Juice preparation. How to Clarify Apple Juice

03.07.2023 Lenten dishes

With a rich harvest of apples, the hostess faces the question: how to process the fruits with maximum benefit.
Most often, jam, jam, compote are cooked from apples. But there are those who, not being afraid of difficulties, proceed to a more complex production process - the preparation of apple juice. Moreover, now there are all conditions for this, since in any specialized store you can buy a juicer at a favorable price for yourself.

But some housewives squeeze juice from apples the old fashioned way: using a press or an ordinary cloth napkin (bag).

Despite the excellent taste, the juice often comes out cloudy. Most often, the hostess is happy with this. But what if she wants to lighten it?

To do this, you must first find out why the juice turns out the way it does.

Reason 1. If the juice is squeezed out with a press, then before that the apples are crushed in a meat grinder, blender, mortar, using a grater. The result is a gruel of apples or even puree. When squeezing on a press, the smallest particles of pulp pass through the fabric along with the juice, which make the juice cloudy.

Tip: To make the juice with a minimum amount of pulp, it is better to chop the apples in a mortar, after chopping with a sharp knife, or grate on a medium grater. Then, when squeezing, the pulp will remain on the fabric.

Reason 2. The juice turns cloudy during accelerated pressing, because with a lot of pressure, the pulp is squeezed out along with the juice.

Tip: No need to artificially increase the rate of separation of juice from the pulp.

Reason 3. For juicing, an incorrect variety of apples was selected or overripe fruits with too soft pulp were used.

Tip: You need to choose varieties with firm but juicy pulp. For example, Antonovka, Grushovka, Anis, Aport. Apples should not be overripe, wrinkled and soft. Such fruits are best left for cooking jam or jam.

But what if the juicing is completed, and it turned out to be cloudy?

How to Clarify Apple Juice at Home

There are several ways to achieve the desired result.

Option 1. The easiest way is filtering. Strain the juice through 4-6 layers of gauze or a filter specially purchased for this.

Option 2. If you have free time, then you can do the following.

  • Pour freshly squeezed juice into a saucepan, put on fire and heat to 85 °, keep at this temperature for 5-10 minutes. In no case should the juice boil!
  • Then pour the hot juice into glass bottles or jars and seal tightly.
  • Put in a cool place for 1-2 months. Usually during this time there is a self-clarification of the juice.

Option 3. If you want to get clarified juice in a few hours, proceed as follows.

  • Leave the pot or bowl with the freshly prepared apple juice on the table so that it settles a little. Then carefully pour into another dish, after covering it with several layers of gauze.
  • Put the juice container on the stove and heat it up to 85 ° in a water bath. At this temperature, the juice will warm up well, but, as in the first case, it should not boil. Remove the foam that appears on the surface with a slotted spoon.
  • After such a “bath”, move the juice container to another bowl filled with ice water. Worst case, very cold. While the juice is cooling, do not move the pan, and do not mix the juice, as it must settle. During the cooling process, the smallest particles of pulp will settle to the bottom, and the top layer of juice will become more transparent.
  • Now try as carefully as possible to pour this settled juice into another bowl. If you have a rubber tube, use it the same way you pour wine from one bottle to another. If the juice is not clear enough, let it settle a little more, and then repeat the procedure.

Note to the owner

Methods for clarification of apple juice while maintaining useful properties.

Freshly squeezed juice always contains particles of pulp that make it opaque. In this form, the juice is most useful for drinking, as it retains a maximum of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

If you need to give the juice a marketable appearance, or adapt it for long-term storage, it can be clarified. In order to clarify apple juice at home, you can use two methods - settling or heat treatment.


Settling is a natural way to clarify the juice. It is the most gentle and retains a maximum of useful substances. To clarify apple juice by settling, you must:

  • Filter freshly squeezed juice through a very fine sieve or several layers of gauze. All large particles will settle on the fabric. From time to time, you should change the fabric to a clean one, without sediment.
  • Heat the filtered juice to a temperature of 80-90 degrees (do not bring to a boil, otherwise the vitamins will begin to break down). It is better to heat the juice in a water bath.
  • Pour hot juice into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

The juice prepared by this method is settled for at least 2 months (at a temperature of +10 ... +15 degrees) - during this time the sediment naturally separates from the liquid part of the juice. After settling, you need to pour the pure part of the juice into a separate container.

heat treatment

To quickly clarify apple juice, you can subject it to heat treatment. For this you can:

  • Strain the juice through several layers of cheesecloth (or use other filters to separate the pulp).
  • Heat the liquid to a temperature of 80 degrees and hold for several minutes. It is important to heat the juice strongly, but not to let it boil.
  • Immerse the container with hot juice in cold (ice) water or overlay with ice. As it heats up, cold water needs to be changed - so that the juice cools as quickly as possible.
  • Settle the chilled juice for 2 hours, then remove the liquid without sediment into a separate container. If necessary, repeat the procedure, after which you can pour the juice into jars for storage.

