Czech salads. Czech cuisine

24.07.2019 Beverages

Going to the Czech Republic, we have passed the Internet in search of various information, including about various Czech dishes that need to try in Prague.

Most often advise to taste a swine knee, dumplings, thick soups, steers, goulash, rubber, baking and beer. But, of course, do not forget that although Czech food is very tasty, but it is very hard for the Russian stomach. Especially it is necessary to be neat people with patients with stomachs so as not to spoil their vacation.

And I also want to draw your attention when you place an order in the restaurant - see not only for the price, but also by weight, because in the Czech Republic, the portions of some dishes can be large and overcome them will be able to only two.

Here is the list of Czech dishes, which we have accounted for a trip to the Czech Republic.

Soups (Polévky)

Czech soups most often represent soups puree. They add oil, egg yolks, smoked. In some types of soups, the yeast are addressed in oil, which give a spicy unusual taste.

Soup made of sauerkraut - Zelňačka (Zeljank)

Garlic Soup - Česnečka (Cracker)

Soup from Rubtsov - Drštková (Drshtykova)

Mushroom Potato Soup in Bread Misk - Bramboračka (Bramborachka)

Soup prepared using sour milk - K OPROVKA (CROP)

Soup with Meatballs from the liver - novězí Polévka s Játrovými Knedlíčky (Novi Polevka with nodes Knedalchiki)

Beer Soup with Addition of Cheese Grekok - Pivní Polévka (Pivny Polevka)

Onion soup with croutons and pieces of cheese - Cibulačka (Tsibulaka)

Main dishes

The main dish often consists of meat. The restaurants offer a schnitzel, pork, goulash, beef in sauce. But be sure to try the popular pork steering wheel "Veprošov Knee".

The most popular side dish is the dough, a boiled test with a dutch. Therefore, it is not necessary to order bread, if you decide to try dumplings, although most likely the bread will still bring anyway.

Also in the Czech Republic is popular potatoes (potato salad, potato mashed potatoes, FRI), rice, stew vegetables, sauerkraut. We really liked Czech salads - "Shopsky", "Vlashsky", "Brno".

Hot dishes (Přílohy)

Pork steering wheel baked with horseradish and mustard - Pečené Vepřové Koleno (Veprošov Knee liver). The weight of the dish is usually about 2.5 kg, so it is desirable to order this dish for several people.

Baked pork with dumplings and stewed cabbage - Vepřo-Knedlo-Zelo (Vepršo-Knedlo-Zelo).

Baked Pork Ribs in Honey - Pečená Vepřová žebírka V Medu (Veprshova Sbirka Liver)

Dish from the meat assorted (pork, duck, smoked cervical, sausages) with cabbage, sinters and cakes - Staročeská Bašta (Starokestka Bashta)

Meat Roll, Polished Mushroom Sauce - Vepřová Panenka S Houubovou Omáčkou (Veprshova Panwow with Hubovou Omachko)

Goulash from pork with dumplings from bread or potatoes - Vepřový Guláš (Vepr Shechov Gulash).

Skewers of several types of meat with vegetables - Královský Meč (Crawn sword).

Baked Pork Liver - Pečená Vepřová Játra (Veprshov Yatra Liver)

Beef cooked according to traditional Czech in sour cream sauce. Served with a slice of lemon, gentle cream, berry jam (usually crubber) and diedlings - Svíčková Na Smetaně (Svishkova on sour cream).

Goulash from beef with dumplings and filling - Pivovarský Guláš (Bivovarsky Gulash).

Beef steak in oil and spices - Rumpsteak s BYLINKOVýM MÁSLEM (Rumstheak with epic oil).

Stewed leg of a ram - Dušená Jehněčí Kýta (Highlights of JSCchi China).

Meat of a young lamb with a garnish - Jehněčí S Jáhlovou Kaší (Erchchi with Jaglow Kashi)

Duck, baked according to the traditional recipe with apples and oranges - Pečená Kachna S Pomerančem a Jablky (Kahni's liver with orange and yawk).

Baked trout - Pečený PSTRUH (Podrog liver).

