Belarusian mochanka with pancakes. Machanka recipes: secrets of preparing a rustic dish A simple recipe for Belarusian mochanka with pancakes

28.11.2023 Meat dishes

Recipe for Belarusian mochanka with pancakes or machanka in Belarusian.

For the upcoming Maslenitsa, here is another recipe for you with pancakes.

Mochanka is a hearty, high-calorie and incredibly tasty village dish that is served with pancakes. The name of the dish comes from the word “machatsi”, i.e. to dip. You can eat machanka with your hands, that is, take a pancake and dip it in the sauce, using it to eat meat and sausages (ribs).

In Belarus, mochanka is prepared differently in each locality and served with both flour and potato pancakes (sometimes with potato pancakes with yeast). We tried both options and liked both. It is best to stew machanka in clay pots, one pot per eater.

For 6 people you will need:

  • 1 kg pork ribs (lean)
  • half a kilo of homemade sausage
  • half a kilo of lard or bacon
  • 2 medium onions
  • 200-400 grams of wild mushrooms
  • 1-2 tbsp. sunflower oil
  • 3-5 tbsp. sour cream
  • 2-4 tbsp. flour
  • Bay leaf
  • coriander
  • salt pepper
  • bouillon.

Preparation of Belarusian mochanka

Since there is no Belarusian home-made sausage in Hungary, I had to replace it with smoked ribs. I took semi-smoked lard with Kolozhvari sprouts. Unfortunately, I didn’t find any mushrooms, so I did without them. If you don’t like some seasoning, don’t add it, limit yourself to pepper and salt. Salt should be added at the very end, if the dish is not fully salted, because... and homemade sausages (ribs) and lard are usually salted quite well and there is no need to add salt to the dish itself. I used starch instead of flour.

Fry lard in a well-heated frying pan, fry it, set aside. Fry the onion, cut into half rings, in the rendered fat until golden, set aside. Cut the smoked ribs, set aside (if they are sausages, fry them too).

Wash fresh pork ribs, dry and chop into small pieces, pepper, sprinkle with caraway seeds and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Fry over medium heat until golden brown.

Next, we collect the sponge. Pour a tablespoon of sunflower (olive) oil into a thick-bottomed pan, add the roasted ribs, lard and onion. Add bay leaf, a pinch of coriander, add broth and simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes, until the meat is soft.

While Mochanka is stewing, prepare flour and/or potato pancakes. For example, according to a recipe from Slick, who explained to me how he makes them: I break three eggs, pour in flour (I counted - 6 tbsp) and dilute with milk (approximately - 0.5 l). Stir and fry! Fsyo! Pancakes are the only thing he knows how to cook, so he does everything “by eye”! I noticed that he fries the pancakes over high heat, that is, 30 seconds on one side and 10-15 seconds on the other - they turn out soft and melt in your mouth!

Fry the flour in a frying pan until brown. When the meat is almost ready, add toasted flour and sour cream to the pan.

Stir carefully, remove the lid, bring to a boil and let simmer for another 10 minutes, allowing the liquid to evaporate a little. At the very end of stewing, add fried lard (bacon) to Mochanka, mix carefully and turn off the heat. Let the dish sit for about five minutes, then arrange the pancakes on plates, placing Mochanka on top.

Bon appetit or enjoy your meal!

Machanka is a Belarusian dish, it is a peasant dish. Although it is peasant, which implies simplicity, it is not simple at all. This dish is complex. In order to make this dish the way it should be, you need to have the sharp eye of a Japanese, the steady hand of a Viking, the exceptional nose of Genghis Khan and the kind soul of a Belarusian :-) Believe me.

I have the brightest, warmest and kindest memories associated with Belarus: that’s why I presented the photographs of machanka in a bright halo.

So, machanka, meet.

To prepare this dish we have:

not too fatty pork rib, a piece of smoked pork belly, a good amount of specific pork lard, sour cream 30% fat, 3 tbsp. spoons of flour and one medium onion.

