A breath of freshness: beneficial properties and contraindications of coconut water. Coconut water for weight loss

04.07.2023 Lenten dishes

Coconuts are called nuts, but they are actually the fruit of the coconut tree. For residents of tropical regions, palm trees with coconuts are very important, since all parts of the palm tree and its fruits are used by humans for different purposes.


Palm trees, the fruits of which we call coconuts, belong to the Palm family of the genus Coconut.

Palm trees grow to a height of 20 meters and begin to bear fruit from the age of three.

The coconut palm is the only palm species that feeds on sea water.

The diameter of its trunk is up to 45 centimeters. The trunk of the tree is smooth, and at the base it is expanded and slightly inclined, often with supporting roots. The leaves of the plant are dense and long (up to six meters), pinnatisected. The palm tree blooms with yellowish small flowers collected in panicles.

Palm fruits are represented by drupes weighing up to 3 kg, which are often rounded and have a hard surface, and inside are fleshy white pulp (copra) and coconut juice.

Young coconuts contain:

  • outer shell,
  • fibrous part (it is called coir),
  • inner protective hard shell,
  • pulp (copra),
  • coconut water.

By the size of a nut, one cannot tell about its internal structure, because just as there are huge coconuts with a lot of coir, there are also small fruits with a lot of coconut water.

The fruits on the palm tree grow in groups (on average 15-20 coconuts in one group) and fully ripen in 8-10 months. Every year, 60-200 fruits are obtained from one fruit-bearing tree.


Many mistakenly believe that brown and green coconuts are different types of nuts, but in reality they are just fruits at different stages of maturity. Green or yellow peel - in young fruits, and nuts become brown after full ripening and appropriate processing (the upper shell is removed and the coconuts are dried in the sun).

Where does it grow

Coconut palms are native to the Malaysian archipelago. Now trees are common in tropical regions of both hemispheres - in India, the Philippine Islands, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Mexico, Thailand and other places.

They are found both wild and cultivated.

Palm trees grow well on the sandy soils of the sea coast.

The leaders among the production of coconut fruits are:

  • Indonesia,
  • Philippines,
  • India.

Collection method

Palm fruits are harvested either unripe or fully ripe.

The plucked fruits that ripen in the 6-7th month are young coconuts. They have a green shell and a lot of liquid inside.

Coir is extracted from these coconuts - a fibrous shell used in furniture production.

To harvest mature coconuts, the fruits are picked 10-11 months after flowering.

After peeling off the outer layer and drying, the familiar brown coconuts are obtained.

Copra, juice, and other products are produced from such coconuts.

For information on how to properly open a coconut, read our other article.


What can be done with it?

How to choose and where to buy

You can now buy coconuts in supermarkets, vegetable shops, and markets.

Traveling to exotic countries, tourists often do not miss the opportunity to try young coconuts. In this case, it is better to choose round fruits, since they have more juice than oblong ones.

When choosing a ripe fruit, shake it a little - the presence of a gurgling sound will indicate that the coconut was not damaged during transportation. In a ripe fruit, the pulp separates well and is soft (you can easily grate it). If you had difficulty detaching the pulp from the shell, then you bought an unripe coconut.

Do not buy a fruit if it:

  • with cracks;
  • does not gurgle;
  • covered with spots;
  • has an unpleasant odor.

For how to choose a coconut, watch the following video.


  • Closed coconuts have no smell, open coconuts have a smell, but not a sharp one.
  • From the fruits of coconut palms, a large number of useful products are obtained, ranging from the fibrous shell used in the manufacture of furniture to the oil used in cosmetology.
  • The culinary properties of coconuts are especially in demand. Juice and pulp are added to soups, pastries, desserts, salads, meat dishes, sauces, etc.
  • Coconuts are also used in medicine.

Nutritional value and calories

100 gr. coconut pulp contains:

  • 364 kcal;
  • 3.9 g protein;
  • 4.8 g carbohydrates;
  • 36.5 g fat;
  • 9 g fiber.

Coconut water (juice) from young fruits is a low-calorie product.

100 g of this liquid contains:

  • only 14-19 kcal.
  • less than 1 g of protein,
  • about 3 g of carbohydrates,
  • 0.2 g fat.

Chemical composition

Coconut fruits are rich in:

  • vitamins (C, E, B-groups, H);
  • minerals (all important elements for humans);
  • vegetable fats;
  • fiber;
  • carbohydrates.

