White tea is a real gem. White tea, benefits and harms

17.08.2019 healthy eating

White is especially respected due to its low oxidation and fermentation. White tea is one of the most expensive and refined types of tea. And if you like to arrange tea ceremonies for yourself, then such a drink will bring a lot of positive emotions and add to your collection.

What are the types of tea?

In the modern rhythm of life, it is rarely possible to take your time and treat yourself to your favorite drink. Basically, many people drink tea or other drinks on the run. At the moment, there are many different types of tea, the most common and well-known, green, yellow, red and even blue also have tea. Color depends mainly on the way it is assembled, as well as storage and processing. As mentioned above, one of the most expensive and rare types of such a drink is white tea. Useful properties are something that is of great value to the Chinese (white tea is grown mainly in China). Therefore, they are reluctant to export it.

Heavy process of collection, processing and storage

As a rule, white tea is processed at the place of its collection due to the fact that it quickly deteriorates. Processing takes place no more than a minute with hot steam, then the leaves are laid out in the sun and dried until fully cooked. This method is most common in the processing of white tea, because with it this drink loses a minimum of its beneficial properties and retains all the good qualities.

Harvesting white tea is considered a labor intensive process. The point here is this: in order to collect a kilogram of high-quality products, it is necessary to process more than one hundred thousand small white leaves. Hence the price. Now I understand why white tea is so expensive. But the store now presents worthy brands of the drink, while not so expensive. This is white tea "Greenfield", "Lipton", "Curtis" and others.

Collect tea from the very tops of the corresponding bush. This place is called "upper tipsa". In this place there are only a few leaves. Another nuance is that tea villi germinate only at the beginning of April, and tea is harvested only for two days. Collection is from 5 - 9 am.

White tea, the beneficial properties of which you will find in the article just below, has a powerful aroma and delicate taste. This drink can be easily spoiled by foreign odors that may be present during storage, transportation and processing. Therefore, when assembling tea, workers are forbidden to use perfume, smoke, eat spicy food, and so on. White tea is so capricious that it can not only absorb foreign odors, but also quickly deteriorate because of it. An interesting point is that when white tea is harvested, orchards bloom in the Chinese provinces, and this is a strong aroma of flowers, and the first villi that sprout on a tea tree immediately absorb them. This flowering process gives the drink the taste and aroma of spring flowers.

Tea storage

White tea, the beneficial properties of which disappear if stored improperly, requires a serious approach. Storing white tea is an art that allows you to preserve the taste and aroma. The jar where the product is stored must be tightly closed and not let in rays of light, as well as extraneous odors. In addition, humidity can cause pungent odors. You will certainly feel this if you store your tea in an open place or in a loosely closed container. All these are important rules for storing a drink such as white tea. It will not bring harm if you follow them. A kilogram of white tea costs from 500 rubles to 1000 dollars.

Pay attention to the leaves!

Some drink sellers are trying to pass off as white. It is important to be vigilant when choosing a product and buy it only in specialized shops that have product quality certificates. To distinguish white tea from green tea, pay attention to the leaves. White tea leaves should be whole, even. Breaking or twisting, extraneous odors are not allowed. A normal white tea leaf looks silvery on top and shimmers with a green tint, and the bottom of the leaf should be with a whitish fluff. Normal white tea should smell like flowers or herbs.

healing drink

For many, white tea is a luxury and also a way to make a good impression on people. Many appreciate both the taste and aroma of the drink. But there are people who prefer this type of product solely because of its beneficial properties. White tea (reviews say that it is really useful) is a medicine in the literal sense. In ancient China, a drink was served only to the emperor as a healing product that was able to give strength, overcome headaches, chills and clarify thoughts.

White tea - a replacement for vitamins?

Thanks to minimal processing of the product and careful storage in compliance with all instructions, you can experience all the healing properties that white tea is famous for. Useful properties are manifested due to the content of antioxidants, polyphenols, bioflavonoids in it, which prevent the aging process of the body, the formation of cancer cells. And also they are able to strengthen the immune system and maintain antimicrobial properties. In addition, tea has an antiviral effect. The drink helps the body fight aging and the formation of harmful cells. This tea can really replace an entire pharmacy. People call it "miracle tea" because it really has healing properties and helps to heal the patient and put him on his feet. By the way, this drink normalizes metabolic processes in the body. One cup of this tea contains as many vitamins as one carrot contains. The benefits of white tea are reflected in the teeth. It contains fluorides, which are responsible for the health of human teeth. They keep teeth intact, and also fight tartar and caries in children and adults. If you suffer from high blood pressure, then white tea is the real key to solving the problem. Such a product is able to lower blood pressure and improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. And yet, tea removes excess cholesterol from the blood.

