Thin khachapuri with cheese. Dough and filling for khachapuri

13.04.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Georgian cuisine. A traditional dish. Really tasty! All this refers to the tortillas, which have been cooked in Georgia for many centuries and not only. Khachapuri have been traveling the world for a long time and are always popular in many countries, and Russia is no exception. There is no single recipe. In each locality, and simply in every Georgian family, there is a unique way of cooking this delicious dish. You can list to infinity: Khachapuri in Adzhar, Ossetian, Tbilisi, Mogrelian, cheese, etc.

Such a dish does not require any professional skills in cooking and is available even to an inexperienced hostess. A simple flat cake, and cooking options are great! His creation can even captivate their households. And jointly, your family in your kitchen will probably create a new recipe for khachapuri, which will become a specialty for treating relatives and friends.

According to a long tradition, this cake is prepared with the addition of fresh curd cheese and eggs. In khachapuri with cheese is used mainly Adygei cheese. If you take cheese or suluguni, then you need to add a little soft cottage cheese.

The recipe for khachapuri with cheese according to the classic version includes the preparation of dough on the basis of matsoni - this is a dairy drink, which is popular in the Caucasus.

To prepare the drink itself is simple. If the hostess has time, then she can prepare it in advance. For a couple of liters of warm boiled milk, you need 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Mix, wrap a towel and put on a couple of hours. Then put in the fridge and leave until thick.

For four flat cakes, five glasses of flour and half a liter of matsoni are taken. Add 1 egg into the mixture, add baking powder, salt, sugar and vegetable oil. The dough is soft and fluffy. Dough bag must be cooled.

We roll the pellets thinly, put the cheese filling (grated cheese) in the center and collect the pellets in a “bag”. Leave the middle slightly open. Real art to turn the cake so that the cheese does not spill out. Then roll out, turn over again and put in the oven. When ready, grease with butter.

How to prepare khachapuri in Adjara

This cake looks nothing like the classic version of khachapuri. Flapjack is baked in the shape of a boat and is a completely independent dish. Adzhar-style khachapuri recipe is quite simple.

  1. The dough is put on the dough - not thick, but rich and saturated with butter.
  2. The filling is made from grated cheese with the addition of raw eggs. It must be well mixed.
  3. We roll out thin oval flat cakes out of dough, lay out the filling, but we must leave the edges empty. Then we turn the edges so that the cake turned out in the form of a boat.
  4. "Boats" bake for about twenty minutes at two hundred degrees.
  5. Then we take them out and in the middle of each, slightly spreading the cheese, we drive in a raw egg, not forgetting to salt and pepper to taste. Another three minutes in the oven and ready! Top class if the egg yolk remains liquid.
  6. They eat such a boat, breaking off the edges and dipping them into the egg.

How to prepare khachapuri in Megrelia

Megrelia is a small original corner of Georgia, which gave the world amazingly tasty recipes. For khachapuri in megrelski dough is taken yeast.

  1. From a pound of flour prepare the dough with the addition of milk (a quarter liter), soft margarine (about 60 g) and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Add the yeast, leave the dough for about an hour to approach, and then cool.
  2. Cheese meanwhile three on a coarse grater. From two thirds we prepare the filling, the rest is left on the powder. For the filling cheese mixed with egg and butter.
  3. Roll out the dough into a tortilla, lay out the stuffing, and sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top.
  4. We bake about half an hour in a hot oven.

How to prepare products from puff pastry

Puff pastry khachapuri are very popular. They are crunchy, light and crumbly.

If you cook khachapuri at home, then it is quite acceptable to buy ready-made dough - this will simplify the cooking process.

However, you may wish to make the dough yourself:

  1. A pound of flour will take about four hundred grams of butter. Sift flour and stir with no big amount  melted butter.
  2. Add water, add salt to taste.
  3. Let the dough stand for half an hour.
  4. Then roll out a thin cake and spread out the butter. Fold all the envelope and roll out again. You need to fold and roll several times.

Stuffing for khachapuri with puff pastry cheese is prepared with the addition of chopped boiled egg white. You can also add finely chopped dill. Cut squares out of the dough, lay out the stuffing on them and, lifting the edges of the squares up, pinch them.

