A quick cake made from cookies and condensed milk. Cookie cake "Jubilee" - "Yummy for a sloth

10.09.2019 Egg dishes

Biscuit and condensed milk cakes, which do not require baking, are an excellent option for a delicious treat for both a festive and everyday table. All the ingredients are available, and it will take very little time and effort to cook, while the cake turns out to be very tasty and juicy.

Cake without baking from cookies and condensed milk

Any cookie is suitable for making a cake, with the exception of a puff pastry. The main thing is that it is crumbly. The shape of the cookie should be chosen based on what kind of cake you will cook: if in the form of a real cake, then it is better to purchase square or rectangular cookies, if in the form of a slide, ruins, then any will do, they will still have to be crumbled. You can also use all kinds of crackers: in the form of fish, animals, etc.

Also a mandatory component is condensed milk, which can be either ordinary or boiled, with the addition of coffee or cocoa. They also add butter, nuts, honey, vanillin, sour cream, cream and other ingredients if desired to the cake.

Usually, such a cake does not require a thickener, the condensed milk keeps its shape perfectly, being a binder.

Collect cakes from cookies in different variations, imitating cakes or pouring the prepared mass into various shapes, or laying out in the form of a slide. The product should be kept in the refrigerator before serving. It's great if the cake was prepared half a day before the upcoming event.

So, all you need to get a large amount of delicious pleasure is to buy cookies, condensed milk, see what is still in the fridge, and 20-30 minutes of free time. Let's get started?

1. Cake without baking from cookies and condensed milk: a simple recipe


350 grams of shortbread cookies;

150 grams of thawed butter;

Bank (320 grams) of condensed milk.

Cooking method:

1. Take out the oil from the freezer in advance, leave it on the table at room temperature until it softens. If you don't have time, just heat it up in the microwave for 2 minutes.

2. Mix the butter with condensed milk, knead the mass with a fork, then beat with a mixer until smooth.

3. We turn the cookies into crumbs in any convenient way: breaking by hand or rolling with a rolling pin.

4. Put the crushed cookies in the butter mass, mix.

5. We form a cake of any shape from the "dough", put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

6. The finished cake can be decorated with any ingredients available at home, thus giving the dessert a finished look: icing, chocolate chips, powdered sugar, coconut, small candies or candied fruits.

2. Cake without baking from cookies and condensed milk with nuts


A pound of cookies;

A glass of peanuts;

A pack of butter;

150 ml high fat cream;

300 grams of boiled condensed milk.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the cookies with coarse crumbs. You can also use a blender, of course, but thanks to the large pieces, the cake will turn out to be both tastier and more beautiful.

2. Put the peanuts in a dry frying pan. Stir and fry. Cool, peel.

3. Mix the fried nuts and chopped cookies in a deep bowl.

4. Separately mix softened butter with boiled condensed milk.

5. Pour cream into the condensed mass, beat the cream until smooth.

6. Pour the cream over the liver, mix thoroughly so that all the ingredients are thoroughly saturated.

7. Cover the salad bowl or any other container with a film, transfer the resulting mass into it. We level.

8. Put the cake in the refrigerator overnight.

9. In the morning, take out the finished product and gently turn it onto a tray or flat plate, remove the film.

10. Decorate the surface of the finished cake to your liking.

3. Cake without baking from cookies and condensed milk "Anthill"


450 grams of cookies (better than shortbread);

280 grams of condensed milk;

2 tbsp. l. milk;

50 grams of poppy;

50 grams of walnut kernels;

45 grams of butter;

A handful of dark raisins;

60 grams of honey;

Cooking method:

1. Break the cookies into coarse crumbs.

2. Pour the poppy seeds into a small bowl, pour in 100 ml of hot water, leave for an hour to swell. Then we drain the water, and grind the swollen poppy in a blender.

3. Mix the poppy seed puree with milk and honey. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, bring to a boil, then boil over low heat for 6-7 minutes.

4. Put the previously soaked and dried raisins in the poppy seed, mix.

5. Put chopped lemon zest and finely chopped walnuts here. Mix everything well and put it aside until it cools completely.

6. While the mass is cooling, put the condensed milk in another container, add soft butter cut into pieces. Beat the mass with a blender until it becomes homogeneous, without a single grain or lump.