They say that machanka requires raw smoked sausage or homemade sausages, I don’t know for sure. Apparently, the variety of smoked meats is affected by the fact that in different regions or villages their production and use are also different. I generally don’t understand such things as setting time standards for cooking and setting all sorts of grams and milligrams :-)

And I also don’t understand such things as religious canons and postulates.... in the use of products. I just agree that you can’t cook anything in the same container in which you boil milk and cook milk porridge and that’s it. Some people can’t eat spicy meat, some people can’t eat pork, some people can’t eat horse meat... I wonder...why can’t you eat the most delicious things? I thought and thought and came to the conclusion: I can eat everything and that’s it! :-)

Let's start making machanka by separating the meat from the ribs.

Then we cut the meat into cubes of... well, 2 x 2 cm or 3 x 3 cm, and chop the ribs, if they are long, into two parts so that they fit in the pot.

The next step will be crumbling lard and smoked belly into cubes.

Heat the lard in a frying pan to get sizzling cracklings. We start heating with medium heat, gradually increasing it. Here you need an eye and a hand and everything else that I wrote about above. Look how transparent the cubes of melted lard look, which indicates the quality of the product.

Here they are, our sizzling cracklings, which we will eat with a crunch. :-) Remove them to a plate and put them aside.

The lard in the frying pan is already smoking and requires ribs, which we send there.

After lightly frying the ribs, we add diced meat to them and add cubes of raw smoked belly. We fry everything together.

When everything is slightly fried, add the onion. We hold the frying pan with a firm hand and stir everything with the other hand, look at it with a sharp eye and sniff it with a sharp nose... and add the onion.

Here we also have to work with fire. Never forget about this, no matter what you cook. Fry and adjust the heat so that the flour does not burn and stir constantly.

As soon as you smell with your nose the range of pleasant smells of lard, smoked meat, onions and flour, pour in water. Here I would like to linger a little and talk about who is pouring in what. Someone pours milk, someone pours kvass, and someone even pours beer into the frying pan. I poured boiled water.

Here we already add salt, turn off the heat so that it gurgles slightly and simmers. Don't forget to look and smell... This is very important :-)

I don’t know how many minutes and moments passed, but I know for sure that as soon as I felt it was time to put the meat and ribs in the pots, I did IT! I evenly distributed the entire contents of the frying pan into the pots, lightly peppered them and inserted two bay leaves into them. The main thing is that in the frying pan we have not water, but a thick mass of gravy.

After admiring the pots, I put 100 grams into each of them with a spoon. the most delicate, thick and fresh sour cream 30% fat. Admire for yourself how cool it looks. :-)

Having admired it enough, I took it and unceremoniously, but gently and with love, mixed everything.

After mixing, I covered my favorite pots with lids and put them in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

Do you think that's all? No matter how it is! This is where the whole pandemonium with pancakes begins now :-) I’m making pancake dough.

Pay attention to how abruptly the song begins :-) I, like the same Yas who mowed the stable, began to cook pancakes. Everyone who knows me here and already understands me, they are not at all against my approach to the test. For those who don’t know yet, I say again: I approach the test using the blunder-blunder method. I don’t have any grams and I don’t know if this is unfortunately or not. So, pancake dough.

I take two equal parts of water and milk (let’s take one and a half glasses), mix and add two raw eggs, and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. oils I add a pinch of salt and sugar, dissolve baking soda in a teaspoon of vinegar on the tip of a knife, add flour and start stirring it all. If necessary, I add flour. I achieve a pancake-like consistency without lumps and set it aside and take the frying pan. Ah, my cast iron frying pan...

In order to bake pancakes in a frying pan, you need to grease it... I always grease it with a piece of lard, strung on a fork like this. If we are making a peasant dish, then everything should look like a peasant.

Having greased the frying pan, pour the dough into it and put it on the fire. The pan is already preheated. First I heat it up, and then set the fire so that the pancakes bake evenly and do not stick. I poured in the dough. I'm baking.

After a certain time I turn the pancake over.

I put the finished pancakes on a plate, from where I will eat the machanka. I still don’t know what it will look like or what it will taste like!

Having laid out the pancakes, I take the pot out of the oven....I open the lid....and I see this picture. I would like to say right now that while I was baking pancakes, I turned off the oven and thereby allowed the machanka to cook.

