Pickled eggplant stuffed with cabbage carrots and garlic. Stuffed with greens and other

Stuffed eggplant with cabbage is a great cold appetizer for both everyday and holiday dishes.

The specific taste of eggplant goes well with the freshness of cabbage and carrots, this preparation is moderately spicy and salty and perfectly complements vegetable, meat, cereal dishes.

Eggplant stuffed with cabbage - the general principles of preparation

Choose young eggplants of the same size, the fruits should not exceed 15 cm in length - this will give the workpiece a beautiful look, and the taste of the snack will be excellent. Be sure to wash the vegetables, then blanch in salted water or bake in the oven, which will soften the eggplant and remove its inherent bitterness. After these simple procedures, the ends should be cut off from the vegetables, and the fruit itself should be cut longitudinally for further stuffing.

The main ingredient in the filling of this dish is white cabbage. It can be both a fresh crop and a winter variety. It is finely chopped and slightly crushed by hands.

As additional ingredients, you can take juicy carrots, sweet peppers, herbs, tops, celery, onions. To make the dish hotter, add garlic, hot pepper, ground pepper.

The aroma and taste of the workpiece will be given by the spices and spices used for the preparation of brine and marinade: dill, coriander, citric acid or juice, cloves, honey and others.

Recipe 1. Sauerkraut stuffed with cabbage


1,650 kg of eggplant;


A pound of white cabbage;

Two bell peppers;

Two to three cloves of garlic;

One and a half liters of water;

2, 5 Art. l salt, ground pepper.


1. Thoroughly rinse the eggplant, cut off the ends on both sides. We pierce the fruits in several places with a fork.

2. Pour water into the pan, boil it. Carefully put the eggplants we prepared, blanch after boiling for 5 minutes. We take out of the pan, cool.

3. Peel the carrots and rub on a coarse grater.

4. White cabbage thinly shred.

5. Bulgarian pepper cleanse from seeds and stalks, cut into thin strips.

6. Peel the garlic and pass through a press or chop finely and finely.

7. Mix the prepared vegetables in a large bowl: cabbage, carrots, garlic, pepper with a little salt and pepper. We remove the mass to the side for 20 minutes, then again mix well.

8. Cut the cooled eggplant in half. Pressing the flesh with your fingers, slightly squeeze the juice.

9. We stuff the eggplant vegetables, rewind the thread.

10. From water and salt we cook a brine, we cool.

11. We shift the stuffed eggplants into a deep container, fill with brine, and press them in oppression.

12. We withstand vegetables at room temperature for three days.

13. Sour eggplant is ready to eat, but before serving it is best to keep them in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours. It will also be delicious if they are slightly sprinkled with sunflower oil.

Recipe 2. Salted eggplant stuffed with cabbage


8 kg of eggplant;

A kilogram of cabbage;

Cabbage leaves;

A kilogram of onion;

350 grams of carrot tops;

Head of garlic;

Vegetable oil;

Salt, other spices.


1. Shred the cabbage with the thinnest not long stripes. Pour boiling water for 1 minute, rinse in cold, let the water drain completely.

2. Peel and chop onion into small cubes.

3. Rinse and chop the tops.

4. First we pass the onions on a hot vegetable oil until softened, then add the tops and, stirring, fry them for 2-3 minutes.

5. Mix the fried onions and tops with cabbage. Salt minced vegetables to taste, approximately 1 kg of vegetables need about 30 g of salt.

6. Cut off the tips from the washed eggplants, blanch them in boiling slightly salted water for 3-5 minutes.

7. Cool the aubergines, cut them. We start with minced meat and pull over with threads.

8. We spread cabbage leaves in several layers on the bottom of the pan, lay the stuffed eggplants tightly on top, pouring them with garlic cloves.

9. From a liter of water and two tablespoons of salt, we prepare a brine, pour them with prepared vegetables.

10. Cover the eggplant with cabbage leaves, leave for a couple of days at room temperature. After a while, we transfer the container with the blank for a month to a place with a temperature of 1 to 3 degrees.