Juice storage

To keep apple juice better, you need to consider that:

  • To prepare juice, you need to choose ripe, but not overripe fruits without wormholes, rot and mold.
  • Apples of late varieties (autumn) are best suited.
  • Each apple must be washed, cleaned of seeds and stalks. It is best to use a juicer.
  • After clarification, apple juice should be heated (not boiling), mixed with sugar (optional) and poured hot into sterilized jars.

homemade apple juice- an excellent source of vitamins. It can be drunk fresh, canned, and used as a base for various desserts and drinks. Delicious and fragrant juice but there is only one drawback - not too beautiful appearance. However, it can be lightened and made more transparent at home without the use of special equipment and unhealthy additives.

You will need

  • - juicer, juicer or hand press;
  • - gauze;
  • - dishes for heating and cooling;
  • - slotted spoon;
  • - rubber tube.


Select for juice A. You can use one litter or mix different ones to get a harmonious sweet and sour taste. For juice and use both cultivated and wild apples.

Select fruits without damage, stains and rot, wash them thoroughly in running water, dry and remove the stalks.

Cook an apple juice with the help of electrical juice squeezer, hand press or juice sheepskins. The resulting juice first pressing - especially valuable raw material from you juice their content of vitamins and microelements. But the pulp remaining after its manufacture still contains a lot of valuable liquid. Fill it with water in a ratio of 10 to 1.

Let the mixture stand for three to four hours and pass it through the press again. The result will be a weaker drink, which is better not to mix with pure juice oh, and canned separately.

Start lighting up juice A. At home, you will not be able to create an analogue of a packaged drink. However, try to make home juice more transparent is quite possible.

Give it freshly squeezed juice have a little stand and strain it through several layers of gauze. Squeeze out the thick remaining on the filter. Pour strained juice into a small saucepan and place it in a water bath. Bring water to a boil and heat juice within 3-4 minutes. Foam forms on the liquid - remove it with a slotted spoon or spoon.

Cool down quickly juice by placing the container with it in a pot or tank of cold water for two to three hours. At this time, the drink will delaminate - a clear liquid will collect at the top, a cloudy sediment will sink to the bottom. Gently drain the light top juice into a separate bowl using a rubber tube.

For greater clarification, subject the liquid to secondary pasteurization. Repeat the heating in the water bath. Hot juice cool at room temperature and strain through a special burlap filter or several layers of gauze.

The most common way of processing fruits and berries is to obtain natural juices from them. A factory product is different from a home-made counterpart. In the process of making a fortified drink, it is extremely important to observe simple conditions: fruit ripeness, careful removal of spoiled places and the use of enameled (glass, wooden or stainless steel) dishes.

Making juice by analogy with the industrial method

Properly cooked fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins, acids and minerals, they have a unique flavor. Juice is a rather unstable product in storage. In the case of long-term storage at a temperature of more than +20°C, the quality of the juice noticeably deteriorates, the loss of its natural taste, smell and destruction of ascorbic acid occurs.

Therefore, in the case of production in large volumes, it is recommended to preserve the finished product in one of three ways:

  • hot spill(for sour juices);
  • pasteurization(heating up to 90 °С);
  • sterilization(bringing to a boil).

Let us consider in more detail the process of obtaining natural apple juice.

The preliminary stage in the manufacture of a fortified drink is the choice of raw materials. The color of the skin of the fruit does not affect the color of apple juice - it is squeezed from the pulp, and peeled apples look the same.

At the same time, the choice of apples must be approached carefully. Soft and rotten fruits will not work, because the cellular structure is destroyed in them, and the juice will be much more difficult to separate. In this case, it will resemble cloudy puree in its consistency. The easiest way to determine the juiciness of an apple is to bite into it. The crunch of the fetus depends on the internal pressure, the higher it is, the more juice-containing cells in the fetus. Therefore, apples for a drink should be the most juicy.

If apples were purchased on the market, then they should be thoroughly washed with warm water. Often, fruits for sale are covered with a thin layer of edible wax - this way they are given a kind of shine and they are protected from premature drying.

Next, the apples are cut into 4 parts (it is not necessary to remove the core) and immediately used. Their long exposure to the open air is fraught with staining brown. This is a natural oxidation reaction, since the apple contains iron and the amino acid tarazine, which easily interact with oxygen. That is why even clarified apple juice can have a brown tint.

You can make apple juice with an ordinary juicer.

The main condition of the unit is the maximum possible number of revolutions (at least 20,000 per minute). If the speed is low, you will get a thick puree.

After the process is completed, we get juice at the output, which is not similar to the factory one either in color or smell. From the squeezed apples in the juicer, the pulp and peel remained.