7. Add the juice of half a lemon to the cream, beat the mixture again.

8. Mix previously prepared cookies with condensed cream and a mixture of milk, nuts, zest, honey, raisins and poppy seeds.

9. Transfer the resulting mass with a spoon to a flat plate with a slide.

10. We cool the cake in the refrigerator, decorate it.

4. Cake without baking from cookies "Rybka" and condensed milk


500 grams of "Rybka" cookies;

140 g butter;

A glass of walnuts;

400 g of condensed milk (boiled);

Two bananas.

Cooking method:

1. Soften the butter, cut into pieces, put in a bowl.

2. Add boiled condensed milk and beat the mass well so that the consistency of the cream is tender and homogeneous.

3. Put the nuts in a dry frying pan, fry until they have a characteristic odor. Cool, break into small pieces, but not into powder.

4. Transfer the nuts to the prepared cream, mix.

5. Add the bananas, cut into small cubes, mix again.

6. Last of all, add the fish to the mass (it is desirable that they are not salty). Gently mix everything with a spoon, being careful not to break the cookies.

7. We shift the mass into a dish on a plate, put it in the refrigerator for two to three hours.

8. Decorate the finished cake with powdered or grated chocolate.

5. Coffee cake without baking from cookies and condensed milk


550 grams of cookies;

270 grams of condensed milk;

210 grams of butter;

100 grams of granulated sugar;

60 grams of cocoa powder;

1 tsp vanillin;

100 grams of dark chocolate;

Powdered sugar;

200 ml of brewed strong coffee.

Cooking method:

1. Mix eggs with cocoa and sugar, vanilla, put the mass on a steam bath, bring the cream to thickening, while stirring continuously so that it does not burn.

2. Cool the cream and mix with soft butter and boiled condensed milk. Beat the mixture in a blender until smooth.

3. Grease the prepared cake mold with butter and start building the cake.

4. Dip each cookie in coffee, lay it out in the first row.

5. Lubricate the layer with the prepared cream.

6. Again biscuits dipped in coffee, and then cream.

7. We make one more row and put the cake in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

8. Melt the chocolate, cool it down. We fill them with a cake.

9. Sprinkle the top of the product with icing sugar.

6. Banana cake without baking from cookies and condensed milk


Four large ripe bananas;

600 grams of sour cream;

400 grams of condensed milk;

A kilogram of crackers (no salt);

A pound of granulated sugar;

100 grams of milk chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Beat sour cream with granulated sugar until fluffy. Add condensed milk and whisk again.

2. Peel the bananas and cut them into thin rounds.

3. Put the crackers on the tray, adjusting the area of ​​the cake as you wish.

4. Lubricate the crackers with sour cream and put banana mugs on top of each cracker.

5. Put cookies, cream, bananas again until the ingredients run out, and the last layer must be condensed milk.

6. Decorate the finished cake with finely grated chocolate, put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Cake without baking from cookies and condensed milk - tips and tricks

Any cookies are suitable for making a cake, but a cake made from shortbread cookies and crackers turns out to be especially tasty and interesting.

To prevent the finished cake from crumbling when slicing, cover it with oiled baking paper before placing it in a cold place.

You can change any of the presented recipes a little by adding new taste to the cake: put raisins, candied fruits, nuts, pieces of fruit in the "dough".

If the recipe requires preliminary dipping of cookies in milk, coffee, then watch the time, do not overexpose the base of the cake in liquid, otherwise the cookies will get wet and it will not be possible to lay it as expected.

Be sure to leave the cake in the refrigerator for at least one hour after making it, so the cookies will be well saturated with cream from condensed milk and other ingredients and the cake will turn out to be especially tasty and juicy.

From the available ingredients, you can build not only a large and tasty cake, but also portioned cakes. In addition, you can mold various figures from a slightly settled mass and dip them, for example, in icing, making a kind of dessert.

The appearance of the finished cake may not seem very presentable to someone, but the situation can be easily corrected by decorating the products with all kinds of sprinkles, fruits, berries, icing, nuts, etc.

If you don't have anything to decorate the cake at hand, just crush the remaining cookies into small crumbs and sprinkle them on the top and sides of the cake.

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In connection with the modern rhythm of life, instant food is gaining more and more popularity. These are delicious meals that can be made at home in minutes. If you really want something sweet, but there is absolutely no time to create complex pastries, a quick cake made of cookies and condensed milk will come to the rescue.

