How to make pumpkin smoothie. Pumpkin-carrot smoothie for gut health Pumpkin smoothie recipes

13.12.2023 Lenten dishes

Vegetable smoothies are the most popular dietary dishes in many countries around the world. They are much healthier than freshly squeezed juices, as they are rich in fiber, and very often become a substitute for salads made from seasonal vegetables. Why?

Choose vegetables according to the season and enjoy losing weight

Yes, because preparing this drink is much easier - there is no need to chop food and make dressing. Just put the ingredients in a blender bowl and in a few seconds the drink will be ready. You can add herbs, spices and fruits to vegetable smoothies. The recipe has no restrictions - everything will depend on your personal preferences and what effect you want to achieve from drinking this or that cocktail.

Smoothie for weight loss

Try to make smoothies from vegetables that grow in your climate zone. Thus, you will not only lose extra pounds, but also provide your body with a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Undoubtedly, overseas foods also contain nutritional components, but, as you know, they are much more difficult to digest. And why pay a lot of money for some strange vegetables, if our fertile land brings us various gifts every season.

Spring brings with it the first fragrant greens, in summer carrots, beets and cabbage begin to ripen, and in autumn you can enjoy a drink made from the juicy pulp of aromatic pumpkin. Vegetable smoothie recipes may include additional ingredients, such as dairy products, juices or mineral water. In any case, you will receive a natural, sugar-free drink that will saturate your body with fiber and protein, and its low calorie content will create an overall energy deficit.

What vegetables are suitable?

Vegetable smoothie recipes for weight loss should include only fresh products that are on sale immediately after harvest. They will contain the maximum amount of microelements and vitamins of plant origin, which will also be very easily absorbed.

Important! If you consume environmentally friendly products, you will not only take sufficient care of your health and eliminate the risk of intoxication, but also help restore soil fertility.

To ensure that purchased products retain their freshness for a long time, keep them in the refrigerator, and large quantities of vegetables should be transferred to the cellar or basement.

Cooking rules

Absolutely all vegetable smoothies are prepared in a blender. The ingredients are placed in a bowl and ground until smooth. For these purposes, you should use a mince attachment or a bowl with a sharp chopper.

Particularly hard vegetables, such as beets and carrots, must first be peeled and grated on a coarse grater. The resulting mass is put into a combine and ground. If the recipe includes greens, then they are added at the end and the contents are beaten again. By adhering to this technology, you will save all the useful substances and your time, since not all combines are capable of completely crushing hard vegetables cut into large pieces.

Advice! If you are preparing a smoothie for weight loss, do not add sugar or sweetener under any circumstances. Vegetable smoothies should be balanced and low in calories. These may include low-fat dairy products.


Pumpkin smoothies perfectly cleanse the body. To prepare them, you need to properly prepare the main ingredient. The pumpkin is steamed in the oven or microwave. Thus, it becomes soft and easier to beat until smooth.

Let's look at several proven recipes for weight loss using this bright and fragrant product. The prepared cocktails will be an excellent breakfast, as pumpkin is rich in fiber, which relieves hunger for a long time. This drink will restore hemoglobin levels, save you from apathy and lift your spirits.


This pumpkin smoothie will give you energy for a long time and can not only be a complete breakfast, but also replace sandwiches during your lunch break.

  1. Cut 400 g pumpkin pulp into cubes.
  2. Peel the lemon and half the grapefruit and separate the fillets.
  3. Place the ingredients in a blender bowl, add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and two teaspoons of honey.
  4. Whisk everything.

With oat flakes

This pumpkin smoothie recipe is easy to prepare, and the resulting drink will be an ideal solution for those who are struggling with extra pounds, as oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates and normalizes metabolism.

  1. Grind 300 g of pumpkin pulp and place in a food processor bowl.
  2. Add 3 tablespoons of oatmeal.
  3. Pour in a glass of milk and a teaspoon of honey.
  4. Grind until smooth.

With spices

  1. In a teaspoon, combine dried ginger, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice.
  2. Crush the spices in a mortar.
  3. Cut 400 g of pumpkin and banana into cubes and place in a blender bowl.
  4. Add spices, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of vanilla.
  5. Beat everything until smooth.


Carrot smoothie perfectly relieves fatigue, monitors the health of your skin and helps strengthen the immune system in the autumn-winter period. This drink saturates the body with valuable vitamin A, which prevents the risk of developing a complex disease - cataracts.

In addition, carrots normalize water and oxygen balance, prevent the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system and reduce cholesterol levels.

