How to bake pancakes. How to bake pancakes step by step recipe

30.10.2019 Beverages

Delicious, fragrant, golden pancakes are a favorite dish in Russian cuisine, an excellent hearty breakfast or a delicious dinner for the whole family. Pancakes are cooked in milk, water, kefir or whey, with or without filling, thin, almost lacy pancakes - and thick, lush, like pancakes. How many housewives exist in the world, they have so many recipes for pancakes. But we will talk about the most important of them, which are the basis of the art of baking pancakes.

How pancakes appeared

The history of the presence of pancakes on the table has more than 13 centuries. They came in different forms - both thin and lush, but they practically did not change their essence, and now, several tens of centuries later, modern housewives cook them in almost the same way as the ancient Slavs baked pancakes.

Some historians claim that it was in Russia that pancakes first appeared. One version of their origin, quite funny, sounds like this: one of our Slavic ancestor heated oatmeal jelly on fire, but got distracted, so much so that the dish had time to fry and blush on one side. And so the first pancake turned out. The very name of this dish comes from a distorted Old Slavonic word "mlyn", cognate with the modern verb "grind" - that is, what is made from ground grain, from flour.

Pancakes are considered to be a national Russian dish by right: they sing songs about them, compose proverbs, sayings and riddles, they, in the end, became the main symbol of Maslenitsa- a holiday of the beginning of spring. During the whole Pancake week, each family baked pancakes in milk or water, with different fillings or “with salt”. Pancakes with bacon were made like this: dough was poured into the pan, lightly browned on one side, “baking” was laid out on it - fried onions, finely chopped boiled eggs, mushrooms or vegetables - after which it was poured with another layer of dough, the pancake was turned over and fried until cooked . Unfortunately, today many recipes for pancakes, including those with baking, are irretrievably lost.

However, pancakes are loved not only by Russians, but also by residents of other countries. Only to cook them everywhere it is customary in different ways. In America, for example, thick pancakes are baked, rather like large pancakes, and served with maple syrup; in France, on the contrary, it is customary to bake the thinnest, almost lacy pancakes (crepes); in Latin America, thin pancakes are made from cornmeal stuffed with meat and vegetables, and in China, thick dough is kneaded for pancakes with the addition of a large amount of onions and green onions.

How to bake pancakes: popular recipes

All pancake recipes differ primarily in what liquid base is used for the dough: milk, water, kefir or whey. Depending on this, pancakes are obtained with different taste, thickness, elasticity, etc.

Pancakes with milk

Pancakes in milk are very tender, thin, with crispy edges. These pancakes are good to serve with sour cream, jam, melted chocolate or fruit filling. Yeast sourdough is not added to the dough for pancakes in milk, otherwise they will turn out not thin, but very dense and lush.

How to bake such pancakes? We take a deep container, grind the egg yolks with sugar in it, pour in the milk there, and then pour the required amount of flour and knead the dough. Then beat the whites separately with a pinch of salt, mix them into the dough, heat the pan - and you can fry the pancakes!

In the preparation of pancakes mixed with milk, there is one difficulty: they turn out so thin that they can tear during the turning process. It is best, of course, to turn them over by shaking the pan, but not every housewife owns this art. Therefore, to turn such pancakes, use a blunt dessert knife and your own fingers: gently hold the pancake by the edges, prying it with a knife. It is easy to adapt to this method, after which neither the pancakes themselves nor the fingers that need to hold the hot pancake will suffer.

And so that pancakes in milk do not stick to the pan, you can add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough. Then you will need to grease the pan with oil only before baking the first pancake.

Pancakes on the water

If on Maslenitsa it is usually customary to bake pancakes in milk - the most delicious and tender, then pancakes on the water can be pampered even by those who, after this fun holiday, intend to observe Great Lent. In addition, pancakes on the water are strong and elastic, but at the same time thin and neat. They are good to use in order to wrap various fillings in them.

