Festive duck with apples in the oven. Recipes: duck with apples in the oven

06.11.2019 Fish dishes

What is the best way to cook a duck in the oven so that it is soft and juicy? If there is no duckling, you are afraid of overdrying tender meat, or you simply do not want to wash the oven from greasy splashes for a long time, then the duck recipe with apples in your sleeve will be the best way out. Marinate and stuff the bird, pack it in a sleeve and relax - without your control and constant presence in the kitchen, you will get a great dish, juicy, tender and soft.

Total cooking time: 100 minutes
Cooking time: 95 minutes
Yield: 6 servings


  • duck - a whole carcass weighing 1.5 kg
  • sour apples - 4-5 pcs.
  • ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • 6% apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • water - 400 ml
  • fresh ginger - 2 cm or dried - 0.5 tsp.
  • salt - about 1 tbsp. l.
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp.
  • hot red pepper - 1 chip.
  • garlic - 2 teeth


    I washed the duck thoroughly, held it over the fire and removed the remnants of feathers. I cut off the extreme phalanges of the wings - there is practically no meat on them, so they are not suitable for baking, it is better to put them on soup or broth. To remove the characteristic smell of a duck, I cut off the fat in the tail and removed the oil gland at the base of the tail.

    I prepared the marinade: I put honey and a couple of pinches of cinnamon in a saucepan, poured in vinegar and water. Bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes. Boiling marinade, tasting like apple cider, doused the carcass. The skin should tighten a little and darken a little.

    I rubbed the still warm duck with plenty of salt, pepper and ginger (if you have raw, then chop on a grater), as well as garlic, passed through a press.

    Prepared the stuffing. Cut the apples into 4 parts, remove the core, sprinkle with cinnamon and salt. It is best to use sour apples such as "Semerenko" or "Antonovka", preferably winter varieties, then they will not crumble and turn into mashed potatoes, they will remain intact.

    I stuffed the duck with fruit and fastened the hole with a skewer so that the apples would hold securely inside. There is no need to sew up, as the duck in the sleeve will be baked without turning over, in one position.

    Packed the bird in the sleeve with the back down. She tightly tied the bag and laid the duck in a deep baking sheet with sides. Perforations (holes for steam to escape) should be at the top. If there is no perforation in the sleeve, then pierce it with a knife in 3-4 places so that it does not swell and burst.

    Baked for 1 hour and 30 minutes at a temperature of 190-200 degrees. No need to flip. At the very end of cooking, she cut the sleeve, smeared it with honey (1-2 tsp) and browned the duck for 5-7 minutes at 220 degrees.

The duck baked in the oven in the sleeve is ready! It remains to transfer it to a dish, remove the toothpicks and decorate with herbs. Apples that have absorbed duck fat should be removed. The classic side dish is usually served with buckwheat porridge or a more complex option for a festive table - crumbly buckwheat with mushrooms and vegetables. Enjoy your meal!

On a note. The fat that melts during baking can be used to fry potatoes - you get an excellent side dish for duck.

There is probably no more festive recipe than a baked bird, especially if it is a duck with apples. Roasted duck meat becomes unusually tender and even airy when baked, and the light sourness and sweetness of sliced ​​apples add spice to the dish. This is the best festive dish for the New Year, Christmas and all special occasions!

Even the very sight of the cooked dish is so tempting that you want to immediately grab a ruddy duck leg with your teeth! In order for your bird to be completely baked, it is necessary to correctly calculate its cooking time: for 1 kg of fresh poultry, you need at least 1 hour of time in the oven. And at the same time, it is highly desirable to cook the duck in a bag or baking sleeve so that it does not remain raw from the inside.


  • 1 duck weighing 1.5-2 kg
  • 2-3 apples
  • 1.5 st. l. honey
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper mixes


1. To make your duck tasty and juicy, it must first be marinated. To do this, mix a mixture of peppers, salt and honey in a container. You can add any seasonings you choose to taste - they obviously will not be superfluous!

2. Rub the duck carcass washed and dried with paper towels with the resulting marinade inside and out. Leave in this honey-spicy mixture for at least 1.5-2 hours to soak. Optionally, you can add 50 ml of white or red table wine.