Fried Carp - Tradiční Smažený Kapr (traditional Capr)

Popular Czech heads

Potato Dough Balls, Roasted in Fryer - Krokety (Crokets)

Bread Knedliki - H Ouskové Knedlíky (Goudskova Knedliki)

Potato squeezes - B Ramborové Knedlíky (Brahmborov Knedliki)

Mixture of potatoes and parmesan, fried in deep fryer - Rosti (Rosti)

Boiled Potato - V Ařené Brambory (Barmborg Warzen

Well Potato Areya - O Pékané Bramboory (Bramebore Onty)

Potato mashed potatoes - B Ramborová Kaše (Brahmborova Kashe)

Potatoes FRI - B Ramborové Hranolky (Bramborov Granci)

Crispy toasts and croutons - Topinky, Tousty (Topinks, Tow)

desserts (Moučníky)

Apple Strokel - J Ablečný závin (Journal Journal)

Blueberry dumplings - B Orůvkové Knedlíky (Boruvkov Knedliki)

Bun fromvanilla dough in the form of a tube - TRDLO (TRLLO)

Hot Thin Wafers Stuffed - Oplatky

Fruit ice cream, sweet sauce, waffles and chocolate - zmrzlinový pohár s Čerstvým Ovocem (ZMZLININOVA ROOM WITH A TARRY OVOO)

Ice cream with hot raspberry syrup - Horka Laska (Gorka Lask)

Sweet pancakes m ice cream, polished with raspberry syrup - ZMRZLinové Palačinky S Horkými Malinami A Šlehačkou (D.Rzlinov Palaginki with horses and Schlegachko)

Tiramisu with fruit - Domácí Tiramisy Zdobený Čerstvým Ovocem (Housesie Tiramisi is a healthy robbery).

From this list, we tried not all, but we tried not to recover.

And in fact, national dishes in the Czech Republic have a huge amount, you can list their names for a long time. Nobody will remain hungry!

In the life of each person there is a great importance for food. Everyone knows that it is a source of vitality and the necessary energy. Many people love to get acquainted with national cuisines in the world. Thus, they try to diversify their food and make something special in it. Today, the subject of our conversation will be - national dishes of the Czech Republic. And it is not necessary to go there to try. We offer our readers to get acquainted with the top 10 of the main National Czech dishes. Recipes for making some dishes you will also find in the article. Let's start acquaintance.

National Dishes of Czech Republic: Features

Each country has its own attitude towards cooking. Czech cuisine has developed throughout the huge number of years. Not dealt with and without the influence of other countries. Czech cuisine can be compared with Russian. They prepare soups, meat dishes, side dishes. But there are still differences. Let's move on to their description:

Food in the Czech Republic: National dishes

We suggest you try to prepare them at home. Do not forget to stock up the necessary seasonings and spices. They will need you in the cooking process. Why do various sauces love in the Czech Republic? They help the body absorb big portions. We will introduce you to the best National Czech dishes. What to try to prepare from the proposed recipes, decide for yourself. Remember that the dishes presented are not only delicious, but also very calories.

Top 10 most popular dishes

It is time to get to know the national cuisine of the Czech Republic. Having studied a large number of information necessary and analyzing it, we decided to make up the top 10 popular dishes for you. Let's start our list from the very end. So, proceed:

  • In the tenth place - TRDLO.
  • Ninth - Swishkova on sour cream.
  • Eighth - fried cheese.
  • Seventh - drowned.
  • Sixth - Gulyash.
  • Fifth - pork ribs.
  • Fourth - Cracker.
  • The third is a pork knee.
  • Second - Bramboraki.
  • In the first place - docking.

Next, we will tell you in detail how to cook some of the popular National Czech National Dishes (photos will also be provided in the article). Perhaps some of you will have a desire to try them, and the piggy bank of home recipes will be replenished.


Many National Czech Dishes Names do not give the Russian tourist at all what kind of dish it is. Take the right to fix it. After reading the article to the end, you will have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is hidden behind mysterious and incomprehensible names, and learn how to cook them. TRLLO. I wonder what kind of dish? Those who visited the Czech Republic know that this is a very tasty dessert. He is also called triangles or Czech buns TRLLO. Sell \u200b\u200bright outside, in small kiosks. Prepare on coals and with the help of special devices to which the dough is winding. This extraordinarily delicious dessert must certainly eat hot. It can be with the addition of chocolate, nuts, sugar. Now we will teach you to prepare it at home.

We need:

  • yeast;
  • flour - 2, 5 cups;
  • creamy oil - 100 g;
  • cinnamon - Art. l.;
  • egg - 2-3 pcs.;
  • water - half of the art.;
  • milk - 1 cup;
  • nuts - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • salt;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.


