Any hostess should know how much frying pork in a frying pan. How long to fry pork meat in a frying pan

14.09.2019 Dishes from seafood

Meat is an important and necessary food. It saturates the organism with the useful substances, gives energy and saturates a person. Pork is slightly harder to assimilate the organism than other types of meat, but it contains all the vitamins of the group "B". The daily rate of pork consumption is two hundred grams. Pork helps in the production of milk, therefore it is recommended to consume nursing mothers. In addition, she perfectly supports male health. Swine lard also benefits the body. The daily dose of its consumption is fifteen grams. It has less cholesterol than chicken eggs and butter.

So that the meat was absolutely safe, it is necessary to prepare it correctly, only this can be avoided with dangerous bacteria that can live in the cheese product. So that the meat brings only benefits you need to know how to prepare pork. It can be boiled, stew or fry.

Steak for the roasters should be thick from two to four centimeters.

How much to fry pork in a frying pan in time

The roasted piece of meat will be even more tastier if it is prepared in a grill in a pan, and in order for the product to have a subtle fragrance and not losing its juiciness nearby you can fry such vegetables such as onions, bell pepper, eggplant, tomato or mushrooms. So that the pork remains juicy at the end of the preparation, it can be powered by melted butter. Perfectly pork steak combines with such a klyar like an egg, breadcrumbs or flour. An unusual taste acquires steak during the frying, which is added sour cream. The meat will then be more like stew, but such a steak is also worth trying to cook. Despite the fact that pork has its own fat, the pan, on which the frying will occur preferably lubricate with creamy oil. This technique will allow the dish not to burn. If there is a desire to prepare meat with blood, then it is better to abandon pork, and choose the product of another animal.

For a thin fragrance of pork, you can add garlic to the pan in the frying meat, which will create a unique appetizing aroma.

How much fry pork if she was frozen

If the meat was frozen in front of hot, you need to fully defrost. If this rule is neglected, then inside the product can remain raw, and to burn out outside. If the meat was in the refrigerator, then before burning, he needs to relax at room temperature for twenty minutes.

If there is a desire to make a big piece of pork, then it should be baked in the oven, it is frightened only to the pioneering and to the complete root, to eliminate the risk of infection with harmful bacteria. Baking meat in the oven can be spicuous, lemon juice, vinegar.
Gathered on the kebab? Find out,

Good day, my expensive cooks! Do you know that the story of a favorite juicy steak is rooted in ancient Rome? Yes, yes, it was then that began to fry large pieces of meat on fire. True, it was not for meals, but for the sacrifice. Today Steak is a popular dish. But it may not all be prepared. There are so many subtleties and nuances. But do not be afraid. This can be learned. I will tell you how to fry a pork steak in a frying pan.

Recently, the steak was prepared exclusively from beef. But "progress", as you know, affects all areas of life and cooking no exception. Therefore, today you can cook it from anyone, even from antelope. But today we will prepare pork steak.

When buying pork, pay attention to its color. It should be pinkish, without rainbow overflows. The darker the meat offered to you, the older the animal. Also pay attention to its "marble". This term is called the uniformity of the distribution of fat for meat. But fatness and "marble" is not the same thing. For the steak, try to choose such pieces of pork, where fat will be the optimal amount, but not excessive.

Guaranteed the safest and juicy will be a cutting steak. She has a soft meat that is difficult to spoil

Just pre-cut the film with meat. It is quite easily cleaned with a knife.

But the choice of pork is only part of the case. The flawless steak has 3 components:

  1. Get it out of the refrigerator 20 minutes before cooking. And then get cold meat inside with a burnt crust.
  2. A piece of meat that is cooking should be thick. No less than 2.5 cm, but not more than 4 cm.
  3. If you have purchased a pork-extended pork pieces, you need to properly cut steaks. Remember that you need to cut them only across the fibers!

How much time cook

And how much time to fry meat, depends on what steak you want to get. Love the delicacy "Purchase", which means a roasted piece can be thorough. Yes, and meat provides various degrees of roasters:

Minimum roaster (Very Rare)- On each side, it is necessary to fry meat no more than 1-2 minutes. Pork on the cut remains iscin-pink, and the texture is tender. Cooked meat is slightly warm inside.

