How to cook pork leg jellied meat. A world snack for good company

29.08.2019 Healthy eating

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Aspic is a multinational dish, therefore, by the holidays, hostesses of many countries begin to cook it. Some call jellied meat "jelly" or simply "cold", but the essence of it is always the same - it is meat in a frozen cold broth. Of course, making jellied meat is a troublesome business, but at the same time it is not so difficult. The whole basic process of cooking jellied meat is to cook the meat well. It takes a long time to cook meat for jellied meat and it doesn't matter what kind you use. It can be pork, beef, or rooster. Most often, the most delicious is the jellied meat in which there is a variety of meat. In this case, we will cook jellied meat from pork legs, shank and beef, according to a simple recipe. To make delicious jellied meat, I go to the market to buy fresh meat there. As for the choice of legs, everything is clear here - we are buying pork legs. The rest of the meats need to be figured out a bit. We buy pork knuckle meat and not very fatty. Beef can be bought both on bone and whole fillet, but it is better on bone, so that there is more bone mass in the jelly and the dish is perfectly frozen. So let's get started!

- 1 pork leg
- 500 grams of beef,
- 1 kg of pork shank,
- 1 onion,
- 1 carrot,
- 2-3 cloves of garlic,
- 4-5 pcs. peas of black pepper,
- 2-3 pcs. bay leaves,
- water,
- salt to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Scrape the legs with a knife, clean, rinse in cold water. I always ask in the market to cut my legs and remove the pig's claws. We also wash the rest of the meat, then put it in a saucepan and fill it with clean water. We leave the meat in a cool place for 4-5 hours to soak it in water. All the blood that is not needed in the jelly will go into the water.

We wash the meat again and fill it with clean water. The water should be two fingers taller than the meat. In such an amount of water, a rich and strong broth will turn out, which then hardens wonderfully. We set it to cook for 6 hours at low heat. In the cooking process, remove the foam with a spoon or slotted spoon. During cooking, open the lid of the pan a little to make the broth more transparent. This secret was taught to me by my aunt, who always cooks transparent and tasty jellied meat.
After 2 hours of boiling the meat, salt the broth. Then we cook again. At the end of cooking, we taste the broth with salt and, if necessary, add salt to it. Also, 1 hour before the meat is ready, put the washed carrots and the washed onion into the broth (it should be with husks). 15 minutes before the final, put peeled cloves of garlic, peppercorns and bay leaves to the meat. Let the broth boil along with the spices.

Carefully remove the meat with bones from the broth. Cool the broth in the room, and disassemble the meat into small pieces. When the meat has cooled well, we sort it out with clean hands.
We put the bones aside (they can be given to the dogs). In jellied meat, you can use only meat, as well as cartilage, and skins, as you like. I mostly only use meat, leaving everything else to the dogs. My family is not very fond of fatty jellied meat.

At the bottom of any shape (I have a silicone one) we put decorations for the jellied meat. I used greens, canned corn, and boiled aspic carrots.

We put the meat in the mold: I fill a little more than half. Jellied meat is delicious when there is a lot of meat in it.

Now fill the meat with strained clean broth. It is convenient to filter the broth through 2-3 layers of gauze. We put the jellied meat in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours to solidify completely.

Serve the finished jellied meat to the table and decorate it beautifully. Bon Appetite!
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How to cook delicious jellied meat: six important rules.

Delicious transparent jellied meat from pork, beef or chicken, with horseradish or mustard - even those who count every calorie on a plate are unlikely to refuse such a dish.

However, not every housewife will be able to cook delicious jellied meat. Some are afraid that it will not freeze. Others tried to cook jellied meat, but instead of tasty, appetizing, transparent, it turns out to be inconspicuous in appearance and slightly edible.

Nevertheless, there are a number of rules, knowing and following which, you can easily cook delicious homemade jellied meat. So let's get started

Rule one. Choose the right meat

One of the main ingredients of jellied meat is pork legs, and more specifically, the lowest part of them, the one that ends with hooves. It is these nondescript pork "parts" that guarantee that your jellied meat will harden properly.