Having carefully stirred the contents of the pot, I began to remove everything from there with a spoon into a plate with pancakes. Meat with gravy on the bottom, ribs on top and here we sprinkle our crispy cracklings on the ribs.

What can I say about what I prepared? Machanka is the perfect dish that I will always make from now on. It is filling and very powerful. This satiety is not annoying and there is no discomfort or heaviness in the stomach from this satiety. It’s impossible to overeat this dish!

Dear wound65 said this about machanka: “Belarusian “mochanka” - all sorts of meats, lards, homemade sausages in a pot, served with thick yeast pancakes.... licked fingers up to the elbow....)))) “As soon as I did not eat. And with a spoon and fork he scooped up the sauce with the meat into the pancakes and even dipped his fingers into the machanka, first one at a time, and then four at a time, and licked them. Then there was a moment when I was just drinking machanka from a plate))) I became interested in how you can lick your fingers up to the elbow. I made a machanka and understood.

This is how I spent today like a peasant.

Machanka (mochanka) is a dish of Belarusian national cuisine. Belarusians name many dishes according to the method of consumption or preparation. Wet, dip the pancakes in the sauce. Both in Ukraine, borscht and in Belarus, mochanka is prepared in different ways. At one end of the village it is prepared differently than at the other.

To prepare machanka in Belarusian style with pancakes, we will need the products indicated in the list.

Cut the meat and lard into cubes.

We also cut the sausage and brisket into cubes.

Place the lard in a frying pan to render the fat.

When the lard is partially rendered, add meat to it. We continue to fry together. But reduce the heat, cover with a lid and fry until the meat is soft.

Cut the onion into small pieces.

We send the onions to the meat and lard.

And when the onion becomes translucent, add the sausage and brisket.

Add flour to the total mass. Fry together for 2 minutes.

Mix. Salt and pepper to taste, add bay leaf, squeeze garlic through a press. Pour in hot water to the level of the meat products. Cook until the sauce thickens. Mochanka in Belarusian is ready.

Let's start making pancakes. Let's make simple pancakes using water. They are prepared simply and quickly. We will need the products listed.

Beat 2 eggs into a mixing bowl. Mix them and add water.

Add sugar, salt and baking powder to the flour and sift them into the egg mixture with water.

Stir until the products are completely combined. The dough should turn out like liquid sour cream.

Fry the pancakes on both sides in a heated frying pan in vegetable oil.

Belarusian machanka with pancakes is ready!

Fold the pancakes into four. Grab a machanka pancake and enjoy. Bon appetit!

How to cook mochanka with pancakes recipe with photos - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

Mochanka with pancakes recipe is quite original, and not everyone knows it. This is a traditional Belarusian dish that is considered peasant. Meat products are served in sauce, where pancakes are dipped. This is where the name comes from - mochanka. The dish is easy to prepare and very satisfying, so please your guests and household members with it.

Ingredients for mochanka with pancakes.

For the sponge you will need:

  • 250 g homemade pork sausage;
  • six ribs on a plate;
  • 35 g dried mushrooms;
  • two onions;
  • three tbsp. l. flour;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • one bay leaf;
  • vegetable oil.

    Pancake dough is prepared from the following products:

    • 2.5 tbsp. flour;
    • one teaspoon of salt;
    • a little sugar;
    • two glasses of whey;
    • two eggs;
    • one tsp. soda

    The process of preparing mochanka with pancakes:

    Pre-soak the mushrooms for several hours, or overnight. Wash and cut into strips.

    Wash the rib plate well and cut into individual ribs. Place the ribs and a whole homemade sausage in the pan; there is no need to cut it so as not to lose the juices. Fill them with water and boil. After this, drain the water and rinse the meat products from foam. Place the ribs and sausage back into the pan, cover with water, add the mushrooms and cook for 45 minutes. Add some salt. Then fry the onion, cut into small pieces, in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Remove the ribs and sausage from the broth and cut it into pieces. Add the meat ingredients to the onions. Fry them on both sides.

    In another dry frying pan, fry the flour until golden brown. Add it to the broth and stir so that there are no lumps. Add onion, ribs, bay leaf and sausage to the broth, pepper and boil. Let it sit for half an hour.

