Equipment for the production of cottage cheese. Production of cottage cheese in the traditional way

03.07.2023 For children

To make cottage cheese at home, any specialized equipment is not required, respectively, the cost of the production process will be minimal. As a rule, for the manufacture of cottage cheese it is enough to have:

  • two pots of different sizes;
  • skimmer;
  • sieve.

At the same time, the simplest recipe completely allows you to get by with one pan and gauze. It is desirable to use aluminum pans rather than enameled pans, since milk in enameled pans may burn slightly when heated, which will negatively affect the taste of the final product.

Raw material

The main raw material for making cottage cheese is milk, but kefir can also be used. Some recipes will call for additional ingredients, such as sour cream. All products used must be natural.- pasteurized milk, which can be purchased at the store, cannot be used.


Of course, there are no special requirements for the premises for organizing home production - an ordinary kitchen is quite suitable, the main thing is that it is clean and that there is enough space for work.

Expanding production

If you want to produce not only regular, but also fat-free cottage cheese, you will need a milk separator - a special apparatus that separates milk into skim milk and cream. There are also separators for working with cottage cheese. They separate fermented milk into curd and whey. But such equipment, as a rule, is used only in industrial production.

Technology and recipes

As we wrote above, there are a huge number of recipes for making cottage cheese, and each of them involves its own technology. Let's describe a couple of the simplest of them - they allow you to make the product as quickly as possible.

Recipe #1

Fresh milk should be poured into a small saucepan, and put in a warm place - you can just leave it on the table. The pan must be kept warm for at least 30 hours, without touching the milk during this entire period - this will worsen the quality of the curd clot.

After the specified time, the milk will turn into curdled milk and whey liquid. Now you need to put the pan on the stove on a very small fire. Yogurt must be heated, but it should not be brought to a boil. To better control the temperature, you can use a water bath - put a pot of fermented milk in another larger pot of water, and the water should not reach more than the middle of the pan with curdled milk.

If the fermented milk is overheated, the cottage cheese may turn out to be excessively hard., because of which it will crumble, and if the curdled milk is not heated enough, the curd will certainly turn out sour, since the whey will not separate well enough.

During heating, the milk mass should not be stirred with a spoon - this will disrupt the process of whey separation. During reheating, check the temperature periodically by simply touching the pot to prevent overheating. You need to heat until the characteristic curd clots and transparent whey appear, that is, about half an hour. After that, the pan must be removed from the heat and left to cool - it will take about six to eight hours until it cools completely.

Then you need to put the cottage cheese on a sieve with a slotted spoon, or drain the contents of the pan into a jar through gauze, after which you should leave the cottage cheese for a while to drain it. If the cottage cheese was transferred to gauze, it must be hung over a sink or bathtub, if it is in a sieve, it must be installed above any container so that the liquid has a place to drain. Until fully cooked, the cottage cheese should drain for about an hour and a half: if left for a longer period, the product may become excessively dry.

Recipe #2

This technology allows you to get ready-made cottage cheese even faster.

Milk should be poured into a jar, put a few tablespoons of sour cream or kefir there (about 50 grams per liter of milk), and left in a warm place for ripening. The addition of fermented milk products will give the cottage cheese a special taste, and in addition, it will significantly speed up this process - depending on the temperature, fermentation can take from 12 hours to a day. During fermentation, do not stir the milk.

When the milk mixture turns into curdled milk, you will need to take a clean pan, put a jar in it and pour in such an amount of water that it is approximately on the same level as the curdled milk. After that, the jar must be removed, and the pan put on fire. Bringing the water to a boil, turn off the heat and put a jar of fermented milk in a pot of hot water. The jar should be covered with a lid and left for about half an hour.

After the specified time, the jar must be removed from the water and allowed to stand for another 40-45 minutes. After that, the contents of the jar should be poured onto gauze and the resulting curd clot should be hung over the bathtub or sink for two hours.


Based on the fact that it takes about three liters of milk to produce one kilogram of cottage cheese, a small farm with two cows that produce up to ten liters of milk per day can produce an average of six kilograms of cottage cheese daily. The average cost of one kilogram of medium-fat cottage cheese on the market is 250 rubles. Low-fat cottage cheese costs about 300 rubles per kilogram. Net profit per month, thus, will be about 45-50 thousand rubles. Additional profit can be obtained by selling by-products of production - whey and, if a separator was used in the processing of milk, cream.

There are no particular difficulties in the production of cottage cheese at home, and it can bring significant profit, while taking very little time. This is an ideal option for generating additional income from a personal subsidiary plot.

According to the method of clot formation, two methods of curd production are distinguished: acidic and rennet-acid. The first is based only on the acid coagulation of proteins by fermenting milk with lactic acid bacteria, followed by heating the clot to remove excess whey.

Rothky. In this way, low-fat and low-fat cottage cheese is produced, since when the clot is heated, significant fat losses occur in the whey. In addition, this method ensures the production of low-fat cottage cheese with a more delicate texture. The spatial structure of clots of acid coagulation of proteins is less strong, it is formed by weak bonds between small particles of casein and whey is released worse. Therefore, to intensify the separation of whey, heating of the clot is required.