Recipe 3. Pickled eggplant stuffed with cabbage and carrots


3.5 kg of eggplant;

2.5 kg of white cabbage;

A pound of carrots;

500 ml of sunflower oil;

Two large onions;

Two bunches of celery;

2 tbsp. l honey;

Two lemons;

Fresh dill.


1. Blanch the washed eggplant for 5-7 minutes in boiling water. Carefully take out, make a longitudinal incision. We put them under oppression, thus allowing excess liquid to drain.

2. Rub the cleaned carrots, thinly chop the cabbage. We mix both ingredients in one bowl, salt a little, add pepper and freshly squeezed juice of lemons. Once again, carefully, slightly crushing, mix.

3. Onions rid of the husks, finely chop and fry in a glass of vegetable oil.

4. Transfer the softened onions to the vegetable filling, and mix honey with the oil remaining in the pan.

5. Pour the honey-oiled mixture of cabbage, mix.

6. We stuff the prepared eggplants with a bright filling, dress with celery stalks.

7. Tightly shift the eggplant into the dishes, set the oppression on top, remove for one hour: during this time the vegetables will sag.

8. We remove the oppression, fill the stuffed eggplants with the remains of vegetable oil.

9. Remove the container with the workpiece for two days in the refrigerator.

Recipe 4. Eggplant stuffed with cabbage, herbs and spices


5 kg of eggplant;

200 g of carrots;

300 g of cabbage;

10 cloves of garlic;

On a bunch of cilantro, dill and parsley;

Two stalks of celery;

3 tbsp. l salt and granulated sugar;

2 liters of water;

700 ml of vinegar (5%);

Peas of black and allspice (8-10 pieces each);

Leaves of laurel;

2-3 buds of cloves;

A pinch of coriander seeds.


1. Cut off the tips from well-washed and dried eggplant, make a longitudinal incision.

2. Blanch the prepared vegetables in boiling water for 4-5 minutes.

3. We transfer eggplant in a colander with a slotted spoon, put a press on top, allowing the water to drain.

4. Let's take vegetables for the filling: peel the carrots and rub on the large side of the grater, finely chop the cabbage, chop the garlic.

5. All the greens and celery stalks are thoroughly rinsed and finely chopped.

6. In a large bowl, thoroughly mix the prepared cabbage, carrots, garlic, celery and herbs. Salt a little and let it brew for 40-60 minutes.

7. We stuff the eggplant with a fragrant vegetable mixture, shift them tightly into sterilized jars.

8. Pour water into the pan, boil, add salt and sugar, pepper, cloves, coriander, laurel.

9. Boil the brine over low heat for a couple of minutes and pour in the vinegar, mix, remove the pan from the heat.

10. Fill with hot marinade eggplant stuffed with cabbage, roll up.

Recipe 5. Spicy eggplant stuffed with cabbage


1, 5 kg of eggplant;

500 g of cabbage;

300 g of hot pepper;

Head of garlic;

Vegetable oil;

Cooking method:

1. Cut the tails of washed and dried eggplant, make an incision.

2. In a pan, boil a small amount of water, salt. We lay the eggplants in the water, simmer for 2-4 minutes after boiling, after which we take out the vegetables and transfer them into a colander so that the glass is excess liquid.

3. Peel the garlic and grind it, gently burning the pepper, carefully peel the seeds and finely chop.

4. Shred the cabbage with a shallow thin straw.

5. Mix the cabbage, hot pepper and garlic, salt to taste. If desired, add finely chopped greens to the filling.

6. Fill the eggplant with a sharp filling, lay tightly in sterilized jars.

7. Gently turn the jars so that the glass forms liquid.

8. Pour eggplant stuffed with cabbage, hot vegetable oil.

9. We close the cans with nylon lids and, after the workpiece has cooled down, remove the eggplants for storage.

Recipe 6. Eggplant stuffed with cabbage and carrots in tomato sauce


10 kg of eggplant;

300 g carrots;

300 g of cabbage;

2 kg of tomatoes;

150 g of fresh herbs to taste;

Large head of garlic;

120 ml of vegetable oil;

Salt pepper;

A teaspoon of sugar;

1 tbsp. l vinegar.