This mass is rich in vitamins, so it is better to fill them with water, and then pass through gauze.

The result is a pleasant and healthy apple drink.

To obtain clear apple juice at home, additionally strain the fresh juice through cheesecloth to remove the largest remnants of the pulp.

Next, the juice should be evaporated in a water bath without boiling. After about 5 minutes, the remaining pulp will collect in the form of foam on the surface of the juice, it must be removed. Thus, the juice becomes noticeably more transparent, but it is still far from packaged.

Therefore, it is recommended to put the container in cold water for about 3 hours. From the temperature drop, the mixture is stratified, and the contained small particles of pulp precipitate. Performing this procedure leads to a slight clarification of the drink.

If it is necessary to obtain even more clarified juice, it is necessary to use finely porous filters.

As an alternative, filter paper for coffee makers will be convenient. The pore size in them is 2 microns, so only pure liquid will pass through such holes. Using this technology, you can get juice much lighter than the factory one.

By means of a juice cooker, you can pamper yourself and your loved ones daily with healthy juices - pumpkin, carrot, tomato, etc. If, due to the specifics of some vegetables or fruits, it turns out to be not very tasty, then the drink can always be diluted with water or sugar can be added.

Grape juice production through a juicer

Grapes are a valuable product that has a lot of useful properties. Therefore, mastering the technology of producing grape juice at home is tantamount to creating a small medical institution in which each of the household members will improve their health. Even drinking one glass a day will be enough to feel a surge of energy.

Ripe and unspoiled bunches of grapes must be washed and allowed to drain.

Next, carefully separate the berries. It is preferable to squeeze with a press or just crush the berries with your hands. The juicer will not cope with this process. Filtration will separate the pulp ( cake), which should not be discarded. It will be quite suitable for cooking compotes, various mousses, etc.

It is important to note that young squeezed juice begins to ferment quickly, so you need to drink it faster. For stock preparations, you must adhere to the following recipe, which will require a juicer.

The washed berries are placed in a juice cooker and put on fire.

Collect the juice flowing down in the process of softening the grapes and heating the liquid in a deep container.

Next, the fortified liquid is placed in sterilized glass jars and rolled up until the juice has cooled. It should be noted that the jars should be filled to the very top so that the amount of air remaining in the vessel is minimal.

In the resulting canned natural juice, almost all useful properties are preserved, so it is desirable to minimize its heating under pasteurization conditions. However, if inaccuracies occur in the harvesting process, the juice may begin to ferment and be hopelessly spoiled.

At home in a juicer, you can produce not only one-component juices. Many housewives actively practice the use of a fruit mix - apples, plums, pears, etc. A drink rich in vitamins and other useful substances will certainly come in handy in the winter season.

Apple juice - has a lot of vitamins. And cooked at home - it is even more useful, as it does not have various chemical additives, that is, it is environmentally friendly. Apple juice can be drunk fresh. Also, with the help of canning, prepare for the future until the next harvest. Juice can be added to desserts, smoothies and mousses. To give the juice a more beautiful color, it can be clarified. This does not require various chemical additives and all this can be done at home.


  • juicer (you can use a juicer, a manual press);
  • fine plastic sieve or gauze;
  • dishes in which it will be necessary to carry out heating and cooling;
  • skimmer for removing foam;
  • rubber tube.

Cooking method

This requires apples. They can be taken of one variety, or you can mix several varieties - sour and sweet apples. You can take varieties not only that grow in the garden. Add wild game, it is more fragrant.

Sort apples, remove rotten and wormy ones. Rinse well in several waters or under running water. Let dry. Cut and remove the core.

For the first pressing, apples can be passed through an electric juicer. Cook with a juicer, or use a hand press. This juice contains the bulk of vitamins and minerals.

But do not rush to throw away the pulp. Add water to it - 10 to 1. Let it brew for up to four hours and process again. Get juice, but less concentrated. It should not be mixed with the first pressing. Can be preserved separately, and then used to make compotes or jelly.

How to clarify juice?

You can prepare a similar juice to the factory one at home. Of course, it will not work to make an exact copy of the factory juice, but it is possible to lighten it up a little.

Ready juice to put for a few hours - to settle. Then roll gauze in several layers and strain the juice through it. The thick, which remained on the gauze - squeeze. Pour the juice into a saucepan and put to boil in a water bath. After boiling, boil for another 4 minutes. Remove any foam that will rise with a slotted spoon.

Pour cold water into a large container and put hot juice into it for quick cooling. The juice will be divided in two - at the top there will be a liquid of a transparent color, at the bottom it is cloudy. Using a rubber tube, carefully pour the clear liquid into another container.

If you want to lighten more, put the juice in a water bath again. Remove juice and let cool at room temperature. After that, strain the juice again through cheesecloth or a special filter.