Beneficial features

  • Coconut has a high content of organic iodine, which is easily absorbed. Nuts are recommended to include in the diet of people who have an iodine deficiency.
  • Also, the fruits contain a lot of selenium - a strong antioxidant with anti-cancer effects, which also strengthens the immune system and improves the condition of the cardiovascular system. That is why coconut and pistachios are recommended for older people. In addition, selenium is important for sexual activity.
  • Coconuts are rich in lauric acid (it is especially abundant in coconut water and oil obtained from the fruit), which has an effect against viruses and microbes.
  • The coconut fruit is a source of cytokines, known for their anti-carcinogenic activity and preventing the formation of blood clots.
  • The balanced ratio of sodium and potassium in coconut milk makes this drink a good remedy for hypertension and heart disease.
  • Coconuts contain a unique hyaluronic acid of animal origin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  • Coconut juice has an antipyretic effect.
  • Coconut-derived products are beneficial for the skin as well as the hair.
  • Eating the pulp of the fruit improves digestion.
  • Due to the influence of coconut on the reproductive system, the fruit is classified as an aphrodisiac.
  • By applying coconut pulp to the wound, they stimulate their healing.

You can learn more about the beneficial and healing properties of coconut from the following video of the program "Live healthy!".

Harm and contraindications

  • diarrhea
  • individual intolerance;
  • hyperthyroidism.

Juice (water)

The juice (water) extracted from coconut should be drunk as soon as it is received, since its healing properties and valuable substances will be lost in the air.

It is a refreshing, satisfying and delicious liquid with many health benefits:

The taste of coconut juice can be different - this characteristic is affected by both the variety of the fruit and the country of growth. Juice can be, for example, cloyingly sweet, sour, sweet and sour.


In cooking

Directly with the coconut itself, recipes are not popular.

Coconut fruits are especially often used in Thai cuisine. In Thailand, coconut is a frequent ingredient in soups, cereals, and desserts. Now coconuts are in demand as an ingredient in various dishes around the globe.

Coconuts and their products are added to:

  • soups;
  • salads;
  • Dessert;
  • creams;
  • cocktails;
  • fish and meat dishes;
  • pies.

Sugar is also obtained from the fruit.

The most commonly used coconut products in cooking are:

  • milk,
  • shavings,
  • oil,
  • flour.

For example, here is one very tasty and popular coconut candy recipe that can be easily prepared at home.

Sweets "Raffaello" at home

50 gr. melt butter and add 400 gr. condensed milk. Add 200 gr. coconut flakes and mix everything. Put in the refrigerator for an hour.

50 gr. put the almonds in boiling water, remove the shell and fry in a preheated oven to 160º for about 15 minutes.

Take the mixture from the refrigerator and form it into balls, placing the almond in the middle. Roll each candy in coconut flakes (for all sweets you need about 50 gr.).

In medicine

Coconuts, thanks to their medicinal properties, help:

In countries where coconut palms grow, their fruits are used for diarrhea, for earache (drops are made from the pulp), ulcers and wounds on the skin (burn the shell and apply ashes). Coconut palm roots are used to make a decoction with diuretic properties and an anti-scurvy remedy.


Only fully mature nuts germinate, so a store-bought nut that may have been picked while still unripe may not be suitable for growing.

To germinate coconut at home, put it in a pot filled with earth - the fruit should not be located vertically, but sideways ("eyes" up, since it is from them that the sprout will come out).

Coconut sprouts quite slowly - up to five months. Palm trees need a warm tropical climate to grow.

  • In sea water, the coconut shell is not damaged - if the nuts fall into the water, they can float for a long time, and after being thrown ashore in suitable climatic conditions, they will sprout and give life to new palm trees.
  • Stains that appear on clothes from the fibers of young coconuts are not washed off.
  • The juice of overripe fruits has the ability to cleanse the intestines well. Its taste is reminiscent of cow's milk.
  • Once in India, during the launching of a ship on the water, a coconut was broken on board - if the fruit did not break, this was a bad sign.
  • Palm trees grow in the Seychelles, the fruits of which look like 2 fused coconuts. Their weight can exceed 20 kg.
  • In southern Thailand, trained macaques help harvest coconuts.
Compound: 100% juice (water) of a young coconut.

Calories: 19 kcal.

Vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, C, Folic acid; minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus; trace elements: iron, iodine, copper, manganese, zinc.

4. Where and how is COCOYOYO coconut water produced?

There are no chemical secrets in the production of COCOYOYO.

The palm trees that grow nuts for our coconut water grow in Vietnam, in the Mekong Delta. This is one of the most fertile places on the planet, which is why the delta is also called the "Biological Treasury". The soils in these places are not subject to technogenic impact, have natural moisture and are naturally fertilized only at the expense of natural organic matter.

The palm groves of the Mekong River are dotted with many channels through which hand-picked coconuts are brought in small boats to large barges. These barges carry the crops to the factory located here.

