How to cook salamur from bream. Scavengers marinated in the original way

03.05.2020 Grill menu

Step 1: Salt the bream.

First, rinse the fish well under cold running water, then cut off the tail and head. Gut, you can not throw away the backbone, but leave it for another dish, for example, for fish soup. Fillet parts of the fish, rinse thoroughly under water again. Then lightly dry with a kitchen paper towel, cut the fillet into pieces, sprinkle with salt to your taste, put in a container and leave for about for 3 hours insist. If the season is hot, then it is best to put the fish in the refrigerator so that it does not deteriorate.

Step 2: Season the bream.

After that, the fish must be rinsed under water to wash off all excess salt, then pepper to your liking. You can add a special fish seasoning, it's up to you. Peel the onion from the husk, rinse under running water and cut into half rings.

Step 3: Lay the fish in layers.

Now take a clean liter jar and put onion on its bottom, then fish, and so alternate layers. Then add vinegar, then vegetable oil. bank close tightly lid and place in the refrigerator at least overnight. And it is better if you leave the fish to marinate for a day.

Step 4: Serve marinated bream.

After the expiration of this time, take out the fish, arrange it beautifully on a serving plate. As a decoration, you can use finely chopped fresh herbs, olives, black olives and lemon slices. Enjoy your meal!

Exactly according to the same recipe, if you wish, you can marinate any other fish. From experience I will say that it turns out very tasty, any river fish.

Bream meat is very rich in vitamins and various microelements, therefore it is very useful for the human body. In addition, it is well absorbed, gives strength and energy.

For obese people, doctors often recommend a fish diet, so in order to diversify your diet, you can use the above recipe.

Properly cooked pickled bream can diversify not only the daily diet, but also become a great addition to the festive table. This dish goes well with potatoes, vegetables and herbs. Pickled bream is just a great snack for alcoholic drinks.

How to prepare bream for pickling?

The fish must be cleaned - remove the insides, head and tail. Then we thoroughly rinse the carcass with plenty of water and let the product drain by placing it in a colander.

You can pickle bream whole, in pieces or fillets. Choose any method convenient for you. To obtain a fillet, it is necessary to remove the bones and ridge from the carcass of the fish. This process is quite labor intensive.

How to pickle bream in pieces?

For 1 kg of fish we need:

  • 250-300 g of salt;
  • 15-20 black peppercorns;
  • 2-5 pcs. clove buds;
  • 3-5 pcs. bay leaves;
  • 80-110 g of oil (sunflower or olive);
  • 30-35 ml of vinegar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 0.5 kg of onions.

We are preparing the marinade. Boil water and add all the ingredients except vinegar and vegetable oil to it. Boil for three minutes and let the marinade cool to room temperature. After that, we dissolve oil and vinegar in it. We clean the onion from the top layer and cut into rings or half rings.

For pickling, it is better to choose glass or enameled dishes. Place the chopped pieces of bream in a container mixed with chopped onions and pour over the marinade. Cover with a lid and put under pressure. We send to a cool place for 1-2 days.

How to pickle bream whole?

To marinate 1 kg of fish, we need the following ingredients:

  • 500-600 g of salt;
  • 15-20 peas of allspice;
  • 5-8 pcs. bay leaves;
  • 100-120 g of oil (sunflower or olive);
  • 30-40 ml of vinegar;
  • 1000 ml of water.

We take 100-200 g of salt and rub the bream prepared for pickling. Leave the fish at room temperature for 2-2.5 hours. At this time, prepare the marinade. In a separate container, mix salt (the remaining 300-400 g), allspice, bay leaf, vinegar, vegetable oil. We dissolve the prepared ingredients in a liter of boiled and chilled water. Let the marinade stand.

We wash the bream from salt with plenty of running water. We place the fish in an enamel or glass container and pour the marinade over. If desired, you can add a clove of garlic, chopped into small cubes, and 2-3 onions, cut into rings.

We saw this way of marinating fish in one of the TV shows on the fishing and hunting channel. True, the chef marinated red fish in it. But we didn’t have salmon and salmon, but there were large scavengers in the freezer. And we thought that this method would also work for pickling scavengers.

By the way, large scavengers and breams are very well suited for pickling - their meat is soft, moderately fatty. We tried pickling scavengers in different ways, including the recipes posted on this site - it turned out very tasty! And this time we decided to test the “semuzhny” recipe seen in the TV show.

But, as is often the case, the cooking process made its own adjustments: we changed some ingredients to our liking, and as a result, the recipe differed from the original shown on the TV show. That is why we called the dish "Scoots marinated in the original way"!

So, first of all, they thawed two half-kilo scavengers, removed the fillet from them with a sharp knife. In frozen and then thawed bream, tender meat becomes a little loose (this is understandable!), But large costal bones are easily separated, and it is not difficult to get a clean fillet.

The resulting fillet on the skin was cut into strips 3-4 centimeters wide. Salt and sugar were mixed in equal proportions, as was in the original recipe (three to three teaspoons). And then the creativity began!

The original recipe used lemon juice, but I found only half a lemon in the fridge. By the way, it turns out that it is easier to squeeze out lemon juice not with your hands, but to use a garlic crusher, putting lemon into it in small slices. Maybe someone has been doing this for a long time, but for me this convenience turned out to be a discovery, to which I myself did it, without outside help!

