Waffle technology. Production technology of waffles with filling

26.04.2019 Blanks for winter

Waffles are light porous sheets filled with interlayers or without filling.

Waffles produce a rectangular, round shape, curly and in the form of sticks. They can be completely or partially coated with chocolate.

Figured waffles are filled with small filling products, which are usually packed in boxes. The process of producing wafers with filling consists of two main operations: obtaining wafer sheets and filling. A relatively small amount of wafers is produced in the form of wafer sheets without fillings. Such waffles after baking and cooling are placed in boxes. Figured waffles in the form of shells, nuts, etc. released only with filling.

At large enterprises, waffles with filling are made on flow-mechanized lines. This line includes the continuous kneading of dough, baking wafer sheets, cooling them, preparing the filling, spreading the wafer sheets with it, cooling layered layers of the filling, cutting them, wrapping them in packs, packing them in boxes and laying them in boxes.

Fig. 1. Line diagram for making waffle dough.

Cooking waffle dough.  The waffle dough is different from the dough for other types of flour confectionery. This dough has a creamy consistency and a relatively low viscosity and therefore contains water up to 65%. Such a consistency of dough allows to obtain thin porous wafer sheets - the main semi-finished product in wafer production. At advanced enterprises, the dough for wafer sheets is prepared in a continuous manner on flow-mechanized lines with a capacity of 300 kg / h (Fig. 1). In this case, the dough is prepared on the basis of a previously prepared emulsion of all the “components, with the exception of flour. In the emulsifier load yolk or melange, phosphatides, vegetable oil, salt, soda. The emulsion is prepared in two stages: first, prepare a concentrated emulsion with a minimum water content. The consumption of such an emulsion is relatively small and it is prepared periodically 1–3 times a shift in an emulsifier 1, into which all components are mixed for 30–50 minutes, injected 5 ° "of the calculated amount of water.

The emulsifier is a horizontal cylinder within which the T-shaped blades rotate. Concentrated emulsion can be prepared in the churning machine. The finished concentrated emulsion is pumped into the intermediate tank 2, pumped through the filter 3 by a plunger pump dispenser 4 and mixed in a continuous flow with the rest of the water flowing through the dispenser 5. Inside the homogenizer 6, which is a vertically located hollow cylinder, the dish-shaped rotor with slotted holes continuously rotates . In the homogenizer 6, as a result of dilution with eight parts of water, an emulsion is obtained, which flows continuously into the vibrating mixer 8. In this mixer, the flour is metered continuously into the mixer, which is mixed with the emulsion. The finished dough accumulates in the collection 9. The combination of mechanical mixing and vibration greatly accelerates the mixing of the components. Inside the mixer, the mass horizontally moves under the influence of the blades located on two horizontal shafts at an angle of about 45 °. Under the influence of these blades, along with the mixing of products along the axis of the mixer, the components are mixed, which is greatly intensified by vibration. This mixing is the result of high-frequency movements of the particles of the components and the entire mass of the product in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the shafts. The mixing system using a vibrating mixer can significantly reduce the duration of the mix and improve the uniformity of the resulting dough, i.e. its quality. In addition, the positive effect of vibration is reflected in a significant reduction in the build-up of mass on the mixing blades and the body of the mixer. The duration of kneading the wafer dough on a vibromixer is only 15-18 s.

The quality of the wafer dough is greatly influenced by the quality of the flour used, in particular, the quantity and quality of gluten. When using flour with a large amount of gluten, the viscosity of the dough increases, which adversely affects the quality of the wafer sheets. The quality of wafer sheets significantly reduces flour containing strong gluten. The best results are obtained when using flour with weak gluten (content not exceeding 32%).

In small enterprises, waffle dough is prepared periodically in kneading machines with T-shaped blades. Phosphatides, which are emulsified with a small amount of water, vegetable oil, yolks, bicarbonate, salt and 10% of the prescribed amount of water, are successively loaded into the machine, turn on a kneader and mix for a few minutes. Enter all the water and milk, if it is provided by the recipe. Water and milk should have a temperature of 15-20 ° C. Then add half the recipe bookmark flour, mix for about 3 minutes, inject the remaining flour and mix for another 10-15 minutes. The finished dough should have a liquid consistency, humidity in the range of 58-65%, relative density 1.02-1.10. The finished dough is filtered through a sieve with a hole diameter of about 2.5 mm. If sugar is included in the recipe, it is added after all the ingredients except flour. Sugar is added to the dough recipe for wafer sheets in order to increase their shelf life.

Wafer sheets prepared according to the usual recipe without sugar are very hygroscopic and therefore practically unsuitable for use with wet fondant and fruit fillings. In this regard, in the recipe for the wafer sheets used for spreading the above fillings on them, 10% sugar is introduced. To reduce sticking, sugar-containing dough for wafer sheets is added up to 3% vegetable oil and 0.5% phosphatides.

Approximate amount of water for kneading wafer gest is calculated by the formula (8-1) for cookies. The estimated amount of water is adjusted depending on the quantity and quality of gluten used flour and other factors by conducting a test mix.

Apply a special mode of kneading dough in the development of sweet wafers produced without filling ("Dynamo"). The loading sequence of the machine used for kneading is as follows: chilled water with a temperature of about 18 ° C, sugar, a third of the calculated amount of flour, bicarbonate soda. After pre-mixing these components, yolks are introduced for 2-3 minutes and treated for 10-12 minutes, then melted butter is introduced at a temperature of about 37 ° C, the rest of the flour and flavors are depending on the variety (vanilla powder, ground coffee and cocoa powder ) and process more for 5-8 minutes. The humidity of such a test should be 42-44%.

For baking wafer sheets use semi-automatic gas or electric ovens with movable waffle irons in the amount of 24 or 30 pieces. In such ovens, baking takes place by direct contact of a thin layer of waffle dough with a pair of massive heated metal plates. The furnace works as follows. Strained liquid wafer dough is pumped into the supply tank of the furnace, from which the dosing pump sends the required portion of dough through the pipeline to the lower pre-heated waffle iron plate, and the mass is poured over its surface. After that, the top plate of the waffle iron is automatically closed under the action of the guide and clamped with a special lock. All this happens without stopping the conveyor, on which all 24 or 30 waffle irons are fixed and moving. The surface of the plates, filled with dough, can be smooth, engraved or curly. Depending on this, sheets can be obtained with a smooth or engraved surface or with shapes of various shapes. The waffle iron filled with dough gets into the working zone of the furnace heated by gas burners. The burners are located along the furnace in two rows, thus heating the upper and lower plates in series. In electrically heated ovens, the heaters are located directly in the waffle irons, power is supplied to the moving waffle irons via special trolls. Baking temperature 150--170 ° C. The duration of baking wafer sheets intended for making wafers with filling is about 2 minutes, and for wafer sheets sold without filling (such as Dynamo) 3-4 minutes. During this time, the waffle iron conveyor goes through a full turn. At the end of the cycle, the top plate opens and the waffle sheet is easily removed from it. In the process of baking, a certain amount of dough flows out through the gap between the upper and lower forms, which after baking at the edges of the wafer sheet forms swelling. They are separated from the sheet and partially used in production.