3. As soon as the specified time has passed, cut the washed apples in half and remove the core with seeds from them. Then rinse the fruit again and cut into slices. Choose sour-sweet varieties of apples. Instead, you can use quince or pears.

4. Stuff duck with apple slices. There is no need to sew up the hole.

5. Place the stuffed duck into the roasting sleeve and tie it tightly. Move the duck to a baking sheet and bake in the oven for about 1.5-2 hours depending on weight at 180C. If a baking bag is not available, cover the duck carcass with foil or parchment paper and bake for 1.5 hours, and then remove it.

6. If your duck has not acquired a beautiful ruddy color during the baking process, then cut the bag and let the bird bake for about 20 more minutes, not forgetting to pour the carcass with the released juice.

7. Serve the roast duck with apples hot along with any side dish of your choice, garnishing it to your liking or cutting it into portions.

Note to the owner

1. Honey is so thick and even lumpy when heavily candied that it is extremely difficult to mix it with the rest of the ingredients. It is impossible to heat on fire, to melt in a water bath is troublesome. What to do? Put in the microwave oven for half a minute. Microwaves will not destroy useful substances in it and will quickly change the consistency to the optimum.

2. If quince is chosen instead of apples for stuffing poultry, it is desirable to cut it smaller: the fruit is hard, fibrous, dense, it sometimes does not completely soften even with long heat treatment. The recommendation also applies to hard pears.

3. Original varieties of spiced salt are now on sale. Each has a well-balanced composition: a mix of Caucasian alpine or Provence meadow herbs, Altai or Karelian herbal preparations and other pleasant compositions. Any species is great for duck, with the exception of seaweed salt.

4. Both poultry meat and stuffing benefit greatly from the addition of citrus zest, but it is not palatable when ground after baking. There is a way out: put a whole piece of lemon or orange peel from the very edge of the cut on the duck belly. Then this crust will be easy to detect in the finished carcass and pull it out.

Whole baked duck is always beautiful, tasty and appetizing. Not every housewife risks cooking a whole duck, believing that the meat of this bird becomes tough in the oven. However, this is not the case. Follow some tips and tricks and you will get tender, fragrant and soft meat.

Duck with apples in the oven (step by step recipe) - basic cooking principles

For baking, it is better to use not a domestic duck, but the one that grew up in a poultry farm. The meat of such a bird is much softer and more tender. Many do not cook duck because of its specific smell. Getting rid of it is quite simple: just cut out the rump, which is its source.

Before cooking, the bird carcass is washed under the tap and dried with napkins inside and out.

The next important step is marinating the duck. Some simply rub it with salt, but this is not enough to make a truly tasty and fragrant dish. The marinade will add spice to the finished duck. The bird is rubbed with a mixture of lemon juice, ground pepper and salt. Leave for forty minutes. To get a dish with a spicy oriental flavor, the duck is rubbed with soy sauce mixed with a little sugar.

To make the meat juicy and soft, the duck must be steamed before baking. This is done in the following way: they take a narrow high glass jar, fill it 2/3 with water and put a duck on it with a cut. Place a jar of duck in a large cauldron or pan and pour water so that it slightly covers the legs. Keep the duck from the moment of boiling for forty minutes. Then cool and remove the duck from the jar.

For this dish, sweet and sour and juicy apples are used, which, during baking, will give their juice to the meat. Thanks to this, the duck will turn out tasty and fragrant.

Apples are peeled or used with the skin on. Then the fruit is cut in half and the core is cut out. The pulp of the fruit is cut into slices. They stuff the duck with them and sew up the abdomen with cooking thread so that they do not fall out during baking. In addition to apples, you can add dried fruits, oranges or nuts to the filling.

It is advisable to wrap the duck in foil so that the fat does not splatter during frying, and the meat remains juicy.

Bake the bird for two and a half hours. About 20 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the foil to brown the duck.

Duck can be baked in foil, a sleeve or simply on a baking sheet.