The juice squeezed out by the spadefoot was still not enough for the available amount of fish, and it was too lazy to go to the store in the evening. And, without being too smart, we decided to compensate for the lack of lemon with ordinary 9% table vinegar.

Also, the original recipe featured a mixture of peppers, which we also did not have, and therefore we decided to limit ourselves to red and black ground pepper. From ourselves, we also added finely chopped dill to the recipe, but we decided to refuse the addition of cognac, which the chef from the TV screen advised pouring into the fish for flavor (it was not available, but we will definitely try it next time!).

So, they took a plastic dish, on the bottom of which they laid a few pieces of scavenger skin down. Each piece was sprinkled with a mixture of salt and sugar, black and red pepper, dill and poured over with a mixture of lemon juice and vinegar. And the same procedure was done with each subsequent layer.

Having covered the dishes with fish with a lid, they sent it to the refrigerator and forgot it for three days. After this time, we boiled potatoes for dinner, marinated onion rings in apple cider vinegar and took out our fish, which had already marinated well.

The chef from the fishing and culinary program was not cunning: the fish really turned out to be very tasty, even though we made changes to his recipe, and instead of salmon we used scavengers!

Vitaly Volkov,
r.p. Svetly Yar, Volgograd Region

Pickled bream is a very popular dish in our latitudes. Marinated fish is especially good as an appetizer for various alcoholic drinks. But, in addition, it will go well with a side dish, for example, boiled or baked potatoes. The pickled bream recipe has been preparing for quite a long time, however, the process itself is very simple and does not require special skills. Therefore, do not be afraid, but you can safely start cooking.

Preparing everything you need for marinating

Before we tell you how to pickle bream, let's prepare the necessary ingredients. Firstly, we must have a bream (you can also marinate the fillet). Secondly, these are 2 onions. Thirdly, seasonings: ground black pepper and salt - at your discretion, as well as 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

That, in fact, is the whole simple set of ingredients needed to prepare such a delicious dish - pickled bream.

What about inventory? We will need a sharp knife, a cutting board, a towel (not terry, but a kitchen towel), a glass jar or other marinating utensils, a serving plate and a glass jar or other marinating utensils.

Cooking pickled bream

Now that you have all the necessary ingredients and equipment at your fingertips, we tell you how to pickle bream:

  • We salt the fish. Rinse the fish well under running water, cut off the head, tail, clean from the insides. The backbone also needs to be removed, but do not rush to throw it away, as it is perfect for cooking fish soup. Wash the fillet thoroughly and cut into pieces, salt and put in a jar. Forget about it for three hours. If it is hot summer outside, it is better to put the fish in the refrigerator;
  • We wash the bream. After a three-hour break, we take the fish out of the jar and rinse again. This will allow us to wash off all the excess salt. Onion cut into half rings. If you wish, you can sprinkle the fish with a special seasoning for fish, but this is not necessary;
  • We lay the bream in layers. We take a clean jar (1 l.) And lay out layers of onions and fish, and so on, until both are over. Pour vinegar and vegetable oil into a container. We close the jar with a polypropylene lid and put it in the refrigerator.

It is desirable if the fish is marinated for at least a day, but if you really want to try it, then 8 hours is enough.

What is especially attractive about this marinated bream recipe is that by soaking the fish in such a marinade, it will never be too sour or salty. So even those who are completely unfamiliar with culinary arts will not be able to cook such fish badly.

step by step recipe with photo

Despite the presence of small bones, bream is a first-class fish product. Special taste qualities and unique nutritional value put it forward, along with pike and pike perch, in first place among river inhabitants.

Spicy marinated vegetables successfully compete in taste with juicy slices of fish. A classic addition to a fragrant snack is baked or boiled potatoes. The head, tail and ridge can be saved for cooking fish soup or aspic.


  • bream 1 pc. (1000-1200 gr)
  • salt 100 g
  • ground black pepper 0.5 tsp.
  • dried thyme 1 tsp
  • dried rosemary 1 tsp
  • onion 300 g
  • Bulgarian pepper 200 g
  • lemon zest 1 tsp
  • sunflower oil 5-6 tbsp. l.
  • table vinegar 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • parsley 10 sprigs

How to pickle bream

1. For marinating, you can use fresh fish fillet or whole fish without pitting it. Rinse the bream. Remove the scales using a fish scaler. Then rinse well in cold water. Trim off all fins and tail. Open the abdomen and remove all the insides. Rinse thoroughly and remove black films inside. Cut off the head. Cut the fish carcass into small pieces up to two centimeters wide. If you want to marinate fish without bones, then separate the loin from the ridge.

2. Cut the bream fillet into portions.

3. Place the fish pieces in a container with a lid, sprinkling generously with salt. Cover with a lid or cling film. Send to the refrigerator for 2.5-3 hours.

4. In the meantime, peel the onion and cut into rings. Rinse the sweet pepper, remove the seed box without damaging the fruit, cut into circles.

5. Place the salted fish in a colander and rinse well. Leave excess water to drain.

6. Remove excess moisture with a napkin.

7. Place the dried fish slices in a bowl. Add thyme and rosemary, ground pepper, lemon zest. Stir gently so that the fish pieces are well breaded in spices.