With the rennet-acid method of milk coagulation cry, the effluent is formed by the combined action of rennet and lactic acid. Under the action of rennet, casein at the first stage passes into paracasein, at the second - a clot is formed from paracasein. Casein, when converted to paracasein, shifts the isoelectric point from pH 4.6 to 5.2. Therefore, the formation of a clot under the action of rennet occurs faster, at a lower acidity than during the precipitation of proteins with lactic acid, the resulting clot has a lower acidity, the technological process is accelerated by 2-4 hours. During rennet-acid coagulation, calcium bridges formed between large particles provide high clot strength. Such clots are better at separating whey than acid ones, since the compaction of the spatial structure of the protein occurs faster in them. Therefore, heating of the clot to intensify the separation of whey is not required.

The rennet-acid method is used to produce fatty and semi-fat cottage cheese, which reduces the waste of fat into whey. With acid coagulation, calcium salts go into the serum, and with rennet, they remain in the clot. This must be taken into account when producing cottage cheese for children who need calcium for bone formation.

As a raw material, good-quality fresh whole milk and skimmed milk with an acidity of not more than 20 °T is used. In terms of fat, milk is normalized taking into account the content of protein in it (according to protein titer), which gives more accurate results.

Normalized and purified milk is sent for pasteurization at 78-80°C with a holding time of 20-30 s. The pasteurization temperature affects the physicochemical properties of the clot, which, in turn, affects the quality and yield of the finished product. So, at low pasteurization temperatures, the clot is not dense enough, since whey proteins almost completely go into whey, and the yield of cottage cheese decreases. With an increase in pasteurization temperature, the denaturation of whey proteins increases, which are involved in the formation of a clot, increasing its strength and

Increasing moisture holding capacity. This reduces the intensity of whey separation and increases the yield of the product. By adjusting the modes of pasteurization and processing of the clot, by selecting strains of starter cultures, it is possible to obtain clots with the desired rheological and water-retaining properties.

G. N. Mokhno proposed to increase the pasteurization temperature of the mixture for cottage cheese to 90 ° C in order to completely precipitate whey proteins and increase the yield of cottage cheese by 20-25%; at the same time, there are no difficulties in separating the serum from the clot.

Pasteurized milk is cooled to the fermentation temperature (in the warm season up to 28-30, in the cold - up to 30-32 ° C) and sent to special baths for the production of cottage cheese. The starter for the production of cottage cheese is made on pure cultures of mesophilic lactic streptococci and is added to milk in an amount of 1 to 5%. Some experts recommend adding Str. acetoinicus. The duration of fermentation after fermentation is 6-8 hours.

With the accelerated method of fermentation, 2.5% of the ferment prepared on cultures of mesophilic streptococcus and 2.5% of thermophilic lactic streptococcus are added to milk. The fermentation temperature with the accelerated method rises to 35 ° C in the warm season, and up to 38 ° C in the cold season. The duration of milk fermentation is reduced by 2-3.5 hours, while the release of whey from the curd is more intense.

To improve the quality of cottage cheese, it is desirable to use a non-transplanting method of preparing a starter culture on sterilized milk, which allows reducing the dose of starter application to 0.8-1% with its guaranteed purity.

With the rennet-acid method of producing cottage cheese, after adding the starter, a 40% solution of calcium chloride is added (at the rate of 400 g of anhydrous salt per 1 ton of milk), prepared in boiled and cooled to 40-45 ° C water. Calcium chloride restores the ability of pasteurized milk to form a dense, well-separating clot under the action of rennet. Immediately after that, rennet or pepsin is added to milk in the form of a 1% solution at the rate of 1 g per 1 ton of milk. Rennet is dissolved in boiled and cooled to 35 ° C in -, de. A solution of pepsin in order to increase its activity is prepared on acidic clarified whey 5-8 hours before use. To speed up the turnover of curd baths, milk is fermented to an acidity of 32-35 ° T in tanks, and after The tem is pumped into curd baths and calcium chloride and enzyme are added.

The readiness of the clot is determined by its acidity (for fatty and semi-fat cottage cheese it should be 58-60, for low-fat - 75-80 ° T) and visually the clot should be dense, give even smooth edges at the break with the release of transparent greenish whey. Fermentation with the acid method lasts 6-8 hours, with rennet - 4-6 hours, with the use of active acid-forming sourdough - 3-4 hours.

To speed up the release of whey, the finished clot is cut with special wire knives into cubes with a face size of 2 cm. In the acid method, the cut clot is heated to 36-38 ° C to intensify the release of whey and incubated for 15-20 minutes, after which it is removed. With rennet, the cut clot without heating is left alone for 40-60 minutes for intensive serum release.