Confectionery without baking

About sweets that do not require baking, it became known not so long ago. In a short period of time, such desserts have gained immense popularity among modern housewives. This is not at all surprising, because the constant lack of time does not allow pampering your family with sweets as often as we would like. With the advent of quick-to-prepare meals, delicious desserts can be enjoyed every day.

One of the most famous recipes is a cake without baking from cookies and condensed milk. With the right design, this mouth-watering dessert can become one of the main decorations of the festive table. A delicious, juicy and quick cake is prepared in a matter of minutes, and eaten even faster. Thanks to these qualities, you can pamper your loved ones with such a treat on any day of the week.

Almost any type of cookie is suitable for creating a cake: sugar, anniversary, baked milk, cracker, etc. The only exceptions are rich and puff pastries. The shape of the cookies can be completely different: for the formation of a real cake, square and rectangular products are suitable, for a dessert in the form of a slide - any, they still have to be turned into crumbs.

You can also choose condensed milk based on your taste: boiled, regular, coffee, chocolate, etc. The main condition is the quality of the product... Candied or simply tasteless condensed milk will ruin not only the appearance, but also the taste of the pie.

Additional ingredients in the recipe for a cake without baking with condensed milk can be butter, nuts, honey, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, citrus fruits, cream, vanillin and many other products. In fact, you can use whatever you like to create an original cake.

The products for making a cake do not require any special preparation. The only exception may be butter, which must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance, or decorative items: chocolate icing, cream and figurines with which it is planned to decorate the finished dessert.

To make a cake with cookies and condensed milk without baking, you will need very little: inexpensive products, half an hour of free time and a little inspiration. With a little effort and imagination, you can create a real piece of confectionery art. Using step by step recipes will simplify the process of preparing this dessert.

Whip up dessert

Guests are on the doorstep, and there is absolutely nothing to treat them with! A cookie cake without baking will come to the rescue. It will take no more than a quarter of an hour to prepare the dessert.

While the cake is infused, you can have time to brew aromatic tea and dress up for the arrival of guests.


  • 320 grams of any condensed milk (can);
  • 350 grams of cookies;
  • 150 grams of butter.


Quick cake "Rybki"

Another option for making a cake from cookies without baking is with condensed milk and nuts. For this dessert, you must use sweet crackers, the salty version is absolutely not suitable! Bananas and nuts create a unique taste, and in combination with boiled condensed milk, you get a heavenly delight!


  • 450 grams of Rybka crackers;
  • 380 grams of boiled condensed milk;
  • 150 grams of walnuts;
  • 2 large bananas;
  • 130 grams of butter.


Banana crackers and condensed milk cakes

Such cakes will become a decoration of any children's holiday! Kids will be delighted with a beautiful, aromatic and unusually tasty dessert. Making cakes is as easy and quick as that of its “brethren”.


  • 500 grams of sweet crackers;
  • 300 grams of sour cream 25%;
  • 200 grams of condensed milk;
  • 2 large ripe bananas;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • milk chocolate bar.


Cookie cake "Jubilee"

This soft and juicy cake made from cookies "Yubileinoye" without baking will please all family members. Thanks to the use of milk, the dessert is soaked faster and acquires an incomparable creamy aroma. A great option for a quick cake for evening tea.


  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 150 milliliters of milk;
  • 800 grams of Jubilee cookies + 100 grams for decoration;
  • 370 grams of condensed milk.


Anthill in half an hour

The famous Anthill dessert can be prepared quickly and easily using condensed milk, cookies and a few additional ingredients. Honey, lemon, nuts, raisins and poppy seeds give the dessert an unforgettable taste and aroma.


  • 600 grams of shortbread cookies;
  • 50 milliliters of milk;
  • 370 grams of condensed milk;
  • 75 grams of poppy seeds, dark raisins and walnuts;
  • 80 grams of honey;
  • 60 grams of butter;
  • juice and zest of half a lemon.


A cake made from cookies and condensed milk is good for its versatility: it can be made for evening tea, the arrival of a friend, or served on a festive table. Even a child can handle the preparation of such a light and tasty dessert. But even in such a simple matter there are little secrets, using which you can achieve an amazing result and delight of all "tasters":

Having spent a little time and with a little imagination, you can quickly create a real masterpiece of confectionery art from an ordinary dessert. Even the most ordinary cookies and a can of condensed milk will make a magical dish. A cake made with love will always be tastier than a product purchased in the most elite pastry shop. Bon Appetit!