How to brew?

We hope you understand how to properly store such a product in the house, and now let's move on to the question of how to brew white tea. You can’t just pour boiling water over it and start drinking after five minutes. He needs careful handling. To make white tea, you need filtered or spring water. Next, this water will need to be brought to a boil, but not boiled. After that, the water must be cooled to seventy degrees and poured into a ceramic teapot. Attention! need to preheat, it should not be cold. In order to prepare one cup of the drink, you will need about two to three teaspoons of tea (it all depends on the preferences of the person). After you have prepared everything, fill the tea with prepared water from a ceramic teapot and infuse it for five minutes. After that, you can brew the same tea up to 2 more times, depending on its taste. The first time you need to brew for exactly five minutes.

How to make a drink for health

If you want to brew and drink tea for medicinal purposes, then you need a slightly different approach. For medicinal purposes, white tea is brewed for fifteen minutes. You need to drink this infusion three times a week for three or four weeks. After the drink has been infused, it may acquire a golden green or yellow color. Don't worry, this is a normal process. These brewing methods are not suitable for tea bags such as Greenfield white tea. It should be brewed according to the instructions on the box.

The art of drinking

Tea is usually drunk slowly. It's a whole ceremony. To prepare white tea, you need to go through many stages, and this is the art of preserving all the beneficial properties. You need to drink tea slowly, exclusively in its pure form. If you add cream or milk to the drink, it can quickly deteriorate and acquire completely different properties. In other words, this drink must be able to savor and brew to taste. You may not like it because you could store it incorrectly, and it absorbed foreign odors and deteriorated. In addition, you should not drink any food or sweets with white tea. Even chocolate or cake can spoil the experience of the drink. Tea contains minimal amounts of caffeine and tannin, which means that it can be easily drunk at night.

And remember, the best white tea is the one that is properly harvested and stored!

One of the most common and very popular drinks of all mankind is tea. This drink is drunk warm, and hot, and cold, and ice. With the help of tea, you can perfectly warm up in the winter cold, as well as cool the body in the exhausting summer heat. Tea is also famous for its medicinal qualities, for example, it can be used to normalize the performance of immune processes, as well as stabilize the functioning of the cardiac system. There are many varieties of tea, but white tea stands out among all, the benefits and harms are of unusual value for the human body.

The origin of white tea comes from ancient China. The famous folk healer and traveler Lu Yu discovered a tea plantation where white buds of tea trees sprouted. After the tea master brewed these snow-white jade, he received a drink that is unique in its taste. Later, the beneficial properties of white tea were revealed, and the whole world came to know the miracle of nature, which can not only stabilize the general condition of the human body, but also cure serious pathologies.

What is white tea?

There are several varieties of tea in the world, the most familiar to mankind is black and green drink. The main characteristics of tea depend on the process of oxidation of tea leaves before the last drying. It is as a result of this mandatory process that the drink obtains an individual taste, aroma and external qualities.

The varietal variety of the drink - white tea - undergoes a short fermentation process, as well as the oxidation of tea leaves. The main basis of tea is unopened buds and young leaves, which in the process of preparation go through only the stages of drying and wilting.

Currently, 2 large white tea plantations are known, they are located in China. There is also a small tea plantation in Taiwan. In total, there are 2 varietal varieties of white tea:

  • Yin Ren - "silver needles";
  • Pai Mu Tan - "White Peony".

White Chinese tea is harvested only twice a year, the optimal time for harvesting this crop is April and September. The Chinese are especially scrupulous about the procedure for collecting white tea, it is carried out strictly from 5 to 9 in the morning. Very strict rules are set for the workers who work on the plantation: they cannot smoke, and before going to the tea plantation, they are forbidden to eat spicy vegetables and seasonings, as their smell can affect the quality and taste of the collected tea leaves.


Since ancient times, white tea has been classified as an aristocratic drink. Its natural and natural fragrance was valued by the ancient emperors. At present, the drink is used as a stabilizing and regenerating agent. Due to the unique chemical composition, the drink can be used as an immunostimulating agent. White tea is famous for its positive effect on the heart system.