Weak roasters (rare) - Prepare on each side you need 2-3 minutes. In this case, the texture of meat will remain soft and porous. And on a slice slice will have a red color.

Medium (Medium) - The most common way of frying meat: it is a little with blood. Fry for about 4 minutes on the one hand, and then turn the piece. And 3-4 minutes. Prepare the second side. As a result, the meat will have an elastic texture and retain reddish color in the center.

Steak Full Roach (Welldone) - Each side prepare at least 3 minutes. At the same time frying pork follows strong heat. After that, meat is brought on slow heat for 6-8 minutes. The finished steak is distinguished by a dense texture and a homogeneous brownish tint.

Want to learn how to cook steaks like in a restaurant? Recipe prepared by me with photos and video will help you with this. For softness and juiciness of meat, you can pickle it. Here is a selection of 5 proven options for marinating.

Step-by-step recipe with a photo of a pork steak with spices

A simple variant of cooking pork meat. By chopping pork, the meat is obtained so gentle and soft. And prepares with a minimum oil.

  • 2 pieces of pork;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • provencal herbs;
  • paprika acute;
  • olive oil.

Meat cut up to 2 cm thick and knock off the kitchen hammer well. It is best to do it, wrapped meat with a food film. So the fibers soften and the meat will prepare faster and will be softer. Sprinkle herbs and spices on both sides.

Grill frying pan with a thin layer of olive oil. Sharely lay down pieces of pork. Fry on both sides to brown and characteristic strips from the furrow grill frying pan.

Serve with boiled potatoes, tomato and low-headed cucumbers.

How to make a steak of pork cores on the bone

So that the meat in the pan is tasty - it is necessary to pre-martern him in spices. In this recipe we will prepare marinade from the lemon, garlic and chili pepper.

  • 2 Pork Koreans on the bone (about 2 cm thick);
  • 1 tsp. red pepper chili;
  • cedar 1/2 lemon;
  • 2 big cloves of garlic;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • salt to taste.

Rinse meat and dry paper towel.

Garlic and chili pepper finely cut. In a bowl, we pour olive oil, add chopped garlic, chili pepper, a grated zest of half of the lemon. If you have a sage leaves, brush them into small pieces and add to the marinade. Stir ready to fill.

In such a marinade, cutting meat from all sides and postpone at least 30 minutes. So it is better impregnated with tastes.

Fry in the grill in the pan on each side so that the meat is well delighted. At the end of cooking or on a plate to taste, sprinkle salt.

Delicious and fast recipe for pork meat

Juicy, fragrant pieces of meat with garlic and fragrant spices, roasted in a frying pan. Well, what could be better for tasty lunch or dinner?

  • 3 pieces of soft pork without bones;
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • garlic oil.

Pork pieces cut 2 cm thick. If you are in the refrigerator, get them in 30 minutes before hot. Meat must be room temperature. Future steaks lubricate olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Let the marinade be lit in the marinade. The grill is warm and lay out the meat pieces well.

Steaks fry about 7-10 minutes. Depends on their thickness and sizes. On both sides, they must acquire a golden brown shade, as in the photo.

At the end of cooking for each chop, put a piece of garlic oil. To do this, mix the softened butter with chopped garlic and dry herbs. And then put in the refrigerator. After frying, lay out such garlic oil to pieces of meat literally for 2 minutes. The steaks will "rest" and get a fragrant taste.

The finished pork steaks are perfectly friends with vegetable salad or baked potatoes. And you can independently make a delicious hamburger. It turns out much more delicious shopping 🙂

How to fry on a grill grill

For this delicacy take:

  • 400 grams clippings;
  • oil for frying.

Delicious recipe from Gordon Ramsi

For this exquisite pork, take:

  • 2 steaks;
  • spices for meat or just ground pepper;
  • salt;
  • oil for frying;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 20 grams of butter cream;
  • good mood 😉

I will tell you the mystery: this is a recipe from Gordon Ramism. Prepare it is very simple. First of all - season meat with spices and salt him.

For frying can use the usual non-stick frying pan. As soon as it warm up well, pour the oil. And after on the rapid oil, lay out the steaks, only away from the sides of the dishes. Meat will begin to shine in a skillet. Do not be scared!) So it should be.

