Cooking curd cream. How to make curd cream for a cake

02.05.2019 Meat Dishes

There are many recipes for cottage cheese cream. On this page the most successful options are given, such as: curd cream, curd cream, curd cheese cream, curd cream with condensed milk.

The composition of each of them, as the name implies, includes cottage cheese. And the rest of the ingredients depend on the taste preferences of the cook.

So, the recipe for the preparation of cottage cheese - cream for an unforgettably delicious cake includes the following components:

  • grained cottage cheese - 200-250 g .;
  • chilled water - 50 ml .;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp .;
  • cream - 250 ml.

And to get more airiness, you can add gelatin - 10 - 15 g to the curd cream with cream.

The composition of cheese curd cream:

  • hard cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • butter - a pack (200 g);
  • vanillin - 1 chips;
  • icing sugar - 150 g.

Cream sour cream with cottage cheese consists of the following components:

  • fat sour cream (not less than 20%) - 500 ml .;
  • cottage cheese - 200 - 250 g.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp .;

Curd-condensed cream includes:

  • any yogurt - 200 g .;
  • cottage cheese - 200-250 g .;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp;
  • fat cream - 500 mg .;
  • vanillin - a bag.

Sponge cake - perfect foundation

As a basis for a cake with curd cream, you can take a biscuit dough. The components that make up the baking are as follows:

  • flour sifted several times - 1 tbsp .;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp .;
  • vanillin - 1 chips.
  • Optionally, add 2 tablespoons to the dough. cocoa powder.

Sponge cake dough is considered easy to prepare and is combined with almost all types of cream. In addition, this type of baking is also low-calorie, because it does not contain fat.

In order for the biscuit to turn out to be tender and juicy, it is necessary to soak the prepared cake with fruit juice, syrup or alcohol. In addition, baking soaked in this way acquires a special taste.

Cream of cottage cheese is an airy consistency, the taste of which depends on the components added to it, such as yogurt, cream or condensed milk.

Curd cream is a "grateful material" for the cook, in view of the fact that it does not flow and keeps its shape remarkably. It is especially convenient to use it in the preparation of complex desserts.

Secrets of a delicious cream

If you prepare curd cream for a cake at home, then you need to follow some rules:

For the formation of homogeneity, before mixing the cottage cheese with the rest of the components, it must be wiped through a sieve;
  . to whip the curd cream is necessary only with a blender or mixer, since when using a whisk, you can not achieve the required consistency and airiness;
  . the oil that is part of the cream cannot be replaced with anything else;
  . the cream is placed in the refrigerator for a while (2-3 hours).

The recipe for biscuit with curd cream

Start by making the dough:

  1. Eggs with sugar and vanilla (and cocoa) are mixed until smooth.
  2. Flour is added to the mass, and all components are thoroughly mixed.
  3. The dough is poured into a prepared mold, pre-oiled. The biscuit is baked at a temperature of 180C until a golden crust is formed. The cake is removed from the container and left until completely cooled.

Cooking curd cream step by step

How to make curd cream for a cake? Step by step recipe curd cream   for a biscuit cake includes the following steps:

  1. chopped cottage cheese is ground with sugar;
  2. pre-chilled sour cream is added to the resulting mass and all components are whipped;
  3. the finished mass is placed in the refrigerator.

Cream with cream   from cottage cheese is prepared as follows:

  1. part of the sugar is mixed with cottage cheese;
  2. the remaining half of the sugar is whipped with cream;
  3. the creamy-sugar mixture with constant stirring is poured into the curd;

If the recipe includes gelatin then:

  1. gelatin is pre-soaked in water for about half an hour;
  2. the swollen gelatin mass dissolves on low heat and cools;
  3. dissolved gelatin is thoroughly whipped with all the components of the cream.

Cream with gelatin must be placed in the refrigerator.

Cooking steps curd cream with condensed milk :

  1. cottage cheese is whipped with yogurt and vanilla;
  2. sugar and condensed milk are mixed in a deep container;
  3. all components are mixed and whipped until the formation of splendor;
  4. cream mass is placed for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator.

The recipe for cheese curd cream:

  1. melted butter is cut into cubes and whisked intensively until the formation of puffiness with sugar;
  2. vanillin with grated cottage cheese is added to the resulting mass, and all ingredients are thoroughly mixed;
  3. the finished mixture is cooled.

The curd filling is thick, on two sides greased cake, previously cut lengthwise into two parts.