1. We wash the eggplants and lay them out on a greased baking sheet. Sent for 15 minutes in the oven at 160 degrees. We take out, cool.

2. Add chopped cabbage, chopped greens, garlic and a pinch of salt and pepper to the coarsely grated carrots. Mix well, let the mass stand for 10 minutes.

3. Cut the eggplant along, without cutting it to the end so that they are connected on one side. Carefully remove the pulp, leaving the walls 1 cm thick.

4. Rinse the tomatoes and twist the eggplant pulp together in a meat grinder.

5. Transfer the tomato mass to the pan, add sugar, butter, salt, chopped hot pepper, if desired. Cook, stirring, 10-12 minutes, adding 2 minutes before the end of vinegar.

6. We hammer in the baked eggplant with the vegetable filling, put in jars.

7. Pour the tomato mass, clog the container.

Eggplant stuffed with cabbage and carrots - tips and tricks

If you stuff eggplants for the winter, be sure to sterilize the workpiece so that it lasts longer. Even 10 minutes in boiling water will be enough.

If you cook eggplants stuffed with cabbage in one sitting, feast, then store the workpiece in the refrigerator before serving, in a glass or ceramic dish.

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Stuffed eggplant with cabbage is a great cold appetizer for both everyday and holiday dishes.

The specific taste of eggplant goes well with the freshness of cabbage and carrots, this preparation is moderately spicy and salty and perfectly complements vegetable, meat, cereal dishes.

Eggplant stuffed with cabbage - the general principles of preparation

Choose young eggplants of the same size, the fruits should not exceed 15 cm in length - this will give the workpiece a beautiful look, and the taste of the snack will be excellent. Be sure to wash the vegetables, then blanch in salted water or bake in the oven, which will soften the eggplant and remove its inherent bitterness. After these simple procedures, the ends should be cut off from the vegetables, and the fruit itself should be cut longitudinally for further stuffing.

The main ingredient in the filling of this dish is white cabbage. It can be both a fresh crop and a winter variety. It is finely chopped and slightly crushed by hands.

As additional ingredients, you can take juicy carrots, sweet peppers, herbs, tops, celery, onions. To make the dish hotter, add garlic, hot pepper, ground pepper.

The aroma and taste of the workpiece will be given by the spices and spices used for the preparation of brine and marinade: dill, coriander, citric acid or juice, cloves, honey and others.

Recipe 1. Sauerkraut stuffed with cabbage


1,650 kg of eggplant;


A pound of white cabbage;

Two bell peppers;

Two to three cloves of garlic;

One and a half liters of water;

2, 5 Art. l salt, ground pepper.


1. Thoroughly rinse the eggplant, cut off the ends on both sides. We pierce the fruits in several places with a fork.

2. Pour water into the pan, boil it. Carefully put the eggplants we prepared, blanch after boiling for 5 minutes. We take out of the pan, cool.

3. Peel the carrots and rub on a coarse grater.

4. White cabbage thinly shred.

5. Bulgarian pepper cleanse from seeds and stalks, cut into thin strips.

6. Peel the garlic and pass through a press or chop finely and finely.

7. Mix the prepared vegetables in a large bowl: cabbage, carrots, garlic, pepper with a little salt and pepper. We remove the mass to the side for 20 minutes, then again mix well.

8. Cut the cooled eggplant in half. Pressing the flesh with your fingers, slightly squeeze the juice.

9. We stuff the eggplant vegetables, rewind the thread.

10. From water and salt we cook a brine, we cool.

11. We shift the stuffed eggplants into a deep container, fill with brine, and press them in oppression.

12. We withstand vegetables at room temperature for three days.

13. Sour eggplant is ready to eat, but before serving it is best to keep them in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours. It will also be delicious if they are slightly sprinkled with sunflower oil.

Recipe 2. Salted eggplant stuffed with cabbage


8 kg of eggplant;

A kilogram of cabbage;

Cabbage leaves;

A kilogram of onion;

350 grams of carrot tops;

Head of garlic;

Vegetable oil;

Salt, other spices.


