How to cook apricot jam. How to cook a thick apricot jam: recipes with photos

28.04.2019 Meat dishes

Home-made jam significantly surpasses the purchased products in quality and taste. Also, the harvesting can save a lot, since the purchase version of fruit formulations is distinguished by its high cost. How apricot jam is made or jam should be considered in detail, because such a delicacy is rich in nutrients and vitamins necessary for humans.

Preparing a delicacy of apricots involves several separate steps. It is first required to consider the basic method of making preservation for the winter, and then pay attention to the recipes.

The principle of cooking is as follows:

  • Fruits must be thoroughly washed and subsequently dried from moisture.
  • It is required to remove all the bones that are contained inside the apricot fruit, without damaging the flesh.
  • Fruits are scrolled in a meat grinder, or through a blender, before the formation of gruel (it can turn out liquid).
  • Orange or lemon juice is added to taste (citrus fruit is passed through a juicer).
  • Apricot puree, citrus fruit juice and the amount of sugar necessary for cooking are mixed in a saucepan.
  • For 40-50 minutes, the composition is cooked over medium heat, while constantly stirring and not covered with a lid.

In the process of cooking, the composition is converted into a thick mixture, after which it can be added to baked goods, eaten or rolled up in cans and stored until winter.

This composition is perfect for baking, since apricot filling is considered one of the most popular sweets for baking.

Preparation of the main ingredient

The main component of the jam is apricot (in the required quantities). It is recommended to cook the jam from fresh fruits that were grown on their own or bought during the season in the store. Consider the step-by-step preparation of the main component:

  • the necessary amount of apricot fruit is prepared or purchased for making jam;
  • fruits are thoroughly washed under clean water, and then dried from the moisture present;
  • before cooking, it is necessary to completely eliminate all the bones present in the fruit;
  • subsequently chopped fruits are passed through a meat grinder or blender to form a puree;
  • the required amount of sugar is prepared, as well as auxiliary fruits (any fruit can be used, to taste).

To get exactly the jam, you need to chop the fruits of apricot, otherwise, when cooking you get the traditional, but liquid jam.

Ways to make apricot jam at home

There are many recipes for the preparation of this delicacy, but you need to consider only the most popular ones:

  • simple recipe for winter conservation;
  • cooking in a slow cooker;
  • jam in the oven;
  • apricots through a blender;
  • jam through a meat grinder;

  • amber transparent jam;
  • composition with orange;
  • carrot delicacy;
  • jam without stones;
  • adding chocolate;
  • filler for pies.

In each case, the recipe of cooking includes the main stages of making sweets.

Cooked and thickened jam can be used not only for preservation, but also for everyday use, since such a treat in good conditions is stored for a long time.

A simple recipe for winter

If a billet is being made for the coming winter, then a ready-made thickened composition is required to be poured into the cans, and after that they are rolled up under metal covers. Next, banks cool down to room temperature and transferred to the storage, where there are appropriate conditions for preservation storage.

In the multicooker

Modern multicookers are equipped with programs for making jam. At the same time, it is only necessary to place the pan with the components in the apparatus and wait for the delicacy to be prepared. Subsequently, it is required to roll up in jars or use as a filling.

In the oven

If you want to cook a thick jam, then it needs to be placed after cooking in the oven, and not on the stove. Here the composition will be under the influence of high temperature (200-230 degrees) for 40 minutes, after which the product can be packaged in cans or eaten.

Through blender

To prepare an apricot delicacy, you need to chop the fruit to a state of mashed potatoes. It is not recommended to leave unground pieces, as this will negatively affect the taste of the composition. The blender allows you to chop the fruit to the smallest components, however, this forms a liquid mixture, which in the process of cooking thickens.

Through the meat grinder

As in the case of a blender, the meat grinder serves to significantly chop the fruit. It allows you to get rid of lumps and get a liquid puree, which later will be boiled down to a thick mixture. Preparation is carried out step by step.

Amber transparent jam

The transparency of the mixture can be achieved by thoroughly grinding the fruits of apricot, as well as adding citrus fruits and an appropriate amount of sugar. After long grinding, before mixing, the composition is passed through a sieve or cheesecloth. Subsequently, the mixture is boiled on gas until it thickens and forms a transparent amber shade.

With oranges

For preparation, a core of ripe orange is required, as well as the required amount of apricots and sugar. Unlike lemon, orange is required to grind more carefully, and also to skip after the mixture through cheesecloth, so that the skin from the slices does not get into the overall mixture. It is possible to boil such a composition in 40 minutes over medium heat.

