How to cook baked potatoes with bacon on skewers - very tasty! Delicious potatoes on skewers, on the grill with bacon, as an addition to the usual barbecue.

30.08.2019 Seafood dishes

Summer is a wonderful time to go out into nature and enjoy dishes cooked on the grill. After the most popular dish on the fire, meat kebab, the second most popular dish is potatoes on a skewer. Let's cook it!
Recipe content:

Summer, hot sunny days, looking forward to the weekend to go to the country, outings, nature and have a picnic. Of course, you need to pay tribute and first of all cook the most popular dish on the coals - shish kebab. But after that, on skewers, you can bake not only meat, but also vegetables. For example, potatoes on skewers have a unique aroma and taste. Young potatoes with bacon on skewers is a delicious dish that both adults and children enjoy eating. Prepare it on its own or as a wonderful addition to meat. In this review, we will consider all the secrets of its preparation and share the most popular recipes.

How to fry potatoes on skewers - the subtleties of cooking

It would seem, what could be easier than potatoes than cooking potatoes on skewers? But how to make it tasty so that the tubers do not fall apart, and at the same time do not char? Of course, there are some little secrets here, which we will talk about below.
  • Different varieties of potatoes require different cooking times, so choose potatoes of the same variety for even frying.
  • The most optimal potato variety is medium-boiled with a pinkish skin. It is moderately hard and retains its shape well after heat treatment.
  • Too large tubers will increase the baking time, so it is advisable to cut them into pieces or slices. In this case, the pieces when cutting should be the same so that they cook at the same time.
  • To ensure that a crispy crust is formed on the tubers, excess starch should be removed from them. To do this, the processed potatoes are soaked in cold water for about an hour, then dried with a paper towel and baked.
  • Roast potatoes on well-heated coals, but without flames. It is impossible to allow the occurrence of open fire, firewood should only smolder. If the flame breaks out into the open, it should be extinguished with a splash of marinade or plain water. However, the best option is to sprinkle with salt.
  • The bottom of the brazier should have holes for air suction.
  • The distance between the embers to the potatoes should be about 15 cm. This height will be ideal for cooking. Placing the skewers below, the potatoes will burn, above - for a long time to cook.
  • Caucasian cooks use firewood from fruit trees to fry kebabs on the grill. They add flavor to food.
  • It is better to kindle logs with paper or splinter, and not with a special liquid.
  • In bad weather or winter days, you can cook potatoes on skewers in the oven with no less success.
  • It is better to salt potatoes at the very end of cooking, because. salt helps to boil the tubers and they can break into pieces.
  • The readiness of the dish can be checked by piercing the tuber with a toothpick. If it goes well, then the potatoes are ready. Do not check readiness with a fork or knife, because. potatoes may break.
  • If the potatoes are cooked with lard, resulting in too greasy, they can be laid out on a thick layer of paper towels to soak up the excess fat.

Autumn, spring, summer - a great time to go out into nature to cook potatoes on skewers. The recipe is quite simple, and you can cook it even after a working day by gathering with friends in the forest or just in the yard and arrange a small holiday.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 187 kcal.
  • Servings - 4
  • Cooking time - 1 hour


  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Salo - 500 g
  • Garlic - 3 heads
  • Salt - 1 tsp

Step by step preparation:

  1. Wash and dry flat potatoes.
  2. On each tuber, make indentations in the form of small holes on both sides.
  3. Salo cut into small cubes.
  4. Peel the garlic.
  5. String a potato on a skewer, after lard, a clove of garlic and potatoes again. Thus, lard with garlic will be in potato holes.
  6. Slide the potatoes tightly together.
  7. If desired, with a knife on the tubers, draw a pattern with rhombuses no more than 2 mm deep.
  8. By this time, heat the coals and put the prepared skewers on the grill.
  9. Bake potatoes, turning occasionally. Season with salt and pepper for 5-10 minutes.

When you get bored of meat kebabs, have a picnic and cook potatoes on skewers on the grill. This is a simple dish, however, it can surprise and pamper the most spoiled gourmets.


  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Sea salt - 1 tsp
  • Fresh bay leaves - 10 pcs.
  • Salo - 250 g
Step by step preparation:
  1. Wash medium-sized, long, even-shaped tubers and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Drill a through longitudinal hole inside each potato with the tip of a skewer. Fill this hole with lard and salt.
  3. String potatoes on a skewer across the holes made, and thread fresh bay leaves between them.
  4. In the grill, heat the coals well and put the skewers. During cooking, constantly rotate the skewer so that the tubers are evenly baked on all sides.