1. Shred the cabbage with the thinnest not long stripes. Pour boiling water for 1 minute, rinse in cold, let the water drain completely.

2. Peel and chop onion into small cubes.

3. Rinse and chop the tops.

4. First we pass the onions on a hot vegetable oil until softened, then add the tops and, stirring, fry them for 2-3 minutes.

5. Mix the fried onions and tops with cabbage. Salt minced vegetables to taste, approximately 1 kg of vegetables need about 30 g of salt.

6. Cut off the tips from the washed eggplants, blanch them in boiling slightly salted water for 3-5 minutes.

7. Cool the aubergines, cut them. We start with minced meat and pull over with threads.

8. We spread cabbage leaves in several layers on the bottom of the pan, lay the stuffed eggplants tightly on top, pouring them with garlic cloves.

9. From a liter of water and two tablespoons of salt, we prepare a brine, pour them with prepared vegetables.

10. Cover the eggplant with cabbage leaves, leave for a couple of days at room temperature. After a while, we transfer the container with the blank for a month to a place with a temperature of 1 to 3 degrees.

Recipe 3. Pickled eggplant stuffed with cabbage and carrots


3.5 kg of eggplant;

2.5 kg of white cabbage;

A pound of carrots;

500 ml of sunflower oil;

Two large onions;

Two bunches of celery;

2 tbsp. l honey;

Two lemons;

Fresh dill.


1. Blanch the washed eggplant for 5-7 minutes in boiling water. Carefully take out, make a longitudinal incision. We put them under oppression, thus allowing excess liquid to drain.

2. Rub the cleaned carrots, thinly chop the cabbage. We mix both ingredients in one bowl, salt a little, add pepper and freshly squeezed juice of lemons. Once again, carefully, slightly crushing, mix.

3. Onions rid of the husks, finely chop and fry in a glass of vegetable oil.

4. Transfer the softened onions to the vegetable filling, and mix honey with the oil remaining in the pan.

5. Pour the honey-oiled mixture of cabbage, mix.

6. We stuff the prepared eggplants with a bright filling, dress with celery stalks.

7. Tightly shift the eggplant into the dishes, set the oppression on top, remove for one hour: during this time the vegetables will sag.

8. We remove the oppression, fill the stuffed eggplants with the remains of vegetable oil.

9. Remove the container with the workpiece for two days in the refrigerator.

Recipe 4. Eggplant stuffed with cabbage, herbs and spices


5 kg of eggplant;

200 g of carrots;

300 g of cabbage;

10 cloves of garlic;

On a bunch of cilantro, dill and parsley;

Two stalks of celery;

3 tbsp. l salt and granulated sugar;

2 liters of water;

700 ml of vinegar (5%);

Peas of black and allspice (8-10 pieces each);

Leaves of laurel;

2-3 buds of cloves;

A pinch of coriander seeds.


1. Cut off the tips from well-washed and dried eggplant, make a longitudinal incision.

2. Blanch the prepared vegetables in boiling water for 4-5 minutes.

3. We transfer eggplant in a colander with a slotted spoon, put a press on top, allowing the water to drain.

4. Let's take vegetables for the filling: peel the carrots and rub on the large side of the grater, finely chop the cabbage, chop the garlic.

5. All the greens and celery stalks are thoroughly rinsed and finely chopped.

6. In a large bowl, thoroughly mix the prepared cabbage, carrots, garlic, celery and herbs. Salt a little and let it brew for 40-60 minutes.

7. We stuff the eggplant with a fragrant vegetable mixture, shift them tightly into sterilized jars.

8. Pour water into the pan, boil, add salt and sugar, pepper, cloves, coriander, laurel.

9. Boil the brine over low heat for a couple of minutes and pour in the vinegar, mix, remove the pan from the heat.

10. Fill with hot marinade eggplant stuffed with cabbage, roll up.

Recipe 5. Spicy eggplant stuffed with cabbage


1, 5 kg of eggplant;

500 g of cabbage;

300 g of hot pepper;

Head of garlic;

Vegetable oil;

Cooking method:

1. Cut the tails of washed and dried eggplant, make an incision.

2. In a pan, boil a small amount of water, salt. We lay the eggplants in the water, simmer for 2-4 minutes after boiling, after which we take out the vegetables and transfer them into a colander so that the glass is excess liquid.