Svishkova on sour cream

One of the most popular and favorite dishes in the Czech Republic. This is the name of a tender meat clipping, which is served with special sauce and dumplings. For preparation we will need:

  • meat, preferably beef - 500 g;
  • carrots - 1-2 pieces;
  • onions - 2-3 pieces;
  • ham or spiche - 300 g;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • milk or cream;
  • spices, greens.

Cooking technology:


Without this dish it is very difficult to imagine the Czech National Kitchen. For cooking we need:

  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • salt;
  • wheat flour.

Cooking recipe is very simple. We mix ordinary dough. Then cut off the small pieces from it and roll them into the sausage. Cut from it small pieces and drunk in salted, boiling water within a few minutes. You can serve with sour cream, any jam, lemon, condensed milk. Knedyliki can be made both salty and sweet. We think that this unusually simple dish will certainly like not only adults, but also for children.

Fried cheese

This dish can become an excellent breakfast option. Take any solid cheese and apply it to rectangles. Next prepare three plates. In one weigh a small amount of flour and salt, in the second dressing several eggs, there will be breadcrumbs in the third. Then the cheese take turns in turn in each of the plates. Repeat procedure twice. Remove the cheese for 15-20 minutes in the refrigerator. On a well-heated frying pan with sunflower oil, fry pieces of cheese to a golden crust. The dish is served only hot!


Many tourists who come to the Czech Republic are happy to remember fragrant and gentle stewed meat in acute tomato sauce. We suggest you learn how to cook this amazingly tasty dish.

We will need:

  • meat - 500 g;
  • bell pepper;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • onions - 2-3 pieces;
  • tomato paste - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower oil - for frying;
  • garlic - 2-3 teeth;
  • beer - 500 ml;
  • seasonings - pepper, cumin, paprika.



We suggest you learn to cook very light and tasty soup with garlic. His highlight is that it is not served in a plate, but in ... bread. Let's learn to prepare this delicious dish.


  • smoked (bacon, ham, pork ribs);
  • potatoes;
  • butter;
  • egg;
  • garlic - a whole head;
  • salt and spices to taste.


  • Cut into small pieces of smoked and potatoes. Take the saucepan, pour water into it. When it is warming up, add the creamy oil.
  • Put potatoes, and five minutes - smoked. When the soup boils, cut the garlic, and add it several portions. Spend soup, and add spices.
  • For classic chefs, you will need: Majora, black pepper, cumin. But if you do not have these spices, it does not matter. You can add only one pepper.
  • Carefully pour egg soup, honeying it well.
  • At the very end of cooking, add more garlic. Close the lid and turn off the plate. After a few minutes, the dish is ready.

If you want to feel the real taste of Czech soup, we recommend that you serve it in bread. To do this, it is better to take a high round bunch. Cut the top and carefully remove the crumb, leaving the bread wall. Now you can pour soup here.

The most unusual names of dishes

Readers will probably be interested in to meet them. The list of unusual names of National Czech dishes will look like this:

  • Drills. So the Czechs are called conventional sausages, pickled onions.
  • Hower - Sweet bun, made on the basis of yeast dough. They can add poppy or raisins.
  • Kahni liver. One of the popular meat dishes. This name is fried duck, which is served with stewed cabbage or potatoes.
  • Messages - Czech waffles.
  • Bramboraki. The dish of taste is reminiscent of potato datarams.

Warm salad with potatoes

Many hostesses will be very interesting to learn, and whether there are salads among national dishes. Of course have. We offer you one recipe that you can easily cook. His feature is that he is preparing warm.

Young potatoes boil in uniform. It is not necessary to clean it, so usually serve in the Czech Republic, but if you do not like it, then do it, as you are in the house. Potatoes cut pieces. Let's refuel any greens. We take a small amount of olive oil, a bit of vinegar, mustard, salt. All mix and refuel the salad you can add a spoonful of dry white wine.

The beauty of the Czech Republic is impossible to know to the end, without typing traditional dishes - the national pride of the country. But going to any, even the most modest restaurant, is being lost in front of a huge selection of first and second dishes, not to mention the diversity of beer snacks, which would be enough for a separate menu.