White tea contains:

  • phenolic compounds;
  • volatile aldehydes;
  • vitamin P;
  • vitamin C;
  • caffeine;
  • mineral components - calcium, sodium, manganese, iron, iodine, magnesium.

Judging by the calorie content, the drink belongs to low-calorie foods, 100 grams of dry tea contains only 5 kilocalories. White tea is an excellent way to satisfy hunger, so it can be actively used in the process of losing weight.

Useful qualities

But especially the unique beneficial properties of white tea. The main qualities of the drink are characterized by the fact that the production of tea leaves involves a minimum of human intervention. Tea leaves go through minor processing, which preserves a unique set of useful substances in their composition.

What are the benefits of white tea?

  • The drink has amazing cleansing properties, its regular use perfectly removes harmful substances and toxic compounds from the body;
  • Immunostimulating qualities take care of the normalization of the body's defenses, and the excellent taste components of the drink cheer up and give a feeling of cheerfulness;
  • Essential oils, which are part of white tea, perfectly cope with thirst, so this drink is especially recommended for use in the hot season of the year;
  • The drink serves as a wonderful antidepressant, it has been proven that with regular use, any person reduces increased irritability, nervousness, he becomes less prone to depression and nervous breakdowns. White tea can suppress fatigue and bring your body into an energy tone;
  • Even in ancient China, the anti-inflammatory qualities of white tea were established; this drink is recommended to be taken during the period of active cold epidemics. In addition, white tea helps the body recover during the period of a cold;
  • People who monitor the ideal state of their figure should definitely include the use of white tea in their diet. The chemical component of the drink contributes to the natural fight against body fat, so even the usual use of the drink contributes to the process of losing weight;
  • In cosmetology, white tea extracts are used with great pleasure to prepare products for the face or hair. The composition of tea leaves contains a substance that resists the natural destruction of elastin and collagen, therefore, with regular use of the drink, you can achieve an even complexion, as well as freshness of the skin;
  • The beneficial qualities of the drink have also been proven in the fight against the development of cancerous tumors. Polyphenols and antioxidants, which are part of the chemical composition of tea leaves, have a targeted antitumor effect;
  • Chinese dentists recommended drinking white tea to people who suffer from the appearance of stones on the teeth, inflammation of the gums;
  • Regular consumption of the drink helps to stabilize blood pressure, form the correct functioning of the cardiac system and rid the blood vessels of excess cholesterol;
  • The use of white tea is also indispensable for the activation of infectious or fungal processes in the body. The drink helps to eliminate streptococci, bacteria, fungi. At the same time, not only internal, but also external use of white tea decoction is possible.

Harm and contraindications

Most doctors are sure that drinking white tea is completely safe, the drink cannot cause any serious problems for the body. But there are some precautions that are important to know before eating white tea:

  • it is undesirable to abuse the drink for people who suffer from abdominal pain, as well as for those who have been diagnosed with an ulcer, inflammatory diseases of the stomach;
  • you should not often include in the diet the use of white tea for those who suffer from hypertension or inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • at elevated body temperature, the drink should not be drunk.

In any case, it is important to remember that white tea acts as a delicious drink, but not in the form of a medicine.

How to brew white tea deliciously and correctly?

As you can see, the benefits and harms of white tea are amazing, but in order to get the maximum of beneficial qualities and give the body pleasure, you need to know the rules for brewing white tea.

Water is the main component of a tasty and only healthy drink. It is she who must meet all the qualities of purity. It is impossible to use tap water for brewing white tea, as well as a liquid in which chlorine impurities are present. To brew the most delicious and healthy drink, it is recommended to use only spring water. In an emergency, you can use bottled water.

Chinese masters have identified the ideal basis for brewing white tea:

  1. Heat the water to a maximum of 80 degrees (small bubbles should appear at the bottom of the saucepan, but the water should not boil);
  2. Prepare porcelain dishes for brewing tea;
  3. Rinse a porcelain container with warm water;
  4. Pour tea leaves on the bottom of the container at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 100 ml. prepared water;
  5. Fill with prepared warm water;
  6. Leave to brew for 3 minutes.

The tea leaves prepared once can be used 4 more times.

How to choose and properly store white tea?

When preparing the most delicious and most healthy drink, the quality and freshness of the main product also play a huge role. How to choose white tea?