Pancakes on the water are also good for those who want to treat themselves to delicious homemade cakes, but strictly follow their figure and follow a diet. After all, they do not have milk, and sometimes eggs, and a very small amount of butter.

Recipe for these pancakes- the simplest of all known. In a deep bowl, mix water, eggs (sometimes they are dispensed with), sugar and salt, mix everything thoroughly until smooth, and then gradually add the sifted flour and knead the dough until it reaches the density of fatty sour cream. A little vegetable oil is added to the ready-made dough for pancakes on the water so that they do not stick to the pan. Pancakes are baked for about 20-30 seconds on each side, after which they are stacked in a pile, previously lubricating each with butter.

You can cook pancakes on the water, not only fresh, but also yeast - then they will turn out more magnificent and soft. You can also make your own changes to pancake recipes: for example, replace ordinary water with mineral water or even pickle from homemade cucumbers or tomatoes, add apple or lemon juice, etc.

Pancakes on kefir

Pancakes on kefir are denser than on water or milk. The dough for them is thicker, therefore, in order to bake thinner, openwork pancakes, you need to add a little water to it, or better, milk. In addition, baking soda must be added to the dough so that it rises well and the pancakes turn out soft. If there is no soda in the recipe, then beaten egg whites are introduced into the dough. Sometimes pancakes are cooked according to the same recipe not on kefir, but on sour milk - then they turn out even more magnificent.

To prepare pancakes on kefir, pre-sifted flour is mixed with soda, beaten eggs, salt, sugar, kefir are mixed separately, if necessary, a little water or milk is added, after which this mixture is poured into flour and mixed thoroughly. The best way to do this is with a mixer. After that, vegetable oil is added to the dough, mixed again and the pancakes are baked.

Ready-made pancakes on kefir are lush, with a slight sourness. It is best to serve them to the table with honey or sour cream, and always hot: long-term storage of pancakes on kefir is contraindicated, after cooling they become hard.

Pancakes with whey

Approximately according to the same recipe that is used for pancakes on kefir, and are prepared. According to this recipe, pancakes are the most fluffy, tender, with a slight pleasant sourness in taste.

Whey pancake dough is made as follows: first, two eggs are beaten with the required amount of sugar and salt, after which whey and a small amount of soda are added to them. It is not necessary to extinguish soda with vinegar for such a test - it will be “quenched” with whey. Flour is poured into the dough gradually, one or two tablespoons, constantly stirring so that there are no lumps, until the dough acquires the consistency of cream of medium density. When the dough is ready, pour it little by little into a hot pan, turning it so that the dough spreads evenly, and bake pancakes.

Whey pancakes can be served with both sweet and savory fillings: fruits, meat, mushrooms, chocolate. And you can use them to make a variety of pancake cakes - snack bars, with savory fillings, or dessert ones.

How to bake delicious pancakes: secrets and tricks

To make pancakes tasty and beautiful, not tear at the most inopportune moment and not stick to the pan, you can and should use some simple tricks. They will not complicate the process, but the result will noticeably improve.

  • Before you start kneading the dough for pancakes, be sure to sift the flour - you can even not once, but two or three. During sifting, the flour is enriched with oxygen, and as a result, pancakes are more airy. Try not to mix the dough itself with a mixer or blender, as this changes its taste: it is better to do everything manually, using a whisk or a fork.
  • It is good to have a separate frying pan on the farm, in which you will not do anything else, except to bake pancakes. Ideally, it should generally be cast iron, but in the absence of such, just a frying pan and a non-stick coating will do. A new frying pan, before baking pancakes on it, must be thoroughly ignited with coarse salt. It is believed that at the end of baking it is impossible to wash the pancake pan, otherwise you will have to ignite it with salt each time before use.
  • Do not pour a lot of oil into the pan: pancakes absorb it too readily and may end up being too oily. If vegetable oil is added to the dough, then it is usually enough to grease the pan only once - before the first pancake. If during the baking process you still need to add oil, then dip a special chef's brush into it and grease the pan with it. In the absence of a brush, it is convenient to do this with a half of an onion or potato chopped on a fork.
  • Do not be lazy to grease each ready-made pancake with butter. Then they will remain soft longer, acquire an even more pleasant taste and a beautiful golden color.