With carrots

Use cleaned carrots, which are then crushed in a meat grinder or blender. The principle of production is similar to the use of citrus fruits. However, due to the taste differences in carrots, a larger amount of sugar is added (each one uses a sweetener according to its taste).


To get exactly the jam, you want to remove all the bones from the fruit. For this fruit is cut in half. Next, the bone is removed carefully so as not to damage the flesh. At the same stage, other skin defects present in the fruit are also eliminated.

Chocolate jam

After cooking, the thick composition is mixed with melted hot chocolate in a water bath. Subsequently, the mixture is stirred using a mixer. Further jam can be eaten or used as a filling for baking. Spinning for the winter composition is not recommended, as the chocolate at low temperatures may harden.

How to cook apricot jam for pies

To use apricot puree as a filling for pies, it is not necessary to subject the main component to prolonged cooking. Immediately before cooking, you can skip the composition through cheesecloth. Here you should reduce the time spent in the pan on the gas to 30-35 minutes. After that, the mixture should be cooled and applied to the filling in future cakes.

Jam from apricots for the winter, a recipe with a photo of a simple blank, excellent filling for pies and pies. Thick apricot jam is prepared according to the simplest recipe - it does not need to be passed through a meat grinder or a blender, there is no need to thicken with pectin or gelatin. The composition of the workpiece is minimal: lemon juice, sugar, apricots - and jam for the winter, amber and, ready.

The recipe of jam, apricot including, involves various methods of preparation - with gelatin, pectin, nucleoli of the peeled bone - we will prepare the basic jam from apricots. The recipe without pits, in addition to apricots and sugar, includes only lemon juice, since apricot puree itself has a slight acidity.

How much to cook jam from apricots depends on the ripeness of the fruit themselves. If the apricots are very juicy and ripe, it may take more time, until most of the juice is boiled down and the jam does not acquire the correct thickness.

Advice from the Wonderful Cook. If the apricots are ripe, but not too overripe and not very juicy, before pouring them sugar, fruit can be pierced in several places with a fork. This method contributes to a greater release of apricot juice.

Determine the exact time of cooking will help test with a cold plate - how to conduct it, read the recipe. In addition, do not forget - even if the jam turned out slightly watery, as it cools, it additionally thickens.

From the specified number of ingredients, 9 half-liter jars of ready-made apricot jam thick and tasty are obtained.

Preparation - 3 hours

Cooking - 45 minutes

Calorie - 240 kcal per 100 grams

Ingredients for making jam from pitted apricots

  • fresh apricots - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • juice of two lemons freshly squeezed.

How to cook apricot jam at home

  1. Apricots thoroughly washed and cut into halves. We take out the bones and cut into quarters. We put in a large saucepan and pour apricots with sugar. Cover and leave the ingredients for several hours at room temperature or remove covered overnight in the refrigerator. During this time, the fruit will start up the juice, and the sugar is partially dissolved.
  2. After two or three hours or the next day, squeeze the juice of two lemons. Pour lemon juice into apricot saucepan and bring to a boil. Stir periodically, remove foam as necessary. So that the mass does not run away, do not fill the pan more than two-thirds.


  3. We turn down the heat to medium-low and boil, not forgetting to stir, for about half an hour. From time to time we check the jam for thickness using a cooled plate, as we did when we cooked it. To do this, put the plate in the freezer, when cool, put on it a little jam and put it back in the freezer for a few minutes. We take out and check: if the jam frowns when touched with a finger, then it is ready. If not, continue cooking.
  4. While jam cooked, prepare jars and lids. Wash them with soapy water, rinse thoroughly and leave to dry for 15-20 minutes. We place dry jars with lids in a baking sheet or directly on the grid of an oven heated to 100 ° C for sterilization. Leave in the oven until we are ready to pour the jam into the jars.
  5. After the jam has thickened enough, and if there are unripened apricot pieces, we purée it with a tolkushka or an immersion blender. Once again bring to a boil. Carefully remove the jars from the oven. We spill ready jam on hot. It is best to first fill all the jars in half, to give the glass time to heat to the same temperature as the jam.
  6. Then we fill up the billet in each can, not reaching 1-1.5 cm to the neck. It is very important not to fill the jars to the top, otherwise they will not roll tight. We wipe the cans with a dry, clean paper towel to remove the condensation that has formed. Covering banks with lids, but do not twist.
  7. We sterilize the jars with blanks, as we have sterilized. To do this, we put a grate for sterilization in a large, volumetric pot, or put a towel on the bottom (the layer should be 2-3 cm thick) so that the banks do not touch the bottom of the pan directly. Put the jars on a wire rack or towel, pour hot water over the “hangers”, bring to a boil over low heat and sterilize for 15-20 minutes. Banks take out and then spin. We wrap up with a blanket and leave to cool completely.