From the moment a coconut is cut down to its opening, no more than 2 days pass. It is very important. According to international standards, if more than 4 days pass from the moment of collection to packaging of water, it cannot be considered 100% organic.

At the factory, coconuts are peeled from the outer shell and opened. Then, according to quality standards, all pathogens are destroyed by instant heating and cooling. This is called ultrapasteurization. The process is designed in such a way that taste qualities practically do not change, and all useful elements will remain at least 90% of the original ones. Next, coconut water is poured into Tetra Pak packaging. The procedure takes a few seconds because prolonged exposure to air and light is harmful to the product. Packages with water are packed into boxes, palletized and delivered by sea container to Russia.

Cocoyoyo is not a concentrate or coconut juice of old nuts. The difference is that the juice of old nuts, not to mention the concentrate, loses its natural taste and most of its beneficial properties on the way to the factory. Such coconuts are first taken to production for a long time, then ordinary pasteurization is used and poured into glass containers or cans. He is not afraid of either air or light, which indicates the unnaturalness of the product.

Cocoyoyo - coconut water, the closest in taste and quality to what a swarthy and smiling tropical inhabitant offers you on a hot day, when with deft strokes of a cleaver he cuts off the top of a steamed green coconut and inserts a couple of straws into it.

Our factory is a modern production at a high technological level, certified according to all international hygienic and management certificates:

FSSC 22.000 is an international food safety management system certification scheme. The presence of the FSSC certificate is a prerequisite for the supply of food products to international food companies and large retailers.

ISO 22.000 is an international standard for food safety management systems designed to certify food safety management systems of organizations participating in the food chain.

ISO 9001 is an international standard that describes the requirements for the quality management system of organizations and enterprises. Compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001 indicates the level of reliability of the supplier and the quality factor of his company. The ISO 9001 certificate itself is an external independent confirmation of the achievement of the requirements of the standard.

5. How and how long is coconut water stored?

Cocoyoyo is a completely natural product, so you need to store the opened package in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.

Thanks to Tetra Pak packaging, when closed and at temperatures from 0 ºС to +30 ºС, the water retains all useful and nutritious properties for 12 months. No other special storage conditions are required. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the manufacturer indicates the shelf life with a large margin, and in reality, water can be stored in this package for another 3-4 months without any changes and harm to the consumer.

As practice shows, our water does not lose its taste and properties after heat treatment. It can be frozen to make ice cubes for a cocktail or boiled for hot herbal and fruit based coconut water drinks.

If after opening the package you did not immediately drink all the water, then for convenience we have provided each package with a screw cap, which allows you to carry it without the threat of spilling.

6. Coconut milk and water. What is the difference?

At the same time, due to its pronounced exotic taste and its beneficial properties, coconut water has become a popular component of detox diets aimed at express rejuvenation of the body and the removal of toxins from it.

The water of a young green coconut has a light, refreshing, slightly sweet taste that you get used to over time.

Drink water chilled, so the taste and aroma of the drink will be better revealed.

Drink a glass of coconut water in the morning to compensate for nighttime dehydration and give a metabolic boost to the body's systems, and drink the next serving (if desired) in the afternoon or after sports.

9. Cocoyoyo Coconut Water Reviews

Cocoyoyo coconut water has already become a favorite not only among healthy lifestyle enthusiasts, but also by many fitness gurus, artists and bloggers who are happy to talk about their experiences. The well-known TV presenter Tina Kandelaki has become a big fan of Cocoyoyo. She drinks coconut water every day before and during workouts. Please read the detailed

Of all the wellness products on the market, it is worth considering the liquid contained in coconut. This product can be purchased separately, or you can buy a whole nut and drink the juice contained in it. The benefits of coconut water are invaluable because it contains components that have a positive effect on the human condition in various diseases.

After reading the article, you will learn:

What is coconut water

This substance is formed during the ripening of palm fruits. The structure of the nut is dense, but inside it contains delicious pulp. It does not occupy all the empty space inside the shell, but only a part. The pulp itself is the hardened liquid found in the nut. The more time passes after ripening, the less juice remains inside.

Outwardly, the nectar is a cloudy liquid of a whitish hue, absolutely not thick. It contains a large number of trace elements, vitamins, proteins and other useful components. Due to this, the remedy increases the body's resistance to many diseases.

Coconut water can be drunk directly from the nut, or you can buy pre-packaged portions of the juice in specialized stores.

Coconut Water vs Coconut Milk: What's the Difference?

Coconut milk is a man-made substance, while water is a naturally occurring liquid. This is the main difference between them. Milk is also beneficial as it contains many vitamins and minerals. It is obtained directly from the pulp of the fruit. In this regard, the product is more nutritious and contains a large amount of fat. This makes the product unsuitable for those who want to lose weight.