How to cook stuffed pancakes with different fillings

Stuffed pancakes with savory filling are not only breakfast or dinner, but also a completely independent dish for a hearty lunch. For its preparation, thin pancakes are baked, on which any suitable filling is laid out and folded in a convenient way, after which they are fried again if desired. Envelopes, rolls or triangles for filling with filling are best made from pancakes on the water: they turn out to be the thinnest and most durable, fold well and do not tear.

Here are some of the most popular savory pancake toppings:

  • minced meat, pre-fried with chopped onions, salt and black pepper;
  • fried or boiled, chopped mushrooms;
  • Adyghe cheese or Suluguni - by itself or with the addition of greens or boiled eggs;
  • a mixture of hard-boiled eggs and green onions;
  • a combination of ham and hard cheese;
  • slightly salted fish - for example, salmon;
  • potato;
  • cabbage.

Of course, this list is far from exhaustive - if you wish, you can wrap even your favorite salad in stuffed pancakes, from crab to Caesar.

But pancakes with sweet fillings are already an excellent dessert. For their preparation, you can use a variety of fillings:

  • apple - the simplest and most popular filling for pancakes;
  • poppy;
  • any jam or jam;
  • chocolate;
  • almost any fruit and berries, especially in combination with yogurt, cottage cheese or whipped cream.

The most versatile filling for pancakes is cottage cheese. It can be both salty and sweet, it is wrapped in pancakes on its own or with various additives. For example, for savory stuffed pancakes, cottage cheese can be mixed with greens, boiled eggs or fresh cucumbers. For sweet pancakes, a combination of cottage cheese with raisins, bananas, fresh berries and even caramel will be an excellent filling. Here the fantasy can be even more limitless than in the preparation of pancakes with savory fillings.

You can choose any pancake dough recipe you like and any filling for them - according to a ready-made recipe or invented on your own. The main thing in this business is training. After all, the first pancake, as you know, is lumpy, but all the rest are smooth, golden and appetizing. Especially if you put all your soul and all your good mood into their preparation.

Pancakes, pancakes - favorite dishes since childhood. It seems that there is nothing easier than frying a stack and, putting saucers with jam, honey, sour cream on the table, feast on them - ruddy, tasty, and even with hot fragrant tea.

Little tricks

However, it seems to be one thing, but how it actually is is quite another. Therefore, the question of how pancakes are baked is not so stupid, especially for novice housewives. The most important thing is dishes. It is best if you have a special one. Or a regular one, but small, with a thick bottom and walls. Why with fat ones? To heat up evenly. And the dough did not burn, it was well baked.

She has a second trick. The first step is to grease the pan with grease, sprinkle with salt and ignite. Then, when it cools down, wipe it with a flannel, “salt” it again, and then wipe it again, but this time clean and dry. After that, grease the bottom with vegetable oil or a piece of lard, heat thoroughly and start cooking. Few people have heard of it, and if they do, they rarely use it. And absolutely in vain. Such subtlety helps to avoid the generally accepted first pancake lumpy.

How pancakes are baked - the third trick: if someone still turned out, the pastries stick to the pan - do not rush to scratch the bottom with a knife or a “hedgehog”. Treating things like this will only make things worse. Wash the pan and repeat the roasting procedure again. Will definitely help!

The fourth trick, which concerns the test. It should be made in consistency similar to sour cream of medium density. The liquid will burn and break when turned over. And too thick - stay damp inside. This is always taken into account by housewives who already know how pancakes are baked.

And one more thing: it is better to pour oil into the dough itself. Then it will be enough to carefully walk through the pan with pork fat once before starting cooking.

