Zucchini marinated in pineapple juice for the winter. Zucchini in pineapple juice - unique recipes for housewives

30.06.2023 Vegetable dishes

Tropical fruit - pineapple has long won our location with its fresh amazing taste. And we use it not only fresh. Canned pineapple slices have become an indispensable ingredient in many desserts and pastries. They perfectly set off the taste of poultry meat and refresh any dish. But many do not even suspect that an alternative to a not very cheap, but such a sought-after tropical fruit can be found in your garden.

Today we will tell you how to make pineapples from simple zucchini and preserve them for the winter. By some miracle, after heat treatment and soaking in syrup and citrus flavor, banal zucchini slices acquire a pineapple flavor. Try to make such a preparation, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result, and most importantly, provide yourself with your own “canned pineapples” prepared by yourself.

Zucchini like pineapples for the winter with orange - recipe


Calculation for five liter cans:

  • zucchini - 4 kg;
  • oranges - 3 pcs.;

For syrup:

  • granulated sugar - 450 g;
  • - 25 g;
  • purified water - 1 l.


In order for this recipe to take place and as a result you get a really pineapple taste of the workpiece, it is only necessary to observe this condition. Zucchini must certainly be mature and not young at all, otherwise the result will not be the same at all.

So, we get rid of the ripe squash fruits, cut them in half and remove the seeds with a spoon. Next, chop the remaining dense pulp into cubes of the desired size and place them in pre-prepared washed, dry jars, on the bottom of which we place four to five orange slices, depending on the size.

If desired, you can prepare rings of "pineapple". To do this, cut the peeled zucchini fruits into circles about one centimeter thick and cut out the core with seeds from each circle with a glass of a suitable size or a cup. We get zucchini rings, which we put in a jar on orange slices.

Now, in cold purified water, we dissolve granulated sugar and citric acid according to the recipe and pour our fruits in jars with the resulting syrup. We place the containers with the workpiece in a wide saucepan, cover with tin lids, add cold water up to the shoulders and determine the design on fire. After boiling, we sterilize the zucchini for fifteen minutes, cork the lids and wrap the jars thoroughly until they cool completely, turning them upside down.

Zucchini compote for the winter, like pineapple


  • large zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 350 g;
  • dried clove buds - 5 pcs.;
  • purified water - 2.5 liters.


To prepare "pineapple" compote, wash a large mature zucchini well and peel it. Then we extract the soft core with seeds, and chop the dense pulp into cubes of the desired size. We put them in a saucepan with a volume of more than three liters, fill it with purified water and set it on fire. After boiling, add granulated sugar and mix the contents of the dish until it dissolves. Let the mass boil again, throw the buds of dried cloves and keep the workpiece at a moderate boil for twenty minutes. At the end of cooking, add the juice of one lemon, pour the finished compote into pre-prepared sterilized dry jars, cork with sterile lids, place it upside down on a warm blanket and wrap it thoroughly until the workpiece cools completely. Then we determine the containers with compote in a cool place for storage and take it out as needed.

Your guests will never guess what this amazingly delicious compote is based on, and when they find out, they will certainly ask for the recipe. Pieces of zucchini can be served with compote or supplemented with various kinds of desserts or salads.



canned zucchini like pineapple- a very tasty delicacy, the preparation of which will take you very little time, and the result will be stunning.

Many housewives know recipes for harvesting zucchini for the winter in the most unusual ways. Candied fruits are prepared from zucchini, jams are made with the addition of lemons and oranges, jams are made by adding various berries and fruits, added to spicy tomato sauces, vegetable salads are prepared, marinated “under mushrooms”, dried in an electric dryer, stewed with sauté and stew. And zucchini can also be turned into mouth-watering pineapples, which will be appropriate both on a festive and on an everyday table.

To prepare such a delicacy, you do not need special experience and some inaccessible components. Just a little patience. Such a blank does not need sterilization, which, of course, will appeal to many housewives. The whole process will take about an hour, and the result will be delicious canned pineapple-flavored zucchini. A very tasty and simple preparation for the winter, besides low-calorie, because zucchini is a dietary product that is very well absorbed, because it is native. For comparison, zucchini has about twenty-four kilocalories, and pineapple has more than fifty, due to their own sugar content. In addition, such "pineapples" do not contain a large amount of preservatives, so they can be safely treated to children.