Natural juice practically does not contain fats and carbohydrates, therefore it is used in weight loss programs. It can be consumed daily, which will only benefit the body.

In industrial conditions, coconut water is extracted from nuts and immediately packaged in packages. The liquid can quickly deteriorate, so it is immediately poured into containers to protect it from sunlight, which causes oxidation. Usually, opaque containers are used, including paper or metal.

Benefits of coconut water for weight loss

The drink is recommended for people struggling with excess weight. In addition to the fact that it contains a low amount of fats and carbohydrates, its calorie content is about 20 kcal per 100 g, which is important for losing weight. Also, the beneficial properties of the liquid are manifested in the following:

  • coconut juice suppresses appetite, so a person will eat less than usual;
  • water drunk on an empty stomach will fill part of the volume of the stomach and will not overeat;
  • it has a low glycemic index. Due to this, after its use, you do not want to eat for a long time;
  • the biologically active substances contained in the drink ensure the effective breakdown of fats, so that excess weight disappears faster;
  • the use of the product improves metabolic processes, which contributes to effective weight loss;
  • coconut water improves bowel activity, removing waste and toxins. This helps in better digestion of food.

If you consume a sufficient amount of liquid from palm fruits, you can lose several kilograms in a couple of weeks without making any additional effort.

Coconut water: healing properties for the body

The question of how coconut water is good for the body can be answered by studying its composition. It includes vitamins of groups B, C, enzymes, antioxidants, amino acids, minerals (such as zinc, potassium, magnesium, etc.). Thanks to this, the remedy slows down the aging process, strengthens the immune system and stimulates the body's defense against pathogenic pathogens.

Minerals, which are contained in large quantities, bring great benefits to a large extent. Potassium provides regulation of water-salt balance. This is important with increased training and fluid loss. The element contributes to the rapid restoration of tissues and eliminates pain during increased stress.

The liquid obtained from the palm fruit brings the following benefits to the body:

  • blood pressure levels off. This effect is achieved through the combined efforts of potassium, magnesium, ascorbic acid;
  • “bad” cholesterol is removed, “good” increases;
  • improves acid-base balance;
  • immunity is strengthened, due to which a person is less likely to get sick;
  • the risk of developing cardiac pathologies is reduced;
  • the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, plaques do not form on them;
  • the level of fluid in the body rises, so a person is not threatened with dehydration;
  • the consequences of alcohol poisoning are eliminated;
  • slags and toxins are removed from the body;
  • migraines that often tormented a person disappear;
  • gastritis, belching, heartburn disappear;
  • useful substances entering the body are absorbed faster and better;
  • levels of sugar are leveled;
  • reduce pain in diseases of the joints;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • the activity of the circulatory system is stimulated;
  • with edema, excess moisture is removed;
  • during the cold season, the remedy is used to prevent viral diseases

Let us consider in detail what effect the drink has on various diseases and pathologies.

Reduces blood pressure

Scientists conducted a study, the results of which pleased those who suffer from high blood pressure. The drink contains potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, which makes it an effective tool in the fight against hypertension. These substances normalize high blood pressure due to the fact that they eliminate the aggressive effects of sodium.

To get a visible result, it is enough to consume 1 cup of juice twice a day. However, the effect will be better if you get the product from fresh coconut, and not from the original packaging. It sometimes contains sodium, which worsens the condition of patients.

Regulates blood sugar levels

After the experiments, scientists found that the amino acids and dietary fiber that make up the liquid block the aggressive action of sugars. This improves insulin sensitivity.

As a bonus, the remedy stabilizes the activity of the circulatory system, fights excess weight, eliminates numbness in the limbs and prevents the formation of vascular plaques. Together, this has an effect on glucose levels, which decrease.

Treats headaches

Coconut water works in two ways. If a migraine is caused by a lack of magnesium, drinking the juice internally will help eliminate the lack of a useful substance. After a couple of weeks of regular use, the number of headache attacks will decrease.

The drink also works if painful spasms are caused by a lack of fluid in the body.

Good for the heart

Palm fruit liquid is indicated for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular sphere. The tool reduces the level of so-called "bad" cholesterol, but increases the level of "good". In this regard, a person feels better, the risk of developing a heart attack or stroke, as well as other heart pathologies, decreases.

Water contains substances that can stimulate the blood supply system. The accelerated blood flow prevents plaques from forming on the walls, and this reduces the risk of many diseases.

For rehydration

It is not in vain that residents of hot countries use coconut juice instead of ordinary water. It is able to quench thirst well and prevents the rapid loss of moisture by the body, as it contains a balanced composition. If a person is faced with dehydration, the natural substance will make up for the loss of fluid.