Attention, only TODAY!

Biscuit cake with condensed milk - just like from an expensive pastry shop!

For the basics:
biscuits 600 g
nuts (any) 1 cup
For the cream:
boiled condensed milk 1 can
butter 200 g
cream (35%) 1 glass

Step 1: preparing the ingredients
Cut the cookies into pieces with a knife, you can grind them in a blender, but then the mass will turn out to be homogeneous. I like the larger pieces more, with them the cake on the cut looks more appetizing. For this cake, I like to use baked milk flavored cookies.

Step 2: fry the nuts
Fry the nuts in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Then peel off.

Step 3: mix everything
Pour cookies and nuts into a deep bowl, mix everything.

Step 4: preparing the cream
Combine softened butter and condensed milk. Beat the cream well with a mixer until smooth.

Step 5: add the cream
Then add the cream and beat well again. The consistency of the cream will be airy and uniform.

Step 6: mix foundation and cream
Add cream to the liver and nuts. Mix everything thoroughly.

Step 7: prepare the cake pan
Line the cake pan with cling film, I used a deep bowl, so that the cake turned out to be high.

Step 8: put the cake in the mold
Put the resulting mixture in a bowl and tamp lightly. Cover the bowl with cling film and refrigerate overnight.

Step 9: take out the cake
Turn the finished cake on a flat plate and free from cling film. Our cookie cake already looks delicious, but we'll decorate it yet.

Step 10: decorate
There is a place where fantasies roam, friends. Nuts, grated chocolate are asking for a cake. I have white chocolate chips and gummies.

Look at what a beautiful cookie cake turned out on the cut. It looks like it’s from an expensive pastry shop. But no! Made with your own hands and without any gimmick. Enjoy your tea party!

Hello dear sweet tooth! Today I will tell you how to make a delicious cake without baking cookies and condensed milk. Often we are faced with situations when guests are about to descend, but there is nothing to treat. Hope this recipe helps you out.

For cooking, you do not need complex ingredients, most of which you will find at home. Step-by-step instructions with a photo will help you do everything quickly and leave time for yourself. I wish you to please your loved ones without hitting your wallet and exhausting your time in the kitchen.


1. Cookies - 1.5 packs

2. Eggs - 3 pcs.

3. Condensed milk - 250 gr.

4. Milk - 400 ml.

5. Butter - 150 gr.

6. Vanillin - ¼ tsp.

Glaze ingredients:

1. Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons

2. Cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons

3. Milk - 6 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method:

1. I start to cook with cream. To do this, break the eggs into a large saucepan and beat them thoroughly with a whisk or mixer. To prepare another cream, use.

I advise you to buy from trusted sellers, since this product is dangerous and you should not risk your health.

When I have a homogeneous consistency, I pour condensed milk into the pan and mix everything very well.

2. The next step is to pour in milk. I love real country milk, which is hard to find now. If you have a purchased one, pay attention to its composition.

3. Pour in a little vanillin, which will give aroma and mix everything again.

I put the pan on low heat, stirring the mixture without stopping. At the first signs of boiling, I notice a minute, after which I remove the cream from the heat and leave it to cool. What happens if you overexpose the cream on the fire.

There is another version of the cream, with gelatin. In this case, you will not have to use a stove, but you will have to.

4. While my cream is cooling, I make a chocolate frosting to cover. You can use this or read the recipe description below.

To do this, sift cocoa into a small bowl and mix it with sugar.

5. Pour in milk and mix everything thoroughly with a whisk. Then we send it to the microwave for 3 minutes.

6. Be sure to remove the frosting every 30 seconds and stir well.

7. Beat with a mixer for one minute.

I begin to add the cooled cream to the butter in portions and beat everything together constantly.

8. Now it's time to assemble the cake. It requires crispy biscuits, similar in consistency to crackers, but not salty. Do not take pastries or shortbread, they will not work in this case.

You can use Petit beurre cookies. What brand did you use? Share in the comments. You can also cook them yourself, in you will find recipes for the most popular cookies in the world.

