Yeast-free bread production technology. Yeast-free bread is a myth

Launched January 2012.
Budget 35,000 rub.
Team of 7 people.
Anton Kornyshov, creator of the bakery: “one day my wife and I found out how harmful artificially created baker’s yeast is (there are different opinions on this matter. Ed.), And we started looking for simple sourdough bread in stores. It was 2010-2011, and nothing We, of course, didn’t find it. We decided to bake it ourselves. We found a recipe for sourdough on the Internet, made it, but the process seemed very complicated to us: you need to take care of the sourdough, monitor the temperature. Then we gave up bread completely for a while.

“You can buy our baked goods in Solnechnogorsk, where we live, bake and sell. We also have delivery throughout Moscow, it costs 300 rubles for orders over 1000 rubles. You can order bread in our online store. We have few orders, but per month We produce several thousand loaves. Here, in Solnechnogorsk, unfortunately, almost no one understands us. Here people go to Pyaterochka for cheap loaves, but in Moscow there is good demand for our bread. So the distance from those who understand is our problem. When Muscovites come here to their dachas, they often come to us. Most are buyers of farmers' markets or the ABC of Taste, they watch their diet, look for healthy products. These are mostly people of not very much income, but a healthy lifestyle is important to them. They They set their priorities as follows: they refused any kind of cheese and synthetic food, which also costs money, and they said: “We’d rather buy one of your loaves and eat it for a week.” Therefore, people who buy our bread love us for our integrity and work conscientiously." Business idea: baking yeast-free bread.
A new cute project on their hands: a young couple from Solnechnogorsk began baking yeast-free bread right in their apartment, and then in their own bakery, from where poppy seed and garlic loaves are ordered even to Moscow.
Launched January 2012.
Budget 35,000 rub.
Team of 7 people.
Anton Kornyshov, creator of the bakery: “one day my wife and I found out how harmful artificially created baker’s yeast is (there are different opinions on this matter. - Editor’s note), and we started looking for simple sourdough bread in stores. It was 2010-2011, and, of course, we didn’t find anything. We decided to bake it ourselves. We found a recipe for sourdough on the Internet, made it, but the process seemed very complicated to us: we need to take care of the sourdough, monitor the temperature. Then we gave up bread completely for a while .
And then we thought we wanted to start our own business. We started looking for an idea for a business: why not bread? What we need is not on the market, but we want it. So they started baking - for themselves, for friends. One day I took our bread to the temple for testing. I liked it there too and asked for more. That’s how everything started in a regular oven in the kitchen. When the turnover increased, we decided to open a bakery right in the apartment and start selling."
“While we were looking for money to rent a room, we baked everything at home. We bought a convection oven that can be connected in a city apartment. At night I carried flour in 50-kilogram bags to the third floor so that no one would see. Then in the morning you come to the entrance, and "There's an incredible smell of bread coming from there. Of course, we were lucky: the neighbors may have suspected it, but they didn't notice. It was January 2012, and we moved into our bakery in September of the same year."
“We spent a long time searching for bio-certified grain, and in the end we bought it from the guys from the “black bread” in the Tula region. We have a mill with stone millstones, where we grind flour. We also have bread made from premium flour, it also took a long time to choose . Now this is the flour of the Danilovsky Monastery, which has its own farm in the Ryazan region. There they grow wheat, make flour, unbleached and without artificial gluten. It often happens that there is not so much baking grain, and in order to improve the properties of such flour, they add "various additives and gluten improvers so that it has good properties. This suggests that quality control when working with organics must be in place from the very beginning, otherwise we risk getting pseudo-organic bread at the end."
“Our bread is completely free of chemical additives, including yeast. Yeast-free bread is difficult to bake because it does not contain wheat flour and gluten, which would help the crumb form. Sourdough is also not a stable thing. Bread also depends on external conditions: if "It gets cold, the external cold cools down both the bakery and the bread that is suitable. It is, by its nature, very sensitive. Store-bought yeast-free bread is just the name. And all because the process is painstaking, and no one wants to waste time and effort on it."
“Our coolest bread is whole grain rye made from coarse flour. All grain fractions are preserved in it: bran, germ, kernel. There is not a drop of wheat flour in it, so it is even slightly moist, which is normal for rye bread. It also contains signature sourness that the sourdough gives. A loaf of such bread weighing 900 g costs 200 rubles, half - 120. Of all the breads that we bake, rye is the lowest in calories. This is our bestseller, because few people make pure rye bread. We also have subspecies: garlic, poppy. All of our breads contain unrefined cane sugar, but, for example, poppy seeds have much more of it, so we consider it dessert. For it, we also order Madagascar vanilla bean, which we then grind in a coffee grinder and add for flavor .
We also make cookies. My favorite is oatmeal made from ground hull oats, very satisfying and healthy. There are also snacks - bread made from mixed vegetables. We germinate Altai green buckwheat, add flax seeds, sunflower seeds, spices, beets or carrots, roll out the mixture on a tray and dry it in a dehydrator for a couple of days. The snacks are also suitable for raw foodists because they are dried at temperatures up to 40 degrees. Our bakery is generally very vegan and dietary."
“You can buy our baked goods in Solnechnogorsk, where we live, bake and sell. We also have delivery throughout Moscow, it costs 300 rubles for orders over 1000 rubles. You can order bread in our online store. We have few orders, but per month We produce several thousand loaves. Here, in Solnechnogorsk, unfortunately, almost no one understands us. Here people go to Pyaterochka for cheap loaves, but in Moscow there is good demand for our bread. So the distance from those who understand is our problem. When Muscovites come here to their dachas, they often come to us. Most are buyers of farmers' markets or the ABC of Taste, they watch their diet, look for healthy products. These are mostly people of not very much income, but a healthy lifestyle is important to them. They They set their priorities as follows: they refused any kind of cheese and synthetic food, which also costs money, and they said: “We’d rather buy one of your loaves and eat it for a week.” Therefore, people who buy our bread love us for our integrity and work conscientiously."


  • Water – 800 ml;
  • Flour – 300 grams (whole grain);
  • Flour – 700 grams (rye);
  • Salt - an incomplete dessert spoon.


  • Pour water (room temperature - neither cold nor hot) into a container and add salt, mix.
  • We take different seeds - for example, sesame, flax, sunflower. The seeds are pre-fried a little in a frying pan. Pour them into our container.
  • Add 2 heaped tablespoons of homemade sourdough and mix everything again. Homemade sourdough is thick, but you need to stir it well and you can help it dissolve with your hands.
  • We take whole grain flour (the kind sold in stores) and it contains the bran, the center of the grain, and the surface. The temperature of the flour must be at room temperature.
  • Sift the flour into a container (it will be saturated with oxygen during the sifting process) and all unnecessary particles will be eliminated.
  • Add flour in small portions and mix, at first everything will be liquid, and gradually thicker and thicker.
  • The dough at this stage is not quite ready yet, but it needs to be left for 20 minutes, covered with a towel, all the components need to come together.
  • 20 minutes have passed, we take the dough, it has not changed visually - but in fact, flour, salt, water, leaven and seeds have been combined into one whole - into our future yeast-free rye bread.
  • The dough turned out thick, heavy, rested. Take it out onto a board with a wooden spoon or silicone spatula. Flour is poured on the board - approximately 100-120 grams.
  • Knead the dough with your hands, attracting flour into it and removing excess air voids. The warmth of human hands for 2-3 minutes works a miracle - the dough is homogeneous, thick, elastic and does not stick to your hands.
  • The dough is shaped into a bun and placed in a container for another 8-10 hours. The dough stands this time, covered with a towel (folded 2-3 times, that is, the fabric is large), in a warm place in the room.
  • Over the past few hours, the dough has risen and it’s time to put it in the baking pans.
  • Shapes can be different - round, rectangular, square, large and small. Before baking, grease the pan with vegetable oil and lightly sprinkle with flour.
  • The bread is baked in the oven for about 60 minutes at a temperature of 180°C. The oven is preheated.
  • Remove the bread from the oven, cool and only then remove from the pan.
  • Place in the designated area and cover with a wet (wrung out) towel for a short time.

Yeast-free bread in a bread machine. Yeast-free rye sourdough bread in a bread machine - recipe

A complete alternative to yeast is yeast-free sourdough, the recipes for which we discussed earlier. Prepare a portion of this starter in advance and start cooking.