In winter, thick apricot jam thickly spread on buns and cookies, served to, use as a filling for pies.

There are many different ways of harvesting fresh fruit for the winter. One of the popular options is cooking jam. This delicacy is very tasty and healthy. You can cook it not only from fruits collected in your garden or vegetable garden, but also brought from other regions. The perfect solution is jam apricot. Such a dessert for the winter is prepared using several methods. Below are the most common recipes. From ripe, juicy apricots, you can make a bright and juicy orange jam.

Classic apricot jam for the winter

Such a billet has a rich aroma and bright taste. The peculiarity of this dessert for the winter is a homogeneous delicate texture. In this jam there are no rough streaks or skins.


  • apricots - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • citric acid - ½ tsp.

Cooking process

  1. First you need to prepare all the ingredients.

  1. Apricots are better to choose tinted. It is desirable that they were soft and gentle. You can take overripe fruit. First of all, apricots should be placed in a colander and rinsed under cold running water. The most contaminated fruits must be washed by hand, but care must be taken because the fruits are very delicate and fragile.

  1. Then from the apricots should pull out the bones.

  1. Halves of fruit are put in a jam jug. It is better to take aluminum dishes or stainless steel containers. The billet is filled with cold water. The container is placed on the fire, and the mass is boiled.

  1. Bring the mixture to a boil. After that, the fire is turned off, and the dishes with the future apricot jam are covered with a lid. In this form, the mass should be left to cool completely in a natural way.

  1. Then the apricot billet must be rubbed through a sieve. This will prevent hard fibers and skins from entering the composition. You can also skip the product through a meat grinder, but then a homogeneous consistency will definitely not be possible.

  1. In the resulting mashed apricots need to add sugar and stir the mixture with a spoon.

  1. The workpiece is put on fire and brought to the boiling stage. When the mass starts to gurgle, the gas should be reduced to a minimum. The product must be constantly stirred and boiled for 5 minutes.

  1. Now the pot with the future apricot jam should be removed, the mass should cool down in a natural way. The cooled composition is again brought to a boil, after which the heat is reduced. The mass must be reduced to the required level of density. Approximately 5 minutes before the end of cooking in the jam you need to pour citric acid. If you boil down apricot jam for 15 minutes, then the mass acquires a beautiful bright orange shade.

  1. Then the hot composition is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up with turnkey lids.

Apricot jam with vanilla for the winter

The original, incredibly fragrant obtained apricot jam, cooked according to a simple recipe with the addition of vanilla.


  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 450-500 g;
  • vanillin - 1-2 sachets;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp.

Cooking process

  1. First of all, thoroughly wash the apricots under a powerful stream of running water.

  1. From the fruit you need to get the bones.

  1. The obtained clean halves of fruit should be transferred into the cooking container of apricot jam for the winter.

  1. Cookware is put on a slow fire. Harvest ripe fruit should be boiled under a closed lid until apricots are softened and give the juice. Then the fruit is removed from the gas. They should be cooled at room temperature, after which the skins should be removed from the fruit.

  1. Fruit paste is wiped through a sieve. Now, the mashed potatoes must be weighed to determine the required amount of granulated sugar. If you start from the standard measure, then 1 kg of pulp need to use about 500 grams of sugar.

  1. Then the future of jam from apricots is again put on the stove and cooked over medium heat. The mass should be evaporated for about half an hour. In this composition should be constantly stirring. Then sugar, vanillin and citric acid are added to the mush. The fire goes down. Boil the mass should be up until all the crystals do not dissolve. Jam should be thick enough.

  1. Meanwhile, banks need to be sterilized, and the lid is boiled. Hot apricot jam with vanilla is poured into prepared containers. The container should be sealed with lids and turned over. Jars with preparation are put in a warm, secluded and dry place. They need to cover the blanket and leave for a couple of days, after which the banks can be removed for winter storage.

Thick apricot jam for winter

Cooking a thick but light enough and tender apricot jam for the winter will be quite easy if you use the step-by-step recipe from the photo. Such a hint will allow novice cooks to avoid possible mistakes.


  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking process

  1. First, prepare all the ingredients listed in the recipe for apricot jam.

  1. Fruit should be washed and dried thoroughly on a towel or napkin. Apricots are broken or cut in half. They need to remove the bones.

  1. Fruit blanks should be pierced with a fork in any order. This will allow the fruit to select the maximum amount of juice. This is especially true when the jam is cooked from ripe, but not overripe fruits. You can also pour in a little water with apricot halves for the same purpose.

