Gurievskaya porridge is not welded without. Than guryev porridge is different from ordinary porridge

30.10.2019 Fish dishes

In the distant 19th century, Count D.A. Guriyev, who was still heard by those gourmet, was invited to dinner to Officer Jurissky. Dessert, which he reached, hesitated his taste so much that Guryev had kissed the cook - Zakhar Kuzmin, who prepared this extraordinary dish. And the dessert was filed by the manna porridge, which was subsequently called Guryevskaya. The name of the cook with time was forgotten, but the recipe of Guryevskaya Kashi entered into almost all the cookbooks and is famous today outside Russia.

How to cook a guriev porridge?

Traditionally, the Gurievskaya porridge is preparing from semolina with mandatory addition of foams that are removed from milk or cream when heated. Then the foams alternately with semolina and nuts are laid out with layers in the form for baking, or a saucepan, and baked in the oven. From above, porridge is decorated with candied nuts, nuts and watering jam. Before adding nuts to the Guryevskaya porridge, they must be cleaned from the films so that the dish does not have a gray color and did not spoil the whole aesthetics of the dish.

Guryevskaya Porridge - Vintage Recipe

If the famous manna porridge is prepared today around the world, let's try with you. How to cook guriev kish? A real porridge, which was swept the count of Guryev? Forest with milk and cake and proceed to cooking.


  • semolina cereals - 0.75 glasses;
  • milk - 1.25 l;
  • walnuts - 100 g;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • raisin - 1 handy;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 h. spoon;
  • tsukata - 1 handy;
  • fresh berries - 1 handy;
  • mint - for decoration.


Heat the oven to 180 degrees. The nuts are screaming with boiling water and remove the skin, then grind and lay out on a baking sheet, stuck with parchment, sprinkled with 1 tablespoon of sugar on top and put in the oven for 3-4 minutes.

We wash raisins, pour boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Then we fold it on the colander and we are drying. Cuts cut into small pieces. In the saucepan, we bring 500 ml of milk to the boil, we fall asleep 2 tablespoons of sugar and vanilla sugar. Constantly stirring, add a gun and cook a thick porridge. We remove the porridge from the fire, add raisins and mix.

We pour into the form for baking the remaining milk, put in the oven and remove the resulting foams. We proceed to the most important thing: we lubricate the shaft, lay the porridge layer, part of the citades and nuts into it, lay out on top of the foam so that they force the single layer and repeat the layers 3-4 times. Porridge must go the last layer. Top sprinkle with the remaining sugar. Cooking Guriev Kashi will take about 10 minutes in the oven (before the appearance of a ruddy crust). Ready Guryevskaya semolina porridge is decorated with fresh berries, nuts and mint leaves.

As we already know, traditionally, Guryevskaya Poros is preparing from manna cereals, but there is a recipe and from buckwheat, which we will tell you about.



First weld the buckwheat croup. For this, it will make it in a pot of mushroom broth (boiling), add salts and oils. When the porridge is practically ready, take it out of a pot, and the pot itself is pretty well and wipe dry. Then we lay the porridge layer in the pot, grilled from a grated carrot and mushrooms, a layer of brains, repeat so several times. The last layer should be brains. Close the pot and put in the oven. We are preparing a buckwheat porridge in Guryevski until buckwheat becomes crumbly. The finished dish, as desired, decorate the greens.

And lovers of all sorts of pile probably will not be ignored by recipes and.

First you need to prepare dried fruits and nuts for porridge. For this dish, any dried fruits and nuts are suitable for your taste. It may be raisins, dried apricots, truths, figs, cranberries, prunes (preferably dried, smoked will make the taste of dishes sharper), dried bananas, candies and kiwi are also suitable.

Select the mixture of nuts themselves. I took the hazelnut, almond and cashew. You can still use walnuts, peanuts and cedar nuts. The optimal will be a mixture of two or three types of nuts.

I am a light and dark and dark, one sweet, and the second with sourness. I specifically took a different raisin to give the dish multifaceted taste. Raisin is preferably boneless.

So, dried fruits are thoroughly wash and pour boiling water for 20 minutes. Nuts rolling on a dry pan or in the oven and clean from the skin so that it does not care about the dish.

500 ml of milk pour into a skeleton with a thick bottom, add 1 tablespoon of sugar (we cover a porridge with a second sugar spoon), heat the milk to boiling.

With one hand with a thin weaving, pour the semolina cereal into milk, and the second one to continuously stir the wedge.