For further separation of whey, the clot is subjected to self-pressing and pressing. To do this, it is poured into calico or lavsan bags of 7-9 kg (70% of the bag capacity), they are tied up and placed in several rows in a press trolley. Under the influence of its own mass, serum is released from the clot. Self-pressing takes place in the workshop at a temperature not exceeding 16 ° C and lasts at least 1 hour. The end of self-pressing is determined visually, by the surface of the clot, which loses its luster and becomes matte. Then the curd is pressed under pressure until tender. In the process of pressing, the bags with cottage cheese are shaken several times and shifted. In order to avoid an increase in acidity, pressing should be carried out in rooms with an air temperature of 3-6 ° C, and after it is completed, immediately send the curd for cooling to a temperature not higher than 8 ° C using coolers of various designs; the most perfect of them is a two-cylinder.

The finished product is packed on automatic machines in small and large containers. Cottage cheese is packaged in clean, steamed wooden tubs or clean aluminum, steel, tin-plated wide-mouth flasks or cardboard boxes with parchment liners, polyethylene film. In small packages, cottage cheese is packed in the form of bars weighing 0.25; 0.5 and 1 kg, wrapped in parchment or cellophane, as well as in cardboard boxes, bags, glasses made of various polymeric materials, packed in boxes with a net weight of not more than 20 kg.

Cottage cheese is stored until sale for no more than 36 hours at a chamber temperature not higher than 8 ° C and a humidity of 80-85%. If the shelf life is exceeded due to incessant enzymatic processes, defects begin to develop in the curd.

Curd makers with a pressing bath are used to produce all types of curd, while the laborious process of pressing curd in bags is eliminated.

The cottage cheese maker consists of two double-walled bathtubs with a capacity of 2000 liters with a crane for draining whey and a hatch for unloading cottage cheese. Pressing baths with perforated walls are fixed above the baths, on which the filter cloth is stretched. The pressing vat can be hydraulically raised or lowered almost to the bottom of the fermentation vat.

Properly prepared milk enters the baths.

Here, sourdough, solutions of calcium chloride and rennet are added to it, and, just as in the usual way of producing cottage cheese, they are left for fermentation. Ready cry runoff is cut with knives included in the set of curd makers and incubated for 30-40 minutes. During this time*, a significant amount of serum is released, which is removed from the bath with a sampler (perforated cylinder covered with a filter cloth). In its lower part there is a pipe that slides into the pipe of the bath. The separated whey through the filter cloth and the perforated surface enters the sampler and exits the bath through the nozzle. This pre-removal of whey increases the efficiency of curd pressing.

For pressing, the perforated bath is quickly lowered down until it comes into contact with the surface of the clot. The speed of immersion of the pressing bath into the clot is set depending on its quality and the type of curd produced. The separated whey passes through the filter cloth and perforated surface and is collected inside the pressing bath, from where it is pumped out every 15-20 minutes.

The downward movement of the pressing bath is stopped by the lower limit switch, when a space remains between the surfaces of the baths, filled with pressed curd. This distance is established during experimental workings of cottage cheese. Depending on the type of cottage cheese produced, the duration of pressing is 3-4 hours for fatty cottage cheese, 2-3 hours for semi-fat, 1-1.5 hours for low-fat. With the accelerated fermentation method, the duration of pressing fatty and semi-fat cottage cheese is reduced by 1-1.5 hours.

At the end of the pressing, the perforated tub is lifted, and the curd is unloaded through the hatch into the carts. The trolley with cottage cheese is lifted up and overturned over the cooler bunker, from where the cooled cottage cheese is supplied for packaging.

The Ya9-OPT-5 mechanized line with a milk capacity of 5,000 l/h is the most advanced and is used for the production of semi-fat, “Peasant” and low-fat cottage cheese. The finished clot is mixed for 2-5 minutes and is fed by a screw pump into a straight-through heater with a jacket. Here, the clot is quickly (4.5-7 minutes) heated to a temperature of 42-54 ° C (depending on the type of cottage cheese) by supplying hot water (70-90 ° C) to the shirt. The heated clot is cooled to 8-12°C in a water cooler (25-40°C) and sent to a two-cylinder dehydrator covered with a filter cloth. The moisture content in the finished curd is regulated by changing the angle of inclination of the dehydrator drum or by changing the heating and cooling temperature of the curd.

Ready cottage cheese is sent for packaging and then to the refrigerating chamber for additional cooling.

In order to reserve cottage cheese in the spring and summer periods of the year, it is frozen. The quality of thawed cottage cheese depends on the method of freezing. Cottage cheese with slow freezing acquires a grainy and crumbly texture due to the freezing of moisture in the form of large ice crystals. With rapid freezing, moisture simultaneously freezes in the form of small crystals in the entire mass of the curd, which do not destroy its structure, and after defrosting, the original consistency and structure characteristic of it are restored. There is even an elimination after defrosting of an undesirable granular consistency due to the destruction of grains of cottage cheese by small ice crystals. The curd is frozen in packaged form - in blocks of 7-10 kg and briquettes of 0.5 kg at a temperature of -25 to -30 ° C in thermally insulated continuous freezers to a temperature in the center of the block of -18 and -25 ° C for 1 ,5-3 hours. Frozen blocks are placed in cardboard boxes and stored at the same temperatures for 8 and 12 months, respectively. Defrosting of cottage cheese is carried out at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C for 12 hours.


