How to make a delicious burger. How to make a burger at home: the ultimate guide

06.08.2019 Egg dishes

Summer 2013 has come to an end, and it's time for the FURFUR cowboys to take stock of what new BBQ skills have been pumped over this season. For those who basically spent the whole summer frying their retina with LED-backlit monitor, we suggest that you finally understand once and for all the basics of making burgers in order to act as a master chef at least at the end of the summer season.

Pages of history

Obviously, the hamburger was not invented in the United States - similar dishes already existed in Asian and European culinary traditions. The Mongol tribes can be considered the founders of this fast food symbol - they, being on the road all the time, learned how to make minced meat and tasted it raw. This simple food has also passed into the diet of the lands subject to the Golden Horde. Minced meat was a rarity in European medieval cuisine, and the meat itself was an ingredient available only to the nobility. There is very little mention of meat grinding in the cookbooks of the time - this was mainly done for sausages. According to some reports, the outlandish "Tatar" recipe sailed to Europe on Russian ships and ended up in the port of Hamburg in the 17th century. This dish, by the way, can still be found in the menus of European restaurants under the name Steak tartare.

During the first half of the 19th century, Hamburg was considered one of the largest transatlantic ports in Europe. Most of the emigrants from Northern Europe who arrived in the New World went across the ocean from here.

In America, particularly in New York, Hamburg-style steaks (or à Hambourgeoise) began to appear in local eateries in order to attract German sailors, after which the dish became more widespread. As before, the food was raw (and sometimes smoked) minced meat, which was served with onions, spices, bread crumbs and (optionally) a raw egg. Who was the first to think of frying this cutlet and putting it between the wheat buns is a question. However, it is known for certain that already in 1904, at the fair in St. Louis, something very similar to what we used to call a hamburger was served.

Mongolian tribes can be considered the ancestors of this fast food symbol.

Ground meat

Buying ready-made ground beef is not the smartest idea: you will never be sure which part it was cooked from, let alone its freshness. You will have to grind the minced meat yourself. To do this, you need to choose the right piece of beef: if you take a fillet with a very small layer of fat (about 7%), then the burgers will turn out to be dry. However, it must be remembered that the more fat in the meat, the more the burger will decrease: a piece of meat that is one third of fat will eventually turn into a shriveled charred lump, because the fat will also drip onto the coals and burn constantly. Look for the golden mean: it is better to give preference to a beef piece of the edge of an adult (two-three-year-old) animal with 10-15% fat: burgers will be fragrant and juicy.

Until the cutlets are fully formed, heat is their mortal enemy: the fat becomes soft and sticky, the minced meat will stick to the hands and work surface. When chopping meat, make sure everything, including the blades of the meat grinder, is sufficiently cooled. To do this, you can even hold the unit itself in the refrigerator.

Rotate the minced meat on the coarsest grind setting - fine is only good in your granny's delicate patties. It is not necessary to crumple and fiddle with your muscular and tattooed arms (as many people love). The less you stir and disturb the structure of the minced meat, the juicier the burgers will be. One has only to add your favorite spices (but not salt) and lightly mix them into the minced meat. More on this in more detail.

Condiments and spices

Salt and pepper are like air for a burger. But when it comes to these ingredients, chefs are divided into two camps: those who season the meat before frying it, and those who add seasoning directly to the minced meat. However, if freshly ground black pepper and other spices should be added to the minced meat even before you start making cutlets, then salt should be strictly last. By adding salt to the minced meat before shaping the burgers and frying them, you get a firm, sausage-like texture, while adding salt to the cutlets just before frying will leave them juicy and tender.

For 1 kg of minced meat, add 1-2 teaspoons of the following ingredients to taste. Only you do not need to interfere with all of the following - this way you will interrupt the taste of meat. Choose two or three products from the list:



Grated horseradish, mustard, chopped ginger root, soy sauce


Shape the tortillas as gently as possible (remember the texture!). Make small indentations in the center: in the middle, the cutlet should be about 1.3 cm thick, and at the edges - 1.9 cm.As it roasts, the burger will take the correct disk shape, otherwise it will overtake the mitball syndrome (like many Muscovites) ...

The list is endless. However, you should not add onions and other greens, herbs, eggs, bread or bread crumbs to the minced meat. Otherwise, you will not get a burger, but a completely different dish. To divide your minced meat into even portions and not offend any of your bros, use a scale to ensure that all burgers are the same size, which means they cook at the same speed. It is better to sculpt the workpieces with hands moistened with cold water - this way the minced meat will stick to your hands less. Transfer the raw burgers with wax paper or cling film to keep them from sticking together. Remember to maintain the correct temperature! Until the burgers touch the grill, they simply have to stay cold, only this way they turn out juicy.


Finally it came to frying. Probably, no one needs to explain that the best burgers are grilled (if grilling is not expected, feel free to scroll below). For frying, the grills for the barbecue, which are popular with our summer residents, are not suitable - those between which pieces of meat or fish are clamped. Ideally, you need to take care of a normal barbecue grill or re-equip an existing grill with a suitable grill on it, or make something similar.

Preheat the coals well, oil the grill grate to prevent sticking, lay out your burgers and time.

Do not use a spatula to press on the burgers while frying. The next time you involuntarily commit this crime, ask yourself why you are doing this: to squeeze out all the precious juice so that the burger becomes dry and tasteless? You will not find a single reasonable justification for this action.

Many chefs write dissertations about the fact that a true burger should be turned over only one time. However, opinions differ on this score. Enthusiasts at have proven that the difference in method is not particularly large. As part of the experiment, they turned the burger every 15 seconds, which stimulated it to cook faster and did not affect the juiciness of the dish at all. So, if another advisor begins to curse when you turn the meat over once again, send him to this post.

In a frying pan

Everything here is without any special tricks and adventures, only the burgers should be made a little less thick than for the wire rack, so that they are well fried. You need to properly heat the pan and splash in a few tablespoons of olive or other vegetable oil. Arrange the burgers, leaving enough space in between, and grill them for about 5 minutes on each side. At the end, you can top the cutlets with pieces of cheese.