To prepare a treat, you will need young zucchini with light skin - zucchini of this variety has the most tender pulp, the most porous, since the fibers in such fruits are practically not felt, and visually it resembles pineapple pulp . Having treated family members and friends with such sweetness, we are sure that you will receive the most flattering reviews about your culinary abilities, because few people will distinguish the taste of zucchini preserved for the winter in this way from natural pineapples the first time.

We offer you to master a simple recipe for cooking zucchini, which tastes like canned pineapples, using a step-by-step recipe with photos, and to please your loved ones and guests with an excellent homemade delicacy, cooked with love with your own hands at home.



    Let's prepare the necessary ingredients. We measure the sugar rate we need, mix it with vanilla and citric acid.

    The next step in the preparation of pineapple-flavored zucchini will be the preparation of the zucchini themselves. This process will consist in cutting the vegetable into pieces that are convenient for you: large or small cubes, rings, with a removed middle or half rings. Before cutting the zucchini, rinse well in running water, dry with a towel made of natural fibers or paper, and free from the skin and stalk.

    We spread the zucchini, cut into small cubes, in a convenient pan and pour in the required amount of store-bought pineapple juice, so much so that the zucchini is completely covered.

    We put the pan on a quiet fire and bring the mass to a boil.

    Remove from heat and, carefully, add sugar with additives in small portions. Mix well so that it dissolves completely. Gradually pour out all the sugar, and after it is completely dissolved, put the pan on a small fire again. Squash in syrup should boil for 20-30 minutes, until softened. Stir the treat often to prevent the syrup from burning or the zucchini to overcook..

    While the “pineapples” are boiling, it is necessary to wash the jars of a convenient volume in warm water with soda, rinse in a large amount of running water and sterilize them in a way convenient for you: steamed, in the oven or in the microwave. Repeat the sterilization operation for the lids with which you will seal the jars of zucchini. Do not forget that gum loses its properties if you do not remove them before boiling. We transfer the finished pineapple zucchini while still hot into prepared jars, pour the syrup in which they were cooked, and immediately roll up the lids. Do not turn the jars over, leave to cool without wrapping. The process of cooking zucchini with pineapple flavor has been successfully completed!

    A day later, the delicacy is ready. Treat them to your household and friends and get well-deserved praise.

    Bon appetit!


In our region, pineapples do not grow, but we harvest a good crop of zucchini. Therefore, I give you a recipe on how to make canned pineapples from these same zucchini. This canning recipe is one of my favorites. I was surprised when I first saw them. The result is wonderful - the product is well stored, and 100% of the application is to the taste. With their eyes closed, no one guessed what they were actually eating .... But in salads, and seeing, they did not guess)))).


1. Peeled zucchini - 1 kg (remove the middle in a pile or cup).
2. Purchased pineapple juice - 350 gr, take the cheapest one, it is better for harvesting.
3. Sugar - 0.5 cups
4. Citric acid - 2/3 tsp
5. Vanillin on the tip of a knife, very little, so that there is no bitterness and bust with taste, vanilla sugar is better, but more is needed.

How to cook pineapple from zucchini:

We clean the zucchini, remove the middle. You can make "pineapples" in circles, or you can cut the zucchini into slices or half rings (as you like).

In a saucepan over a fire, mix all the ingredients (juice, sugar, citric acid, vanillin).

Dip the zucchini in the syrup and cook after boiling for 15 minutes, stirring gently.

Arrange in sterilized jars, fill with syrup and roll up.

Wrap in a warm coat until cool.

I decided to kill two birds with one stone - to prepare a few zucchini, otherwise they are already starting to turn yellow and deteriorate, and at the same time make a few jars of zucchini like pineapples. This blank has long interested me and I'm glad that I got my hands on it.

This spin can be done in two ways - using pineapple juice, or with canned pineapples. I tried it with juice. But I will tell you about the second method.