You can bake potatoes with bacon not only on skewers, but also on a grill. The dish is prepared much easier, but it turns out in the form of a potato casserole. The food is consumed on its own or with a meat side dish.


  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Salo - 300 g
  • Garlic - 4 heads
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Ground black pepper - large pinch
Step by step preparation:
  1. Wash potatoes and pat dry. It does not need to be peeled, the baked peel turns out to be very tasty and has many useful properties. Cut each tuber in half.
  2. Cut the salo into thin slices.
  3. Peel the garlic and cut into thin rings.
  4. Take a wire rack and place the potato halves on it in a dense even layer with the semicircular side down.
  5. Season the potatoes with salt and ground pepper.
  6. Place a slice of garlic on each potato.
  7. After put the slices of fat.
  8. Put the garlic again on top, sprinkle with salt and ground pepper.
  9. Cover the food with the second half of the potato and fasten the tubers with a wire rack.
  10. Light a fire and wait until the firewood burns out and turns into coals.
  11. Put the grill on the grill. Bake the potatoes, turning from side to side several times so that the tubers are evenly browned on all sides.

Fried fragrant and crispy potato kebab on skewers is a quick and easy-to-cook dish that many have loved since childhood. Of the huge ways to bake it, potato chips have been very popular lately.


  • Potatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Black ground pepper - a pinch
  • Coriander - 1 tsp
  • Suneli hops - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Coriander - 1 tsp
Step by step preparation:
  1. Combine all spices in a bowl and mix.
  2. Peel the garlic, pass through a press and add to the spices. Stir again.
  3. Peel the potatoes with a brush, wash and dry. Cut it into thin slices of 3-5 mm.
  4. Roll each slice in spices.
  5. String potato slices on a skewer, at a small distance from each other, about 2-3 mm. The main thing is that they do not touch each other.

5 82 ratings

Surely you have seen very small young potatoes on the market or in the store more than once. They take it reluctantly, that's why they give it away for next to nothing. It is such a small potato that we will need as the main ingredient.

The second important component of our dish is salted lard. We will put it on a skewer mixed with potatoes and bake it on coals. Hot coals will melt the fat, and it will saturate the potatoes with its taste and aroma. The remaining cracklings will crunch deliciously along with young fried potatoes. In addition, while you fry the barbecue, it will be saturated with the aroma of a fire. If you want to get the most fragrant dish, put sprigs of rosemary and thyme on the coals while frying potatoes, which will give the kebab a subtle spicy aroma.

I will add one more “pro” in favor of potato skewers - this is its cost. The most expensive ingredient is lard. But since it should be cut into thin slices, we need very little. Small potatoes are generally sold as substandard at a price 2 times lower than usual.

As an experiment, try to cook a few skewers of potato skewers during your next trip to nature, and your friends will definitely ask you to cook more next time :-)

Potato skewers, ingredients


  • Small potatoes - 1 kg .;
  • Salted lard - 150 grams;
  • Salt to taste.

How to cook potatoes with lard:

Step 1

Wash potatoes and dry. We cut the tubers from both ends so that you get a "barrel".

Step 2

Salo cut into thin slices. Slices of bacon in size should be slightly larger than a slice of potatoes.

Step 3

Dip the cut ends of the potatoes in salt. Alternately string bacon and potatoes onto a skewer.

potatoes with lard

Step 4

We fry the potato skewers on the coals, constantly turning the skewers and checking the readiness with a knife. Cooking time 15-20 minutes.

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Step-by-step recipes for lard on the grill with bread and garlic, potatoes and other vegetables

2018-04-30 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

3 gr.

19 gr.


12 gr.

196 kcal.

Option 1: Barbecue of bacon on the grill (with potatoes)

A variant of a stunningly simple but delicious bacon kebab with potatoes. In order for the vegetable to have time to cook, we strictly follow all the rules and follow the instructions. Salo can be used fresh or salted. It will be delicious from slices with layers, but just poor fat is also suitable. Due to the potatoes, it will not be very greasy.