In a minute, turn the pork to the forceps. Literally 30 seconds it will be seen that the meat acquired a golden color. If the thickness of pieces is large, then put pieces of meat sideways to the skillet and also root.

After adding garlic. It is not necessary to clean it. Just slightly push the cloves and send to the pan. To not burn meat, turn it out every minute. So it also spare evenly. If necessary, you can pour some more vegetable oil for frying.

Next, take the creamy oil and put it for meat. Let it impregnate the steaks. Pete a spoon with melted creamy oil on almost ready meat. And prudent garlic wipe pork. When the steaks are ready, lay them on the plate and cut.

To better figure out all the intricacies of cooking, see a detailed step-by-step recipe. Here is a link to YouTube

And how are you roasted steaks? If in the comments, lay out your corporate recipe with the photo, I will be very grateful 🙂 I like something new and unusual. And if you want to know the first about my culinary discoveries, do not forget to subscribe to updates. I discard and say: so far!

Meat use contributes to saturation of fats, the feeling of hunger comes more significant than if you eat some low-fat and low-calorie products. Fresh pork meat should be uniform pinkish color, without rainbow plugs. If the meat is dark, the animal was old, it means that it will be to prepare it longer.

To the question, how much to fry the pork, the most faithful answer is to complete readiness. Since the pig is infected with helminths, prepare a pork - fry, cook, stew - necessary in a thoroughly. Experienced hostesses, cooks do not follow how to fry pork in a pan in time, readiness they are determined by a uniform roasted crust, aroma. If you pierce a piece of fried meat with a fork and a transparent liquid of light or slightly pinkish shade comes out of it, then delicious juicy meat is ready.

But before inexperienced cooks, the problem arises, how much time to fry pork so that it, on the one hand, remained juicy, was not overwhelmed, on the other - to be sure that the meat is fully prepared. We will reveal some secrets.

Pork cooking time depends on which part of the body it is cut off. If it is meat from the neck, then it needs to be frying much faster than, for example, a piece from Korean. Not large chopped meat of the cervical area is fried around 5 minutes on each side. Fry better on high heat.

To get juicy meat, it is necessary to salt it directly before use, right in a plate, or at the end of the frying when the ruddy crust appears. Otherwise, if the meat is salt in advance, the whole juice and juicy dishes will not succeed out of it.

Average roasting time, regardless of body part: Discovered small pieces of approximately 2x2 cm are fried five to seven minutes on each side. Pork, cut by thin pars - not more than 3-5 minutes on each side.

In the kebab, pork meat is done on a strong fire, it takes no less than three times. Pork rubber strokes are roasted in a kebab about 20-25 minutes., Cutting - until half an hour, depending on the fire.

It is necessary to fry in the frying pan. In hot, heated oil placing a chopped meat, clinghed in a grain, fry on medium heat for 10 min. On one and 7-8 - on the other side.

If the meat has been kept in a frozen state for a long time, then it will be necessary to prepare a little more time than on fresh meat - about 5 minutes. Stop meat in the dish for roasting is necessary so that the pieces do not lie tightly, otherwise it will not be fried, but stew meat.

If frying pork with juicy vegetables, it will be extremely juicy and fragrant. Roasted meat with vegetables is roast. First, vegetables are fried - eggplants, tomatoes, onions, optionally, you can add mushrooms for 2-3 minutes. After vegetables in the pan, put small meat pieces, everything is roasted without covering the lid about 3 minutes. After frying in the dishes with meat and vegetables, pour water, cover the lid and bring to a boil, then add greens, spices and cook for another 10 minutes.

Greetings, inquisitive readers of my blog! Agree that it is pork that is the most common "guest" on family dinners and festive feasts. The main thing is to prepare it correctly. Therefore, I decided to talk to you about how to fry pork in a pan. I will teach you that it is necessary that it is juicy, soft and divinely delicious 🙂

For frying, I advise you to use an entrecotement or clipping meat. Also fit fine or thick edge and the inner muscle of the back leg. Such meat is very soft and quickly prepared. Of course, the quality of the cooked food largely determines the age of pig. What she is younger, the more tastier will be a dish.