  • yeast-free rye sourdough – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour – 390 g;
  • bran – 95 g;
  • water – 285 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 5 ml;
  • a pinch of sugar.


First pour the liquid ingredients into the bowl of the device, and then add bran, sugar and flour. Set an individual baking mode: the first batch is 15 minutes, then an hour-long rise, the second batch is 5 minutes, the second two-hour rise, followed by the third two-hour rise and baking for an hour and a half.

Many of us don’t even think about what goes into the bread we buy in stores almost every day. But there is no more useful in it than in a stone.

In order to reduce production costs, factories producing baked goods actively use a variety of powders, flavor enhancers and chemicals.

It's easy to track this down.

How long can a purchased palyanitsa stand on the table before it becomes stale or moldy?

How does it taste if you try it the next day?

The answers will definitely not please us. Perhaps. that is why it is not a pity to throw away such bread or give it to feed the birds in the park.

But our ancestors, who always made bread with their own hands, treated every piece with care.

The reasons why we don't usually bother baking at home are simple. This requires time, effort, money.

But a freshly baked culinary masterpiece flies off the table in the blink of an eye, which is proof of its excellent taste.

In addition, by baking ourselves, we know exactly what ingredients are inside the product.

Accordingly, such bread is useful for any diet, even if you play sports and especially watch your diet.

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons.

So, the positive properties of bread:

  1. The absence of yeast in the flour product guarantees excellent digestibility, which, in turn, greatly facilitates the digestion process
  2. No negative impact on the microflora of the stomach and intestines

What about the negative properties? There are none at all!

Homemade bread is healthy, nutritious and has excellent taste, so feel free to make it a rule to prepare it daily (or at least weekly).

Any (including inexperienced) housewife can bake yeast-free bread in a slow cooker. But so that it does not resemble a dried cake, but is soft and appetizing, you should know the correct recipe and several subtleties of its preparation. Let's learn how to make it delicious! A simple recipe especially for you and several varieties of sourdough without adding yeast.

Baking for health! The easiest and healthiest homemade bread recipe

Kefir bread in a slow cooker turns out to be very appetizing, soft and fluffy. It stays fresh for a long time and does not go stale, because it does not contain components that provoke fermentation.

But keep in mind an important detail: before you start preparing this bread, do not forget to remove the kefir and butter from the refrigerator. In order for the dough to rise well and be airy, these ingredients must be warm.


  • premium wheat flour - 320 g;
  • rye flour - 80 g;
  • soda - 7 g;
  • kefir - 220 ml;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 0.5 teaspoon. spoons;
  • butter for dough - 60 g and 10 g for greasing the bowl.

On a note! If you don't have breadcrumbs available, then one oil will be enough. Or replace them with flour.


  1. Bring the butter to a liquid consistency in a steam bath or in a slow cooker or microwave oven.
  2. Allow the melted butter to cool to room temperature.
  3. Pour kefir into the oil. Gently mix these two ingredients.
  4. Sift two types of flour and combine in one deep container.
  5. Add granulated sugar and soda to the flour mixture. Add some salt. Mix everything with a spoon.
  6. Pour the kefir-oil mixture into the flour in small portions.
  7. Knead the dough. It should be soft and elastic. It's better to do this by hand rather than using a mixer!
  8. Treat the inner surface of the device bowl with oil. Sprinkle with crackers.
  9. Place the dough into the multicooker container.
  10. Turn on the appliance to the “Baking” mode. Set the timer for 30 minutes.
  11. After half an hour, when the multicooker beeps, open its lid and turn the bread over to the other side.
  12. Reset the timer for 30 minutes.
  13. Remove the baked bread from the bowl. Place it on a plate or wooden board. Cover with a clean towel and wait until it cools slightly.

On a note! To turn the bread, it is better to use a steaming rack.

How to make bread even tastier?

Homemade yeast-free bread in a slow cooker according to this recipe can be prepared with cumin, sesame seeds or nuts. This will give it a more original taste. Any bread - rye, wheat, bran - will bring more health benefits if you use natural additives. Here's what else you can put in the dough.

Additives for baking homemade bread without yeast:

  • any cereal mixture;
  • bran;
  • flax seeds;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • cereals.

You don't have to increase the amount of sugar to add sweetness to your bread. It’s better to put raisins, dried fruits or candied fruits in the dough.

Soda or sourdough? Which is healthier?

If time permits, it is preferable to cook bread in a slow cooker without sourdough yeast. It will have a rich and pleasant aroma, delicate structure, and it will supply the body with a whole range of valuable substances. You can purchase ready-made sourdough, but it is easy to prepare it yourself in your own kitchen.

Methods for preparing sourdough without adding yeast:

  • The simplest one. It uses flour and warm water, taken in equal proportions. A third of the flour is mixed with water. Cover the container with a napkin and leave in a warm place for 24 hours for fermentation (stirring from time to time). The next day, add the remaining water and flour and leave for another day.
  • The most popular. It is made from kefir (sour milk) and flour (preferably rye). The preparation of such a starter requires a preparatory stage: kefir should be kept in a warm place for several days until the whey is separated. Then flour is added to it and mixed. Cover the dishes with a towel. Leave for 24 hours. Add a second portion of flour. In 6 hours the starter will be ready.
  • Unusual and easy to prepare. The main ingredients for its preparation are several raisins, flour (about 150 g), a glass of water. Raisins are soaked in warm water for three days. The resulting infusion is filtered, rye flour is added to it, kneaded and kept under a towel for 3 days, stirring occasionally.
  • Universal (suitable not only for bread, but also for any homemade baked goods, including pancakes and buns). To prepare it you will need 1/4 cup of rice. It is filled with 180 ml of warm water. Add a spoonful of sugar. Let the starter sit for three days. Strain through cheesecloth. Add flour, another 5 g of sugar and a little water. All this “wanders” for a day. Then add another small portion of water and wheat flour. After a day, everything is kneaded and used to prepare the dough.
  • Useful. To make a “mother” starter, take rye flour (16 tablespoons) and a glass of water. Some of the heated water is poured into a container. They put 4 tables in it. spoons of rye flour. Stir thoroughly. Place in a dark place (but not in the refrigerator!), covered with a paper napkin. Every other day, add 3 more spoons of flour to the starter and add 50 ml of warm water. After mixing, place again in a warm place for a day. On the third day, add a portion of flour and a quarter glass of water. Knead and keep warm for exactly one day. On the fourth and fifth days, all these steps are repeated. Only on day 6 it can be used.
  • Plum pie in a slow cooker
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  • Pancakes in a slow cooker: cooking features

Baking homemade bread in a slow cooker is budget-friendly (especially for those who have a large family). It turns out much tastier and healthier than a store-bought product and does not spoil longer. A multicooker will make this process as simple and fun as possible. So don't miss the opportunity to improve your family's diet. Start with a simple option - made with soda, and then try a more “complex” dough made with yeast-free sourdough.

  • Peeled rye flour
  • Bottled water

How to cook

Day one: Pour half a glass of rye flour into a bowl, pour in clean water in small portions, mix everything until you get a smooth, homogeneous dough, the consistency of pancake dough. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and leave in a warm place for a day.

Day two: After a day, there may be only minor changes in the starter: 2-3 bubbles will appear. Now you need to feed the starter: add half a glass of rye flour, pour in clean water, stir everything until a smooth, homogeneous mass, the consistency of which is reminiscent of pancake dough. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and leave in a warm place for another day.

Day Three: The sourdough will start to bubble. The starter needs to be fed again: add a glass of rye flour, pour in water in small portions, stir until smooth, reminiscent of pancake dough. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and place in a warm place for another day.

Day four: The starter should have increased in volume and have lots of bubbles. The starter is ready.

Now transfer the starter into a glass jar, cover the jar with a cloth napkin so that the starter can “breathe”. This starter should be stored in the refrigerator. With proper “feeding” and storage, the starter can be used for years.

You need to “feed” the starter 1-2 times a week, regardless of whether the starter is used or not, so that the starter does not over-acidify and spoil.

This is usually done on the day the bread is made. Part of the starter is used for baking bread, and the rest needs to be fed with flour and water. Bake some bread and enjoy your meal.

