Preparing plum jam without seeds. Fruit season

13.12.2023 For children

Juicy, sweet and sour fruits have a rich, varied composition of nutrients, including antioxidants. Plums improve digestion, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, and help normalize blood pressure.

They go on sale at the end of summer. And you need to have time to eat fresh plums, as well as prepare them for future use for the winter. You can cook compote or jam, marinate and even ferment them. Aromatic, sweet jam remains a popular homemade preparation - an excellent addition to tea drinking.

There are many good recipes for this dessert. Today on the Popular About Health website we will talk about how to make pitted plum jam using a simple recipe for the winter, and not just one, but several:

Preliminary preparation

To make a great jam, buy fresh, ripe, but not overripe fruits, without damage or rotten barrels. They should have dense flesh and the pit should be easy to separate.

Any variety will do. It’s just that if the plums are more sour, there will be more sourness in the taste of the finished product.

At home, sort through and remove any wormy or spoiled ones. Rinse through a colander with warm water.

Remove the stems by cutting in half and removing the seeds. Then cut the halves again.

Now you can start cooking:

Simple winter jam from plums (pitted recipe)

Us will be needed: for 1 kg of seedless fruit - 800 g of sugar and half a glass of water.


Transfer the prepared fruits to a wide, voluminous enamel pan. Add water, stir, boil. Immediately reduce heat and cook at low simmer for half an hour.

Now add sugar in portions, stirring well each time. The interval for adding sugar is approximately 3 minutes. Now increase the temperature slightly and bring to a boil, stirring regularly.

After boiling, turn down the heat again. Boil, stirring and skimming, for about half an hour. Place the finished product in sterile jars and screw on the lids.

Recipe for jam with gelatin

Us will be needed: for 1 kg of fruit - 800 g of sugar, 15 g of gelatin, a quarter glass of lemon juice.


Place the prepared fruits in a saucepan, pour in lemon juice and add half the sugar. Mix well and leave for a couple of hours to release the juice. During this time, soak the gelatin in water. The path swells for at least half an hour.

Place the pan over medium heat, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. Let cool.

Grind the cooled plums with a wooden masher or blender. Add the remaining sugar. Bring to a boil again, reduce heat, simmer for 40 minutes.

Now pour in the gelatin, while stirring the sweet mass vigorously so that no lumps form. Immediately put into jars and roll up.

Recipe with orange - a simple recipe for the winter

Citrus will give the finished dessert an original aroma and a slight tartness. This is a very tasty jam for homemade tea. It can also be used as a filling for pancakes and pies.

Us will be needed: for 1 kg of pitted plums - 600 g of sugar and 1 large, juicy orange without skin and seeds.


Prepare the plums, cut them, put them in a saucepan. Pour in sugar, add orange chopped in a blender.

Boil over medium heat. Then reduce the heat and cook for about an hour until thickened. Place in clean jars and sterilize with lids. You can do this in the oven: place them in a well-heated oven for 15 minutes.

Now you can screw on the lids. Turn the jars over and leave until they cool. After this, you can store them in a cool place.

Jam - five minutes

This is a very good, win-win recipe. Its value lies in the fact that cooking takes a minimum of time and therefore the plum retains most of the nutrients.

To prepare, we need prepare: for 1 kg of fruit - half a glass of water and 1 kg of sugar.


First, let's prepare the syrup. To do this, pour sugar into a large enamel pan and add water. Heat gradually over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved and the liquid is boiling. To avoid burning, stir constantly.

Now put the plums cut into pieces into the syrup and boil over medium heat. Then simmer for 7 minutes, stirring constantly and removing the foam.
Place the hot five-minute mixture into hot jars and screw on the lids. In the future, store in a cool place.

Jam without sugar

This recipe will undoubtedly be appreciated by people who, for health reasons, cannot eat sweets. In addition, sugar-free plum jam can be used in winter to prepare various sauces and gravies. For example, for fried meat.

Here recipe:

Wash very ripe dark plums and remove pits. Cut into pieces. Place in a saucepan, boil, cook over low heat, covered, 10 minutes, until juice appears. Turn off the stove, let the plum mass cool and brew for 8 hours.

Now boil again for 10 minutes. Leave for 8 hours. Then again: cook for 10 minutes, cool for 8 hours. Cook and cool 4 times in total. Therefore, it is better to start cooking in the evening and leave it overnight. And in the morning, cook again, then cool until evening, etc.