    At this time, prepare the pancakes. Mix flour, salt and soda. Slowly add the warm whey, constantly stirring the dough so that there are no breasts. Beat in the eggs. Stir. The dough will be thick.

    Fry pancakes from the prepared dough on both sides until golden brown.

    Serve mochanka in portions with several pancakes. The original, aromatic and very tasty dish is ready.

    Recipe for Belarusian mochanka with pancakes or machanka in Belarusian.

    For the upcoming Maslenitsa, here is another recipe for you with pancakes.

    Mochanka is a hearty, high-calorie and incredibly tasty village dish that is served with pancakes. The name of the dish comes from the word “machatsi”, i.e. to dip. You can eat machanka with your hands, that is, take a pancake and dip it in the sauce, using it to eat meat and sausages (ribs).

    In Belarus, mochanka is prepared differently in each locality and served with both flour and potato pancakes (sometimes with potato pancakes with yeast). We tried both options and liked both. It is best to stew machanka in clay pots, one pot per eater.

    For 6 people you will need:

    • 1 kg pork ribs (lean)
    • half a kilo of homemade sausage
    • half a kilo of lard or bacon
    • 2 medium onions
    • 200-400 grams of wild mushrooms
    • 1-2 tbsp. sunflower oil
    • 3-5 tbsp. sour cream
    • 2-4 tbsp. flour
    • Bay leaf
    • coriander
    • salt pepper
    • bouillon.

    Preparation of Belarusian mochanka

    Since there is no Belarusian home-made sausage in Hungary, I had to replace it with smoked ribs. I took semi-smoked lard with Kolozhvari sprouts. Unfortunately, I didn’t find any mushrooms, so I did without them. If you don’t like some seasoning, don’t add it, limit yourself to pepper and salt. Salt should be added at the very end, if the dish is not fully salted, because... and homemade sausages (ribs) and lard are usually salted quite well and there is no need to add salt to the dish itself. I used starch instead of flour.

    Fry lard in a well-heated frying pan, fry it, set aside. Fry the onion, cut into half rings, in the rendered fat until golden, set aside. Cut the smoked ribs, set aside (if they are sausages, fry them too).

    Wash fresh pork ribs, dry and chop into small pieces, pepper, sprinkle with caraway seeds and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Fry over medium heat until golden brown.

    Next, we collect the sponge. Pour a tablespoon of sunflower (olive) oil into a thick-bottomed pan, add the roasted ribs, lard and onion. Add bay leaf, a pinch of coriander, add broth and simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes, until the meat is soft.

    While Mochanka is stewing, prepare flour and/or potato pancakes. For example, according to a recipe from Slick, who explained to me how he makes them: I break three eggs, pour in flour (I counted - 6 tbsp) and dilute with milk (approximately - 0.5 l). Stir and fry! Fsyo! Pancakes are the only thing he knows how to cook, so he does everything “by eye”! I noticed that he fries the pancakes over high heat, that is, 30 seconds on one side and 10-15 seconds on the other - they turn out soft and melt in your mouth!

    Fry the flour in a frying pan until brown. When the meat is almost ready, add toasted flour and sour cream to the pan.

    Stir carefully, remove the lid, bring to a boil and let simmer for another 10 minutes, allowing the liquid to evaporate a little. At the very end of stewing, add fried lard (bacon) to Mochanka, mix carefully and turn off the heat. Let the dish sit for about five minutes, then arrange the pancakes on plates, placing Mochanka on top.

    Bon appetit or enjoy your meal!

    A simple recipe for Belarusian mochanka with pancakes

    Today I want to offer you a wonderful recipe for Belarusian mochanka with pancakes. This is our national dish in Belarus. It is prepared everywhere. It can be found both in the working canteen and in an elite restaurant. And in Belarusian villages, mochanka is a must on the menu.

    To my shame, I will honestly say that I don’t even know how to spell mochanka or machanka correctly. Derived from the word “machat”, that is, to dip. And they dip pancakes in it. You can make thick ones with kefir or simple ones with milk. Some people prefer to dip hash browns. Everyone chooses according to their taste. In general, the dish is, in fact, very simple and satisfying. I quickly cooked it, ate it, and can mow it with a scythe for half a day. Joke. This village reminded me.