With this method of production (Fig. 8), milk intended for the production of cottage cheese is heated in a plate apparatus to 40-45 ° C and separated to obtain cream with a mass fraction of fat of at least 50-55%. Pasteurized cream-

Sweet Serum

Zakiasna Tiorog

Rice. 8. Scheme of the production line of cottage cheese in a separate way:

/ and 7 - containers; 2 - iasos for milk; 3 - lamellar pasteurizer; 4 - separator-cream separator; 5-pump for cream; 6 - plate pasteurizer-cooler for cream; 8- dosing pump; 9-starter; 10 - capacitive apparatus for ripening; // -membrane pump; 12-plate heat exchanger; 13 - separator-cottage cheese - separator; 14 - receiver; 15 - pump for cottage cheese; 16 - cooler for cottage cheese; 17 - mixer

Yut in a plate pasteurization-cooling unit at 90°C, cooled to 2-4°C and sent for temporary storage.

Skimmed milk is pasteurized at 78-80°C with a holding time of 20 seconds, cooled to 30-34°C and sent to a fermentation tank equipped with a special mixer. The starter, calcium chloride and enzyme are also fed here, the mixture is thoroughly mixed and left for fermentation until the acidity of the clot is 90-100 ° T, since when separating a clot with a lower acidity, the separator nozzles may become clogged.

The resulting clot is thoroughly mixed and pumped into a plate heat exchanger, where it is first heated to 60-62 ° C, and then cooled to 28-32 ° C, due to which it is better separated into the protein part and whey. From the heat exchanger, the clot is fed under pressure to the cottage cheese separator, where it is separated into whey and cottage cheese.

In the production of fatty cottage cheese, dehydration by separation is carried out to a mass fraction of moisture in the clot of 75-76%, and in the production of semi-fat cottage cheese - to a mass fraction of moisture of 78-79%. The resulting curd mass is cooled on a plate cooler to 8 ° C, ground on a roller until

Obtaining a homogeneous consistency. Cooled cottage cheese is sent to a kneading machine, where pasteurized chilled cream is fed by a dosing pump, everything is thoroughly mixed. The finished cottage cheese is packed on automatic machines and sent to the storage chamber.

According to the described technology, fat, bold, "Peasant", soft dietary, soft dietary fruit and berry cottage cheese are obtained.

Soft dietary cottage cheese is produced by fermenting pasteurized (85-90 ° C) skimmed milk with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci, removing part of the whey by separation, followed by adding cream to low-fat cottage cheese. To do this, leaven, calcium chloride and a solution of rennet (1-1.2 g/t) are added to pasteurized and cooled to 28-34 ° C skim milk with stirring. The mixture is fermented until the acidity of the clot is 90-110°T (pH 4.3-4.5) or up to 85-90°T (fermentation by the accelerated method). The finished clot is thoroughly mixed with a stirrer (5-10 min) and with the help of a pump it is sent to a plate heat exchanger, where it is first heated to 60-62 °C for better whey separation, and then cooled to 28-32 °C. Further, the clot is crushed with the help of a mesh filter and enters the cottage cheese separator - the manufacturer to obtain low-fat cottage cheese.

The resulting cottage cheese is pumped first to a tubular cooler, where it is cooled to 8 ° C and fed to a mixer - dispenser for mixing with pasteurized (85-90 ° C with a holding time of 15-20 s) and chilled (up to 10-17 ° C) cream with mass fraction of fat 50-55%

Soft dietary cottage cheese should contain a mass fraction of fat of at least 11%, moisture 73%: its acidity should not exceed 210 °T. Cottage cheese should have a pure sour-milk taste, a delicate, uniform texture, slightly spreading, white with a creamy tint, uniform IIO throughout the mass.

Soft dietary fruit and berry cottage cheese is produced with syrups, which are thoroughly mixed in a separate container with cream beforehand and fed into the Mixer - dispenser for mixing with cottage cheese. They also produce low-fat soft dietary fruit and berry cottage cheese.

The finished product is packed on the machine in boxes, cups or bags made of polymeric materials, which are then placed in boxes and sent to the refrigerator for storage at a temperature of 2 °C.

The term of the product realization is not more than 36 hours from the moment of production at a temperature not higher than 8 °C"

Homemade cheese is made fat (4% fat) and low fat. It is a cheese mass of individual grains of white (for fatty) color with a slightly yellowish tint. The taste of the product is delicate, slightly salty, the smell is sour milk. The mass fraction of fat in homemade cheese is 4.3 and 20%, non-fat - 0.4, salt is not more than 1, moisture is not more than 78.3 and 79%, respectively; the acidity of the product is not higher than 150 °T. For its production, skimmed milk with an acidity of not more than 19 °T and cream with a mass fraction of fat of 30% and an acidity of not more than 17 °T are used.