Zucchini, like soybeans, take on the taste of the product with which they are cooked. Therefore, zucchini can be prepared so that they look like cucumbers, mushrooms, salted cabbage or pineapples. You can also make candied zucchini, similar to lemon.

The output is something very similar to canned pineapples, I think that in cakes or dishes you can’t tell. In addition, this compote is very pleasant on its own, as it is not as sweet as jam.

With squash pineapples, you can make pies or pies, etc. In general, it's worth a try.

Zucchini in pineapple juice for the winter - a proven recipe

I personally decided to save money and made with pineapple nectar, not juice. It turned out delicious. I think that with expensive juice it would be even better.

You can make delicious pineapple jam from this blank by simply whipping it with a blender.


  • Zucchini - 3 kg unpeeled,
  • Pineapple juice - 1 l,
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.,
  • Citric acid - 2/3 tsp
  1. Peel zucchini and remove seeds. Cut into cubes (you can rings, no difference), put in a suitable pan. Add a glass of sugar.

2. Pour a liter of pineapple juice.

3. Pour 2/3 tsp. citric acid.

4. Bring to a boil over medium heat. When they boil, cook for fifteen minutes for young zucchini, and twenty for old ones.

5. Hot pour into jars and roll up.

6. Turn over and put under the covers until cool. I got five pint jars.

Zucchini like pineapples for the winter with canned pineapples

Some people advise not making this preparation with pineapple juice, but with canned pineapples. You can try to do this and that - good, there are a lot of zucchini in the fall - you can experiment.


  • Zucchini - 2 liters peeled and chopped (details below),
  • Sugar - 500 g,
  • Canned pineapples - 1 l.

1. Peel and cut the zucchini into cubes, measure the volume with a liter jar - you should get two jars, pour into a saucepan.

2. Pour the zucchini with 500 grams of sugar, leave to infuse for several hours until enough juice appears.

3. Cook over medium heat, after boiling let it boil for 10 minutes.

4. Cool down. Add a liter jar of canned pineapples along with syrup.

5. Cook over low heat, after boiling for about ten minutes.

If the zucchini has released too much syrup, you can pour it into a separate jar and use it to soak cakes, water ice cream, etc.

Zucchini like pineapples - video recipe

But in this video, the preparation of pineapples from zucchini is clearly shown.

Perhaps everyone loves zucchini - fried, stewed, canned. But it turns out that this vegetable is full of surprises: you can make a dessert out of it. Not only that, you can make pineapple out of it! Moreover, these zucchini, harvested like pineapples for the winter, hardly anyone can distinguish from real exotic fruits. In this article we will tell you the recipes and nuances of this amazing workpiece.

The main stage for the preparation of any workpiece for the winter.

The first step is to choose your vegetables carefully. To do this, you need to focus on the following parameters:

  1. It is better to choose small fruits weighing about 150-200 grams.
  2. The length of the fetus should be 12-20 centimeters.
  3. Pay attention to the peel of the vegetable. In a fresh zucchini, it is even, glossy.
  4. Do not use zucchini with dark areas, sharp contrasting color transitions on the skin, or with an unpleasant odor.
  5. The stalk of the zucchini will indicate freshness, the “tail” should be green. If it is brown, then the vegetable is stale.
  1. The most delicious pineapple zucchini will come from young zucchini, which have a thin, delicate skin. You can also use a ripe vegetable, but then it will take much more time to cook it.
  2. Even the most delicate skin needs to be removed.
  3. Be sure to remove the core with seeds, because their presence will show that this is not an exotic fruit at all.
  4. Slicing the vegetable should look like pineapple slices as much as possible.

Reference! The shape of the pineapple rings is best suited. You can make it using a special cutting device, or using a regular glass.

It is best to cut the vegetable into rings of 10 millimeters, and remove the middle with a shape. It is allowed to divide the rings into halves or pieces. When there is no cutting mold, then you can divide the zucchini fruit into two parts and remove the core with seeds from there. Turn the resulting “boat” over and cut into segments that look like pineapple half rings. You can chop the vegetable into cubes with a side of about two centimeters.