Cook for the last and fourth time for 20 minutes, transfer to jars and leave without lids. Use them to close the jars when the product has cooled. No need to roll up. Store the jam in the cold. Bon appetit!

Our plums will give a lot of juice overnight, which will allow us not to add water to the plum jam. If you want to cook one day, then let them sit with sugar for at least a couple of hours. Place the container on the fire and cook until the plums are soft. Thanks to overnight soaking, this will happen very quickly.

  • Now a little about the texture of the jam. If you want to get it smooth and homogeneous, then take an immersion blender and grind the contents of our basin into a homogeneous puree. We like to feel little bits of fruit in our plum jam, so I pour about half into a separate container, puree it there and return it to the pan.

  • Bring the jam to a boil and simmer over low heat until desired consistency is reached. Remember to skim off any foam that forms as you go. The cooking time will depend on many factors, for example, the juiciness of the plums and the width of the pan. So it’s better to focus on proven tests. Drop a little jam onto a chilled saucer. If the droplet does not spread, then you can roll it into jars.

  • Sterilize the jars in any way convenient for you. I do this in the oven. First, wash them thoroughly, and then put them on a wire rack in an oven preheated to 100 degrees, neck down, and let them dry. This takes about 20 minutes. Sterilize the lids separately in a saucepan with boiling water.

  • Carefully remove the hot jars from the oven, fill with boiling jam and seal. Turn upside down and wrap until completely cool. From the specified amount of ingredients I got 4 half-liter jars and a little more for food. This jam goes very well with pancakes, pancakes, and just white bread spread with butter. Recipe adapted from the English blog Serious eats. Many thanks to the author.

  • Today we will use plums of the *Early Ugler* variety for jam. We used them for . But for pickled ones you need plums that are not yet quite ripe, and for jam it is best to take overripe plums. This will make our jam sweeter and more flavorful.

    How to make plum jam at home

    As I already said, you need to choose ripe plums, and it is desirable that the pit is separated. This is of course not necessary, but grinding pitted plums is much faster. Take as many plums as you like. Then we’ll just add sugar after the fact.

    Wash the plums and immediately separate the stems and seeds. As you can see in our photo, our plums are overripe, and when separated, the seeds no longer have beautiful slices. But we don’t need this. I also crushed the sorted plums with my hand. As a result, they ended up in their own juice, and we do not need to add water for them to release the juice.

    Place on the stove and bring to a boil. In our case, boiling the plums for 5 minutes was enough for them to be completely ready for grinding. You adjust the time according to your drains. They should be soft, try pressing a slice into the pan with a spoon. If you press down without resistance, then the plums are ready for grinding.

    Grind the plums through a sieve with a whisk. Of course, you can do it with your hands, a spoon, or whatever is convenient for you. But this year we discovered a new method of grinding. Speeds up the process very well. In addition, your hands remain clean.

    We took 2 kilograms of plums for ourselves. After removing the seeds and grinding, we were left with 1.5 kilograms of plum puree. The puree turned out thick, but not as thick as we would have liked.

    We have weights, so we add sugar one to one exactly. For 1.5 kilograms of puree, 1.5 kilograms of sugar were added. But this can be done without weighing. In addition, you can look at the sweetness of plums. And exact proportions are not required here. Although our plums were sweet, we decided to add the same amount of sugar.

    Firstly, the jam will be stored in the apartment, and secondly, we will use it mainly in cooking, since even our children eat our jams. Otherwise, in their pure form, they are not big hunters of homemade sweets. And they eat sweets and cottage cheese.

    We put our puree with sugar on the stove. It begins to turn into plum jam. Place on medium heat and watch the jam. At the moment of boiling, foam rises. Therefore, I recommend using dishes not filled to the brim, but about half full.

    In general, jam is not cooked in enamel containers, but in copper, aluminum or stainless steel. It is believed that copper containers produce very tasty jam. You can cook it either in a basin or in a saucepan. We used a 3.5 liter aluminum pan, and the foam rose almost to the very edge.

    We remove this foam. Then you can use it to prepare compote. For example, we took the remains of the plums after grinding, the foam from the jam, and then after rolling the jam, we cooked compote in the same pan. The result was a delicious, aromatic plum compote.

