Canned apricot late. Apricot in syrup: how to preserve to make it tasty

04.11.2019 Fish dishes

Canned apricots in syrup are a very healthy dessert, they can also be used to make various baked goods: open pies and pastries. Juicy canned fruit filling will reveal the taste of sweet pastries and complement them with rich fruity notes.

Apricot is a juicy and sweet fruit, the season of which is mid-July - early August. This sunny fruit contains many vitamins and trace elements that strengthen the immune system and increase performance. This is especially true in winter, when adults and children suffer from vitamin deficiency.

Housewives often cook and, but do not know about another option for preserving these fruits. Another way to prepare this tasty and aromatic fruit is to preserve the halves in sweet syrup.
For this method of harvesting apricots, it is worth choosing dense fruits, so during the heat treatment they will not lose their original shape, the pulp will be easily separated from the stone. Apricot syrup can be used as a drink if diluted with water beforehand.

Try the recipe, prepare apricots for the winter using the method below. Having tried such canned fruits at least once, you will always close them that way. In addition, the entire cooking process is simple and fast enough. Please your relatives with your delicious preparations, they will be delighted with apricots.

Recipe for canned apricots in syrup


Cooking apricots in syrup:

There is another way to cook canned apricots.

On hot summer days, you need not only rest, but also think about winter. Preservation: a lot of things need to be done in order to make supplies of healthy and tasty food for your family. And apricot canning can take the lion's share in this process. This amazing and sunny fruit is not only tasty, but also healthy. It is not surprising that the hostesses have found many ways to stock up on them for the winter.

Inseparable couple jam

The best way to shade and diversify the taste of an apricot can be an orange. Two "suns" will be swept away from your table in the blink of an eye. And even a novice hostess can cook it.

What is needed for him:

  • ripe apricots;
  • ripe orange;
  • sugar;
  • vanilla;
  • banks;
  • covers;
  • a large aluminum bowl or other large cooking container;
  • seaming key.

How to do:

  1. First you need to decide on the proportions of the components. The standard proportions of apricot, orange and sugar are as follows: 1 kg / 1 piece / 0.5 kg, respectively. But the number of products can be varied to suit your taste.
  2. The proportions have been chosen, it's time to prepare the apricots. To do this, they are carefully sorted and rotten, broken or deformed ones are removed. We will cover them in halves. Carefully divide them into two parts and remove the bone.
  3. We put the prepared fruits in a bowl and cover with sugar. We leave for several hours so that juice begins to stand out from them.
  4. While the process of juice extraction is going on, you need to do the container for the jam. It is thoroughly washed not only with detergent, but also with soda. After it is sterilized. This can be done over steam by placing a sterilization attachment on the pan. And you can fry in the oven at a high temperature.
  5. When all the sugar becomes wet from the juice, it's time to put the future jam on the fire. The temperature does not need to be made high, it is best to simmer the fruit for a couple of hours on low heat. But first you need to let them boil. And remove the foam from the jam with a slotted spoon.
  6. After half an hour from the moment of boiling, put an orange in the jam. It is first doused with boiling water, dried and cut either into halves or into quarters. Add vanilla.
  7. The cooking time depends on what consistency you want the final product to be. The most commonly used test is the "soft ball". To do this, you need to drop a drop of hot syrup into a glass of cold water, and if you can get it out and form a soft ball with your fingers, then you can finish cooking. For a more viscous jam - boil until a hard ball consistency.
  8. Pour hot jam into jars. Cover with lids and order with a special key. You can turn them upside down and put them to cool under the covers.

Quince recipe

This is an amazing tandem of apricot and quince. Moreover, it can be used as an independent dish, as a decoration for desserts and cakes, and also as a base for a drink. Moreover, it can be both simple drinks and alcoholic ones.

What you need for this:

  • apricots (washed, halved);
  • quince (washed, skinned, cut into pieces);
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • banks;
  • container for sterilization;
  • seaming key;
  • a saucepan for boiling syrup.