Assessing readiness

The simplest thing, of course, is to pick the cutlet with a fork or knife to assess the color of its insides (pink flesh without blood is a sure sign of medium roast). With experience, you can learn to feel how cooked a burger is by poking your finger at it. But if you are determined to take the process seriously, you should buy a digital thermometer: for example, this (in a camouflage limited edition version)
or a much more budgetary Chinese, which will also do its job, albeit a little slower.

To minimize the risk of foodborne illness, minced meat should be brought to a minimum of about 70 ° C), which usually takes 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the thickness or size of the burger, according to the USDA. At this point, the welldone is ready, and on the cut the minced meat becomes completely gray and almost dry, however, as you know, everyone loves the different degree of meat readiness.

But remember: if you are poisoned by insufficiently cooked meat, the responsibility falls not on the butcher, supermarket or Chinese thermometer, but only on you, so be reasonable.


Finding the right burger buns can be a challenge, but in principle, any soft baked product that fits the size can do. Ideally, the bun should be slightly sweet. The main thing is to avoid buns with a crispy crust and an excessive amount of all kinds of bran and grains - all this will distract from the taste of the meat. You need to brown this bun properly on the grill.

Basic configuration

The main thing is to prepare all the ingredients on hand: chopped onions, tomato and pickled cucumbers, lettuce and sauce. The order of products can be different, but one of the most popular assembly schemes looks like this:

What else can you add to your burger?

Everyone has the right to put between the two halves of the roll, in addition to the cutlet, whatever they like, be it anchovies, boiled carrots or semolina. We, in turn, will provide a list of more or less classic ingredients that can slightly diversify the dish.

Pickled hot peppers

Fried bacon

Fried mushrooms

Green apple

Sun-dried tomatoes

Pesto or fresh basil

Alfalfa sprouts


In America, cheeseburgers are traditionally prepared with creamy processed cheese, the slices of which are packed in individual plastic wrappers. It is well suited for barbecues and simple picnics. Cheddar cheese is also popular. But don't be afraid to experiment: try making a burger with mozzarella, Swiss, blue, or goat cheese. Brie, parmesan, or feta are also good options.


Traditionally, a hamburger is not complete without ketchup and mild yellow mustard. BBQ and chili sauces are also commonly used. Cheese sauces are added less often.

Of course, making the sauce yourself is very troublesome, it's easier to use a purchased brand of sauce, but if you have the time and desire, you can make, for example, ketchup at home.

Take a couple of kilograms of medium-sized fleshy tomatoes, peel them and seeds and chop finely. Place them in a large saucepan. Chop one large onion, ½ fennel onion, 1 celery stick to them. Sprinkle olive oil and grate a piece of ginger, two cloves of garlic. Season all with chili, basil, coriander and clove seeds, pepper and salt.
Cook everything over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are tender. Splash in a glass of cold water, bring everything to a boil, and cook until the sauce is halved in volume. Grind the sauce in a food processor or blender and pass through a sieve (twice if necessary). Pour it into a clean saucepan and add 150 ml of red wine vinegar and 70 g of brown sugar. Place the sauce on the smallest heat and cook until it thickens to the consistency of tomato ketchup. Try the sauce and seasonings to taste.
Transfer the ketchup to sterilized jars or bottles and close tightly. It can be kept in the refrigerator for up to six months.

BBQ sauce can be made using regular homemade ketchup you already have.

Barbecue sauce

Barbecue sauce, in turn, can be prepared based on this ketchup. One has only to pour 2 cups of ketchup, 2 cups of water into a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 6 cloves of crushed garlic, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, 1 tablespoon of paprika, ¼ teaspoon of ground allspice, a little chili powder, 100 g cider vinegar, ¼ cup dark molasses (sold in specialty stores with baking ingredients), ¼ cup dark sugar, tablespoon mustard, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, bay leaf, and salt. All this needs to be cooked over low heat for about half an hour, until all the flavors are mixed. Other sauces are made according to the same principle. Vinegar, different spices in different proportions are added to a tomato or fruit base. You can experiment with the taste yourself.

Mayonnaise-based sauces

There are a lot of sauces based on mayonnaise: baconise, aioli, chipotle mayo, Peruvian green mayonnaise, pimento cheese, remoulade. Their whole essence boils down to the fact that a variety of ingredients are added to mayonnaise - vegetables, herbs and seasonings: pickled cucumbers, capers, parsley, sun-dried tomatoes, onions, garlic, hot peppers, vinegar, mustard, anchovies, chopped bacon, grated cheese, etc. etc.
We present two recipes for the most popular ones.

Whisk together ½ cup skim cream, ½ cup sour cream, and ½ cup mayonnaise in a bowl. Chop parsley, green onions and dill into small pieces. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice, a spoonful of mustard, onion powder, black pepper and salt. Refrigerate for about an hour before serving.

Not so long ago, the chairman of the board of directors of McDonalds Dan Kudro told what ingredients are included in the Big Mac sauce. The ingredients have been kept secret since 1968. The sauce consists of mayonnaise, pickled cucumbers, white wine vinegar, mustard, paprika, onion and garlic powder.

Not so long ago, the chairman of the board of directors of McDonalds Dan Kudro told what ingredients are included in the Big Mac sauce.

How to make delicious cutlets

In the article you will find very useful recipes for making two types of beef cutlets for burgers, with a photo and video description. The simplicity of the recipes will surprise you!

15 minutes

210 kcal

4.22/5 (9)

Now I want to tell you about how to make burger patties. I will tell you several options for preparing this miracle of culinary, so that you have several opportunities in your arsenal to please yourself and those around you.

The first recipe, like the next, is very simple and easy. I will try to describe to you in an intelligible language the whole secret of making hamburger cutlets, like in McDonald's, according to a recipe that practically repeats all the taste qualities of the dish served in this fast food restaurant.

The described recipes are suitable for those who are not ready to spend a lot of time preparing a dish. They are designed for the minimum cost of both time and effort and finance. Well, it's time to learn how to make a hamburger patty!

The recipe for chopped hamburger patties at home with a photo

Kitchen appliances: knife, cutting board, ingredient containers, frying pan, kitchen spatula.


How to choose ingredients for a cutlet

First of all, you need to decide how many such cutlets you want to cook. In order to cook a single cutlet, you will need from one hundred twenty to two hundred grams of fresh beef.