Before serving the cake, you can decorate it with slices of fresh fruit or marmalade, and sprinkle with grated chocolate, confectionery powder or coconut flakes on top.

Curd cream for biscuit cake has rightfully received its approval, both from simple chefs and from professional pastry chefs. The ease of preparation and excellent taste made this cream an excellent option for creating cakes, pastries and other sweet desserts. Choose the recipe suitable for you and you can feel like a real creator of culinary masterpieces.

Classic curd cream for biscuit cake

To prepare a curd butter cream for a cake, you do not need to be a professional pastry chef. The recipe for the curd layer for biscuit is simple and will require a minimum of effort and time from you.


  • 75 g butter (butter);
  • 315 g of bold curd (9%);
  • 425 g of sweet powder;
  • 5 g of vanilla extract.

Cooking method:

  1. In the container we combine the oil, cottage cheese product and vanilla extract, turn on the mixer and shake the ingredients until a homogeneous, lush consistency is obtained.
  2. Now put the mixer aside, take a spoon and start portionwise adding sweet powder, gently stir everything.
  3. Turn on the appliance again and beat the mass for about three minutes.
  4. That's all, 20 minutes of your time and as a result, a delicious delicate cream.

Curd cheese cream for cake

Curd cheese is an original product that can be combined with both salted and sweet additives. Therefore, this ingredient is used not only for the layer of cakes, but also for different snacks. At the same time, cream from cottage cheese can be used as an impregnation for biscuit and for its decor.


  • 285 g of curd cheese;
  • half a pack of oil;
  • 85 g of sweet powder;
  • gram of vanilla.

Cooking method:

  1. In order for you to get the right cream, it is important to take oil with 80% fat. We cut it into pieces and leave it for a while so that it becomes soft.
  2. Then we froth it with a mixer, then we fill in sweet powder and vanilla, turn on the device and do not stop interfering until the mass becomes lush.
  3. Now we put the curd cheese, we work with the mixer for a couple of minutes and the cream is ready. Instead of vanilla, you can use other flavors, as well as put dyes as you wish.

Creamy Curd Cream

Curd cream is cream and cottage cheese with any percentage of fat content. It all depends on what purpose you are preparing the cream for. It is worth considering that the high fat content of the curd product and a large amount of cream make the cream more liquid.


  • 325 g of cottage cheese;
  • 265 ml of cream;
  • 145 g of sweet sand;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of flavored sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, we will beat the curd product to a tender consistency.
  2. Pour sweet and flavored sand into a separate bowl, as well as pour cream, whisk with a mixer to cool foam. To make the cream tender and sugar not grit on your teeth, it should be crushed to powder.
  3. Now we combine the creamy and curd mass and once again stir everything with a mixer. If desired, you can add cocoa cream, pour a spoonful of syrup or a few drops of citrus juice. Also, for the manufacture of sweet products, gelatin is often used, which allows the cream to keep its shape well.

With sour cream

Curd cream is a good choice for making a special homemade dessert. Such a cream does not need to be boiled or insisted for a long time, all you need is to prepare the ingredients and beat them well.


  • two packs of home-made cottage cheese;
  • three tbsp. sweetener spoons;
  • 215 ml sour cream;
  • vanilla (if desired).

Cooking method:

  1. The curd product should be of uniform consistency, so if you have granular curd, then it should be passed through a sieve or grinded first.
  2. Now sugar, it should also be crushed into powder so that it can completely dissolve and spread over the cream.
  3. The next ingredient is sour cream, we select the product as fat as possible, but before you prepare the cream from it, sour cream needs to be dried. To do this, cover the sieve with gauze, make several layers. We pour the sour cream and wait until all the whey comes out, and only the thickened mass remains in the colander, thanks to which the cream can keep its shape.
  4. Now we combine all the prepared ingredients in a blender bowl and stir until a homogeneous lush mass is obtained. Before soaking the cake with it, it should cool slightly.

We told you the basic option, which you can adjust to your liking, for example, add spices, fresh, canned or dried fruits and berries, zest of orange or lemon, poppy seeds.

Curd and yogurt layer

To make the most delicious cake means choosing the best cream. Indeed, it is the impregnation that makes any dessert refined and special in taste. We suggest you try the cottage cheese and yogurt cream for the cake, which will allow you to prepare a delicious treat, unique in taste.


  • half a kilo of home-made cottage cheese;
  • 425 g of natural yogurt (no additives);
  • 65 g of sweet powder;
  • to taste vanilla;
  • peppermint liquor if desired.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the curd product with a sieve and put in any dishes.
  2. We put natural yogurt, vanilla to it and mix everything well.
  3. Now pour the powder, if desired, pour mint liquor and stir the mass with a mixer until a delicate texture is obtained.