How to do:

  1. It is advisable to cut the quince into small cubes.
  2. First you need to boil the syrup. To do this, add 200 ml of water to 1 kg of sugar. We put on fire.
  3. When it boils, you need to remove the foam with a slotted spoon and reduce the temperature to a minimum.
  4. Put the quince in the syrup and cook until the bubbles on the syrup become heavy.
  5. While the syrup with quince is boiling, prepare the apricots. To do this, put halves of apricots in clean and dry jars to half the volume of the container.
  6. Pour in hot quince syrup. We underfill the cans on the finger to the hangers. This is important, otherwise, when boiling, the liquid will overflow over the edges, violating the integrity of the container.
  7. We put in a container for sterilization. The procedure takes 20 minutes from the moment the water boils. This is for a half-liter container, if the container is larger, we increase the sterilization time.
  8. Gently take it out of the water, roll it up and send it into a blanket to cool down.

"Crazy Apricot"

This is the recipe by which you will get not only a tasty and healthy independent dish for the winter, but also a wonderful layer for a cake or baking. And also syrup for impregnation or for a drink.

What is needed for him:

  • halves of ripe, tight apricots;
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • lemon acid;
  • banks;
  • covers;
  • seaming key.

How to do:

  1. We cook a thick syrup from sugar, water and citric acid. Cooking ends with a successful test for the "soft ball".
  2. Put the apricot halves into the hot syrup, removed from the heat, without interfering with them, but slightly pressing them into the syrup.
  3. We leave it like this for 30 minutes.
  4. Carefully remove the apricots from the syrup and place them in a container prepared for preservation.
  5. We fill the jars with apricot tightly.
  6. We heat the syrup until it boils and fill it with jars of fruit.
  7. Cover and roll up.
  8. Leave to cool upside down under the covers.

Close the remaining syrup in separate jars.

Canned apricots: sunny halves without sterilization

One of the best fruits for canning is definitely the apricot. In cold winter, it’s one joy to get a jar of sunny halves out of the fridge and make good tea. The main advantage of preserving apricots is their simplicity. The main thing is not to deviate from the technology specified in the recipe.

What you need:

  • apricots (not wrinkled, not overripe) - 2.0 - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.400 kg;
  • boiling water for syrup - 1.2 liters.

What to do:

  1. Prepare 3 liter jars. Wash them thoroughly, preferably with detergent. Steam 3 lids.
  2. Rinse the apricots. Look carefully for wrinkled, tainted, or overripe. Overripe apricots are very steamed and good halves will not work out of them. Overripe apricots make sense to implement in jam. And for preservation in halves, it will be better if even the apricots are slightly unripe.
  3. Cut the processed apricots into halves. Remove the bones. Place the apricot halves in prepared containers.
  4. Pour boiling water over the containers. Let stand for 2 minutes. Remove water.
  5. Prepare syrup. Boil 1.2 liters of distilled water with added sugar.
  6. Pour the prepared syrup into a container with steamed apricots. Close.
  7. Place the jars on the lids. Wrap up for at least 6 hours. During this time, the apricots will be steamed well.

In its own juice (no sugar)

This is a time consuming but very tasty and healthy dish. It will be an excellent solution for those who follow their figure, because there is not a drop of sugar or preservatives in it. You can add sugar to it if desired. This can be done while juicing or in a mug in winter.

What you need for this:

  • apricots;
  • water;
  • container for sterilization;
  • banks;
  • covers;
  • seaming key.

How to do:

  1. First you need to prepare the juice. To do this, you can use a juicer or juicer. Or you can do it manually. Place the peeled apricots in a large saucepan and fill with water just to cover them. The water should be cold. We put on fire and cook until the fruit is completely boiled. Be sure to stir.
  2. Then drain the drink through a sieve. Through it, grind the pulp of the fruit with a mallet.
  3. The juice needs to be boiled over and can be used further, or you can roll it up like this.
  4. In clean, preferably liter jars, put the halves of apricots.
  5. Fill them with juice. You need to pour at least a centimeter before reaching the hanger of the can.
  6. We set to sterilize for 25 minutes.
  7. Then we roll them up and leave them to cool, well wrapped.