Preparing fillings.  In wafer production, they use fatty, praline, fruit and fondant fillings. The largest number of wafers produced with a layer of fatty fillings. Fat fillings are made in two ways: in batch machines and on flow-mechanized lines. In the first case, shot down machines, mix machines and tempering cylindrical machines are used.

The main components of the recipe of fatty fillings are confectionery hydrogenated fat or coconut oil and powdered sugar. The basis of the quality of fatty fillings is the ability of the fat during kneading to saturate with air (the ability to cream formation). Carefully mixed filling, containing a large amount of air, has a light-melting, oily, delicate texture, which is an indicator of its quality. Good air saturation is provided by using partially crystallized fat. Therefore, before kneading the fat is specially prepared. In addition to the main components, the recipe includes citric acid, phosphatides, sometimes milk powder, cocoa powder, essence, vanilla and other flavoring and aromatic additives. In addition, return waste (trimming) of the same varieties of wafers with filling is introduced into the recipe. These wastes are pre-ground in three- or five-roll mill, or melange. Citric acid is administered in the form of a concentrated solution, with the formation of lumps of powdered sugar. To avoid this phenomenon, an emulsion is prepared, which, in addition to citric acid solution, includes phosphatides, essence and a small amount of fat. Prepared (shredded) waffle waste, 85% fat are sequentially loaded into the kneader, mixed and about 50% powdered sugar is loaded. After stirring for 2-3 minutes, the remaining amount of powdered sugar and the remaining fat, which is introduced in the molten state, are gradually added. The process takes about 20 minutes.

Preparation of fillings in a flow-mechanized way is carried out in special units with a vibrating mixer (Fig. 2). Unit capacity 340 kg / h. Due to the fact that powdered sugar is difficult to transport and mechanically dispense, it is provided for dispensing and dispensing sugar. Sugar powder is obtained on a hammer mill 2 just before serving in the mixture in exactly the same amount (dispenser 1). Dosing of fat in a partially crystallized form also presents known difficulties, therefore it is metered in a molten form using a pump-metering device 5, and then cooled in a special continuous-action apparatus 4. This apparatus consists of two cooler cylinders, from which the fat goes out continuously in partially crystallized form and enters the vibromixer 7.

Fig. 2. Unit for making fatty wafer fillings.

Cooling is performed with water at a temperature of 10-15 ° C. The cooled fat has a temperature of 20-23 ° C and a creamy consistency. This fat quickly crystallizes with the formation of small crystals, which ensures high quality filling.

The remaining components of the formulation, such as citric acid, essence, crushed wafer return waste, as well as flavoring agents, milk powder, coffee, butter, cocoa powder, etc., are pre-mixed. Of them prepare the mass in the form of a paste, which is injected, in addition, up to 30% of the prescribed fat in the recipe. For the manufacture of such a paste, the wafer wastes are crushed (scrapings) and mixed with additives (milk powder, cocoa, coffee, etc.). The resulting mass is thoroughly crushed in roller mills, and then mixed with fat and emulsion, previously prepared from essences, citric acid and phosphatides. The resulting mass is pumped into the supply tank 8, from where it enters the out-of-mixer 7 via the metering device 3. The finished filling is fed by the pump 6 for further use.

Fondant fillings.From the usual fondant, even with a high fat content, it is not possible to obtain high-quality waffles. This is due to the relatively high humidity of the fondant (9-11%). When such a filling comes in contact with the wafer sheets, even with short storage, the wafer sheets are moistened, lose their crunchy properties, and in a partially dehydrated filling the growth of crystals is observed, which leads to the hardening of the filling and a significant reduction in its taste. In order to reduce the intensity of moisture transfer from the filling to the wafer sheets, sorbitol, phosphatides and some fat are introduced into the fondant. In this case, the sorbitol is preheated, melted and mixed with a small part of the fondant, and the phosphatides are dissolved in a certain part of the fat, and then mixed with the entire amount prescribed by the recipe. All the components are mixed in a kneader, the last one being loaded is fat mixed with phosphatides. The finished filling should have a temperature of 40-50 ° C.

Fruit fillings.These fillings are prepared in the usual way, but are intensively boiled to a solids content of 84% or even 85%. Otherwise, the moisture from the filling migrates to the wafer sheets, which leads to the loss of one of the basic qualities of waffles - brittleness. A good quality fruit filling can be obtained, excluding the boiling process. In this method, fruit liquor is mixed with powdered sugar, invert syrup and citric acid with heating the mixture to 90 ° C. Sugar powder is administered in small portions in three to four doses. After cooling to 50 ° C, pre-shredded returnable waste of wafer layers is introduced into the resulting mass. The dry matter content of the mixture should be about 84%. Before the interlayer of wafer sheets, the filling is tempered at a temperature of 50 ° C. Preparing the filling in this way ensures that the crunchy properties of the wafer sheets are preserved for a longer time.

Praline fillings. The process of making wafer praline fillings is not fundamentally different from the process of preparing candy praline masses and praline fillings for caramel.

Interlayer wafer sheets stuffing.  Basically the recipes provide for the ratio of wafer sheets and the filling by weight 1: 4. Waffles are produced with a different combination of wafer sheets and layers of filling: three-layer, consisting of two wafer sheets and one layer of filling between them; five-layer with two layers of filling, enclosed between three wafer sheets; nine-layer (five wafer sheets, between which there are four layers of filling). Three-layer wafers (with a single layer of filling), in which the wafer sheets are only outside, are produced mainly with moisture-containing fillings of fondant and fruit. Wafers with a large number of layers and with moisture-containing fillings are not produced due to the fact that the crunchy properties of the internal wafer sheet are not preserved upon contact with fondant and fruit fillings. Wafers with five or more layers are produced with fatty and praline fillings. The greatest number of wafers produced five-layer with a single inner wafer sheet. The thickness of the filling layer depends on the multi-layer formation and is 1--4 mm.