    Each village has its own recipe for Belarusian mochanka with pancakes. I'll tell you how it's prepared here. I think this is the simplest recipe.

    Fry the meat. I had sausages and pork. You can take pork ribs and sausage, as we call it “finger panyu”.

    Add water and leave to simmer.

    While the meat products are stewing, make pancakes (flour, kefir, soda, sugar, salt). You can try these starchy pancakes.

    Mix the meat broth with sour cream, flour and spices, add fried onions and pour it over the meat. Throw in the garlic. Well, let it simmer a little longer. If the sauce is very thick, you can add sour cream, water and a little salt.

    Serve the aromatic Belarusian mochanka in a large frying pan. They place it in the center of the dining table, and next to it there is a large stack of plump, rosy pancakes. Bon appetit everyone!

    Mochanka with chicken and yeast pancakes

    Machanka with chicken and yeast pancakes is a dish of Ukrainian and Belarusian cuisine. There are many recipes for its preparation, but the basics remain the same - fluffy savory pancakes and meat stewed with vegetables in a thick gravy. The pancakes in this recipe are yeasty and lean, and the chicken gravy is made with rich sour cream.

    Mochanka with pancakes - recipe with photos step by step

    It will take you 2 hours to prepare the dish; the listed ingredients will yield 4 servings.

    For pancakes:
    – wheat flour – 300 g;
    – pressed yeast – 12 g;
    – water – 300 ml;
    – creamy margarine – 50 g;
    – salt, sugar;

    For machanka:
    – chicken fillet – 300 g;
    – onion – 120 g;
    – carrots – 120 g;
    – sour cream – 60 g;
    – wheat flour – 15 g

    Making dough for pancakes. Sift the wheat flour, add a pinch of salt. We heat the water to 30 degrees Celsius, dissolve the pressed yeast and a teaspoon of granulated sugar in it. Gradually add yeast diluted in water to the flour and knead the dough.

    Melt the creamy margarine (or butter), cool, add to the dough, knead it for 5 minutes, then leave at room temperature for 1 hour 30 minutes.

    The batter for pancakes should increase in volume by about 2 times, or even more, mix it carefully and you can bake pancakes.

    Grease the frying pan with vegetable oil, pour in a ladle full of dough, bake the pancakes until golden brown, put them in a stack, not forgetting to soak them in butter.

    While the pancake dough is rising, you can prepare the chicken mochka. Finely chop the onions, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, and fry the vegetables for 5 minutes.

    Rub the chicken fillet with a mixture of garlic, pepper and spices, cut into small cubes, add to the pan with the carrots and onions, and fry for 5 minutes.

    Mix sour cream and wheat flour, add a little cold water, when the mass becomes homogeneous, without lumps of flour, add to the pan with the chicken and vegetables, mix, reduce the heat.

    Cook machanka for another 10 minutes, add sugar, salt, ground black pepper (you can add a bouillon cube).

    Serve the mochanka with pancakes hot, season to taste with herbs and hot pepper.

    By the way, for Maslenitsa you can prepare original roses from pancakes with a snack salad.

    Home > Recipes > printable version

    Description: Machanka is a dish of Belarusian national cuisine. Very satisfying, with an unforgettable taste and national flavor. Many dishes of Belarusian cuisine are named after the method of preparation or consumption of the finished dish. Here is machanka, this is something you can dip into, most often pancakes. The most famous machanka made from pork, lard, and sometimes homemade sausage! Machanka with pancakes is one of those unforgettable dishes that you can try in a Belarusian village! Help yourself.

    Cooking time: 45 minutes

    Number of servings: 3

    How to cook machanka

    Posted by Irina | in the category Maslenitsa and pancake recipes. Meat. Everyday recipes. What to cook for lunch and dinner 02/02/2015

    Machanka (many write and say mochanka) is the most authentic Belarusian national dish, which is prepared from available meat products (ribs, brisket, sausages). First they are fried and then stewed with gravy in flour and butter (some people recommend adding milk or sour cream to the sauce).

    Previously, this dish was made in the oven, the aroma filled the house and attracted everyone to the table. Traditionally machanka was served with thick pancakes. The name of the dish comes from the word “machatsi”, which means “to dip”.