    After boiling, turn down the heat and simmer for about two hours. You can check for readiness by dropping it on a plate or nail. The photo shows that there is a drop on the nail after 40 minutes of boiling, and on the plate after an hour of boiling. Just don’t drop too hot jam on your finger, let it cool.

    It is the cooled jam that will show you the correct consistency. When hot, it will still spread across the plate, especially if there is more than one drop.

    We personally boiled less, we want the jam to be liquid. It will then be easier to mix with cottage cheese.

    If you want to get thick plum jam, you need to evaporate for at least two hours. We made it recently, and it turned out like marmalade.

    And here is the final photo of our plum jam. Now you have clearly seen how to make plum jam at home, and you should just have a desire to make it. And you already know how to do it.

    Enjoy your preparations and all the best to you!

    While I'm making plum jam,
    I can’t resist even eating a spoonful!
    I have to make sure personally
    That it is thick and cooked perfectly.
    Four more spoons
    Now it's definitely thick!
    She opened the lid of the cauldron,
    But why is it empty?

    These fruits are classified as budget fruits. During the season, harvesting fleshy plums will cost you quite cheap. If you have plum trees in your own garden, that’s even better. Aromatic plum jam of a rich lilac color is prepared quite quickly, easier and faster compared to. You don’t need to add pectin (jammy) to make it thicker; just boil the mixture a little to evaporate the excess moisture. To make jam, you can use not only a thick-bottomed cauldron, but also a multicooker. Plum jam does not require special storage conditions.

    This jam can be used to coat cake layers, fill buns and pies, decorate ice cream, add to curd mixture for a child, eat with cookies or bread, washed down with hot tea.

    Recipe Information

    Cooking method: cooking

    Total cooking time: 1.5 h

    Number of servings: 0.45 l.


    • plums – 500 g
    • sugar – 250 g.


    Note to the owner:

    • Based on plum jam, you can prepare a delicious dessert for children and adults: mix plum jam with chocolate glaze or just cocoa powder, add a handful of chopped nuts and mix. Spread the resulting mass on white bread. The delicacy turns out pleasant and not cloying.

    You can make delicious jam from any type of plum. Preparing for the winter is a rewarding endeavor, so take your time, stock up on fruit and roll up your sleeves. The sweet delicacy is useful for morning toasts and croissants, baking bagels, buns and pies.

    It is served with casseroles, ice cream, and soaked into biscuits. And if you make jam according to an unusual recipe, then you won’t be ashamed to serve it to your guests for tea. You never know where dessert will come in handy, the main thing is that there is a treasured jar in the bins.

    Secrets of cooking dessert for the winter

    The variety and color of the fruit does not matter much - the cooking process will not change. As a result, you will get an amazing plum jam with a rich, deep color and a slightly recognizable sourness.

    Do you need gelatin? Some recipes do not require the use of special thickeners, since the fruit contains enough natural pectin. But if you want to make jam with a very thick consistency, there is also this cooking method.

    How to determine readiness? Usually they look at the thickness of the workpiece. Boil the plums so that the jam does not spread. Run a spoon along the bottom of the cooking container; if the path is clear and fills smoothly and slowly, the jam is ready.

    Classic plum jam without seeds


    • Hungarian (any other plum) – kilogram.
    • Water – 100 ml.
    • Granulated sugar – 350 gr.

    How to make jam for the winter:

    1. Select ripe fruits without signs of spoilage. Wash and remove seeds.
    2. Place in a basin, pour in water. If the plum is very juicy. You can do without additional liquid.
    3. Let's cook. When the mixture boils, cook for 15-20 minutes. Stir and remove foam.
    4. Turn the slightly cooled mass into puree using any available method (blender, sieve, meat grinder, or masher, if you want to leave some chunks).
    5. Return the fruit to the bowl and add sugar. Adjust the amount of sweetness based on the acidity of the plum. For sour, you can increase to 500 g. per kilogram of fruit weight.
    6. Let the jam boil, reduce the heat. Continue cooking slowly, remembering to stir, for 20-25 minutes from the time it boils.
    7. Once you have reached the desired consistency, turn it off. Fill sterilized jars and roll up.

    Chocolate jam - a simple recipe

    Original jam with chocolate and cinnamon is a delicious treat. I advise you to make at least a jar of delicious treats from the delicacy series.