  • The color and shape of the tea leaves in the brew should be uniform and the same;
  • It is unacceptable that foreign impurities are present in the tea leaves, for example, dust, small sticks, crumbs, etc.;
  • Tea brewing should not be moistened, it should not stick to dry fingers;
  • The aroma of tea leaves should be subtle, it is impossible that the smell of ammonia is present in the pack. Such impurities mean that technological requirements were violated in the production of this white tea;
  • White tea cannot be flavored.

Important and proper storage of white tea leaves:

  • To store white tea, ceramic dishes equipped with a tight-fitting lid are selected;
  • It is impossible to have products that smell strongly next to white tea, since tea leaves are able to absorb all extraneous strong-smelling odors;
  • It is not recommended to store white tea in paper bags, as useful substances evaporate during such storage.

    How white tea is made

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Tea is rightfully considered one of the most common and favorite drinks around the world. Today you can find a wide range of this product, and are popular both traditional varieties and elite ones. To the last category refers to white tea, which has long been famous for its exquisite aroma and unsurpassed taste.

Species and varieties

White tea is a special elite variety of a product that is grown exclusively in China, namely in the vast province of Fujian. It is located in highlands in the north of the country and is famous for its favorable conditions for growing tea bushes and trees. The main component of the collection are small swollen buds or young, not yet formed upper leaves.

White tea belongs to the elite varieties due to the maximum preservation of the original appearance and natural taste of natural raw materials, which achieved with minimal processing tea leaves and buds. In China, the birthplace of white tea, it is called "the drink of immortality". Of the 10 varieties of white tea known today, only 4 main ones are popular:

  1. Bai Hao Yin Zhen(silver needles) - a rare variety of tea obtained from tea tree buds. It got its name due to the similarity of the villi covering young buds with silvery needles.
  2. - tea of ​​the highest grade, obtained from the buds and the two upper leaves of the tea tree that have not yet taken shape. Only parts from the first harvest are suitable for production, so the harvest is carried out in early spring.
  3. Show Mei(eyebrows of an old man) - a special kind of tea, for the production of which buds and upper leaves of a tree are used. The rich taste and aroma is due to the later dates of the collection of raw materials.
  4. Gong Mei(eyebrow-offering) - a popular variety of tea, the raw material of which is fully formed voluminous leaves of the tea tree. A special aroma and rich taste is achieved through a special technology for processing the leaves.

Description and properties

The collection of raw materials is done manually, and each bud or leaf is carefully selected, which subsequently undergoes a slight fermentation. Thanks to a special processing technology and strict adherence to storage conditions, an elite variety of tea is born, the cost of which is many times higher than the usual ones.

Real white tea contains only natural tea leaves dried in a special way, the color of which directly depends on the variety and degree of fermentation. So it can vary from white to greenish gray, from silvery green to amber brown. When ready, the drink can acquire delicate greenish-yellow hues or the color of ripe amber. White tea has a truly unique, but recognizable aroma and multifaceted taste. characteristic of him is a rich berry, delicate peach or tart honey taste.

Useful properties of white tea

According to legend, white tea was considered an elixir of longevity and was only available to the emperor and his family. In addition, he had a number of healing qualities, which later became the subject of scientific research. It turned out that the benefits of white tea are due to the rich chemical composition, which includes essential oils, antioxidants, bioflavonoids, polyphenols (catechins and tanites), vitamins, minerals, caffeine and many other valuable active ingredients.

White tea has an important property - protection from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, free radicals, which helps protect the body from premature aging. Another quality is the acceleration of metabolic processes that affect the cleansing of the body of toxins, toxins and weight loss. Diuretic properties allow you to remove excess fluid from the body, eliminating swelling and reducing pressure. The benefit of white tea is also that it tones and quenches thirst.

The presence of epigallocatechin gallate in the composition of the drink reduces the risk of developing cancer. To do this, it is enough to drink several cups of a fragrant drink a day. Catechins preserved in the finished product have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity and clearing them of cholesterol plaques. Thus, tea reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis or other vascular pathologies.

Due to the high content of vitamin C in tea leaves, increases the immune defense of the body, reduces the likelihood of colds. Properly brewed white tea is recommended to use:

  • with chronic fatigue, stress, nervous tension;
  • when overeating;
  • with excessive consumption of sweet foods or flour products;
  • during the cold period with an increase in the activity of viral diseases.

