A way of home canning of young green peas for future use (for the winter). Secrets of successful conservation of green peas for the winter

28.08.2019 Egg dishes

We all love and often use green. Many of everyone's favorite salads are not complete without it. In our article we will tell you what benefits it brings, as well as how you can close it in several ways at home. Having cooked yourself, you can enjoy delicious peas in winter.


Greens are famous for their low calorie content: 100 g contains only 55 kcal.

They have a low energy value compared to their mature counterparts, therefore they are part of the dietary menu.

Important! When purchasing canned peas in the store, pay attention to the container - there should be no swelling on it. Damage is indicative of air ingress, and these beans can be dangerous and pose a threat of poisoning.

Canned green peas contain a huge amount of vitamins and essential minerals.
It contains the most important nutrient - vegetable protein, which is absorbed very quickly.

Beans are beneficial in that they help reduce the likelihood of heart attacks, hypertension, and other heart disease. Green beans are an ideal ingredient in a healthy diet.
Pea puree is a great diuretic, it is often eaten when edema or kidney stones occur.

Dishes with the addition of beans have an anti-sclerotic effect. Peas are one of the few legumes that do not accumulate nitrates.

Before canning green peas at home, you should figure out which varieties are best for this. Nowadays, for conservation, such varieties as the highest, first and table varieties are most often chosen.
Brain varieties that have been specially bred for this purpose are ideal for canning. Their beans are soft and sweet in taste, and the liquid remains clear when canned.

Such varieties are also suitable for conservation.:

  • "Alpha";
  • "Vegetable Miracle";
  • "Dinga";
  • "Jof";
  • "Faith".
There are many recipes for making canned peas, some of which we will describe below.

Green Pea Harvesting Recipes

Peas can be harvested in different ways: without and with sterilization. Let's take a closer look at how you can preserve green peas at home without much difficulty.

Without sterilization

If you have it, great, because you can canned the beans that you grew with your own hands. However, don't be upset if you are a city dweller. You can buy peas suitable for canning on the market.

Did you know? The record for eating peas for a while was recorded in 1984. Its owner is Janet Harris, who managed to eat in 1 hour 7175 peas strung on a stick one piece at a time.

July is most suitable for canning. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a simple and affordable recipe that does not require sterilization. For this you will need:

  • green peas (for 3 half-liter cans);
  • purified water - 1 l;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l;
  • acid.

The first step is to prepare the peas themselves - get them out of the pods and rinse them thoroughly. Canning includes the following stages:

The canning recipe without sterilization is quite simple, even beginners in this field can easily master it.

With sterilization

Now let's get acquainted with the recipe for canned green peas with sterilization.

Important! Poorly sealed cans must be opened immediately - they cannot be stored. Press on the center of the lid - if it flexes, you need to open and consume the peas before they go bad.

For this you will need:
  • peas peeled from pods - 600 g;
  • 1 one and a half liter can or 3 half liter;
  • acid (citric or acetic);
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l;
  • purified water - 1 liter.

Canning consists of the following steps:

This completes the conservation, and now you need to let the peas brew.

Correct storage

The ideal option for storing preserves is the basement or, but if, for example, you live in an apartment, you can put the jars in the refrigerator.
The shelf life of such peas is a maximum of 12 months, but in fact it ends much earlier.

    I usually don't play with peas, I used to roll them up, but they need to be sterilized, sometimes the cans swell. Now I just freeze it, and when I need it I just take it out and boil it with the addition of sugar and salt, it turns out like from a can, canned. If there is not enough space in the freezer, then dry. Dry is well stored and I also cook it before use, only soak it for several hours before cooking.

    Previously, I also pickled green peas for the winter, but in the last couple of years this has become irrelevant because a simpler and vitamin-saving way was found, this is freezing green peas for the winter, you just need to put the peas in a bag and after expelling all the air, freeze it in the freezer ...

    Healthy and tasty green peas can be prepared for the winter at home in different ways. For me, the best way is to freeze it. So that the peas do not taste bitter, I must first blanch for a couple of minutes, then quickly cool it with cold water, let it drain, and only then put it in bags and send it to the freezer.

    I also canned green peas according to several recipes here, I have already written them.

    I do not think that pickling green peas makes sense, especially if there is not enough time for various preparations. For me, the easiest way to preserve the harvest of green peas is to dry them. Then you can just pour dry peas into a bag and it will lie perfectly even all winter. Such peas are more profitable than store peas because I am sure of their origin and quality. Only I have never used an oven for drying. She simply laid out the split peas in a warm and dry place in a small layer and he himself dried out safely.