Sweet drink: a very simple recipe

This is a very simple recipe that will delight you with a delicious and aromatic drink in winter. And cooking it is as easy as shelling pears.

What you need for this:

  • elastic apricot halves;
  • water;
  • lemon acid;
  • sugar;
  • 3 liter cans;
  • covers;
  • preservation key.

How to do:

  1. For such purposes, it is desirable to have a kettle with a volume of 3 liters. We collect it with water and set it to boil.
  2. While the water is heating, put the clean apricot halves in jars. The amount of fruit is for everyone's taste, but not less than a third of the container volume. Banks need to be washed and sterilized in advance.
  3. Pour a glass of sugar and a teaspoon of citric acid into each jar.
  4. Fill with boiling water, roll up.
  5. Shake until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. We set to cool upside down.

If you want a sweeter drink, add more sugar.

Delicious apricots for the winter in syrup (video)

It's so easy and simple to stock up on delicious apricots for the winter. And your family will be grateful to you for such delicacies and the work that you put into making it. And if you experiment, you can get amazing new, exclusive dishes from basic recipes. For example, add not only apricot to the drink, but also some kind of fruit or berry. And everything, immediately change its aroma, taste. It will only become richer and more useful. So experiment - it's useful!

Fresh apricots spoil quickly, so if you have a lot of them, you might justly want to keep them for long-term storage. Preservation (rolling in cans) is a method that will allow you to achieve this; If done correctly, apricots can be stored for about a year without any loss of quality. You can preserve apricots using hot or cold (raw) preservation methods. Read on to find out how to prepare them in each of these ways.


Preservation for 4.25 l

  • 4.5 kg of ripe apricots
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2-3 cups (500-700 ml) sugar OR 1.5-2 cups (375-500 ml) honey
  • Diluted lemon juice (optional)


Hot canning

  1. Prepare a light to medium syrup and use it to preserve the fruit inside the jar.

    • If you are using honey: for a light syrup, for every liter of water, 1.5 cups (375 ml) of honey; for a medium syrup, 2 cups (500 ml).
    • Boil water and sweetener together in a saucepan until the sugar or honey dissolves. Then, reduce the heat to such an extent that the syrup begins to simmer slowly, calmly.
    • Alternatively, you can use apple or white grape juice instead of syrup.
  2. Remove the skin. Remove the skin quickly by blanching the fruit in boiling water.

    • Bring water to a boil in a medium saucepan.
    • Dip apricots in it and boil for 2 minutes.
    • Transfer the apricots quickly to a bowl of ice water to stop cooking.
    • Peel off the skin with your fingers.
  3. Chop the apricots and quickly dip in the syrup. Use a kitchen knife to cut each apricot in half. Remove the pits and cut the apricots into convenient sized wedges if desired. Place them directly in the syrup that is still boiling so they don't fade or darken.

    • After the apricots are in the syrup, let them warm up completely in boiling water. This should take 2 to 4 minutes.
    • To make 7 liters of canned apricots, you will need 7.2 kg of fruit. For 4.2 liters - about 4.5 kg.
  4. Fill the jars with apricots. Pour both syrup and apricots into each jar, leaving one and a half centimeters of free space under the jar lid. Screw the caps back on, making sure they hold as tightly as possible.

    • If possible, place fruits in jars, cut side down, to accommodate more apricots.
    • Do not forget to pre-wash and sterilize the jars. Lids need to be processed in the same way.
  5. Process the cans.

      • Half-liter cans need to be processed for 20 minutes at an altitude of 0-300 m above sea level, 25 minutes at an altitude of 300-900 m, 30 minutes at an altitude of 900-1800 m, 35 minutes at an altitude of over 1800 m.
      • One liter cans need to be processed for 25 minutes at an altitude of 0-300 m above sea level, 30 minutes at an altitude of 300-900 m, 35 minutes between 900 and 1800 m, and 40 minutes at an altitude of over 1800 m.