Layer wafer sheets carry on special machines. A diagram of such a machine for producing five-layer wafer layers is shown in Fig. 3. The wafer sheets are manually laid on the conveyor 5 with the long side across the conveyor, from which they fall under the first roll spreading mechanism 4. Here, the filling of the funnel 3 with the help of the roll gear 4, consisting of three rolls, is evenly applied to the surface of the wafer sheet.

Fig. 3. Scheme of the machine for applying the filling on the wafer sheets.

The wafer sheet with the filling is covered with a second wafer sheet. A layer consisting of two wafer sheets interleaved with a filling is fed under the second spreading mechanism 2 and is covered with a second layer of filling. The layer consisting of two wafer sheets and two layers of filling is covered with a third (top wafer sheet). Thus prepared layer passes under the belt seal 1 and enters the cooling. This compactor is a belt conveyor located above the treated formation, which presses the upper wafer sheet and thus seals the entire formation. The linear speed of movement of the belt of the sealing conveyor corresponds to the speed of the belt of the feed conveyor.

Machines and other structures are used for the layer of wafer layers: with one spreading head or without rolls, dosing and a layer of filling in which is carried out by spreading carriage.

The smeared layers of wafers with filling are cooled in continuous refrigerated cabinets at a temperature of about 4 ° C. At the same time in the layers with fatty and praline fillings final fat crystallization occurs. The duration of cooling at a speed of cooling air of about 6 m / s is 4-5 minutes. When the temperature in the cabinet rises to 12 C and the air speed drops to 1 m / s, the required cooling time increases to 15 minutes. To cool waffles with fondant and fruit fillings, a long duration is required. Too much cooling can lead to hypothermia when the wafer sheets begin to lag behind the layer of filling.

The cooled wafer layers are subjected to cutting. For this purpose, use machines in which the working cutting body are steel strings or circular saws. Wafer layers are cut in two steps: first in one direction, and then in a perpendicular direction into separate slices. When cutting wafer layers, 10-15% of the scraps are formed, which, after grinding, are introduced into the appropriate types of fillings. Some varieties of waffles completely or partially glazed with chocolate.

Waffles are placed in boxes in rows on a rib or flat or packed in packs or boxes. Figured waffles (nuts, shells, etc.) are packed in bulk. Wafers are stored in well-ventilated, dry, clean warehouses at a temperature not exceeding 18 ° C and a relative humidity of 65-70%.

Characteristics of products, raw materials and semi-finished products.  Wafers - flour confectionery products, which are thin baked sheets, sandwiched with filling or without it. Wafer sheets have a specific property to produce a crunch when biting. This is due to the low moisture content, corrugated checkered surface and fine-porous internal structure of the sheets. Wafer sheets are an integral part of waffles, wafer cakes, candy on a wafer basis, etc. Wafer sheets and cups are used in the production of ice cream.

The composition of the wafer sheets recipe includes wheat flour, drinking water, salt, sodium bicarbonate (soda), as well as vegetable oil and lecithin - a natural emulsifier. The last two components can be replaced by egg products.

For the layer of waffles apply fat, praline, fruit, fondant and other fillings. The largest number of wafers is produced with fatty fillings, which are a homogeneous, fluffy, well-whipped mass. The formulation of the fatty filling includes fat, powdered sugar, lecithin, crumb (crushed wafer scraps), flavorings (essences, citric acid), as well as dyes.

Features of production and consumption of finished products.  At present, production lines are used for the production of wafers, in which continuous processes for baking wafer sheets, spreading and cutting wafer layers are associated with the batch preparation of wafer dough and fat fillings. Methods and equipment for the continuous preparation of wafer dough and fatty fillings have also been developed.

A feature of the production of wafer sheets is their molding by the method of casting and baking in the cavity between two metal plates, coupled with a gap of 2 ... 3 mm. The quality of these operations significantly depends on the accuracy of dosing portions of the dough when it is fed to the molding, due to the low viscosity of the dough with a high viscosity is not accurately metered; baked.

The properties of the waffle dough depend on the formulation and production technology. The quantity and quality of gluten contained in flour have a great influence on the viscosity of the dough. Wafer dough made from “weak” flour, containing not more than 32% of weak gluten, has the optimum viscosity. “Weak” is considered flour, which, when kneading dough of normal consistency, absorbs relatively little water. The dough from such flour in the process of kneading and technological processing changes its physical properties in the direction of reducing the viscosity.

To reduce the viscosity of the waffle dough, it is necessary to limit the swelling of the proteins contained in the flour. This is facilitated by the fat-containing components present in the formulation. The positive effect of their use is achieved under the condition of the formation of fat between the largest number of flour particles in the dough. For this, it is necessary to disperse and homogenize fat-containing components, i.e. to achieve fine grinding of the fatty phase and its uniform distribution in the dough volume.

When dispersing fats, it is required not only to grind fat particles, but also to exclude their re-adhesion. This is achieved with the introduction of the formulation of emulsifiers - surfactants that have the ability with the introduction in small quantities to promote the formation of persistent fat emulsions (mixtures of water and fat). It should be noted that the dispersion and homogenization of fat-containing components not only reduce the viscosity of the wafer dough, but also reduce its moisture content, reduce the number of edemas during molding and eliminate the sticking of baked wafer sheets to the forms.

The consistency of the waffle dough depends greatly on the humidity, temperature and duration of the kneading. A minimum dough humidity is required, which ensures a stable dispersion system that does not form aggregates of flour particles. At temperatures above 20 ° C, the viscosity of the dough increases due to the large swelling of gluten proteins, and with a reduction in the kneading time, the dough has an uneven thick consistency.

In the baking process it is necessary to remove a significant amount of moisture from the dough (180% by weight of dry matter). Due to the large evaporation surface in the wafer molds and the small thickness of the sheets, the baking process continues for 2 ... .3 minutes at the surface temperature of the plates 150 ... 170 ° С. The most intense moisture is observed at the beginning of baking. From the first seconds of baking, waffle dough should receive the greatest amount of heat from the heating surfaces of the waffle mold. This will lead to intensive mass transfer in the contact layer and to the greatest moisture yield of the test.

