined and fragrant, if in the middle of cooking pour a tablespoon of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of natural dry wine, better than pink, into the pan.

6. It is necessary to fry meat and minced meat products in a frying pan heated with oil, and turn it only once during the whole cooking process.

7. Salt fried meat should be at the very end of cooking, as salt "steals" its juiciness.

8. After smashing sour cream on all sides before grilling, you will get a fragrant and delicious crust on the finished product.

9. Lemon perfectly complements the taste of meat: the finished steak is poured with lemon juice, pieces of meat are impregnated with lemon juice before roasting, lemon and zest can be fried simultaneously with meat, which gives it a very piquant and exotic taste.

10. If you are cooking meat on the grill, then before putting the prepared pieces on the grill, it must be pre-greased and heated, then the products will not stick to the metal and tear.

11. If the baked meat cooked in the oven is steamed over a pan of boiling water before cutting, it will become even more tasty and juicy.

12. Quickly marinate the meat for a kebab in just 30 minutes by using one kiwi. For this, prepared pieces of meat need to be salted, seasoned, add onion rings and mashed kiwi fruit (peeled) kneaded in mush. In case you got unripe kiwi, you can grate it on a coarse grater.

13. In case of emergency, the meat can be stored without a refrigerator. The piece should be carefully rubbed with half a lemon and left open in a well-ventilated and preferably cool place.

1. Meat will become more tender if it is moistened with vodka an hour before cooking.
2. You can mix the meat with soy sauce, leave for the night and fry tomorrow, it will turn out very juicy.
3. Beef, lamb will turn out soft and juicy, if salt and pepper it before baking, you can still stuff it with garlic, then wrap the meat with a banana peel.
4. Secure the rind with a cooking thread so that it does not disperse.
5. Put the meat on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes.
6. The banana peel has unique properties and will make hard, lean meat soft.

The secret of turning tough beef into tender and soft meat.

1. Put the beef in a hot frying pan. Fry on high heat for 3-5 minutes.
2. Add some water, cover and reduce heat. Slice the ginger root and put it to stew along with the meat.
3. The composition of ginger juice is a substance that decomposes proteins and makes hard meat soft. Beef enough to stew with ginger 30 - 40 minutes.

Soften the old meat will help lemon peel.

1. Cut the meat into pieces across the fibers and put on a hot frying pan.
2. Add some lemon peels.
3. At the end of cooking, do not throw away the crusts.
4. Remove them, rub with a spoon and stir with meat juice, which stood out during frying. Put the beef on a plate, pour the juice and decorate with a branch of greenery and carrots.
5. Never salt the meat just before frying, it will lose a lot of juice and it will not taste good. Salt must be put in time, and even better at the very end of cooking.

How best to thaw frozen meat?

You can thaw meat in a fast or slow way. With rapid thawing, ice crystals tear apart muscle fibers and loosen connective tissue. Large losses of meat juice with such defrosting worsen the quality of meat. For the same reasons, we do not recommend thawing meat in water.

Slow method is preferable: wash the frozen meat with cold water, place in a closed dish and leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours. You do not need to cut the meat into small pieces, as this will lose more of the valuable meat juice. Released when defrosting juice, use when cooking.

You can speed up the defrosting process using a microwave oven, but you need to use it in accordance with the instructions.

♦ Do not salt the meat long before you fry or cook it, as this causes premature release of meat juice, impairs the taste and reduces nutritional value; besides, it will turn out tough. It is better to salt the meat after heat treatment.

♦ If it is important for you to get tasty boiled meat, put it in boiling water.

♦ Beat the meat you need on the board, pre-moistened with water.

♦ If you bought tough meat, put it in water with vinegar and let it stand for 2 hours (a glass of table vinegar for 1 l of water). You can pour in the water when cooking 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar or lemon juice - the meat will be softer and tastier.

♦ Middle-aged beef meat will become more tender and easy to boil, if it is rubbed with dry mustard a few hours before cooking, and then rinsed in cold water before cooking.

♦ Before roasting large pieces of meat, wash them and then dry them with a clean towel. When roasting, wet meat liberally produces juice, which makes the taste of the finished dish worse.

♦ To prevent the breadcrumbs from falling off from the meat during frying, first roll the meat in flour, then in a beaten egg, then in breadcrumbs.

♦ Portion and especially small pieces of meat should not be laid too closely on the pan; the fat and dishes in which the meat is roasted are cooled, the crust on the surface of the meat is formed slowly and a lot of juice flows out of it.

♦ Always put meat for frying on a pan or pan that is very hot with fat, otherwise it loses its juice and gets the taste of boiled one.

♦ Meat will not stick to the bottom of the pan or pan if you put a few slices of carrot into the fat.

♦ To improve the taste of roasted meat, pour it with a small amount of grapefruit or pineapple juice.

♦ When roasting meat in the oven, water it only with hot water or broth: it becomes hard from cold water.

♦ To make the baked pork tasty and juicy, before putting it in the oven, make several deep cuts with a knife edge on the surface.

♦ A ready-made meat dish, especially if it is a large, solid piece, should “rest” a few minutes before serving. It is saturated with juices and becomes more tender.