The heat should be strong, then the pancakes are baked faster, they turn out ruddy, with a crispy crust.

And the last legitimate question: "Are pancakes fried or baked?" In principle, if you do not add oil to the pan, but cook on what is contained in the dough (a small amount), then they bake. And if you flavor it with fat before each new portion of pancakes, then they fry it.

Thin pancakes

Let's move on from theory to practice. Namely: we bake thin pancakes. This recipe is very simple. With it, it is recommended to start mastering the “pancake” business. You will need: sifted flour - 2 cups, milk - 3 cups, eggs - 3 pcs., Butter - 50-60 g, a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt. Beat eggs, add salt and sugar, grind. Pour in milk and melted or softened butter, mix again. Gradually add flour.

Stir thoroughly to avoid lumps. Heat up a frying pan with oil. Pour the dough so that it spreads along the bottom in a thin layer. Shake off the baked pancake on a plate and bake further.

How and with what is this dish served? These pancakes are great for stuffing. Minced meat is placed in the middle, the dough is wrapped in an envelope. Once again, pancakes are placed in a pan, fried. Depending on the filling, they are used with sour cream (for example, pancakes with meat filling), jam or berry syrup, honey. Or a special vanilla-chocolate sauce. Although by themselves, with crispy edges, ruddy, moderately oily, such pancakes will please anyone with a wonderful taste.

Cook, hostesses, and delight your family!

One of the most revered dishes among Russian people are pancakes with milk. Cooking recipes are varied, you can cook quick pancakes with milk, kefir, water - they are all delicious with heat and heat, and they always look appetizing.

What better choice for breakfast than delicate, fragrant, thin pancakes, complemented by delicious topping. Even in their pure form, they are incredibly tasty.

Homemade cakes are always tastier than store-bought ones. Today, many different variations of serving this treat are known, but this time I propose to dwell on the classic recipe.

Making sweet pancakes is not at all difficult, none of the steps should cause problems, even if a novice cook takes up the matter. The cooking process will turn into a real pleasure, but if you know exactly how to bake pancakes in milk.

It is for this purpose that I decided to present in this article information on how to cook simple pancakes with milk at home without any difficulties. Even if this is your first time doing this, my recipe for perfect pancakes with milk will not be difficult.

You will get thin pancakes with mouth-watering holes and openwork decor. All recipes provided include milk. Such pancakes are very tender, because they are made with milk, and you just lick your fingers to eat them! My recipe for baking with milk has never failed a single hostess.

Classic recipe for thin pancakes No. 1

The composition of the components for simple pancakes: 3 tbsp. milk; 3 pcs. chickens. eggs; 1 st. Sahara; 1.5 st. flour; 0.5 tsp salt; rast. oil.

The original recipe for sweet pancakes in milk provides for a special set of components: milk (you can make a product replacement and introduce water); flour; chickens. eggs; sugar; oil; soda and salt.

It is important to knead the dough correctly, then the pancakes will turn out thin and very tasty.

A simple recipe for pancakes in milk, which are prepared as quickly as possible, should not be difficult, and the dough will not stick to the surface of the pan.

Action algorithm:

  1. I mix salt with chickens. eggs and sugar. True sweet tooth can increase the amount of the last ingredient several times. If everyone in the family has different tastes, I advise you to put 1 tablespoon, then you can sweeten the pancakes with sugar or honey, jam when you eat them.
  2. Sugar is important, otherwise the pancakes will not be ruddy and not fried. Eating pale pancakes is not entirely appetizing. If you exaggerate the sugar rate, then pancakes can become too fried, which is also not very good.
  3. You need to mix the mass with a whisk. I will stop at milk, it is better to pour it in without stopping interfering. It is better if the milk is used warm, at least at room temperature. It is important that the sugar and salt crystals dissolve. Then the dough will be tender and very tasty.
  4. Speaking of flour, it should be noted that it should be sifted, be sure to do this several times. During this manipulation, the flour will be saturated with oxygen, which is very important so that the pancakes become airy. If you are a fan of pancakes with holes, then this method will suit you, just in time.
  5. Be sure to stir the mixture using a whisk. There should be no lumps, otherwise pancakes made with milk will not be tasty. Pour the rest of the milk into the mixture and stir again. It is better not to use all the milk so that it is not difficult to get rid of lumps in the dough. The best option is to add all the products gradually, personally adjusting the desired dough consistency.
  6. The finished composition in milk for thin pancakes will be thick, viscous, should be perfectly fried. It is especially important to reach the "golden mean". In this case, the dough on fresh milk will not be liquid, and the pancakes will not tear when you need to turn them over, even if they are thin. As you gain experience in baking pancakes, you will realize that making a good dough is not at all difficult. After a couple of kneading times, you will understand how perfect the dough for thin homemade pancakes made with milk should be. In this case, even measuring cups can be left aside.
  7. In the finished composition I add rast. oil. Approximately 2 tbsp. l. will be sufficient. So thin pancakes will be even tastier, and you can turn them over without any problems. It is important to mix the oil so that it dissolves well in the dough.
  8. The dough should be left aside for a min. 20. You can knead the dough for thin homemade pancakes even at night to quickly make an excellent breakfast in the morning. You will not regret this decision, I tell you from my own experience.
  9. I heat up the pan. I recommend using cast iron pans for pancakes. If there is none, take the one that is, but with small sides. Otherwise, flipping pancakes can cause problems. It is important to work carefully in the kitchen so as not to burn your precious fingers.
  10. Heat the pan to the first smoke so that the well-known proverb that the first pancakes turn out to be lumpy does not work. In fact, it is precisely because the dishes are not heated enough that a similar force majeure happens when thin elastic pancakes tear and stick to the surface of the pan. Oiling the pan is also helpful before starting the oven. I advise you to use a silicone brush for this purpose. You can replace this tool with half a potato.
  11. I collect the necessary amount of batter in a ladle and pour it into the pan so that the mixture spreads evenly on it. I start baking.
  12. I turn the pancake over when its edges begin to dry out, and there is no liquid on the surface. It is better to walk in a circle with a spatula to pick up the edges of the pancakes. You can help with clean hands.
  13. I will bake the next side in the same way. It will take less time than the first time. I stack the pancakes on a plate. If you wish, you can serve pancakes to the table with the next. oil. So the pastries will become even tastier, and while the pancakes are hot, the butter will melt and soak their base.
  14. Pancakes can be eaten with what you like best - sour cream, honey, jam, condensed milk. There are no strict guidelines, so let's let your imagination run wild. Sweet pancakes in milk will become even tastier from this.

A good way to cook pancakes is that it’s worth cooking without additives, the dough is thin, and therefore the base is ideal for wrapping any filling.

In addition, you can always use ordinary pancakes for the base of a large cake or pie. Pancake topping recipes can also be found on my blog.

I hope that my step-by-step milk pancake recipe will allow you to make a delicious breakfast for the whole family without any problems. The cooking process is not complicated, I advise you to see it for yourself, baking will delight you with a pleasant taste.

I don’t end here, because below will be presented no less useful recipes for pancakes with photos that you can bake at home with milk. The set of ingredients is minimal, and affordable.

Speaking of milk, it is worth noting that it is better to take a home-made product, but simple store-bought products will also work.

Recipe #2: Pancakes in a Bottle

I suggest you familiarize yourself with an equally interesting option for cooking pancakes baked in milk. Egg additives in the product are very important to make the treat rich.

This recipe is quick and very unusual. I think that many of my readers will be interested in it and will try to bake thin beautiful pancakes with homemade milk on their own at home.

I must admit that men like this recipe the most. Our body is so arranged that we like the mechanized process of cooking, and sweet homemade pancakes are no exception.