    Cold canning

    1. Make apricot syrup. Use honey or sugar to make a light to medium-bodied syrup that will preserve the apricots inside the jar. The syrup for raw canning is the same as for hot canning.

      • Add 2 cups of sugar (500 ml) for each liter of water for a light syrup, and 3 cups of sugar (750 ml) for a medium-strength syrup.
      • If you are using honey: for a light syrup, for every liter of water, 1.5 cups (375 ml) of honey, for a medium syrup, 2 cups (500 ml).
      • Boil water and sweetener together in a saucepan until sugar or honey dissolves. After the syrup thickens, remove the pan from the heat.
      • Alternatively, you can use apple or white grape juice instead of syrup.
    2. Cut the apricots into halves. Use a kitchen knife to cut each apricot in half. Remove the pits and cut the apricots into convenient sized wedges if desired.

      • You can momentarily dip each apricot half or bite in diluted lemon juice to keep the fruit from losing color and browning.
      • To prepare 7 liters of canning, you need 7.2 kg of fruit. For the preparation of 4.2 liters of canning - about 4.5 kg of apricots.
      • Note that you do not need to remove the skin for raw preservation. Just make sure each piece of fruit is rinsed well under running water beforehand.
    3. Place the apricots in a jar. Fill the jar with halves or slices of apricots, leaving about one and a half centimeters of free space under the lid of each jar.

      • Place the fruit in a jar, cut side down. This will make it easier to fit more fruit into the jar.
      • Remember to sterilize every jar. The caps must also be sterilized.
    4. Pour the syrup into the jars. Pour the syrup over the apricots into the jar. Shake the jar lightly from side to side so that the syrup fills the entire space, reaching the very bottom of the jar. When pouring the syrup, leave an inch and a half of free space under the lid of the jar.

      • As the apricots are canned, the contents of the jars will expand. If you do not leave a clear space under the lid, it may lose its tightness, or the glass may crack.
      • Tighten the lids after pouring in the syrup. Make sure they are seated as tightly as possible and the jars will be closed correctly during the entire canning process.
    5. Process the cans. Using tongs, carefully lower each jar into the pressure cooker. When placing the cans, make sure they are not touching each other or they may burst. You can boil the jars in a pan with a special stand (if the glass touches the bottom, it may burst), or you can do it in a pressure cooker (with dial or weight adjustment), however, the processing time will depend on the method you choose.

      • Note that the processing time for cold preservation will be different from hot preservation if you use a pot of boiling water (with a jar stand), but will remain the same if you use a pressure cooker.
      • If you are using a pot with a stand and boiling water:
        • Half-liter cans need to be processed for 25 minutes at an altitude of 0-300 m above sea level, 30 minutes at an altitude of 300-900 m, 35 minutes at an altitude of 900-1800 m, 40 minutes at an altitude of over 1800 m.
        • Liter cans need to be processed for 30 minutes at an altitude of 0-300 m above sea level, 35 minutes at an altitude of 300-900 m, 40 minutes between 900 and 1800 m, and 45 minutes at an altitude of over 1800 m.
      • When using a pressure cooker with a dial, both half-liter and one-liter cans need to be processed for 10 minutes. At a height of 0-600 m, set the pressure to 0.42 kg / cm2 (42 kPa, 6 PSI), 600-1200 m - 0.49 kg / cm2 (49 kPa, 7 PSI), 1200-1800 m - 0.56 kg / cm2 (56 kPa, 8 PSI), 1800-2400 m - 0.63 kg / cm2 (63 kPa, 9 PSI).
      • If you are using a weight-adjustable pressure cooker, both half-liter and one-liter cans need to be processed for 10 minutes. At an altitude of 0-300 m above sea level, use a pressure of 0.35 kg / cm2 (35 kPa, 5 PSI), and above 300 m, use a pressure of 0.7 kg / cm2 (70 kPa, 10 PSI).
    • Bright, firm and fully ripe fruits are best for canning.
    • Hot canning is preferable to cold canning because it preserves the quality of the fruit better - you'll discover this when you open the can.
    • Store canned apricots below 27 degrees and keep out of direct sunlight.