Recipe 1. Duck with apples in the oven: a step by step recipe in grapefruit syrup


one and a half kilogram duck carcass;


six grapefruits;

freshly ground pepper;

five apples;

vegetable oil;

liquid honey - 100 g;

one and a half teaspoons of cinnamon;

white sugar - 100 g;

sprig of fresh rosemary;

butter - 100 g;

a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking method

1. We take a duck carcass. If it is frozen, take it out of the freezer and put it in the refrigerator. Leave it there until completely defrosted. This method will preserve the beneficial properties and taste of meat. In no case do not resort to the help of a microwave or warm water. We examine the defrosted carcass for the presence of hairs or feathers. We pluck the last with tweezers. To get rid of hairs, singe the carcass over a gas burner. Carefully cut the abdomen and remove all offal. Be sure to cut out the tail. If this is not done, then the odorous glands that are in it will give the dish an unpleasant taste and smell. We cut off the fat that surrounds this part of the carcass. We also remove fat from the neck along with the skin. We cut off the first phalanx from the wings.

2. We wash the prepared duck carcass under running water. We wait until the water drains, and dry it with kitchen paper towels. We do this outside and inside the carcass.

3. Combine ground pepper with salt. Stir and coat the duck with the resulting mixture inside and out, rubbing it well into the meat and skin. Take the butter out of the refrigerator. When it becomes soft, grease the entire surface of the duck with oil. Put on a plate and leave the bird for forty minutes.

4. Wash apples under the tap. Wipe with a kitchen towel and peel off the skin. This can be done with an ordinary sharp knife, or a special tool for cleaning vegetables. We cut each fruit into four parts. Cut out the core. Cut fruit pulp into slices. We spread them in a deep plate and sprinkle with lemon juice, which will not allow the apples to darken. Sprinkle them with cinnamon and stir.

5. Put the apple filling inside the carcass, tamping it tightly. We connect the edges of the abdomen. You can do this by chipping them with toothpicks or skewers, or we sew the edges of the carcass with a needle and culinary thread. We also tie the legs with a thick cooking thread so that they do not burn during the baking process. The legs can be wrapped with baking paper or foil.

6. We turn on the oven at 200 degrees. We grease a baking sheet or a deep heat-resistant form from the inside with vegetable oil. We put the duck in it so that the breast is at the bottom. Put in the oven on a medium level. Bake for 15 minutes.

7. While the duck is baking, prepare the grapefruit sauce. We take five grapefruits and wash them under the tap. Then we put them in a sieve and scald them with boiling water. Wipe with paper kitchen towels. We cut each fruit in half and survive the juice. It can be squeezed by hand, or you can use a special device for surviving citrus juice for this. Throw away the rind of the grapefruit.

8. Pour freshly squeezed grapefruit juice into a saucepan. Pour sugar into it and add honey. Stir until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved in the juice. We put the saucepan on a slow fire and cook, stirring regularly, until the sauce begins to thicken. At the end of cooking, add a sprig of rosemary. Remove the stewpan with grapefruit sauce from the stove and cool.

9. After 15 minutes, take out the form with the duck from the oven. Drizzle with grapefruit syrup and bake for another 40 minutes. From time to time we take the duck out of the oven and pour over the syrup so that a caramel crust forms on the surface of the duck.

10. We transfer the finished duck with apples in the oven (step-by-step recipe) to a beautiful dish. Wash the remaining grapefruit, cut into slices and spread around the duck.

Recipe 2. Duck with apples in the oven in wine: a step by step recipe


duck carcass;

a pinch of ground pepper;

five apples;

a teaspoon of table salt;

100 g prunes;

a teaspoon of white sugar;

four slices of white bread;

a teaspoon of Madeira;

50 ml of vegetable oil;

5 ml lemon juice;

100 g butter;

one and a half cups of chicken broth.

Cooking method

1. Put the defrosted and plucked duck carcass on the board. We carefully check for the presence of feathers. If there are any, remove them with tweezers. Then singe the duck over a gas burner. We wash the carcass under the tap and dry it with napkins inside and out. Carefully cut the abdomen and take out all the giblets. Cut out the tail. It is in it that odorous glands are contained, which give the dish an unpleasant taste and smell. We cut off the fat around this part of the carcass, as well as from the neck. Cut off the fat along with the skin. Cut off the upper phalanx from the wings.

2. Rub the prepared carcass with salt. We do this carefully, rubbing the duck inside and out.

3. Put the butter in a large frying pan and pour in the sunflower oil. We put it on the stove and turn on the fire. Put the duck carcass into the heated mixture of oils and fry it on all sides for five minutes. Then cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for the same amount of time. We shift the fried carcass to the ducklings.