For women

It will bring the main benefit to those women who want to lose those extra pounds. White tea increases metabolic processes in the body, which has a positive effect on the burning of subcutaneous fat.

Unfortunately, this is not a weight loss pill, and you should not seize a white drink with a cake, then at best your weight will not change, and at worst another hysteria from 2-3 extra kg. The basic rules here are simple: diet, sports, tea. The optimal dose is 3-4 cups of 250-300 ml. This will be enough to activate the necessary processes.

For men

The drink has a positive effect on male power, in case of regular use. 1-2 mugs daily are enough to notice improvements in 1-2 months. With mental stress, a white drink will help you relax after a long day at work and activate the brain.

The harmful effects of white tea

Given the wide range of beneficial qualities of white tea, it is impossible to assume that this healing drink can harm the body.

Important! Daily use of elite white tea in large quantities can negate its effectiveness, and in some cases harm your well-being.

There are a number of contraindications to the use of white tea:

  • increased excitability and insomnia;
  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • kidney disease in the acute stage;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Rules for preparing a healing drink

Pour a couple of tablespoons of the dry product into a preheated glass or porcelain teapot (cup or any other utensil). Cool two hundred milliliters of boiled water to 70-80 ° C and pour into the kettle, then drain immediately. This process will help the tea leaves "wake up" and reach their potential. After that, refill the contents with hot water of the same temperature. Cover with a lid and leave for 1-2 minutes. During this time, the tea will infuse and reveal all the flavor and aroma notes.

By observing all the stages of the ceremony of preparing white tea, you can feel the beauty of the drink of immortality and prolong the enjoyment.

How to properly store white tea

To always use a fresh drink, it is recommended to buy it in small portions of 50-100 grams. But if a large batch has already been purchased, it is important to know a few rules. There are no special storage requirements for this variety. Pour the raw materials into an aluminum can and close it tightly.

The main factors affecting the quality of tea during its storage:

  • Exposure to sunlight. Direct contact must be completely excluded.
  • Air humidity. High humidity will provoke the development of microorganisms and mold.
  • Temperature. For comfortable storage, 19-25 degrees is enough. You can put the raw materials in the back room, or just put them in a closet away from the electric stove and heating appliances.
  • contact with oxygen. The less often the jar is opened, the longer the tea will retain its properties. Oxygen oxidizes tea, which leads to the loss of useful and important components.
  • The essential rule is no strong odors around. Such as: fish, various odorous seasonings, garlic, etc.


White tea has never been cheap, at the time of autumn 2018, we tried to collect adequate prices from online stores for the most popular varieties:

View Cost in rubles Amount in grams
Bai Hao Yin Zhen 650 50
Baimudan 900 50
Show Mei 310 50
Gong Mei 590 50

Bai Mu Dan tea 6

Diets and healthy eating 13.05.2017

Dear readers, today we will talk with you about an interesting and healthy drink that you may have already tried, namely white tea. I like to share with you the secrets of achieving harmony between body and soul, therefore, today I again invited representatives of the Tea Valley tea online store to visit, who will be happy to tell you all the subtleties and features of this interesting drink.

Good afternoon to all readers of Irina Zaitseva's blog. White tea in our store is quite a popular destination, many who bought one of the varieties come back for repeated purchases. Obviously, people are interested and like this type of tea, and we want to tell you in detail now what white tea is, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in detail in this article.

Features of white tea and appearance

White tea. What it is? What's the tea? To begin with, we want to immediately clarify that white tea is collected from the same tea bushes as other types - green or black. The whole secret lies in the time of collection and in the processing of tea leaves. The collection starts from the end of February (this is early spring in China) and continues until the end of May. White tea is harvested only at this time of the year.

In the very early morning, when the dawn is just breaking, pickers pick only young, barely blossoming buds from the tea bushes, which are still covered with “fluff” - small whitish villi - that's why the tea got its name - white. The most elite varieties involve the collection of exclusively such top flushes. In other cases, the very first opened leaf is allowed, as well as three that grow immediately below it.

Valuable and refined Chinese white tea.

It is important to say here that after harvesting, tea leaves undergo the most minimal processing of all teas. The fact is that the recipe for making white tea is considered the most ancient, it came to us from those times when tea was known only in China itself and was collected as a medicinal herb.