Cutlets so large in size are prepared for a reason. This allows you to preserve the wonderful taste of the beef and add juiciness to the finished dish. Also, as if in addition, such one cutlet is also very satisfying.

The main ingredient, beef, must be chosen with care. It must be fresh, free from deformations and any diseases. To do this, I advise you to check the documents for the product offered to you. Getting started with the hamburger cutlet recipe.

Step by step recipe

A simple recipe for hamburger patties at home with a photo

Cooking time: 15 minutes.
Servings: 2 servings.
Kitchen appliances: meat grinder, containers for ingredients, frying pan, kitchen spatula, cutting board.


  • Beef - 400 g.
  • Breadcrumbs - about 5 tablespoons.
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.
  • Salt and pepper - one pinch at a time.
  • Spices according to your taste.
  • Butter.

Step by step recipe

Video recipe for cooking cutlets

To make it very easy for you to master such recipes on your own, I can advise you to watch this video. It has everything you need to whip up homemade burgers. Thanks to him, you will learn how to make a unique burger patty.

What to serve the dish with?

Hamburger patties, or rather ready-made hamburgers, are usually served with fried potatoes. It is also called French fries. In addition to her, a soft drink is an obligatory companion to a burger. Soda works best.

However, you yourself can fantasize about serving such a dish, since it does not require certain rigor in this regard. Can be served with sauces and whatever!

Possible cooking and filling options

A burger is such a dish that does not require a step-by-step and complete tutorial as in the textbooks. This is a free dish that you can do almost whatever you want with it! It can be cooked on the basis of “eggless patties” and with eggs. It can be prepared with a variety of meats and with a variety of spices.

There are times when you want to diversify your meal with something. And here burgers are perfect. Even if you are not a fan of meat products, I can suggest that you make — eggplant patties — and make veggie burgers out of them. It's fast and delicious. Continuing this topic, you can even try making zucchini cutlets. They are full of various beneficial trace elements, vitamins, etc.

I can recommend you another very original recipe! This is a recipe for onion cutlets. Having prepared such cutlets on it, you will surely surprise everyone who tries them. How often have you seen onion cutlets? Don't like onions? No problem! You can cook a dish like cutlets from almost anything in the world. For example, potato cutlets are very tasty. They are simply breathtaking!

Share your own homemade recipes with everyone around you and cook for health!

In contact with

Burgers have long been out of the category of fast food. Today, even the most sophisticated Michelin-starred restaurants offer variations on the theme of minced meat buns - sometimes even for the fabulous $ 5,000, and chefs create fancy dishes, replacing bread for rice, and beef for crab and truffle. In the traditional ELLE review - 10 burger recipes with a photo, which are fans of millions, including Kate Middleton and Jennifer Aniston.

Restaurant Julia Vysotskaya Food Embassy


  • Bun - 1 pc. (80 gr)
  • Beef tomatoes - 40 gr
  • Lollo bionda salad - 20 gr
  • Red onion - 8 gr
  • Cheddar cheese 50% - 25 gr
  • Lightly salted cucumbers - 1 pc.
  • Ketchup - 45 gr
  • French fries - 150 gr

For the cutlet:

  • Chopped beef (we use diaphragm, rib eye, and back tops)
  • Beef fat
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Olive oil - 20 ml

For Cole Slow:

  • Carrots - 100 gr
  • Young white cabbage - 100 gr
  • Homemade mayonnaise - 40 gr
  • Lemon juice to taste
  • Salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. Cut carrots and cabbage into small strips, season with homemade mayonnaise, add a little lemon juice and salt, pepper to taste. Place the prepared salad in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

2. Finely chop the meat, mix with beef fat, salt and form into a cutlet. Brush with olive oil and grill. Pepper the finished cutlet. Cut the burger bun in half and grill a little on the inside. Put a cutlet on a bun, cheese on top, place in a preheated oven for a few minutes - until the cheese melts.

3. Add red onion, chopped tomato and lettuce.

4. Cut the lightly salted cucumber in half and serve next to the cheeseburger.

5. Serve the cole slow salad next to the cheeseburger.

Torro Grill Restaurant


  • Bun - 1 pc.
  • Beef cutlet - 150 gr
  • Gorgonzola cheese - 30 gr
  • Cheddar cheese - 22 g
  • Tomatoes - 70 gr
  • Fried bacon - 15 gr
  • Red salsa sauce -15 gr
  • Jalapeno - 15 gr
  • French fries - 150 gr
  • Pickled cucumbers - 50 gr
  • Ketchup - 50 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 50 gr

Cooking method:

1. Fry the beef cutlet. Cut the bun into two parts. Dry both parts of the bun in the oven for 30 seconds.

2. Spread gorgonzola cheese, red salsa on the bottom of the bun, then put fresh tomatoes, cut into rings, cutlet, jalapenos, cheddar (it will melt on a hot cutlet), fried bacon. Cover all this with the top of the bun.

3. Serve the burger with pickles, fries, ketchup and mayonnaise.

Restaurant "Uryuk"


  • Tashkent rice - 160 gr
  • Zira - 1 g
  • Sweet paprika - 1 gr
  • Turmeric - 1 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Gouda cheese - 40 gr

For the cutlet:

  • Beef - 82 gr
  • Beef fat - 15 gr
  • Onions - half an onion
  • Salt - 1 g
  • Black pepper - 2 gr
  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Large tomato - 1 pc.
  • Lightly salted cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Cilantro - 4 g
  • Shallots - 6 gr

For the sauce:

  • Mayonnaise - 40 gr
  • Adjika Abkhazian - 10 gr

Cooking method:

1. Boil rice in a double boiler or in a saucepan, cool. Add raw egg, grated cheese and spices. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, use a 9.5 iron ring to form "rolls" and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

2. To cook minced meat, beef, fat, onion, turn through a meat grinder, add spices and an egg. Mix everything thoroughly, beat off the resulting mass. Form a cutlet the same size as the rice bun and grill until tender.

3. Prepare the sauce: mix mayonnaise and adjika.

4. Cut the tomato and cucumbers into slices.

5. Collect the plovburger in the following order: rice "bun", tomato, sauce, cutlet, lightly salted cucumbers, shallots, cilantro leaves, sauce, tomato, rice "bun".