Video How to make yeast-free bread at home in the oven

  • premium wheat flour – 280 g
  • kefir – 210 ml
  • soda – ½ tsp
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l
  • salt – 1 tsp.

How to bake

Pour the required amount of kefir into a cup, add soda, sugar and salt, beat well with a whisk and leave for 10-15 minutes. During this time, small bubbles should form on the surface from the interaction of soda and kefir.

Sift the flour into a cup with the kefir mixture, not all at once, but about ¾ of the required amount.

Be sure to sift the flour, this makes it looser, which will make it easier to knead when kneading the dough.

Using a wooden spoon, begin kneading the flour and kefir mixture until smooth.

When kneading with a spoon becomes difficult, place the flour mixture on a cutting board sprinkled with flour.

Adding the remaining flour in portions, knead with your hands into a smooth, non-sticky dough, shape it into a ball and place in a cup. Cover the cup with the dough with a clean towel and leave for 30-40 minutes.

On a note

The amount of flour may be needed more or less, depending on the thickness of the kefir. If the kefir was liquid, then you will need more flour, and less if the kefir was thick.

Divide the dough into 2 equal parts, about 260 grams each. Place each piece of dough into an oblong shape into a baking pan lined with parchment.
Note: The amount of dough mixed from the stated ingredients is intended for 2 baking dishes measuring 5*10 centimeters. If desired, you can take one larger mold.

Bake the soda bread in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 35-40 minutes, until browned and cooked, which can be checked using a wooden skewer, which, inserted into the middle of the bread, should come out dry.

Remove the baked bread from the oven, remove from the pan and cool.

Cut the finished bread into portioned slices and serve. Bon appetit!

“Yeast-free bread” and “live leavened bread” are a marketing ploy that misleads the consumer.

Exposing myths, experts cite facts known to any specialist involved in bakery products.

“When supposedly yeast-free sourdough bread is presented as an alternative to a product made using industrial yeast, this is incorrect, since sourdough also contains yeast. It is mixed with the required volume of flour and water and left for a day to ferment,” explains Victoria Kraschenko, head. Department of Food Biotechnology, Institute of Food Production, Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University.

The composition of any starter includes: lactobacilli, lactic acid bacteria and a starter culture, which necessarily contains yeast, experts explain.

Everyone remembers “cholesterol-free vegetable oil” - another trick by marketers, which has become an illustrative example of false advertising. “Bread with living sourdough” is a trick from the same series, because “non-living sourdoughs” simply do not exist. “Yeast-free sourdough bread” is an absolute myth, because in this case the labeling means that the product is made without the use of pressed, liquid or dry baker’s yeast, which, by the way, was invented in the 19th century, when scientists studied sourdough microorganisms under a microscope , learned how to cultivate them so that the fermentation process goes faster. That is, we are talking about manufacturing technology, and the use of industrial or “wild” microorganisms does not affect the usefulness of the product in any way, especially since science has proven that all of them, regardless of origin, die at the temperature of baking bread. Microbiological studies on the detection of yeast cells in the crumb of rye-wheat products and products made from wheat flour, carried out by the State Scientific Research Institute of the Baking Industry Russian Agricultural Academy) showed that there are no yeast cells in the finished products.

“Any yeast dies at a temperature of 60°C. When baking bread, the temperature in the oven is more than 200°C, in the center of the crumb it is 95-98°C,” says Tatyana Bykovchenko, head of the microbiology laboratory of the State Scientific Institution GosNIIHP.

“The death of yeast when heated depends mainly on its type and temperature. During the baking process, the temperature in the center of the crumb reaches 95-97°C, regardless of the technology used to prepare the dough. And as for the type of yeast, hop starters, as is known, contain mainly the same S. Cerevisiae as in pressed or dried yeast, which was proven back in 1937 by V.A. Nikolaev,” reports the microbiology department of the State Research Institute baking industry.

Just recently, in the studio of the Public Television of Russia, Marina Kostyuchenko, deputy director for science of the Research Institute of HP, once again raised the topic of bread myth-making:

“In general, this is a myth on the scale of our huge country, because there is no yeast-free bread. If it has porosity, it is due to yeast, and you should not be afraid of them. No one is afraid to eat an apple, which also has yeast cells, or a pear. Manufacturers use this myth as a marketing ploy.”

There is not a single study confirming the presence of yeast cells in the finished bakery product. So the buyer who is faced with incorrect wording should remember that he is being misinformed.

Anti-yeast conspiracy

Of course, there are also yeast-free baked goods - for example, Armenian lavash, Italian focaccia, Jewish matzo, Indian chapati, whole grain bread made from flour, salt and water. But experts are confident that they should not give up traditional bread with a crispy crust and fluffy crumb.

In 2012, the Russian Ministry of Health established nutritional recommendations for medical institutions, which serve as a guideline for the general population. The “adult” norm is 150 g of rye and 150 g of wheat bread daily. A modern person, taking into account his rhythms of life, needs 2500 kcal, and with heavy physical labor - 4-4.5 thousand kcal. Eating 300 g of bread a day, he provides almost a third of the required energy, and also enriches his body with valuable proteins and slow carbohydrates. Proper bread stimulates the gastrointestinal tract; strengthens the cardiovascular system; regulates blood cholesterol levels; is a source of antioxidants; prevents the development of sclerosis. Products made from wholemeal flour and bran are especially useful.

As for yeast, it appears among the harmful ingredients only in myth-making articles “about proper nutrition”, endlessly replicated by the electronic media. What kind of horrors their authors come up with. “Thermophilic yeast is dangerous to health”, “Bread is the path to cancer”, “Killer yeast”, “yeast is a biological weapon created by fascists”, “Poison or dry yeast”, “Yeast is killing us”, etc. and so on. This snowball continues to grow, which is taken advantage of by manufacturers who are hastening to declare that there are no “dangerous thermophilic yeasts” in their products. And really, where do they come from?

“Let's start with the fact that thermophilic yeast does not exist not only in nature, but also in chemists’ laboratories. There are thermophilic bacteria, but they have nothing to do with yeast, which are fungi. By the way, thermophilic bacteria are also safe,” says Irina Matveeva, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Bakery and Pasta Production Technology at Moscow State University of Food Production.

In addition, experts remind, yeast of the genus Saccharomyces constantly enters the human body - they are secreted from the surface of grapes, plums, apples, raspberries, strawberries, and currants. For the production of wine, in the production of beer and kvass, strains of Saсharomyсes serevisiae (previously called S.vini, S. Carlsbergensis, etc.) are also used. In the so-called “kefir grains”, in other fermented milk drinks and cheeses, yeast of the S type is also often present .serevisiae.

Choosing bread wisely

The authors of clearly custom-made articles take advantage of the ignorance of the general consumer by supporting the “anti-yeast campaign.” Meanwhile, the presence of “wild” or cultivated yeast in the manufacturing process is the last thing a consumer should look at when choosing a quality product. Considering that in Russia more than 30% of bakery products are produced in private bakeries and supermarkets, you need to be especially careful with unfamiliar manufacturers. Many market participants still have not established incoming quality control of raw materials and finished products. Also, not all enterprises employ specialists who monitor compliance with production technology. What can we say about illegal bakeries, which are a serious problem in the industry.

Unscrupulous producers are chasing cheapness, and often what is presented on the shelves today can be called bread with a big stretch. However, a high price is not an indicator. It may just be another marketing ploy designed for a buyer who is sure that “if it’s expensive, it means it’s of high quality.” Therefore, you should carefully choose bakery products, and the “yeast-free” label on the packaging should immediately alert the buyer, because if you were misled once, it is possible that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

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Raw food diet, vegetarianism, veganism - food systems whose ideology is based on certain restrictions and health benefits, have become quite a popular phenomenon in Russia. Entrepreneurs have not remained aloof from the trend - small enterprises have sprung up in many regions producing products for raw foodists, vegetarians and vegans. One of these companies is the Samara bakery shop “Zerno”. A relatively non-standard food business format for Samara was launched by Maxim Obyedkov and Yulia Kuznetsova.

