Cabbage and apple salad. Cooking crispy fresh cabbage salad with apple

28.06.2023 Bakery

Wash the cabbage, cut off the top leaves and cut in half. Make sure she's all white, no black dots. Prepare Jonathan apple, carrot and garlic. It is better to buy all vegetables from grandmothers, so that they are homemade, without any nitrates. It's difficult, but possible. When you peel a carrot, it already smells of piquant sweetness.

Peel carrots and garlic and wash in warm water. Shred the cabbage into strips, grate the carrots for Korean carrots. Pour vegetables into a bowl. Cabbage should “breathe” for 5 minutes - enriched with oxygen, so that later it will be crispy.

Cut the garlic into small cubes, cut the apple into 4 parts and cut out the middle. Pour garlic, apples, finely chopped dill to the cabbage, add mustard seeds, bay leaf, sweet peas.

We knead well everything in the bowl with our hands and put it in a glass jar.

We are preparing the marinade. Pour water into an enameled sudok or a small saucepan, add extra salt and a spoonful of herbal honey. If there is no honey at all, add sugar.

We turn on the stove and wait on low heat for the honey to dissolve, add vinegar. As soon as this happens, turn off the heat and slowly pour the marinade over the cabbage.

We cover the jar halfway with a lid and leave it to stand on the countertop for a day, you can on the windowsill if it is warm.

Now sauerkraut with apples in a jar should “rest” in the refrigerator for a day. Just remember to close the jar with a lid. And only then you can try it. The cabbage will shrink a little, become a little softer, and darken with honey. So she is ready.

You can fill it with fragrant sunflower oil and try it.

A fresh salad with cabbage and apples is a great addition to any meal.

And in losing weight people, he often acts as a dinner.

This snack is rich in vitamins and has a pleasant taste.

There are many vitamin recipes.

Let's hit on tasty and healthy salads?

Cabbage salad with apple - general principles of preparation

Cabbage is fresh and juicy. Not necessarily white. Delicious and interesting salads are made from red and Beijing cabbage. Basically, the vegetable is cut into strips. If it is not very soft, then rub it with your hands.

Apples for salads should be used sour or at least sweet and sour. Soft and loose fruits will not work. You need to choose firm, juicy and crispy. They can be easily cut into strips or neat cubes. The skin is usually removed from the fruit, but there are exceptions.

Carrots are mostly used fresh. A juicy and bright vegetable is chosen. The root crop is washed, peeled, rubbed or simply cut into strips.

What is dressed with cabbage salads with apples and carrots:


sour cream;

Lemon juice;


Greens, nuts and other vegetables are often added. Sometimes cheese, sausage, green peas, meat, corn are put in salads. These ingredients make the dish hearty and nutritious. Cabbage salads with apples and carrots are mixed or puffed. Most often, they are prepared immediately before consumption, since fresh vegetables cannot be stored.

Recipe 1: Cabbage Salad with Apple and Cucumber

Recipe for a light salad of fresh cabbage with an apple, which is prepared in just five minutes. You can use Peking or white cabbage, but it must be juicy.


0.5 kg of cabbage;

2 cucumbers;

2 apples;

0.5 bunch of dill;

0.5 lemon;

30 grams of oil.


1. Shred the cabbage. If Beijing is used, then simply transfer it to a bowl. It is gentle and does not require any manipulation. If the cabbage is white, then we slightly remember with our hands.

2. We wash the cucumbers. Remove the ends from them and cut into strips. Transfer to bowl with cabbage.

3. Peel the apples and also cut into strips.

4. Add finely chopped dill and salt.

5. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon. If needed, add more.

Recipe 2: Fresh Cabbage Salad with Apple and Corn

The recipe for a very appetizing salad of fresh cabbage and apples. To prepare it, you will also need a jar of canned corn. A sweet pepper will harmoniously complement the taste, make the dish brighter.


0.4 kg of cabbage;

0.1 kg of sweet pepper;

0.15 kg of apples;

1 can of corn;

Salt pepper;

A little butter or mayonnaise;

Any greenery.