Surprisingly, since that time the procedure for making white tea has not changed much. Of course, each tea master prepares the leaves in his own way, but nevertheless, the general principles are always preserved.

So, the creation of white tea consists of only two stages:

1. After picking, the tea leaves are placed on special trays and dried for 1 or 2 days in a natural state.

2. Next, the finished tea raw material, which is called "mao cha", is slightly steamed. This is done in order to “seal”, “preserve” the taste and all the properties of white tea inside the leaf itself.

The loose finished product is then neatly packaged and sent for sale.

White tea is also pressed. Let's take a look at why and how this is done.

For this, not only freshly prepared tea is taken, but a rested year or more. Fresh white tea is stored in wooden boxes or special bags. Then, after the time has elapsed, when the tea master decides that it is time, the tea is sent for pressing in the form of a pancake, using the same technology as pu-erh tea.

Pressed white tea can be stored for many years without losing its taste. The whole point is that pressing creates a special microclimate inside the pancake, which enhances its taste and properties.

White tea health benefits. Is harm possible?

Now let's see how useful (and maybe harmful) white tea is. So, if you are interested in the benefits and harms of white tea, we suggest delving into the “tea” wilds and starting with the beneficial properties of this drink.

Properties and benefits of white tea

The health benefits of white tea have been known since the Chinese Shang Dynasty. This drink was offered to the emperor and his family as an elixir of longevity.

It is known that white tea contains the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients. The fact is that the minimal processing of tea leaves allows you to save in this drink everything that nature itself has endowed it with.

Young tea buds and leaves, from which white tea is made, contain a large amount of essential oils and active substances that determine the beneficial properties of the drink. Also, a noble Chinese drink made from white tea leaves perfectly quenches thirst and invigorates. Asking the question of how white tea is useful, I would like to note that this drink is considered rejuvenating. Yes, yes, it is he who is really able to cleanse our body at the cellular level and slow down the aging process. Regular consumption of white tea provokes the destruction of free radicals, which contribute to the premature aging of the body.

White tea has a beneficial effect on the entire body, namely:

  • Improves the condition of the skin, filling it with energy and health;
  • Activates the immune system and helps fight seasonal infections;
  • Accelerates metabolism, due to which the drink is widely used in the process of losing weight;
  • Cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  • Prevents the appearance of caries and plaque;
  • Used as a folk remedy against cancer.

White tea contains minimal amounts of caffeine. Due to this, the drink has a delicate, light taste and does not adversely affect the nervous system.

Harm of white tea

So, the benefits of white tea are obvious. Can this imperial drink harm our body?

A lot depends on whether you have certain chronic diseases and your current state of health. Despite the fact that many people love white tea very much and recommend it to their friends, this drink, nevertheless, has some contraindications.

  • severe gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • serious heart disease;
  • hypertension (at the time of exacerbation);
  • urolithiasis.

Well, of course, let's not forget about individual intolerance: if after drinking tea you have any discomfort, perhaps white tea is not suitable for you.

Due to the fact that the composition of the drink contains the youngest tea leaves, its taste is quite light and refreshing. Most varieties have a characteristic floral, fruity taste. Unlike some teas, white tea is always refreshing and does not leave a heavy, dense trail in the aftertaste. And if you want to enjoy the noble taste of white tea for as long as possible, then brew the drink stronger.

The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire believe that the taste of white tea depends on several factors: the location of the plantation, the quality of the tea leaf, and the mood of the pickers. It is believed that white tea absorbs not only the warmth of the sun's rays and the freshness of the air, but also the energy of people who work on the plantations, so quite strict requirements are imposed on the pickers of the "tea" harvest. They are prohibited from using perfume, smoking and drinking the day before.

Varieties of white tea

Today, there are several varieties of white tea. The most popular of them are:

  • Bai Hao Yin Zhen (Silver Needles);
  • Bai Mu Dan (White Peony);
  • Show Mei (Eyebrows of Longevity).

And now let's talk with you about each of these varieties and open the curtain on the "tea" secrets of the Celestial Empire.

Bai Hao Yin Zhen (Silver Needles)

This is the famous variety of white tea. It has characteristic needle-like leaves, covered with thick white pile, shimmering in the light with silver - hence the name of the variety.