Recipe for zucchini with pineapple juice

The most popular method for making squash dessert is using store-bought exotic fruit juice. It gives the required taste, which makes it impossible to recognize the signs of vegetables in fragrant slices.

In pineapple syrup

The following components are needed:

  • kilogram of zucchini;
  • 350 milliliters of pineapple juice;
  • 125 grams of sugar;
  • 2/3 teaspoon of citric acid;
  • a pinch of vanilla powder.


  1. In the fruit, you need to remove the peel and seed core and cut the flesh into rings or cubes.
  2. After you need to prepare the syrup. The components, in addition to zucchini pieces, are mixed in a saucepan and, over low heat, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved in the liquid.
  3. Then the pieces of vegetables are placed in the prepared syrup, and after the mixture boils, they are boiled for 15 minutes. In this case, you should constantly stir the mixture, otherwise the dessert will burn.
  4. Cooked "pineapples" should be laid out in glass containers, spilled with syrup. Then you need to roll up the products. The resulting blanks are covered with a blanket, allowed to cool. Then they are rearranged in a cool dark place for later storage.

Recipe with cherry plum

This method of preparation is striking in its simplicity. Indeed, for such “pineapples” no unusual fruits are required at all. Giving the workpiece a pineapple flavor and smell is provided by yellow cherry plum.


  • 350 grams of yellow cherry plum;
  • kilogram of zucchini;
  • liter of water;
  • 230 grams of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of citric acid.


  1. All cherry plum must be divided into equal parts, after removing the bones.
  2. Squash fruits need to be cleaned from the skin and the middle with seeds.
  3. Halves of cherry plum are placed in a jar, you need to fill a quarter of the container with them.
  4. The next layer is laid out pieces of zucchini.
  5. Finish filling with cherry plum.
  6. After the prepared containers are filled with boiling water. After 5-7 minutes, boiling water is drained. They repeat again.
  7. On the basis of the water drained for the second time, a syrup with sugar is prepared. Citric acid is added to it.
  8. After the sweet liquid boils, it is poured into jars and immediately closed.

Important! In this method, it is better to cut the vegetables into rings, otherwise they may get lost in the plum mass.

with orange

The taste of an exotic fruit will be given to zucchini slices by oranges. This recipe does not require the addition of pineapple.


  • 3-4 medium zucchini;
  • liter of water;
  • three oranges;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • a tablespoon of citric acid.


  1. Oranges must be washed and cut into slices. 4 pieces are laid out in the selected container. It is better to place them vertically.
  2. Rinse the zucchini, remove the peel and core. Cut the remaining pulp into cubes and put in containers.
  3. Next, you need to prepare the syrup. For this purpose, put sugar and citric acid into the water. The finished liquid is poured into containers.
  4. These blanks must be sterilized. The containers are placed in a saucepan filled with water, covered with metal lids. When the water boils, the jars are left for another 15 minutes. Then they should be removed and covered with lids. Ready pineapple blanks should cool at a warm temperature.

Zucchini Roll with Pineapple Essence

This recipe is perhaps the most inexpensive of all. It does not require additional components.


  • one large zucchini;
  • liter of water;
  • 150 grams of granulated sugar;
  • a teaspoon of citric acid and pineapple essence.


  1. Cut the peel from the fruits of zucchini, cut them into rings and cut out the middle with seeds.
  2. Heat water, pour sugar and citric acid. After you need to add pineapple flavoring.
  3. Heat the syrup mass to a boil, then place the zucchini pieces in it. Check for about 3 minutes. Next, you need to let the workpiece cool and rearrange it in the refrigerator.
  4. If you need to roll up such squash pineapples for the winter, then you need to put the hot pieces into glass jars and close them.

Preservation without sterilization

There are many ways to prepare squash fruits and give them the taste of pineapple. However, this method of preservation without sterilization is most popular with hostesses.


  • one lemon;
  • 0.5 kilograms of zucchini;
  • three inflorescences of cloves;
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water.