Maxim Obyedkov, Yulia Kuznetsova– co-founders and ideologists of the bakery shop "Corn" (Samara). Before this project, Maxim worked as a chef at the Tchaikovsky tea club and was the founder of the first vegetarian restaurant in Samara, VegGo; Julia worked in the fields of copywriting, journalism and PR. In 2012, Maxim and Yulia, together with friends Denis Gavrilov and Grigory Volkov, founded the Russian Oven food artel, which specialized in preparing sourdough bread according to original Russian recipes. Based on the artel, the “Grain” project was launched in January 2015.

Yulia Kuznetsova.

How did “Grain” appear?

Julia: We knew each other, communicated. Maxim developed the vegetarian menu of the Tchaikovsky restaurant. I was doing custom baking. I learned everything myself, at home. The first experience was in a rented apartment - I really liked it. Literally slept on sacks of flour. I learned to make sourdough. Got it right the third time. Then I gave some away - it was too much. Gradually I learned to bake bread according to old Russian recipes. Yeast-free bread takes a long time to make - preparation takes place in three stages. My hands got used to it, and I started holding master classes: in total, about 70 people attended them.

At some point, Maxim and I hit the ceiling in our activities: we wanted to make sure that our hobby brought good money and became a business. Maxim suggested we team up - and off we went. We decided to initially open not a cafe, but only a bakery. If such a cuisine takes root, it will make sense to develop further. We wanted to start doing the right thing, useful for everyone, that would bring benefits and shape the culture of nutrition.

We successfully rented a room in the building of a non-working factory. The area is as suitable as possible: the space here was originally planned for a dining room. There was even equipment, which, however, we rolled out on our own. Then they made repairs. Afterwards we went to get equipment and supplies.

Maksim: I was lucky with suppliers who were willing to give everything for more than a reasonable price due to liquidation. Their closure was a salvation for us.

Now we have a good industrial electric oven, several refrigerators, freezers, many tables, shelves, racks for storing raw materials and finished products. Huge meat grinder and vegetable cutter. A lot of dishes and tools. We purchased boilers and thermoses for outdoor events.

Startup costs

Julia: opening the bakery cost us a lot of money - about 300 thousand rubles. If it weren’t for luck, it would have cost about 800 thousand. They didn’t attract investors: they invested personal savings and borrowed part of the money from friends.

We did not invest money in the project all at once. Gradually we bought some necessary things from the profits from the events. Now we can safely say that the bakery is staffed.

The assortment line of the Zerno bakery includes various types of yeast-free bread, Lenten vegetarian pies and gingerbreads, various ethnic pastries (samosas, paratha flatbreads, etc.), Indian dishes.

The main staff of Zern is two people, me and Maxim. We invite additional people to our outdoor events. We also have a freelance employee who remotely prepares bread using spring water using special technology in a huge oven. We distribute such baked goods through stores. It costs, of course, more than the usual loaf in the store.

Maksim: Julia is our baker, and I am a general cook.

Raw puff nut cake.


Julia: our target audience is adults - from 25 to 60 years old, who are thinking about healthy eating. The number of people wishing to try raw food dishes is constantly increasing. Gradually, meat-eaters are joining us, because they like the taste of the dishes, despite the absence of many of the ingredients they are used to. Meat eaters most often choose sweets. There are also more and more people who limit their meat consumption. It seems to me that this is due to the popularization of this area of ​​nutrition. Advertising about us is spread by word of mouth.

Maksim: We are also aimed at those who practice yoga, are interested in vegetarianism or fasting. Their number is also constantly growing.

“Production paid for itself over the summer”

Julia: We don’t have our own stationary point at the moment. There are several stores where we bring our products. And we also take part in various festivals in the Samara region - “Protoka”, “Drums of the World”, “Restaurant Day”, etc.

This summer we set up a tent on the embankment as an experiment. We realized that the idea was a good one. Soon there will be a network of confectionery shops and cafes. But let's start with a storefront in a shopping center, where people can try the products and gradually get used to the fact that a raw food diet is normal. If the idea is successful, we will open several points. We are currently working in this direction, looking for a suitable location.

Some prices for the products of the Zerno bakery: wheat unleavened bread with garlic and Italian herbs (1000 gr.) - 120 rubles; rye yeast-free bread with coriander and cumin (1200 gr.) – 180 rubles; round jellied pie with zucchini, tomatoes and cheese – 600 rubles; honey roll with nuts, cinnamon and dates (95 g) – 180 rubles; raw nut cake (225 g) – 200 rubles.

We also do catering. For example, a raw food wedding is expected on November 14th. The menu will include hot flatbreads with a choice of three sauces, raw sandwiches with peppers, and two types of salad. Drinks: punch and non-alcoholic mulled wine. We work at a rate of 1000–1200 rubles per person.

Maksim: The production paid for itself over the summer. We often went to festivals where we made good money. At first, there was a lack of hands and professionalism in terms of presenting business processes. We didn’t create a concept for the bakery – we didn’t think it was important or necessary. Over the past time, we have already realized that without understanding some business processes, it makes no sense to open your own establishment, so we actively attend various business trainings and learn how to create concepts.

Our goal now is to achieve stable profits. There will also be an emphasis on PR: we plan to promote

Launched January 2012.
Budget 35,000 rub.
Team of 7 people.
Anton Kornyshov, creator of the bakery: “one day my wife and I found out how harmful artificially created baker’s yeast is (there are different opinions on this matter. Ed.), And we started looking for simple sourdough bread in stores. It was 2010-2011, and nothing We, of course, didn’t find it. We decided to bake it ourselves. We found a recipe for sourdough on the Internet, made it, but the process seemed very complicated to us: you need to take care of the sourdough, monitor the temperature. Then we gave up bread completely for a while.

“You can buy our baked goods in Solnechnogorsk, where we live, bake and sell. We also have delivery throughout Moscow, it costs 300 rubles for orders over 1000 rubles. You can order bread in our online store. We have few orders, but per month We produce several thousand loaves. Here, in Solnechnogorsk, unfortunately, almost no one understands us. Here people go to Pyaterochka for cheap loaves, but in Moscow there is good demand for our bread. So the distance from those who understand is our problem. When Muscovites come here to their dachas, they often come to us. Most are buyers of farmers' markets or the ABC of Taste, they watch their diet, look for healthy products. These are mostly people of not very much income, but a healthy lifestyle is important to them. They They set their priorities as follows: they refused any kind of cheese and synthetic food, which also costs money, and they said: “We’d rather buy one of your loaves and eat it for a week.” Therefore, people who buy our bread love us for our integrity and work conscientiously." Business idea: baking yeast-free bread.
A new cute project on their hands: a young couple from Solnechnogorsk began baking yeast-free bread right in their apartment, and then in their own bakery, from where poppy seed and garlic loaves are ordered even to Moscow.
Launched January 2012.
Budget 35,000 rub.
Team of 7 people.
Anton Kornyshov, creator of the bakery: “one day my wife and I found out how harmful artificially created baker’s yeast is (there are different opinions on this matter. - Editor’s note), and we started looking for simple sourdough bread in stores. It was 2010-2011, and, of course, we didn’t find anything. We decided to bake it ourselves. We found a recipe for sourdough on the Internet, made it, but the process seemed very complicated to us: we need to take care of the sourdough, monitor the temperature. Then we gave up bread completely for a while .
And then we thought we wanted to start our own business. We started looking for an idea for a business: why not bread? What we need is not on the market, but we want it. So they started baking - for themselves, for friends. One day I took our bread to the temple for testing. I liked it there too and asked for more. That’s how everything started in a regular oven in the kitchen. When the turnover increased, we decided to open a bakery right in the apartment and start selling."
“While we were looking for money to rent a room, we baked everything at home. We bought a convection oven that can be connected in a city apartment. At night I carried flour in 50-kilogram bags to the third floor so that no one would see. Then in the morning you come to the entrance, and "There's an incredible smell of bread coming from there. Of course, we were lucky: the neighbors may have suspected it, but they didn't notice. It was January 2012, and we moved into our bakery in September of the same year."
“We spent a long time searching for bio-certified grain, and in the end we bought it from the guys from the “black bread” in the Tula region. We have a mill with stone millstones, where we grind flour. We also have bread made from premium flour, it also took a long time to choose . Now this is the flour of the Danilovsky Monastery, which has its own farm in the Ryazan region. There they grow wheat, make flour, unbleached and without artificial gluten. It often happens that there is not so much baking grain, and in order to improve the properties of such flour, they add "various additives and gluten improvers so that it has good properties. This suggests that quality control when working with organics must be in place from the very beginning, otherwise we risk getting pseudo-organic bread at the end."
“Our bread is completely free of chemical additives, including yeast. Yeast-free bread is difficult to bake because it does not contain wheat flour and gluten, which would help the crumb form. Sourdough is also not a stable thing. Bread also depends on external conditions: if "It gets cold, the external cold cools down both the bakery and the bread that is suitable. It is, by its nature, very sensitive. Store-bought yeast-free bread is just the name. And all because the process is painstaking, and no one wants to waste time and effort on it."
“Our coolest bread is whole grain rye made from coarse flour. All grain fractions are preserved in it: bran, germ, kernel. There is not a drop of wheat flour in it, so it is even slightly moist, which is normal for rye bread. It also contains signature sourness that the sourdough gives. A loaf of such bread weighing 900 g costs 200 rubles, half - 120. Of all the breads that we bake, rye is the lowest in calories. This is our bestseller, because few people make pure rye bread. We also have subspecies: garlic, poppy. All of our breads contain unrefined cane sugar, but, for example, poppy seeds have much more of it, so we consider it dessert. For it, we also order Madagascar vanilla bean, which we then grind in a coffee grinder and add for flavor .
We also make cookies. My favorite is oatmeal made from ground hull oats, very satisfying and healthy. There are also snacks - bread made from mixed vegetables. We germinate Altai green buckwheat, add flax seeds, sunflower seeds, spices, beets or carrots, roll out the mixture on a tray and dry it in a dehydrator for a couple of days. The snacks are also suitable for raw foodists because they are dried at temperatures up to 40 degrees. Our bakery is generally very vegan and dietary."
“You can buy our baked goods in Solnechnogorsk, where we live, bake and sell. We also have delivery throughout Moscow, it costs 300 rubles for orders over 1000 rubles. You can order bread in our online store. We have few orders, but per month We produce several thousand loaves. Here, in Solnechnogorsk, unfortunately, almost no one understands us. Here people go to Pyaterochka for cheap loaves, but in Moscow there is good demand for our bread. So the distance from those who understand is our problem. When Muscovites come here to their dachas, they often come to us. Most are buyers of farmers' markets or the ABC of Taste, they watch their diet, look for healthy products. These are mostly people of not very much income, but a healthy lifestyle is important to them. They They set their priorities as follows: they refused any kind of cheese and synthetic food, which also costs money, and they said: “We’d rather buy one of your loaves and eat it for a week.” Therefore, people who buy our bread love us for our integrity and work conscientiously."