Add the rest of the meat to your liking: it can be chicken, turkey, pork (shank is a great option), beef on the bone. It is better to have the meat with veins and skin - this will also contribute to better solidification of the jellied meat. But pork legs are MANDATORY anyway!

In this case, it is necessary to observe certain proportions. For a couple of pork legs weighing about 700 grams, take no more than one and a half kilograms of other meat parts. Too much meat, oddly enough, can harm your jellied meat - it simply will not freeze.

Second rule.Before cooking meat, be sure to soak

This procedure is necessary in order to remove the remnants of clotted blood from the meat. In addition, pre-steeping the meat softens the skin, which can then be easily peeled off.

To soak the meat, take a saucepan in which you will cook your delicious jellied meat. Fill the meat with water so that it is completely hidden by water and leave to soak for at least three hours, or even better overnight.

After soaking the meat, scrape the pork legs thoroughly, removing any smoky spots. Peel the skin (if any) on the rest of the meat in the same way. It is most convenient to use a small "vegetable" knife for this purpose.

Third rule... Drain the first water after boiling the jellied meat

Some housewives neglect this procedure, believing that descaling with a slotted spoon is quite enough to obtain a transparent broth. However, draining the first broth, you will not only ensure the transparency of the jellied meat, but also reduce the number of calories in the finished dish and get rid of the specific greasy aftertaste.

After you drain the first broth, rinse the contents of the pan under running water - this will remove small adhering residues of curdled protein.

Fill the washed meat with water again. At the same time, pay attention to its amount - it should be two centimeters higher than the meat level. Pour more - the jellied meat will not have time to boil away during the cooking time, respectively, it may not solidify. Pour less - you will have to add additional water during the cooking process, which, again, will negatively affect the freezing of the jellied meat.

By the way, to make the jellied meat transparent, do not allow the contents of the pan to boil intensively. You need to cook the jellied meat on low heat for six hours, no less, only in this case it will turn out delicious and will harden perfectly without adding gelatin.

Rule four. Add seasonings and spices correctly

After your future delicious jellied meat has been cooked for five hours, add whole peeled carrots and onions to it. There is no point in adding vegetables before - all their aroma will disappear during the cooking process. By the way, do not peel the onion from the outer husk, but just rinse it thoroughly - this will give the finished broth a pleasant golden color.

You also need to salt the jellied meat after four to five hours of cooking, in no case at the beginning. Otherwise, the jellied meat can be easily salted, since during the cooking process the broth boils away and becomes concentrated.

Add bay leaf and peppercorns to the jellied meat half an hour before the end of cooking.

The fifth rule. Cut meat properly

After you finish cooking your delicious jellied meat, remove the meat from the broth with a slotted spoon. Strain the broth itself through a colander. Throw out the onion, carrots.

Carefully separate the meat from the bones with your hands, helping yourself with a small knife. Cut the meat with a knife (do not use a meat grinder or food processor) so you will definitely not miss small bones. But it is better not to cut the garlic, but to pass it through a press. In this case, it will be more evenly distributed in the meat mass.

Do not throw away the skins and cartilage - they will add strength to the finished jellied meat, chop them finely and mix with "good" meat.

After spreading the meat mass in trays, fill it with broth. Stir very gently so as not to muddy the broth.

Rule six. Provide the right temperature

In order for the jellied meat to freeze well, it needs the "correct" temperature. In the kitchen, even on a cool windowsill near the window, the jellied meat will not freeze. It is also impossible to take it out to the balcony / loggia in winter - frozen jellied meat irrevocably loses its delicate consistency, as they say "cuts off" (the exception is a glazed insulated loggia).

Considering the above, the best place for jellied meat to solidify is the middle shelf of the refrigerator. To save space, trays with jellied meat can be stacked on top of each other, of course, after cooling them at room temperature and covering each tray with a cutting board. If you did everything correctly, the jellied meat will harden in four to five hours.

By the way, if you cover the jellied meat with a lid, wait until it starts to "set", otherwise the lid will stick to the frozen jellied meat and it will be impossible to remove it without violating the integrity of the finished dish.

And further. Do not remove all the melted lard from the surface of the finished jellied meat at once - it will protect the jellied meat from "winding".