By the way, if you decide to taste all the most delicious and most famous Czech national cuisine dishes, you will have to accept a pair of extra centimeters on the hips and waist - the food here is very calorie, satisfying; Czechs are very loved by meat (bird, game, pork and beef), prepared by the most different ways. Yes, and portions in restaurants are so big that it is quite possible to order one dish for two ... it remains only to decide what exactly order?

We present the top 10 most famous and delicious dishes of traditional Czech cuisine, which should certainly try.

Read in this article

Baked pork knee

The traditional delicious dish (Rečené Vepřové Koleno) is comparable from spaghetti in Italy or Plot in Uzbekistan and is a real gastronomic brand. The fragrant, juicy, ruddy, swine knee on the bone in the finished form weighs almost a kilogram and is ordered, as a rule, by 2-4 people. Prepare it in every restaurant and beer, but serve in different ways: with horseradish, tomatoes, garlic and seasonings, not to mention numerous sauces and gravy.

The baked leg with mustard and horseradish under beer will cost 200 kroons. If you can order only the knee - its cost will be 150-160 kroons.


Knedliki - Holy Saints Czech National Kitchen. Although the most interesting thing is that it was originally a dish to Austrian and German cuisine, but today it became the national dish of the Czech Republic, its culinary symbol. In fact, it is boiled in a large amount of water or a pair of a pair of an oblong piece of dough (mixed on flour or with the addition of potatoes), which is then cut across, like a loaf, and is supplied as a side dish, for example, to the same baked knee. Interestingly, the dumplings themselves are miner and not distinguished by a bright taste, but in combination with meat, sauces perfectly absorb all shades of the taste of the main dish.

Well, if the dumplings can pour sweet berry syrup and decorate fruit, a delightful dessert will be obtained. The dumplings are inexpensive - from 5 to 20 kroons.

Remember! Portions in the Czech Republic are generous, so do not rush to order everything and immediately, it is better to take second dishes at the rate: one by 2-3 people.

Recessed, hloves, tsalachenka

Such beer snacks like crackers, chips or nuts simply blurred against the background of a real Czech snack - delicious meat sausages! Usually they are served, prepared on the grill, with a variety of sauces.

The most popular sausages that need to try in the Czech Republic are:

Drills, which in the menu look like Utopenci - are sufficiently poorer, painted in acetic marinade, they are used only with beer because of a bright taste.

Fried sausages, they are Klobasa - the product, less sharp taste; These appetizing sausages are good and by themselves, and in combination with a foam drink become just divine.

Tlachenka (and in Czech - Tlacenka) is a meat dish that resembles a strong cold or potion, cooked from pork legs, language or by-products and used with vinegar. When feeding with pepper, onions and vinegar.

Tip! In the beers and restaurants of the Czech Republic are always prepared in the morning and feed food only in freshly prepared form. Therefore, if you want to try the most famous dishes, it is better to go on my meal in the morning or closer to dinner, because In the evening of local delicacies of the first demand, there is no longer a trace.

Please note: very often sausages sell right on the streets of Prague. This is an old tradition, so that numerous tourists who look at the sights with the sausage in one hand are not surprised in the Czech capital. Among the street range is to try the Bavarian, Staropragram, Prague and Wenceslas, which the cost of which fluctuates from 50 to 80 kroons. The price includes dumplings or bread and sauces: mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup.


If you decide to conscientize local delicacies, one pork knee is not separated. At the same time, order in the restaurant such a diet dish as Vepřo-Knedlo-Zelo, which represents a fried pork with a stewed cabbage supplied with dumplings.

Typically, the portion of the blade or Korean is used for the preparation, marked in spices and first roasted in a pan, and after that baked in the oven. In the process of baking, the pork is watered with broth and the resulting juice, so that the meat is obtained very gentle and juicy, literally melting. Czechs are generally very loved and skillfully prepare a pork, which is also noticeably cheaper than ram or beef meat. Well, the stewed cabbage on the side dish is the classic of the genre, as well as in Germany.

The Strahovsky Monastery can be ordering this legendary dish for some 140 kroons.

Czech soups

To be in the Czech Republic and do not taste local soups - Polevki is a real crime. The first dishes here are very satisfying, welded, homely delicious. They can rightly be considered the property of the country. Liquid transparent soups - not about Chekhov, no. Here, respected thick first dishes, and vegetable puree, semquet or flour chatter are usually added to create an appropriate consistency. An unusual ingredient used in soups and attaching an interesting taste can be called fried yeast.