The peculiarity of baking wafer semi-finished product is that the dough loosening is due to the rapid evaporation. The use of chemical leavening agents (sodium bicarbonate) slightly affects the formation of the porous structure of the sheet, but allows you to increase the fragility of the sheets.

At the end of baking, when the removal of adsorption-related moisture occurs, the cost of heat should be reduced, since an intense supply of heat leads to charring of the products as a result of a sharp increase in the surface temperature of the sheet adjacent to the wafer shape. A well-baked sheet is easily removed from the wafer shape, has normal color and brittleness, which characterizes the end of the baking process.

Of great importance for obtaining wafer sheets of high quality is the process of cooling them after baking. In some enterprises, after baking, wafer sheets are piled up and placed for a long baking (up to 10 h) in a warm chamber. With this method of vystoyka all sheets are bent, and some of the sheets are cracked. Sheets of such quality can be spread with filling only on inefficient rolling machines, requiring significant manual labor.

The cooling of the wafer sheet (each separately) at a temperature and relative humidity of the air in the room is the most rational cooling mode, since this increases the heat transfer area and due to this, the cooling time is reduced to 2 ... 3 minutes. This method of cooling prevents the bending of wafer sheets and allows the use of machines for automated spreading of sheets with filling.

Wafers are wrapped in moisture-proof, fat-and oil-tight packaging materials: parchment, asphalt, polymer or composite film, etc. The shelf life of wafers with fatty fillings is from two to six months, depending on the properties of the used fat and the type of packaging.

Stages of the process.Cooking waffles with filling can be divided into the following main stages and operations:

Preparation of raw materials for production: storage, mixing, sifting and dosing of flour; preparation of drinking water; preparation of an aqueous solution of a mixture of salt and soda, a mixture of vegetable oil and lecithin and the subsequent preparation of a concentrated emulsion for the dough from these components; grinding of granulated sugar and wafer scraps; preparation of an aqueous solution of a mixture of citric acid and essence, a mixture of fat and lecithin and the subsequent preparation of an emulsion for the filling from these components;

Waffle dough preparation: dosing of flour, water and concentrated emulsion; kneading waffle dough;

Preparing the filling: dosing of fat, powdered sugar and emulsion; kneading;

Dosing of wafer dough, casting servings of dough into wafer molds and baking wafer sheets;

Cooling wafer sheets;

Cooking wafer blocks;

Cooling wafer blocks;

Cutting wafer blocks into blanks;

Packaging wafers in consumer and trade packaging.

Characteristics of equipment complexes.The initial stages of the technological process of wafer production with fillings are performed using equipment complexes for grinding granulated sugar and wafer cuts, preparing emulsions for dough and filling. These complexes include centrifugal percussion and roller mills, solvents, heated containers with agitators, as well as equipment for dispensing prescription components.

The following two complexes perform waffle dough mixes and fillings. They consist of dosing equipment and kneading machines.

The leading equipment complex of the line is designed to produce wafer blanks and contains equipment for forming, spreading, cooling and cutting wafer layers.

The final line complex includes equipment for packaging wafers in consumer and commercial packaging.

In fig. a machine-hardware diagram of a wafer production line with fatty fillings is shown, which includes equipment for the continuous preparation of wafer dough and fillings.

Fig. Machine-hardware diagram of wafer production line

The device and the principle of the line. The dough is prepared in a continuous manner by pre-preparing emulsions from all components of the formulation, with the exception of flour, and then mixing it with flour.

The preparation of the emulsion is carried out as follows. In the emulsifier 22 of periodic action with T-shaped blades with a rotational speed of 270 min -1, first load the yolk or melange, previously diluted in water in a 1: 1 ratio, then vegetable oil, food phosphatides, sodium bicarbonate (soda) in the form of 7.5 % solution, salt and mix for 10 ... 15 minutes. Approximately 5% of the total amount of water used to mix the dough is added to the oil obtained from the distribution tank 4 via valve 5 using a portion of the dispenser 6 and mixed for another 5 minutes. The resulting concentrated emulsion is fed by the pump 21 through the filter 20 into the supply tank 12 with a stirrer, from where it enters the constant level tank 19. The tank provides a stable pressure on the suction line of the plunger metering pump 18, which directs the emulsion to the homogenizer 11. In it, with vigorous stirring a small volume of the concentrated emulsion is mixed with the remaining amount of water supplied from the dispenser 3 of continuous action.

After the homogenizer 11, the diluted emulsion is continuously fed into the vibrating mixer 17. The sifted flour is continuously fed from the hopper 1 to the dispenser 2. Continuous intensive mixing of the diluted emulsion with the flour while simultaneously acting as directed vibration oscillations speeds up the preparation of the wafer dough.

The finished dough is pumped from the mixing tank of the mixer using a pump through a filter and fed to the wafer oven 28 supply tank. The temperature of the finished dough should be no higher than 20 ° C, humidity 58 ... 65%. Wafer sheets are molded by casting a given portion of dough directly into the mold of the oven 28. The dough fills the internal cavity with a thickness of 2 ... .3 mm between the wafer-shaped metal plates. Stabilization of the shape of the sheet occurs as a result of moisture removal during baking. Baking temperature is 170 ... .210 ° C, baking time is 2 ... 3 min, humidity of the baked wafer sheet is 0.7 ... 1.3%, its weight is 48 ... 52 g.

Wafer sheets from the furnace 28 are fed to the cradles of the conveyor 29 and cooled to the air temperature in the workshop room, and then fed to the spreading machine 30.

Continuous preparation of the filling is as follows. Wafer cuts and edemas are pre-crushed in a melangeer 27, and then in a five-roll mill 26. The resulting wafer crumb is fed by a screw dosing unit 25 to mixer 24. In the same machine, melted fat is fed from the tempering machine 9 using the dispenser 10 (about 20% of its total amount, going to the preparation of the filling), which dissolve the lecithin. In the receiving funnel of the mixer 24 also dispense solutions of citric acid, flavoring essences and dye. As a result of mixing these components, a pasty emulsion is obtained, which is fed through a filter through a filter into a continuous dispenser 14 with a gear pump. From it, the emulsion is metered into the vibrating mixer 23.

The fat (in blocks) is supplied to the tempering machine 9 and after being converted to a liquid state, most of the fat is pumped continuously to the cooler 15 through the strainer 16.

Due to cooling to 20 .. .23 ° C and mechanical processing, the fat acquires a creamy texture with a large number of crystallization centers and is continuously loaded into the vibrating mixer 23.