  • 0.2 kg of fat;
  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 3 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 0.5 tsp ginger;
  • 0.5 tsp pepper;
  • 2 tsp oils;
  • 3 cloves of garlic.

How to cook

Add ground ginger to soy sauce, but you can do without it, put black pepper, pour in a couple of tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil. Peel and chop the garlic, throw next. Mix thoroughly.

We clean the potatoes. It is advisable to use a not very starchy variety so that the slices do not fall apart, keep on skewers. You also need to choose small tubers. Young potatoes can be cooked in their skins, but we only wash them well. Cut into thin slices. This is important, otherwise the potatoes will not bake, and the fat will burn.

Add the sauce to the potatoes, stir and leave to marinate for fifteen minutes. We also cut the lard very thinly and into slices, the size of pieces of potatoes, a little less. It is convenient to cut a slightly frozen product. If the fat is not salty, then lightly sprinkle with salt, stir.

Now we take sticks and string potatoes with lard. Since there are more vegetables, you can lay two or three pieces, and then we look for ourselves. If there is a lot of sauce left in the bowl after the potatoes, then sprinkle the kebab and send it to the grill.

We are preparing a dish with bacon until golden brown on potatoes, it will appear quickly. Turn regularly so nothing burns.

In addition to potatoes, on such a kebab, you can string pieces of onions. It is added simply fresh or mixed with the same sauce.

Option 2: Salo on the grill with whole potatoes

We choose a small-sized egg for potatoes. Between themselves, the tubers should also be approximately the same. Fat can be used regular or peritoneum.


  • 10 potatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 250 g of fat;
  • garlic;
  • 2 tsp mustard;
  • salt.

Step by step recipe

Throw the peeled potatoes in boiling water and boil for about 7-8 minutes. It is not necessary to bring the vegetable to full readiness, only slightly. Drain the broth, cool. If the tubers are large, then cut in half or even into four parts.

Mix mustard with oil, salt, add chopped garlic. Pour everything into the potatoes, stir. You can leave for impregnation or cook immediately. Pepper if desired, but do not add any herbs, they will burn.

We cut the lard into fairly large plates of half a centimeter. We string one piece on a skewer, then a potato, repeat several times. We finish with bacon.

Preparing hot coals on the grill. We set the kebabs of potatoes and bacon, fry for about 12-15 minutes until golden brown. Turn often so that the products evenly reach readiness. Serve with black bread, pickled onions, complement with herbs and spicy tomato sauces.

When using wooden sticks, it is important to soak them in cold water first. Otherwise, they will burn faster than the main ingredients brown. When using a new metal skewer, it is important to wash it thoroughly, it is not necessary to dry it. Otherwise, the products may not have a very pleasant taste.

Option 3: Classic lard on the grill (peritoneum)

You can cook any fresh fat in this way, but it is ideal for the peritoneum. We marinate it in advance, like a regular barbecue, the product should be well saturated with spices, become softer. Be sure to clean the skin before use. If bristles are visible on it, then you need to singe. You can simply remove it from a piece, but on fire the skin is very beautifully browned and gives its aroma. For the marinade, you will need adjika, you can replace it with a small amount of spicy ketchup.


  • 1000 g of fat (peritoneum);
  • 2 laurels;
  • 7 peppercorns;
  • 1 s. l. adjika;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2/3 st. l. salt;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of vinegar.

Step-by-step recipe for classic charcoal lard

We wash the peritoneum, dry it. Unlike meat, even a frozen product can be marinated, but with fresh fat it turns out much tastier. We cut it into pieces of 30 grams, throw it into a container or into a bowl. Add salt, stir, leave for an hour.

We cut the peeled garlic cloves into four parts, put them in a bowl with bacon, put spicy adjika, add laurel and peppercorns. Mix everything thoroughly, cover and leave to marinate for at least a day. Or let stand for another 3-5 hours, then proceed to frying.

We breed charcoal in the grill. If ordinary firewood is used, then let them burn out. Then put the pieces of peritoneum on the grill. You can also use skewer for frying. In this case, we string, but do not leave much space between the pieces.

We install the skewer (grid) on the grill. Since the fat will be melted, and it ignites, we immediately prepare water. You can pour it into a plastic bottle and make a hole. A small stream of fire is easier to extinguish. Cook the belly until golden brown.