Note! Often, soups are served in the bread bug - be sure to try, it is very beautiful, but the main thing is delicious!

The most popular first dishes in the Czech Republic are:

Česnečka - fragrant and unusually delicious garlic and smoked soup,

Pivní Polévka - the original soup with beer to which cheese croutons are served,

Bramboračka - famous potato mushroom soup; By the way, it is his tradition, served in bread,

Kulajda is a thick chowder with mushrooms and potatoes, arched by sour cream, served with a boiled egg.

The portion of the Czech soup costs from 40 kroons and above.


It would seem that the traditional dish of Hungary does the list of the most popular czech cuisine? In fact, the Czechs have long borrowed him and everyone loves, respect. In catering establishments, you can find a variety of goulash variations - it is prepared from traditional beef and pork, but also from veal, rabbit, lamb and meat assortment. There are seginal, rural, hunting, Slovak, Hungarian and other types of walking. We advise you to try one of its variations in authentic Czech establishments - this is not a tourist dish, so it is easier to find it in restaurants oriented to local residents.

The cost of 200 grams, for example, a pinsen goulash from beef with dumplings is 100-120 kroons.

Roasted carp

Despite the fact that the Czechs are jerky fans of pork in any form, the fish here also respes. It is especially recommended to taste the roasted carp (in the menu - Pečený kapr) - it is this dish that is a mandatory element of the Christmas holiday table. It should not be abandoned by the baked trout - Pečený PSTRUH.

There is 1 fish 110-150 kroons.

Olomouc cheese

Cheeses in the Czech Republic love, especially as a beer snack. We will certainly try the germelin soft cheese, resembling its white mold Camambur, as well as such varieties like Pivni Syr and Zlata Niva.

But the most importantly cheese dish to be tasting first is the Olomutsk cheese, roasted in breading. The almuk cheese itself is manufactured only in the Czech Republic and has a specific unpleasant smell, which, however, completely disappears when frying. Olomutsk raws are especially well harmonized with beer and ordinary rye bread with onions.

Portion of fried cheese (150 g) with Tatar sauce will cost 120-150 kroons.


Tries by the stern, or TRDLO, he can be "fool" mostly only on the street. This sweet pasting is prepared from a duzhvice dough, which is wound on the metal rolling pin and roasted on the grill or in the oven. The finished TRLLO is removed from the rolling pin and sprinkle with sugar, poppies, crushed nuts or fragrant coconut chips.

It is interesting that similar pastries, however, under other names, bake and sell on the streets of Hungary and Slovakia.

It is one hundred and 45-50 kroons, and if you add it to the taste of the target, then 60 kroons.


Despite the fact that in the Czech Republic there are many national desserts (Vanchka, Kolach, etc.), the leader in taste quality and demand is the good old German-Austrian strudel, which you can learn in the menu for the word "závin".

Prepare it here at the highest level, wrapping a variety of fakes into thinly rolled fresh dough: fruits, berries, cottage cheese, etc.

Czech Republic is a country of wonderful locks and fragrant diet dishes: meat and potatoes, cabbage and spices, soups and, of course, surprisingly delicious desserts!

If you have visited Prague, then spend time on tasting local sweets - you will not regret. Some you can then cook for your home or order in the restaurant of Czech cuisine, and some "are found" only in the Czech Republic.

Strudel (Strudel)

Amazingly delicious slim dough roll with different fillings: Apples (classics!), Cherries, plums, strawberries, cottage cheese, raisins - the most pleasant taste shades. And on top - cinnamon and sugar powder or almond chips. Delicious! If I wonder, read.

Studel in the Czech Republic is served with whipped cream, ice cream or creamy sauce.

Paddelnik (TRDELNIK)

Aromatic appetizing yeast dough tubescut into a mixture of sugar, vanilla sugar, nuts and cinnamon. Bake them on special "spit" on the open fire. No holiday in Prague passes without this delicacy. As a rule, hollow tubes, but you can find options with fillings: whipped cream, plum, apple jam, chocolate paste, cream. And also this dessert has a second name -.

Sweet knedliki

Knedliki gently loved by all the inhabitants of the Czech Republic. And if the raw dumplings from potatoes or flour are served to meat and beer, then sweet dumplings are quite an independent dessert. They are made from semolina, dough or cottage cheese with sugar, vanilla and delicious fillings: berries, fruits and dried fruits, jams and jams. One of the most popular desserts is blueberry dumplings. Here you will find several recipes for this dish.