In principle, these are all the basic rules, following which you will be able to cook delicious jellied meat. As you can see, there are not many of them and they are all quite simple. Good luck with this delicious dish!


  • beef - 490 g;
  • pork legs - 1 kg;
  • small onion;
  • carrots - 65 g;
  • coarse salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • two bay leaves;
  • head of garlic;
  • water;
  • a mixture of dry vegetables - 1 tbsp. a spoon.


Put the washed and processed pork legs and beef pulp into a deep saucepan. Add spices to taste, toss in the bay leaf and dry mixture of vegetables. Fill the contents with filtered water so that it covers the meat a little. How much beef and pork jellied should be cooked? There is no exact answer to this question! It depends on the volume of your dishes. Bring the water to a boil, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, cover with a lid and boil over the lowest heat for 4 hours. Then add the peeled onion, carrots and salt the broth to taste. We process the garlic from the dry husk and squeeze it through a press. After 45 minutes, carefully remove the meat from the pan and send the garlic gruel there. We boil the broth for another 20 minutes, and in the meantime we are engaged in the meat: we cool it and disassemble it into small pieces. We discard the onion and carrots, and filter the broth. Next, we take deep bowls, lay the prepared meat on the bottom and fill it with broth to the very top. We send the workpieces to the refrigerator for complete solidification. Serve ready-made pork and beef jellied meat without gelatin, cut into pieces, with homemade mustard or horseradish-based appetizer.

Pork leg jellied recipe with beef


  • pork legs - 1 kg;
  • beef - 520 g;
  • onion - 115 g;
  • carrots - 65 g;
  • one bay leaf;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • peppercorns;
  • salt;
  • instant gelatin - 1 sachet.


We wash the meat, throw it into a saucepan with water and put it on a lighted stove. Bring the liquid to a boil, remove the rising foam, throw in the unpeeled onions and cook the beef and pork jellied meat for 5 hours. 1 hour before the end, throw carrots, peppercorns, lavrushka into the broth and add salt to taste. After 30 minutes we taste our broth. Next, turn off the heat, carefully take out our offal and put it in a separate bowl. Strain the broth and pour a little into a glass, then dissolve the gelatin in it. We sort the meat, separate it from the bones and cut into small pieces. We clean the boiled carrots, chop them into rings and put them on the bottom of the container. Distribute the meat in an even layer on top, throw in the finely chopped garlic and sprinkle with the meat again. Dissolve gelatin in a warm broth, strictly following the recommendations on the package. Then we mix it with the remaining broth and pour it into a plate. We send the jellied meat to the refrigerator and wait for about 7 hours when it hardens. Next, cut the appetizer into pieces and serve with rye bread, horseradish and homemade mustard.

Cooking pork and beef jellied meat in a slow cooker



Chop the pork legs across and soak in water for 10 hours. Then we put them with meat in a multicooker dish and fill with filtered water. Throw in the lavrushka, close the lid with spices to taste and cook for 6 hours on "Stew". After that, carefully remove the meat from the broth, disassemble it and arrange it in the molds. Squeeze the peeled garlic into the broth through a press and pour the liquid into molds. We put the jellied meat in the refrigerator and wait until it hardens.

Aspic, cold or jelly is one of the most popular dishes in Russia. It is cooked for the winter holidays and in the spring for Easter. And weddings and anniversaries are never complete without several types of jellied meat. Although this dish is considered an appetizer, it will give odds to many second courses in satiety and nutritional value.

In cold weather, jellied meat warms, since it is very high in calories and fatty. But on a hot summer day, when you don't want anything hot, you will be full and cool with jelly. Collagen substances contained in aspic are certainly beneficial for joints and bones. When my husband broke his leg, the doctor told him that he needed to eat jellied meat with beef so that the bones heal faster.

Our favorite holiday is approaching - New Year. On the New Year's table, as usual, we have all the most favorite family dishes, including pork leg jellied meat. In our family, it is cooked two days before the holiday and is perfectly preserved in the refrigerator.

I cannot describe all the features of this Russian, national dish in one article. I will share only the main secrets that I use myself. I invite everyone to cook with me today. And write to me later in the comments if you liked the dish according to the recipes given here.