Turkey burger

Gallery Cafe


  • Sesame seed bun - 4 pcs.
  • Grilled zucchini - 100 gr
  • Radichio salad - 100 gr
  • Provolone cheese - 100 gr
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 20 gr

For minced meat for turkey cutlets, 600 gr:

  • Turkey (thigh) - 700 gr
  • Sautéed onion - 80 gr
  • Gruyere cheese - 80 gr
  • Butter - 60 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 60 gr
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste

For eggplant caviar, 120 gr:

  • Eggplant - 200 gr
  • Carrots - 80 gr
  • Bulgarian red pepper - 80 gr
  • Pelatti tomatoes - 30 gr
  • Basil - 1 sprig
  • Salt, pepper to taste

For bun sauce, 100 gr:

  • Japanese mayonnaise - 70 gr
  • Miso paste - 20 gr
  • Sake - 20 gr
  • Sugar - 5 g
  • Sesame seeds

For a salad for a burger, 250 gr:

  • Ground cucumbers - 120 gr
  • Fresh radish - 40 gr
  • Fresh asparagus - 50 gr
  • Chard - 10 gr
  • Spinach - 30 gr

For burger salad dressing, 100 gr:

  • Fresh raspberries - 40 gr
  • Red wine vinegar - 5 g
  • Honey - 20 gr
  • Olive oil - 40 gr

Cooking method:

1. To prepare the minced meat, mince the meat with onions, add the grated butter and cheese, add spices, knock out the mass, cool. Form 4 cutlets using a round ring mold, fry on the grill. In the same place, fry the buns and zucchini slices cut in half.

2. To prepare the eggplant caviar, bake the bell pepper and eggplant, remove the peel and seeds from the pepper, cut everything into cubes. Cut the peeled carrots into small cubes and fry until tender, add baked vegetables, add chopped peeled tomatoes, salt, pepper, chopped basil leaves. Cool down.

3. Grease the fried rolls with a sauce made from a mixture of Japanese mayonnaise with miso paste, three times boiled sake and sugar with sesame seeds. On the bottom of the roll, place the cutlet, a spoonful of eggplant caviar, fried zucchini, chopped radichio leaves, drizzle with olive oil. Then lay out the slices of cheese and cover with the top of the roll.

4. For salad, cut vegetables into thin slices, put in a salad bowl. For the raspberry sauce, punch all the ingredients with a blender, pour the mixture over the salad and sprinkle with olive oil.

Homemade beef burger

Victor Grimailo, cafe "Tchaikovsky"


  • Branded bun "8 cereals" from the Tchaikovsky Bakery - 1 pc.
  • Minced meat - 120 gr
  • Signature sauce based on homemade mayonnaise and French mustard - 30 g
  • Fresh cucumber - 20 gr
  • Fresh tomatoes - 30 gr
  • Iceberg salad - 30 gr
  • White onion - 15 gr

For the signature sauce:

  • Dijon mustard - 15 gr
  • Granular mustard - 15 gr
  • Homemade mayonnaise - 200 gr
  • Chili Pepper Paste - 3g

For minced meat for cutlets:

  • Beef (brisket) - 310 gr
  • Beef (tenderloin) - 50 gr
  • Black pepper - 2 gr

Cooking method:

1. Pass the meat through a meat grinder, shape the cutlet, fry in vegetable oil for 2 minutes on each side.

2. Cut the "8 cereals" bun in half and grill, grease with branded mustard sauce, put salad, fresh vegetables, chopped white onion on its bottom, put the cutlet and cover with the top half.

Maxim Bar, chef Andrey Orlov


For minced meat:

  • Tiger prawns - 120 gr
  • Crab meat - 120 gr
  • Ginger root - 2 g
  • Shallots - 50 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 90 gr
  • Salt, pepper - 2 gr

For the burger:

  • Pickled cucumbers - 10 gr
  • Fresh cucumbers - 10 gr
  • Baku tomatoes - 15 gr
  • Crab cutlet - 70 gr
  • Arugula salad - 3 gr
  • Iceberg lettuce - 3 gr
  • Red onion - 15 gr
  • Salt, pepper - 2 gr
  • Olive oil - 3 gr

For garnish:

  • Lettuce mix - 15 gr
  • Concasse tomatoes - 10 gr
  • Bearnaise sauce - 20 gr
  • Citronet sauce - 20 gr

Cooking method:

1. Grind the tiger prawns in a mixer along with grated ginger and sautéed onions, disassemble the crab meat into fibers, mix with mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste. Mix ingredients. Form the minced meat into a cutlet, then fry until tender in olive oil with the addition of garlic and thyme.

2. Cut the sesame brioche bun in half and lightly fry too (best done on the grill).

3. For béarnaise sauce: mix mayonnaise, Dijon mustard with chopped pickled cucumbers and shallots, add fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

4. To prepare citronet sauce: mix olive oil, fresh lemon, salt, sugar, black pepper.

5. Putting together a burger: spread béarnaise sauce on a fried bun, then put a slice of pickled cucumbers and fresh cucumbers, then slices of Baku tomatoes, a crab cutlet, red onion rings.

6. Iceberg salad, cut into strips, mix with arugula salad, season with olive oil, put on a cutlet. Salt and pepper. Drizzle with olive oil. Top with half a bun.

7. Serve as a garnish with lettuce leaves with concasse tomatoes dressed with citronet sauce. Place béarnaise sauce next to it and garnish with watercress.

Rose Bar, brand chef Kirill Berger


  • Cobby beef meat - 160 gr
  • Solid fat - 40 gr
  • Salt - 4 g
  • Black pepper - 2 gr
  • Mineral water - 15 gr
  • Burger bun - 1 pc.
  • Baku tomatoes - 20 gr
  • Pickled cucumbers - 15 gr
  • Red onion - 6 gr
  • Salad mix (arugula, frieze, radiche) - 10 gr
  • Spicy sauce (mayonnaise, sweet chili, yuzu) - 30 gr
  • Cheddar cheese - 30 gr

Cooking method:

1. Scroll the meat and fat through a meat grinder with a large blade or chop with a knife. Form the patty under the press. Fry. Warm up the bun, spread with sauce, put cheese on top, then cutlet, again cheese, pickled cucumber, tomato, red onion, salads, and grease everything with sauce. We close the top with the second part of the bun and pierce with a skewer.