1. Shred the cabbage into strips, sprinkle with salt, add a pinch of sugar and lightly knead with your hands. We set aside.

2. We clean the pepper from seeds, cut into strips.

3. Add apples. They need to be cleaned and also cut into strips.

4. Open the corn. We get rid of the liquid, and we shift the grains to the rest of the ingredients.

5. Chop the greens, put in a salad.

6. Pepper and season the appetizer. You can use butter or mayonnaise. Sour cream based dressings are also suitable here.

Recipe 3: Cabbage, Carrot, Apple Salad

A variant of a fresh salad with cabbage, apple and carrots, which also uses raw vegetables. And this means that it is quickly prepared and very useful.


0.4 kg of cabbage;

0.2 kg of carrots;

0.2 kg of apples;

0.5 lemon;

3-4 sprigs of parsley (or dill);

Spices and oil.


1. We clean the carrots, rub them with straws. You can use a grater for Korean salads.

2. Shred the cabbage into strips, combine with carrots.

3. Add spices: salt, pepper, you can put Korean seasonings. We crush vegetables with our hands.

4. Chop finely washed parsley or dill, transfer to a salad.

5. The last is an apple. We also cut it into strips or three on the same grater as carrots. We clean the skin.

6. Sprinkle the apple with lemon juice and transfer to the cabbage.

Recipe 4: Fresh Cabbage Salad with Apple and Celery

Who doesn't love celery? He just never tried this salad with fresh cabbage and apple. In it, celery stalks harmoniously fit in and only delight with taste.


1 apple;

2 celery stalks;

0.2 kg of cabbage;

3 sprigs of dill;

20 ml of oil.


1. Cut the cabbage into strips, sprinkle with salt and sugar, you can immediately add black pepper. Mnem hands and set aside.

2. We wash the celery stalks and cut into thin strips, transfer to the cabbage salad.

3. We free the apple from the skin and also chop it into strips.

4. We combine all the ingredients, add chopped dill sprigs to them.

5. Fill with oil! If there is not enough acid, then you can add lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

Recipe 5: Cabbage Salad with Apple, Cheese and Nuts

The recipe for an elegant and very tasty salad of fresh cabbage with an apple, which can even be served on the festive table. Walnuts are used.


0.3 kg of cabbage;

0.15 kg of apple;

0.1 kg of cheese;

0.5 lemon;

50 grams of nuts.

Salt to taste, herbs for decoration. You can use cherry tomatoes, they go well with this dish.


1. Cut the cabbage into strips, also an apple. We combine together, lightly salt and add the juice squeezed from half a lemon.

2. Cut the nuts into pieces and fry in a pan. Cool down.

3. Put cabbage with an apple on a flat dish.

4. Pour with mayonnaise. It is best to make a grid. To do this, simply make a hole in the package. Or transfer the sauce from the jar to a plastic bag, then cut off the corner to the desired size.

5. We rub the cheese and add a layer of mayonnaise.

6. Top with chopped and roasted walnuts.

7. Decorate the salad with herbs.

Recipe 6: Spicy Cabbage, Carrot, Apple Salad

The recipe for a spicy cabbage, carrot, apple salad, for which you will need hot capsicum, as well as Korean seasonings.


0.4 kg of cabbage;

0.3 kg of carrots;

1 apple;

50 ml of oil;

2 cloves of garlic;

0.5 tsp Korean seasonings;

1 hot pepper;

1 sweet pepper.


1. We cut the pod of hot pepper very finely, also garlic cloves. Add Korean seasonings to them. As long as we put it aside.

2. Shred the cabbage into strips. Also peeled carrots and sweet peppers. Mnem together with your hands, you can immediately salt.

3. Cut apples into strips, add 2 tablespoons of 6% vinegar, stir and leave to marinate.

4. Heat up the oil, spread the previously prepared spicy mixture of pepper, seasonings and garlic. We warm up.

5. Pour the oil into the cabbage, mix.

6. Add an apple marinated with vinegar, stir, crush with a spoon and let stand for half an hour before serving.

Recipe 7: Cabbage Salad with Apple and Cranberries

A recipe for a simple salad, but with extreme flavor. The combination of apple with cabbage and cranberries is unusual and interesting. We take fresh cranberries. If there is no such berry, then we use it from the freezer.