3. Peel the garlic and grind it, gently burning the pepper, carefully peel the seeds and finely chop.

4. Shred the cabbage with a shallow thin straw.

5. Mix the cabbage, hot pepper and garlic, salt to taste. If desired, add finely chopped greens to the filling.

6. Fill the eggplant with a sharp filling, lay tightly in sterilized jars.

7. Gently turn the jars so that the glass forms liquid.

8. Pour eggplant stuffed with cabbage, hot vegetable oil.

9. We close the cans with nylon lids and, after the workpiece has cooled down, remove the eggplants for storage.

Recipe 6. Eggplant stuffed with cabbage and carrots in tomato sauce


10 kg of eggplant;

300 g carrots;

300 g of cabbage;

2 kg of tomatoes;

150 g of fresh herbs to taste;

Large head of garlic;

120 ml of vegetable oil;

Salt pepper;

A teaspoon of sugar;

1 tbsp. l vinegar.


1. We wash the eggplants and lay them out on a greased baking sheet. Sent for 15 minutes in the oven at 160 degrees. We take out, cool.

2. Add chopped cabbage, chopped greens, garlic and a pinch of salt and pepper to the coarsely grated carrots. Mix well, let the mass stand for 10 minutes.

3. Cut the eggplant along, without cutting it to the end so that they are connected on one side. Carefully remove the pulp, leaving the walls 1 cm thick.

4. Rinse the tomatoes and twist the eggplant pulp together in a meat grinder.

5. Transfer the tomato mass to the pan, add sugar, butter, salt, chopped hot pepper, if desired. Cook, stirring, 10-12 minutes, adding 2 minutes before the end of vinegar.

6. We hammer in the baked eggplant with the vegetable filling, put in jars.

7. Pour the tomato mass, clog the container.

Eggplant stuffed with cabbage and carrots - tips and tricks

If you stuff eggplants for the winter, be sure to sterilize the workpiece so that it lasts longer. Even 10 minutes in boiling water will be enough.

If you cook eggplants stuffed with cabbage in one sitting, feast, then store the workpiece in the refrigerator before serving, in a glass or ceramic dish.

Have you tried pickled cabbage with eggplant? An amazing combination of vegetables gives this winter appetizer a spicy taste and, no doubt, you will like it. I suggest preparing for the winter a pickled, light and quick eggplant salad with cabbage, carrots, garlic and herbs.

The recipe is simple and is accompanied by step-by-step photos.

To pickle vegetables according to this recipe, you should prepare everything you need:

  • cabbage trimmed without stump - 1, 5 kg;
  • blue ones - 1.5 kg;
  • carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • a large bunch of herbs (dill, parsley, celery leaf and basil);
  • salt - 50 gr;
  • sugar - 50 gr;
  • vinegar - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml.

How to make eggplant salad for the winter

We begin to prepare the workpiece by preparing eggplant for pickling. The blue ones are washed, the stalks with tails are cut and dipped whole in boiling well salty water. Salt will remove the bitterness of eggplant. Cooking blue should be no more than 5 minutes. Most importantly, do not boil them, you must maintain the elasticity of the fruit.

Close the pan with a lid and put some kind of cargo so that the eggplants cook evenly and do not float. Then the blue ones are pulled out with a slotted spoon and allowed to cool completely and only then cut into large strips. What should be the stripes can be seen in the photo below.

Now, start preparing other vegetables. Illiquid upper leaves are removed from white cabbage and finely chopped.

Carrots are rubbed like Korean carrots, if the farm has such a grater.

I slightly changed the recipe for this preparation and cut into rings three red bell peppers. Well, I really love this vegetable and try, whenever possible, to use it everywhere, but this is not necessary.