With spinach

A carrot smoothie with spinach will improve performance, improve mental abilities and protect the nervous system.

  1. Peel and grate 2 medium carrots.
  2. Peel half the mango.
  3. Wash and dry 2 bunches of fresh spinach.
  4. Place the ingredients in a blender, add 120 ml of water and blend.

With parsley

This drink contains a huge amount of useful substances, including vitamins, macro- and microelements, enzymes. It is effective in losing weight and helps regulate metabolism.

  1. Peel carrots and apples and chop.
  2. Wash and dry a bunch of parsley and a few lettuce leaves.
  3. Place everything in the bowl of a food processor and grind.

With celery

Celery neutralizes harm from carcinogens, makes your figure slim, your hair healthy, your skin beautiful, and your nails strong. Drink a vitamin bomb for breakfast and see the results.

  1. Peel and grate 2 carrots.
  2. Wash and dry 2 green celery stalks.
  3. Peel the tomato and cut into cubes.
  4. Place the vegetables in a blender bowl, add a couple of drops of olive oil, salt and pepper.
  5. Whisk everything.


Beetroot smoothie contains large quantities of ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, a number of B vitamins and microelements. This drink saturates the blood with iron, increasing hemoglobin levels, and removes cholesterol from the body.

Attention! This drink should not be overused, as beets enhance intestinal motility.

So what needs to be done?

  1. Peel large beets, grate them and put them in a blender.
  2. Add 140 ml coconut milk, 140 ml water.
  3. Peel the banana, remove the seeds from 2 small dates.
  4. Beat the ingredients until smooth.


Cabbage smoothies deserve special attention, since the main ingredient is a real salvation in winter, when finding other fresh vegetables is quite problematic. The technology for preparing this drink is special and requires compliance with certain rules:

  • Cabbage leaves should be separated from the head, placed in a bag and placed in the freezer. Using this technique, you will remove the sharp cabbage taste;
  • To prepare a smoothie, first place cabbage leaves in a blender bowl and grind with a small amount of water. Then you can add the remaining ingredients.

Attention! This drink should not be consumed if you have increased stomach acidity, pancreatitis or during breastfeeding, as it can stimulate the secretion of the gastric glands and cause bloating in infants.

Classic recipe

  1. Cut two or three leaves of cabbage into small pieces.
  2. Chop 100 g of raw broccoli with a knife.
  3. Wash and dry 2 celery stalks.
  4. Place the ingredients in a blender bowl, pour in 120 ml of apple juice and add ice.
  5. Beat everything until smooth.

Rules for drinking a drink for weight loss

It is not recommended to drink smoothies too often. It is enough to replace one or two meals with this cocktail, and it can also become a full-fledged snack. Try to increase the daily dose of smoothies gradually, since the vegetable drink has a somewhat specific taste and can quickly get boring, which will lead to disruption of the diet program.


I have never made or consumed pumpkin smoothies before. But since I have more than enough pumpkin supplies, I have to find more and more new uses for it. Shouldn't you cook it every day? This morning I found one very nice bright orange pumpkin in the cellar and decided to “slaughter” it and turn it into something healthy with vitamins, preferably not very high in calories, tasty and not burdensome on the stomach. And I couldn’t think of anything better how to make a pumpkin smoothie.

At home we eat quite regularly during the winter. Now it’s the turn of vegetable smoothies. Pumpkin is mostly eaten boiled or baked, but raw pumpkin should be more beneficial, right? Moreover, now is Lent and you can come up with Lenten pumpkin recipes. But how can you force yourself to consume it raw? Despite its beautiful appearance and downright perfumery aroma, I never wanted to eat it raw. It turns out there is a solution. I will experiment with pumpkin smoothies and share my impressions!

Pumpkin smoothie with carrots and natural yogurt

For 1 serving we need:

Pumpkin 70 grams (net)

Carrots 30 grams (net)

Yogurt 100 grams

Wash the carrots thoroughly,


scald with boiling water

- We’ll eat it raw, who knows? Grate the carrots.

Not the smallest one, but the one visible in the photo. pumpkin

cut it, remove the seeds from it,

They can be dried

and eat it with any vegetable smoothie. Peel the pumpkin.

Grate the pumpkin using the same grater.

Place vegetables in blender

put 3 ice cubes,

add yogurt,

beat everything together properly.

Pour the smoothie into low, wide glasses or glass cups - it’s prettier.

Eat with a small spoon.

