How to make profiteroles and a cake from them at home. Profiterole cake with orange custard Cream profiterole cake with sour cream

22.10.2020 Egg dishes

"Profitrole" - this is how a small premium was previously called in French, but now this word is used to denote small, but very tasty cakes.

They are made from traditional choux pastry, which can be sweet and neutral. But the filling can be of all kinds, and depending on this, profiteroles are served before dinner as an appetizer or to complete it and are used as a dessert.

Profiteroles may or may not be filled. Empty inside, they go well with soups like small donuts.

The filling for profiteroles can be cheese, meat, mushroom, chicken, fish, salad, sweet cream and ice cream. By holding these sweet balls together with caramel or condensed mass, you can get excellent cakes.

There is no difficulty in cooking. The secret of successful profiteroles is the correct preparation of the dough for them. The products for them are also quite simple, therefore, having learned how to cook these small, mouth-watering cakes, you can delight your family or guests with delicious pastries.

Or you can drink tea with your colleagues while having a pleasant conversation. Observing the step-by-step cooking instructions, the profiteroles will turn out to be lush, and the cream will be thick and not flowing out of them when filling.

Profiteroles: recipe for step-by-step cooking

Ingredients Quantity
flour of the highest grade - 1 glass
butter (store or homemade) butter (you can replace it with margarine) - 125 g
water - Full glass
eggs - 5 pieces.
salt - pinch
butter (or fat) and flour - for baking
milk - 300 ml
sugar - 200 - 250 g
butter (peasant) butter for cream - 400 g
eggs for cream - 2 pcs.
cognac - Little
Cooking time: 180 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 330 Kcal

All products are in store, if something is not at home - buy in addition. The process of making profiteroles with butter cream begins with preparing the dough, which will turn out to be unsweetened.

Put water on fire, add oil and salt to it, bring to a boil.

Gradually add flour to boiling water, stirring continuously and quickly until the lumps disappear completely.

Then warm up the mixture for 1 - 2 minutes.

The entire procedure should be carried out over low heat until the dough is even, smooth and shiny.

When this happens, remove the mixture from heat and refrigerate to 60 degrees.

Add one egg at a time to the cooled mixture, but only when the previous one has already been absorbed into the mass.

Then this resulting mass should be stirred until it is completely cooled.

The finished dough is a thin, viscous mass.

Lightly grease a baking sheet with butter or fat and lightly sprinkle with flour.

Put small balls on it with a dessert spoon, not too close to each other, as they increase in volume.

Bake in the oven at 190 - 200 degrees until the buns are dry and have a beautiful ruddy golden color. The baking process will take approximately 27 - 30 minutes.

Then fill the buns with cream, which can be cooked while the profiteroles are baking.

It is better to cook the cream in an aluminum container to avoid protein clotting.

Mix milk, sugar and eggs thoroughly. Then put this mixture on fire and bring to a boil, stirring all the time.

Remove the boiled mass from the heat and cool it in cold water, and if not in a hurry, let it cool down like this. Soften the butter and pour the cooled milk-protein mixture into it in several steps.

Beat the cream and add a spoonful of brandy to it.

It is better to start the profiteroles hot, using a pastry bag for the cream.

Profiteroles with various fillings

As it turned out earlier, the fillings for profiteroles can be very different: sweet and salty. By combining various products with each other, profiteroles can be filled in the most unexpectedly variable ways.

But it's better to start with fillings that are easier to prepare.

Profiteroles with condensed milk filling

Put the custard dough, prepared in the way described above, in small portions on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Grease each bun on top with beaten egg white. You can use an ordinary paintbrush or a chicken feather.

The filling for these profiteroles, which are baked in an oven heated to 200 0 for 25 minutes, will be a cream of condensed milk.

What is required to prepare the cream? A can of condensed milk or a little less - it all depends on the amount of profiteroles received. But the remains of the cream can always be used in cooking. Even just spread on a white loaf and serve with tea.

Beat the condensed milk well with butter, 150 g of which must be softened, but not melted. Optionally, you can add 2 tablespoons of cocoa to the resulting cream, or you can fill baked mini-cakes with cream from condensed milk without cocoa.