Let some housewives note that the recipe for pancakes is very primitive, but it is beneficial in that everything is very simple, it does not take much time and effort to interfere with the composition with a spoon. I won’t torment you with waiting anymore: a recipe for pancakes in a plastic bottle!

Ingredients: 600 ml of milk; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 3 tbsp Sahara; 1 tsp salt; rast. oil; reservoir bottle with cap; 6 tbsp flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Flour, salt, sugar, milk, chickens should be poured into the bottle using a funnel. eggs. The number of indicated ingredients that the recipe gives should be observed. It is better if you beat the eggs separately. It is important that the egg components are at room temperature.
  2. I close the bottle with a cap and beat the mixture with my hands. I will use the finished dough for pancakes.
  3. I put the pan on the fire. I heat, heating the dishes. I lubricate the growth. oil. I pour the dough and spread it evenly over the surface of the pan. It is important to make the layer thin so that subsequently a decoration in the form of holes is formed on the pancakes.
  4. As usual, I bake thin cakes on both sides, stack the pancakes in a pile, I advise each one to smear with a small amount of sl. oils.

A similar recipe can be used to bake various thin lacy and openwork pancakes. It is necessary to pour the dough into a hot frying pan, drawing figures. The pancakes will turn out not only beautiful and funny, but also mouth-watering.

I must admit that eating such beautiful pancakes is a real pleasure. Look at my photos, what pancakes turn out beautiful. Agree that kids will also want to eat sweet lacy pancakes.

Recipe number 3: Openwork pancakes

In milk, you can cook dough for pancakes with the addition of soda. But often, I advise either not to put it at all, or to add baking powder. This time I propose to find out the recipe for how to cook thin pancakes at home with baking powder. The method is very simple.

Ingredients: 900 ml of milk; 500 gr. flour; 2 tbsp Sahara; 0.5 tsp salt; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 1 tsp baking powder; 4-5 tbsp rast. oils; sl. oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Kur. I mix the eggs with sugar. I mix the egg ingredients with a whisk, put salt. It is important that the eggs are at room temperature, so take them out of the refrigerator in advance.
  2. Sow flour, mix with baking powder, add to a bowl. I make a heavy weight.
  3. I take milk for the dough at room temperature, even higher is better. I dilute the flour, stir the mixture with a kitchen whisk.
  4. Gradually I alternate actions, adding a little, then flour, then milk. So you need to enter the ingredients until the flour runs out. It is important that there are no lumps left in the pancake dough.
  5. I pour milk, stir. I add growth. oil and stir.
  6. The dough will be liquid, like thick cream. I leave it aside, at least 30 minutes. It is important that the test components disperse.
  7. I put the pan on the fire, wait until a light smoke begins to stand out. I pour the dough, spread it over the entire surface in a thin layer. I bake pancakes for 20 seconds on each side. They have a thin surface, and therefore this time will be enough for the pancakes to bake. I pry the edges with a toothpick to flip the pancakes.
  8. I remove the pancakes on a dish, smear the sl. oil. I fold it four times and put it on a plate.

That's all, you can serve pancakes for breakfast at the table. It will turn out very tasty, and this method will not cause you problems! The serving options are very different, you can fold the treat into four, twist it into a tube, just serve it in the form of a rolled layer.

In general, there are no instructions on this subject in this recipe, and therefore rely on your imagination.

Pancakes will be very fragrant and tasty. Eaten faster than you cooked pancakes, and the recipe is very simple. In principle, when pastries are delicious, a similar rule works in all situations.

I have another recipe that will allow you to bake pancakes at home with a particularly large number of holes. If you want to know it, then read the information below. I will say that this time it will be necessary to bake pancakes from choux pastry.

Recipe number 4: Pancakes with a large number of holes

Components: 270 gr. flour; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 2-4 tablespoons Sahara; 1 liter of milk; 3 art. rast. oils; salt and soda on the eye.