4. In a pan with a mixture of oils and juice that stood out during the roasting of the duck, pour in the chicken broth and fortified Madeira wine. Turn on the heat and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring occasionally. Pour the resulting sauce over the duck in the roaster. Cover it with a lid and put on a small fire. Simmer for forty minutes to an hour. It all depends on the size of the duck. Take the duck out of the roaster and let it cool.

5. My apples. Peel them off and cut them in half. We cut the core, and cut the flesh into small slices. Place the apples on a plate and pour over the lemon juice. This is done so that they do not darken. Sprinkle apples with sugar and season with pepper. We mix.

6. Dissolve two tablespoons of butter in a pan. We put apples in it and simmer for half an hour, stirring constantly. Stuff the duck with the resulting apple mixture. We fasten the edges of the abdomen with skewers or toothpicks, or sew with a needle and culinary thread.

7. Cut off the crusts from the slices of bread. Fry the toasts in the remaining oil and put them in the center of a large dish.

8. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Lubricate the duck carcass with butter and bake for half an hour. We spread the finished duck on toasts, take out the apple filling and lay it around the carcass. Pour the duck with the sauce that remained in the duck dish, decorate with herbs and serve.

Duck with apples in the oven (step by step recipe) - tips and tricks

  • Before baking, brush the duck carcass with melted butter.
  • If you're cooking the duck without the foil and sleeve, baste it with the juices that have come out every 15 minutes.
  • The juice that is released when the duck is roasted can be used to make poultry sauce.
  • Marinade can be prepared on the basis of orange, pomegranate or lemon juice. You can also use apple cider vinegar or wine for this.

Duck with apples in the oven- This is a fairly common dish that has been passed down from generation to generation. In the old days, it was usually prepared for Christmas. Today, this wonderful dish can be served for dinner and enjoy its excellent dish.

Food preparation.

Pure duck meat has a special specific taste. This disadvantage is compensated by pickling and baking together with sour apples. Marinate the meat in wine, orange or lemon juice, vinegar, rubbing oregano, pepper, garlic. Apples for minced meat should not be peeled, just cut the core out of them. After you put the apples inside, secure the incision. We do not recommend using toothpicks for this purpose, as this can cause the seam to spread. Take a regular needle and thread. Before baking, cut off the outermost part of the wing so that it does not burn. Cut out the glands that are in the duck tail, as they will add an unpleasant aftertaste to the finished dish.

Duck with apples in the oven: recipes


Duck - 2 kg
- sour apples - 1 kg
- garlic cloves - 5 pcs.
- salt
- spices, seasonings


Rub the duck carcass with spices, spices, salt. Be sure to rub your belly! Prepare fruit. They don't have to be pretty. It is enough that they have a sour taste. Crumble them into slices, do not cut the skin. Cut out just the middle. Put a layer of apple slices on the bottom of the duckling or cauldron, stuff the belly with garlic cloves as well. It is desirable to sew up the hole so that the filling does not “crawl out”. Place the bird in the cauldron with the seam down. Place fruits between the walls of the dishes and the duck. Lay the rest on top. Pour half a glass of water, bake for two to three hours, setting the temperature to 200 degrees. The first 1.5 hours with the lid closed, and then with the lid open. To check if a dish is ready, simply pierce it with a toothpick. If clear juice comes out, then your meat is ready. If the juice is mixed with blood, then leave the dish to stew a little more. Do not be afraid that the bird will be extinguished, apple fruits will not allow it to do this. If the apples start to burn, just add water.

Beer recipe.

Required products:

Duck carcasses - 2 kg
- sour apples - 4 pcs.
- light beer - ? liters
- spices - savory, salt, cumin, hot pepper, Provence herbs

Cooking steps:

Prepare an oval-shaped thick-walled dish or a roaster. Rub the carcass well inside and out with a mixture of salt and seasonings. Cut the fruit into quarters, peel from the middle, stuff the belly. Sew the edges with simple threads with a needle. Lay the rest of the fruits on the bottom of the ducklings. If desired, add a handful of dried apricots. Place a duck on top of the back, fill with beer. Close the lid, bake for an hour. Turn the carcass on the abdomen, bake for an hour. During this time, the beer will evaporate and the bird will be covered with an amazing golden crust.