This filling option can be simplified by using boiled condensed milk as a cream. All other procedures remain the same. Condensed milk cream is placed in a pastry bag and squeezed into ready-made uncooled profiteroles.

Profiteroles with curd cream

The curd cream used as a filling for profiteroles can be sweet or savory. In the first case, sugar is added to the low-fat cottage cheese. The proportions depend on the amount of profiteroles obtained and the taste.

For 40 servings made from the choux pastry above, you will need:

  • 200 gram pack of cottage cheese;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Half a glass of thick sour cream;
  • A handful of steamed raisins.

Mix all ingredients together into a homogeneous mass. Sugar can be added more or less, as you like more.

If unsweetened cream is used as a filling, then chopped dill, 2 - 3 cloves of crushed garlic, a little salt and pepper, 1 processed cheese grated on a fine grater are added to the curd base. Profiteroles with this filling are served as a snack.

Profiteroles with seafood

This variant of profiteroles is a snack bar.

For salad used as a filling, use:

  • 300 g of thawed shrimp (or boiled in salted water for a minute and put in a colander);
  • Packaging of finely grated crab sticks;
  • 4 finely chopped boiled eggs;
  • 200 g grated cheese;
  • 2 cloves of crushed garlic
  • Finely chopped dill;
  • Salt, pepper, mayonnaise for dressing.

Profiteroles are prepared in the usual way from choux pastry, but before seasoning them with salad, cut off the tops from them. You can then decorate a snack with them or just eat it.

Mix the prepared foods, season with salt and pepper. Season with mayonnaise. Stuff the profiteroles with the resulting salad.

can be prepared from ready-made dough or made on your own. And the fillings ...

Cakes for cakes in a frying pan. Step-by-step photos and recommendations.

Fried zucchini with garlic is a simple and tasty appetizer, without which it is simply impossible to imagine a summer feast.

"Tower" cake made of profiteroles

This tower-shaped cake can be prepared for various holidays, or on weekdays you can cheer up your family and friends by surprising them with the extraordinary taste of French dessert.

Products that will be required for the test:

  • 125 ml of milk;
  • 125 ml of water;
  • 50 g butter (not spread) butter;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • A little sugar;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 4 chicken eggs of the first category.

For the cream:

  • Whipped cream.

For fondant:

  • 120 g sugar;
  • 40 ml of water.

For decoration:

  • Sugar mastic.

To get choux pastry, pour milk and water into a saucepan, add butter, salt and sugar (a teaspoon will be enough). Bring the mixture to a boil, and pour the sifted flour into it. This should be done quickly and with continuous stirring so that the dough is brewed without lumps.

Boil the dough for a few minutes to evaporate excess moisture. The resulting dough should be well formed. And before adding eggs to it, the dough should be cooled, constantly beating it with a mixer. If the dough is hot, the eggs will just boil in it. Add eggs one at a time.

The finished dough should not be runny or tear. It should hang from a wooden or plastic spatula in an even triangle, without dripping from it.

On a greased baking sheet, place even small balls from a pastry bag filled with choux pastry, not forgetting about the distance between them. The bulges formed on top should be pressed with a finger dipped in water.

Heat the oven to a temperature of 250 degrees and turn it off, put a baking sheet with profiteroles there. After 10 minutes, turn on the oven at 75 degrees, and bake the profiteroles for another 15 - 20 minutes.

This option for baking profiteroles is French, but you can also use the usual one. 30 minutes in an oven heated to 180 - 200 degrees.

While the profiteroles are baked, make flowers for decoration from rolled sugar mastic using metal molds. Mastic can be used ready-made or prepared by yourself from a mixture of powdered sugar, lemon juice, gelatin and starch. Dry the sugar flowers on a plate.

Fill the finished profiteroles with butter cream. If you do not use a ready-made one, then to obtain a cream, you need to whip chilled high-fat cream.

Glaze some of the filled profiteroles in sugar fondant, dipping each into the mixture, which is prepared as follows. Dissolve sugar in water, bring to a boil and boil in a container with a closed lid.

Then quickly cool the resulting syrup in a cold water bath. Beat the cooled mass until white. The finished fudge sugar is ready to use if it will stretch.

For a rich yellow or orange color, add carrot juice or food coloring to it.