True connoisseurs of white tea consider this drink one of the most refined and noble. Its delicate and delicate aroma will surely lure you with its freshness and lightness. For this drink, only the upper kidney is collected, without the opened leaf. The process of collecting flushes is very laborious, so this drink is not often found on sale.
The bouquet of brewed Silver Needles is thin, light, permeated with spring aromas of flowering trees, with a slight sourness in the aftertaste. The color of the infusion is light caramel, darkening with prolonged brewing.

Bai Mu Dan (White Peony)

It is also very popular and appreciated by many gourmets. It is grown in Fuding County, on high-altitude plantations, where tea leaves are saturated with the sun and the aromas of gardens blooming at this time, which are brought by the wind. Outwardly, it does not look like any Chinese tea. Unlike Bai Hao Yin Zhen, tea leaves are also collected here with a kidney.

The taste of the drink is also gentle and soft. In it, you can distinguish fruity shades, combined with a vanilla, slightly caramel note. It slightly resembles the taste of birch sap. The infusion is light, from pale golden to deep golden.

Show Mei (Eyebrows of Longevity)

Quite noticeably different from the previous counterparts, not only in appearance, but also in taste. Raw materials for Show Mei are collected later than for other varieties, and after collection they are subjected to deeper processing. Due to this, the leaves acquire a characteristic dark color.

This drink is remembered for its strong, bright bouquet. Honey-floral notes are combined with a characteristic herbal taste with many shades. After tea drinking, a sweet fruity-caramel aftertaste remains. Infusion of rich, for white teas color - dark amber.

Rules for brewing white tea

So, dear friends, we have examined some varieties, now it's time to learn how to brew them correctly. To do this, we are happy to share the secrets of getting a tasty and healthy drink in your cup.

Before you brew white tea, open the package and enjoy its aroma to the fullest. Tune in to get real pleasure during the "white" tea drinking.

You can brew white tea in any dish convenient for you, and, as we will see now, there is nothing complicated in this.

1. First, we need to warm up the dishes. You can rinse the kettle and cups with boiling water. This is done so that the covered tea leaves gradually begin to “wake up”.

2. Pour the tea leaves at the rate of 5 grams per 150 milliliters of water, close the lid and let the tea stand for a while without water so that it warms up a little.

3. Dear readers, we want to draw your attention to the fact that Chinese white tea does not need to be poured with boiling water. Too hot water destroys nutrients and changes the taste of the drink for the worse. The ideal water temperature is 80-85 degrees. We pour our tea with such water and immediately drain all the water. First, it is also called "zero" tea leaves are not drunk!

In this way, we “rinse” the tea leaves, and it also helps to reveal the tea potential even more.

4. Pour hot water again. Now let the drink brew for 30-60 seconds and pour into cups. Now our white tea is ready! It must be said here that if you overdo the brewing time, nothing bad will happen. Unlike other teas (black or green), it will not taste bitter. Perhaps, white tea is the only drink that is so tolerant of a long exposure to tea leaves.

But keep in mind that the taste in this case may still turn out to be not so multifaceted, and subsequent brewing will be weak. Here we want to note that white tea can be brewed 5-8 times if it is not overexposed in the teapot. Each time the drink will sound in a new way - we guarantee you!

Are you ready to have a real white tea ceremony? To enjoy tea drinking, it is very important to choose high-quality white tea. Let's see how to do it.

How to choose and where to buy high-quality real white tea

You need to understand that white tea, in general, is not created in very large quantities. The short time of collecting the topmost leaves cannot make this noble drink a product of mass consumption. For this reason, good white tea is a one-of-a-kind product, an exclusive that cannot be flooded with supermarkets and grocery stores. Therefore, it is not found everywhere. A good drink can only be bought in tea shops, and preferably those that work directly with the supplier. In such a place you can find exceptionally high-quality varieties.

White tea is also called Bai Hoa (white eyelashes) because of the fluffy villi that cover the kidney. In the Celestial Empire during the reign of emperors, only the ruler and those close to him drank white tea. It was believed that it cleanses the mind, favorably affects the body and soul. To receive "white eyelashes" as a gift is a great generosity. The world learned about such an unusual drink thanks to diplomatic relations with other countries.