2. Fry French fries 160 g Serve with ketchup and mustard burger.

Tribeca Restaurant


  • Minced lamb - 150 gr
  • Pickled cucumbers - 4 thin slices
  • Burger buns
  • Processed cheddar cheese - 1 slice
  • Eggplant sauce - 20 gr
  • Pickled peppers - 50 gr

Cooking method:

1. We take 120 g of boneless lamb shoulder and 30 g of lamb fat, scroll in a meat grinder, beat well and shape a cutlet 1 cm thick.

2. Wrap one eggplant in foil with a sprig of thyme, garlic, olive oil and add a little salt, bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes, then cool, peel and seeds and chop finely. Add the same amount of feta cheese, mix a little greens and chili pepper.

3. Cut the bun into halves and fry with the cutlet on a grill or a frying pan, when the cutlet is almost ready, put a slice of cheese on it to melt a little. Grease the buns with sauce on both sides, put cucumber slices on the bottom, then cutlet and cover with the top of the bun. Decorate with pickled pepper.

Pig-iron Bridge Restaurant


  • Wheat bun with sesame seeds - 1 pc
  • Beef shoulder - 150 gr
  • Iceberg lettuce - 20 gr
  • Pickled cucumbers - 10 gr
  • Onion fries - 10 gr
  • Combozolla cheese - 20 gr
  • Bacon jam (200 gr):
  • Shallots - 200 gr
  • Bacon - 50 gr
  • Olive oil - 30 gr
  • Butter - 30 gr
  • Chicken broth - 100 gr
  • Balsamic vinegar - 30 gr
  • Honey - 25 gr

For the signature sauce (25 g):

  • Ketchup - 10 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 5 gr
  • Tabasco - 1 g
  • Soy sauce - 2 g
  • Rice vinegar - 2 g
  • Dijon mustard - 5 g
  • Cognac - 1 gr

Cooking method:

1. Pass the beef shoulder through a meat grinder, salt and pepper. Form a cutlet and lightly fry it in olive oil on both sides.

2. Next, prepare the bacon jam. Fry finely chopped shallots and bacon in a mixture of butter and olive oil, add chicken broth, evaporated balsamic vinegar and honey. Simmer and evaporate all the liquid until the consistency of thick jam.

3. To prepare the sauce, mix the ketchup, mayonnaise, tabasco, soy sauce, rice vinegar, Dijon mustard and cognac and mix all the ingredients until smooth.

5. Lightly dry the sesame seed bun in the oven, and begin to collect the burger. Put burger sauce, chopped iceberg lettuce, baked cutlet with jam and cheese, pickled cucumbers cut into rings, onions fried until golden brown on the bottom bun and cover with the top of the bun;

6. Serve with French fries and ketchup on request.

Lamb burger with lettuce, olive oil and parmesan

Restaurant "Honest Kitchen"


  • Roll - 82 gr
  • Cutlets - 200 gr (2pcs)
  • Black peppercorns - 2 gr
  • Salt - 1 g
  • Relish with tomatoes and bell peppers - 45 gr
  • Pesto - 35 gr
  • Olive oil - 15 gr
  • Roast beef sauce - 35 gr
  • Pickled cucumbers without marinade - 34 gr
  • Fresh cucumbers - 28 gr
  • Peeled red onion rings - 24 gr
  • Tomato - 40 gr
  • Emmental cheese - 40 gr
  • Arugula - 8 gr
  • Carrot sticks - 7 g
  • Iceberg lettuce - 20 gr
  • Red onion feathers - 5 gr
  • Olive oil - 10 gr
  • Grano Padano grated - 6 gr

Cooking method:

1. Fry the cutlets in the grill oven. 2 minutes until tender, melt the enmental cheese on one side of the patty.

2. Alternately lay the baked bun, tomato relish, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, onions, cutlet with cheese, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, onions in layers. Repeat the layers again, starting with the cutlet, and finish with a baked roll.

3. Garnish with a mix of salads, carrots and onions. Send in grated Grano Padano cheese. Serve with pesto and chili sauce.

Bad or healthy burgers? The question is still open! And despite doubts about the benefits of this dish, many sometimes allow themselves to be pampered with such an amazing sandwich. It's time for you to learn how to cook it.
Recipe content:

While experts, nutritionists and doctors argue whether homemade burgers are harmful or healthy, we can say for sure that they are incredibly tasty. And if you allow yourself to eat a burger made with your own hands a couple of times a month, then you definitely won't do any harm. After all, this is a juicy cutlet, fresh vegetables, pickled cucumber and a crispy bun! And if it makes you hungry now, it's time to learn all the subtleties and secrets of making delicious sandwiches.

So, a burger is a type of sandwich that consists of a fried cutlet made from meat. In addition to it, there are various spices such as ketchup, mayonnaise, zucchini, cheese, pickled cucumber, fried onion or tomato. And all this is served inside a cut bun.

Types of burgers

  • The hamburger is the first, simplest sandwich made with juicy meatballs, onions, lettuce, ketchup and / or mustard.
  • Cheeseburger - from English Cheeseburger or cheese, which means "cheese". That is, cheese must be included in the composition.
  • Fishburger - from English fish, i.e. "a fish". A type of sandwich where the cutlet is replaced by fried fish.
  • A veggie burger is a veggie burger that is meat-free.
  • Chickenburger is a sandwich made with chicken, and the rest of the ingredients are not regulated.