It turns out very tasty and

How to cook duck with apples in the oven

You will need:

Duck - 2.5 kg
- garlic clove - 4 pcs.
- hot and black pepper
- sour apple fruits - 4 pcs.
- orange - 2 pcs.

For garnish:

Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
- salt
- rice - 1 cup


Wash the rice, soak for an hour and a half. Chop the fruits into cubes, disassemble the oranges into separate slices. Orange slices can be additionally cut into several pieces. Rub the washed carcass well, rubbing salt, seasonings, chopped garlic into the skin. Add a pinch of curry. Place a large piece of foil on a baking sheet to wrap the bird in. Put the carcass on it, stuff it with fruit, sew the incision with white thread. Pepper crumble medium cubes, mix with soaked rice, salt. Put a side dish around the duck, pour 2/3 cup of water, wrap in foil, bake for two hours. Unfold the foil, fry until a crust is obtained for another half an hour. Open the oven every 10 minutes, stir the rice so that it does not turn out dry. If there is not enough liquid, add another half glass of boiled water. Once the duck is cooked, let it brew under foil for 10 minutes. Remove the threads, lay out the filling with a spoon, serve.

Prunes recipe.

Required products:

Prunes - 220 g
- apples - 10 pieces
- duck carcass

Cooking steps:

Remove seeds from fruits. Prunes are better to buy without a stone. If this is not the case, pull out all the bones yourself. Chop the fruits into slices, mix with prunes, stuff the duck carcass. Sew up the cut, put the carcass on a baking sheet with the back down, bake in the oven until tender. As soon as the dish is ready, cut the meat into pieces, serve on a beautiful plate, laying fruits and prunes around.

How about you?

Bread recipe.


duck carcass
- apples - 4 pcs.
- bread - 200 g
- onion - 3 pcs.
- garlic head


Gut the bird, rinse in several waters, let the water drain, cut off the wings, rub well inside and out. In fat, insert garlic cloves, put under the press overnight. The next day, put the duck in the chicken dish breast side down, stuff with apple slices. Sew up the carcass, pierce with a fork in several places.

Pour water into the goose so that it reaches half the carcass. For the sauce, add a few onions and a grated crust of bread. Simmer it all for about an hour. Remove, pierce the breast, inspect whether the back is ready. Drain the water from the goose, leaving only a small amount to cover the bottom. Raise the duck on the form, pierce the skin, allowing the internal fat to drain into the goose. Cook the duck with apples until golden brown.

It is very interesting and

Duck with apples in the oven quickly

Required products:

Peking duck legs - 3 pcs.
- mustard, honey - one tablespoon each
- salt
- soy sauce - 55 ml
- Apple
- vegetable oil - 20 ml
- spices

Cooking steps:

Prepare the marinade in a bowl: mix mustard, honey, soy sauce, stir well. Rinse the duck legs, put them in a bowl, leave in a bowl for half an hour. Peel the apples, chop into slices, lay on the bottom of the mold. Place duck legs on top. Pour the marinade over the dish, sprinkle with a little salt and herbs. Brush with vegetable oil using a brush. Transfer the mold to a baking bag, fix the edge, send for 25 minutes. into the oven. Separate the finished bird from the package, serve with fruit.

Learn and

Poultry in apple-honey sauce.


Apples - 2 pcs.
- duck - 1 kg
- honey - 2 tablespoons
- red onion - 1 pc.
- wine vinegar - 4 tablespoons
- salt
- olive oil

Cooking steps:

Wash the bird well, chop into pieces. Chop the onion into half rings, and the fruit into thin slices. Fry the onion in olive oil. Put the bird in a saucepan, fry for several minutes. Pour in water, wine vinegar, stew apple fruits, stew for 20 minutes. Add honey, simmer duck in honey sauce for another half hour. The dish will turn out juicy, and the sauce will be a good addition for it.

Recipe with sauerkraut.