  1. Peel the zucchini and cut into circles.
  2. Put the pieces in a bowl and pour water, wait for the boil.
  3. Add sugar and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes.
  4. The squash pieces should become translucent and amber in color. Only then add cloves.
  5. Cook the mixture for another 15 minutes, and then pour in the juice squeezed from the lemon.
  6. Then you should leave the dessert on the fire for another three minutes. The products must be placed in glass jars and rolled up without sterilizing.
  7. With strict adherence to the recipe, “canned pineapples” (zucchini) acquire a fresh pineapple flavor.

Marinated zucchini with pineapple flavor

Marinating will turn out not only snacks - tomatoes, cucumbers, etc., but also desserts. Chopped zucchini pineapples are a really good alternative to store-bought treats!


  • 4 kilograms of zucchini;
  • 3 oranges;
  • liter of water;
  • a tablespoon of citric acid;
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar.


With this harvesting method, it is very important to follow the algorithm for cooking zucchini step by step:

  1. Citruses should be poured over with boiling water and cut into cubes. Then put in jars.
  2. Rinse the zucchini, remove the peel and core and cut into half rings. Pieces of vegetables are placed in jars for citrus.
  3. Pour sugar and citric acid into water, stir until completely dissolved.
  4. Pour the syrup into jars with chopped vegetables and citrus. Cover them with metal lids and continue to sterilize for 15 minutes.
  5. The containers should be rolled up, turned over on a warm cloth. Wait for the workpiece to cool down. When the banks have cooled, you can send them for storage.

Zucchini with fragrant sea buckthorn

This recipe for zucchini with the addition of sea buckthorn will allow you to cook vegetables quickly and inexpensively, and the taste of the resulting workpiece is absolutely identical to store-bought exotic fruits.


  • medium-sized zucchini;
  • 3 cups of sea buckthorn;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water.


  1. Sea buckthorn berries need to be carefully sorted out and washed.
  2. The fruits must be washed and peeled, chopped into small cubes.
  3. Put sea buckthorn and zucchini pieces in layers in jars. Sprinkle them with a tablespoon of sugar each time. It is necessary to fill the containers as tightly as possible, because after the juice is released, the layers will settle.
  4. Full jars should be covered with lids and sterilized for 15 minutes. After sterilization is completed, the containers should be closed.
  5. Hot jars should be covered and left to cool. After - remove the cooled blanks for storage.

In combination with sea buckthorn from zucchini, you can still make an amazing compote.


  • 2-3 cups of sea buckthorn;
  • medium zucchini;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water.


  1. Peel the zucchini and cut into neat half rings, about 20 millimeters thick.
  2. Put the vegetable in a three-liter jar and pour boiling water over it. Leave it like that for 5 minutes.
  3. After the water is drained, sea buckthorn is poured in and boiling syrup is poured from water and sugar, a little short of reaching the top of the container.
  4. It is allowed to put thyme, mint, lemon balm in the syrup - this will give it a pleasant aftertaste.
  5. Banks roll up and wrap until cool.

How to store preserves

The blanks will be perfectly preserved if all the norms and cooking steps are followed. Banks are best stored in cool dark places - cellars, basements or pantries. In addition, the following conditions must be met:

  1. It is necessary to protect the blanks from direct sunlight.
  2. There should not be any heat sources near the preservation - stoves, heaters, etc.
  3. At the same time, the temperature in the place of storage should not be lower than +5 degrees, otherwise the taste of the squash dessert will be spoiled.
  4. And the temperature should not rise above +20 degrees, and humidity - above 75 degrees.

Any changes in consistency, air bubbles or cloudiness in the workpiece should be carefully considered. This means that the tightness is broken, and the dessert will go bad.

Important! It is required to carefully follow the recipes and is very attentive to the cleanliness and sterility of containers and components.

Separate methods of harvesting pineapple zucchini for the winter period imply their subsequent storage only in the refrigerator. As a rule, these recipes do not include a sterilization step or are closed with nylon lids. But there are also exceptions.

Zucchini prepared according to such recipes surprises with aroma and taste. Such a dessert will amaze even the most sophisticated people, especially if you tell what this delicacy is made of. It is especially pleasant that such cooking methods are much cheaper than store-bought canned exotics. ( 2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)