Although it will take a long time to prepare the meal, it will not require much labor. You only need to prepare the pork legs and meat. And in a saucepan or multicooker, the dish is cooked by itself, without your participation. After cooking, arrange the meat in tins, pour over the broth.

Jellied meat is traditionally served with horseradish or mustard.

Gelatin, agar-agar or other thickeners are not needed at all in real jellied meat. After all, gelatin is made from bones, and we take meat with bones, cartilage, moles and even legs with hooves. If you follow the simple recommendations below, the jellied meat will harden so that you will cut it with a knife. It will also be transparent, tasty and fragrant.

Features of cooking jellied meat

  • As I said, for a good solidification of the jellied meat, you need to take pork legs, shanks, beef shanks, turkey or chicken legs. It is in the legs that the largest content of collagen substances is found. And also in pork skin. For the meat part of the jellied meat, you can take any meat you like.
  • But it is even more important that the legs are fresh and well seared and cleaned. Pay attention to the color of the meat when buying. And also, of course, the smell. Poorly scraped feet, with traces of soot, can absorb the smell of burning, which will subsequently be transmitted to the finished dish.
  • Before cooking, meat and legs should be chopped into pieces up to 10 cm in size. Rinse, add water and leave to soak for 3-4 hours.
  • After boiling, drain the first water, pour the meat over a new one and cook until cooked.
  • Pour water into a saucepan with excess. So that you don't have to add it later when the liquid evaporates during the cooking process.
  • When cooking, it is advisable only to bring the broth to a boil, and then cook over the lowest heat. Within 4-6 hours it will be ready even in the largest saucepan.
  • Take spices to your liking, but be sure to allspice and black peppercorns, a few cloves of garlic and one unpeeled onion. Of course, it must be thoroughly washed beforehand.
  • Spread the finished meat on the bottom of the molds, pour over the strained broth and let cool completely. Then you can put it in the refrigerator.

Homemade pork jelly with beef and chicken recipe

I have a carcass of a domesticated cockerel. I use it to make jellied meat. I also took a pork leg and a pork knuckle, as well as a piece of beef on the bone. You can use other types of meat and offal. I myself sometimes add tongue or heart to jellied meat.

It is believed that the more types of meat in the jellied meat, the more rich and tasty it is.

Take spices to your liking. Only add allspice and black peppercorns and garlic. One onion is placed in the broth directly in the husk, unpeeled.

What you need:

Broth preparation:

1. Thoroughly washed meat, I put it in a large basin and fill it with water at room temperature. I will soak it for three hours. To get rid of any remaining blood clots and odor.

2. I put the soaked and again washed pieces of meat in a large saucepan and fill it with clean water. I put it on the stove and wait for it to boil. I do not close the lid all the way so that it does not run away. All this time I remove the resulting foam.

3. After boiling, cook for five minutes on low heat and turn it off. Now I drain this broth, and thoroughly rinse the meat and the pan.

This is done so that excess fat is boiled out of the meat and the broth is completely transparent.

And again I put the pork, beef and chicken in the pan and fill it with the last water for cooking. The saucepan should be very large so that everything goes in and does not splash out when boiling. I pour about one and a half liters of water for one kilo of meat.

4. If you take large beef moss, then pour more water. After all, they will cook for a long time and the liquid will evaporate.

In the process of boiling jellied meat, it is unacceptable to add raw water. This can darken the entire broth.

Why am I fighting so hard for the clarity of the broth? Because our jelly is festive and I don't want to lose my face. Let it be light through and through, so that meat and carrot flowers and every branch of greenery can be seen in it. And let all the guests praise me!

5. So, again I wait for the water to boil and again remove the foam with a slotted spoon. As soon as the boil has begun, immediately reduce the heat to minimum and cover with a lid. Close loosely to allow steam to escape. Our jellied meat will be cooked within 5-8 hours. Depending on what kind of meat and bones you take. We check the readiness of the meat with a long knife.

6. When there is another hour left until the dish is ready, you can throw in whole peeled carrots, celery and onions.

Don't forget to put one onion in the husk. It is the husk that will give the finished dish an appetizing, golden color.

7. At this stage, the broth should already be salted and spices added. I have black pepper and sweet peas, bay leaves and a sprig of rosemary. Let it cook for another hour.