Secrets of making homemade burgers

To prevent a homemade burger from becoming a disappointment, you must follow certain subtleties of its preparation. Then the result will surpass all expectations, and you will never buy it in restaurants and fast foods again.
  • Classic cutlet - thin minced beef.
  • Juicy cutlet - meat with fat: rump or sirloin. Juicy and aromatic burger when the cutlet consists of 15-20% fat.
  • You need to rotate the meat at the coarsest grind setting. Then its structure will not be disturbed, from which the sandwich will be juicy. The most ideal option is to chop it by hand with the sharpest knife.
  • Minced meat consists practically without onions, garlic and herbs.
  • You need to form cutlets thin, ideally round in shape (you can use a can), the size of a roll. But during frying, the minced meat shrinks, so their initial size should be slightly larger than the diameter of the bun.
  • So that the minced meat does not stick to your hands, they need to be moistened with cold water.
  • Make a depression in the center of the cutlet, then it will not swell in the center and turn into a meatball.
  • Before you send the formed cutlets to the grill, you need to keep them in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. They are sent to fry cold.
  • During frying, do not press on the cutlet with a spatula, otherwise the juice will leak out.
  • The average frying time of cutlets is up to 10 minutes, depending on the size. It is prepared in very intense heat.
  • The readiness of the cutlet is checked by an incision with a sharp knife - the pulp is pink without blood, medium roasting.
  • Any bun can be used, which is divided into a bottom and a lid. The ideal bun is a little sweet.
  • Before placing food in the roll, grill the inside of it so that it is covered with a crispy crust. If this is not done, then it will absorb all the juices of the cutlets and become limp, from which the burger will fall apart.
  • The filling must include vegetables and herbs. Classic products: salad, onions, fresh or pickled cucumbers.
  • The classic burger includes ketchup and mild mustard. Chili and barbecue sauces are often used, less often mayonnaise and cheese sauces.
  • Making a burger is simple: tender ingredients away from the hot patty. Ideal: grease the bun with sauce, put the cutlet and grease it with sauce. After that, a slice of cheese, slices of tomatoes, half rings of onions, cucumbers, lettuce and a bun lid.
  • The sandwich should be cooked quickly, without interruption, so that juice does not leak out of the cutlet and vegetables, and the sauce does not turn the bun into crumb. The food should be eaten immediately after assembly and only with your hands.

Homemade burgers - 5 perfect recipes

Thanks to the efforts of eminent restaurants and chefs, the burger has long gone out of the category of fast, cheap fast food and has become an independent dish. Therefore, we offer several recipes for the perfect sandwiches that you can make yourself in a matter of minutes.

How to make a burger

Considering some points, a hamburger can be prepared in a matter of minutes in your own kitchen. This will require a cutting board, a sharp knife, a meat grinder and a grill.
  • Caloric content per 100 g - 295 kcal.
  • Servings - 4
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes


  • Sesame buns - 4 pcs.
  • Beef tenderloin - 500 g
  • Smoked pork lard - 100 g
  • Sweet onion - 1 pc.
  • Sweet peppers - 3 pcs.
  • Large tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Lettuce leaf - 5 pcs.
  • Chili seasoning - to taste
  • Mustard - to taste
  • Dry red wine - 2 tablespoons
  • Dry Provencal herbs - a pinch
  • Salt and pepper - to taste

Making a burger:

  1. Pass the tenderloin with lard through the large grate of the meat grinder.

  • Add wine, herbs, salt and pepper to the minced meat. Stir and knock it onto the table several times.
  • Form into flat patties and refrigerate for half an hour.
  • Cut the tomatoes into slices about 8 mm thick.
  • Peel and core the pepper and cut into rings.
  • Rinse and wash lettuce leaves.
  • In the oven or in a dry skillet, fry the buns, cut in half.
  • Place the hamburgers in a very hot grill pan and grill them on each side for 2 to 5 minutes, depending on the desired result.
  • Put a cutlet on the bottom of the bun, brush it with chili. Lay out the rings of tomatoes and peppers, coat with mustard. Cover with a leaf of lettuce and a bun lid.
  • How to make a fish fillet burger at home

    Burger is a convenient and quick meal. But, according to nutritionists, it causes irreparable harm to health and the body. However, if you cannot live without it, then there is only one way out - to cook it yourself.


    • Hamburger bun - 2 pcs.
    • Fish fillet - 300 g
    • Onion - half
    • Refined vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
    • Lettuce leaves - 2 pcs.
    • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
    • Mayonnaise, ketchup - to taste
    Step by step cooking:
    1. Cut the fish fillet into large pieces, salt and pepper and chill in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
    2. Pour some oil into the pan and heat well. So that it starts to smoke. Then put the fish and fry for 2 minutes on each side over high heat.
    3. Cut the bun into 2 parts and dry in the oven.
    4. Cut the cucumbers into thin slices, peel the onion and cut into rings.
    5. Grease the bottom of the roll with mayonnaise and lay out the fillets. Place cucumbers and onions on top and pour over with ketchup. Finish with a leaf of lettuce and cover with a second piece of roll.

    Delicious homemade burgers

    We suggest that you familiarize yourself with another option for making a homemade burger with cheese and zucchini. This simple hamburger is sure to please everyone who tastes it.


    • Coarse minced pork - 300 g
    • Rolls - 3 pcs.
    • Red onion - 1 pc.
    • Cheese - 3 pieces
    • Lettuce leaves - 3 pcs.
    • Zucchini - 4 rings
    • Salt and pepper - to taste
    1. Stir the minced meat with salt and pepper. Make 3 patties slightly larger than a roll, place them on a plank and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
    2. Cut the courgettes into rings.
    3. Cut the cheese into thin slices.
    4. Peel and chop the onion into rings.
    5. Wash and dry lettuce leaves.
    6. Light the charcoal and split it to high heat. Place the zucchini rings on a wire rack and cook until golden brown on both sides.
    7. Then cut the bun and dry the inside on the grill.
    8. The last step is to put the cutlets on the wire rack and cook them on both sides for 2-3 minutes.
    9. Assemble your sandwich quickly. Spread the bun with ketchup, put the cheese, cutlet, onion rings, on top of the zucchini, mayonnaise, lettuce and again the bun.

    Homemade burger with cutlet

    A homemade burger is always better than a fast food restaurant. This is an excellent combination of the most delicate rolls, cutlets and fresh vegetables, since the filling can be varied to suit your taste.


    • Sandwich bun - 3 pcs.
    • Ground beef - 300 g
    • Onions - 1 pc.
    • Breadcrumbs - 3 tablespoons
    • Mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons
    • Mustard - 1 tsp
    • Ketchup - 50 ml
    • Olive oil - 80 ml
    • Tomatoes - 1 pc.
    • Iceberg lettuce - 3 leaves
    • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
    • Salt, pepper, meat spices - to taste
    1. Peel the onion and chop finely with a sharp knife. Combine it with minced meat, salt, pepper, spices, mustard, mayonnaise and breadcrumbs. Mix well and leave for 10 minutes.
    2. Form the resulting homogeneous minced meat into round patties and fry them in a hot skillet in olive oil. Place them on a paper towel to help remove excess fat.
    3. Cut the tomatoes into rings. Wash and dry lettuce leaves.
    4. Break the eggs in the middle of the pan in the middle of the pan and fry them in butter with “fried eggs” to keep the yolk runny.
    5. Divide the bun into two halves and brush each with mayonnaise.
    6. Place lettuce, tomato and cutlet on the bottom half of the roll. Brush with ketchup and scrambled eggs. Cover the top with the other half of the bun.