Dumplings with plums (szilvásgombóc)

Potato dough with plums filling - satisfying, unusual and tasty. The dumplings are boiled in salted water, and then covered with an appetizing "shell" from breadcrumbs with sugar. Support dumplings with jam or with cream (usually sour cream or creamy).

Fruit Kalach (Kolache)

The festival is even conducted in the Czech Republic, which is also called Kolache Festival, during which you can enjoy the most diverse kalachs and events. Prepare from yeast dough and start with berries, fruits or gentle cream cheese. From above, this delicacy sprinkle with sugar powder or poppy, and sometimes both.

Palacinky (Palačinky)

Sweet pancakes, Start ice cream, marmalade, jam, cream or fruit. From above, this appetizing beauty is poured by syrup or melted chocolate. Sometimes they are squeezed by sugar powder and almond chips.


Prepare this delicacy for Christmas. it sweet Test Braidedwhich is added by Kuragu, almonds, raisins and other dried fruits. It is cut into pieces and souls are smeared with jam, jam, chocolate paste, butter or jam.


Cakes are very loved in the Czech Republic: honey (medovník), cottage cheese, orange, chocolate, nut. Cakes are baked both from biscuit dough and out of puff. Filling fruits and berries vary depending on the season.

Cakes are often served with sauces (fruit, chocolate, creamy).

In almost every institution of national cuisine, it is possible to find variations on the topic of famous cakes: "Curd Cheesecake" or "Home Tiramisu."

Fruit ice cream (zmrzlinový pohár)

Multi-storey design of ice cream with a variety of fruits, chocolate pieces and wafels (or cookies). Often this beauty is flooded with fruit syrup or melted chocolate. Such a dessert is served in a glass fairly high Cup, so that one portion can be safely taken for two.

"Horká Láska" - "Hot Love". This is also ice cream, in this version - with raspberry or strawberry berries and hot berry syrup of red color - romantic and very tasty!

Round Wafers (Oplatky)

An ideal option for tea drinking (or coffee) is thin round waffles with filling that is served hot. As a filling can be chocolate, whipped cream, pieces of fruit. Dessert is similar to the famous "Viennese Wafers".

  • if you see the inscription "Čerstvé Ovoce" ("Surgeous Vegetables") next to the name of the cake or dessert with ice cream - do not embarrass: this means "fresh fruits";
  • the Honey Cake Favorite Czechs appeared in the Czech Republic only in the 90s of the twentieth century at the 90s. These are the most popular types of hund in this country;
  • there are sweet buns in the Czech Republic, baked in the form of a rope rolled into the loop, in memory of the hanging Judea. They are called - "Jews".

As a rule, the Czechs eat desserts not after eating, but as a separate snack at noon with a cup of tea or coffee. This is not surprising: portions in Czech establishments (and the Czech owners) are so great that it is also simply impossible to accommodate the satiety of sweet sweet. Therefore, it is worth highlighting an hour for rest alone with pancakes, strit or pie - what taste, what a fragrance! It is impossible to resist! Pleasant tea drinking!

The trip to the Czech Republic will give not only acquaintance with the history of the country and its attractions, but also the opportunity to try colorful and surprisingly delicious Czech dishes. Unique recipes of Czech cooks, as well as the history of the state, have a thousand-year exposure. In this article, let's talk about the peculiarities of national food in the Czech Republic and the most interesting dishes of local cuisine.

The origins of national dishes of Czechs

A long time the country remained under the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which postponed the imprint and in the national cuisine of Chekhov. Here we will meet the Austrian Schnitzel, Hungarian Gulyash, German Sauer Cabbage and Fried Goose. Piece of Czech dishes original Slavic: soups, porridge, side dishes.

In the photo on the right (click to enlarge) a popular Czech dish, called "sterchaise". This is the most vivid example of the heritage of Austria-Hungary - a copy of the famous.

But even borrowed dishes in the Czech Republic acquired their special tasteings, and they are preparing in Czech with the addition of their components. We will not look at the cookbooks now, but we will carry out a small excursion to those dishes that can be tried in Czech restaurants.

Features of Czech cuisine

Czechs adore sweet. Even in salads, sauces and gravy they add sugar, which makes dishes sweetish. For example, Czech children love sweet noodles with poppy grains and fused milk.