  • Water – 800 ml;
  • Flour – 300 grams (whole grain);
  • Flour – 700 grams (rye);
  • Salt - an incomplete dessert spoon.


  • Pour water (room temperature - neither cold nor hot) into a container and add salt, mix.
  • We take different seeds - for example, sesame, flax, sunflower. The seeds are pre-fried a little in a frying pan. Pour them into our container.
  • Add 2 heaped tablespoons of homemade sourdough and mix everything again. Homemade sourdough is thick, but you need to stir it well and you can help it dissolve with your hands.
  • We take whole grain flour (the kind sold in stores) and it contains the bran, the center of the grain, and the surface. The temperature of the flour must be at room temperature.
  • Sift the flour into a container (it will be saturated with oxygen during the sifting process) and all unnecessary particles will be eliminated.
  • Add flour in small portions and mix, at first everything will be liquid, and gradually thicker and thicker.
  • The dough at this stage is not quite ready yet, but it needs to be left for 20 minutes, covered with a towel, all the components need to come together.
  • 20 minutes have passed, we take the dough, it has not changed visually - but in fact, flour, salt, water, leaven and seeds have been combined into one whole - into our future yeast-free rye bread.
  • The dough turned out thick, heavy, rested. Take it out onto a board with a wooden spoon or silicone spatula. Flour is poured on the board - approximately 100-120 grams.
  • Knead the dough with your hands, attracting flour into it and removing excess air voids. The warmth of human hands for 2-3 minutes works a miracle - the dough is homogeneous, thick, elastic and does not stick to your hands.
  • The dough is shaped into a bun and placed in a container for another 8-10 hours. The dough stands this time, covered with a towel (folded 2-3 times, that is, the fabric is large), in a warm place in the room.
  • Over the past few hours, the dough has risen and it’s time to put it in the baking pans.
  • Shapes can be different - round, rectangular, square, large and small. Before baking, grease the pan with vegetable oil and lightly sprinkle with flour.
  • The bread is baked in the oven for about 60 minutes at a temperature of 180°C. The oven is preheated.
  • Remove the bread from the oven, cool and only then remove from the pan.
  • Place in the designated area and cover with a wet (wrung out) towel for a short time.

Yeast-free bread in a bread machine. Yeast-free rye sourdough bread in a bread machine - recipe

A complete alternative to yeast is yeast-free sourdough, the recipes for which we discussed earlier. Prepare a portion of this starter in advance and start cooking.


  • yeast-free rye sourdough – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour – 390 g;
  • bran – 95 g;
  • water – 285 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 5 ml;
  • a pinch of sugar.


First pour the liquid ingredients into the bowl of the device, and then add bran, sugar and flour. Set an individual baking mode: the first batch is 15 minutes, then an hour-long rise, the second batch is 5 minutes, the second two-hour rise, followed by the third two-hour rise and baking for an hour and a half.

Many of us don’t even think about what goes into the bread we buy in stores almost every day. But there is no more useful in it than in a stone.

In order to reduce production costs, factories producing baked goods actively use a variety of powders, flavor enhancers and chemicals.

It's easy to track this down.

How long can a purchased palyanitsa stand on the table before it becomes stale or moldy?

How does it taste if you try it the next day?

The answers will definitely not please us. Perhaps. that is why it is not a pity to throw away such bread or give it to feed the birds in the park.

But our ancestors, who always made bread with their own hands, treated every piece with care.

The reasons why we don't usually bother baking at home are simple. This requires time, effort, money.

But a freshly baked culinary masterpiece flies off the table in the blink of an eye, which is proof of its excellent taste.

In addition, by baking ourselves, we know exactly what ingredients are inside the product.

Accordingly, such bread is useful for any diet, even if you play sports and especially watch your diet.

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons.

So, the positive properties of bread:

  1. The absence of yeast in the flour product guarantees excellent digestibility, which, in turn, greatly facilitates the digestion process
  2. No negative impact on the microflora of the stomach and intestines

What about the negative properties? There are none at all!

Homemade bread is healthy, nutritious and has excellent taste, so feel free to make it a rule to prepare it daily (or at least weekly).

Any (including inexperienced) housewife can bake yeast-free bread in a slow cooker. But so that it does not resemble a dried cake, but is soft and appetizing, you should know the correct recipe and several subtleties of its preparation. Let's learn how to make it delicious! A simple recipe especially for you and several varieties of sourdough without adding yeast.

Baking for health! The easiest and healthiest homemade bread recipe

Kefir bread in a slow cooker turns out to be very appetizing, soft and fluffy. It stays fresh for a long time and does not go stale, because it does not contain components that provoke fermentation.

But keep in mind an important detail: before you start preparing this bread, do not forget to remove the kefir and butter from the refrigerator. In order for the dough to rise well and be airy, these ingredients must be warm.


  • premium wheat flour - 320 g;
  • rye flour - 80 g;
  • soda - 7 g;
  • kefir - 220 ml;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 0.5 teaspoon. spoons;
  • butter for dough - 60 g and 10 g for greasing the bowl.

On a note! If you don't have breadcrumbs available, then one oil will be enough. Or replace them with flour.


  1. Bring the butter to a liquid consistency in a steam bath or in a slow cooker or microwave oven.
  2. Allow the melted butter to cool to room temperature.
  3. Pour kefir into the oil. Gently mix these two ingredients.
  4. Sift two types of flour and combine in one deep container.
  5. Add granulated sugar and soda to the flour mixture. Add some salt. Mix everything with a spoon.
  6. Pour the kefir-oil mixture into the flour in small portions.
  7. Knead the dough. It should be soft and elastic. It's better to do this by hand rather than using a mixer!
  8. Treat the inner surface of the device bowl with oil. Sprinkle with crackers.
  9. Place the dough into the multicooker container.
  10. Turn on the appliance to the “Baking” mode. Set the timer for 30 minutes.
  11. After half an hour, when the multicooker beeps, open its lid and turn the bread over to the other side.
  12. Reset the timer for 30 minutes.
  13. Remove the baked bread from the bowl. Place it on a plate or wooden board. Cover with a clean towel and wait until it cools slightly.