With condensed milk

Cream based on cottage cheese and condensed milk is one of the best options for impregnating biscuit and sand cakes. Also, many confectioners use it for tiramisu, as a filling for cakes, tubes and profiteroles.


  • 325 g of curd product (9%);
  • 215 g of condensed milk.

Cooking method:

  1. To make the cream a delicate texture, it is better to grind the curd product through a sieve.
  2. Then combine it with concentrated milk and mix with a mixer until smooth.
  3. You can change the color of the cream using cocoa powder or beetroot juice. For the best taste and aroma, in a curd cream with condensed milk, you can put the zest of orange or lemon, rum or vanilla extract.

Strawberry with gelatin

If you put strawberries in the curd cream, then your dessert will be filled with an amazing aroma and summer freshness. The berry not only changes the taste of the cream, but also makes its color more appetizing in appearance. Also in this recipe gelatin is used, thanks to which the cream becomes light, but at the same time stable and easy to use.


  • 285 g of cottage cheese (low fat);
  • 65 g of sweet powder;
  • 165 g of strawberries;
  • 17 g of gelatin.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, we will soak the gelatin in the water and set it aside to swell.
  2. For the cream, we take a low-fat curd product, so that the layer turns out to be light and airy. Grind it with a blender until a creamy texture is obtained.
  3. First, grind the berries with a mixer, and then grind through a sieve.
  4. Pour strawberry puree into the curd mass, fill in the sweet powder and beat until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved.
  5. We send the swollen gelatin to the fire, heat it until it is completely dissolved, then pour it into the total mass and quickly stir. We use the ready-made curd-strawberry cream with gelatin immediately so that it does not turn into a souffle.

Making cottage cheese cream is quite simple, but there is one mistake that many housewives make - they buy packaged cottage cheese in a store. It is impossible to get a real tasty cream from such a product, therefore it is better to use farm products with a fat content of 7 to 9%.

Gentle curd cream

No matter how good the cakes or biscuits for the cake, the cream gives a special taste and aroma to the pastries. Given this circumstance, chefs around the world are constantly experimenting and coming up with new and original recipes. One of the relatively “young” pastry creams is the curd cream for the cake. It has many variations. For example, you can add cream, jam, various fruits and berries, syrups, honey, aromatic spices (vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom), chocolate, cocoa, coffee, liquors, etc. Thanks to all these additives, the curd cream for the cake acquires a unique taste . However, its greatest advantage is the beneficial properties that are inherent in its main ingredient - cottage cheese.

Rich in calcium and phosphorus, the curd cream for the cake is especially useful for children who refuse to eat this sour-milk product in its pure form, but with pleasure they absorb it together with the cake. For girls who bake about their weight and count calories, cakes with this tasty and healthy filling are an ideal dessert option. After all, it contains much less calories than creamy or buttery, especially if it is made from low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of honey. It remains only to learn about how to cook curd cream.

Gelatin Curd Cream Recipe


  • cottage cheese - 1/2 kg;
  • sugar - 60 g (3 tbsp.spoons);
  • cream - 1/2 liter;
  • 2 small lemons;
  • gelatin - 20 g.

Cooking process

Soak gelatin for 1 hour in cold water (in a small saucepan). After it swells, drain the excess water and put on a slow fire so that the gelatin melts. Cool. Divide the lemons in half and squeeze them, and grind the zest on a grater. Put the cottage cheese in the mixer cup. Stir slowly, add sugar, and then introduce lemon juice and zest. In a separate bowl, whip the cream into a steep foam and add to the curd mass. Then, add a melted and cooled gelatin in a thin stream and mix. That's all, the cream is ready for use.

Cottage Cheese Cream with Berries and Fruits

Essential Products:

  • powdered sugar - 1/2 cup;
  • cream - 1 cup (200 ml);
  • cottage cheese - 1 pack (200-250 g);
  • vanilla powder - 20 g;
  • berries (currants, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries) - 1 cup;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • canned peaches - 3-4 pcs.

How to make a cream

Stirred cottage cheese to mix with vanilla. In a separate bowl, whip the cream and slowly add the powdered sugar in a spoon, then mix with the curd. Wash and peel fruits and berries. Dice peaches and oranges. Add everything to the curd mass. The cream is ready. It can be used both for greasing cake shortcakes, and as a separate dessert.