There is time to quickly marinate the onions. We clean the head, crumble with thin rings, pour with vinegar, stir. You can sprinkle with pepper on top, add greens. We spread the fried lard on a dish, sprinkle with pickled onions and immediately take a sample.

Salo turns out tasty, fragrant, but do not forget about the high fat content and high calorie content. You should not consume more than 150 grams per person, it is advisable to supplement the dish with fresh salads, bread.

Option 4: A quick recipe for salted bacon on the grill

This dish is prepared from salted lard. You can use any part, but it turns out especially tasty with the peritoneum. Under the influence of the heat of the coals, the meat layers are browned and begin to emit an incomparable aroma. Required ingredients are garlic and bread. You can use white or rye bread. Cooking on the grill, skewers or just sticks.


  • 300 g of salted fat;
  • 4-5 slices of bread;
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic.

How to quickly cook salo on the grill

Bread and lard should be cut into cubes of approximately the same diameter, like pieces of shish kebab. They should be easy to put on the skewer, do not fall off.

Peel the garlic and cut into sharp pieces. We make punctures in the fat, insert. When frying, the fat will begin to melt, the lard will heat up, and the garlic will emit a pleasant aroma.

We put lard and bread mixed on sticks, put on the grill with hot coals. Fry for a few minutes on each side until nicely browned. Remove, pour ketchup or eat with fresh vegetables, herbs.

You can throw washed potatoes into the coals of the barbecue, bake until tender. You get a wonderful side dish. Only you should choose small tubers, and thoroughly wash the peel with a brush.

Option 5: Salo on the grill with seasonal vegetables

In terms of nutrition, lard and vegetables are the perfect combination. They can be a wonderful dish if cooked on the grill. For this option, it is best to use a lattice. Vegetables may not hold on sticks.


  • 100 ml soy sauce;
  • zucchini;
  • 300 g of fat;
  • two peppers;
  • eggplant;
  • two tomatoes;
  • 0.5 lemon.

How to cook

We cut large circles (2-3 cm each) eggplant and young zucchini. Tomatoes in half or in four parts, about the same as bell pepper. We combine soy sauce and lemon juice, pour over vegetables, stir and leave for a few minutes, they will soak quickly.

We cut into pieces no thinner than a centimeter of fat or use the peritoneum. Spread evenly on the grill. Stir the vegetables again and fill the remaining free space.

We put a grate filled with food on the grill with hot coals, fry vegetables with lard until tender.

This is just an example of the simplest dressing for vegetables. You can soak not only in soy sauce, but also in teriyaki, use adjika, oil or onion marinade. Just remember that some vegetables release a lot of juice from salt, and with it the taste goes away.

Potatoes on the grill are a great side dish for meat, and with fresh vegetables and herbs, they are also good. Moreover, it does not require special culinary skills from you. Then, not a single feast in nature will be complete without a delicious grilled dish.

Recipe in the grid

At that moment, when you are just lighting the coals for the main meat dish, setting the table and cutting greens, the feeling of hunger can remind you of itself. Then fried on the grill will come to the rescue. They cook it while the coals are not yet suitable for frying meat and a light runs through them. While you cook, you will have time to prepare a delicious sauce for her.

We do not give the exact number of products, it all depends on hunger. Therefore, cook "by eye", balance the taste according to preferences and then you will be satisfied.

We will need:

  • new potatoes;
  • vegetable oil for lubrication;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream;
  • garlic cloves;
  • any fresh herbs;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the potatoes using the rough side of a dishwashing sponge or brush. Dry and cut into circles 1.5-2 cm thick.
  2. Place on a wire rack and brush generously with vegetable oil. Salt and pepper on both sides.
  3. Roast over hot coals for 15 minutes on each side, until the vegetable has a delicious roasted color. Readiness to check is easy - ready-made are easily pierced with a fork.
  4. Make a sauce. Squeeze garlic into sour cream or mayonnaise. Add chopped herbs and spices. Stir and let sit for a bit.
  5. Remove potatoes and serve with sauce.

Recipe with lard in foil

The presence of fat in the dish is embarrassing - most likely you have not eaten such a dish. Make it for testing, one bite, and it will win you over!

It is impossible to give exact ratios of products. It all depends on preferences. And the recipe is so simple that you can even involve children in cooking. Wash, chop - that's the whole science ... However, it's better to string it on a skewer yourself.