Among your favorite Czechs, we call: Tsmin, Majora, poppy, red pepper, ginger, dill. Mustard is attached to all meat dishes that maril in vinegar. Sweet ketchup is also a favorite sauce of Chekhov.

Major national dishes and desserts are very fatty and calories. In addition, portions in cafes and restaurants are impressive. We urge not to order a lot of dishes at once, one portion often grabs two. High calorieness affects the sizes of citizens of the country, 21% of the population suffers from obesity, the Czech Republic ranks 6th in the list of the most "thick" countries of Europe. Perhaps the first thing we are to abuse food.

Soups - their varieties and features

Czechs are called Soups "Polevka", without them it is impossible to imagine Czech cuisine. As in Russian tradition, the soups are given a place at the very beginning of the meal. Czech soups are dense consistency, often more resemble sauces. When cooking, they add a semolina or rubbed vegetables, oil and egg yolks.

Depending on the main ingredient, there are garlic soups, from sauerkraut, onion, vegetable, smoked, mushrooms, soups, cheese, cheese, beer soups with tmin, soups made of sour cabbage with apple, soups with dill on sour milk and others .

Served dish in a plate, or in bread (such an exorbitant will cost more than twice). Among the popular soups will call "Cracked". Its base is a chicken broth with potatoes, which is put about 10 cloves of garlic. Brings it in a rzhan bread. This is an excellent antimicrobial agent. It is clear that there is no worth walking after such a dish, except to try the dish along with the beloved.

Who loves meat, order a goulash soup. It has a lot of meat, it is rubbed and looks like a thick porridge.

Unusual will seem cold soup on beer. The beer is put grated bread, sugar, raisins, lemon. Such ingredients in one plate will endure not every gourmet. Be careful with this dish.

It is unlikely where else will find dill soup on milk. And in the Czech Republic is preparing. It is milk, sour cream, egg, flour and dill. The taste is unusual and not everyone will like it.

Czech Republic - Paradise for Myasoisters

We certainly taste the main dish of Czech cuisine - the knuckle: baked pork knee (Recene Veprove Koleno, in the photo on the right, click on the photo to enlarge). The dish is present in the menu in each restaurant and cafes in the Czech Republic.

The meat is soaked in a certain time in beer, then boil, then smoky. It becomes juicy and gentle. It is usually served by sauces, mustard or horseradish, can bring sauer cabbage. Czech dishes prepare on the street on the mangale. Fry huge steers, please cut off as you want.

Old Czech Kushany "Vepro-Knedlo-bearer." This is a baked pork with dumplings and stewed sauerkraut. All this is watering abundantly thick gravy. Can the stomach "survive" such an exorbit?

Traditional food in the Czech Republic has always been walking. Each restaurant has its own recipe for this Kushan. It can be made of beef, pork, rabbit, birds, liver or assorted. It is served with sauces with sauces, be sure to squeeze, sometimes with sauerkraut, season with garlic, tmin.

Meat dishes are surprised by their variety and cooking method. And what are sauces to them! We did not say about pork cakes, ham, shinits, baked duck with spices, Czech sausages. Order, try, enjoy!

Fisteers of fish will not see diversity in Czech cuisine. Traditionally, the christmas Czechs fry carp and eat it with a potato salad. In restaurants and cafes in the menu there are: ear from carp, chops or carp grilled. If, after meat in the stomach, the place will remain, remove it for fish, you will not regret.

Garnish to the main dishes

The main and indispensable garnish in the Czech Republic is Knedlik. Flour or potato dough is boiled steam, inside the liver, meat, onion or cabbage. Knedlik lay out pieces to dishes, mainly meat. They can be served with sauce and bacon. There are sweet cunning, they put fruit or cottage cheese and sprinkle with sugar.

Popular side dishes are potatoes, cabbage, vegetables, crockets.

Try "Bramboraki" - pellets from potatoes (like our Dranias, in the photo on the right, click on the photo to increase). They are put on mayoran (fragrant seasoning from a perennial plant) or meat.

Before ordering the side disk, make sure that it is not included in the second dish.

Salads and snacks to beer

Among Salads, we note "BRAMBOROVY SALAT". In addition to potatoes, carrots are put in it, parsley root, pickled cucumbers, red onions, grabservation bacon and other ingredients at the request of the cook. This salad Czechs are preparing for Christmas table. Salad "Vlashsky" remind you of the usual "Olivier".