Duck - 2.7 kg
- dried mushrooms - 60 g
- apples - 5 pcs.
- sauerkraut - 1 kg
- onion - 3 pcs.
- honey - a tablespoon
- potato
- a pinch of dried barberry
- cumin
- nutmeg
- soy sauce
- seasonings


Wash the carcass, rub the inside with pepper and salt. In a cup, mix spices, soy sauce, honey, cover with foil, send for 15 hours in the refrigerator. Steam the porcini mushrooms the next day. Pour a tablespoon of cumin into cabbage, leave to soak a little. Chop the apples into quarters, remove the middle, mix with Savannah salt, nutmeg. Pour barberry inside the carcass, stuff with fruit. You don't need to pinch or sew anything. Place in the prepared form, prick well with a fork, send for an hour and a half in the oven. Chop the onion with thick washers. Cut each onion into 4-5 pieces. Lay the bottom of the goose with onions. Salt, leave on low heat for sautéing. You don't need to mix. Remove the browned bird from the oven. Lay the cabbage on top of the onion, mixed with the squeezed mushrooms. The mushrooms themselves should be pressed against the wall itself. For beauty, grease the duck with honey, put in the oven for a couple of hours. After that, bake with the lid open for another half hour.

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Duck with apples in the oven: recipe with photo

Required products:

- apple - 3 pieces
- onion - 5 pieces
- lemon
- thyme, marjoram - 7 teaspoons each
- salt
- pepper
- carrot

How to cook:

Wash the duck, rub with seasonings. Wash the fruit, cut into 4 parts, remove the middle, mix with lemon juice. Stuff the carcass with this mixture, sew up the incision, wrap in foil, place in the cold. Bake in coals, leave a hole for steam to escape.

Duck barbecue with spicy sauce.

Soak 200 g of prunes, free from pits, chop finely. Grate 320 g of apple fruits, mix with prunes, pour in 120 g of tomato juice, squeeze half a lemon, season. Process the bird, chop into portioned slices, put on a greased baking sheet. Spread with sauce, put pieces of butter, put in the oven. Fry until tender, basting with juice.

Duck breast with cranberries.

Process the duck carcass, cut 2 pieces of fillet. Peel the apple, chop into small cubes. Sort out 100 g of lingonberries, wash in cool water. Make 2 longitudinal cuts in pieces of breast. Stuff one of them with lingonberries. Chop the fillet with skewers, salt, pepper, fry in vegetable oil for 5 minutes. You can also bake in the oven. Serve with potatoes and carrots.

Today I want to tell you about cooking a dish that can be considered Christmas, New Year's, just Holiday, or Sunday.

This is duck baked in the oven.

If it is believed that a chicken is not a bird, then a duck is a bird.

Cooking chicken is simple and quick, but duck should be treated like a bird and it takes much longer to cook, and cooking has several nuances that you need to remember.

And then you will always get delicious, tender duck meat that melts in your mouth. Everyone will love your dish.

Duck with apples in an orange marinade, baked in the oven

Of course, it is better to take a chilled duck carcass for cooking, but in stores it is usually sold frozen, and on the market its price will be somewhat higher than our desired spend on it.

Therefore, we boldly take a frozen duck, just pay attention to the integrity of the package, since a torn bag can quickly lead to airing the meat, and it can pick up extraneous odors and aromas.

It is better to defrost the carcass in the refrigerator, but in extreme cases, it is possible at room temperature

After complete defrosting, the carcass is well washed and dried.

Duck must be marinated, we will do it with orange juice

To do this, cut the orange into 4 parts.

We squeeze the juice onto the duck, in no case do we throw away the squeezed peels, but lay them inside the carcass, under the wings. Cover the dishes with duck cling film and refrigerate for at least 12 hours, but it is better to leave for a day, not forgetting to periodically turn it over and coat with juice

We take out the marinated duck and proceed to butchering it

We cut off the final phalanges of the wings, there is no meat in them, but they can char during baking, and spoil the appearance of our dish

You can remove excess fat, but this is at the discretion of each

It is also worth removing excess skin with fat.

The next step will be the so-called massaging the meat, with various translational movements of the hands you need to move the skin of the duck, as if you are doing a massage, this is necessary in order to separate the skin from the meat and get a delicious crisp

Preparing seasonings for daubing duck

To prepare the sauce, we need salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme, ginger. We will need these aromatic herbs in small quantities.

Put in a mortar with 1 teaspoon of rosemary, the same amount of thyme

Grate ginger, also 1 teaspoon

Adding ginger to the mortar

Sprinkle with pepper and add salt as an abrasive to make everything easier to fray.