Due to the unique properties of the drink, it is useful for athletes who, during intensive training, face increased sweating and dehydration.

Normalizes the pH level

Modern man is often faced with manifestations of high or low levels of acidity in the body. The acid-base balance is disturbed if you constantly experience stress, have bad habits, and eat improperly. Poor quality food contributes to pollution of the body and deterioration of the acid-base balance. This, in turn, reduces immunity and provokes many diseases, including the liver and joints.

Regular consumption of the drink helps to improve the condition of the body by normalizing the natural pH level. A quick effect will be noticed by people suffering from frequent malfunctions in the digestive system.

Relieves hangover

The effect of alcohol-containing drinks on the body is detrimental. With excessive alcohol consumption, a person is faced with dehydration and other unpleasant symptoms.

Drink coconut juice if you want to recover quickly. Due to the unique composition, the natural balance of the body will be restored, and the elements absorbed into the blood will be excreted faster. Coconut water is indicated even for alcohol poisoning, as it reduces the negative effects of alcohol.

There is a special recipe that is used for a hangover. To do this, 2 cups of liquid are mixed with a small amount of mango, then 2 tablespoons of squeezed lemon, mint and a few ice cubes are added there.

natural diuretic

The tool is indicated for people suffering from diseases of the urogenital area. It effectively cleanses the urinary tract, while removing toxins from the body. The removal of harmful substances contributes to the prevention of infections. In some cases, the juice can dissolve kidney stones. If you add a little sea salt to the drink, the diuretic effect is enhanced, which helps with swelling.

Cosmetic properties

The rich vitamin composition helps the effective use of coconut water in cosmetology. Under the action of the liquid, the skin receives a supply of microelements and antioxidants that prolong youth. After application, the following positive changes are noted:

  • aging processes are suspended, free radicals leave the body;
  • the product contains natural hormones that prevent the development of malignant neoplasms;
  • improves the production of collagen and elastin, due to which the skin acquires elasticity;
  • nutrients are absorbed better, helping to restore the correct hormonal levels. In addition to this, the active ingredients have an anti-inflammatory effect. Due to this, skin rashes are reduced;
  • lauric acid, which is part of the composition, helps to lighten age spots;
  • wrinkles in the corners of the eyes are reduced;
  • skin neoplasms (including abscesses, ulcers) begin to heal;
  • the skin is moisturized, due to which small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • with eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases, their manifestations decrease;
  • Aging skin is toned and tightened. Light lifting effect provides rejuvenation;
  • Coconut juice helps to restore the good condition of hair and nails. To do this, use rinsing after washing your hair, as well as hand baths.

The range of natural remedies is almost unlimited. They can be washed, you can add liquid to creams or tonics, use in the preparation of natural masks.

Coconut water for cellulite

Even women who do not suffer from excess weight can face this unpleasant cosmetic defect. It has been proven that cellulite occurs when the wrong lifestyle and excess in the diet of harmful products. At the same time, there is increased acidity in the body. Since the juice lowers this indicator and normalizes the pH level, a natural improvement in skin condition occurs.

The effect of "orange peel" disappears, due to which the body looks more aesthetically pleasing. There is a decrease in appetite, so a woman, when using the product, additionally loses weight.

Coconut water is a cure for mercury poisoning

A natural remedy removes a significant part of harmful substances from the body. This applies not only to slag, but also to mercury. The effect is due to the fact that the activity of the gastrointestinal tract improves, metabolic processes are accelerated. This allows you to quickly remove the mercury components. The product should be consumed before each meal until the substance is completely eliminated.

How to choose the right coconut

There is an algorithm for choosing the right nut. To make sure that you have a quality palm fruit, remember the following recommendations:

  • shake the coconut a little. You have to make sure there is liquid inside. A characteristic splash will tell you about this;
  • look closely at the surface of the nut. It should be even in color, without inclusions of rot or other components;
  • make sure that the holes through which the juice should flow are not damaged, do not contain mold. Also, their color should be slightly darker than the rest of the shell.

How to open a coconut at home

There are several ways to get coconut water. To do this, you can dig a hole in the sealed hole with a knife or other sharp object. Place a regular cocktail tube inside and drink a drink through it or pour it into a bowl.

You can also use another method. You will need a knife and a glass. With the back of the blade, you need to tap the coconut around the circumference. Do this until the nut cracks. Carefully break open the fruit and pour the liquid into a glass, then consume as directed.

Save the pulp, because it also contains a huge amount of useful elements. True, you do not need to abuse it if you are prone to being overweight.