Whipping porridge with a whisk, we will forget about lumps and get a lush and light texture. I use a blender whisk, taking it on the minimum speed. Cook and beat porridge need about 5 minutes. During this time, she will start thick.

Add creamy oil to the finished porridge (this is about 2 tablespoons), mix and cover the lid for another 5 minutes so that the porridge is finally prepared.

The remaining 200 ml of milk pour into a casserole or frying pan, as in my case, and warm up the milk before the formation of foam. Remove the milk foam with a wide spatula and shifting on a plate. Milk again bring to a boil and remove the foam again. So it is necessary to do 7-8 times, and maybe more, depending on how much such a foam is necessary for your cereal.

In the heat-resistant bowl or other container put a layer of manna porridge. Next, lay out finely chopped figs and kuragu, whole raisins and nuts, which should be slightly crowded.

To put the dried fruits, put a milk foam, and then again lay a bowl of manna porridge, dried fruits and foams. Choose the number of layers themselves, focusing on the size of the form.

The first mentions of Guryevskiy Kashe apply to the beginning of the 19th century. Its name is associated with the name of Count Dmitry Gurieva, Minister of Finance and Member of the State Council of the Russian Empire.

According to one version of the porridge invented the serfs of Zakhar Kuzmin, who served at the retired Major, Georgia Jersion, where the count of Dmitry Guriev was located once. The unusual dish so had to taste the guest that in the future the whole family of Kuzmina was redeemed by the graph. Zahar was appointed a regular chef in the county of the age.

The mention of this dish in history is associated with the name of Emperor Alexander by the fact that it was very beloved by Emperor Alexander 111. In 1888, under Kharkov, when the train with the imperial family failed, this porridge was filed as a sweet dish for dessert. At that moment, when the waiter, at the request of the emperor, served porridge by adding to her cream, heard the roar, the train jerked and descended from the rails.

In addition, Guryevskaya porridge was also mentioned in the works of V. Bilyarovsky, when he describes Moscow taverns. The knowledge of Russian princes and the counts deliberately came to Moscow to taste the famous Guryevskaya Kash.

Cooking Recipe Guriev

This dish is preparing for different recipes, which differ from each other. But the main secret is in cream foam .. for this cream or milk put in the oven and as soon as the foam is shoved on the surface, it is removed. It is important not to miss the right moment, since dark, burnt fots are not suitable - they give another taste. It all depends on the skill of the chef. The more good, ruddy cream foams in the caress, the more tastier

After that, in hot creams, we fall asleep the semolina and cook porridge until readiness. Next, you need to put nuts and dried fruits in it, mix. To the prepared dishes lay the porridge by the layer behind the layer, alternating with the funes from top of the porridge sprinkle with sugar, put in a preheated oven .. After sugar caramelizes, get a porridge, turn it onto a beautiful plate and decorate with sweet berries or fruits on top of your taste .

List of components that are part of the Guriev Porridge:

  • Cream - 2 glasses.
  • Semal cereals - a little less glasses.
  • Raw eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Fullack of sugar (100 g).
  • Creamy butter - 2 tbsp.
  • Half Vanillina Package.
  • Almond purified - 50 g.
  • Dried fruits or canned fruits to taste.

Perhaps this dish is more like a dessert, delicacy, just sweet yummy. The usual semolina porridge is more simple in preparation and contains fewer ingredients. The taste of it is associated with childhood. For some of the favorite dish, then for others, on the contrary.

Ingredients for simple manna porridge are:

  • 3 st. Tanks of cereals.
  • 500 ml of milk.
  • 3 st. Supplies of sugar.
  • 20-30 ml of water.
  • Creamy oil - 20 g

As for the process of cooking ordinary semolina, it also requires a certain effort if you want to get a delicious, appetizing dish.

Method of cooking ordinary porridge

Perhaps the main thing is to observe the recipe, because the final result depends on this. Another subtlety - add some water to the milk, it will prevent the burning of porridge. The saucepan for cooking should be with a thick bottom.

So, we pour cold milk in a saucepan with the addition of water into it. Then we fall asleep the croup. In this case, part of it settles on the bottom, the remaining grains will remain on the surface. For 10 minutes, we will leave the camp for swelling. This is necessary in order that in the process of cooking the lumps are not formed.