We will need:

  • potato;
  • lard - you can use both salted and raw;
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. If your potatoes are young, then peeling them is not necessary. Rinse and cut into thin circles, about 0.5 cm each. If you cook from last year's vegetable, then remove the skin.
  2. Cut the salo into thin slices. If you keep it in the freezer, it will be easier and more convenient to cut. The pieces should match the size of the potato wedges.
  3. Fold potatoes and bacon in turn on the board in a pyramid and pierce with a skewer. This method of attachment will relieve injured fingers.
  4. If you used salted lard, then you do not need to add salt. If you took fresh fat, then salt on a skewer.
  5. Wrap everything in foil, close the ends so that the melted lard does not flow onto the coals.
  6. Cook on the grill for about 20-25 minutes, and when you have no strength left to endure the magnificent aroma, remove.
  7. Unfold the foil and put the skewers on the fire for a little more so that the potatoes are browned and the fat turns into greaves.
  8. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Recipe with lard

You can cook the dish according to the recipe more complicated. Although the difference in cooking is ridiculous, the taste is different from the first method. It's all about the sauce. For such kebabs, it is better to use young potatoes. It does not need to be peeled and the tubers will not be too large.

We will need:

  • small potatoes - 10-15 pieces;
  • lard - salted or smoked is suitable - 150 gr;
  • soy sauce - 30 gr;
  • spicy adjika - 50 gr.

How to cook:

  1. Wash potatoes. Cut in half or quarters. If it is very small, about the size of a walnut, then leave it whole.
  2. Cut the lard into smaller potato slices.
  3. String on skewers, alternating.
  4. Mix adjika and sauce in a cup, coat the skewers.
  5. We did not include salt in the composition of the dish, because the lard and sauce are salty, but if you wish, you can bring the dish to your taste.
  6. Put the skewers on the grill and fry until cooked.

Charcoal recipe

This recipe is good to use when all the meats and main courses are eaten and the party is not over. Baking potatoes on the grill is worth it if you want to remember your childhood, laugh and look at the faces of friends stained with ashes. Burning and smoldering coals are suitable for cooking. With the number of ingredients, again, decide for yourself.

If you do not have skewers for cooking potatoes on the grill with lard, then you can also use food foil. This option is even better. So the potatoes will turn out juicier and cook twice as fast. Adults will also like this dish, especially since there is no way in nature without a baked potato. In this way, you can bake any vegetables that you like, the main thing is to choose the right spices for each of them. For example, if potatoes are cooked on the grill with lard in foil, it is advisable to apply spices to the potatoes. In any case, the lard will turn out delicious and thanks to it the baked potato will become soft and “melting”.

Ingredients for Grilled Potatoes:

  • Fresh potatoes - 8 tubers (medium size);
  • Salo (lard) - 500 g;
  • Salt - 1 - 2 tsp;
  • Spices for potatoes (without salt) - 1 - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Foil - 4 m.

How to cook potatoes on the grill with lard in foil:

1. In order for potatoes cooked on charcoal to be tender, they cook it in special ovens. Naturally, being in nature, we can afford either a special brazier made of iron, or a brazier made of bricks with our own hands. In both cases, the potatoes will bake for a long time if cooked on a skewer. That's why we take the foil.
The root crop itself does not need to be cleaned. Just give it a good wash with the rough side of the sponge. We cut each potato into slices, 5 mm thick, not reaching the end with a knife. It turns out something like a fan. In parallel, you can, it is also insanely delicious!

2. Remove the skin from the fat as desired and cut it into slices. The thickness of one piece of bacon should be slightly thinner than a piece of potato. If you cut the fat thinly, then on the grill it will immediately turn into croutons.
Place the cut in a bowl and mix well with spices and salt.

3. Put a piece of bacon into each cut of the potato.

4. Unwind a piece of foil. Determine its length so that it is possible to wrap prepared potatoes with lard for barbecue in 2 layers. Just salt the potatoes themselves before you wrap them, otherwise they won’t take as much as they need from one fat. A pinch of salt will suffice.

5. We wrap the potatoes not very tightly with foil and put them in the grill on hot coals. Cooking time for this appetizer will depend on the heat and the size of the root vegetable.

On average, 15 minutes is enough.

Carefully remove the finished bundles from the fire after the specified time. It turns out such a potato on the grill with lard in foil is very, very tender! Everyone will love this appetizer!