Diet Curd Cream

However, many girls, probably more than other recipes, are interested in the question of how to make curd cream from dietary products. After all, they often have to give up their favorite cakes, because of their high calorie content. We want to bring to your attention a very light and low-calorie curd cream for cake.

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 1 pack (200-250 g);
  • fruit yogurt - 100 g;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla;
  • nuts and raisins - half a cup.

Cooking method

Beat the yolk with sugar and vanilla. Continuing to beat, add yogurt, and then introduce the cottage cheese and honey, stir well. Add chopped nuts and raisins at the end. Dietary cream can be used not only for the layer of cake, but also with pancakes. Enjoy your meal!

Curd cream for a cake is a gentle airy mass with a wide variety of tastes. It keeps its shape perfectly and does not spread, so many chefs use it to work with complex desserts. However, even the curd cream itself is already a full treat for the sweet tooth.

Curd cream for the cake is prepared using a blender or mixer, which allows you to achieve the perfect smoothness of the cheese mass. For taste and aroma, a wide variety of ingredients are added to it. Almost every recipe for cottage cheese cream contains sugar or powdered sugar. Also often used are vanillin, butter, milk, cream, sour cream, condensed milk and natural yogurts, eggs, etc.

More original versions of curd cream for a cake include the addition of cognac, liquor or dessert wine, fruit puree or syrup, cocoa, gelatin, etc.. Usually, all the ingredients are simply mixed together and whipped into a lush mass, which is very simple to use to soak the dessert.

Curd cake cream allows you to experiment with toppings, because it is combined with almost all the sweet ingredients. You can also choose any kind of cakes - the curd cream always lays down in an even layer and emphasizes the consistency of the dessert.

Cake with curd cream can be cooked in the oven or made without baking at all. So, pancakes or shortbread cookies are often used as a base. Curd cream is also great for decorating the top of the cake - you can make beautiful patterns and small pastry figures from it.

The secrets of making the perfect cottage cheese cream

Curd cake cream is ideal for home baking, and professional confectioners often use just such a filler for their masterpieces. This airy delicacy is made extremely simple, and the result exceeds all expectations. Beginners can learn a few secrets, how to cook curd cream for a cake, from the following notes:

Secret number 1. Cottage cheese for cream must be crushed before adding it to the rest of the ingredients. You can do this with a blender, and in his absence - use a sieve. The procedure is necessary, even if the curd is not grainy by itself.

Secret number 2. After preparation, curd-yogurt and curd-sour cream should be kept in the refrigerator a little after cooking. If gelatin is also present in the recipe, then you will need to leave the finished cake for a while in the cold.

Secret number 3. To prepare curd cream for a cake, it is best to get a mixer or a blender. You can whisk the ingredients with a whisk, but the whole process will be quite laborious, but the consistency of the finished cream may not coincide with the expectations assigned to it.

Secret number 4. To give the cream cheese any shade, you can use fruit or vegetable juice. The best dyes in this case are beets and carrots.

Secret number 5. In the recipes of the curd cream for the cake, it is absolutely impossible to replace the butter with a spread or margarine.

This cream is very tender due to the addition of powdered sugar and condensed milk. In addition, the dessert will complement the aroma of vanilla sugar and cognac. If brandy is not found, you can use liquor or dessert wine. Of course, if the cake is prepared for children, it is better to exclude the alcohol ingredient altogether or replace it with berry syrup. The consistency of the cream will be thick. It is recommended to use impregnation for biscuit with it.


  • Cottage cheese - 320 g;
  • Condensed milk - 65 g;
  • Powdered Sugar - 90 g;
  • Butter - 175 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • Cognac - 1 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the oil to room temperature and put it in a deep plate.
  2. Pour powdered sugar and vanilla sugar to the butter, beat everything with a mixer until white.
  3. Continuing to whip the cream at high speed, gradually introduce condensed milk into it.
  4. Add cognac and beat a little more.
  5. Rub the cottage cheese through a fine strainer and pour into the finished cream, mix everything carefully.
  6. Beat all ingredients again until smooth.

Interesting from the network

If not only the taste of the cake is important, but also its appearance (for example, when it comes to a festive dessert), then it is best to use creamy curd cream with the addition of gelatin. This simple secret ingredient will make the curd even more airy, and the cream will add a rich white color and delicate texture. Before soaking gelatin, it is better to read the instructions on its packaging and follow the recommendations there, even if they differ from the recipe.