Sugar from the bunker 7 with the dosing unit 8 is fed to the micromill 13, from where it is sent as a powder to the vibrating mixer 23.

As a result of intensive processing of the mixture of the above recipe components in the vibromixer 23 a fluffy, whipped fat filling is formed. It is pumped through a screen filter into the receiving funnel of the spreading machine 30.

In this machine, using a spreading mechanism, a layer of filling is applied to the sheets, and after laying the spread sheets in stacks, multilayer wafer layers are formed. At the exit of the machine 30, the layers are laid on the cradles of the conveyor belt of the cooling apparatus 31, and then by the stacker 32 in stacks. Next, the layers are cut into individual products using a cutting machine 33. Wrapping machine 34 is wrapped in bags or packs, which are then placed in a corrugated box glued by machine 35. Finished products are sent to the warehouse.

Waffles are characterized by cellularity, brittleness, porous structure, due to the recipe, dough preparation technology and baking process. The main thing for waffles is to properly prepare the dough, which has its own characteristics. Waffle dough is an emulsion, fat droplets which are dispersed in the mass of dough. Like the pancake dough, it has a fluid consistency. It is quite difficult to cook such a dough manually, and therefore it is better to use a mixer.

When baking, the waffle dough lags well behind the forms, it is preferable to use only the yolks and, if possible, not too much sugar, otherwise the waffles will be overly tinted. Instead of sugar, it is better to use powdered sugar. At the end of the dough preparation, proteins are injected into the resistant foam. As you know, this technique is quite common in the manufacture of various confectionery products, when you need to get whipped, air-saturated dough. Bake waffles in special waffle irons at 180 ° C for 2 minutes. Before baking, the waffle iron is smeared with vegetable oil. In subsequent baking, the waffle iron can not be lubricated, since there is enough fat in the dough itself. From the wafer sheets, using a variety of fillings, you can cook cakes, pastries, wafer rolls. It is only necessary to remember that the rolls can only be rolled up from hot, flexible wafer sheets. For this purpose, it is better to use round wooden blocks, with the help of which you can very quickly screw the wafer sheet, giving it the desired shape. We can recommend several different recipes for waffles. As for fillings for them, it is important that they contain as little moisture as possible; to preserve the fragility of the waffles. Often, waffles are used for garnishing whipped cream, ice cream, etc. Wafer rolls can be filled with various fillings, creams, covered with all kinds of glazes.

Technology of cooking waffle dough

Wafer dough is a suspension of flour particles coated with hydrated shells in the aqueous liquid phase. The dough should have a liquid consistency and a minimum viscosity allowing pumping it by pump. Waffle dough should spread evenly and quickly on the surface of the waffle baking molds, which makes it possible to obtain thin wafer sheets - the main semi-finished wafer production. In order to have such properties and structure, when kneading waffle dough, it is necessary to almost completely limit the swelling of the flour proteins.

The quality of the wafer dough is significantly affected by the quality of the flour used, in particular the quantity and quality of gluten. When using flour with a large amount of gluten, the viscosity of the dough increases, which adversely affects the quality of the wafer sheets. Significantly reduces the quality of wafer sheets and flour containing strong gluten. The best results can be obtained when using flour with weak gluten, the content of not more than 32%. The humidity of the dough should be in the range of 58-65%, which contributes to the coating of flour particles with thick hydrated shells and free, without sticking, their movement in the liquid phase during mechanical processing. To obtain a dough with such a high humidity, the amount of water injected in the recipe is 10-12 times the mass of the whole raw material without flour. In order to ensure that when the mixture is kneaded at the moment of contact of the flour with water, a hydration shell is formed around each of its particles, the flour is not injected immediately, but in small portions in several stages. The temperature of the raw material in the process of kneading affects the rate of swelling of the flour colloids and the viscosity of the dough formed. When kneading a waffle test, it should not exceed 20 ° C.

It is preferable to prepare the dough on an emulsion consisting of all the components of the dough, with the exception of flour. These are yolk or melange, vegetable oil, phosphatides, sodium bicarbonate solutions and salts.

Depending on the production of wafers, dough kneading is carried out in batch kneaders or in continuous cooking stations.

At the mechanized enterprises, the dough for wafer sheets is prepared in a continuous way on the basis of an emulsion on a special technological complex.

The emulsion is prepared as follows. Phosphatide concentrates, vegetable oil, sodium bicarbonate and salt are sequentially loaded into the emulsifier. Stir for 15-20 minutes and in order to completely dissolve salt and water, 2-5% of the prescription amount of cold water is injected through the dispenser. Mix again for 3-5 minutes to form a fine emulsion.

If, when kneading wafer dough, flour with a high gluten content (more than 32%) is used, then in the emulsifier, in addition to the listed components of the raw material, molasses in the amount of 0.3-1.0% or the enzyme preparation Protosubtilin G20x in the amount of 0.01-0 are added, 03% by weight of flour in the form of an aqueous solution.

From the emulsifier, the concentrated emulsion is continuously pumped through a filter into the feed tank with a stirrer, from where it is fed by a dosing pump to the homogenizer. In a homogenizer, the concentrated emulsion with vigorous stirring is mixed with the remaining amount of cooled water. Diluted emulsion from the homogenizer enters the vibrating mixer. Flour is fed there with a tape feeder. Continuous intensive mixing of the diluted emulsion with the flour with simultaneous exposure to vibrational vibrations allows preparing the dough in a vibrating mixer in 13-15 seconds. The finished dough with a pump is filtered through a filter and fed to baking.

In small enterprises, waffle dough is prepared periodically in a kneading machine. Phosphatides, which are pre-emulsified with a small amount of water, vegetable oil, yolks, sodium bicarbonate, salt and 10% of the stipulated amount of water, are sequentially loaded into the machine. Turn on the machine and stirred for several minutes. Enter all the water and, if provided for the recipe, milk. Water and milk should have a temperature of 15-20 ° C. Half of the recipe bookmark flour is injected, stirred for another 10-15 minutes.

Humidity of the finished dough 63-65%. The temperature of the finished test

18-20 0 C. Increasing the temperature of the dough does not reduce its viscosity, but increases it. This is due to the increase in gluten swelling with increasing temperature, which in turn reduces the quality of wafer sheets. Of particular importance is the humidity of the dough. Reducing it leads to a significant increase in its viscosity and, as a result, complicates the dosing and filling of wafer forms. In turn, an increase in the humidity of the dough leads to a significant decrease in the productivity of the furnace and an increase in the number of edemas.