0.3 kg of cabbage;

0.1 kg of apples;

0.05 kg of cranberries;


1. Shred the white cabbage, mince it with salt and throw it into a salad bowl.

2. We clean the apples, grate them, send them to the cabbage.

3. Add cranberries, which we must wash and sort through. If the berries are frozen, then let them thaw.

4. Add greens and mayonnaise. We stir everything! Salad can be dressed with vegetable oil or sour cream. Choose the option according to your taste.

Recipe 8: Fresh Cabbage Salad with Apple and Smoked Sausage

The recipe for an interesting and hearty salad with fresh cabbage, for which you need any smoked sausage. But it is better to use a product with a small amount of fat. Mayonnaise serves as a dressing. If necessary, replace with sour cream or any other sauce, such as yogurt. Puff salad.


0.3 kg of cabbage;

2 apples;

0.2 kg of sausage;

1 onion;

Vinegar and spices;

70 g of hard cheese.


1. First of all, pickle the onion. To do this, cut the cleaned head in half, and then into two more parts. Then chop into very thin strips. Throw into a bowl and pour vinegar with water. The marinade should be very acidic. We leave.

2. Shred cabbage into strips, remember slightly. We also cut the apple and sausage into strips, but do not mix with cabbage yet. We put everything in different bowls.

3. Squeeze the pickled onion and you can collect the salad.

4. Put salt in the cabbage, you can also pepper. Add a spoonful of mayonnaise, stir and put the base in a salad bowl.

5. Pickled onions go for cabbage.

6. An apple on him. So that it does not darken, you can lightly sprinkle with onion marinade.

7. Spread the smoked sausage and grease with the remaining mayonnaise.

8. The last layer is grated cheese. Decorate the salad with herbs and you're done!

Recipe 9: Cabbage, Carrot, Apple and Beetroot Salad

A variant of a very bright and healthy salad. Cabbage, carrots and apple are complemented by fresh beetroot, which gives a beautiful color and makes the appetizer even healthier. This salad can be used for a fasting day.


0.3 kg of cabbage;

1 beet;

2 apples;

2 carrots;

3 tablespoons of oil;

Salt, herbs.


1. We wash the vegetables, what we need to clean.

2. Shred the cabbage and the rest of the ingredients into strips. Throw everything in a bowl, except for the apple.

3. Grind the vegetables with salt, you can add black pepper.

4. Season the apple with citrus juice and also send it to the salad.

5. Pour in the oil and that's it! We eat while the snack is fresh.

Salads made from fresh vegetables do not keep for a long time. But if you need to prepare a snack in advance, then you can crumble everything, throw it into a container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. Salt and oil should not be filled. This will need to be done before consumption, otherwise a lot of juice will stand out.

No lemon juice? Cabbage salads can be seasoned with apple cider vinegar. It goes well with fresh vegetables, especially with the addition of apples.

Most often, fresh salads are dressed with sunflower or olive oil. But for some reason, everyone forgets about linseed oil. It is very useful, perfectly cleanses the intestines and contains many vitamins.

An apple is more tender than cabbage or carrots. Therefore, it is desirable to add it at the very end in order to maintain the integrity of the pieces.

Oil is added to the salad only after spices and salt. Otherwise, it will not allow them to penetrate the vegetables and dissolve.

Dressing is an important ingredient in any salad. If the sauce or oil is rancid or tasteless, then the dish will turn out tasteless.

Step 1: prepare the cabbage.

Remove withered leaves and leaves that have begun to become covered with dark spots from cabbage. Rinse the rest with warm running water. Remove the stalk, as it is bitter and unfit for eating. Place the remaining juicy, green and white leaves on a cutting board, press firmly with your hand and cut into very thin strips.

Step 2: prepare the carrots.