In addition, try to take pieces with a small fatty layer. After heat treatment, this pork will be tender and juicy. The color of the meat should be gently pinkish, and the layer of the adhesive layer is white.

I recommend to taking cooled for frying, not frozen meat. If there is no fresh in stock, then at least a pork correctly defrost. Send a frozen product to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for the night. And then a couple of hours, hold the meat at room temperature. But in warm water or microwave oven, it is better not to defrost.

How much to fry in time

The meat can be cut into cubes (2x2 cm), cubes (1x4 cm) or "plates" (width of about 1 cm). In this case, the fry time is 25 minutes. The flame of fire should be average.

For soft, bullet down the meat with a kitchen hammer and pick up in spices for a while. And if you choose in the summer in nature, be sure to prepare a delicious kebab. To make it soft and juicy.

Good chop frying 5 minutes each side. The time and quality of the dish depends on the quality of the frying pan. On thin-walled, it is possible to carry a fast roasting as in the Wok frying pan. But for extinguishing, thick-widths are suitable.


Well, and here are recipes (among them there is a video recipe). It tried to describe the sequence of actions, so you will be prepared for them quite easily.

How to cook steaks in a grill frying pan

Want to cook such a steak for dinner, which is served only in the restaurant? Nothing is difficult. All in your hands. You will need meat and cryastric grill. And about all the subtleties of the process, I decided to tell in another article - how to fry the pork steak in a pan (hurts a lot of subtleties and here it is not logged in)

Cooking pieces

And we will prepare a switner with mushrooms and prunes. Dish, I tell you, indescribably delicious. At 400 grams of meat you will need:

  • 200 grams of champignons;
  • large bulbs;
  • 1 PC. carrots;
  • salt + Pepper Ground Black;
  • 6 pcs. prunes;
  • ½ CHL turmeric;
  • oil for roasting;
  • parsley greens.

We rinse the pork, we dry with a towel paper and cut into thick, but slightly elongated pieces. Pepperm meat, and after we leave it for 10 minutes (let "rinse").

Now switch to vegetables. Carrot shredding with a thin straw or rubbed on a coarse grater. Onions lie half rings.

In a preheated frying pan, pour oil and repent it. Lay out onions in the sudine and fry to easy softness. Then lay a pork bar onion from above and fry on all sides. There are also laying out chopped champignons, crushed vegetables and turmeric. Just salt and pepper with freshly ground pepper do not forget. Prepare another 5 minutes.

Then we cut in half purified from the bone (previously clouded) prunes and also send it into a frying pan. We continue to fry on low heat until ready. Serve this yummy hot. When feeding, decorate parsley twigs. And beautiful, and tasty, and useful. Right, "3-in-1", as in advertising 🙂

How to stew with sour cream

Immediately I want to emphasize that it is expensive to use expensive meat to extinguish. Choose a breast or flew blades for this.

And we will prepare yummy from:

  • ½ kilo meat;
  • 3-4 tbsp. vegetable oils;
  • salts + pits of ground black;
  • ½ glasses of water;
  • 3-4 tbsp. Sour cream 15% fat.

We rinse the pork, we dry and cut into small pieces. We lay them on a frying pan with hot oil. And fry minutes 10 on the fire of medium power. Dishes do not cover the lid.

After pepper and salt, add sour cream with water. Further, the dish is needed to stew on a small fire under the lid one third. Nothing is difficult, but aroma and delicious how!

I share an interesting video, how to make ribs in the oven awesome:

How to fry with a bow

The recipe for this dish is simple. The main thing here is to remember the proportions. For every pork shelves, take 2 large or 3 medium bulbs. Well, you still need salt + fresh-grinding pepper black. It will also need vegetable oil for frying.

Cut the washed and dried by a towel paper pork into small pieces. Try to the length they were 4 cm in length, and in width - 1 cm. We spread them into a frying pan with hot oil. Fry on medium heat for 7 minutes from two sides.

While the meat is roasted, we will go onion. We clean the head and cut half rings. Lay out onions. Fry the pork with a bow for another 20 minutes on fire with a medium flame. Cover does not cover the ass. Yes, and still, do not forget to periodically turn the products to not burned.