Waffles are called flour confectionery products of rectangular, round, triangular shape or figured (in the form of various objects - nuts, seashells, envelopes, etc.), which can be either interleaved with filling or without filling. Waffles are different from other confectionery products for their famous property - they crackle when cracking or cracking. This is due to the fact that the wafer sheet contains a reduced amount of moisture, it has a corrugated checkered surface and a finely porous internal structure. Wafer sheets, wafer cakes, and waffle-based candies are made from wafer sheets. They are also used for the production of ice cream (both in the form of sheets and in the form of cups).

Wheat flour, drinking water, salt, soda (sodium bicarbonate), lecithin (natural emulsifier), and vegetable oil are included as raw materials for the manufacture of wafer sheets. Sometimes the last two components are replaced by eggs. For the wafer interlayer, various fillings are used (praline, fruit, fondant, fat, etc.). Domestic manufacturers usually use fatty fillings, which are homogeneous, well-whipped fluffy mass consisting of fat, lecithin, powdered sugar, crumbs (chopped wafer trim, left after making the wafer sheet), dyes and flavorings (vanillin, citric acid, cocoa and so forth).

Now, most companies use production lines for wafer production, which allow all cooking processes (dough kneading, stuffing, baking, spreading, cutting) to be carried out continuously. First, when entering the workshop, all raw materials are sent to a special room, located separately from production. There the surface of the container is cleaned, and then the raw material is freed from it. Flour (the content of gluten in it should not exceed 32%), supplied to the production in separate batches, are mixed and sieved through a metal sieve with a cell size of not more than 2 mm. This process is carried out automatically on special screening machines. Since the flour may contain individual small particles of ferromagnetic impurities, it is passed through a magnetic catcher mounted on an inclined descent. Thus, the sifted and passed through a magnet flour poured into the storage tank. Sugar is also sieved through a sieve with holes no larger than 3 mm. Vegetable oil is filtered through sieves with a cell diameter of not more than 1 mm. The rest of the raw materials are checked for freshness and prepared. Eggs, for example, appear through the ovoscope, and then soaked in warm water, followed by treatment with sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate solutions at a temperature of about 40 ° C for 5-10 minutes. Then the eggs are disinfected in a 2% bleach solution or a 0.5% bleach solution and rinsed in clean running water. This is a rather long process, so often instead of fresh eggs, frozen melange is used, which after opening is filtered through a sieve with a cell diameter of not more than 3 mm. Salt and baking soda, if necessary, are ground and sifted through a sieve with cells no more than 2 mm, and then dissolved in water and again passed through a sieve with cells no more than 0.5 mm. Returnable waste of wafer production (for example, crumbs, scrap, dough films removed from the dies) are also processed - soaked in warm water for 20-25 minutes, then rubbed through sieves and sent for processing.

Finally, all prepared raw materials are sent to the production hall. Waffle dough is prepared there, which has a liquid consistency and minimal viscosity. Thanks to such properties wafer dough can be pumped over by the pump. It spreads quickly and evenly over the surface of the waffle molds, in which waffle sheets are baked - a semi-finished wafer production. Dough preparation is a rather complicated process. Since it should have a high humidity, water is introduced into the mixture, the amount of which is 10-12 times greater than the mass of all raw materials, except for flour. Flour is injected in small portions in several stages, otherwise the dough will go lumpy. When preparing the dough, the temperature of the raw material is important - it should not exceed 20 ° C. Most manufacturers prepare the dough on the emulsion, which includes all components except flour (yolks or melange, vegetable oil, phosphatides, sodium bicarbonate solutions and salt). The dough is kneaded in kneading machines of periodic action (in small enterprises) or in stations of continuous preparation (in large-scale production). Then the dough is filtered through a sieve with holes about 2.5 mm in diameter and poured into an intermediate tank, and from there it is transferred to wafer-furnace tanks. For baking wafer sheets, special ovens with two massive metal plates with a gap of 2-3 mm are used. This method of baking is called contact, as the dough layer is in direct contact with the heating surfaces. The surface of the plates can be engraved, smooth or curly. Along the perimeter of the wafer baking molds are recesses to remove excess moisture and remove excess dough. The waffle sheet is baked at 170 ° C for two minutes. The finished sheets are removed from the form by hand with a knife or automatically with a special elastic plate and cooled to room temperature. To do this, they are stacked in piles in a separate room at low humidity (30%) and at a temperature of 50-52 ° C or on a cradle conveyor.

Simultaneously with the preparation of the wafer sheet, various fillings are prepared. They must have a minimum moisture content so that the waffle does not get wet and does not lose its crunchiness. The best option is fatty filling, since there is practically no free moisture in it, which can be absorbed into the wafer. In addition, it has a high plasticity, which makes it easy to apply it on a wafer sheet with the help of special equipment. The main difficulty in preparing a fatty filling in a continuous way is related to the fact that powdered sugar and crystallized fat, which are included in its composition, are difficult to transport and dispense using conventional equipment, so manufacturers have to purchase additional machines. For a layer of wafer sheets filling machines are used with roller mechanisms or a movable carriage. Hardened wafer layers are stacked three pieces, and then cut into separate pieces. Often the layers with the filling are additionally kept for six hours or more to press out the liquid fraction from the fillings and absorb it by wafer sheets. This greatly facilitates the process of cutting wafer layers into individual rectangular products. String cutting machines are used for cutting. Crumbs and scraps formed when cutting wafers are collected, ground and used in the composition of fillings (but not more than 12% by weight of the filling). Finally, ready-made wafers are packaged in packs, bags or boxes with a roll of parchment, parchment, pergamin, cellophane or foil.

There is a wide choice of various models of wafer production equipment on the Russian market, but most entrepreneurs prefer to use turnkey lines of European, American or Chinese production. The performance of this line reaches 3.5-4 tons per day. In a set to it there are 30-35 baking dishes. 4-5 people are enough to service the line. The cost of the line, including delivery, customs clearance and installation, is about $ 350-450 thousand, depending on the manufacturer and characteristics. Cheaper lines have greater power and gas consumption, are large, and require more personnel for maintenance. Therefore, even savings of $ 100 thousand when buying a Chinese production line may not justify themselves, because the cost of production in this case will be higher. Also note that you will have to purchase additional packaging equipment separately. Its cost will be about half a million rubles.