    Total cooking time – 1 hour 10 minutes
    Active cooking time – 1 hour 10 minutes
    Cost – average cost
    Calorie content per 100 g - 252 kcal
    Number of servings – 3 servings

    How to cook machanka

    Pork ribs – 350 g
    Sausages - 350 g (so-called “finger-punched”)
    Brisket - 350 g (or very meaty fry, if not, then you can take 40 g of lard)
    Onions - 2 pcs.
    Salt - to taste
    Black pepper - to taste
    Cumin - 0.5 tsp.
    Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
    Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
    Mushrooms - optional
    Greens - to taste
    Flour - 300 g (for pancakes)
    Egg - 2 pcs. (for pancakes)
    Milk - 300 ml (for pancakes)
    Sugar - 1 tbsp. (for pancakes)
    Salt - 1 pinch(s) (for pancakes)
    Baking powder - 2.5 tsp. (for pancakes)
    Vegetable oil - 60 g (for pancakes)

    Cut the brisket into small pieces.
    Place on a well-heated frying pan. Fry until the brisket begins to release fat.

    If you don’t have brisket, you can take 40 grams. lard, chop it finely, fry until the fat is rendered.

    Place the sausages last (if the ribs and brisket start to burn, they should be removed from the pan). Fry for 10-15 minutes, add chopped onions and mushrooms (it is better to take forest mushrooms, they will add a unique aroma to the dish). Fry the onion until golden brown. Next, remove all meat products and onions into another bowl. Only fat should remain in the pan.

    Add flour to the remaining fat and stir quickly until the flour turns light brown.

    Pour prepared warm (this is important) water, stir vigorously so that no lumps form. The resulting sauce has the consistency of liquid sour cream.

    Place sausages, ribs and onions in the resulting sauce. Only now you can taste it for salt (sausages can be salted), add salt and pepper to taste, add bay leaf and caraway seeds.
    Mix everything well and put it in the oven for half an hour (due to the lack of a Russian oven). If the frying pan cannot be placed in the oven (plastic handles), then the machanka can be transferred to clay pots and sent to simmer in the oven.

    While the machanka reaches the desired state, you can prepare pancakes. Thick pancakes are ideal for machanka.

    Beat eggs with sugar.

    In a separate bowl, mix sifted flour, salt and baking powder. Combine eggs and a little flour, now add milk and flour alternately. At each stage, mix the dough well. Gradually adding milk and flour will prevent lumps from forming. Knead a thick dough. Pour in the oil and mix well again. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes.

    Heat a frying pan, grease it with vegetable oil (it is enough to do this only for the first pancake). Pour in about 2-3 tbsp. dough and lightly spread it into a circle. Bake for about 1-2 minutes (bubbles will begin to appear on the surface of the pancake), then turn over and bake for another minute.

    Remove the finished machanka from the oven. Place pancakes, meat (ribs), sausage on plates and pour gravy over all this beauty.

    Machanka is our native Belarusian dish. Why "machanka"? Because you have to eat this gravy or sauce by dipping a pancake in it. The peasants, who worked in the fields for days, did not have the opportunity to sit for a long time eating food, while they had to have enough energy for a long time after lunch. Therefore, it is generally typical for our cuisine that the dish is not only tasty, but not too difficult to prepare and satisfying. Bon Appetit everyone!

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    Place the remaining whey back on the heat and let it boil. Pour baking soda into it and stir quickly until foam forms.

    Immediately pour this foam into the dough, trying to stir quickly with a spoon all the time. The dough “before your eyes” will begin to grow, bubble, “come to life”, and puff. As a result, it should not be thick, a little thinner than thick sour cream. Let the dough sit for 10 minutes while we prepare the pan.

    We bake pancakes by greasing the pan. I use a piece of lard for these purposes. A piece of clean cloth that is dipped in sunflower oil is also suitable. Pour about 6 tbsp into a greased and well-heated frying pan. test. We pour the dough in a thick layer, it bakes well due to the fact that it rises and “paths” are formed. When bubbles have broken through to the top of the pancake and the bottom has turned golden, turn it over.