Cooking method:

  1. Add milk to a bowl, bring to a warm state. I kill chickens. eggs. I pour sugar. I interfere.
  2. I add growth. oil. I mix.
  3. I put a little salt, soda. About ¼ tsp. will be sufficient. I mix.
  4. I pour milk, stir. I keep the rest aside.
  5. I put flour. I beat the mass so that there are no lumps. It is better to add flour little by little, so that it is easier to get rid of lumps.
  6. When I finish mixing the flour, I pour in the milk. I interfere.
  7. Dough for homemade pancakes is ready. The mass will turn out to be liquid, it will be easy to pour. I leave the dough for 20 minutes aside so that the components grab.
  8. I heat the pan, grease the rast. oil. To make pancakes with holes, you need to wait until the dishes are perfectly heated.
  9. I collect a ladle of dough and pour it onto the surface of the dish. I start baking pancakes. It is important not to take a full ladle of grounds so that the pancakes are not too thick.
  10. The dough this time will be a little different, as the recipe is different, and therefore holes will appear immediately. As soon as the pancake has acquired a brown tint, you need to turn it over and continue baking, but on the other side.

Look at the photo, what pancakes with holes I got, very thin and incredibly beautiful. I used this exact recipe.

The taste of pancakes is no worse than their external characteristics. It remains only to wish everyone bon appetit! Eat pancakes with aromatic tea, sweet cocoa made with milk, or your favorite other favorite drink.

This concludes the article with simple pancake recipes. I will continue to delight you with new articles, which will describe information on cooking pancakes, the recipe of which makes it easy to cook pastries at home.

Look at my site more often so as not to miss a unique recipe from your attention!

Believe me, everyone loves to eat pancakes, regardless of their interests and age. And therefore, not a single guest, having seen homemade pancakes on the table, will be able to turn away from the offer to drink tea!

You can bake a treat very quickly, without compromising the quality of baking. You will understand that baking them is not difficult if you try to do it personally in the near future, based on one recipe from the above.

My video recipe

I won't go into detail here about what it is. pancakes I think you already know everything. Pancakes there are yeast and yeast-free, we will cook simple yeast-free pancakes with milk. My only question is how to call them correctly, pancakes or still pancakes, if we are talking about thin pancakes. I always thought that a pancake is a thinly fried dough in a pan, and a pancake is a pancake in which the filling is wrapped. However, after delving into the history of this dish, I am inclined to believe that we will still cook with you today. thin pancakes with milk. Because traditional Russian pancakes they were baked from a thick yeast dough and were quite thick. Thin pancakes came to us from France, and began to be called pancakes, they can be both with filling and without it, because only in thin pancake you can wrap the stuffing. And although everything is clear with the word, it seems, I sometimes still continue to call thin pancakes - pancakes.

And now directly about the recipe. When it comes to thin pancakes, probably the biggest controversy is whether or not to put soda or baking powder in the batter. So, in fresh pancake dough do not put any baking powder, pancakes they turn out thin due to the consistency of the dough, and you will get holes in them if you just heat the pan well. In general, in this recipe I will try to tell you about various little things and subtleties of cooking. thin pancakes with milk. I hope that after that you will succeed, because there is nothing complicated in this.

I want to note that if you are planning to make a pancake cake, then this recipe not very suitable here pancakes it turns out, though thin, but rather dense, it is ideal to make pancakes with filling from them. For a pancake cake, it’s better to do it, here the pancakes are thicker and more tender.


  • milk 500 g (ml)
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • flour 200 g
  • butter (or vegetable) 30 g (2 tablespoons)
  • sugar 30 g (2 tablespoons)
  • salt 2-3 g (1/2 teaspoon)

From the indicated amount of ingredients, I get about 15 pancakes with a diameter of 22 cm.


Let's prepare all the ingredients. Well, if they are all at room temperature, then they will connect better. Therefore, it is better to take eggs and milk out of the refrigerator in advance. Oil can be used as vegetable refined (odorless), and butter. Butter gives the pancakes more ruddy and creamy taste. If using butter, melt it and let it cool.