The cost of organizing the workshop for the production of waffles will amount to 15-17 million rubles. This includes the purchase of an automatic line and packing machine, auxiliary equipment and inventory (cold stores, dishes, furniture, etc.), the purchase of raw materials for two months, other costs associated with repairing the premises and preparing it for operation, registering a legal entity, opening an account wage bill, etc. Do not rely on large volumes of production right away. Even if you can load your lines, you will still need to organize the sale of your products, which in conditions of high competition will not be so easy. Young companies sell their products to wholesalers, although their profit in this case will be lower than when organizing waffle supplies directly to retail chains and individual retail stores.

The payback period of such production is about two years. The company's net profit can reach 750 thousand rubles with a revenue of 4.5 million rubles a month.

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Making waffles

Wafers - flour confectionery products made from flour, yolks, salt and sodium bicarbonate - baking powder. The simplest type of waffle is waffle without filling. For their manufacture requires only prefabricated in the form of thin porous sheets, as well as edible phosphatides and vegetable oil.

More diverse range of waffles with filling. Wafer sheets, filling are necessary for their production, and when making glazed wafers chocolate or confectionary glaze. In the manufacture of wafers with filling use fatty, praline, cream, fruit, fondant, nut fillings. The variety of waffles is created not only by the type of filling, but also by the shape, the number of layers. Waffles can be square, rectangular, round, triangular, in the form of tubes, shaped in the form of nuts, shells, etc. Depending on the number of layers, three-layer wafers are produced - two layers of wafer sheet and one layer of filling; five-layer - three layers of wafer sheet and two layers of filling; seven layers - four layers of wafer sheet and three layers of filling; nine-layer - five layers of wafer sheet and four layers of filling. The number of layers in the waffles is given by the recipe.

The surface of the waffles can be treated with finishing semi-finished products in whole or in part, artistically decorated or covered (not covered) with glaze.

Wafer sheets are very easy. Depending on the size of the sheet, its mass is 50 - 90 g. Therefore, the main component by weight in waffles is filling (70 - 80%). In glazed waffles, the mass fraction of the filling is reduced, since the mass of the glaze reaches 27%. The thickness of the wafer sheet depends on the purpose and is set by the depth of the grooves of the plates, between which it is baked (0.3 - 0.8 mm).

According to their organoleptic characteristics, waffles must comply with the requirements of GOST or TU: they have crisp properties, the filling has a delicate taste and a fluffy structure; have the same size and regular shape with even cut edges and a clear pattern; waffle filling should not protrude beyond the edges; the surface of the glazed waffles should be smooth, without bubbles and cracks; wafer sheet should be in close contact with the filling.

The color of wafers with filling is from light yellow to yellow, without filling - from yellow to light brown. The presence of stains, burnt. Color, filling uniform. The quality of the filling is determined by the homogeneity of its consistency, the absence of grains and lumps. Filling fat and praline melts easily in the mouth, has a delicate oily structure.

Wafer sheets should be well baked in the break, have developed porosity, and have crisp properties. Waffles should not have a foreign taste and smell.

The production technology of wafers includes the following stages:

Preparation of raw materials and dough preparation;

Molding and baking wafer sheets;

Cooking stuffing;

Sandwiching the filling with the subsequent cooling and cutting

on individual products;

Packaging and storage.

Waffle dough has a liquid consistency, therefore it is well dosed, quickly and evenly distributed over the entire surface of the mold. The humidity of the waffle dough is 58 - 65%. In order to obtain the liquid consistency of the waffle dough, special requirements are placed on the quantity and quality of the gluten used in the flour used. It is best to use flour with a weak gluten and a crossover content of no higher than 32%.

It is also necessary to comply with the technological parameters of the dough and the temperature of the water used in the mixture. The kneading of the wafer dough is carried out with a significant water content, which limits the adhesion of particles of gluten, quickly and at low temperatures, precluding the formation of gluten. To increase the shelf life of wafer sheets and finished waffles without filling, granulated sugar is introduced into the recipe, which reduces the hygroscopicity and increases the fragility of the wafer sheets. In the production of wafers with wet fillings (fondant, fruit) in the recipe of wafer dough provided sugar in an amount of up to 10%. However, sugar increases the adhesion of the wafer sheets to the forms, and then a small amount of vegetable oil (up to 3%) and phosphatide concentrate (0.5%) are introduced into the dough.

Waffle dough is prepared in a continuous or batch manner.

When making dough in a continuous wayfirst, a concentrated emulsion is prepared in an emulsifier-homogenizer or a churning machine, where all types of raw materials, except for flour, are loaded in a specific sequence: yolk or melange, vegetable oil, food phosphatides, sodium bicarbonate, salt. The raw materials are mixed for 15–20 minutes, then cold water is introduced - 5% of the total amount for kneading dough, and the mass is mixed for about 5 minutes until a finely dispersed emulsion is formed.

The finished concentrated emulsion is filtered and pumped into the feed tank with a stirrer. From the tank, the dosing pump emulsion is fed into the homogenizer and mixed in a continuous stream with the rest of the cooled water - a diluted working emulsion is obtained. The concentrated emulsion is diluted with water 8 times, i.e. water is 10-12 times greater than the mass of all raw materials, with the exception of flour. This provides a liquid waffle dough with high humidity and low viscosity.

The dough is kneaded in a two-section kneading machine consisting of a pre-mixing chamber and a lipstick machine. In a mixing machine continuously diluted emulsion and flour are fed in two streams. Ready dough with humidity of 58 - 65% and a temperature of 18 - 20 ° It is directed to the molding.

Vibration mixers are used to improve the quality of the wafer dough and speed up the kneading. The station for continuous preparation of wafer dough SHV-2T includes equipment for producing a concentrated emulsion, preparing a diluted emulsion in a thin layer andgetting ready dough. Intensive mixing of the diluted emulsion with the flour allows you to get the dough for 13-15 minutes. In a vibromixer, the dough is formed in 15-18 seconds under the influence of vibrational vibrations.

Kneading the waffle dough in a periodic wayit is produced at small-scale enterprises in kneading machines with T-shaped blades. All raw materials, with the exception of flour, are introduced into a mixing machine in a specific sequence: chemical baking powder, salt, water (5-10% of the total), yolk or melange, edible phosphatides in the form of an emulsion, vegetable oil, stirred for 30 minutes, then add the remaining amount of cold water (8-10 ° C). Flour is injected in two steps and quickly produces kneading until the finished dough. The dough should be a smooth consistency.