After Solim and pinch the dish. We cover the soulful to the lid and the pastry for another 5 minutes. Remove from fire. Trapez is ready.

How to make on skewers

at 400-500 grams of pork will need:

  • a couple of bulbs medium in size;
  • carrot;
  • fresh greens;
  • salt;
  • spice.

We rinse the pork and dry it. Then cut meat on the portion pieces with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm (sort of mini-steaks). Blind of them beat off the kitchen hammer on both sides.

Separately we prepare vegetable "stuffing". Purified carrot rubbed on medium grater, bow to half rings. We mix crushed vegetables with spices.

We lay out a vegetable mixture on a piece of pork and top cover from above. And so that our "pyramids" do not fall apart, fasten them with wooden skewers. Next, lay the meat with a vegetable interlayer to a frying pan hesten with vegetable oil. Fry Delicates from all sides on the fire of medium power.

Prepandable meat lay on a flat plate, remove the skewers and decorated with greenery branches. However, if you wish the skewers and leave. Then it turns out a kind of kebab. The main thing is when you absorb it to the kushan, do not eat a skeleton. Everything is so tasty that you can get carried away.

For greater fragrance and soft meat, pick it up before cooking. As a marinade, you can use soy sauce. By the way, he will give the dish a special juiciness and softness.

If you want pork to give a spicy flavor, use a mixture of mayonnaise and horseradish for marinade. The ratio of components to your taste. Deliver such a fragrant mixture of meat and leave a one for a quarter of an hour, and then cook. Only the pieces of hell at first aweat with meat.

And it is still well suitable for marinating pineapple. Only in this case it is better to prepare pork with pineapple 😉

When roasting pork, try to turn the pieces with two spoons. I do not advise you to do this or forks. With such cutlery, you can pierce meat, because of what it will lose its juiciness.

Friends, share secrets as you frift pork in a pan. I think everyone has such a hosts. Therefore, do not restrain yourself. And subscribe to updates - there is still so much interesting. I wish you the most faithful appetite. And say goodbye to new meetings!

Well cooked meat saturates the body, after its use you can not get hungry for a very long time, the fusion person is experiencing a tide of vitality. The most popular pork meat has a number of useful benefits, fried, stewed or boiled product is distinguished by compatibility and gentle taste. It is possible to prepare the meat of a whiffing, the main thing is to know how much to fry the pork, because in the raw form it is unsafe, for example, is predisposed to the gelmint infection.


Fresh pork meat pink shade, rainbow inclusions must be absent. The dark color of the meat speaks about the old age of the animal, such raw materials will require a longer thermal processing. To fry meat, it is better to buy chunks of an entrecotement or escalop, that is, a smooth clipping without seeds, which is cut, be sure to across the fibers, the most tender and juicy will be a plot from the kidney region. There are no streaks on a high-quality piece of depths or they can be seen, but in small quantities. Classically, the diameter of the piece in the form of a circle should be no more than 10 centimeters, and the thickness does not exceed two. Before frying, the mealy is slightly fed, it is better if it is wrapped in this in cellophane.

Also selling butt plastics for schnitzel. Before frying, it should also be disconnected, then renger. You can use a thin or thick edge of pork, as well as the inner muscle of the rear legs. Kushanye will be soft and fry him for a long time. The most tasty is the meat of piglets or a young pig.

Tip: It is desirable that the pork part is going to fry, there was a fat stupor, which will make the dish very juicy. Myko must be a gentle pink shade, but a layer of fat white.

Luha use chilled pork. If there is only a frozen product, it will require a gradual defrost. Over the night, you need to hold the pork in the refrigerator on the shelf, then 2 hours it should lie in the room, after which, wrapped with cool water, and sharing the parts required by the recipe, start frying. In a cup with warm water or microwave, it is possible to deteriorate, but only in emergency cases.

In a frying pan

Pork that you want to fry, the fiber is correctly cut correctly. You can get a panel one on four centimeters, a couple cubes for a couple of centimeters, or one or a half centimeter width sheets. Each piece of pork is fought off with the help of a food hammer. The salt and pepper sprinkled on top of each split part. The frying pan is glowing, pouring to the maslice.