How to eat

You need to use the resulting product in accordance with certain rules. The most important condition - do not wait until the drink goes bad. This happens when the sun's rays fall on it. At this point, the oxidation process starts. To understand that coconut water has gone bad, you can by the characteristic sour taste.

Drink liquid fresh and chilled. It is best to do this directly from the walnut, then you will be sure of the quality. If you are using a product from its original packaging, make sure that the expiration date has not passed. After opening the box, drink the juice immediately, without leaving it for a long time.

You can drink the drink either in its pure form or in addition to various dishes or other drinks. Do not heat it, as heat treatment reduces the amount of nutrients. The taste will not deteriorate when heated, but the body will not receive the right amount of vitamins and minerals.

Drink about half a liter of fluid per day. Do not increase the serving unless you are actively involved in sports. Additionally, drink plain clean water and eat right. This will help you cleanse the body and activate hidden reserves.

Storage and shelf life of coconut water

The shelf life of the juice is short, even if there is no contact with direct sunlight. It is advisable to use the product fresh directly from the coconut.

If you need to save the product, then place it in an airtight, clean container. It can be plastic or glass, but most importantly - protected from any third-party influence. You can store the product at room temperature or in a refrigerator. Consume the drink within a week.

You can also freeze the liquid, in which case it will retain its properties for a couple of months.

Coconut water contraindications

Despite the fact that the juice contains a lot of useful substances and helps fight various diseases, in some cases its use is contraindicated. You can not drink a drink in the following situations:

  • with a tendency to allergic reactions. Not necessarily the remedy will cause allergy symptoms, but this possibility should be considered. With extreme caution, it is necessary to use water for those who have a specific reaction to any kind of nuts;
  • in case of exacerbation of any diseases, avoid using the product. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract must first be cured. For diarrhea or any other disorder, delay treatment with coconut juice;
  • if you suffer from kidney disease, do not drink the drink before consulting your doctor;
  • if there is an excess of potassium in the body, stop using it.

If you are going to have surgery in the near future, it is forbidden to drink liquids so as not to affect the change in pressure. There are no contraindications for use during the period of bearing or feeding a child.

Natural remedies for restoring the body's strength are extremely popular. They are not addictive, do no harm and have virtually no contraindications. Coconut water in this sense is a real find, since its composition allows the drink to be used to treat various diseases.

Once upon a time, coconuts spread around the world by swimming. Today, coconut water is seeping into our lives through smoothies, media, and social media from drink makers who claim that “it the purest natural Post on the Cocomaniaco Facebook page water on the ground", capable of "after a stormy party restore Text on the page of Cocowell coconut water brand Vkontakte water-salt balance and cleanse the body”, as well as reduce appetite, slow down aging and envelop in the freshness of the ocean. Is it really true?

How it all started

Packaged coconut water is one of the hottest beverages today, with sales of the product estimated at $2.689 billion in 2017 and forecast to rise to $10.133 billion by 2023. The leading market is the United States, where the first brand to break into the coconut niche was . According to legend, in 2003, its founders Ira Liran and Michael Curben talked with two Brazilians who, when asked "What do you miss the most?" They replied, "Coconut water." Seizing the opportunity for new business, the entrepreneurs immediately went to Brazil to explore, and by 2004 they had already launched their own production.

Today Vita Coco is a leader in the production of coconut water, the owner of several plants in eight countries of the world, which process coconuts per day. In seven years, the brand's products have been on the shelves of 17,000 stores in North America alone. The two main competitors of Vita Coco are companies and. A stake in the first brand was bought by Coca-Cola, seeking to win over consumers who refuse drinks, and PepsiCo acquired a controlling stake in the second brand in 2010. At the beginning of 2018, he also invested in the "coconut" business.

According to Vita Coco, despite the established market for coconut water in Brazil, no one in the US knew what it was for. The rapid success of the sweet-salty liquid from young fruits of the coconut palm is explained by a fortunate combination of circumstances that arose simultaneously with the growing interest in "functional drinks" - liquids that quench thirst and saturate the body with "something useful." In the case of coconut water, it is “overwhelming amounts of electrolytes,” to which its miraculous properties are attributed.

Coconut water properties - real and exaggerated

Electrolytes are minerals that are responsible for the water balance in the cells of the human body, support the proper functioning of muscles and contribute to the transmission of nerve impulses. Our main electrolytes - ions of sodium, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, calcium - are themselves found in the body. Their additional source is any food, including vegetables, fruits, herbs, dried fruits, nuts, legumes.