Wash the eggs well, beat them into a mixing bowl, add sugar and salt. Mix until smooth with a mixer, whisk or just a fork. Here we do not need to beat the eggs into foam, we just need to mix until smooth and completely dissolve the salt and sugar.

Add a small part of milk to the egg mass, somewhere around 100-150 ml. We do not pour all the milk at once, because when adding flour, a thicker dough is easier to mix until smooth. If we pour out all the milk at once, most likely, unmixed lumps of flour will remain in the dough, and we will have to filter the dough in the future to get rid of them. So for now, add only a small part of the milk and mix the mass until smooth.

Sift flour into a bowl with dough. This is necessary in order to saturate the flour with oxygen and purify it of possible impurities, so I recommend not to skip this point.

We mix the dough. Now it is quite thick, and should be mixed until smooth, homogeneous, without lumps.

Now add the remaining milk and mix again.

Pour the cooled melted butter or vegetable oil into the dough. Stir until smooth, the dough will turn out to be quite liquid, approximately like heavy cream.

In this photo, I tried to convey the consistency of the dough that I got. In any case, when you fry 2-3 pancakes, you will understand whether you got the right consistency or not. If the dough is very thick, add some water or milk, if it is liquid, add a little flour.

Well, now that the dough is ready, it's time to fry the pancakes. I prefer to use a special pancake pan, or even better two at once, so it turns out to fry twice as fast. I grease the pan with oil only before frying the first pancake, then this is not required, the oil that we added to the dough is enough. However, it all depends on the pan, if the pancakes stick to the pan, then grease it every time before pouring the dough. It is better to lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, because. butter starts to burn very quickly. Use a silicone brush to grease the pan or just a napkin soaked in oil.

So, we heat the pan well, because it is in a hot pan that porous pancakes are obtained, with holes, and this is what we are trying to achieve. In a poorly heated frying pan, you will not be able to make holes in the pancake.

Pour the dough into the hot pan and at the same time rotate it in a circle so that the dough covers the bottom with an even thin layer. You see, I immediately got holes in the pancake, this is because the pan is very hot, and no soda is needed.

When you fry a few pancakes, you will understand how much dough you need to put in a ladle so that it is enough for the entire surface of the pan. But I use one method that helps me not to think about how much dough I need.

Scoop up a full ladleful of batter, pour it into the hot pan while swirling it around, do it quickly. When the batter covers the entire bottom of the pan, simply pour the excess batter over the edge of the pan back into the bowl. This method will help you fry very thin and even pancakes. However, it is only good if you use a pancake pan with low walls. If you also fry in an ordinary frying pan with high sides, then the pancakes will turn out not round, but with a process on one side. In a pancake pan with small walls, this process turns out to be completely invisible.

Depending on the heat of your burner, it may take different times to fry one pancake. Turn the pancake over when the dough on top grabs and stops being sticky, and the edges begin to darken a little. Pry off the pancake with a spatula and gently flip to the other side. Flatten the pancake in the pan if it turned over unevenly.

Fry the pancake on the other side. Lift the edge with a spatula and watch that it does not burn on the bottom. When the bottom of the pancake is golden brown, remove it from the pan.

Put the finished pancakes on a large flat plate, and it is better to cover them with a lid to keep them hot. If you like more oily pancakes, then grease each pancake with melted butter, it is very convenient to do this with a silicone brush. I usually do not grease pancakes, the oil that I have already put in the dough is enough for me.

To make it easier for you to navigate, I made a video of how one pancake is fried. I think now you will definitely succeed. And do not forget, each time, before pouring the dough, let the pan heat up well.

After you have fried all the pancakes, flip the stack so that the bottom pancake is on top, the pancakes are prettier from this side, and the bottom pancakes are softer.

Here is a stack of pancakes I got from a double portion of the ingredients. Eat pancakes right away while they are hot, with sour cream, condensed milk, honey, jam, or any other toppings you like. Enjoy your meal!