The cream is pre-pasteurized at 95-97 °C with an exposure of 30 minutes (to give a taste of pasteurization), homogenized at a temperature of 26-30 °C and a pressure of 12.5-13 MPa, after which it is cooled to 4-8 °C. Skimmed milk is pasteurized at 75°C for 18-20 seconds, cooled to 30-32°C and fermented in a bath. The starter contains Str. lactis, Str. diacetilactis, Str. cremoris in a ratio of 2:1; : 2. If the starter is introduced in an amount of 5-8%, fermentation continues for 6-8 hours, if in an amount of 1-3%, then 12-16 hours at a temperature of 21-23 ° C. In addition to sourdough, calcium chloride is added to milk in the form of a solution (400 g of anhydrous salt per 1 ton of milk) and a 1% solution of rennet (1 g per 1 ton of milk).

The readiness of the clot is determined by the acidity of the whey, which should be 45-57°T (pH 4.7-4.9), and the strength of the clot. The finished clot is cut with wire knives into cubes with a rib size of 12.5-14.5 mm and left alone for 20-30 minutes. In the process of aging, acidity increases, whey separates better and the clot thickens (dries). After this, to reduce the acidity of the whey to 36-40 ° T, water is added to the bath (at 46 ° C) so that the level in the bath rises by 50 mm, the clot is heated by introducing hot water into the bath jacket. Heating is carried out so that at first the temperature of the clot rises at a rate of 1 °C for 10 minutes, then until the temperature rises to 48-55 °C - 1 °C for 2 minutes. The acidity of the clot during heating should not increase by more than 3°T (i.e. up to 39-43°T). Upon reaching a temperature of 48-55°T, the curd grain is kneaded for 30-60 minutes to compact it. The readiness of the grain is determined by a compression test: with a slight compression in the hand, it should retain its shape and not knead.

When the curd grain is ready, whey-1 is removed from the bath and water is poured into it at a temperature of 16-17 ° C, in which the grain is washed, cooling for 15-20 minutes. Then it is washed with cold water (2-4°C). "The volume of water should be equal to the volume of whey removed. Then the water is drained, and the grain is shifted to the walls of the bath so that a chute is formed in the middle for whey to drain. Fillers are added to the dried grain (mass fraction of moisture not more than 80%) and mixed thoroughly. Salt pre-dissolved in 8-10 times the amount of cream Ready-made homemade cheese is packed in small containers - boxes for 500 g, cardboard glasses with a polymer coating and polymer glasses for 200, 250 and 500 g, as well as in wide-mouth flasks and cardboard boxes with paper lining and polymer coating, designed for 20 kg.

Terms of implementation of Homemade cheese: at room temperature no more than 24 hours, at 8-10 °C no more than 5 days, and at 2-4 °C no more than 7 days.

In the production of cottage cheese, primary material is used, namely cow's milk of at least grade 2 and with an acidity of not more than 22%. The product of processing is also used, namely skimmed milk, which is obtained by separating milk. They also use a special product: sourdough for cottage cheese on cultural, pure sour-milk streptococci, calcium chloride or calcium chloride 2-water. Drinking water is used as an auxiliary product. The line for the production of cottage cheese generates a technological process using the fermented milk method.

Curd production

Depending on the method by which the clot is formed during the industrial cycle, the following methods for making curd are distinguished:

Cottage cheese is not a fatty product
  • rennet-acid;
  • acid.

The first method produces a reduced fat product and low fat cottage cheese. During this method, acid coagulation of proteins occurs by fermentation of milk by bacteria. The main feature of the finished product made by this method is a very delicate texture due to the not very strong spatial structure of the clots.

The rennet method forms a clot through the direct influence of rennet and lactic acid. This method produces cottage cheese of medium and high fat content.

Production of cottage cheese in the traditional way

The feedstock is high-quality, skimmed and fresh milk, which is sent for pasteurization (temperature 80-81 ° C) in the curd production lines. This temperature regime has a direct impact on the characteristics of the clots, which determine the rate and quality of the output of the finished product. If the temperature is low, the pasteurization of the clot will not be dense enough, because almost all the proteins will go into the whey, which means that the yield of the curd itself will decrease significantly. Thus, when adjusting the pasteurization mode, processing of clots and selecting options for rennet starter, the output will be a clot with the necessary water-retaining properties.

The main feature of the production of cottage cheese by a separate method is the addition of pasteurized cream. Due to this, the fat content of the finished product increases several times.

The technological line for the production of cottage cheese produces the product in several stages:

Raw material preparation

Preparation of milk for curd production

Milk undergoes rectification on milk purifiers-separators and is heated to a temperature of 38 °C.

It is also allowed to filter with gauze, which must be at least 4 layers. During the production of semi-fat or fatty cottage cheese, milk is pasteurized at a temperature of 81 ° C in tubular (plate) cooling and pasteurization machines.

Milk cooling

Next, the milk is cooled to a starter temperature of approximately 32 °C. To obtain fermented milk curd, an acid is needed, which is formed by a biochemical method, namely through the influence of the level of microorganisms.


The starter is prepared on a pure culture of mesophilic, thermophilic or lactic acid streptococcus. Before its direct addition, the surface layer must be slowly removed with a clean, thoroughly disinfected spoon.