Cabbage, carrots, pepper are mixed, sprinkled with salt, sugar and a little rubbed with your hands. Squeeze the garlic through a press and sprinkle with a chopped bunch of various greens that you prefer. In my case, these are dill, parsley, celery leaves and purple basil.

Lay out pieces of eggplant and pour this whole vegetable mixture with vinegar (you can take apple, only twice as much) and vegetable oil. The workpiece is mixed, covered and left to marinate for 12 hours.

Pickled cabbage with eggplant is transferred to clean and dry containers, rammed and covered with lids. Store a delicious pickled salad of eggplant, cabbage and other vegetables better in the refrigerator or cellar.

I hope you enjoy this unusual recipe for pickled eggplant with cabbage and decorate your winter table.

Eggplant and cabbage are popular vegetables from which to cook various dishes. Delicious and satisfying treats are obtained, which include these two vegetables. They can be baked, fried together, but it is best to cook stewed eggplant with cabbage. This dish will appeal to all households, without exception, in addition, it holds a lot of useful substances. There are many recipes for its preparation. Consider today some of them.

Principles and features of cooking

All stewed vegetables can be stacked together without prior heat treatment, but most often they are fried all together or separately. It is recommended to pre-fry the eggplants, they then turn out to be much tastier. It concerns both onions and cabbage. Eggplant stewed with cabbage and carrots require the addition of liquid. It can be tomato juice, ketchup or pasta, sour cream or mayonnaise, as well as water or vegetable broth. In this case, a little fluid is required. The dish is cooked in a dish, which is covered with a lid. Stew the vegetable mass over low heat, stirring occasionally. Cooking time depends on the cabbage. If it is winter, it can be stewed for up to one hour.

You can add chicken, minced meat, sausages, various meat, sausage and so on to the dish of stewed cabbage. From this dish will be more satisfying. Instead of tomato paste, it is recommended to add salted vegetables, do this shortly before the end of the preparation of the dish. Eggplants can be used frozen, in this case they are not fried, and frozen pieces are placed immediately in a cauldron before stewing. If you get a large amount of cabbage, which does not fit in a cauldron, it is recommended to mash it with hands before laying.

A simple recipe for stewed vegetables

This is a classic recipe by which you can cook stewed eggplant with cabbage. To ensure that the dish is not too high in calories, reduce the amount of vegetable oil in it.


  • a pound of cabbage;
  • two eggplants;
  • one onion;
  • fifty grams of vegetable oil;
  • one carrot;
  • two tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • one clove of garlic;
  • salt;
  • parsley greens.

Practical part

Eggplant is washed and cut into cubes, sprinkled with salt, they are put aside for ten minutes to leave the bitterness. Chop the cabbage, cut the remaining vegetables as you wish. Before cooking stewed eggplant with cabbage, pour oil into two pans. In one, sauerkraut is fried until half ready, and in the other, onions and carrots are sautéed for several minutes. Eggplant is added to the carrots and fried for about five minutes. Then the eggplant is combined with cabbage, shifting everything to the cauldron. The pasta is diluted in hot water (one glass), salt and spices are added to taste and the dish is poured with the resulting tomato. The dishes are covered, continue to simmer until cooked, stirring occasionally. Chop garlic and parsley, mix and sprinkle stewed eggplant with cabbage. The finished dish is insisted for about half an hour, then served.

Stewed eggplant with cabbage and chicken

For this dish, meat of any bird is suitable, fillet is used for its preparation. If the meat is with bones, chopping it finely is not recommended.

Ingredients: four hundred and twenty grams of chicken, two eggplants, a pound of cabbage, one carrot, one onion, two hundred grams of chopped tomatoes, vegetable oil, salt and spices.


This recipe produces delicious cabbage stewed with meat and eggplant. First, onions and carrots are peeled and finely chopped, put in a pan with vegetable oil and fry for six minutes. Before the end of frying, add eggplant sliced \u200b\u200bin stripes. Chicken meat is cut, spread in a cauldron, add a little oil and fry. Then put chopped cabbage to the chicken, mix and fry for ten minutes. Passerovka is transferred to this mass, spices and tomatoes are added. The cauldron is covered and cooked stewed vegetables from eggplant, cabbage and tomatoes for twenty minutes. When the dish is ready, it is sprinkled with chopped herbs and served hot.