On a note! To turn the bread, it is better to use a steaming rack.

How to make bread even tastier?

Homemade yeast-free bread in a slow cooker according to this recipe can be prepared with cumin, sesame seeds or nuts. This will give it a more original taste. Any bread - rye, wheat, bran - will bring more health benefits if you use natural additives. Here's what else you can put in the dough.

Additives for baking homemade bread without yeast:

  • any cereal mixture;
  • bran;
  • flax seeds;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • cereals.

You don't have to increase the amount of sugar to add sweetness to your bread. It’s better to put raisins, dried fruits or candied fruits in the dough.

Soda or sourdough? Which is healthier?

If time permits, it is preferable to cook bread in a slow cooker without sourdough yeast. It will have a rich and pleasant aroma, delicate structure, and it will supply the body with a whole range of valuable substances. You can purchase ready-made sourdough, but it is easy to prepare it yourself in your own kitchen.

Methods for preparing sourdough without adding yeast:

  • The simplest one. It uses flour and warm water, taken in equal proportions. A third of the flour is mixed with water. Cover the container with a napkin and leave in a warm place for 24 hours for fermentation (stirring from time to time). The next day, add the remaining water and flour and leave for another day.
  • The most popular. It is made from kefir (sour milk) and flour (preferably rye). The preparation of such a starter requires a preparatory stage: kefir should be kept in a warm place for several days until the whey is separated. Then flour is added to it and mixed. Cover the dishes with a towel. Leave for 24 hours. Add a second portion of flour. In 6 hours the starter will be ready.
  • Unusual and easy to prepare. The main ingredients for its preparation are several raisins, flour (about 150 g), a glass of water. Raisins are soaked in warm water for three days. The resulting infusion is filtered, rye flour is added to it, kneaded and kept under a towel for 3 days, stirring occasionally.
  • Universal (suitable not only for bread, but also for any homemade baked goods, including pancakes and buns). To prepare it you will need 1/4 cup of rice. It is filled with 180 ml of warm water. Add a spoonful of sugar. Let the starter sit for three days. Strain through cheesecloth. Add flour, another 5 g of sugar and a little water. All this “wanders” for a day. Then add another small portion of water and wheat flour. After a day, everything is kneaded and used to prepare the dough.
  • Useful. To make a “mother” starter, take rye flour (16 tablespoons) and a glass of water. Some of the heated water is poured into a container. They put 4 tables in it. spoons of rye flour. Stir thoroughly. Place in a dark place (but not in the refrigerator!), covered with a paper napkin. Every other day, add 3 more spoons of flour to the starter and add 50 ml of warm water. After mixing, place again in a warm place for a day. On the third day, add a portion of flour and a quarter glass of water. Knead and keep warm for exactly one day. On the fourth and fifth days, all these steps are repeated. Only on day 6 it can be used.
  • Plum pie in a slow cooker
  • Chocolate pie in a slow cooker
  • Pancakes in a slow cooker: cooking features

Baking homemade bread in a slow cooker is budget-friendly (especially for those who have a large family). It turns out much tastier and healthier than a store-bought product and does not spoil longer. A multicooker will make this process as simple and fun as possible. So don't miss the opportunity to improve your family's diet. Start with a simple option - made with soda, and then try a more “complex” dough made with yeast-free sourdough.

  • Peeled rye flour
  • Bottled water

How to cook

Day one: Pour half a glass of rye flour into a bowl, pour in clean water in small portions, mix everything until you get a smooth, homogeneous dough, the consistency of pancake dough. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and leave in a warm place for a day.

Day two: After a day, there may be only minor changes in the starter: 2-3 bubbles will appear. Now you need to feed the starter: add half a glass of rye flour, pour in clean water, stir everything until a smooth, homogeneous mass, the consistency of which is reminiscent of pancake dough. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and leave in a warm place for another day.

Day Three: The sourdough will start to bubble. The starter needs to be fed again: add a glass of rye flour, pour in water in small portions, stir until smooth, reminiscent of pancake dough. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and place in a warm place for another day.

Day four: The starter should have increased in volume and have lots of bubbles. The starter is ready.

Now transfer the starter into a glass jar, cover the jar with a cloth napkin so that the starter can “breathe”. This starter should be stored in the refrigerator. With proper “feeding” and storage, the starter can be used for years.

You need to “feed” the starter 1-2 times a week, regardless of whether the starter is used or not, so that the starter does not over-acidify and spoil.

This is usually done on the day the bread is made. Part of the starter is used for baking bread, and the rest needs to be fed with flour and water. Bake some bread and enjoy your meal.

Video How to make yeast-free bread at home in the oven

  • premium wheat flour – 280 g
  • kefir – 210 ml
  • soda – ½ tsp
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l
  • salt – 1 tsp.

How to bake

Pour the required amount of kefir into a cup, add soda, sugar and salt, beat well with a whisk and leave for 10-15 minutes. During this time, small bubbles should form on the surface from the interaction of soda and kefir.

Sift the flour into a cup with the kefir mixture, not all at once, but about ¾ of the required amount.

Be sure to sift the flour, this makes it looser, which will make it easier to knead when kneading the dough.

Using a wooden spoon, begin kneading the flour and kefir mixture until smooth.

When kneading with a spoon becomes difficult, place the flour mixture on a cutting board sprinkled with flour.

Adding the remaining flour in portions, knead with your hands into a smooth, non-sticky dough, shape it into a ball and place in a cup. Cover the cup with the dough with a clean towel and leave for 30-40 minutes.

On a note

The amount of flour may be needed more or less, depending on the thickness of the kefir. If the kefir was liquid, then you will need more flour, and less if the kefir was thick.

Divide the dough into 2 equal parts, about 260 grams each. Place each piece of dough into an oblong shape into a baking pan lined with parchment.
Note: The amount of dough mixed from the stated ingredients is intended for 2 baking dishes measuring 5*10 centimeters. If desired, you can take one larger mold.

Bake the soda bread in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 35-40 minutes, until browned and cooked, which can be checked using a wooden skewer, which, inserted into the middle of the bread, should come out dry.

Remove the baked bread from the oven, remove from the pan and cool.

Cut the finished bread into portioned slices and serve. Bon appetit!


1. Historical sketch

2. Relevance of the topic

3. Characteristics of the technological scheme for the production of rye custard-free yeast bread "Bogorodsky"

3.1 Description of the technology for the production of rye custard-free yeast bread "Bogorodsky"

3.2 Description of the operating principle of the equipment

3.2.1 Dough mixing machine PENZMASH TMM-140 with rolling bowl

3.2.2 Dough dividing machine TD-30

3.2.3 Electric proofer

3.2.4 Revent baking oven

4. Preparation of raw materials for production

4.1 Wheat baking flour 1st grade

4.2 Peeled rye flour

4.3 Hops

4.4 Malt extract

4.5 Dill

4.6 Honey

4.7 Ginger

4.8 Sugar syrup “LEIPOMO”

4.9 Improver "Panifarin" IREX

4.10 Water

4.11 Sourdough “Lithuanian”

4.12 Table salt

4.12 Storage of raw materials

5. Technological calculation

5.1 Calculation of furnace performance

5.2 Calculation of the yield of finished products

6. Quality of finished products

7. Occupational safety in bakery production


List of used literature


In the modern world, dietary products are considered to be foods low in fat and calories. In fact, diets are designed for people with a specific disease. Because dietary nutrition used to be therapeutic and was developed on a scientific basis.

There is no need to talk about healthy and balanced nutrition in a person’s life. It is impossible to overestimate its influence on a person’s life, health and even mood. Hippocrates also said: “We are what we eat.” After all, it is food that brings all the necessary substances to the human body. Therefore, it must correctly combine all the components necessary for the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, various amino acids and minerals.