After that, mix the contents, as the manka will fall on the bottom of the pan. Cook porridge on small fire, adding sugar and salt to taste. Better, of course, not to move away from the stove and periodically stir porridge, so to speak to control the process. While porridge does not boil, it is not necessary to constantly interfere with a spoon. And as soon as it comes to a boil, stumble it constantly, so that it is not burned. It is enough for 3 minutes to cook porridge. Well, then you already turn on the fantasy and add everything you like. Someone will add oil, and someone will prefer jam or honey. In any case, the manna porridge prepared in this way will be tasty and without lumps,

But back to the Guryevskaya Kashe. Unlike the usual, she is closer to dessert And can resemble a cake or even a cake, despite the fact that it does not contain flour. Just when adding all sorts of fruits, nuts, berries, jams or candied in porridge, it becomes sweeter, rich and calorie. Therefore, if you are afraid for your figure, then perhaps it is not worth it very often to include this dish in your daily diet. But still you can pamper yourself, without thinking about extra kilograms.

I want to offer you another option. Unlike classic, he is more simple and will surely find its admirers.

First, welcome the usual semolina porridge on milk, add salt and sugar .. then creamy oil and raw eggs. Mix the ingredients, lubricate the shape for the baking. Us upstairs sprinkle with sugar and send it into the oven. When the cortex appears on the surface, the dish can be ready to miverate. For decoration and give taste, any fruits, nuts or berries are suitable. And you can add jam or honey, if you like it more.

Than guryev porridge is different from ordinary porridge

Guryevskaya porridge includes more ingredients.

  1. Guryevskaya porridge requires a certain skill and chef skills.
  2. By adding the cream of Guryevskaya porridge a much calorie.
  3. Guryevskaya porridge is considered to be more tasty and useful.

Therefore, weighing everything "for" and "against", decide that you are more suitable for you. It will probably be correct to consider the usual porridge more simple and not require a lot of time for cooking.

Gurieevskaya porridge, on the contrary, requires certain skills and culinary skills. Therefore, if you have time and there is a mood to show creativity, prepare this delicious dish, you will not regret.

A very tasty dessert that came to us from the Imperial Table is a porridge with nuts and dried fruits. Today this dish is not so delight: the cereals and nuts are available in almost every home, so cook it forces by every mistress. Find out how the real Guryev porridge from manna or buckwheat cereals is being prepared, in a multicooker or traditional method - in the oven.

What is a guryev porridge

The story of Guryevskaya Poros began in Odessa, where for the first time it managed to try Guryev's Count. After such a success Zakharu Kuzmin (Cook who came up with this dish) I had to move to the palace. There he had to cook the Guryev porridge to the emperor herself, to whom the dish liked it very much. The basis is the manna groove, but skilled chefs diversified the recipe, and the dish can also be prepared from buckwheat, rice or make a lazy option for half an hour even with canned fruit.

How to cook guriev porridge

The recipe of the Guriev Cashier consists of several stages:

  • cooking manna porridge;
  • preparation of dairy fans;
  • grinding nuts, their calcination in a pan;
  • washing, drying dried fruit;
  • laying out all components of the layers in the pot;
  • tomorrow in the oven.

Especially laborious process is preparation of foams. They are easiest to do from greasy milk in a wide saucepan. Some people like to get a foam on the stove, but it is best to do it in the oven. When choosing dried fruits for porridge, stopped on the kurage, raism, figs or different candle. For additional sweets, you can use sugar or honey. The number of layers in your case may be as you want. Next, from the recipes you will learn from which cereals are preparing a Guryevskaya porridge, how to properly file it.

Recipes of Guriev Kashi

Although the traditional way, how to prepare a dessert, only one, can still be prepared differently, including not only from the usual all semnel cereals. Even if the cooking process may seem not so simple one time, try it at least once. Several traditionalrecipes will help you master this dish in various variations and get acquainted with the imperial cuisine.

Classic recipe

  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 3 persons.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: average.

There is nothing more tastier than tasteing the Guryevskaya Put for breakfast. You will be grateful to all family members, and especially the smallest: who does not like nuts and dried fruits? When choosing ingredients, give preference to fresh nuts, otherwise they will spoil the taste of the whole dish. Instead of sugar, you can use honey, which will make porridge even richer with useful substances and tastier.