Further, a starter is added, which has the form of a homogeneous consistency, which does not exceed 6% by total volume. If there is a need to accelerate fermentation, then a combined ferment is added to the milk: 3% based on mesophilic streptococcus, and 3% based on thermophilic streptococcus. On average, the duration of fermentation of milk is 11 hours. With accelerated fermentation, the duration is not more than 7 hours.

It should be noted that on the basis of the pasteurization and sterilization process, the amount of calcium in milk will be greatly reduced, up to 55%. This leads to a regression of the rennet clotting ability.

Therefore, with the expectation of restoring salt balance, calcium chloride is added to the fermented milk preparation, namely 40-45%, that is, 400-450 grams per 1 ton of fermented milk.

Introduction of rennet and obtaining a clot

After that, it is necessary to add rennet, for example, food, beef, pork, pepsin. Stir the milk thoroughly for 10-20 minutes. After that, leaving it alone until dense clots form, check for a break, the norm of which is a smooth surface with a smooth edge.

The main attention should be paid to the serum: it should be glazing with a greenish tint. The clots are cut into cubes, with approximate dimensions: 25x25x25 cm.


Next, they are left alone for 60 minutes. This is necessary to drain the bath (to separate the whey) and increase the degree of acidity. The finished cube is placed in a calico bag, while filling it just above half. Tying and laying in the bath is necessary for self-pressing. This process can be carried out in the press trolley of the curd production line. And also on the UPT machine, designed for cooling and pressing cottage cheese.

Almost finished products are subject to self-pressing from 2 to 5 hours. At the exit in the curd there should be a mass fraction of moisture, provided for by regulatory documentation. Next, you can proceed to the stage of packaging, labeling and cooling of finished products.

Cottage cheese packaging

Curd packaging line

The product is transported along the curd production line on a belt conveyor. Next, the curd is fed into the filling machine.

The packaging of the product is carried out in briquettes, which, with the help of vacuum, extend the shelf life of the finished curd, they are also environmentally friendly.


As the main lines for the production of cottage cheese, equipment from a Russian manufacturer is purchased with the possibility of output of 105 kg per hour.

The technological line for the production of cottage cheese consists of the following machines:

  1. Curd maker (bath).
  2. Press (trolley).
  3. Curd cooler.
  4. Bath pasteurization.
  5. Pump, pipeline and other additional elements.

The line for the production of cottage cheese, the price of which is 1,215,000 rubles, provides for the production of different types of cottage cheese, in particular, glazed curd. In addition to the basic configuration, there is a need to purchase additional equipment, namely:

  • packing machine - 860,000 rubles;
  • refrigerating chamber with a monoblock - 140,000 rubles.

The manufacturer carries out installation and start-up and adjustment work free of charge. Thus, the cost of purchasing industrial equipment will be 2,215,000 rubles. If this amount is not available, in order to equip the cottage cheese workshop, it is necessary to take a loan from one of the financial institutions or to interest investors.

The productivity of the technological line for the production of cottage cheese is 55 kg per hour. If the working day is standard (8 hours) then the monthly output of the finished product will be 9,680 kg per month. (Hours*kg*working days = 8*55*22).

With these planned volumes, it is necessary to have feedstock in the amount of 720,275 rubles:

milk: 55,000 liters * 13 rubles - 715,000 rubles;

rennet sourdough for cottage cheese: 55 pieces of 65 rubles each = 3,575 rubles;

calcium chloride: 1,700 rubles.

By using a modern production line, a high level of automation of the industrial process can be achieved. This means a significant reduction in the level of labor intensity. It is possible to reduce the initial cost of the product; this has a positive effect on the financial result of the workshop. Only 3 people are needed to operate the line:

  • two workers - 14,000 rubles each;
  • one technologist - 18,000 rubles.

It is necessary to create auxiliary staff units whose job responsibilities are to determine the sample of the supplied material and the finished product manufactured:

  • laboratory assistant - 17,000 rubles.

The duties of the laboratory assistant should include monitoring compliance with the sanitary and epidemic standards of the production period.

The production of cottage cheese based on the fermentation of milk with lactic acid bacteria in a container is carried out by the line for the production of cottage cheese Ya9 opt. It produces cottage cheese of 10 and 6% fat content, as well as low-fat cottage cheese. The Ya9-OPT cottage cheese production line includes:

  1. Capacity for ripening Ya1-OSV.
  2. Pumping units P8-ONB for supplying clots.
  3. Apparatus for heat treatment of bunches.
  4. Boiler installations.
  5. Clot dehydrator.
  6. Product cooler.
  7. Control and management system.

The capacity for fermentation Ya1-OSV in the technological line for the production of cottage cheese is intended for receiving milk, fermentation and obtaining clots. The container consists of the following parts:

  • frame;
  • mixer;
  • drive unit;
  • washing device.

The P8-ONB pumping unit is intended for supplying curd curd. The line includes:

  • storage capacity;
  • clot heat treatment apparatus;
  • single-pass heat exchanger with a flat section channel;
  • boiler plant (designed to heat water up to 65-97 ° C).