Therefore, nutritional treatment or disease prevention has many advantages over traditional drug treatment:

when consuming natural and healthy products, there will be no side effects, which is often observed when using medications;

dietary nutrition restores body functions, rather than acting on specific symptoms - affecting some functions or organs and disrupting others;

Despite the fact that treatment with dietary products takes a longer time, it is more effective and natural.

There is nothing more natural for a person than the use of “medicines” prepared for him by Mother Nature. And, there is an opinion that in nature there are “medicines” for any ailment. Also a significant argument in favor of using dietary foods is the price. Contrary to popular belief, eating healthy foods is much cheaper than eating as you have to and then paying for it with illnesses and treatment, mainly with expensive drugs. And with a rational approach and observing moderation in food, it turns out much cheaper, more enjoyable and easier.

And the last argument in favor of eating healthy foods in the right direction is your own health and the health of your loved ones. After all, only a healthy person is able to work effectively, actively relax and enjoy life in all its manifestations. To do this, you just need to follow the basic standards of a healthy diet and many problems could be avoided! It's a pity that people realize this too late.

1. Historical sketch

Rye bread is a food product obtained by baking leavened bread through sourdough.<#"801840.files/image001.gif">

Figure 2. Dough mixing machine with rolling bowl PENZMASH TMM-140

3.2.2 Dough dividing machine TD-30

The TD-30 dough dividing machine (Figure 3) divides yeast wheat and rye dough into pieces weighing from 100 to 900 g and from 600 to 1200 g in bakeries. When dividing, the structure of the dough is not disturbed due to the use of a vacuum piston mechanism. The dough pieces are of equal size; The division error is no more than 2.5-3%.

The dough divider is made from durable steel and wear-resistant materials, which ensures a long service life of the machine and increased accuracy of dough division.

Figure 3. Dough dividing machine TD-30

3.2.3 Electric proofer

The proofing cabinet provides automatic maintenance of the temperature and humidity of the working environment in the proving chamber. Thanks to the presence of air circulation inside the working chamber, uniform resting of the dough pieces is ensured.

The electric proofing cabinet (Figure 4) is designed for final proofing of dough pieces of bakery products on rack trolleys before baking.

Figure 4. Electrical proofing cabinet

3.2.4 Revent baking oven

Rotary oven 725 E made by REVENT (Figure 5) is optimal for baking all kinds of baked goods. Moreover, such ovens are widely used not only in bakeries, but are also often used in the kitchens of various catering organizations. Thanks to the use of equipment, the baking process is significantly accelerated, which allows you to optimize the work of a professional kitchen. Dimensions of Rotary Oven 725 E declared by the manufacturer: length - 1614 mm, depth - 2080 mm, height - 2499 mm. For the 725 E max rotary oven the temperature is 300°C. It is important to note that the 725 E rotary oven makes it possible to bake bakery and confectionery products of the highest quality, while uniform baking is ensured by uniform circulation of hot air in the chamber. Well, in order to monitor the dishes during their preparation in the rotary oven, there is an observation window. Additionally, there is convection. This model also has steam humidification, which makes the surface of baked products shiny. It is worth noting that when cooked in a rotary oven, the quality of food remains at a high level. And, importantly, this oven is easy to use; the control system is electronic. The electrical network required for stable operation of the equipment is: voltage - 400 V, current frequency - 50/60 Hz, power - 56.4 kW.

Figure 5. Rotary oven 725 E produced by REVENT

4. Preparation of raw materials for production

An important condition for the production of high-quality products is the compliance of the quality of raw materials with the requirements of regulatory documentation, therefore employees of a bakery enterprise must carry out quality control of purchased raw materials, primarily flour. The analysis of raw materials is carried out by laboratory workers in accordance with the test methods presented in the relevant GOSTs, the presence of which is necessary at bakery enterprises. Incoming control over the quality of raw materials consists of conducting an organoleptic assessment and determining physico-chemical indicators.

4.1 Wheat baking flour 1st grade

Flour is a food product obtained by grinding<#"801840.files/image005.gif"> (1)

N - number of sheets in the oven, pcs

n - number of products on one sheet, pcs

m hl - product mass, kg

tb - baking duration, min

The daily productivity of furnaces is determined by formula 2.

where R h is the hourly productivity of the furnace

Duration of furnace operation for this type of product, hour

Table 2 shows the performance characteristics.

table 2

The number of oven hours is calculated using formula 3.

, (3)

P days back - specified daily productivity, kg

R h - hourly productivity, kg


The calculation of the number of furnaces is determined by formula 4.

The company has a Revent 725E oven installed.

5.2 Calculation of the yield of finished products

The yield of bakery products is the ratio of the mass of finished products to the mass of flour used for their production. The yield of finished products is calculated using formula 5.

where GCL is the weight yield of cooled bread per 100 kg of flour or in%,

V T - dough yield, kg

∆G - losses and costs in the mass of dough from the moment of kneading to the moment of planting in the oven, % of the mass of the dough at the time of kneading,

∆GUS - bread shrinkage, % of the bread weight at the moment it comes out of the oven;

∆G pack - packed, % of the mass of the dough at the time of placement in the oven.

The weighted average moisture content of raw materials is determined by formula 6.

, (6)

where m i is the mass of raw materials, except water, kg;

W i - raw material humidity, %;

M cheese - the amount of raw materials, kg.

The dough yield from 165 kg of flour is determined by formula 7.

, (7)

Total mass of raw materials used to prepare the dough (except water), kg;

W c r - weighted average moisture content of raw materials, %;

n is the difference between the permissible moisture content of the dough and the moisture content of the bread crumb, % (n=0-0.5%);

W x - moisture content of the bread crumb, established by the standard for a given type of bread,%;

The calculation of the mass of the dough piece is determined by formula 8.

, (8)

where m is the mass of the finished product.

3 calculation of the required amount of raw materials

The minute consumption of flour is determined by formula 9.

, (9)

The amount of flour consumed is determined by formula 10.

where Р с - daily output, kg/day;

R m - amount of flour according to a unified recipe, kg;

The stock of flour in the warehouse is calculated using formula 11.

where M s is the daily consumption of flour, kg/day;

n - shelf life, days.

The required amount of raw materials per day is determined by formula 12.

where P is the amount of raw materials in the dough for 165 kg, kg;

The stock of raw materials is calculated using formula 13.


Daily salt consumption:

Daily consumption of dill:

Daily consumption of starter:

Daily consumption of Litovskaya sourdough:

Daily consumption of “Leipomo” syrup:

Daily honey consumption:

Daily consumption of ginger:


Daily consumption of malt extract:

Calculation of the chemical composition and energy value of Bogorodsky Bread is given in Table 3

Table 4

Table 5

Energy value of 165 g of product

Name of raw materials


First grade wheat flour

33.3x 10.6/165 = 2.14

33.3x 1.3/165 = 0.26

33.3x 67.6/165 = 13.6

Rye flour

45.64 x10.5/165=2.9

45.64 x1.7/165=0.47

45.64 x73/165=20.19

1.66 x0.3/165=0.003

1.66 x77.2/165=0.78

Sugar syrup

2.66 x0.4/165=0.006

2.66 x70/165=1.12

9.2 x0.17/165=0.009

0.17 x5.9/165=0.006

0.17 x70.9/165=0.07

0.5 x0.05/165=0.00015

0.5 x0.01/165=0.00003

0.5 x0.13/165=0.0004

Yeast-free sourdough

18.32 x2.57/165=0.28

18.32 x1.48/165=0.16

18.32 x74.4/165=8.26

Lithuanian sourdough

7.51 x3.5/165=0.159

7.51 x1.4/165=0.063

7.51 x65.5/165=2.98

Malt extract

3.33 x4.7/165=0.09

3.33 x71.2/165=1.44

Energy value of 100 g of product:

(5.58 x 4) + (0.96 x 9) + (48.44 x 4) = 314 kcal.

6. Quality of finished products

The quality of food products, including bread, is a set of characteristics that determine the consumer properties of food products and ensure their safety for humans.

The main technological task of a bakery enterprise is to produce the best quality bread from the flour supplied to the enterprise, which, as a rule, differs in its baking properties. Therefore, the most important task should be considered to be the determination of the baking properties of batches of flour entering a factory or bakery. Taking into account the established indicators of the baking properties of wheat flour (strength, gas-forming ability, color and ability to darken) for rye flour (autolytic activity), methods and modes of carrying out technological operations of the bread production process are established or adjusted.