Peel the carrots from the skin using a special knife. After that, be sure to rinse the root crop with warm water, washing off the remnants of dirt and adhering earth from it. Grate the carrot prepared in this way on a medium grater.

Step 3: prepare the apple.

An apple, just like carrots, can first be peeled, and then chopped on a medium grater, not forgetting to remove the core with seeds. Or you can leave the peel on the fruit and cut it into strips with a knife. It all depends on your wishes.

Step 4: prepare the lemon.

Wash the lemon, divide it into two halves and, using a simple device, squeeze the juice out of it into a bowl. At the same time, immediately remove the seeds and large pieces of pulp from it so that they do not get into the salad.

Step 5: Mix cabbage, apple and carrot salad.

Start mixing the salad with cabbage. Pour it into a deep plate, salt and shake hands. If you are cooking from young cabbage, then this step can be skipped. Then add apples to it and pour over lemon juice, mix. Then throw in the carrots. Salt again if you see fit, and mix all the ingredients for the salad together well again. And lastly, season the dish with vegetable oil. For a richer taste, you can let the finished salad stand for a while at room temperature, but I prefer to serve it immediately.

Step 6: serve a salad of cabbage, apples and carrots.

Salad of cabbage, apples and carrots served as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. It is especially tasty to eat it with poultry or meat, grilled or open fire. For beauty, you can decorate the finished dish with apple slices, green sprigs or onion feathers. That's all, it remains only to enjoy a light, healthy and fragrant salad.
Bon appetit!

As a dressing, you can also use yogurt, sour cream or mayonnaise.

Lemon juice can be replaced with vinegar, but in this case, this salad will be much more harmful to your stomach.

Some housewives prepare this salad with raisins without adding salt, as the dish ends up being sweet. Accordingly, in this case, it is better to choose an apple that is not sour.

If your salad happens to be a bit sour, just add some sugar to it.

  1. is selected with white heads. The color can be seen by making a cut, it is not recommended to use a vegetable with a greenish tint inside.
  2. White heads are suitable for fermentation

  3. Apples should be sweet and sour or sour; the Antonovka variety is suitable. There is no fixed amount of carrots and apples, so you can add these products if you wish.

  4. Apple variety Antonovka

  5. White cabbage must be chopped into thin slices using a knife, a special shredder or, if available, a food processor.

  6. Finely shred the cabbage

  7. Carrots can be grated or chopped, just like cabbage. Apples are cut into small, neat slices.

  8. shredded carrots

  9. A large saucepan or other container is taken, chopped foods are placed in it, excluding apples. Salt and sugar are added, if you plan to use other spices, they should be put at this stage.

    To make the cabbage juicy, you need to squeeze the finished mass with your hands. After the first stage of grinding, you need to let the cabbage lie down for 20-30 minutes, then repeat the push-up.

    Put the cabbage in a suitable container

    The strength and time of pressing depends on the juiciness of the cabbage. You need to try to determine these indicators by eye, since cabbage squeezed too hard will easily become lethargic and soft, and insufficiently squeezed may not release juice strongly enough.

  10. Apples are added, all components are mixed for the last time. A heavy object is selected, for example, a glass jar filled with water, which will serve as oppression.

  11. Cabbage under pressure

  12. The pot with cabbage is cleaned in the warmest possible place for 3-4 days. You should also periodically pierce the cabbage, reaching to the very bottom.

    If you do not carry out this event at least once a day, the cabbage will become bitter. If during the fermentation process foam is noticeable, it is removed.

  13. After cooking, sauerkraut is distributed in containers convenient for the hostess and put away in a cold place, for example, in a refrigerator.

Cabbage can be put into jars and sent to the refrigerator

On our site you will also find other recipes for making sauerkraut. For example, and .

Sauerkraut with apples and cranberries

To prepare sauerkraut you need:

  • cabbage with white heads - 1 kg;
  • medium-sized carrots - 100 g;
  • young apples, preferably with sourness - 100 g;
  • cranberry to taste.;
  • salt - 30 g.