On a platter, build a tower of profiteroles, using unglazed ones in the center, and dipped in sugar fondant on the sides. To give stability to the design of the future cake, grease all the profiteroles with whipped cream. Decorate the finished cake with sugar flowers and serve.

  1. The readiness of profiteroles is determined by touch by their side parts: they must be solid. Profiteroles with soft casks are not ready and they may settle;
  2. Instead of butter, grease, and baking paper, you can use a special silicone mat available at hardware stores;
  3. Before starting the finished profiteroles, they must be slightly pierced with a knife for better shape retention;
  4. Profiteroles can be stored in the refrigerator for some time, and then used for desserts or snacks;
  5. Under no circumstances should you open the oven where the profiteroles are baked, otherwise they may lose their shape.

Having learned how to cook choux pastry and bake profiteroles, you can experiment with different fillings and decorations, use them in your daily and festive menu.

Today we are preparing a light, tender, airy and fantastically delicious custard profiterole cake with snow-white sour cream. Decorate the cake with melted chocolate and chocolate figurines. The cake turns out to be very beautiful, festive and looks unusual in cut.

For the test:

  • Water - 200 ml
  • Flour - 1 glass
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp
  • Sugar - 1/2 tsp
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Butter - 100 g

For the cream:

  • Sour cream 20% - 400 g
  • Sugar - 1 glass

For decoration:

  • Chocolate
  • Candy

Step 1: Prepare the dough

Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and salt. Put on fire and bring to a boil.

Step 2: add butter and flour

Add butter. After it is completely melted, add flour and stir quickly.

Step 3: Cook the dough

Boil the dough for 1-2 minutes. It should move away from the sides of the pot.

Step 4: add eggs

Remove the pan from the heat and cool the dough slightly. Add eggs one at a time. After adding each egg, knead the dough thoroughly until smooth.

Step 5: Put the profiteroles on a baking sheet

Place the dough in a cooking bag. Cover the baking sheet with parchment. Place small profiteroles of the same size on a baking sheet.

Step 6: bake profiteroles

Bake the profiteroles at 200 degrees for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake the cakes until light brown, about 20-25 minutes.

Step 7: cool down the profiteroles

Remove the finished profiteroles from the baking sheet and cool.

Step 8: Straining the excess liquid from the sour cream

Put the sour cream in cheesecloth and place in a sieve under the load to drain off excess liquid.

Step 9: Prepare the sour cream

Add sugar to sour cream. Whisk the sour cream and sugar until a fluffy, thick cream is obtained.

Step 10: assembling the cake

Cover the bottom of the split form with foil. Dip the cooled profiteroles in sour cream and lay in layers in a mold tightly to each other. Pour the rest of the cream over and smooth.

Step 11: shape the cake

Cover the cake with foil on top, place a flat plate and a small weight. Put the cake in the refrigerator for at least two hours, preferably at night.

Step 12: decorate the cake

Remove the mold from the cake. Decorate the cake with melted chocolate and chocolates.
Profiterole cake with sour cream is ready. Bon Appetit!

If you are bored with traditional cakes made from cake layers, prepare an unusual dessert with custard balls. Your guests will definitely appreciate your new original dessert, especially when you cut the cake. A cutaway dessert of profiteroles looks very impressive. The perfect combination of crispy dough and the most delicate sour cream will leave no one indifferent. A beautiful and appetizing dessert made of choux pastries will decorate any festive table.


The profiterole cake has become a real Internet star for the last 2 years. It is very effective and of course delicious. And this cake is also interesting to prepare. This recipe and a wonderful photo of culinary blogger Ekaterina Samoilova. The recipe is for a cake with a diameter of 15-16 cm. The recipe uses cherries as the main flavoring accent, but you can use any favorite berries or fruits.

Japanese custard biscuit (it will go on the sides of the cake and the bottom)

  • 120 g milk
  • 100 g butter
  • 120 g flour
  • 170 g yolks
  • Eggs 100 g
  • Proteins 250 g
  • 120 g sugar

Step 1. Let's start by beating the whites with sugar. Beat the whites until foam forms, then add sugar in two or three steps. Beat the whites until they increase in volume by 5-6 times, until the consistency of a bird's beak.