All this is carefully ground with a pestle in a mortar

Speed ​​up this process if you first chop the whole composition finely with a knife

In the process of grinding, add a little olive oil

We spread the gruel of seasonings on the duck and rub it over the entire surface of the carcass, do not look that there are few seasonings - this is rosemary with thyme, the aroma will be provided to you with such an amount

Pour a little more oil, pepper, salt and rub everything well into the carcass, not forgetting the insides

Poultry meat does not like high temperatures very much, with long cooking it begins to dry out, and it also loves humidity, so you need to put dishes with water or some kind of juice in the oven, or add a product that gives this humidity inside the bird

For this we will use tangerine and apples.

Cut the apples into slices, and stuff the tangerine whole

For a better return of aroma, make cuts on the mandarin

ATTENTION! Do not put leftover marinade from your orange inside for baking. At the baking temperature, the orange zest will give the meat all the bitterness present in the zest, and there is practically no bitterness in the tangerine zest.

The first 1.5 - 2 hours the duck should be cooked in a baking bag, but I prefer foil. We spread the foil on a baking sheet and lay the duck carcass. Put the tangerine first

From above, you can pour it again with oil.

Wrap in foil, it is better to make 2 layers of foil

As they say, a duck needs to be cooked warmly dressed, to protect it from high temperatures - the bird does not like high temperatures.

We send it to the oven for 1.5 - 2 hours at a temperature of 160 degrees, you can cook at 140 degrees, but the time will increase by about 30 minutes

To get a beautiful, ruddy, crispy crust, prepare honey sauce

Add honey to soy sauce and stir well.

About an hour and a half later (the time depends on the size of the duck), we take out a baking sheet and unfold the foil

Lubricate the surface with the prepared sauce, you can lubricate it more than once during cooking

We turn on the oven to the maximum and send the duck for another 15 minutes, then you will already need to look at the readiness of the crust

In total, this procedure will take about 25 minutes.

Now the duck needs to be allowed to cool for 25 minutes, it is better if the rest of the meat takes place under the foil

The meat has rested, cooled down, you can prepare for eating

Delicious, juicy, aromatic - bon appetit!

Duck stuffed with apples and prunes

A delicious, fragrant dish is prepared from a young duck

To do this, you need - a duck carcass, a few apples, a handful of prunes, preferably pitted and before cooking it must be soaked in hot water, salt, pepper, cumin

Cut apples into slices

Cut prunes into pieces and mix with apples

We prepare the duck, it needs to be washed, dried, if there are hairs somewhere, singe

Rub it with salt, remove excess fat

We put apples with prunes inside, and sew them up with simple threads, you can fasten them with toothpicks

Sprinkle the carcass with cumin sprinkle with lemon juice

Place on a greased baking sheet and marinate for 2 hours. We will bake in the open, since this is a duck and you need less cooking time - focus on about 1 kg of weight, you need 1 hour

We send it to the oven, heated to 190 degrees, periodically it needs to be taken out, turned over, poured with melted fat, 10 minutes before readiness - cover with foil

Add potatoes in advance so that they bake in duck fat

We take out the finished duck, and leave the potatoes to bake in the oven

Christmas honey duck baked with apples, tangerines and dried fruits

Duck with honey sauce and fruits

To prepare it, you need: a duck - weighing 1.5 - 2 kg, a head of garlic, soy sauce, pepper, three tangerines, a large apple, a handful of prunes, 1 teaspoon of hops-suneli seasoning, 4 tablespoons of honey

Trim excess fat from duck

Prepare the sauce - squeeze the garlic into the honey

Add suneli hops, soy sauce (2-3 tablespoons), black pepper and mix until smooth

We coat the duck with a ready-made sauce - marinade from the outside and from the inside, send it to marinate for 20 - 25 minutes in the refrigerator

We prepare fruit - we clean the tangerine and disassemble it into slices, cut the apple into small slices, prunes, pre-soaked in hot water, cut into halves

We stuff the pickled duck with cooked fruit, put it in a baking dish

We wrap the form in foil and put in the oven, preheated to 190 degrees for 1 hour

An hour has passed, we take out the duck, unfold the foil, pour it with juice and fat from the mold and put it in the oven for another 40 minutes

Put the finished duck on a large plate, decorate with fresh and baked fruits, it turns out juicy, tender, fragrant.

How to cook a delicious duck with apples - video recipe