    Another way to harvest peas for the winter is to freeze them. This method is convenient because peas retain vitamins and fresh taste better. To freeze the peas, honey agarics are husked, immersed in boiling water for 2 minutes, dried and in small batches, so as not to stick together, frozen.

    I propose to freeze green peas, so they remain, almost like fresh.

    Before you freeze the peas, you must first remove them from the pods, rinse. Immerse clean peas for two to three minutes in boiling water and blanch so that they become softer and not bitter. Next, you should remove the peas and transfer them to cool water, immediately cooling. Then we extract the peas from the water into a colander and let the excess moisture drain. The remaining moisture will be absorbed if you spread the peas on a cloth or towel. The green peas dried in this way can then be frozen in the freezer inside a plastic container. The frozen green peas mass can be divided into small sachets in portions or left as it is in the container.

    The first way is to roll it up. But then sterilize for a long time, because it can swell.

    The second way is to simply dry it, preferably not in the oven, but in the air; for example, on the veranda.

    And the most popular way in recent years is to freeze peas. To do this, it must be half-cooked, rinsed with boiling water, held for 2 minutes, then dried well and frozen. Of course, it's best to dry in a quick freezer. These peas will most of all remind you of a fresh product, and will be very beautiful in a soup or salad where you will use it.

    My mother is 90 years old and she loves pea soup very much. Frozen peas are soft and she likes to eat them like that.

    You can pickle green peas. To do this, we need to soak the peas in cold water for several hours, then blanch in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Add a little citric acid to the water. After that, we put the green peas in a jar along with 2 black peppercorns and 2 pcs. carnations. Pour the jars with marinade. We prepare the marinade as follows - for 1 liter of water 40 grams of sugar and 100 grams of vinegar 9%. We sterilize jars with green peas within 15-30 minutes.

    You can also dry green peas. To do this, clean the green peas and blanch them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. After the peas have cooled down, put them on a baking sheet and place them in the oven, without closing the oven door. We dry the peas in several stages at a temperature of 40-50 degrees, at the end of drying we increase the temperature to 60 degrees. The interval between drying should be several hours. The finished dried peas should be wrinkled, sweetish in taste, and dark green in color.

    There is also another way to store green peas. You can freeze it, to do this, peel slightly unripe peas, put it in a bag and in the freezer. At the same time, all useful properties are preserved.

Prepare the cart in the winter, and everything for the Olivier in the summer. A few jars of young canned peas stored during the season will save your mood if your husband (as usual) forgets to buy them at the store. And the salad itself will be tastier with a homemade product. Canning green peas for future use at home is not the fastest and most exciting thing. Nevertheless, this preparation for the winter will not upset you with a cloudy sediment, bad taste or an unpleasant smell. I offer you a choice of 2 proven recipes - with pre-cooking and with long-term sterilization. In principle, both of these processes do not require personal participation in cooking. The main thing that is spent time on is husking the peas. But even this stage will not be a burden if you brighten it up by watching your favorite TV series or some other pleasant activity.

Canned peas without sterilization

A recipe for opponents of sterilization. Peas are pre-boiled until soft, filled with boiling marinade and immediately corked. Thanks to a small amount of vinegar, the preservation taste is soft, unobtrusive, almost natural.


Exit: 8 cans of 0.5 liters.

How canned green peas are prepared for future use (for the winter):

Only very young “milk” green peas are suitable for canning at home. It is advisable to cook and cover it immediately after collection / purchase. Hulled peas cannot be stored for a long time, even in the refrigerator. In them, as in an overripe vegetable, the starch content increases. Because of this, the taste of the preform spoils, and a white precipitate forms at the bottom of the jars. It does not affect the shelf life, but yes, it does not affect the color and taste characteristics.

Go through the pods. Throw away the yellowed and spoiled ones. Hull the peas from the pods.

Place in a deep bowl. Fill with cold water. Small debris and substandard peas will float up. Remove the unnecessary. Rinse the peas under running water. Let the liquid drain.

Transfer the peas to a saucepan or ovenproof bowl. Place on medium heat. After boiling, screw on the hotplate so that the liquid boils weakly but constantly. Cook until soft - 10-20 minutes, depending on the variety and maturity of the vegetable. Remove the resulting greyish foam with a slotted spoon.

Prepare the brine. Add sugar to the water.

Add salt. It is important to use natural stone. Substances are added to extra-finely ground and iodized salt that can adversely affect the shelf life of conservation. Bring liquid to a boil. Boil for 2-3 minutes.