Step 2. Next, we will prepare a custard base for our dough: pour milk into a saucepan, heat milk and add butter, we need our mixture to boil. When the mixture boils, add flour and stirring vigorously to brew the flour, knead the dough until it begins to lag behind the walls of the saucepan and gathers into a lump.

Step 3. Let the dough cool slightly, and in the meantime, mix the eggs and yolks together. We transfer the dough to a bowl and begin to beat it, this allows the dough to cool slightly.

Step 4. Continuing to beat the dough in portions, add the yolks and eggs to it. Beat the dough until a smooth, homogeneous mass is obtained.

Read also 3 summer mousse - mint mousse, strawberry mousse, lime mousse

Step 5. When the dough is already well mixed, add the whipped proteins to it in 2-3 steps and gently whisk them into the dough with a whisk to obtain a fluffier and more airy texture.

Step 6. Divide the dough into two parts and pour onto two baking sheets lined with parchment. We spread our biscuit in a thin layer over the entire area of ​​the baking sheet and level the layer so that it is the same thickness.

Step 7. We bake the biscuit in the oven preheated to 160-170 degrees for 12-15 minutes. We check the readiness of the biscuit by pressing, if the biscuit is springy and leveled at the point of pressing, then it is ready.

Immediately after baking, cover the biscuit tightly with cling film and let it cool in this way. We make cake blanks from our cooled biscuit: cut out two strips for the sides of the cake and one circle for the bottom.


  • 125 g water
  • 2.5 g salt
  • 2.5 g sugar
  • 50 g butter
  • 75 g flour
  • 2-3 eggs (125-130 g)

Step 1. Mix water with sugar, salt and diced butter (butter in cubes so that it has time to dissolve by the time the water starts to boil.

Step 2. Remove from heat and add all pre-sifted flour. Stir thoroughly so that no dry flour blotches remain.

Step 3. Return to fire and dry, evaporate excess water over low heat for 1-2 minutes. The dried dough should roll into a ball, and a small crust should form at the bottom. In this case, the dough will absorb more eggs and rise better.

Step 4. Transfer the hot dough to a mixer bowl or to a large deep bowl.

Step 5. Add the eggs to the hot dough strictly one at a time. If the dough is made in a stationary mixer, then use a paddle attachment (not a hook!), At low speeds (1-2). If by hand, then with the help of a plastic or wooden spatula.

Read also Eclairs. The subtleties of cooking. Filling options

After adding each egg, knead the dough thoroughly until completely homogeneous, only then add the next egg. Knead the dough very carefully with a mixer or spatula so that it is absolutely smooth and shiny. The finished dough will easily fall behind the whisk or spatula.

Another test option is to draw a line-groove over the dough. If it closes immediately, the dough is the right consistency.

Step 6. Squeeze the dough out of a pastry bag onto a baking sheet.

Step 7. Place the dough in a pastry bag with the desired attachment. (Round hole up to 10 mm)

Step 8. Furnace at 170-180 C for 25-30 minutes.
The finished profiteroles will be evenly golden, closer to brownish. Do not be afraid to lift them up and see if there are any white spots at the bottom.
The finished product will be dry rather than soft. There is no need to worry: when filled with cream, they will get wet, but will not fall apart.

Step 9. Fill with cream cheese and cherry coolies (recipe below).

Cream cheese cream with cherry puree

  • 100 g of curd cheese
  • 100 g cherry puree
  • Powdered sugar to taste.

Beat the cheese, powder and puree with a mixer until fluffy.

Cherry coolie

  • Cherry puree - 125 g
  • Sugar to taste - 50 g
  • Pectin - 8 g
  • Gelatin - 6 g

Step 1. Soak sheet gelatin in a bowl with cold (!) Water.
Advice. If you are using powdered gelatin, not sheet gelatin: soak it in a small amount of liquid (proportion 1: 6) and leave for 45-60 minutes to swell. Heat the swollen gelatin over low heat until dissolved, avoiding boiling.

Step 2. Defrost the cherries and mash them with a blender.

Step 3. Mix pectin with sugar.

Step 4. Put some of the cherry puree in a small saucepan and heat to 40 ° C.