Scones should be left on the baking sheet to stand for a while, then bake. Khachapuri are weightless, crunchy and just melt incredibly in the mouth.

You can cook khachapuri in a frying pan. This method is considered to be the fastest. In your home kitchen, in just half an hour you can put on the table heart-full tortillas full of heat.

By and large - this is a round fried tortilla stuffed with cheese.

Yeast dough is taken - you can buy it in the store or cook it yourself. If you decide to make the dough yourself, then it will take more time. So, the cooking process consists of 3 stages:

  1. Dough preparation. 200 grams of water, 15 grams of “live” yeast and a pinch of sugar are enough for half a kilo of flour to speed up the fermentation process. For the elasticity of the mass, add sunflower oil. Salt and put in heat for half an hour. Ready dough should stick well off hands.
  2. Cooking stuffing. For the filling in this case, it is recommended to take Adygei cheese more tightly. You can add chopped protein and greens. The dough is rolled out as usual with a thin layer, the filling is spread on it. We roll the pellet into a bag and roll it again to the desired size.
  3. Roasting. Fry the cake should be in a pan, greased (just need to lubricate, and not pour!). Fry the first side under the closed lid, and the second - under the open.

Khachapuri from Imereti

Imeretian khachapuri is a separate conversation. They are baked in the form of a closed flat cake. The dough can be taken both yeast and yeast-free. Puff pastry is not suitable, because with this method khachapuri is not baked, but fried.

The most important thing is the cheese filling

Cheese should be Imeretinsky. It is rather difficult to find it in our country, since it is being prepared and sold only in Georgia. Therefore, you can choose the most similar to the Imeretinsky combination of cheeses.

You can use the following combinations:

  • Three parts of the Adyghe and one part of the brynza. For softness, you can add butter.
  • Four pieces of soft cheese and a part of suluguni.
  • Mix in equal proportions cheese mozzarella and suluguni.

Cheese should not be stale, otherwise it should be salted. If the cheese is salted well, then it should be a little soak in cool water.

Important cooking nuances

Divide the dough into pieces in accordance with the volume required for a single frying pan (they are all hostesses of different sizes, so you need to navigate yourself). From the portion of dough, roll out the cake, put the stuffing in a circle in the middle. We pinch the cake in a “bag”. At the same time, the dough must be stretched at the edges, leaving the middle of the thicker. We roll the cake on the size of our pan. It is preferable to use for frying dishes with non-stick coating, which should not be greased.

Khachapuri with curd - why not

In all previous recipes, we told how to make khachapuri with cheese. But you can also use other fillings - it is cottage cheese, various greens, ham, steam fish. Housewives at home are constantly improving the recipe. Someone remembers the old recipes of their grandmothers and great-grandmothers and tries to restore and improve them.

How to cook cottage cheese khachapuri

Khachapuri with cottage cheese is quite easy to prepare. Any dough, both yeast and yeast-free, is suitable for this kind of thing. Will be delicious and puff cakes with cottage cheese filling. The texture of the curd should be fine-grained. So:

  1. Add egg whites to the curd mass, and mix the yolks with butter.
  2. Ready dough for khachapuri roll in the form of lozenges less than a centimeter thick. Then put the stuffing on top.
  3. We cover the cake with a thinly rolled layer, carefully spreading the curd inside the dough.
  4. Put the products on a baking sheet and coat with a mixture of yolk and butter.
  5. We bake about half an hour in a hot oven.

Quick recipes Khachapuri

Sometimes you want to pamper your family with something tasty, satisfying and unusual. Georgian tortillas can be made very quickly, even if there is no ready-made dough on hand. Especially for you we have prepared some really quick and simple recipes!

If there is kefir in the fridge

The fastest recipe that does not require significant labor and time is khachapuri on kefir.

To knead the dough, take about four cups of flour and half a liter of kefir. In the mixture, add a couple tablespoons of vegetable oil and cottage cheese, one egg. Do not forget to salt and add half a small spoonful of baking soda. Mix thoroughly and the dough is ready.

Note!  The dough should not be thin or too hard! It is not necessary to knead for a long time, otherwise the baking will be solid.

Stuffing curd with the addition of not a large number grated hard cheese. Then we drive in 1 egg and add some softened butter. Salt to taste. The mass should be moderately thick.