  1. Apricots and granulated sugar should be placed in layers for cooking.

  1. Fruits should be given a few hours for juice. For this, the harvesting of the future apricot jam is left in the refrigerator or at room temperature. There is nothing wrong with a product that stays up all night.

  1. Next, a saucepan or cauldron with sugar and apricots is put on the stove. Sets the middle fire, on which the mass and should reach the boiling stage. Systematically the composition should be mixed. Foam is removed from its surface without fail. Boil the jam should be 30-35 minutes.

  1. In about half an hour, most of the desired apricots boil down by themselves. The whole mixture must be processed so that it acquires the consistency of mashed potatoes. To do this, you can take an immersion blender or potato tolkushku.

  1. The resulting apricot jam is brought to a boil, after which it must be decomposed into sterilized jars. The container is covered with caps, turned over and wrapped. In this condition, the tanks must cool down naturally.

Apricot jam with apples for the winter

Tasty and very bright it turns out jam from apricots and apples. This winter harvesting will appeal to connoisseurs of balanced tastes. Indeed, in this recipe, the sweetness of apricots is perfectly diluted with the sourness of apples.


  • apricots - 300 g;
  • apples - 600 g;
  • sugar - 1 to.

Cooking process

  1. First you need to prepare all the ingredients listed in the recipe.

  1. First, do apples. Fruits should be washed and peeled. They are removed in the mandatory seed box. The resulting clean fruit must be processed in a food processor or punch in a blender.

  1. Apple shavings are transferred to the pan or jar for cooking jam. Apricot puree, which was obtained by grinding the slices of these fruits without pits, should be shifted here.

  1. Fruit is put on the fire and cooked for 20-23 minutes.

  1. The softened composition is pursed with an immersion blender.

  1. To products poured sugar.

  1. The resulting mass is recommended to cook on medium heat for about 25-30 minutes.

  1. That's all! Dense, tasty and very useful jam of apricots and apples for the winter is ready. As you can see, the recipe is extremely simple in execution. But it will allow you to get a very gentle, uniform dessert that can be served with toasts and pancakes. The mass is poured into prepared jars and sealed with sterilized lids.

Video: how to cook apricot jam

To see how easy it is to make apricot jam, you can watch the video below. What a pity that with the help of the video it is impossible to convey the captivating aroma of these wonderful fruits!

There are many different ways of harvesting fresh fruit for the winter. One of the popular options is cooking jam. This delicacy is very tasty and healthy. You can cook it not only from fruits collected in your garden or vegetable garden, but also brought from other regions. The perfect solution is jam apricot. Such a dessert for the winter is prepared using several methods. Below are the most common recipes. From ripe, juicy apricots, you can make a bright and juicy orange jam.

Classic apricot jam for the winter

Such a billet has a rich aroma and bright taste. The peculiarity of this dessert for the winter is a homogeneous delicate texture. In this jam there are no rough streaks or skins.


  • apricots - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • citric acid - ½ tsp.

Cooking process

  1. First you need to prepare all the ingredients.

  1. Apricots are better to choose tinted. It is desirable that they were soft and gentle. You can take overripe fruit. First of all, apricots should be placed in a colander and rinsed under cold running water. The most contaminated fruits must be washed by hand, but care must be taken because the fruits are very delicate and fragile.

  1. Then from the apricots should pull out the bones.

  1. Halves of fruit are put in a jam jug. It is better to take aluminum dishes or stainless steel containers. The billet is filled with cold water. The container is placed on the fire, and the mass is boiled.

  1. Bring the mixture to a boil. After that, the fire is turned off, and the dishes with the future apricot jam are covered with a lid. In this form, the mass should be left to cool completely in a natural way.

  1. Then the apricot billet must be rubbed through a sieve. This will prevent hard fibers and skins from entering the composition. You can also skip the product through a meat grinder, but then a homogeneous consistency will definitely not be possible.

  1. In the resulting mashed apricots need to add sugar and stir the mixture with a spoon.

  1. The workpiece is put on fire and brought to the boiling stage. When the mass starts to gurgle, the gas should be reduced to a minimum. The product must be constantly stirred and boiled for 5 minutes.

  1. Now the pot with the future apricot jam should be removed, the mass should cool down in a natural way. The cooled composition is again brought to a boil, after which the heat is reduced. The mass must be reduced to the required level of density. Approximately 5 minutes before the end of cooking in the jam you need to pour citric acid. If you boil down apricot jam for 15 minutes, then the mass acquires a beautiful bright orange shade.