  • Granular curd - 250 g;
  • Cream - 300 ml;
  • Gelatin - 10 g;
  • Sugar - 80 g;
  • Water - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour gelatin with cold water and leave for 40 minutes.
  2. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add half the sugar to it.
  3. Dissolve gelatin to a liquid state and cool to room temperature.
  4. Pour gelatin to cottage cheese and mix.
  5. Mix the cream and the remaining sugar, beat everything in a froth using a mixer.
  6. Gradually introduce the cream into a bowl with cottage cheese, constantly stirring the cream.
  7. After adding the cream, you will need to keep the cake in the refrigerator for several hours.

For a cake with fruit filling, this air curd cream is best suited. It will emphasize the taste of the rest of the ingredients, make the dessert very tender. You need to take the simplest yogurt - without any flavoring. The fat content of this product does not matter. The process of preparing the cream is extremely simple - it can be entrusted even to a novice hostess or practice using it for more sophisticated recipes.


  • Cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • Thick cream - 400 ml;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • Yogurt - 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Put cottage cheese in a blender bowl and chop it until smooth.
  2. Add vanilla and yogurt to the cottage cheese, beat at medium speed.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix the cream and sugar, beat them until a firm foam.
  4. Combine the curd and creamy mass, continue whisking all together until completely homogeneous.
  5. Before preparing the cake, leave the cream in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

This recipe for curd cream for a cake is considered a classic, so every housewife who likes to do homemade cakes is sure to get acquainted with it. Thanks to butter, the curd becomes even more tender and juicy, and vanilla gives an appetizing aroma. Before applying the cream to cakes, you do not need to warm or whip it again - it is better to use it chilled.


  • Cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • Powdered Sugar - 150 g;
  • Butter - 200 g;
  • Vanillin - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the oil to room temperature, cut into cubes.
  2. Pour powdered sugar to the butter, beat them together until a lush white mass is obtained.
  3. Separately grind the cottage cheese in a blender and transfer it to the sugar-oil mixture.
  4. Beat cream intensively, add vanillin in the process.
  5. When the cream becomes homogeneous, transfer it to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Pancake cake is a fairly popular homemade dessert. Making cakes for him is easy - just fry more pancakes! Nevertheless, the main taste of the dish directly depends on the chosen cream. Curd will be one of the simplest, but at the same time tasty and healthy options. If you wish, you can use your favorite pancake recipe instead of the one below. If you don’t want to make a cake with chocolate, just remove the cocoa from the dough.


  • Milk - 600 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Flour - 1 glass;
  • Baking powder - ½ tsp;
  • Salt - ½ tsp;
  • Cocoa - 1 ½ tbsp. l .;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • Sour cream - 100 g;
  • Vanillin - 2 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the eggs into a deep plate, pour salt and a half tablespoon of sugar to them.
  2. Beat eggs thoroughly and pour half of the indicated amount of milk to them.
  3. Sift flour together with baking powder, gradually introduce into the dough.
  4. Mix all the ingredients until smooth, add to them all the remaining milk and vegetable oil.
  5. Set pancake dough aside for 20 minutes.
  6. Using the blender, bring the cottage cheese to a pasty state.
  7. Add the remaining sugar (approximately 80 g), vanillin and sour cream to the resulting mass.
  8. Beat the cream until smooth with a blender or mixer.
  9. Divide the pancake dough into two parts and add cocoa powder to one of them, mix.
  10. Heat the pan well and grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil (it is better to use a silicone brush).
  11. Use a ladle to scoop out the dough for pancakes and pour it into a skillet.
  12. Spread the dough over the entire surface of the pan, fry the pancake on both sides until golden.
  13. Cook all the other pancakes as well.
  14. On a flat dish, put a white pancake and grease it with curd cream, then put the chocolate pancake on top.
  15. So form the whole cake, grease it on top and sides with the remaining curd cream.
  16. Decorate the cocoa cake on top.

The combination of cherries, cottage cheese and chocolate dough is loved by absolutely all confectioners and sweet tooth. Such a delicacy, even if prepared from the simplest products, still looks very appetizing and elegant. For biscuit dough, instead of cocoa, you can take grated chocolate (about 50 g), but then the dessert will turn out to be really very sweet. So that the cherry filling does not spoil the cream, it is better to sprinkle it with a little starch before adding to the cake. The biscuit here is prepared a little unusual, but it is this way of kneading the dough that allows you to get a fairly magnificent cake - the dough is enough for three cakes.