From the dough we roll cakes and put the stuffing in them. Khachapuri is fried according to this recipe very quickly. Heat the butter in a pan and put the tortillas in it. Fry should be from both sides.

Your loved ones can have a hearty breakfast if you please them with such a dish in the morning. Few people will refuse to try them for dinner, squeezed sweet tea.

If there is no time to prepare the dough, then khachapuri will help out from the pita. For their preparation, first of all, you need to buy thin pita. Toppings are prepared any on a cheese basis. But in this variation, you can and experiment.

1st option

  1. Prepare two pita breads.
  2. Whip the kefir and eggs with a blender.
  3. Grate cheese, mash non-granular cottage cheese well. Mix and salt to taste.
  4. Spread one pita on a pre-oiled baking sheet so that the free part remains.
  5. Put on him a mixture of cheese and cottage cheese, then a layer of second pita, torn with his hands into large pieces. Brush with whipped kefir and evenly distribute a piece of cheese on top. Pita bread close so as to avoid leakage of the filling.
  6. Brush the khachapuri with whipped yolk and bake until done.

There is a more conservative option how to cook khachapuri at home using ready-made pita bread.

2nd option

  1. Prepare thin big pita bread.
  2. Make a mixture of suluguni and low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. Season the stuffing with crushed garlic, chopped dill, parsley and cilantro. Add a spoonful of soft butter.
  4. Distribute the filling in pita bread, roll it up in the shape of an envelope and bake in a preheated oven.
  5. Spread hot butter over the top.

Instead of epilogue

  • If you are in a hurry, then you can quickly make lazy khachapuri from pita bread or kefir dough. And if there is an opportunity to allocate time to pokoldovat in the kitchen, then be sure to treat your relatives, taking as a basis a more complex option.
  • Traditionally, it is customary to cook khachapuri with cheese or cottage cheese (translated from Georgian, the name of this dish, in fact, is interpreted as bread and cheese).
  • For the filling, as much cheese is taken (or less, but not more!) Than dough.
  • Recipe with other fillings - an improvement of the traditional cheese recipe.
  • The khachapuri filling can also be supplemented with ham, greens, eggs, and even steamed fish.
  • Cooking khachapuri is a fascinating culinary action, the result of which will be a tasty, tender, hearty dish that the Georgian people gave to the world!

Khachapuri is a ruddy and very appetizing wheat tortillas stuffed with cheese, which are a true symbol of Georgian cuisine. I think that even those of you who are completely unfamiliar with Caucasian dishes, probably bought this bakery in bakeries and street cafes more than once and appreciated its delicate, cheesy taste. These thin cakes of soft unleavened dough with spicy cheese filling can serve not only as a hearty snack or a kind of fast-food on the run. They can be served for breakfast, lunch or dinner as a separate dish, as well as as an accompaniment to other foods instead of our usual bread. For example, if you cook Khachapuri for a hearty meat soup, you get an excellent full meal without the need for a second course.

Khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan is cooked quite easily and quickly, because for them a simple yeast-free dough is kneaded, which does not require prolonged melting in the heat. Traditionally, the dough for these flat cakes is made on a Caucasian drink matsoni, which can also be found on sale, but there will be no noticeable difference if you cook khachapuri on regular kefir or other fermented milk product that is on hand. The filling for khachapuri may vary depending on your taste preferences and include one or more types of cheeses. In any case, these tortillas with cheese are able to pleasantly surprise and please with their sticky texture and savory taste.

In this recipe, khachapuri with cheese is very quickly baked in a conventional frying pan, and not in our usual oven, after which, with heat and heat, they are lubricated with butter and turn into a real delicacy, although very high in calories. The dough of these cakes grows in the cooking process and turns out to be tender, soft and slightly lush. It practically merges with cheese filling, forming a single whole in this airy and very fragrant baking.

Having tried once true homemade khachapuri, no one can remain indifferent to them. So be sure to treat yourself and your family to this delicious pastry! If you want to taste more unusual flatbreads with a spicy and very juicy filling, prepare these, and you will discover a new and incomparable taste.