Physico-chemical indicators of bread quality are regulated by the requirements of the relevant GOSTs or technical specifications and are determined in accordance with determination methods. Physico-chemical indicators of bread quality are determined by laboratory methods and include determination of crumb moisture, acidity, porosity, fat content, carbohydrate content, sodium chloride, iodine, etc. Physico-chemical indicators are determined during the established deadlines for product sales, but not earlier than an hour after the products leave the oven. The moisture content of the pumpkin bread crumb is 34.4%, the acidity of the crumb is 2.2°H.

Organoleptic indicators of bread quality are determined by indicators of taste, color, smell and consistency characteristic of a given type of baking product.

Appearance of bread. The shape must be correct, without side spills, and not wrinkled. The surface should be smooth, for certain types of products - rough, without large cracks or tears. The crust should have a color from light yellow to dark brown, without being burnt or pale. The thickness of the bread crust should be no more than 4 mm.

Condition of the crumb. The bread should be well baked, not sticky or wet to the touch, without lumps, voids or traces of unkneading, with uniform porosity, and elastic. After light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should return to its original shape and be fresh.

The taste is sweet, harmonious with the taste of pumpkin, the smell is a faint smell of pumpkin. Bread porosity (52-72%).

7. Occupational safety in bakery production

An analysis of industrial injuries in the food industry shows that in the baking industry, the largest number of accidents is observed during the operation of main technological equipment, for example, when servicing dough mixing machines, dough dividers, etc. Accidents usually occur during manual operations (washing, cleaning, weight control and selection of dough pieces) while the machines are running. Many of these cases arise as a result of the fact that workers, violating labor safety requirements, deliberately disable the locking devices on the covers of dough mixing machines and dividers, so as not to turn on the equipment again.

Production equipment must meet the requirements of GOST 12.2.003 and industry rules, according to which all rotating and moving parts of the equipment must have guards.

Sanitary cleaning, washing and lubrication of equipment must be carried out only when it is completely stopped, shut-off valves are closed, electric motors are turned off, and posters “Do not turn on! People are working!” must be hung on the starting devices!

Manhole and loading hatches located in the upper part of bunkers and other devices, in addition to covers, must have removable metal safety grilles with cells measuring no more than 250x75 mm.

Warehouses for container storage of flour, warehouses for raw materials (granulated sugar, fat, etc.) are classified as P-P in terms of fire hazard. An explosion of flour dust can occur during welding work in silos if the flour dust is not thoroughly removed first; in addition, an explosion can occur if the premises are improperly cleaned and there is a sparking source. Therefore, to prevent flour dust explosions and fires, in accordance with the approved schedule, it is necessary to thoroughly clean all equipment, pipelines, heating and lighting fixtures and premises from dust.

The design of screening machines must ensure tightness and provide for aspiration or filters.

To prevent blockages in flour lines, it is necessary to strictly follow the sequence of starting and stopping the line. When starting up the line, you first need to blow it out, starting from the feeder to the container, and then load the flour into the flour line. When stopping the line, you should first stop feeding flour by turning off the feeder, and then blow through the line until it is completely free of flour.

To prepare the dough you need yeast. Yeast should be prepared in a separate room equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.

Containers for the preparation and storage of liquid yeast and liquid semi-finished products must have level indicators and an overflow pipe connected to the reserve container. Carbon dioxide removal must be provided above the containers.

The sifted flour enters the dough mixing machine through dosing devices.

All rotating and moving parts of the dispensers must be protected by a continuous casing. The dispensers must be equipped with level sensors and overflow pipes that are triggered when the specified and limit values ​​of the levels are reached. The middle part of the scale of dosing equipment for liquid components should be located at a height of 1.4-1.6 m from the floor. The scale must be illuminated.

The bowl with the prepared dough is rolled onto the platform of the bowl lifting tipper.

The dumpers are tested for load capacity once a year. To do this, the dumper is loaded with a mass that is 10% greater than the lifting capacity of the machine, and the test results are recorded in a log. The dough from the bowl enters the dough outlet, which must have a safety grid.

Continuous and batch mixing machines with a stationary kneading container must be closed with a lid interlocked with the drive of the kneading elements. Batch mixing machines, in which the dough is unloaded by moving the kneading elements with the bowl tilted, must have safety grilles that cover the danger zone during the unloading period, or two-hand control.

Cleaning and repair of dough-preparing equipment should only be carried out when the machines are completely stopped, the voltage is completely removed, and posters “Do not turn on! People are working!” must be hung on the start buttons.

The receiving hoppers of dough dividing machines must be equipped with removable safety grilles interlocked with the drive. The working parts of dough dividing machines (dough injection mechanism, dividing head with a cut-off device), moving parts of the drive mechanism must have guards with interlocks that ensure that the electric motors are turned off when the chamber lid is opened, the dividing head guard is removed or the machine drive is removed.

Rollers, gears and chain drives must be protected in dough rolling machines. The guard must be interlocked with the machine drive.

Placers of dough pieces into the molds of proofing and oven units must be equipped with guards that prevent the possibility of a worker getting into the area of ​​movement of the machine.

To emergency stop the mechanisms, the proofing conveyor must be equipped with “Stop” buttons located on both sides of the unit.

Proofing units must have a mechanism for manually driving the conveyor for unloading products in the event of an accident.

From the proofing units, dough pieces enter bakery ovens, which must be equipped with instrumentation for measuring and monitoring technological parameters (temperature in the baking chamber, steam pressure supplied for humidification, baking duration and parameters of the fuel combustion process, gas and liquid pressure fuel, air pressure at the burners, vacuum in the furnace, temperature of combustion products in the mixing chamber, presence of a torch).

Bakery ovens must also be equipped with an automatic system that ensures that the supply of gas and liquid fuel is turned off: in the event of an unacceptable deviation of the pressure of gas and liquid fuel from the set one, a decrease in the vacuum in the furnace, in the event of a torch being torn off, a cutoff in the air supply, or an emergency shutdown of the power supply from the network.

In the area of ​​landing dough pieces and unloading products, emergency “Stop” buttons must be installed to turn off the oven conveyor drive.


This course work describes the production technology of rye yeast-free custard bread on Bogorodsky sourdough, with a yield of 500 pcs/day. Bread "Bogorodsky" is a dietary product.

Organoleptic indicators of the quality of the bread product, the presence of both yeast-free sourdough and tea leaves in the composition, which gives the bread a specific malt aroma.

The course work describes in detail the technology for preparing this bread. The recipe is calculated, and the operation of the necessary equipment is described.

The answer to the question whether this bread is good for health is described in detail above.

The main directions for further development of the baking industry are increasing the industrial production of bread and bakery products through the construction of new bakeries and the reconstruction and re-equipment of existing enterprises; expansion of the range; improving the quality and increasing the nutritional value of bread and bakery products. Much attention is paid to the improvement and implementation of new equipment and new progressive technologies.

List of used literature

1. Shenderev B.A. Current state and future development of the concept. Dietary nutrition // Food industry. - 2003. - No. 5. - P 4-7.

Collection of recipes for bread and bakery products. - M.: OJSC Vneshtorgizdat. 1998. - 87 p.

Auerman L.Ya. Bakery technology. - M.: Light and food industry. 1984. - 414 p.

Azarov V.N., Lesovenko A.T., Machikhin S.A. and others. Technological equipment for bakery and pasta enterprises. - M.: Agropromizdat. 1986. - 264 p.

Roiter I.M. Raw materials for baking production. - Kyiv: Technology. 1972. - 192 p.

Wheat baking flour GOST 26574-85.

Peeled rye flour GOST 7045-90

GOST 21946-76 - Raw hops

Barley malt concentrate (extract) TU 9184-489-05031531-97

GOST 16732-71 Dried dill

GOST R 54644-2011 "Natural honey. Technical conditions")

GOST 29046-91 Ginger

Sugar syrup "LEIPOMO"

Improver "Panifarin" IREX

15. GOST 2874-82 Drinking water

GOST 13830 Table salt

Afanasyeva O.V. Microbiological control of bakery production. - M.: Food Industry, 1986. - P.144