    Homemade chicken burger

    A chicken burger is not only a delicious, but also a healthy sandwich. Especially if you cook it from chicken breasts baked in the oven with fresh vegetables.


    • Round sandwich bun - 4 pcs.
    • Chicken fillet - 200 g
    • Mustard - 1 tsp
    • Ketchup - 50 g
    • Homemade mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons
    • Purple onion - 1 pc.
    • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
    • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
    • Salad - 1 bunch
    • Tomatoes - 1 pc.
    • Salt and pepper - to taste
    Cooking Chicken Burger:
    1. Combine finely chopped chicken fillet, onions, mustard, salt and pepper. Beat the mixture with a blender until smooth, form into flat round patties, place them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 250 ° C for 3 minutes on each side.

    A wide range of burgers, seasonal drinks, classic European dishes, steaks and ribs cooked in a wood-fired oven await you at the CRAFTED GRILL BAR. Here you can spend time with friends, dine with your family and even arrange a themed event.

    Druzhinnikovskaya st., 15, pr-d Sokolnichesky circle, 5

    Torro Grill 18+

    "A small piece of Europe" - this is how the bar was nicknamed for its interior and attitude to the culinary process. Prices here are still in rubles and claim to be affordable. The institution will appeal to those who are especially picky about the meat component of the dish. That is why Torro Grill ("Torro Grill") and bears the proud title of a steakhouse.

    ave. Vernadsky, 6, Khodynsky blvd., 4, 3rd Krutitsky per., 11, Lesnaya st., 5b, st. Letnikovskaya, 2, building 1, Leningradskoe highway, 16a, bldg. 4

    Shake Shack 0+

    Anyone who ate burgers in New York or Boston will definitely confirm that they are no worse at Shake Shack on the Arbat. You can choose from a dozen fast food masterpieces that can conquer the most demanding stomach. The reason for pride is the natural Angus beef. The main hit is considered to be "Shack Burger" - a cheeseburger with fresh salad and tomato under the signature Shack sauce.

    st. Arbat, 38, Leningradskoe highway, 16A, bldg. 4

    Burger Predator Burgers 18+

    If you like atmospheric places for a hearty meal, welcome to the Predator Burgers. Here are 10 types of mouth-watering burgers with veal, chicken, cod, lamb fillings, as well as rich soups, salads, tender desserts, healthy homemade fruit drinks. The burger shop will surprise you not only with a pleasant choice of dishes, but also with a cozy author's design in the steampunk style.

    st. Kuznetsky Most, 18/7 (entrance from Rozhdestvenka Street), st. Paveletskaya Square, 2, bldg. 2, st. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 5/6, bldg. 4, st. B. Nikitskaya, 23/14, bldg. 9

    Finding yourself in the Beverly Hills Diner ("Beverly Hills Diner"), you clearly feel the atmosphere of Hollywood in the 50s. Cadillac tables, rock and roll in the background and waitresses on rollers. But the main fetish here is, of course, the burger. Timeless hits - Hollywood Burger with BBQ sauce, American cheese and fried bacon and Bacon Blue with blue cheese sauce and Swiss cheese. For those who love the thrill, El Diablo is specially conceived with chili and hot sauce. If you want, you can make your own perfect burger yourself.

    st. Sretenka, 1

    When crispy buns are baked on their own, the meat is fried in front of you on the grill, it would seem that here on the way to perfection you can stop. But the Corner Burger went further. The names of the dishes are as original as their content: "South Beach" with a vegetarian mushroom cutlet, "Highlander" with lamb and Adyghe cheese, "Athlete" on a buckwheat bun with an exotic sauce. And, of course, the classic options already familiar to us.

    st. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 76

    An authentic American diner. Local chefs gave in to their imaginations so much that they created more than 20 original recipes. They differ not only in meat filling and vegetable improvisations. The sauces are where Frendy's is really strong. Leaving hungry will definitely not work: the size of the portion, which also includes salad and fries / country style, will not allow.

    st. Pokrovka, 28, bldg. 6, bldg. 3

    An atypical gastropub, the menu of which has a restaurant style. Among the burger-eaters, the place is famous for its "Turkey Burger" and "Pork o" kleru "with crispy pork and kimchi. It would be fair to add another local attraction - potatoes in corn bread. restaurant prices, their prices remain at the pub level.

    ave. Mira, 77, bldg. 2

    A restaurant in the spirit of modern London, in which American burgers are made in their own way. Cheapside has long gone beyond their classical perception. There are more than ten unexpected items on the menu: for example, Updike with a rabbit, Umami with a truffle flavor, and Vegan Burger with a bulgur cutlet. All ingredients to be grilled are cooked in a closed charcoal grill oven. Even the rolls are slightly crispy, which delights the visitors.

    st. Lesnaya, 9

    Meating is spoken of as a place where some of the best burgers on black bread are prepared. The local chefs also like to add unexpected ingredients to classic burgers - for example, pieces of fried peppers. Everyone likes the find. However, so is the chicken burger with guacamole or the vegetarian version of the quinoa. At the moment, there are more than 10 types of burgers, each of which has its own fans. The institution works mainly to take out, but there are a couple of places for those who have lost their strength from hunger.