Useful information

How to cook khachapuri with cheese in a pan at home - recipe for kefir with step by step photos


  • 3 tbsp. flour
  • 1 tbsp. kefir or matsoni
  • 1 big egg
  • 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp soda
  • 300 g cheese suluguni
  • 100 g of cheese
  • 1 egg


  • 50 g butter


1. In order to cook khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan at home, pour kefir into a large bowl and add salt, sugar, egg and vegetable oil to it.

Tip! Khachapuri can be cooked on almost any sour-milk drink that you can find on the farm. Especially well suited kefir, natural drinking yogurt and Caucasian drink matsoni.

2. Mix all ingredients with a mixer or a conventional whisk into a homogeneous mass.

  3. In 2 - 3 calls pour 2.5 tbsp. flour, sifted with soda. The remaining flour will be needed to work with the dough when making khachapuri.

  4. Knead the dough with your hands or in a combine using a hook. Cover the bowl with dough for khachapuri with a towel and leave for 30 minutes at room temperature.

Important! When kneading dough for khachapuri, the main thing is not to overdo the flour. The dough should remain soft and slightly sticky, not filled with flour, thanks to which the baking will be more tasty and tender. To make it easier to work with such dough, you will have to generously pour flour during the molding of products.

5. While the dough is resting, prepare the cheese filling for khachapuri. To do this, grate the cheese on a coarse grater and mix with a raw egg.

  6. The filling for khachapuri is ready!

Comment! Classic khachapuri is prepared only with Imeretian cheese, but since we do not find such cheese on sale, I take traditional Caucasian suluguni cheese for this baking and add to it a little cheese for a piquant flavor. In general, tasty khachapuri can be prepared even with ordinary semi-hard cheese like “Russian”.

How to make khachapuri

7. Put the rested dough on a surface richly sprinkled with flour, roll the sausage from it and cut it into 8 equal parts.

8. Each piece of dough to stretch your hands or a rolling pin into a cake and put in the center a generous portion of the filling, rolled into a ball.

  9. Raise the edges of the dough up and close over the cheese ball.

  10. Flip the ball seam down and roll out a little rolling pin. Turn the flat cake so obtained several times and roll out with a rolling pin in a rather thin circle. If necessary, add flour so that the cakes are not stuck to the table.

Khachapuri in the pan

11. Now proceed to roasting the khachapuri in a dry pan without oil. For this, the pan should be well heated, put one khachapuri and cook under the lid on medium heat for 4 - 5 minutes before light browning.

Tip! To prepare khachapuri, it is advisable to use a cast iron skillet or other thick-bottomed frying pan, which heats the heat more stably and evenly distributes heat.

12. Invert khachapuri with a spatula and fry the other side in the same way. Put the finished pastry in a stack on a plate, generously greasing with melted butter.

Tip! Only the very first khachapuri should be oiled on both sides, the rest is sufficient to be lubricated only from above, as their lower part is saturated with oil from the previous flat cakes.

  Delicate and fragrant khachapuri with cheese, cooked in a frying pan, must be consumed warm. They can be served with soups and main dishes instead of bread, as well as used as a hearty breakfast or snack between meals. Enjoy your meal!

Recipes khachapuri with different fillings on yogurt, yeast and yoghurt.

Khachapuri is an Armenian puff pastry dish with various fillings. Baking turns out very juicy and unusual. Of course, it is the Armenian mistresses who cope with such dishes best of all, but if you follow the recipe, you too will be able to please your household with unusual pies.

Puff pastry for khachapuri: a recipe

This recipe does not imply the use of yeast. Used for dry and meat fillings. Fruit in the preparation of this test is better not to use.

Puff Pastry Recipe:

  • You need to prepare two dough. One is fat and the second is not very
  • Take the flour and mix it with the chopped margarine. Margarine needs 400 g and 200 g of flour. Knead the fat dough and divide it into 4 parts
  • Knead low-fat dough from 100 g of butter and 1.5 cups of water. How much flour will take
  • Divide the dough into 4 parts. Roll out 4 low-fat buns and spread the dough on them with your fingers
  • Roll and roll each envelope into an envelope. Lay out the layers and roll again. Now just lay the sheets on top of one another and roll
  • Put the stuffing and bake

Yeast dough for khachapuri

This is a quick dough that goes well with any salty filling.