The dehydrator of curd clots for the separation of whey from them is represented by a conical drum tapering towards the outlet. It starts to rotate with the help of an electric motor, which is connected to a gearbox. As the drum rotates, the dewatering rate is coordinated by the hoisting mechanisms, which are rotated by a separate drum tilt angle drive.

Fluffy Cottage Cheese Production Line

The cooler for ready-made cottage cheese with a temperature of 9 ° C, consists of two screw-type pressure drums. The drum is housed in a housing of two connected cylinders and one continuous hopper, which is mounted on a frame. Transportation of materials along the line installation occurs through the pipeline system, through valves and pumps.

The monitoring and control system includes a shield with the help of which observation, fixation and automated adjustment of the technological characteristics of the line are carried out.

The industrial process for manufacturing products on the line for the production of cottage cheese Ya9 wholesale is established from filling the container with homogenized pasteurized milk cooled to the fermentation temperature. In this container, the process of fermentation and fermentation of milk and its subsequent mixing with starter cultures and clots takes place. The finished curds after kneading are pumped by screw pumps to the curd heat treatment unit. In it, the bunches are heated, held and then cooled down. The bunches are heated with hot water, which circulates in the jacket of the section of the right section of the heat exchanger and enters it from the boiler machine. The clots transfer the heating temperature and are sent to the left section, where they are cooled with cold water. Water is supplied in the jacket section of the right section of the heat exchanger.

Curd clots after the heat exchanger enter the dehydrator, where they pass through the lavsan (filter cloth), are separated into clots and whey. Whey is collected in the dehydrator trays and is discharged for reservation using self-priming pumps. Subsequently, the curd that comes out of the dehydrator passes through the tray and enters the bunkers of the two-cylinder coolers. In them, the curd is captured by the conical parts of a rotating drum. Further, it is fed into the space between the drum and the cylinders. The product is moved along the cylinder by means of a screw of the cylindrical part of the drum. The curd is pushed out through a passage in the removable lid of the drum. Next, it goes to packaging. The control system in this line of cottage cheese production allows you to control the course of technological processes with the main characteristics:

  • milk;
  • clot;
  • finished product;
  • hot and ice water;
  • pair;
  • compressed air.

The industrial process of manufacturing a fermented milk product is controlled by organoleptic, physico-mechanical, biochemical and microbiological indicators. Microbiological control is the conduct and analysis of milk, which is intended for fermentation. As well as semi-finished products and finished products. In the manufacture of fermented milk products, the main role is played by the microorganism of pasteurized milk and sourdough. They develop organoleptic, physico-mechanical, biochemical characteristics of finished products. Quality control in the manufacture of a fermented milk product is carried out on the basis of the current GOST.

Milk used for the production of starter cultures must meet the requirements of the first class for the reductase test. It is determined 10-12 times a month.

The productivity of milk pasteurization for sourdough in the presence of the bacterial group of Escherichia coli (ECG) is checked 2 times in 20 days by inoculating 15 cm3 of pasteurized milk in 45–55 cm3 on the medium (according to Kessler). This index is checked when an extraneous lactic acid bacillus is found in the starter after seeding or microcopying.

The main sign of the quality of starter cultures is their duration of fermentation, acidity (activity);

  • the existence of extraneous microflora;
  • the quality of the clots;
  • taste;
  • smell.

These indexes are checked every day. To control the activity of starter cultures, trial fermentations of milk are carried out in laboratories. The purity of the starter cultures and the consistency between the cultures it contains are also checked every day by direct microcopying. The presence of BGKP is determined by crops on the medium according to Kessler. This analysis is carried out every day from each sourdough container. When inoculating 4 cm3 of starter, BGKP should not be present.

Video: Cottage cheese production - technology

Cottage cheese is a protein fermented milk product made from milk by fermentation, followed by the removal of a part of the whey clot and pressing the protein mass. Cottage cheese is made from whole, normalized or skimmed milk. Cottage cheese happens: fatty - 18%, bold - 9%, low-fat.

Organoleptic indicators.

The taste and smell are clean, sour-milk, the texture is tender, homogeneous, for fatty it is allowed to be soft, for non-fat it is crumbly. Color - white, with a creamy tint.

Microorganic indicators.

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group are not allowed in 0.01g of the product. Salmonella is not allowed in 25g of the product. Staphylococcus aureus is not allowed in 0.1g of the product.

The composition of cottage cheese protein includes essential amino acids, methionine and choline - are recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Milk fat of cottage cheese is digested by 95%.

Methods for the production of cottage cheese.

1 Acidic.

2 Acid-rennet.

3 Separate (adding high-fat cream to the curd).

In acid: casein coagulation occurs under the action of lactic acid. With this method, the clot has a good consistency, however, in the production of fatty cottage cheese, whey is more difficult to separate. The most cost effective.

Acid rennet? coagulation occurs under the action of lactic acid and rennet and lipepsin. Rennet enhances the process of separating whey from the clot.

General technological scheme.