We offer you a useful collection of recipes. Nothing complicated - take only simple ingredients and cook right before a meal, as vitamins are destroyed quickly.

vitamin salad

Ingredients Quantity
apples - 2 pcs.
cabbage - ¼ head
raisins - 1 handful
dry thyme - 1 pinch
20% sour cream - 40 g
mustard with grains - 10 g
vinegar (it is better to take apple) - 20 ml
odorless oils (olive) - 30 ml
ground pepper - 1 pinch
salt - 1 pinch
Cooking time: 20 minutes Calories per 100 grams: 104 kcal

There are no difficulties in cooking, and the taste of the dish is spicy, with a slight sweetness.

How to prepare a salad with cabbage and apple:

  1. Shred the cabbage as thinly as possible. Put in a deep salad bowl;
  2. Peel the apples, remove the core, grate on a coarse grater, put to the cabbage;
  3. Add washed raisins, a pinch of thyme;
  4. Prepare the sauce: combine sour cream with grain mustard, vinegar, oil, season, mix gently;
  5. Pour the resulting sauce over the salad, mix well;
  6. Note: To soak all the ingredients, leave the dish alone for 20 minutes.

Cabbage salad with apple and carrot

In the company of white cabbage, take a long-known culinary union - a carrot and an apple. This is a win-win.

You will need:

  • ½ small head of cabbage;
  • 1 large carrot + 1 apple;

Dressing Ingredients:

  • 30 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 30 ml of refined oil;
  • 1 pinch of salt + pepper.

The total cooking time is: 35 min. Portion calorie content: 99 kcal.


  1. Chop white cabbage into thin strips;
  2. After peeling the apple with carrots, chop finely or grate;
  3. Mix everything in a wide salad bowl, pour dressing;
  4. To prepare the dressing, it is enough to combine vegetable oil with vinegar, season with pepper, salt;
  5. Leave the salad alone for 20 minutes, during which time the vegetables will be well soaked.

Fresh cabbage salad with apple and cucumber

Such a salad is good on its own, and as a side dish for meats, such as stewed veal.

Required set of ingredients:

  • 2-3 cucumbers;
  • cabbage - half a small fork;
  • 2 apples;
  • half a lemon - optional;
  • 40 g sour cream;
  • parsley - 1 sprig.

Cooking time required: 15 min. Its calorie content: 98 kcal per 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel cucumbers, then cut into thin slices;
  2. Grate raw apples or chop finely;
  3. Cut half of the head of cabbage into thin strips, mix with fruit, chopped cucumber;
  4. Season the products with sour cream, then put in a salad bowl;
  5. The dish can be decorated with lemon slices, parsley leaves.

White cabbage salad with apples and celery

Such a salad can be served with hot meat and fish dishes as a side dish, and also used as an independent snack.

You will need for cooking:

  • apple;
  • 0.4 kg of white cabbage;
  • 1 celery (salad or root);
  • vinegar (preferably apple) - 20 ml;
  • 15 g of granulated sugar;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml.

Cooking time: 30 min. Calories for 1 serving: 96 kcal.


  1. Wash the head, remove the top leaves, cut out the stalk. Chop the vegetable into strips, salt a little, remember with your hands. This will give softness;
  2. Chop the rest of the ingredients into straws, as thin as possible;
  3. Mix everything, put in a deep salad bowl, season with apple cider vinegar, add a little sugar, oil. To soak the vegetables with dressing, let the dish stand on the table for 30 minutes.

Salad recipe with fresh cabbage, beetroot and apple

It would seem, well, what new can you come up with cabbage and an apple? Add beets to them, then the taste of the dish will be unusual, with beetroot sweetness.

You will need:

  • 1 large sweet apple;
  • 1 medium-sized beets;
  • ¼ part of a small head;
  • half a lemon;
  • mayonnaise, salt, parsley - to taste.

Cooking time: 15 min. Portion calorie content: 100 kcal.

How to do:

Cabbage and apple salad is a completely uncomplicated dish. But it can please you with taste, you just need to add more ingredients to it. Bon appetit!