Yeast dough recipe:

  • Pour a spoonful of active yeast into a glass of warm water and leave it for 20 minutes without stirring.
  • A foam should form on top. Salt solution
  • Take 50 grams of margarine and 50 grams of vegetable oil. Heat and pour into a bowl. Pour the flour and pour in the yeast solution.
  • Knead the dough and place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Khachapuri unleavened dough recipe

This is a traditional dough recipe used in Armenian and Georgian cuisine.

Dough recipe:

  • Take a glass of matsoni, a pinch of salt and flour
  • Knead the dough and roll it into a layer
  • Grease a layer of butter and roll
  • Roll again and fold the envelope
  • Put in the fridge for 2 hours

Khachapuri dough in milk

Traditional khachapuri are prepared on matsoni, a sour-milk Georgian drink. But Ajarian flat cakes with cheese can be cooked with milk. The taste of this will only get better.


  • Pour a spoonful of yeast into a glass of warm milk. Use dry activated
  • Let stand for 20 minutes and add salt, flour.
  • Knead the dough and add 50 g margarine and 50 g vegetable oil
  • Mix thoroughly and place in a fridge for 2 hours.

Tasty khachapuri dough on kefir

This is a fairly quick recipe that does not require lengthy preparation. The test does not need to stand in the refrigerator, it rises so well.

  • In a glass of kefir, add 2 eggs and 50 ml of vegetable oil. Pour in a pinch of salt and some sugar.
  • Add some baking soda
  • Knead soft dough. This recipe is ideal for salty and cheese fillings.

Dough for khachapuri with cheese

Usually with this filling use traditional dough on yogurt. Flapjacks are not baked, and fried in a dry frying pan.


  • Mix flour with baking powder and make a well
  • Pour in warm yoghurt and egg
  • Add salt, sugar and vegetable oil. Knead soft dough
  • Wrap a piece of cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Stuffing for khachapuri with cheese

There is a mass of cheese toppings. In traditional Georgian cuisine, cheese mixes are used.

Recipe for cheese filling:

  • If the cheese is very salty, soak it for 2 hours in cold water. Usually used Adygei cheese
  • Grate it and set aside.
  • Grate the usual Dutch cheese and mix it with the Adyghe. Put chopped greens and spices

Stuffing for khachapuri cheese curd

This filling is used for Imerti khachapuri. It is pleasant to the taste and slightly salty.

Filling recipe:

  • Crush the curd with a fork or grind it in a blender. We must try to get rid of the grains.
  • Grate the usual Dutch cheese and mix it with cottage cheese. It is necessary to take cheese products in equal quantities.
  • Chop a bunch of cilantro and parsley into the mixture

Stuffing for khachapuri with cottage cheese

Usually khachapuri is prepared with salty filling. Initially, this is a rustic dish, as there are a lot of dairy products in the village.

Recipe for cottage cheese filling:

  • Grind cottage cheese in a blender and salt it
  • Put 2 eggs and a bunch of greens into the dairy product
  • Stir and try the filling

Stuffing for khachapuri with cheese and egg

This is adapted to our kitchen stuffing. As part of minced mayonnaise and garlic.

Filling recipe:

  • Boil hard boiled eggs. Grate them and add chopped garlic.
  • Rub hard cheese and mix with eggs and garlic
  • Add a spoonful of mayonnaise and salt, do not forget the greens

This is a great option toppings for cooking traditional khachapuri in a pan.

Stuffing for khachapuri with chicken

A great recipe for a full breakfast or dinner. The dish is very satisfying.


  • Boil chicken breast or quarters in salted water.
  • Separate the meat from the bones and chop with a knife.
  • Grind Dutch cheese and mix it with chicken
  • Pour chopped greens and spices.

Cheese filling Khachapuri

This recipe is for fried breakfast bread. Combines the dish with beer and dry wine.