In the production of sweet waffles without filling (“Dynamo”), cold water, granulated sugar, the third part of the prescription amount of flour and baking powder first enter the kneading machine. The mixture is stirred for several minutes, melange is added, after which the machine loads the melted fat, the remaining amount of water and flavors. The kneading continues for another 5 to 8 minutes. The humidity of the finished dough is 42-44%, the temperature is not more than 22 ° C.

In the manufacture of wafer sheets of wheat flour with a high gluten content (more than 33%), the use of molasses (0.3-1%) or the proteolytic enzyme preparation Protosubtilin G20X (0.01-0.03% of the mass of flour) is envisaged.

The finished dough is a homogeneous mass, the consistency of liquid sour cream. As a result of churning, it is saturated with air bubbles, which give the dough porosity.

Baking wafer sheetsit is carried out in semi-automatic gas or electric furnaces with movable wafer molds (24, 30, 45, 60 pairs). Currently, ovens with 72, 96, 120 waffle irons are common. Automatic lines with a capacity of more than 400 kg / h (120 waffle irons in the oven) make it possible to produce all types of wafers - flat, shaped, pipe, with and without frosting. In fig. 15.1 shows the line of the company "Hebenshtrayt".

The sizes of wafer sheets depend on the size of waffle irons and are 470 x 350, 470 x 290, 370 x 240 and 700 x 350 mm. From how the waffle irons are arranged - the long or short side forward, the length of the oven conveyor and the speed of its movement change. Now the plates are usually set the long side forward. As a result, the length of the conveyor and its speed are reduced, which provides the necessary baking time. The surface of waffle irons has V-shaped grooves to create a pattern or artistic (decorative) pattern. The depth of the grooves is chosen depending on the type of product. So, when making glazed waffles, it is better to use wafer sheets with small grooves, in this case chocolate is less consumed. The finished dough is dosed to the bottom surface of the waffle iron mold, clamped with the second plate and baked in a thin layer.

The process of baking wafer sheets lasts 2-4 minutes at a temperature of 170-180 ° C. In the baking process, the excess dough flows out through the edges of the form and in the form of under-baked dough (swelling) is removed from the forms. The number of edemas is 4-15%. . At the end of baking, the top plate of the waffle iron opens and the waffle sheet is removed from it.

Baked sheets are immediately cooled to prevent warping. The rational way of cooling is a single vystoyka on the mesh conveyor arch type. With a uniform access of air, the absorption of moisture by the sheet is accompanied by a uniform change in its linear dimensions. The duration of cooling the sheets to a temperature of 30 ° C is 1 - 2 minutes. At small enterprises, cooling of wafer sheets usually takes place in the feet. Humidity in the central and peripheral parts of the feet varies unevenly, which may cause warping of the sheets.

For the preparation of waffles used various fillings.

Fatty fillingit is a mixture of confectionary fat or coconut oil, powdered sugar, acid and flavorings. The fat should have a low melting point, and the diameter of the icing sugar crystals should not exceed 130 microns.

The filling can be prepared in a continuous or intermittent manner. With a continuous method to obtain a fatty filling, powdered sugar, cooled to 20–23 ° C fat and a prescription mixture consisting of shredded wafer trimmings and powdered milk are fed into the vibromixer. Some recipes include cocoa powder and fat emulsion (30% of the total). The mass is stirred for 15 to 20 minutes and at a temperature of about 30 ° C is sent to the spreading machine. The moisture content of fat filling is 0.5-1%.

The quality of the fatty filling, and consequently, the quality of the finished product depends on the quality of the used fat, the stability of its performance. Confectionery fat for wafer fillings of domestic production in some cases has a high melting point (up to 40 ° C), fatty fat taste, low resistance to oxidation. The Research Institute of the Confectionery Industry recommends the use of Aomict fat, produced by the Swedish company Karlshamns (mass fraction of dry substances 99.7%) for the production of competitive waffles and wafer cakes.

Fondant fillingprepared by mixing lipstick with fat, food phosphatides and sorbitol. Food phosphatides slow down the process of moisture transfer from the filling to the wafer sheet, sorbitol lengthens the shelf life of wafers. Moisture Fondant Filling 10-11 %.

Stuffings prolinovan, nut, fruitare prepared the same way as in the production of candy. Wafers with fruit filling are distinguished by low energy value and are in special demand of consumers. The main components of the fruit filling are applesauce and granulated sugar. Part of the granulated sugar can be replaced by different jelly: apple, raspberry, from beetroot. Optimum humidity of the filling 12 - 14% . The higher moisture content of the fruit filling and the transfer of moisture from the filling to the wafer sheets reduce the brittleness and quality of the waffles. In order to reduce the moisture of the filling, water-retaining additives are introduced into it: apple and other fruit powders with a moisture content of 3–5%, semi-finished products of extruded cereals.

Sandwiching wafer sheetsit is made in the mechanized way by means of the pasting car. Wafer sheet by hand with a long side is laid across the conveyor and falls under the roll spreading mechanism. The filling is evenly applied to the surface of the sheet and covered with a second wafer sheet. Depending on how many layers you need to get, the operation is repeated. The recipe provides the ratio by weight of the wafer sheet and the filling 1: 4.

Smeared layer passes under the pressing conveyor and is sent for cooling. Wafer layers stand in the shop for about 4 hours or individually in a refrigerating chamber at a temperature of 12 ° C for 4-25 minutes, depending on the type of filling used. The cooled seams are cut by a steel string or a circular saw. Ready waffles are sent to packaging and packaging.

According to the physico-chemical parameters of wafers, the sugar content in sucrose in terms of dry matter should be 21–74%, in diabetic waffles with a fatty filling, 0–7%; fat - 6.9 - 35%, depending on the type of filling. Moisture content in wafers: without filling 2.1-3.9%; with fatty filling 0.5 - 7.8%; with praline filling (praline type) 0.6 - 2.2%; with fondant filling 4,4 - 8,4%; with fruit filling 9-15.3%; in diabetic with fatty filling 1 - 3%. Alkalinity for wafers without filling is no more than 1 degree alkalinity, for wafers with filling is not regulated.

Depending on the type of filling, the shelf life of wafers varies from 25 days to 2 months. The shelf life of wafers without fillings is 3 months.