  • cream - 600 g;
  • purified nuts - 200 g;
  • raisin - 200 g;
  • manna Cropa - 200 g;
  • sugar - 100 g

Cooking method:

  1. More than half of nuts crush, the rest are frying.
  2. Add to fried nuts a tablespoon of sugar, as much - water for caramelization.
  3. Raisin pour hot water.
  4. Cream pour into a wide saucepan, put in the oven preheated to 160 degrees. As soon as the foam appears, carefully remove it, lay out on the dish. Repeat the process to get another 4-5 foam.
  5. Pour the seam to the remaining cream, to cook until readiness by adding sugar.
  6. Shape or pots lay a layer of porridge, sprinkle with nuts, lay out raisins and a layer of foam. Make another 2-3 of the same layer or until the ingredients will end.
  7. The last layer is sprinkled with sugar, and then tomorrow in the oven until it is caramelizes.
  8. Dessert lay out and decorate caramelized nuts or fresh berries as in the photo.

In a slow cooker

  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 3 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 152 kcal / 100 g
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: average.

In the modern world, almost every mistress has a multicooker, which helps to make something or another dish without any problems. It did not go around the side and porridge with dried fruits. Thanks to the automatic start, you can put the program for a certain time so that the dish is ready for breakfast. Just prepare all the ingredients from the evening and fold into the bowl of multicooker layers.


  • semolina cereals - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • any nuts (or mixture thereof);
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • jam - 0.5 tbsp.
  • creamy oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk into the multicooker's bowl and put the "quenching" mode for 1 hour.
  2. After 15-20 minutes, open the lid to remove the foam.
  3. Fall asleep into milk, stirring so that lumps are not formed.
  4. The finished semi must lay out and adding butter, mix.
  5. Solque bowl and smear the oil.
  6. Start lay out layers - a manka, nuts, jam, foam - the ingredients will not end. From above sprinkled with sugar.
  7. Time porridge is needed in baking mode for another 20 minutes.
  8. If you want the dish to look like in a photo from a culinary book, then decorate it with fruits, berries and nuts at your discretion.

Buckwheat porridge in Guryevski

  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 3 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 100 kcal / 100
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: average.

Want to diversify your diet? Then find out how to cook porridge in Guryevski from buckwheat. It is characterized by the fact that it is prepared without sweet ingredients and nuts. Porridge turns out very tasty and satisfying, perfectly suitable as the main dish for dinner or lunch. Mushrooms are better to take white or any other forests, but if there is no such possibilities, then champignons are completely suitable.


  • buckwheat - 600 g;
  • brains - 300 g;
  • dried mushrooms - 50 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • creamy oil and salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil mushrooms.
  2. Buckle pour mushroom broth, weld. Add salt and oil.
  3. Carrots cut straw and fridge in a frying pan.
  4. Start laying out the ingredients in the pot layers: buckwheat: carrots, mushrooms and a brain layer. Make 2-3 layers in each pot.
  5. In the oven tomim pot 30 minutes.
  6. Serve a dish with fresh greens.

With rice

  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 3 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 150 kcal / 100 g
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: average.

If at home did not turn out to be a mankey, then you can cook porridge in Guryevski from rice. It will turn out to be no less tasty and satisfying than its classic option. Rice is best taken round. Before cooking, it is necessary to rinse it to get rid of superfluous gluten. Instead of ordinary sugar, it is better to use brown if you have at hand. How to cook dessert, read further.


  • rice - 220 g;
  • cream - 1.7 l;
  • nuts - 400 g;
  • apples (or other fruits) - 2-3 pieces;
  • sugar - 2/3 of Art.

Cooking method:

  1. 3 cups of cream pour into a wide form and put into the oven, preheated to 160 degrees.
  2. Remove the resulting foams.
  3. The rest of the cream boost, add the pod of vanilla for 5 minutes, pour rice and weld the porridge.
  4. Put the first layer of porridge, cover cream, then crushed nuts, a layer of fresh fruit. Repeat action. It is necessary to lay out the layers until the ingredients are completed.
  5. Send for 10 minutes to the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees.

In principle, the recipe will be good on the carnival. Recipe and some philosophical reasoning on the topic of sweet porridge under the cut :) ...




I do not belong to lovers of sweet porridge and, especially since I am not a fan of manna porridge). But it does not mean anything - there are recipes, there are lovers and, as they say, you will not shine from the song.
I prepared this porridge several times (actually two options described in this post) and came to the conclusion that it is purely subjective, for me, it is too sweet. Summer version with raspberries or strawberries much better. But in the end, I got angry with porridge, welded the usual, slightly sweetened by sugar satum, shifted it with foam, and with top just decorated with strawberries. Fresh. So it was much more interesting. However, in this publication, I present a recipe as the basis of which was taken by the old recipe 1909. And point. "Like, do not like, sleep, my beauty .." So.