8. When the meat is almost ready and falls off the bones, turn off the heat and take out the meat and vegetables in separate plates. Onions, rosemary, celery just need to be thrown away, and I leave the carrots. From it there will be flowers for decoration. Let everything cool down a little. And the broth needs to be filtered.

9. I filter the broth twice. Once through a metal sieve, small bones and debris from spices are removed. And the second time, through two layers of gauze, and here all the welded particles of foam that have not been removed with a slotted spoon are already removed.

Decoration and decoration:

10. I disassemble the cooled pieces of meat with my hands. I throw away the bones and all the skins of pork and chicken. And I split the meat into small fibers with a fork. Finely chop the garlic or press through a press. I mix everything with garlic and pepper with ground black pepper.

11. Choosing dishes for decorating jellied meat. Whether you need small, portioned molds or, on the contrary, large ones, of which there will be one or two for the whole table - decide for yourself. I have small trays, and there are also quite roomy ones. And in them everything is so clearly visible both meat and flowers. I make both simple carrot stars and large roses. For roses, I cut the carrots into thin slices.

12. I begin to collect art composition. In each tray I put a layer of meat on the bottom. Whether it will be a large layer, decide for yourself. Do you want more meat or more jelly broth.

Decorate the top with carrot petals. For decoration, you can use cucumber circles and hard-boiled eggs, in a word, everything that your imagination tells you. And the finishing touch is a couple of twigs of greenery. You can use dill, rosemary, or parsley.

Here you should also take into account such a nuance. If you serve jellied meat turned upside down from a container onto a dish, then flowers and herbs should be placed on the bottom of the bowl, and pieces of meat are already on top. In large trays, the flowers are on top of the meat, and the broth is on top of the flowers.

13. All trays are filled with meat and decorated. The broth has cooled down enough. Gently, using a spoon full of holes, pour the broth into all the containers. I leave them until they cool completely. Then I put it in the cold.

14. Keep containers tightly closed in the refrigerator. Jellied meat has the ability to absorb odors. And we don't need it. The next day you can try. I try to keep the fat on top as little as possible, but it is still present. I peel off this layer of fat with a long, sharp knife.

15. Serve on the table directly in the tray or cut into portions. And you can serve beautifully on a platter. Only here it must first be thawed by lowering the form with jellied meat in hot water.

16 On the table, jellied meat is located next to horseradish and mustard. They are inseparable friends. You can also cut lemon into slices.

It turned out to be a noble jelly. It is strong as brawn and very meaty. For the taste I can say - eat, eat, eat .. and still want to! And how I am pleased with the transparency of the jelly layer, words cannot convey!

Pork shank jelly with chicken in a bottle in the form of a pig

Here's another very original way to festively decorate the jelly. It is easy to prepare and the products are all ordinary. It is the serving of this dish that touches the guests. A very cheerful pig on a platter among lettuce leaves.

Bottles of 1 and 1.5 liter or more are suitable. Whatever container you take, the size of the piglet will be.

I took one pork shank and chicken pieces. For decoration, 4 cloves and three slices of boiled sausage. The jelly will be very fleshy.

  • Then I put it to a boil. I remove the foam as it appears. When the water boils, I turn down the fire and cook for five minutes. I remove from the stove and drain the water. I wash out the meat and the pan. I fill it with clean water again. Let me remind you that we pour one and a half liters of water for one kg of meat.
  • Now we cook it completely. When it boils, I carefully remove all the foam and put on the smallest fire. Jellied meat is cooked for 4-5 hours.
  • When the meat is ready, but still not lagging behind the bones, you need to salt, put carrots, onions and spices. The onion is washed, but the husk is not peeled.
  • It is brewed for about an hour more. I take it off the fire and take out all the meat and bones with a slotted spoon. Let the meat cool. I filter the broth first through a strainer and again through a double layer of gauze.
  • Finely chop the cooled meat. I look carefully so that there are no small bones left. The meat should be tasted and, if necessary, salt and pepper. Add finely chopped clove of garlic if desired.
  • In a plastic bottle with a teaspoon, I carefully put the meat and gradually add the broth.
  • The bottle is full. Cool to room temperature. Then I put it in the refrigerator for several hours. Even if she stays there for two days, nothing will be done to her. I take it out just before serving. Because the finished piglet will already be on the table and can "swim".
  • Using scissors, I cut off the bottom of the bottle, and then cut it lengthwise to the very neck. in this way I release the jellied meat from the bottle.
  • From two circles of sausage, I cut out the ears from the third patch. I make slits on the pig's head and insert ears into them. The two carnation buds are the eyes. Two more are the nose. I attach the nose to the head with a toothpick.
  • I put the piglet on a dish and decorate with herbs and tomato halves.
  • This pig with horseradish and mustard will be a good decoration for the festive table. And will delight all guests.