  • Grind the cheese on a grater or in a blender
  • Rub hard cheese, mix it with cheese
  • Add a bunch of greens and an egg mixed with sour cream
  • Do not immediately add a lot of sour cream, so that the filling does not turn out liquid

The best recipes for tasty puff khachapuri fillings

Meat filling recipe:

  • Grind meat in a meat grinder
  • Add minced onions, garlic and a bunch of greens to the mince
  • Enter spices and salt
  • Pour in melted butter

Potato filling recipe:

  • Boil the potatoes in their skins and peel them.
  • Crush the roots with a rolling pin and mash them
  • Add hard cheese and egg
  • Add greens if desired.

Bean filling recipe:

  • Boil a cup of dry beans in salt water.
  • Drain the broth and suppress the greens add garlic, chopped greens and salt with pepper.
  • It is necessary to make mashed potatoes. Pour the melted butter into the mass

There are a lot of khachapuri recipes, the most delicious are Adzharian and cooked in a pan.

VIDEO: Khachapuri recipe

A simple recipe for khachapuri with cheese - the most popular Georgian pastry. The word “khachapuri” comes from “hacho” - curd and “puri” - bread (remember, are there such Indian flat cakes -?). If you have not tried these delicious inside, I advise you to cook!


Traditionally, young imeretinsky (“crumpled”) cheese is used in the khachapuri filling, in addition to which nothing more can be added. But if you do not live in Georgia, then finding it will be problematic. Therefore, I offer several options than it can be replaced.

Cheese filling options:  Adyghe cheese (cheese, good cottage cheese) and suluguni (mozzarella) are best to take equally, if there is no suluguni or mozzarella, then Adyghe + cheese or only Adygei can be. And also add a little butter, sour cream and, if necessary, salt.

Usually, yeast-free dough for khachapuri is mixed in matsoni (there is such a fermented milk product), instead of this, in this recipe I will take equally kefir with sour cream.

Khachapuri with cheese

Composition (on):

Dough for khachapuri:

  • 250 ml matsoni (or 125 ml kefir + 125 ml sour cream)
  • 300 g flour (or as needed)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
  • 1/2 tsp of soda
  • 100 g butter (can be less)

Cheese filling:

  • 350 g of Imeretinsky cheese or in half Adygei (cheese, cottage cheese) and Suluguni (mozzarella)
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • salt (if needed)
  • 25 g (1-2 tablespoons) butter

As well as butter for lubricating khachapuri

Khachapuri - video recipe:

Khachapuri with cheese - recipe:

  1. Prepare the products. Leave the butter for the filling warm to soften. If the cheese is too salty, soak it in water for several hours.

    Products for khachapuri

  2. Melt butter for the dough. Mix the kefir with sour cream (or take the yogurt) and add salt, sugar and soda. Stir and pour melted butter. Stir until smooth, the mixture will be a little swept.

    Dough preparation

  3. Now gradually pour the flour, kneading the dough. It should get soft and fluffy. Due to the oil, it will hardly stick to hands.

    Dough for khachapuri

  4. Cheese rub or chop in another way. Add the softened butter, sour cream and salt (if the cheese is not enough salty). Mix well, rubbing with a fork. The filling for khachapuri is ready!

    Tips: You can take more cheese than indicated in the recipe (the more, the khachapuri will be tastier), but less is not worth it. If you use fatty cheese, then you can not add oil. The amount of sour cream can also be adjusted - the filling should not be too dry or wet.

    Cheese filling for khachapuri

  5. Divide the dough into 4 parts. Take one slice and form a cake on a floury table. Since the dough is soft, it can easily be made by hand.
  6. Place 1/4 of the filling in the center of the flat cake.

    Roll out and put the cheese

  7. Now collect on top of the edge to make a bag, tweak and tear off excess dough.

    Putting the dough in the bag

  8. Use your hands or using a rolling pin to make a 1-1.5 cm thick cake (no thicker, but you don’t need to make thin ones either) by sprinkling it with flour.

    Cooking khachapuri with cheese

  9. Put khachapuri on a preheated dry frying pan (as well as, these tortillas are mostly baked without butter too). Cover and bake for a few minutes over medium heat.

    Put in the pan

  10. Turn over to the other side and hold it a little longer, but without the cap. Ready-made khachapuri should be covered with light brown spots on both sides.

    We bake from two sides

  11. Remove khachapuri from the pan and immediately grease with butter. Likewise, cook the remaining tortillas. (Cover them to keep them cool.)