  1. Then the hot composition is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up with turnkey lids.

Apricot jam with vanilla for the winter

The original, incredibly fragrant obtained apricot jam, cooked according to a simple recipe with the addition of vanilla.


  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 450-500 g;
  • vanillin - 1-2 sachets;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp.

Cooking process

  1. First of all, thoroughly wash the apricots under a powerful stream of running water.

  1. From the fruit you need to get the bones.

  1. The obtained clean halves of fruit should be transferred into the cooking container of apricot jam for the winter.

  1. Cookware is put on a slow fire. Harvest ripe fruit should be boiled under a closed lid until apricots are softened and give the juice. Then the fruit is removed from the gas. They should be cooled at room temperature, after which the skins should be removed from the fruit.

  1. Fruit paste is wiped through a sieve. Now, the mashed potatoes must be weighed to determine the required amount of granulated sugar. If you start from the standard measure, then 1 kg of pulp need to use about 500 grams of sugar.

  1. Then the future of jam from apricots is again put on the stove and cooked over medium heat. The mass should be evaporated for about half an hour. In this composition should be constantly stirring. Then sugar, vanillin and citric acid are added to the mush. The fire goes down. Boil the mass should be up until all the crystals do not dissolve. Jam should be thick enough.

  1. Meanwhile, banks need to be sterilized, and the lid is boiled. Hot apricot jam with vanilla is poured into prepared containers. The container should be sealed with lids and turned over. Jars with preparation are put in a warm, secluded and dry place. They need to cover the blanket and leave for a couple of days, after which the banks can be removed for winter storage.

Thick apricot jam for winter

Cooking a thick but light enough and tender apricot jam for the winter will be quite easy if you use the step-by-step recipe from the photo. Such a hint will allow novice cooks to avoid possible mistakes.


  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking process

  1. First, prepare all the ingredients listed in the recipe for apricot jam.

  1. Fruit should be washed and dried thoroughly on a towel or napkin. Apricots are broken or cut in half. They need to remove the bones.

  1. Fruit blanks should be pierced with a fork in any order. This will allow the fruit to select the maximum amount of juice. This is especially true when the jam is cooked from ripe, but not overripe fruits. You can also pour in a little water with apricot halves for the same purpose.

  1. Apricots and granulated sugar should be placed in layers for cooking.

  1. Fruits should be given a few hours for juice. For this, the harvesting of the future apricot jam is left in the refrigerator or at room temperature. There is nothing wrong with a product that stays up all night.

  1. Next, a saucepan or cauldron with sugar and apricots is put on the stove. Sets the middle fire, on which the mass and should reach the boiling stage. Systematically the composition should be mixed. Foam is removed from its surface without fail. Boil the jam should be 30-35 minutes.

  1. In about half an hour, most of the desired apricots boil down by themselves. The whole mixture must be processed so that it acquires the consistency of mashed potatoes. To do this, you can take an immersion blender or potato tolkushku.

  1. The resulting apricot jam is brought to a boil, after which it must be decomposed into sterilized jars. The container is covered with caps, turned over and wrapped. In this condition, the tanks must cool down naturally.

Apricot jam with apples for the winter

Tasty and very bright it turns out jam from apricots and apples. This winter harvesting will appeal to connoisseurs of balanced tastes. Indeed, in this recipe, the sweetness of apricots is perfectly diluted with the sourness of apples.


  • apricots - 300 g;
  • apples - 600 g;
  • sugar - 1 to.

Cooking process

  1. First you need to prepare all the ingredients listed in the recipe.

  1. First, do apples. Fruits should be washed and peeled. They are removed in the mandatory seed box. The resulting clean fruit must be processed in a food processor or punch in a blender.

  1. Apple shavings are transferred to the pan or jar for cooking jam. Apricot puree, which was obtained by grinding the slices of these fruits without pits, should be shifted here.

  1. Fruit is put on the fire and cooked for 20-23 minutes.

  1. The softened composition is pursed with an immersion blender.

  1. To products poured sugar.

  1. The resulting mass is recommended to cook on medium heat for about 25-30 minutes.

  1. That's all! Dense, tasty and very useful jam of apricots and apples for the winter is ready. As you can see, the recipe is extremely simple in execution. But it will allow you to get a very gentle, uniform dessert that can be served with toasts and pancakes. The mass is poured into prepared jars and sealed with sterilized lids.

Video: how to cook apricot jam

To see how easy it is to make apricot jam, you can watch the video below. What a pity that with the help of the video it is impossible to convey the captivating aroma of these wonderful fruits!