I take a small rectangular shape and lay out a layer of cookies. It takes 8 pieces for one layer.

9. Liberally pour the cream over the biscuits and put the biscuits on top again.

10. So I continue until I fill out the form. The top layer consists of cookies only.

11. I water everything on top and put it in the refrigerator for two hours to harden. For a change, such a dessert can be prepared with fruits, adding them to the layers of cream.

Chocolate ganache, video recipe:

Bananas, kiwi, oranges are perfect. Two hours later, I cut the cake into portions and serve. Bon Appetit!

It is easy to experiment and change foods during the cooking process. A very tasty and tender version is obtained with sour cream, but then sugar will need to be added to the cream for sweetness. I also tried to make a cake with cottage cheese, which is not only appetizing, but also good for the body.

Write your reviews in the comments and be sure to subscribe to the news so as not to miss new original recipes! Until next time!

What thoughts do you have when you hear about a cake made with your own hands? Amazingly delicate taste? Or maybe you see a stove and many hours of kneading and baking dough, fiddling with creams? Is it possible to make a homemade cake with little effort? Certainly!

We suggest you try making a cake from cookies and condensed milk. For him, you only need to stock up on some products and half an hour of time. And what could be tastier and more tender than a confectionery cooked with your own hands with love for your loved ones and friends.

Classic cake

This cake made from cookies with condensed milk is a great option for a working mom who has to combine several activities, and at the same time loves to pamper her family with something delicious. Everything is very simple and quick, and instead of a long stay in the kitchen, you can take care of yourself or your child.


  • One can of condensed milk (it is better not to save on condensed milk, the better it is, the tastier the cake will be);
  • One kilogram of cookies (it is better to take friable cookies, so it will be soaked in cream faster);
  • A glass of milk;
  • A pack of butter;
  • Half a bar of chocolate;
  • Peanut.


1. The oil will need to be removed from the refrigerator beforehand to soften. Cut it into pieces, combine in one bowl with condensed milk, stir thoroughly until creamy.

2. Heat the milk, dip the liver in it one at a time so that it is soaked in just a few seconds. Then place the cookies in one layer in a prepared flat plate in the form of a square or rectangle, if desired.

3. Spread the thickened cream over the first layer. Continue to lay out layer by layer: cookies, cream and cookies. You can adjust the height of the cake as you wish or depending on the amount of products you have.

4. Well, the cake made of cookies and condensed milk is almost ready, only the final touches remain. Chill your product in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, then pour melted chocolate over it and garnish with toasted nuts.

In order to decorate a cake made from cookies and condensed milk, you can use not only the ingredients given in the recipe, but also any other confectionery decorations: coconut, grated chocolate, raisins, berries, fruits, in general, everything that you love or that is at hand.

Your product will be much tastier if you use crumbly rather than lingering cookies. The ginger in this recipe will give the dish its own specific flavor, while the banana will make it tender and juicy.

Having prepared a cake from cookies without baking with condensed milk and sour cream, you will not regret a bit that you decided on this experiment, especially since the cooking process does not take so much time.

What products do you need:

  • chopped shortbread cookies - 1.5 cups;
  • butter - 180 grams;
  • granulated sugar - half a glass;
  • ground ginger - 3 tsp;
  • condensed milk (not thick, 3% or 5%) - 1 can;
  • banana - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream 20% fat - 1.5 cups;
  • powdered sugar - half a glass.


1. Combine broken cookies with lightly melted butter, ginger, sugar and mix thoroughly.

2. Smooth the resulting cake base in a cake bowl, giving it the shape of a cake, until it solidifies.

3. In the meantime, the cake is suitable, boil the condensed milk in a saucepan. Since for this recipe the boiled condensed milk must be very thick, it will take at least two hours to cook. Remember to add water to the pot and jar as it boils down, or you may end up with condensed fireworks in your kitchen. If you have neither the strength nor the desire to bother with boiling condensed milk, you can purchase the finished product in the store. Just take condensed milk from a manufacturer you have verified.

3. So, the cooking process is almost complete, there is very little left. Lubricate your cake with cooled boiled condensed milk, put bananas cut into circles on top.

4. Whisk sour cream with powdered sugar in a separate bowl, spread on the cake made of cookies and condensed milk. Put the finished product in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Garnish the dessert with chopped walnuts before serving.

Enjoy your tea!