In 2013, domestic gloss also started talking about coconut water, and in the fall of 2016, the first Russian brand entered the market. In June 2017, "drinkable coconuts" appeared on, and then reached other markets and premium delis. “Coconut water is one of the purest natural products,” Igor Rybalov, co-owner of the brand, told Western colleagues. “During the Vietnam War, hospitals put it on drips instead of saline, it’s so pure and healthy.”

Questions about coconut water

At the end of 2014, Time published an article in which 4 out of 5 experts answered the question: "Should I drink coconut water?" “I would rather spend on natural food than on an expensive and overpriced drink. Coconut water is a great source of potassium, as are bananas and potatoes," said dietitian Nancy Clark.

Indeed, an average glass of plain coconut water (200 ml) contains about 500 mg of potassium, 210 mg of sodium, 50 mg of calcium, and 50 mg of magnesium. A similar dose of the mentioned minerals can be obtained from the usual products: 358 mg and 573 mg of potassium contain 100 grams of banana or potato, respectively, 350 mg of calcium is in 100 grams of tofu, 50 mg of magnesium - in 100 grams of red beans.

In 2011, Tod Cooperman, president of the Independent Lab, tested the composition of three of the most popular brands of coconut water - Vita Coco, O.N.E. and Zico - for compliance with the characteristics stated on the package. The first two brands failed the test: it turned out that the content of sodium and magnesium in them is much less than promised. In 2012, Vita Coco was sued for $10 million based on this research for misleading consumers. Since then, the brand has stopped saying that their product contains 15 times more electrolytes and rehydrates better than sports drinks.

"Coconut water is safe, but definitely overrated," says Cooperman. - If you just wanted to drink - that's one thing. But during prolonged exercise, you lose sodium, not potassium, in sweat, and coconut water is not the best source of it.” However, nutritionist Kristin Kirkpatrick notes that if you're tired of plain water, coconut water is a better choice than "sugar-laden" sports drinks. In addition to athletes, the product may be suitable for those who rarely eat fruits or vegetables.

Sergey Belkov

Flavorist and chemist

Composition and electrolytes

By its composition, coconut water is a solution of sugars with the addition of a small amount of protein, vitamins and trace elements. I just added it all there, not a person, but a coconut palm. Coconut water is commonly referred to as a natural energy booster because of its electrolyte content. But I recommend that you beware of people who use the word "electrolyte" outside the context of chemistry or physics. And separately stay away from those who use this term in relation to food. If we are talking about food, then it would be more correct to talk not about electrolytes, but about micro and macro elements.

If we talk about micro and macro elements in coconut water, then of course they are there, but coconut water can hardly be considered as their source. Firstly, their content there is extremely unbalanced. So, 100 ml of coconut water will give you about 7% of the daily requirement for potassium, but only 1-2% of zinc. Secondly, as you can see, to reach the daily requirement, you need to drink several liters of this drink, which contains about 4% sugar. Do you need these few liters of liquid and this sugar? With moderate consumption, in principle, it is all the same. When consumed in liters, it is rather all harmful.

If we talk about the difference between coconut water from coconut and tetrapak, then the only difference is that a small amount of sugar can be added to industrial packaging during bottling for taste. Read the ingredients on the label.

Is coconut water better than plain water?

One of the basic rules of a healthy diet: if you are thirsty, drink water. Any sugary drinks, whether natural juices or "chemical" ones, are more like excess calories and "liquid food" than a thirst quencher. So is coconut water. It is not a harmful product, but it still has a noticeable calorie content (about 20 kcal per 100 ml), the composition of vitamins and trace elements in it is far from unique and ideal. You can drink, you probably won’t get poisoned, but a miracle with health will not happen.

Does coconut water help you lose weight?

Of course, coconut water does not help you lose weight, just as no food or drink with calories helps you lose weight. You can't lose weight by eating anything. To lose weight, you must not eat. In general, losing weight or, conversely, gaining weight is a matter of balancing incoming energy and spending it.

Is there a consumption limit?

It is difficult to establish a clear norm, since we are very different and our lifestyle is very different. I think you need to use common sense. A small jar of 0.33 will not harm (but will not cure anything). Drinking liters is rather harmful due to the caloric content and imbalance of the mineral composition, but I hope this will not occur to anyone.

Coconut water is the clear liquid of young coconuts. Basically, it's coconut juice. It belongs to one of the most refreshing drinks created by nature. It has many nutritional and beneficial properties for the human body.

Coke water is very popular in tropical countries where coconut grows. It is often sold by street vendors by cutting the fruit of a green walnut. This liquid, contained inside the unripe fruit, is an excellent refreshing and tonic agent.

Each such nut can contain from 200 ml to one liter of coconut water. In mature it contains less. The liquid that is contained inside a ripe nut is coconut milk.

Health Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut palms grow in all subtropical countries. Each such tree can produce several hundred nuts in a season.