As soon as you set the peas to simmer, prepare the jars. It is better to use half-liter containers or smaller containers so that the open workpiece does not stand in the refrigerator for a long time. Clean the jars and lids with baking soda. Sterilize the jars (over the steam of the kettle, in the oven, in the microwave), and boil the lids for 3-4 minutes. Divide the green peas into sterile jars. Add vinegar.

Pour in hot brine. Roll up immediately. Turn the canning over to check that the seal is secure. If a liquid leak is found, open the cans, boil the brine and re-roll. As a result of heat treatment, the peas will turn out to be not as green as fresh. After checking the tightness, you can leave the jars upside-down or place them on the bottoms. Wrap the blank with a warm old blanket.

After cooling, transfer the canned peas to a cool, dark, dry area. It will not be difficult to keep it in such conditions for the winter, unless, of course, you want to take a sample earlier.

Homemade canned peas with citric acid

Vinegar-free option. Citric acid allows you to store the workpiece in a cool place for up to 12 months. Use these peas for salads, omelets, various snacks, sandwich spreads, etc.

Grocery list:

Exit: 2 half-liter jars.

The procedure for preserving delicious peas for the winter at home:

  1. Clean cans of a suitable size with baking soda. Sterilize in the traditional way - over hot steam or in the oven. A quick sterilization option is in the microwave. Pour 3 tbsp into a container. l. clean water. Place in the microwave at maximum power. The jars will become sterile when all the water has boiled away. Turn them over, place them on a towel, let them cool.
  2. Remove the peas from the pods. Place in a colander. Rinse under the tap several times. Boil water in a large saucepan. Dip the peas into it along with a colander. Blanch for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Divide the hot peas into the jars.
  4. Prepare the marinade in parallel with blanching. Add salt and sugar to the water. Bring to a boil. Boil for 2 minutes. Add citric acid at the end and stir.
  5. Pour the boiling marinade over the peas. Cover with lids. Heat the water in a large container (to about 70 degrees). Place a clean cloth, silicone mat, or a special divider on the bottom. Place filled jars on top. Bring the water to a low boil in a large saucepan over low heat. Sterilize for 3 hours.
  6. Seal with boiled, dried lids using a seaming machine. Turn over. Is the brine leaking? Remove the covers and repeat all seaming steps.
  7. Cover with a thick, warm material to cool slowly. When the piece has cooled down, transfer it to the basement or closet, where it will be stored until winter. Preservation will not "explode" even if stored at room temperature. The main thing is to exclude exposure to sunlight and heating above 23 degrees.
  8. Due to a simple marinade with the addition of acid, homemade green peas turn out to be very tasty, they do not deteriorate for a long time.

By eating green peas, the body is filled with energy, thereby increasing efficiency. Thanks to this, a person is able to endure heavy loads and travel long distances. In general, everyone who is energetic and active is advised to eat peas. Some varieties of this fruit contain natural sugar that stimulates brain activity and memory.

Bowel problems will help resolve the same peas. Its beneficial trace elements relieve heartburn, normalizing the functioning of the digestive system. The antioxidants contained in the fruit have a positive effect on improving the skin and hair.

Like all edible plants, peas are a seasonal fruit. Therefore, it is logical to stock up on them for the winter. Recipes for harvesting peas for the winter will help you figure out in what sequence to preserve this type of legume family for the cold season. There are several recipes for clogging peas, but each of these options will be either sterilized or non-sterilized.

Young, soft peas are selected for canning. Overripe peas will give an ugly cloudy shade to the finished food and will taste too starchy.

Green peas without sterilization

For the preparation, 3 half liter jars should be prepared. To do this, they should be washed with soda and sterilized for about 7 minutes using a kettle. Such a small number of cans is not profitable to sterilize in the oven. This recipe for canned peas will use 1 liter of plain cold water. The taste of preservation will be very similar to the store one, and all thanks to the correct proportions of bulk: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of citric acid, 3 teaspoons of salt.

Canning procedure:

You cannot cook the peas for more than the time specified according to the recipe, otherwise they will lose their shape, turning into gruel.

Sterilized green peas

Those wishing to learn how to preserve x with sterilization should stock up on 600 grams of peas without pods. For the preparation, you will need a 1.5 liter jar or 3 pieces of 0.5 liter. For which the marinade will go, consisting of 1 liter of ordinary water, 1 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and citric acid, in the amount of 3 grams.

Canning procedure:

If the liquid in the jar does not become cloudy after sealing within 3 days, it means that the peas are closed in compliance with the rules and can be safely set aside in the pantry, keeping for a maximum of 1 year. If the marinade has become cloudy, it is better to get rid of such preservation right away.