    Delicious pork leg jellied meat in a slow cooker

    A detailed video from Marina Petrushenko's channel is also interesting for those who like to cook in a multicooker. As you know, everything is cooked in it deliciously, quickly and without problems.

    It's so simple and amazingly tasty, and you can serve jellied meat for the New Year's table festively. If someone found my recipes useful, write down in the comments, I will be very pleased.

    Thank you to everyone who cooked with me today! If you liked these simple recipes, click the social media buttons to save them on your page!

    Step-by-step recipes for incredible jellied pork legs and beef with vegetables, chicken, egg and chili with and without gelatin in a slow cooker and on the stove

    2018-05-06 Yulia Kosich





    In 100 grams of ready-made dish

    16 gr.

    12 gr.


    1 gr.

    188 kcal

    Option 1: The classic recipe for pork leg and beef jellied meat

    Pork legs are traditionally used to create jellied meat in the territories of almost all Slavic countries. However, there is too little meat on them. Therefore, it is advisable to add it additionally. It can be any kind, but today we will cook pork leg and beef jellied meat. And what other ingredients will be used, read below.


    • two and a half kilograms of pork legs;
    • a kilogram of beef (pulp);
    • three carrots;
    • two dozen garlic cloves;
    • salt / laurel leaf;
    • two onion heads;
    • five liters of water;
    • greens for a bookmark.

    Step-by-step recipe for pork leg and beef jellied meat

    Carefully peel the pork legs with a knife. Then, taking a hard sponge, wash and place in a wide, large saucepan.

    Throw in two onions and three carrots (all root vegetables without a peel). Moreover, it is better to chop the vegetables coarsely.

    Pour the feet with filtered cool water, enclosing laurel. Turn on a strong fire.

    Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil, then lower the temperature to a minimum.

    Cook for about an hour. Then add medium-cut beef (lean) inside and add salt.

    Continue boiling pork and beef jellied meat for three hours.

    At the end, toss in the peeled and halved garlic cloves. Cover the lid. Simmer for another 10-15 minutes, and then turn off the stove.

    Let the broth brew a little and cool partially. After half an hour, transfer the beef to a plate, and remove the rest of the meat from the legs.

    Discard the rest of the ingredients. Strain the broth itself thoroughly.

    Lay the meat evenly into the molds. Sprinkle with washed chopped herbs. Pour over with warm saturated broth.

    The jellied meat will be ready the next day. Moreover, it is important to keep the snack in the cold. This can be a basement, a balcony (in winter) or a refrigerated shelf. As for the sauce when serving, horseradish with beets or hot Russian mustard are best.

    Option 2: A quick recipe for pork leg and beef jellied meat with gelatin

    Jellied meat takes a long time to cook due to two factors. First, the broth takes a long time to cook. And, secondly, it hardens even longer. How can these problems be resolved? Let's cook it over medium, not low, using gelatin. All this will make it possible to make a quick and very tasty jellied meat in half a day.


    • four legs (pork);
    • a kilogram of beef;
    • large laurel;
    • five liters of water;
    • coarse salt;
    • a couple of onions;
    • large carrots;
    • a bag of gelatin (18 g).

    How to quickly cook pork leg and beef jellied meat

    Put coarsely chopped beef and peeled pork legs on the bottom of a wide saucepan.

    Pour in water, adding laurel and salt. Put the burners on the highest heat. Boil.

    At the same time, remove the peel and husk from the carrots and onions. Wash and chop coarsely. Place in boiling broth.