Czechs love cheeses and dishes with this product. The national dish is the "Camembert" is a cheese fried in breading. It is brought by hot with sauces or cabbage. Another national snack is "Utopenza", these are pickled sausages or sausages, seasoned with pepper and onions.

Abundance and variety of sauces

Czech sauce is an independent exquisite dish. For several centuries ago, the basis of the sauce (Jiha called him) was flour, roasted on fat. It added wine, water or beer, spices and roots of different spices. It was an independent dish, sometimes it was served to meat.

Nowadays, the fundamental ingredient in the sauce can be cucumber, horseradish, tomato, garlic, dill, onions and others. Call them "daeachka" (from the word "carcass"). Such a sauce is preparing based on fried meat juice, sour cream or wine. Outcoma is served to meat and potato dishes.

Czech desserts

This is a roll of thin dough, inside it is a filling: fruits, berries, nuts, poppy, chocolate, cottage cheese. Served with whipped cream, ice cream or chocolate syrup.

The accepter is empty tubes, made on open fire, covered with vanilla, icing or cinnamon. In Russian, the word is translated as a "fool", a hint that inside the sweetness is empty.

Another interesting cupcake, especially its name, is Rakvicka (in Russian "Gulgarian"). This is a popular dessert among Czechs. The cupcake has an oblong shape, there is a lot of sugar and cream.

At the end of the lunch, if you master, order "Palagins" (pancakes). They will be brought with ice cream or whipped cream. By the way, the Czechs love ice cream very much, it is sold everywhere and in different variations. Among traditional Czech desserts, I will highlight hot love - vanilla ice cream, filled with hot raspberry syrup.

Favorite drinks in the Czech Republic

Of course, beer. About 70 brewing factories work for the benefit of the world glory of Czech beer. Tasting products of these factories - favorite occupation of most Russian tourists.

An excellent digestive process will contribute to the national liquor on Becherovka herbs or lemon tea. Love Czechs Soda water and juices: orange, apple, pear.

Catering Service in the Czech Republic

You can eat in the Czech Republic everywhere: on the street with tray, buying food in automata, in snacks, canteens, pies, cafes and restaurants. Well, the pubs just do not consider.

If you entered a cafe or restaurant, then be prepared for some Nuances of Czech service in such establishments. The menu is often exhibited before the institution, you can familiarize yourself with it before you go. For your table, the neighbors can harvest, it is quite normal. Take advantage of this philosophical, because there will be a chance to make friends.

Another surprise will be a dog that the owner led to a place where people eat. Czechs are very loved by dogs, and in general animals. The dog can sniff your table, food and it will be in the order of things.

Do not hurry to order several dishes, all of them satisfying, big portions, so sat down gradually, ordering dishes with a certain frequency.

Desserts do not eat in the Czech Republic after the main dishes: this is a small snack, if found hunger by surprise, or lunch is too short.

In the country, it is customary to drink food with a considerable amount of beer, since the food is heavy, fat, many marinades, smoked meat, salted, sweet. Therefore, do not be surprised by his abundance in cafes and restaurants.

Beer does not drink immediately after the filing, waiting for a foam. Do not order several varieties simultaneously. Beer should be taken and snack.

If alcohol is not your drink, then order tea and a piece of Prague cake.

Lunch on weekdays can be in restaurants offering business lunches (Dannya Nabinet). It includes the main dish, salad, dessert and drink.

Tips can not enter into account. If you did not like the maintenance and food, then tell me in advance so that you do not count the bill, and the calculation produced strictly on the menu. However, meet the establishment where the tips are included in the account.

Pay attention to the fact that the Czechs get up early and early fall, so the breakfast begins at around 9 am, lunch is closer to twelve, and dinner takes up to 21 hours. After this time, it will be difficult to find an institution with a full-fledged menu.

Products like souvenir from the Czech Republic

Tourists try to bring something unusual from the Czech Republic. Often buy products as a souvenir. The most popular beverage gifts are liqueurs, vodka, beer, Moravian wines.

Sweet tooths take to their homeland, strudel, Prague cake, gingerbread. Cheese lovers buy as a souvenir "Hermelin", Olomouc cheese.

Ceasing products should be taken into account their expiration and storage conditions. We recommend reading our review "".

We wish to fully enjoy Czech cuisine, and read our interesting articles about the Czech Republic ( links below).