There are many varieties of coconut palms. Therefore, the taste and aroma of the juice will be different. It depends:

From the type of palm tree;

Location from the sea;

and other conditions.

The liquid inside the green coconut is sweet and sterile. Contains many beneficial nutrients. This:

B vitamins, ascorbic acid;

Minerals: potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, sulfur, chlorides;

Enzymes: phosphatase, catalase, peroxidase and others;

Amino acids: alanine, arginine, aspartic acid cystine and others;


Cytokinins are a class of phytohormones that stimulate cell division. Studies show that they have anticarcinogenic properties, slow down aging, and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Most of the juice is glucose and fructose. Their concentration is approximately one and a half to 5.5 percent in the first months of ripening. Then it slowly falls and reaches about 2 percent at the stage of full maturity of the nut.

It is richer in mineral composition than orange juice. More than half of all minerals are potassium. It plays an important role in the functioning of the urinary system.

In addition to potassium, there is a significant amount of sodium. 100 ml of water contains 250 mg of potassium and 105 mg of sodium.

Studies show that the composition of coconut water is close to the composition of human blood. This is a great isotonic refreshing drink.

In order to extract the liquid, young nuts are harvested when they reach 5-7 months of age.

Benefits of coconut water for the body

It quenches thirst well and can be an alternative to plain water. In addition, it contains many nutrients for humans.

Coconut water:

Promotes weight loss;

Useful for problematic skin;

Suitable for sports nutrition;

Increases blood circulation;

Maintains the pH level in body fluids;

Fights free radicals;

Good for hydration;

Removes toxins;

Does not contain fats and cholesterol.

Medicinal properties

In countries where coconut palms grow, it is used to treat many diseases. Before saline was available, coconut water was used instead. After all, the liquid inside the nut is sterile.
To this day, despite the ban in official medicine, it is used in emergency cases.

For therapeutic purposes, coconut juice is used:

With diarrhea;

As an antihelminthic;

With vomiting;

For feeding infants suffering from indigestion;

With urinary tract infections;

To stimulate growth;

Against prickly heat (it dries well pustules, including those caused by smallpox, chickenpox, measles).

The presence of proteins and saline makes coconut water a good remedy during cholera.

An excellent tonic for the elderly and sick people.

Effective in the treatment of kidney and bladder stones, as it has diuretic properties.

As a diuretic, it can be used for urinary tract diseases.

In the treatment of AIDS, it contributes to the rapid absorption of drugs, increasing their content in the blood.

Of course, the use of coconut water for medicinal purposes is practically inaccessible in our country. All this applies to fresh coconut water, i.e. water that has just been extracted from the nut. It is quite possible to use canned coconut water to replenish the supply of useful elements.

It has a good effect on the digestive tract, improving the process of digestion, increases metabolism.

Beneficial for high blood pressure, swelling of the hands and feet. It is recommended to consume in the morning to stimulate electrolyte balance.

How to choose and store coconut

We only sell mature coconuts. Green, with juice, not yet. But who happens in tropical countries, saw them on sale.
rare to find coconut water. We still have it exotic. However, in large cities or in online stores you can buy it.

Of course, it contains preservatives to extend the shelf life.
Yes, and the taste is different from the water of a freshly opened nut.

If you bring coconuts from a vacation in a tropical country, then you can store them at room temperature for 5-10 days.

After opening the nut, the liquid quickly turns sour due to the high enzymatic activity. Store leftover liquid in the refrigerator.

Freezing is allowed. After defrosting, it does not lose its properties.

When used in water, you can add a slice of lemon or a sprig of mint, orange zest, lemon and more.

It's easy to take it out. This will require a sharp knife. Preferably not small. Open the nut from the bottom or top.

You can drink immediately with a straw or pour into a glass.

By the way, don't throw away the nut! The tender coconut flesh inside is also very tasty and sweet.

Harm and contraindications

There are almost no contraindications. You can not use it with individual intolerance or allergy to coconut.
Excessive consumption can cause kidney failure due to an increase in potassium levels in the blood. Possible arrhythmia, loss of consciousness.

True, hyperkalemia can only be caused by drinking a few liters of coconut water for a short time.

With excessive use, it is possible:

Increased blood sugar levels;

Lowering blood pressure (especially in people predisposed to hypotension);

Dehydration due to diuretic properties;

Laxative effect.

It should be limited to people prone to obesity and rapid weight gain. 300 ml of water contains approximately 60 kcal.
The disadvantages include a strong diuretic effect, which is not very convenient in certain situations.

Thus, summing up, it must be said that coconut water is a healthy drink. You can drink it in moderation.

What is coconut water see in the video