Braised Eggplant, Cabbage and Bell Peppers


  • four sweet peppers;
  • a pound of cabbage;
  • three eggplants;
  • two carrots;
  • three tomatoes;
  • thirty grams of vegetable oil.

Cooking process

Stewed cabbage with eggplant and bell pepper is very simple. In such a dish, multi-colored sweet peppers are used. Then it will be colorful and vibrant. First, all vegetables are washed. Cabbage, peppers, onions and carrots are cut into strips.

Coarsely chop the eggplant, sprinkle it with salt and leave it for a while to leave the bitterness. Meanwhile, oil is poured into the cauldron, carrots and onions are put, they are fried for six minutes. Cabbage is added to this mass and fried until half-cooked. Eggplant is washed from salt and put to all vegetables along with pepper and half a glass of water.

A cauldron is set and cooked for twenty-five minutes. Tomatoes are diced and added to the total vegetable mass. Salt, sprinkle with spices to taste and mix well. Stew the vegetables for another fifteen minutes, then sprinkle with herbs and serve.

Braised Eggplant with Cauliflower

Ingredients: three hundred grams of smoked sausages, three hundred grams of cauliflower, one eggplant, one onion and carrot, vegetable oil, salt and pepper, chopped parsley or dill.


To make stewed eggplant with cabbage very tasty, smoked meat is added to the dish. First, boil the cabbage until half cooked. Cut eggplant and salt and leave for a few minutes. Sausages are cut into slices, onions and carrots are finely chopped with herbs. All prepared vegetables are fried. First, put onions with carrots in the cauldron, and after a few minutes, eggplant. Then they put sausages and at the very end - cabbage. All vegetables are salted. A vegetable dish is cooked over medium heat, half a glass of water is poured into it and cooked until all the water has boiled, it takes about ten minutes. Do not forget to cover the dishes. The finished dish is served hot or cold.

Cabbage with eggplant and zucchini

Grocery list:

  • a pound of cabbage;
  • one hundred grams of onion;
  • three hundred grams of eggplant;
  • a pound of squash;
  • one carrot;
  • one spoon of tomato paste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Detailed instructions:

Step number 1. Braised cabbage with zucchini and eggplant, the recipe for which we are considering, is prepared very simply. To do this, peeled and chopped onions and carrots are fried for two minutes, add shredded cabbage and cook everything together in a cauldron.

Step number 2. Zucchini is cleaned of seeds and cut into cubes, added to cabbage. Oil is poured into the pan and the chopped eggplant is put, fried and sent to the remaining vegetables.

Step number 3. Water is added to the mass and cooked for ten minutes. Over time, put the tomato paste, salt, mix everything and stew again until tender.

Braised cabbage with sour cream in a slow cooker

Ingredients: twenty grams of vegetable oil, two eggplants, two tomatoes, seven hundred grams of cabbage, one hundred and twenty grams of sour cream, salt, one carrot, half a glass of water, various spices.


Oil is poured into the multicooker bowl and the "Frying" mode is turned on. Spread grated carrots and fry a little. Optionally, add onions. Then add chopped eggplant and fry for four minutes. Meanwhile, chop the cabbage, cut the tomatoes into pieces. Spread cabbage on the eggplant, salt and season with your favorite spices. Then spread the tomatoes, pour sour cream and pour water. The lid of the multicooker is closed, put out the "Extinguishing" mode and cook for fifty minutes. At the end of cooking, mix the dish and add spices, if necessary.

Thus, there are a large number of ways to cook stewed cabbage and eggplant. You can add to them various vegetables and meat, sausages, mushrooms and much more. The dish is not only tasty, but also nutritious. It will surely appeal to both adults and children. Ready-made eggplant with stewed cabbage is sprinkled with chopped herbs, served for lunch and dinner. Having tried such an original vegetable delicacy, households will want to try it again. In addition, vegetables can always be purchased at any supermarket in the winter and summer.