Tip: Fry Pig meat from 14 to 25 min. Depending on the magnitude of pieces or plastics. Thin lumps should be only 3 or 5 minutes. on both surfaces.


To fry 300 grams of pork meat, for example, from the neck, additionally products will be required: a teaspoon of salt, 3 chips of a black ground pepper or a mixture of peppers, a large spoon of olive oil.

The wedge of the neck is divided into pieces, the thickness of which will be 3 or 4 cm. Then they disappear using paper napkins. Rocks of meat with a mixture of salt and a pepper, you can and other seasonings: thyme, curry, garlic, covering products, remove it for 15 minutes. in the refrigerator.

The skillet is rareled on a strong fire, the maslice is poured into it, smoothes along the bottom of the Court. Malya lays out. It is necessary to fry the pork until a golden crust appears, on both surfaces (top and bottom) will take about 5 minutes. After turning off the plate, the pork steaks are covered with a lid, and 10 minutes. insist.

For the preparation of steaks often use a frying pan or grill grill. If the house has an electrical device, you can build dinner as in the restaurant. Cutting the fillet pieces, the thickness should be standard, 2 cm. Of the loaf, garlic, spices, greenery and mustard and olive oil make marinade, into which the meat is soaked for an hour and a half.

The device should be warm up to 220 °, the pieces are uniformly unfolded, the upper part covers and presses the raw material. In order not to eat juice, and the meadow did not dry, they do not squeeze pieces strongly. If you need a middle knocker, it will take 5 minutes for cooking. Blood will not be, the Kushanye will acquire softness, juiciness and bright pink color. Removing the product from the device, you should wrap it for 15 minutes. in foil. The dish is served with potatoes and vegetable snacks.

You can cook marinade from the juice of lemon, vegetable oil, salt, crushed thyme grains and other seasonings. The meat will appear a couple of hours. Each slice gets, shakes and stacked on the bottom of the electrical appliance. With 200 degrees, pork slots will prepare 5 min., Loading the heat, waiting for another 7 minutes. Tasty and nutritious dish are used with a light side dish, vegetables.

With onion

To fry half a kilogram of pork meat, ingredients will be required: 3 large bulbs, a little salt and pepper, 3 large spoons of sour cream, half of the glass of water, 3 large spoons of olive or refined sunflower oil.

Pork is divided into pieces: in length 4 cm., In width 1cm. Oil is poured on a hot sudine for frying, pork products are stacked, it is necessary to fry it 7 minutes.

During the roasting, the pigs are clean and divided on the brillples onions, it should be frying in a frying pan with a mead of 20 minutes. With the middle mode, without covering the lid. Then save everything and pick up, put the lid and stew 5 minutes. You can prepare a dish with sour cream. In this case, pork is roasted in oil 10 min. With a periodic stirring, without the cover of the ass. The corner of sour cream and the driver, put a small fire and extinguished 20 minutes. until readiness.

Tip: For more diet nutrition, you can fry the meat of pigs, without pouring oil into a frying pan, the fat layer will be successfully replaced successfully, and the Kushanye will prepare in its own juice.


Experienced hostesses love to prepare roast pork. It turns out an appetizing, juicy and fragrant dish. Separately are engaged in three-minute roaster of vegetables: eggplant, tomato, zucchini, onion, some add mushrooms.

The meat is cut, so that each piece is medium in size, about 2 to 2 or 3 by 3 cm, added to vegetables, all fry without a cover for 3 minutes. The tide of some water, put the cover, boiled, sprinkle spices and greens to taste, the dish is produced in 10 minutes.


For the preparation of 400 grams of pork, the ingredients are prepared: 3 chicken eggs, a half of large flour spoons, a little salt and ground pepper.

The thickness of the pieces of meat should be equal to one centimeter. They are fighting and pinching. Flour and salt are mixed with egg whites. Each chop is loose in a grain and fry on both sides of 7 or 10 minutes. middle mode.

In a slow cooker

Swine meat is cut on the fillet, stacked in the bowl of the device, lubricated oil or with a dry bottom. The time-desired time interval is set up, in the "Baking" or "frying" mode. On average, it will be required from 30 to 40 minutes.

Tip: more rated meat dish turn out if you fry it with carrots and loaf.