    You will need:

    • Plums - kilogram.
    • Sugar – 700 gr.
    • Cinnamon stick (0.5 cm per liter jar).
    • Thickener (gelfix, marmalade) – sachet.
    • Dark chocolate – bar 100 gr.

    How to make unusual jam:

    1. Divide clean plums into halves and select the core.
    2. Chop with a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Decide for yourself how finely you chop it. Personally, I prefer it when there are pieces of plum pulp in the pureed mass.
    3. Place the puree in a saucepan, add sugar. After boiling, cook for a quarter of an hour.
    4. Remove from the burner and cool slightly. If you still decide to make the mass jelly-like, rub through a sieve. If you don't want to, skip this step.
    5. Let the jam boil, add crushed cinnamon and chocolate broken into pieces.
    6. Continue cooking for the last 5 minutes. Let it boil vigorously, turn it off, and fill the jars with dessert. Turn the sealed jars over and cool before storing.

    Plum jam with apricots

    Plum is a soft fruit, so it is often combined with denser ones - apples, apricots. Here is a traditional, easy recipe for making jam with apricots.

    • Fruits – a kilogram of apricots and plums.
    • Water – 150 ml.
    • Granulated sugar – kilogram.
    • Citric acid - on the tip of the knife.

    Step-by-step preparation:

    1. Select ripe apricots and plums, sort them, wash them. Remove the seeds from both fruits.
    2. Place in a cooking container, add water. Turn on the gas and wait until it boils. Cooking time depends on the ripeness of the fruit and the desired thickness. Tune in for 20-30 minutes.
    3. If desired, the jam can be additionally pureed using a blender or other devices.
    4. Let it cook again, adding sugar. Cook for 20-30 minutes, if the consistency is not satisfactory, continue cooking. At the end, add citric acid, stir, let it boil and turn off.

    Apple and plum jam - recipe using a meat grinder

    Apples are friends with plums, they ripen at the same time, it would be a shame not to make jam. Both fruits have a high content of pectin, so the dessert will be thick and rich in flavor.

    • Per kilogram of sweet plums and apples – 500 g. Sahara.
    1. Slice the fruit, remove the core and remove the seeds. Cut the apples into slices, leave the plums in halves.
    2. Grind in a meat grinder, cover the puree with sand, add a pinch of citric acid.
    3. After boiling, note the time for an hour. Boil the mixture over low heat, remembering to stir.
    4. Pack the finished dessert into jars and store in the pantry.

    How to make jam with gelatin

    Plums are famous for their natural pectin; the jam will be thick in any case. If you want to make the syrup thicker, add gelatin or other pectin additives.


    • Fruits – 1 kg.
    • Citric acid – 2 g.
    • Gelatin – 10 gr.
    • Granulated sugar – 500 gr.
    • Water – 50 ml.


    1. Grind clean fruits in any desired way - grind into puree.
    2. Place in a saucepan, add acid and sand.
    3. Cook for an hour and a half.
    4. At the same time, pour hot water over the gelatin. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, pour it into the jam.

    Cook in a slow cooker:

    If you are the happy owner of a modern gadget, then after swirling the fruit into the puree, place it in the multicooker bowl.

    Add the remaining ingredients, cook on “Jam” or “Stew” for 1.5 hours. Of these, the last half hour is with the lid open.

    Plum jam with walnuts in the oven

    Few people know this recipe; the dessert is usually prepared much simpler. True, you will have to spend a little money on wine and rum, but it will be very unusual, elegant and tasty.


    • Fruits – 500 gr.
    • Sugar (brown) – 250 gr.
    • Cinnamon – 4 sticks.
    • Ground cinnamon - teaspoon.
    • Walnut (almond) – 100 gr.
    • Dry white wine – 130 ml.
    • Rum – glass (optional).


    1. Cut the plums into large slices. Place in baking dish.
    2. Add the remaining ingredients and stir. Leave on the counter for 40 minutes.
    3. Place in the oven preheated to 170 o C. Bake for an hour. After cooking, the mass can be rubbed into jelly.
    4. Cool the jam, transfer to a jar, sprinkle sugar on top, cover with parchment paper and close with nylon lids. Keep refrigerated.

    Video with a recipe for simple plum jam. Successful pre-winter efforts to you!