  • Flour - 2 glasses;
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • Starch - 1 tsp;
  • Cocoa - 1 ¼ st. l .;
  • Sugar - 1 ½ cup;
  • Vanillin - 5 g;
  • Sour cream - 200 g;
  • Cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • Gelatin - 10 g;
  • Freshly frozen cherry - 300 g;
  • Powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix flour, starch and 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder in a deep dough mixing bowl.
  2. Break the eggs into a separate saucepan, add vanilla and half a glass of sugar to them.
  3. Put the saucepan on a slow fire, beat eggs for 3-4 minutes (heat to no more than 50 degrees).
  4. Remove the saucepan from the heat and continue to beat eggs with sugar for another 10 minutes using a mixer.
  5. Sift the dry ingredients (flour, starch and cocoa) through a sieve and gradually introduce into the egg mass.
  6. Transfer the dough into a greased or covered with parchment form, bake at 180 degrees 35 minutes.
  7. Prepare gelatin according to the instructions on the bag, melt and cool.
  8. Mix cottage cheese, sour cream and the remaining sugar, mix well.
  9. Add gelatin to the cream and mix again until smooth.
  10. Leave the cream in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes (no longer!).
  11. Carefully cut the finished biscuit into three cakes, put the first on a flat dish.
  12. Lubricate the cake with cream, unfreeze the cherry and lay on top of the curd mass, cover with a second cake.
  13. Add cream and filling again, put the third cake and grease it with curd cream.
  14. Sprinkle the cake with cocoa powder and powdered sugar, leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Now you know how to prepare a curd cream for a prescription cake with a photo. Enjoy your meal!

You can’t imagine a children's holiday without a cake with candles. If you are going to do it yourself, then the cream of cottage cheese is best for this case. Many children are reluctant to eat this product, but cake with curd filling will be eaten with pleasure. I offer you some recipes for delicious curd cream for a cake.

Curd Mousse Cream

Kitchen appliances and accessories:mixer, microwave, hand blender, bowl, spoon, measuring cup.


How to choose cottage cheese

For the cream, in principle, cottage cheese of any fat content is suitable, since in addition to cottage cheese, it also includes butter or high fat cream.

The main thing,  so that it is as fresh as possible, because it will not undergo heat treatment. Cottage cheese should not be bitter and be too sour.

Step cooking

We prepare the ingredients

Whip cream

It is better to apply such a cream to cakes immediately after preparation because when gelatin is strongly set, it will not be so convenient to do this.

Video recipe

Watch a video on how to make curd cream for a cake. You will see how the cottage cheese beaten by the blender should look like, how to dissolve gelatin and what consistency the cream will come out.

Curd butter cream

Time for preparing:  15-20 minutes.
Servings Per Container:6-8.
Kitchen appliances and utensils:mixer, blender, sieve, bowl.


Step cooking

Video recipe

If you are interested in what condition you need to whip the butter and which cream comes out, I suggest watching a video with this recipe.

Cottage cheese and yogurt cream

Time for preparing:  15-20 minutes.
Servings Per Container:8-10.
Kitchen appliances and utensils:  mixer, blender, measuring cup, bowl, spatula.


All products must be refrigerated before cooking.

Step cooking

This amount of cream is enough to smear a cake of 4 cake layers with a diameter of 21 cm.

Video recipe

Watch the video and it will become clear to you how to add powdered sugar to the cream and how to combine all the ingredients.

  • In order to get rid of grains of cottage cheese in a cream, it is best to use a sieve.
  • Although the process of grinding the cottage cheese through a sieve is time-consuming, it is the most effective. If you do not want to mess around, interrupt with a hand blender, it will also work out quite well. Less gelatin can be added to the mousse cream, but then the cream will be more loose. If you want to cover the cake with this cream, and top it with icing, then take just as much gelatin as specified in the recipe, or even a little more. You can use any natural yogurt with or without toppings. Whichever you love more, take that one.
  • Pieces of canned fruit, any jam, grated chocolate or nuts can be added to the curd cream. Any filler will add its own zest.
      I really like to make cream from cottage cheese. It is such a versatile product that it can be combined with many ingredients.
  • When, for example, there is no way to run to the store for groceries, you can just do it, it will also turn out very tasty. My mom recently baked a cherry and chocolate cake. Taste - just beyond words, you need to try it.
  • And if your kids love pancakes, then I suggest you cook. So you veiledly feed them useful cottage cheese.

Try it and you cook such a delicious and healthy cream of cottage cheese. Share your recipes and cooking secrets in the comments.