Pickled green peas with sterilization

Hostesses interested in how to pickle peas at home can pay attention to the recipe below. The pickling procedure is quite lengthy, but it does not require much effort.

Pickling procedure:

It is preferable to store ready-made provisions in a cellar or in a cool place.

The listed recipes for how to preserve peas are the main ones that can be supplemented with your own innovations.

Many people liked canned green peas as a child. Preservation is the most convenient and simple way to keep this product fit for consumption for a year or more, as well as preserve healthy vitamins and minerals in it. Peas contain a lot of vitamins A, C, B, K, H, as well as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, carotene, starch, iron and useful vegetable protein. Harvesting can be carried out both in industrial volumes and for personal consumption. We will talk with the readers of the Popular About Health website about what the correct canning of peas should be at home and what problems may lie in wait if the technology is violated.

Why canned peas are useful?

Even in ancient times, people greatly appreciated green peas for their amazing qualities.

Today this product has been learned to preserve, and at the same time it retains a number of useful properties:

Improves vision, heals the retina and lens;
- participates in the recovery processes in the body;
- normalizes kidney function and promotes gentle removal of stones;
- activates metabolic processes;
- reduces the risk of developing cancer;
- normalizes blood pressure;
- removes excess fluid from the body;
- increases the mobility of the joints;
- improves the condition of the skin, preserves its youth.

Crushed peas are used as a cosmetic product for dermatosis, skin inflammation, redness, allergic rash, peeling. It is beneficial for heart function and blood vessel strength. In addition, eating peas improves mood, smooths out the effects of nervous stress, and improves sleep. It is a natural antidepressant. Thanks to a few peas a day, gum health is restored and bleeding stops. This product removes toxic substances from the liver, which is beneficial after drinking large doses of alcohol. To get only benefit from peas, let's try to preserve them correctly.

Attention! Botulism!

Green peas are non-acidic vegetables, canning them for the winter can lead to unpleasant consequences. Corn, cauliflower, peas in hermetically sealed containers can be sources of spores of dangerous bacteria that cause the deadly disease botulism. These bacteria can only be killed by boiling for 50-60 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees. Most do not have such opportunities for canning at home, so housewives sterilize the blockage using a water bath. The process takes a long time, but it minimizes the risk of contracting the botulism bacteria.

There is another way to properly preserve peas: a juicer is used for this. Water is poured into its lower part, when it boils, a container with conservation is installed in the upper part. In this case, the steam comes out through a special tube. After sterilization, the jars are sealed and cooled.

Sterilization with a juicer and steam takes less time than the process in a water bath. Thanks to this, the peas are not overcooked, but retain a pleasant density and taste.

It is important to keep the green peas perfectly clean and add a little acid to the jars to prevent the growth of botulism bacteria. Let's talk in more detail about canning recipes for peas.

How to prepare peas for the winter?

To quickly remove the pods from the peas, you can throw them in boiling water for 4-5 minutes. After that, the pods will open themselves, the grains can be thrown into a colander, and the excess peel can be removed.

To prepare sweet peas, we need:

300 g peas;
- 1 liter of water;
- 1 teaspoon of salt;
- 1 tablespoon of sugar.

From this volume, you get a half-liter jar of the finished product.

Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, stir. Send peas there, bring everything to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes. At this time, containers and lids can be sterilized. We discard the broth in a colander, filter the peas through cheesecloth two more times, transfer to a jar. Now you can send the container for sterilization in any way convenient for you - to a water bath or to a juicer. During sterilization, jars should not be rolled up with lids, but only covered.

Peas with citric acid

It is not necessary to sterilize such a product, since citric acid will act as a preservative. For 300 grams of peas, take 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of citric acid.

Boil water with salt and sugar, add peas to it. Boil for another 20 minutes, and add citric acid 3 minutes before turning off the heat. Transfer the product to a prepared sterilized container so that at least 2 cm is left to the top. Seal with lids and turn over, allow to cool and put in the refrigerator for storage.
This and the following methods are very acceptable for hastily blanks in domestic conditions for the winter.

Pickled peas with vinegar

The vinegar in this recipe will also act as a preservative to prevent the growth of bacteria. The technology involves pickling whole pods.

We put the washed pods in sterilized jars, add 2 black peppercorns, 2 cloves to each. Prepare the marinade: dissolve 40 g of sugar, 100 g of vinegar (9%) in 1 liter of water, boil and cook for 10 minutes. Pour the marinade into jars, send for sterilization for 20 -25 minutes. Roll up and leave to cool. It is not recommended to store canned peas for more than 1 year in the refrigerator.