My comments:

  • Smoothies are still more of a food than a drink. After all, it contains not only juices, but also plant fibers, which is very beneficial for the body. And you should treat any smoothies as a complete meal, and not a snack between meals. Why such a long “fairy tale”? Also, eat slowly so that you gradually feel full. Savor every spoonful! Moreover, you probably don’t eat dishes made from raw pumpkin often!
  • You can sprinkle grated or finely chopped walnuts or other nuts on top of the smoothie.
  • If you are on a diet, you can take low-fat or low-fat yogurt.
  • Try replacing yogurt with kefir, milk, or yogurt. I haven’t tried it, but I think it will be delicious too!

Smoothie made from pumpkin, carrots and apples with a decoction of dried berries

For 1 serving we need:

Pumpkin 70 grams (net)

Carrots 30 grams (net)

1 small apple (I have a sweet Golden)

Hawthorn berry decoction 100 ml

Prepare a grated mass from pumpkin and carrots, as in the previous recipe. Apple

wash, core, cut into slices,

and then in even smaller pieces. Place apples in blender

pumpkin and carrots, pour hawthorn decoction over them.

Drink a smoothie from a low glass or glass cup

with a small spoon.

My comments:

  • If the apple is not sweet, you can add a little honey to taste.
  • Hawthorn decoction can be replaced with a decoction of rose hips, chokeberry, red viburnum, dried raspberries, wild strawberries (if there are no contraindications).

Pumpkin smoothie with apples, banana and kefir

For 1 serving we will need:

Pumpkin 50 grams (net)

1 small apple

Banana 1 piece

Kefir 80 ml

Prepare the pumpkin as above. Wash the apple and remove the core. Peel the banana and cut into small pieces. Place pumpkin, apple and banana in blender bowl. Pour kefir into the mixture of pumpkin and fruits, beat everything together properly. Eat from low glasses or small glass cups, you can even use a coffee spoon, chewing the smoothie thoroughly, and not just swallowing it.

My comments:

  • You can sprinkle the top of the smoothie with a handful of nuts, sesame seeds, and a drop of cinnamon.
  • A smoothie can also be made from boiled pumpkin - in this form it is very harmonious with banana, but, of course, it contains less vitamins.

Pumpkin smoothies, of course, can be made in many recipes. Today I presented only those that I prepared and tasted myself personally.

As I experiment, I will simply add new recipes and update you on them. Perhaps one of my dear readers will share with me their tried and tested recipes and tell me how else you can make a delicious pumpkin smoothie.

I would like to accompany today’s musical gift with only one word: “Remember!”

“Take your overcoat, let's go home!”

It is no coincidence that thick smoothies made from fresh fruits and vegetables are respected among healthy eating enthusiasts. Smoothies have many advantages over regular liquid drinks. The products in them are not subjected to heat treatment and retain all useful substances. Their dense structure allows you to quickly get enough and not overload the body with extra calories. The presence of a significant amount of fiber in the composition helps to cleanse the intestines and lose weight. A pumpkin smoothie has all the listed advantages, saturating the body with beneficial vitamins and minerals that this culture is rich in.

Cooking features

If you have a blender in your kitchen, the process of making pumpkin smoothies will not cause any difficulties even for a novice cook. However, it wouldn’t hurt for an experienced housewife to know a few things.

  • Pumpkin smoothies are made from fresh pulp. If you want to get a more delicate consistency, you can use a baked product, but in this case some of the beneficial properties will be lost.
  • The raw pumpkin pulp is quite hard, so before putting it in a blender it must first be crushed with a knife. The smaller the pieces, the better.
  • For better saturation of the smoothie, it is advisable not to drink it, but to eat it with spoons.
  • You should not add sugar, salt, ice cream, or chocolate to pumpkin smoothies, as they significantly reduce its benefits. Sweet ingredients increase the calorie content of the dish, salt prevents the removal of fluid from the body. Both are extremely undesirable when you want to lose weight.
  • To improve the taste of a pumpkin smoothie, you can add herbs, spices, and honey.

Pumpkin goes well with both vegetables and fruits. This makes it possible to prepare smoothies according to a variety of recipes.

Pumpkin spice smoothie

  • pumpkin pulp – 0.3 kg;
  • banana – 150 g;
  • ginger powder - a pinch;
  • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife;
  • allspice - on the tip of a knife;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch;
  • honey – 20 ml;
  • water - as much as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pumpkin and cut it. Remove the seeds.
  • Cut a piece of the desired size and peel.
  • Cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes and place them in a blender bowl.
  • Splash some water and turn on the unit. Grind the pumpkin until pureed.
  • Peel the banana and cut into slices, send to the pumpkin.
  • Add spices in the quantities specified in the recipe. Pour liquid honey over it. The candied product must first be melted in a water bath.
  • Whisk the contents of the blender bowl.
  • Add a little filtered water to give the cocktail the optimal consistency from your point of view. Whisk again and pour into glasses.