    Reduce temperature to medium. Cover loosely. Cook for two hours.

    In the next step, drain the glass of liquid into a bowl. Cool slightly. Dissolve the gelatin inside without stirring.

    After another half hour, get both types of meat. Discard the rest. Strain broth (hot, saturated) and mix with gelatin dressing.

    Put finely disassembled meat in the forms used for hardening. Add warm broth immediately.

    Leave the jellied pork legs and beef with gelatin for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

    Do not add too much gelatin, as the broth is already rich. It is important for us that the appetizer freezes faster. If you "throw" the gelatin, then spoil the taste characteristics of the jellied meat.

    Option 3: Beef jellied meat with pork legs in a slow cooker

    In a slow cooker, pork legs, like lean beef, cook much faster than in a saucepan. In this case, be sure to open the lid for the last hour of cooking so that the broth can boil properly.


    • three pork legs;
    • half a kilo of lean beef;
    • three and a half liters of water;
    • salt / laurel / peppercorns;
    • two onions and two carrots;
    • greens for a bookmark.

    How to cook

    Put the peeled legs and lean beef (coarsely chopped) into the bowl.

    Throw in laurel, peppercorns and add coarse (permissible iodized) salt. In addition, put onions and fresh carrots inside.

    Add water at the end. Do not stir. Snap the cover tightly. Turn on the multicooker to the network.

    Set the "Extinguishing" mode. Simmer for two hours (three times set by the program).

    After the specified time, open the lid with maximum accuracy and simmer the jellied pork legs and beef in a slow cooker for another hour (the same mode).

    Now carefully remove the legs and beef. Grind the last one and remove the meat pieces from the first. Transfer to dry metal molds.

    Discard onions, laurel leaves and carrots immediately. Strain the remaining broth. Pour the meat with hot saturated liquid, before sprinkling it with chopped herbs.

    After cooling for a while, place on the upper refrigerator shelf. Leave overnight (minimum).

    Cooking with the lid open is very important. Why? In a closed multicooker, the liquid practically does not evaporate. This means that in the end there will be almost as much water as we poured first. That is, the broth will turn out to be unsaturated and will not later freeze in the refrigerator.

    Option 4: Pork leg and beef aspic with vegetables

    Vegetables can never spoil a meat dish. This also applies to jellied meat. Let's try this, not so common, but undoubtedly noteworthy option.


    • 151 grams of onions;
    • 105 grams of carrots;
    • large sweet peppers;
    • one and a half kilograms of pork legs;
    • laurel / peppercorn leaf;
    • a kilogram of beef;
    • four liters of water;
    • salt;
    • a bunch of dill;
    • head of garlic;
    • half a can of canned peas.

    Step by step recipe

    Peel the legs and beef. Coarsely chop the second. Place everything on the bottom of a large saucepan.

    Throw in the peppercorns, lavrushka and salt with your hands. Add four liters of water.

    Put on the included (maximum) burner and bring to a boil. At this time, peel the onions, garlic, carrots and bell peppers. Wash together with dill (without stems).

    Put everything except the greens into the boiling liquid. Reduce temperature to minimum.

    Cook jellied pork legs and beef without gelatin for three to four hours, depending on the fat content of the legs.

    After a specified time, get the meat, bell peppers and carrots. Discard the rest by filtering the hot broth through several layers of cheesecloth.

    Dismantle the beef, and cut the peppers and carrots into small equal cubes. At the same stage, chop the dill.

    Place the meat in dry metal molds. Top with canned peas, carrots and peppers. Pour in greens.

    Add clean broth from above to the brim. Place gently on a refrigerator shelf or cellar. Leave to set for a day.

    When boiling the broth, it is permissible to add other vegetables, which will provide additional flavor. This can be celery or parsley root, as well as several types of onions and turnips.

    Option 5: Spicy pork jellied meat with beef and chicken on gelatin

    We will make another version of jellied meat on gelatin with chicken and spicy chili. Moreover, you can boil the latter with broth to make it spicy, or lay it raw in a mold. How to do it, you decide!