    4th Syromyatnichesky lane, 3, bldg. 5

    Nizhny Susalny per., 5, bldg. 2

    A large restaurant near the Kievsky railway station with leather chairs, concrete tables and a luxurious panoramic window. You won't be able to run in for 5 minutes, but having a thorough lunch or even arranging a date is easy. The Burger & Pizzetta menu has more than 10 options for burgers, and you can't call them fast food. There are truffle sauces, goat cheese, falafel, breaded shrimps and yoghurt-mint sauce. To try several flavors at once, choose the Three Comrades mini-burgers set.

    pl. Kievsky railway station, 2 (shopping center "Evropeyskiy")

    Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, 66 km of the Moscow Ring Road (SEC Vegas Crocus City)

    The only Moscow outlet of the St. Petersburg burger chain Ketch Up Burgers is open on Kuznetsky Most. The menu has a fairly extensive line of 13 burgers. In addition to the classics, there are unusual combinations. For example, Lamb Burger with lamb cutlet and aromatic herbs and Kamchatka Burger with Kamchatka crab meat. A well-thought-out loft-style interior invites you to stay longer.

    st. Kuznetsky Most, 6/3

    st. Pokrovka, 10, bldg. 2

    Burgers with service through the window at an affordable price. Moreover, True Burgers ("True Burgers") are in no way inferior to restaurant ones in taste and originality. Whether it's True Italiano with mozzarella, Chicken Black Spicy or True Vegetariano - there are only organic products and no semi-finished products.

    Kosmodamianskaya nab., 52, bldg. 2

    Leninsky prospect, 68 \ 10

    Nagatinskaya st., 16

    Starlite Diner ("Starlite Diner") - these are good old burgers according to the classic recipe, the right sizes and at a reasonable price. They are cooked in the American, Mexican and Italian style, sparing no sauce or filling. For those who are pretty hungry, there is an immense "Sean's Hamburger" with three patties and bacon. It is served with a generous portion of French fries, cheese and chili.

    st. Koroviy Val, 9a

    Vernadsky Ave., 6

    Strastnoi blvd., 8a

    Without exaggeration, # Farш ("Minced meat") is heaven for a hipster stomach. The menu includes burgers for every taste - from the classic hamburger and cheeseburger to the original "Bryansk guy" with mushroom stew and the impressive size of "Butcher's Papa". The subject of special pride is the rolls, into which boiled potatoes and another super-secret ingredient are added during baking.

    st. Nikolskaya, 12

    st. Yartsevskaya, 19

    st. Lesnaya, 9

    blvd. Enthusiasts, 2

    B. Serpukhovskaya st., 2

    If someone brags about having eaten Drunken Granny, then they've been to BB & Burgers. Such a funny name bears a local hit - burger with gorgonzola and cranberry jam. The Disgusting Man burger is made on a dark bun with bacon and Emmental cheese, while Chicago has baked vegetables and a secret sauce. For each of the nine proposed burgers, a beef cutlet is prepared from juicy chilled meat. And the price on the menu is the same for everyone.

    st. Maroseyka, 4/2, building 1

    ave. Vernadsky, 86A

    ave. Leninsky, 109

    st. Leo Tolstoy, 20

    emb. Presnenskaya, 6, bldg. 2

    st. Pyatnitskaya, 25, building 1D

    blvd. Khodynsky, 4

    A solid steakhouse with a pretense of aristocracy. The Goodman restaurant is particularly proud of its large selection of wines and a dry aging chamber. Of course, there is a scrupulous attitude towards him - both in the burger and without. The bestseller is considered Goodman - a burger with minced marbled beef with the addition of gherkins.

    Okhotny Ryad, 2

    pl. Trubnaya, 2

    pl. Paveletskaya, 2, bldg. 1

    Novinsky blvd., 31

    Michurinsky prospect, 3 bldg. one

    Kirovogradskaya st., 13a

    ave. Leninsky, 57

    st. Shchukinskaya, 42

    st. Bolshaya Tulskaya, 13

    emb. Presnenskaya, 10

    Anything can be expected from the ambitious fast food lovers of this chain. Once they cooked their dishes in the air, and in the burgers themselves they decided to embody the most daring author's recipes. That there is only one "Tsar Burger"! It contains royal dates, truffle oil, red caviar and golden rolls. Another position, which Feduk had a hand in, is noticeably refreshing by the presence of mango and avocado. In general, there are many curious burgers here, the cost of which starts from 290 rubles.

    per. Kamergersky, 6/5, bldg. 2

    st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 19, bldg. 1

    st. Kuznetsky Most, 12

    Pushkinskaya square, 2

    st. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 1/5

    This is the brainchild of a farm restaurant LavkaLavka, which means that there is no doubt about the origin and quality of the meat. Unlike many fashionable establishments, guests will not have to read the offered positions for a long time, the elementary names will explain everything: bull burger, sheep burger, deer burger, pike burger, and further down the list. Those who are tired of buns with cutlets will be saved by salads and hot soups. As for the prices, they are quite democratic here.

    Kaluzhskoe highway, 21 km

    blvd. Khodynsky, 4

    There are more than a dozen mouth-watering and juicy burgers on the “Good Deed” menu, and if “Taxi Driver” can, to put it mildly, surprise with its name alone, the rest are quite understandable and not so experimental. In short, here you can try laconic burgers, in which the taste of each component is easily distinguished, at a price slightly below average. By the way, on some days they provide a 20% discount.

    per. Bolshoi Sukharevsky, 25/1

    This place is perfect for those occasions when going to the restaurant is combined with a merciless passion for burgers. Along with steaks, stewed beef cheeks and gourmet soups, a separate page of the menu was given at the mercy of fast food lovers. There are not so many positions (compared to burgers), so the choice will not take long. Although the prices are above average here, the quality of the food is worth it.

    st. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 11

    per. Stremyanniy, 26

    ave. Teatralny, 5, bldg. 1

    The guests of this burger bar will have a difficult choice from two dozen positions. Almost everything can be turned into burgers here. In any case, the composition clearly discerns elements of European, Mexican, Georgian cuisine and many others. The horse meat burger deserves special attention - such an exclusive is rare.

    st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 11

    st. Marshal Biryuzova, 34

    st. Bolshaya Semyonovskaya, 32

    There could be a joke about the fact that local burgers will satisfy even a brutal bear appetite. But it won't. However, as well as burgers with bear meat (which it would be fair to expect from such a name). Instead, Burger Lab dishes are a subtle blend of tried-and-true classics and signature recipes. Among the latest delights, special attention should be paid to Coruscant with confit pear and chili, Willy Wonka with bacon and blueberry sauce with herbs and Shrimp-san with a successful combination of American and Japanese in one dish.

    Preobrazhenskaya sq., 12

    st. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 17, bldg. 1

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