How white tea is made

White tea is picked only early in the morning by hand (from 5 am to 9 am). People working on a tea plantation are not allowed to eat strong-smelling foods (such as spices or garlic), apply perfumes and deodorants, put rings and bracelets on their hands before working. The raw material is a formed tea bud (tips) and two young unopened leaves (flush). After harvesting, the crop is kept over steam for 1 minute, then sent to dry. Once the buds are dry, they are sorted. Only the most selected kidneys without any defects will go on sale. Broken ones are used in tea blends, as they have lost their appearance, but not their useful properties. The harvest of tea with such a collection and sorting is small, so white tea is not available to everyone. It is grown in only one province - Fujian.

Until recently, white tea was difficult to get in Russia, almost impossible. Today, China is the leader in the production of white tea, despite the fact that it is also grown in other places - the island of Ceylon, India, Africa.

The health benefits of white tea have been proven for centuries. No wonder it was called the tea of ​​youth, beauty and health. Raw materials undergo minimal heat treatment (compared to any type of tea) and retain a maximum of useful trace elements and vitamins.

The drink helps keep you young. Often it is used in the manufacture of anti-aging cosmetics and homeopathic preparations. Thanks to the cleansing of the body from free radicals, the skin of the face and body becomes cleaner, tone and elasticity improve.

White tea buds are a powerful natural antioxidant. The polyphenols included in their composition purify the blood, internal organs from toxins and heavy metals. In case of intoxication with alcohol, nicotine, drugs, food poisoning or an allergic reaction, it is useful to drink white tea so that the body recovers faster. Doctors recommend using it for patients with cancer, tumors, radiation therapy and treatment with powerful antibiotics.

As a prophylactic, the drink helps to cleanse and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system and diseased veins (relevant for varicose veins).

White tea is an assistant in losing weight and burning fat. During several tests, scientists have proven that it contains chemical elements that burn fat cells and prevent the formation of new ones. Under the influence of the drink, the metabolism is accelerated. Like any other tea, it is a good diuretic. Consuming 2-3 cups a day will release toxins naturally.

Tea buds contain fluorine - frequent use of the drink will have a positive effect on the oral cavity and the condition of the teeth in general, preventing the formation of tartar.

Chinese people use tea as an anti-cold, hemostatic, sedative.

There are no special contraindications for white tea. Caution should be taken by pregnant and lactating women. In rare cases, individual intolerance is possible.

What kind of white tea to choose

To date, there are 2 elite positions - Silver Needles (Bai Hoa Yin Zhen) and White Peony (Bai Mu Dan). In appearance, they are slightly different: the White Peony consists of a tea bud and tender leaves, and the Silver Needles - from young, unblown leaves, for which the tea got its name.

For people who are not familiar with such a drink, it is worth starting with the first tea, in terms of its taste it is a bit similar to its characteristic bitterness.

The infusion of Silver needles is translucent yellow-green in color, has a sweetish taste and aroma of fresh and dried herbs.

Elite tea of ​​this class is not packaged in factory packaging; during transportation, it loses its appearance. It is sold at retail and by weight only.

A class below white tea has the funny name of Gift Eyebrows and Longevity Eyebrows. Raw materials for its production are of poor quality with deformed leaves and buds. Most often, white tea of ​​this particular class is sold packaged in the store.

To preserve the tea bud, tea producers resort to an interesting method - they roll raw materials into balls, inside which they place flowers - chrysanthemum, amaranth, jasmine. Under the influence of warm water, the ball opens into a teapot with an unusual bouquet. In such a drink it is difficult to make out the real delicate taste of "white eyelashes" - the flowers come to the fore.

Where to buy white tea

Real white tea of ​​high quality is problematic to find and buy. Not all cities have specialized tea shops and associations offering drinks of this quality.

It is worth knowing that white tea is harvested in spring (April - May), so you can buy it fresh and fragrant only at this time. Buying tea buds from last year's harvest makes no sense - it no longer has useful properties, a unique aroma and taste.

The average price for 100 grams of white tea is 900 rubles. High quality Silver Needles at a tea auction cost up to $2,000.

How to brew white tea

Delicate leaves and a kidney with villi do not tolerate high temperatures. Having brewed such tea with boiling water, the delicate aroma of the drink disappears, the taste is lost. Tap water will not work for him. To brew tea, you should buy soft bottled water. The temperature should be 70 - 75 degrees. The infusion time is from 1 to 3 minutes, you should not overdo it.

Another advantage of white tea is that it can be brewed multiple times. Clay, glass, porcelain dishes are suitable for tea drinking. An important point is that clay is a porous material, so this teapot should be used only for one type of tea.