There are many options for this porridge, where alternate layers of sweet semolina cereal cooked on milk, foam, removed from tomlard in the oven or in the oven (fresh cream), nuts (forest, hazelnut, walnuts, cedar) and seasonal fruits, sliced \u200b\u200bin small pieces and Boiled for five minutes in syrup (as for jam), or dried fruits, most often raisins and candied ...
There are old recipes, in which instead of the sweet semolina porridge, rice, millet or buckwheat porridge, rubbed through a sieve. As the basis of the recipe below, the recipe is taken 1909.
The recipe is designed for four pots of approximately 250 ml:
Walnut Purified Nuts - 300-350 g
Milk for cereals (the highest fat) - 3 glasses (750 ml)
Milk (or fresh cream) for foam - 1-1.5 l
Manna Crupe (Small) - 75 g
Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. Spoons for semolina + 100 g for nuts in caramel + 50 g for fruit syrup + 2 tbsp. Spoons for sprinkling. Total about 300g.
Raisin (better without bones) - 100-150 g
(For the summer option, you can use raspberries or strawberries - 1.5 glasses or apples and pears, peeled and chopped with small cubes - 1.5 cups)
Creamy oil - 50 g for semolina and 30-40 g for lubrication pots
1/2 lemon juice
Olive oil - 1-2 art. Spoons

Nuts are in advance to rolling in a frying pan in the oven at 160-170 ° C for 40 minutes, cleaned, and before using itching into a mortar or with a grater for nuts. Larger or smaller - depends on preferences.
- Pour milk into a wide roomy spacing with high sides (you can use a cast-iron frying pan or cast iron wok). Bring to a boil and put in the oven, preheated to 150-170 ° C. As the milk surface will form foam, it is necessary to shoot them with the help of a noise (spoons with holes) and put it on the plate. This process can take about 3 hours. The more foam, the better. Pennam can not be burned, they must have a golden or beige color.
Folding the foam to the tray or plate, we must try to form with a plug "pancakes" with a diameter, like pots, in which layers of the Guryevskaya Kashi will be collected.
- While the foams are preparing, you should cook nuts into caramels and raisins (or fruits in syrup if the summer option).
For this, in a small bucket or a sackane, sugar sugar and pour the juice of half of the lemon through the siter. Bring to a boil and cook with weak boil, continuously stirring, for 1-2 minutes (so that the sugar is dissolved), then pour the prepared nuts and remove the skeleton from the plate. Immediate nuts to shift on a plate, which is pre-pouring vegetable oil without smell (for example, good olive oil) and mix.
- Raisins, berries or pieces of fruit should be omitted into syrup, as for jam, and hold no more than 5 minutes with weak boiling. Syrup cook with such a calculation, all the fruits take place, that is, on 1 cup of water to take 125 g of sugar. If it is used raisins, then in the finished hot syrup place for a few minutes of raisins, and it is not necessary to cook it.
- When the foam will be enough (12-16 pcs.), In a small saucepan on the plate to cook the semolina porridge on milk. To do this, bring milk to almost boil and a thin ridge to pour a semolina camp, continuously stirring, cooking 2 minutes, then add sugar, salt on the tip of the knife and cook for another 2 minutes.
- Add 50 g of butter and mix in the finished porridge.
- visually divided by all cooked for four parts and start laying out the layers in the pot.
- To put a layer of semolina with a thickness of 0.5-1 cm in each pot), then lay out with a teaspoon of the foam layer, nuts, and fruits or raisins on them, then repeat the layers.
- The last layer should be from the porridge, which should be sprinkled with sugar and burn the burner. Decorate (better cedar) nuts and raisins.

And if there are no burners, then lay out nuts in caramel as the final layer and send the pots into an already warm oven for about 7-10 minutes.
Gurievskaya porridge can not be prepared in pots, but in a pan, in which you can file porridge on the table (but it is not so presentable).
You can prepare a lightweight version of the Guryevsky Porridge. In this case, as a layer, only semolina porridge and foams are used, and on top to decorate nuts and raisins.
Manna porridge cook with vanilla sugar or vanilla pod.

if that I forget I will finish, but it seems not forgotten ..

In this photo, an option in which without the use of the burner, and the last layer - nuts in caramel ..