This pumpkin spice smoothie is great to eat on cloudy days. It saturates, warms, uplifts and strengthens the immune system. The spices it contains help speed up metabolism, which has a positive effect on your figure.

Pumpkin and carrot smoothie

  • pumpkin pulp – 150 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • yogurt – 0.25 l;
  • honey (optional) - to taste;
  • spices (optional) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel and seed the pumpkin and chop finely.
  • Peel the carrots and cut into small cubes.
  • Place the vegetable pieces into a blender container and grind until pureed.
  • Add yogurt. Run the blender for 20-30 minutes to blend the contents.
  • The cocktail is delicious on its own, but if desired, it can be sweetened and flavored with honey and spices. Add them to the smoothie at the last stage of preparation according to your taste and whisk.

A smoothie made according to the above recipe is an excellent source of vitamin A. It is especially recommended for those who need to strengthen their eyesight, because retinol is involved in the synthesis of visual pigments. This drink will also help strengthen the immune system and improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Pumpkin and persimmon smoothie

  • persimmon – 0.2 kg;
  • pumpkin – 0.3 kg;
  • yogurt, unsweetened or with filling – 0.4–0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the persimmons from seeds. Place its pulp in a blender bowl.
  • Peel the pumpkin too, cut its pulp into small cubes, and send to the persimmon.
  • Grind the products until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Pour in yogurt and whisk.

If you are on a diet, it is better to take an unsweetened fermented milk product. When preparing a smoothie for dessert, you can use yogurt with any fruit filling, peach or melon are especially good.

A cocktail made according to this recipe will help improve blood formation.

Pumpkin smoothie with oatmeal

  • pumpkin pulp – 0.2 kg;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch;
  • instant oatmeal – 20 g;
  • milk – 0.2 l;
  • honey – 5 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the milk and pour it over the oatmeal, give it time to soften and swell.
  • Peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes.
  • Melt honey until liquid.
  • Place the pumpkin in a blender container, pour in honey and grind.
  • Add milk with oatmeal soaked in it and whisk until smooth.
  • Before serving, sprinkle the smoothie with ground cinnamon.

This smoothie option is good for breakfast. It fills you up quickly and for a long time, so you can do without unnecessary snacks.

Pumpkin smoothie with oatmeal and almonds

  • boiled oatmeal – 50 g;
  • flaxseed – 20 g;
  • almonds – 20 g;
  • almond milk or filtered water – 0.2 kg;
  • pumpkin pulp – 0.2 kg;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • honey - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Boil rolled oats in water.
  • Cut the pumpkin pulp into small pieces and place in a blender container.
  • Sprinkle in nuts and flax seeds.
  • Add spices.
  • Grind the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Add two large spoons of oatmeal to the resulting mass, add almond milk or regular filtered water. Whisk.

If desired, the cocktail can be sweetened with honey or dried fruits. You need to add them at the first stage and grind them together with pumpkin and almonds. This smoothie option is also suitable for breakfast or a morning snack.

Pumpkin and orange smoothie

  • pumpkin pulp – 0.3 kg;
  • oranges – 0.4 kg;
  • dried apricots – 50 g;
  • cinnamon powder - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the pumpkin pulp into small pieces and place in a blender jug.
  • Peel one orange and divide into slices. Release the slices from the film and place them on the pumpkin.
  • Turn on the unit and grind the ingredients in its jug.
  • Add dried apricots, process the pumpkin and oranges along with it.
  • Squeeze the juice out of the remaining fruit and pour it into the jug with the rest of the ingredients. Add cinnamon to taste.
  • Whisk the contents of the jug until smooth.

This smoothie is a concentrate of healthy vitamins. It has a pleasant taste, even children drink it with pleasure.

Pumpkin and date smoothie

  • pumpkin pulp – 0.3 kg;
  • dried dates – 5 pcs.;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • banana or persimmon – 0.2 kg;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • milk or water – 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Bake the pumpkin pulp and cut into cubes.
  • Peel and cut the banana into slices. If you use persimmons instead, be sure to remove the seeds.
  • Remove the pits from the dates.
  • Place dates, bananas and pumpkin in a mixing bowl. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon on them. Grind them into a homogeneous puree.
  • Pour in milk or clean water and whisk.