    • 225 grams of chicken fillet;
    • a kilogram of pork legs;
    • 400 grams of beef;
    • 150 grams of onions;
    • 149 grams of carrot pestilence;
    • a bag of gelatin;
    • three liters of water;
    • coarse salt / laurel leaf;
    • parsley and chili for a bookmark.

    How to cook

    Wash, peel and chop the chicken and beef. Also clean and rinse the legs. Put all the meat in a saucepan.

    Throw in laurel. Fill in water. Salt to taste. In addition, lay onions and carrots (all without peel and husk).

    Cook over low heat after boiling for about four hours. Do not cover the lid completely.

    By the end of cooking, cut off the stems from a bunch of parsley. Wash, dry and chop finely. Gently take out one carrot and cut into small cubes.

    Also steam the gelatin with the required amount of warm (closer to hot) water.

    Strain the finished broth through clean cheesecloth (preferably a couple of times). Chop beef, pieces of meat from the legs and chicken.

    Wipe dry metal forms with napkins. Throw in meat and carrots. Add parsley. Place thin chili rings evenly. Pour in hot strong broth diluted with gelatin dressing.

    Leave the jellied pork legs and beef with gelatin for several (2-3) hours in the cold.

    In addition to parsley, you can also use other herbs. For example, cilantro, which goes well with both beef and chicken. You can also use additional spices when cooking the broth (cloves, peppercorns, etc.).

    Option 6: Spicy jellied pork legs and beef in a slow cooker

    Since broths always turn out to be richer in a multicooker, we suggest making spicy jellied meat in this particular kitchen machine.


    • a kilogram of legs;
    • half a kilo of beef;
    • three liters of water;
    • salt to taste (coarse grinding);
    • laurel / pepper (black) peas;
    • inflorescences of carnations;
    • 95 grams of onions (onions);
    • 77 grams of carrots;
    • parsley / cilantro half a bunch;
    • ground coriander;
    • a dozen cloves of garlic;
    • celery root (120 g).

    Step by step recipe

    Peel all root crops. Transfer the onions, celery and carrots to a bowl. Place the chopped lean beef and peeled legs there.

    Add all the spices: laurel, coriander, garlic cloves, salt, cloves and peppercorns.

    Pour the planned water into the bowl and close the lid. Simmer jellied pork legs and beef in a slow cooker for about two hours.

    Then open the lid, being careful not to burn yourself with the steam. Continue the process without changing the "Extinguishing" mode for about an hour and a half.

    Take out the meat and disassemble it. Chop one carrot into equally small cubes. Grind the washed greens.

    Put all prepared ingredients in dry molds (made of metal): beef, pork, carrots and herbs.

    Add well (through cheesecloth) strained broth. Leave in the cold, where the appetizer "drags on" throughout the day.

    When choosing spices for this type of jellied meat, be careful not to oversaturate it with tastes and aromas. If you are worried that you will not be able to choose the dosage and types of spices on your own, take ready-made dry mixtures.

    Option 7: Pork leg and beef jellied meat with egg

    The last recipe will turn out to be the most beautiful, because we propose to make jellied meat with boiled eggs and herbs. By the way, chicken eggs will be used here. But you can grab the quail and make a glass snack. It will turn out flawlessly!


    • three liters of water;
    • one and a half kilograms of pork legs;
    • 510 grams of beef;
    • five eggs;
    • a bunch of parsley;
    • onion;
    • coarse salt / lavrushka;
    • 76 grams of carrots;
    • a dozen peppercorns.

    How to cook

    Place pork legs and beef (peeled and washed) on the bottom of the pan. Add laurel and black peppercorns.

    Also introduce medium carrots and onions without hulls. Pour in cool filtered water.

    Salt the contents of the pan. Put on high heat. Boil, then reduce heat.

    Simmer pork legs and beef jellied meat without gelatin at the minimum temperature for four hours.

    At this time, cook hard-boiled chicken eggs. After 25 minutes, cool them, peel them and cut in half.

    Now get the carrots and meat. Cut the first into thin slices and finely chop the second.

    Wipe suitable forms and put the meat inside. Place egg halves and carrot circles. Cover with chopped herbs.

    At the end, pour in strained pure broth. Send it to the cold, where the snack will harden during the night (depending on the ambient temperature, this time can last up to 24 hours).