    Place one half of a kitchen towel on a plate for pancakes, place a pancake on it and cover with the other half until the next pancake. When the next pancake is ready, lift the towel, put it in a pile and cover it again, etc. This way the pancakes retain their heat until serving. The inside of the pancakes is like a honeycomb.

    We set the table. We put a pancake on a plate, machanka on top, or we pour the machanka into plates, and put a stack of pancakes in the center of the table.

    Homemade mochanka with pancakes

    You may be hearing the name of this unusual dish for the first time. However, it belongs to Belarusian cuisine, where it is considered traditional. Mochanka is the name given to the sauce with which meat products are served. Pancakes are dipped into it, which is why it gets its name. It is quite simple to prepare, and the taste of this delicacy is unforgettable. You will definitely be able to surprise your guests and loved ones.

    To prepare mochanka you will need:

      • 150 g onion;
      • 250 g pork sausage (homemade);
      • salt;
      • 35 g mushrooms (dried);
      • Bay leaf;
      • 6 ribs;
      • sunflower oil;
      • 90 g flour;
      • ground black pepper.

    To prepare pancakes for mochanka, take:

    Proceed in the following order:

    One of the components in this dish - mushrooms - you will need to prepare in advance, preferably the evening before. They should be soaked, washed and cut into strips the next morning.

    As for meat products - ribs and homemade pork sausage, they must be placed in one pan, filled with water and put on fire. However, first rinse and clean the ribs, and place the sausage whole, without cutting, so that it does not lose its juiciness. Let them boil a little and then drain the water. Rinse the contents and put them back into a bowl with water, but now add chopped mushrooms to it. Leave them on the fire for about 45 minutes, add salt and remove the food from the broth. Once they have cooled, chop them. Meanwhile, chop the onions and fry them in a frying pan, then add the sausage and ribs.

    Now you will need another pan in which you will fry the flour. When it turns brown, add it to the broth. Make sure that it does not form lumps in it. Next, add meat products with mushrooms and onions. Also add bay leaf and pepper. The broth should boil and then stand turned off for about half an hour.

    Time for kneading pancake dough. Dry ingredients - salt, flour and baking soda, mix together. Pour the whey into them and beat in the eggs. Stir well.

    Fry the products on a thick dough until golden brown.

    Serve this Belarusian dish while still warm with pancakes.

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    Machanka in Belarusian - recipe

    If you are looking for a hearty recipe for every day or are already planning to create a menu for Maslenitsa, try the Belarusian machanka recipe. Machanka is an assortment of various leftover meats, from lard to sausage, that are fried and then stewed in a simple flour-based sauce. The dish is often supplemented with onions and mushrooms, and served with pancakes or potato pancakes. If you decide to make machanka the main dish on the table, then put potatoes and assorted other favorite vegetables in it.

    Belarusian machanka recipe

    Machanka, like most dishes of Belarusian cuisine, has absolutely no affinity with the dietary menu. An abundance of meat and fat, coupled with pancakes, will not benefit your waistline, but it will play out plenty on your taste buds.

    • pork ribs – 840 g;
    • onions – 90 g;
    • flour – 15 g;
    • dried porcini mushrooms – 10 g;
    • pork fat – 30 g;
    • raw smoked sausage – 115 g;
    • laurel leaf;
    • ground cumin – 1 teaspoon.

    Fry the pork ribs in hot fat until browned, then add enough water to cover and cook them into broth. Chop the onion and sauté it. Add pre-soaked porcini mushrooms to the onions. Add cumin and crumbled bay, sprinkle everything with flour, and then pour in the prepared broth. Fry the smoked meats and add them to the rest of the ingredients. Place the container with the dish in the pot for 15 minutes at 150 degrees. Serve with pancakes or hash browns, sprinkled with cracklings.

    Belarusian machanka with sour cream - recipe

    There is a separate type of authentic machanka prepared on the basis of dairy products. By varying the amount of the latter, you can make the finished dish more or less sour.

    Before preparing Belarusian machanka, cut the lard into small pieces and heat them over high heat until cracklings form. Throw away the cracklings themselves, and brown the pieces of sausage and chopped ribs in the remaining fat. When the meat components are golden brown, pour half of the broth over them and place in an oven preheated to 210 degrees for 20 minutes.