    • If canned apricots smell bad or mold is found on them, discard them immediately. Wash and sterilize the jar well before reuse.

I propose to prepare for the winter in liter jars. The recipe is simple, does not require much time to prepare, but apricots retain their useful properties as much as possible when preserved.

Naturally, we get the maximum amount of useful and necessary substances apricot when we eat it raw, and even better in the first two hours after harvesting from the tree. But winter will come and alas, there will not be such an opportunity, it does not count - imported fruits from supermarkets, in which there are more chemicals than benefits. So, "roll up our sleeves" and prepare canned apricots in halves for the winter.

Canned apricots in halves

Essential ingredients for canned apricotsbased on 3 liter cans:

  • 2 - 2.4 kg of unripe apricots;
  • 400 g granulated sugar;
  • 1.2 liters of boiling water (for syrup).

Cooking canned apricots:

We prepare 3 liter cans. We wash and sterilize. We steam 3 lids.

We wash the apricots thoroughly. We revise so that there are no spoiled and overripe. If the apricots are overripe, then they will be very steamed and there will be no effect of whole apricot halves. Overripe apricots are better for jam. But even slightly unripe apricots are suitable for canned apricots in halves.

Cut into halves and remove the bones. We throw the apricots into the banks. Fill with boiling water and drain after half a minute. Cooking syrup. We boil 1.2 liters of purified water together with sugar.

Pour the syrup into jars with pre-steamed apricots and twist. We turn the jars with the lids down to let the air out and carefully wrap the jars for at least 6 hours so that the apricots are well steamed.

All canned apricots are prepared for the winter and will be waiting in the wings.

In the last article, I showed you a simple apricot jam recipe. Today we'll take a look at how you can make canned apricots. It will be so great to open these banks in winter and enjoy the unforgettable taste of the bygone summer. For work, we need all the same three components: the berries themselves, basil and water. As in the previous recipe, an unexpectedly excellent result awaits us. I invite you to read the description recipe, see photos, which capture all stages of preparation. You will see for yourself that there is nothing complicated here. Suddenly you want to make the same twists from apricots for the winter?

Canned apricots Is a great way to preserve all the elements in juicy and bright fruits as much as possible. You can use the ripe fruit pieces as you like. They make excellent desserts. They are suitable for making cakes and buns. You can just put them on a plate and serve them on the festive table as an independent dessert.

In this recipe, the preservation includes aromatic basil leaves, which makes the dessert more tender and aromatic. In order for the apricot pieces to retain their appearance, it is recommended to use them for harvesting firm but ripe fruits(no flaws and roughness).

Ingredients (per 500 ml):

  • apricots (300 grams);
  • sugar (150 grams);
  • basil (1-2 branches).

Canned Apricot Recipe

1. Choose suitable fruits, rinse them with running water. Divide the apricots into two halves and remove the seeds. We spread the prepared orange mass into previously prepared and heated containers - jars. We try to fill 2/3 of the glass container.

2. Add prepared basil greens to the container. We use a spice of any color. If we use red greens, the finished product will take on a darker color.

4. Fill with boiling water. We fill the entire container with hot water, up to the very neck. Cover the apricots with a lid, heat the workpiece in the oven (120 degrees) for 20 minutes. This method of sterilization helps to warm up the mass evenly (which minimizes the ingress of bacteria into the jar).

5. Seal hot apricots with basil and turn over. Cover the jars with a warm blanket and leave for 10-12 hours. We send canned apricots with basil for storage.

As you can see, no special culinary delights. Everything is simple and clear. But in winter it will be so nice to open jars of homemade canned apricots, serve them to the festive table, or just enjoy sitting in front of the TV in an embrace with a glass jar.