The cocktail according to this recipe is so tasty that it can replace dessert.

Pumpkin smoothie is a healthy cocktail, the taste of which can be very different. Some options turn out to be so appetizing that even children do not refuse them.

Many of us have been told since childhood that if we eat pumpkin porridge, we will grow up healthy and strong. And our parents and grandparents were absolutely right!

How many beneficial properties does an ordinary pumpkin hide? “Kabak” not only cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol and lowers blood sugar. Pumpkin removes all toxins from the body, along with harmful microorganisms!

Benefits of pumpkin

Pumpkin good for health. When you learn about the beneficial properties of this vegetable, you will want to cook it for yourself and your loved ones more often. There are a huge number of simple and delicious dishes that can be made from pumpkin. Which cannot but please housewives. Cook, eat in moderation and get healthy.


  • 100 g pumpkin
  • 0.5 tbsp. water


  1. Peel the raw pumpkin and cut into pieces. Beat well in a blender with water.
  2. Drink a raw pumpkin smoothie every morning on an empty stomach for 14 days. The worms will disappear like a nightmare! This miraculous cocktail will also help speed up the body’s metabolism and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

We have prepared for you basic information about the benefits of pumpkin. But it has many other beneficial properties.

Therefore, it is definitely worth eating it! Make delicious porridge from it, bake pies, prepare drinks and even cold soups.

So, I want to introduce you to the most wonderful drink - pumpkin smoothie, which is great for weight loss. Actually, there shouldn’t be any difficulty in preparing it. The bottom line is that we simply grind the vegetable in a blender on its own or with additives. Of course, it is better to prepare smoothies from fresh raw pumpkin, but processed pumpkin still contains vitamins, less, but they are there. By the way, if the pumpkin has already been cut, it needs to be processed; it will not last long. The best way is to peel it (including the peel), cut it into portions, wrap it in cling film and hide it in the freezer. This way you will have it forever and all the vitamins will remain in place.

Useful properties of pumpkin:

Pumpkin contains a lot of vitamins, including the rare vitamin T - it helps digest heavy foods easier, so it is primarily useful for people suffering from excess weight. In addition, vitamin T prevents anemia, promotes platelet formation, and improves blood clotting. Pumpkin is rich in your favorite vitamins and other vitamins, contains a large amount of fiber, fluorine, zinc and iron.

The benefits of pumpkin lie in its vasodilating, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and cleansing properties.

Its pulp can calm the nervous system, improve metabolic processes, normalize the gastrointestinal tract and bile and urination; increases water-salt metabolism in the body.

And 100 grams of pumpkin contains only 22 kcal.

Pumpkin smoothie recipe

I tried different options, but for dinner I prefer this one:


  • pumpkin - 300 gr
  • water - small amount
  • lemon - half (less possible, I like sour)
  • honey - heaped teaspoon

Place the water on the fire and bring to a boil. The main thing for us is that the water covers the pumpkin pieces; it takes me about half a glass. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces and throw into boiling water. Cook just a little, do not go far from the stove, as soon as the pumpkin has become a little softer, remove from the heat. Cool the contents and place in a blender. I like the drink warm, so I don’t let it cool for long. If you like it thicker, you can drain the water (I leave the water). Add a spoonful of honey and lemon juice - it’s better to add more lemon later and taste. Place all the contents in a blender, beat well and enjoy! Pumpkin smoothie is ready!

Note: You can drink your pumpkin smoothie chilled with a couple of pieces of ice. But remember that it is the kidneys that warm the water in the stomach, so drinking cold drinks is generally not advisable for health.

This recipe makes a delicious sweet and sour drink with a delicious aroma. In the first week, it replaced my dinner almost every day!

Raw pumpkin is best consumed on an empty stomach or in the morning. A drink made from raw pumpkin will lift your spirits and give you a boost of energy for the whole day. Like every product, there are contraindications, so make sure that pumpkin is not dangerous for your health.

A smoothie made from raw pumpkin has a rather dense fibrous structure and the taste is quite an acquired taste. Therefore, it can be mixed with fruits such as banana, carrots, oranges, apples, etc. Try it and share your recipes!

  • Everything I cook, I try to post in the section
  • In this section you will find a lot of useful information about food.

Let's talk! Leave your comments, share your recipes and photos, I will be very glad to communicate with you! If you liked the recipe, share it on social networks, it’s not difficult for you, but pleasant)!