    Fry the flour in melted butter and dilute the flour paste with the remaining broth, making sure that there are no lumps left. Add sour cream to the thick mass and heat the sauce. Pour the finished sauce over the meat and serve Belarusian machanka with pancakes or vegetables.

    • pork ribs 600 grams
    • → or sausages for frying 6 pieces
    • onion 1 piece
    • carrots 0.5 pieces
    • ground cumin 0.5 tsp
    • freshly ground black pepper to taste
    • bay leaf 2 pieces

    MAKFA flour meets strict GOST standards. Thanks to a special production technology, it turns out to be very light and airy. Delicious confectionery products are baked from such high quality flour

    wheat flour 11 tbsp. spoons

  • water 2 liters
  • 2 eggs
  • kefir 0.5 liters
  • → or curdled milk 0.5 liters
  • → or whey 0.5 liters
  • salt 1 pinch
  • sugar 1 teaspoon
  • baking soda 1 teaspoon
  • Buy on FindMeals
  • To prepare you may need:

    Cooking method:

    Pour cold water over pork ribs or pork sausages for frying, bring to a boil, skim off the foam and cook over low heat until tender, adding half a large onion, a slice of carrot and a little salt.

    Remove onions and carrots from the broth.
    5 tbsp. dilute flour with broth until smooth, pour into a saucepan with broth, add salt to taste, add ground cumin and black pepper, dried herbs to taste and bay leaf. Bring to a boil and simmer, covered, over low heat for about 10 minutes.

    Prepare pancakes for machanka:

    Mix eggs, 6 tbsp. flour, kefir (yogurt, whey), a little salt, sugar and soda until smooth (the dough should have a fairly liquid consistency).

    Pour one ladle of batter into a preheated pancake pan, carefully distribute it throughout the pan and bake golden, thick pancakes on both sides.

    Serve machanka with pancakes.

    MachAnka- a traditional dish of old Belarusian cuisine. It is a thick sauce with fillings in which pancakes, bread or potatoes are dipped. Machanka can be different: it is fried cracklings with mushrooms, whitened with sour cream, and eggs mixed with flour and milk or water, and cottage cheese mashed with sour cream and milk. But the most famous is machanka made from pork, ribs or homemade sausage.

    The presented recipe is traditional in our family: my grandmother, my mother, and now I prepare machanka this way. The result is a dish close to soup, in which pancakes are dipped and eaten with a spoon. But if you reduce the amount of water by 1.5 times and fry the meat products in a frying pan, you will get a thick Belarusian machanka.

    pork ribs ribs sausage machanka pancakes flour kefir whey yogurt old Belarusian cuisine Lithuanian cuisine

    If you liked this recipe, please rate it or share it with your friends. We will be very grateful to you.

    Fluffy milk pancakes without yeast recipe

Another machanka. Nourishing and amazingly tasty.
It’s especially good with whey-based pancakes, but it also goes great with potatoes and pancakes :)


We will need:

  • 400 gr. - brisket or raw pork ribs
  • 500-600 gr. (about five sausages) - raw homemade sausage
  • 2 large onions
  • 1 tbsp. l. with a heap of flour
  • 400 ml sour cream
  • 1-2 tsp. cumin
  • salt, pepper to taste 1
  • a small amount of vegetable oil for frying


1. Cut the raw sausage into pieces 2-3 cm thick and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil, or you can, on the contrary, first fry the sausages and then cut them;) As soon as they are ready, remove them from the pan.
2. Fry the ribs or brisket, add salt, add cumin and pour boiling water (~1.5-2 cups). Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 30 minutes.
3. Fry the onion in vegetable oil. Once it becomes transparent, sprinkle with flour. Fry and pour in the broth left over from stewing the meat. Boil for a couple of minutes, add sour cream, mix well. Salt to taste and add spices.
4. Dip meat and sausage into the sauce. Simmer for another 10-15 minutes.
5. Serve with pancakes, hash browns or potatoes.
1 I also add 1.5 tsp. seasoning that my aunt makes. Take red pepper (dried pods), dill seeds, coriander in equal proportions and grind in a mortar. The aroma is simply amazing.