Delicious khachapuri ready

If you are not afraid to experiment, then you can add greens to the filling (usually it is not added to khachapuri) and spices. It will also be very tasty, although it will not be quite khachapuri :)!

Recipe khachapuri with cheese and herbs:


Khachapuri with cheese and herbs

Cheese khachapuri is deliciously served while hot or warm!

P.S. If you like the recipe Khachapuri, to be the first to learn about new dishes.

  - one of the most popular dishes of Georgian cuisine, we have never met a person (and of any nationality) who would not like khachapuri. In short, delight and delight! And the recipe, in general, is simple.

More precisely, this recipe. After all, there are quite a lot of different types of khachapuri and, accordingly, recipes. Khachapuri are closed and open, round and with boats, with cheese or meat, with the addition of eggs or potatoes to the stuffing. We offer you to bake round closed khachapuri with cheese filling (the number of products is indicated for two khachapuri with a diameter of about 25 centimeters). By the way, if you do not know, in Russian the word “khachapuri” is a noun of the AVERAGE kind, that is, correctly say “tasty khachapuri”, “delicious khachapuri”.

We already wrote about how to make yeast dough for this amazing baked product in a separate recipe, you can watch it. It also indicates the required number of products for the test and describes in detail the process of its preparation. So everything related to the test, we skip on this page and immediately proceed to other problems, of which the main one (if you do not live in Georgia) is cheese for the filling. In Georgia, this is often called “khachapurny cheese”. This cheese belongs to the category of pickled cheeses, it is lightly salted and soft. Often in the khachapuri stuffing in Georgia they put “Imeretinsky” cheese.

But if you, like us, live in another place, you cannot buy anything of this, and you need to look for an adequate replacement. You can try replacing Adygei with cheese, but be sure to add a little salt and softened butter, so that the level of salinity and fat content approaches the desired one. After several experiments, we came to the conclusion that the best mix of three different types of cheese is suitable for the filling in approximately equal amounts: Adygei cheese, any non-sharp hard yellow cheese (we love Gouda or Edam ) and the Greek "Feta" ("Fetaki") - soft salted white cheese sold in our small boxes. By mixing these cheeses, it seems to us, the “right” stuffing for khachapuri is as far as possible in our conditions. Experiment! You might like other combinations!

Need to:

  • Cheese - 600 grams (we take 200 grams of "Adygei", hard cheese and "Feta")
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Water - 1 tablespoon
  • Butter - if desired, lubricate the finished khachapuri from above, quite a bit, 10-15 grams


Cheese grate on a large grater (soft cheeses, "Adygei" and "Fet", you can just mash).

Mix all the cheeses into a homogeneous mass, add the protein of one egg, mix again and divide into two approximately equal parts (we will make two khachapuri!). The yolk, which remained from this egg, mix with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of water, we will grease the khachapuri with this mixture before putting it into the oven.

We take half of the dough, which is ready for this time, and knead it with our hands into a round cake approximately finger thick (about 15 mm). Put on the center of the cake half of the cheese filling and, raising the edges up, pinch (we put an effort with our fingers!), Close the filling “in the bag” of dough ( watch our video recipe, it is definitely better to see it once!).

Again, carefully, in order not to break the dough, with our hands we knead the “bag of cheese” into a cake about 2 cm thick. At the same time, we should evenly distribute the cheese inside the khachapuri. Put khachapuri in a greased with margarine baking dish (we have a diameter of 26 cm) or in a large frying pan, which can be put in the oven. In principle, you can put it on a baking sheet, although khachapuri on a baking sheet may not turn out perfectly round, but it does not affect the taste. Try not to grease the baking sheet in the corners, where the dough does not fall. Lubricate the top with a mixture of khachapuri yolk with water and vegetable oil.

We put the form (pan, baking tray) in the oven heated to 220 degrees (turn it on for 10-15 minutes before putting the pan there, to the heating level above average, but not the maximum). We put higher, above average. We bake about 20-25 minutes, the readiness is determined by color: it should be ruddy, yellowish-brownish. While the first khachapuri is being baked, the second can be prepared. Ready khachapuri with cheese  lay on the board; the form (or pan) is lightly lubricated again and sent there and then into the oven the second khachapuri.