♦ If you are frying poultry or game in the oven, put them on a baking sheet or pan with the back down.

♦ To make the carcasses of the bird, rabbit become covered with a golden crust, grease them with sour cream before roasting in the oven.

♦ In order for the bird's carcass to be well cooked, it is necessary to water it every 10-15 minutes with fat, on which it roasts.

♦ Fried goose, duck, piglet become covered with a crisp crust, if before finishing roasting pour it with cold water.

♦ Meat of chicken or turkey will become white and tender, if before cooking them from the inside, rub with lemon or boil it in water, to which 1 tbsp. Has been previously added. spoon vinegar or lemon juice.

♦ If, when roasting a chicken or turkey in the oven, the crust has reddened, and the inside of the bird remains damp, cover it with damp parchment paper and put it back in the oven.

♦ To cook the chicken faster, let the broth boil for about twenty minutes. Then remove the chicken from the pan and dip it for 3-4 minutes in cold water, then put it back into the boiling broth.

♦ Meat patties will be tastier if you put in equally divided raw and lightly toasted onions and some raw grated potatoes.

♦ Chops and schnitzels are softer, if an hour or two before roasting, spread them with a mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil.

♦ For cutlet mass, use stale white bread, as fresh gives the patties stickiness. Bread should also not be sour, without burnt crusts.

♦ Soak the bread in cold water or milk 10 minutes before mince filling. When mixing ground beef with bread, it is not necessary to squeeze all the liquid out of it.

♦ Cutlets will be soft, fluffy, juicy, if cooked in a pan, and then put the oven for a few minutes.

♦ Liver film is easy to remove if you first immerse the liver for a minute in hot water.

♦ The liver will be especially tasty and tender if you hold it for 2-3 hours in cold milk before frying. Salt the liver should be at the end of frying.

♦ Beef kidneys need to be roasted over high heat - this prevents excessive flow of juice. From the great loss of juice, the kidneys become stiff.

♦ Do not leave meat for a long time on the wooden plane of the table or on the board, because the tree absorbs meat juice. It is better to keep it in glass, porcelain or enamel ware.

♦ Do not salt the meat just before cooking, the hook as salt causes a premature release of juice, and this lowers the nutritional value and taste of meat.

♦ When meat is cooked over high heat, it becomes more tasty, but the taste of the broth deteriorates. On the contrary, when the meat is cooked over low heat, the broth becomes tasty, the meat is worse.

♦ Boiled meat will retain its juiciness if left in broth and cover the pan with a lid.

♦ To prevent boiled meat from becoming too dry in the refrigerator, it should be wrapped in parchment paper.

♦ The taste of meat baked in whole pieces will improve significantly if it is stuffed with black pepper, roots, garlic cloves and pieces of smoked bacon.

♦ Meat, which will be fried or baked, is cut across the fibers, and then beaten off with a wooden hammer, which will equalize its thickness and tear the connective tissue.

♦ When baking, the meat is placed in a well, but not too heated oven. In an overheated cabinet, its surface can be easily burned, but inside it will remain damp.

♦ Baked meat will be more succulent if it is watered with a small amount of cold water during baking.

♦ When baking, fatty meat (pork, turkey, goose) is recommended to be poured over with hot water from time to time - most of the fat is extracted from the meat and baked in its own juice. Baked meat thus acquires a very good taste and aroma.

♦ To make the pork chops, minced meatballs and schnitzels dry, they need to be turned over more often, which will help to preserve meat juice.

♦ Meat will not stick to the bottom of pots or pans if you put a few circles of carrot into the fat.

♦ To prevent the meat from burning and not to become dry, a small vessel with water is placed in the oven. Steam protects meat from burning and drying.

♦ Meat of young animals (lamb, veal and poultry) is stewed with white wine, and lamb and game with red wine.

♦ Chops, schnitzels, steaks will be soft and tender, if 2 hours before frying, smear them with a beaten mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil. Egg yolk should not be added to the cutlet mass, the meat will run off from it, and the burgers turn out to be dry.

♦ An old chicken will boil quickly if, after it has been boiled for 20-30 minutes, immerse it in cold water for 5-6 minutes.

♦ Poultry meat will be tasty and tender, if you rub it inside and outside with sliced \u200b\u200blemon or citric acid.

♦ The crust when frying chickens and chickens turns ruddy, if you pre-smear them with thick cream or mayonnaise.

♦ Goose should be plucked dry, not scalding, as the meat of scalded goose is less tasty.

♦ Fried liver will be tasty if it is kept for 2-3 hours in milk before frying. In order for the fried liver to be juicy, it should not be overcooked. The film from the liver is easy to remove, if you lower it for one minute in hot water.

♦ Liver must be salted after frying: if it is salted before frying, it will become very hard.

♦ Before preparing the tongue, rinse it thoroughly with cold water. The peel from the tongue is removed after boiling, but for this it needs to stand for 2 to 3 minutes in cold water.

♦ Calf kidneys are fried whole and cut into pieces. Before frying, they should not be soaked in water and cooked. The veins are also not removed from them.