1 Acceptance and preparation of raw materials.

2 Purification of milk from mechanical impurities. t 25-45 degrees C.

3 Homogenization P - 6 MPa, t - 50 degrees C.

4 Cooling milk to t - 4 degrees C, stored for no more than 6 hours.

5 Normalization and heating. It is carried out taking into account the mass fraction of protein, depending on the normalization coefficient for each type of cottage cheese.

6 Pasteurization t -78 degrees C, 10-20 sec. Elevated pasteurization regimens will promote protein denaturation, which increases density, and impairs whey separation.

7 Storage of milk. Cooling to 4 degrees C, storage no more than 6 hours.

8 (Acid). Fermentation t - 30 degrees C in the summer, 32-35 - in winter. Mesophilic lactic streptococci are used. When using symbiotic starter cultures, fermentation at t - 32 degrees C.

8’ (Acid-rennet). Addition of calcium chloride and milk-clotting enzymes to milk. Calcium chloride is introduced: 400 g of anhydrous calcium chloride salt per 1 ton of milk, in the form of a 40% solution. After that, we add rennet at the rate of 1 g per 1 ton of milk.

9 Souring. The end of fermentation is determined by the acidity of the clot. For 18% and 9% cottage cheese - acidity 61 degrees T, for low-fat 65 degrees T, fermentation 6-10 hours (for acid-rennet). For acidic 18% and 9% - 75 degrees T, non-fat - 85 degrees T, the duration of fermentation is 8 - 12 hours.

10 Curd treatment and cooling. Cutting into curd grains, whey begins to separate (syneresis), while the whey is removed from the curd bath.

11 Self-pressing and curd pressing. Pressing is carried out when the mass fraction of moisture reaches 65 - 73%. For pressing, the curd grain is placed in lavsan bags, tied up and placed on a harness. . Under the influence of its own mass, whey continues to stand out, this process lasts no more than an hour at t - 15-17 degrees C. The end of the process is determined visually by the disappearance of gloss from the surface of the clot. The curd is then pressed using various installations where cooling and pressing takes place. At the same time, the temperature of the curd is 8-10 degrees C. Additional cooling to t - 6-8 degrees C.

12 Packaging. Consumer packaging - parchment, foil, cups; transport packaging - aluminum packaging, plastic boxes up to 15 kg.

13 Storage. No more than 36 hours at t< 8градС.

Curd defects and methods of their prevention.

Defects of taste and smell.

1 Feed taste - transmitted from milk, in the autumn-winter period, a slight feed smack and low-fat cottage cheese is allowed.

2 Unclean, old, musty taste and smell. Due to poorly washed containers, storage in a poorly ventilated area, the development of microorganisms.

3 Too sour taste. Non-compliance with the temperature regimes of fermentation, increased lactic acid fermentation; lengthening of terms of self-pressing and pressing, untimely cooling.

4 Acetic-sour taste and smell. Development of acetic acid bacteria due to elevated storage temperatures.

5 rancid taste. With the development of butyric acid bacteria in the curd, which secrete the enzyme lipase, they develop if the pasteurization regimes are not observed.

6 Bitter taste. Due to the quality of raw materials.

Consistency defects.

1 Rough, dry, crumbly. Increased heating temperature during the processing of the clot and its excessive crushing.

2 Rubbery texture. It is typical for cottage cheese produced by the acid-rennet method, with the introduction of increased doses of rennet.

3 Smeared consistency. When fermenting cottage cheese.

4 Bloating. Caused by yeast, with insufficient cooling of the curd at an elevated storage temperature.

5 Isolation of serum. Insufficient pressing.

6 Mudiness and moldiness of cottage cheese. It is observed with loose packaging, with a loose fit of the lid to the curd, and in violation of temperature and humidity conditions.


Products from cottage cheese are recommended for consumption by almost all categories of the population, since cottage cheese is an easily digestible product, it contains essential amino acids (methionine, choline) as well as a large amount of phosphorus and calcium.

Cottage cheese has a wide product line:

  • sour-milk cottage cheese (fat-free, low-fat, classic, fatty);
  • cottage cheese products - curds, creams, pastes, cakes. Curd products are presented on the market with various additives - fruit and vegetable, chocolate and dessert fillings.

Target audience and sales channels

The main buyers of cottage cheese products are consumers of retail chain stores (the main categories are children, pregnant women and housewives, the elderly, athletes), as well as catering establishments and enterprises for further processing of cottage cheese as a raw material (cooking, cafes).

The sale of ready-made cottage cheese can be carried out through the following distribution channels:

  • retail network of shops and supermarkets;
  • wholesale distributors engaged in the delivery of products
  • enterprises for the processing of cottage cheese, using it as a raw material for curd products;
  • HoReCa sector (, cafes, culinary).

The first two distribution channels occupy the bulk of the products sold. At the same time, deliveries to the retail network make it possible to obtain higher profitability and sales regularity, and the sale of cottage cheese to wholesalers guarantees sufficient sales volumes, at a lower price, but without the need to store and promote batches of manufactured products on their own.

Production process and required equipment

The production technology provides for the fermentation of pasteurized milk with the help of pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria, as well as with the possible use of rennet, calcium chloride, and the subsequent removal of part of the whey from the clots.

The process of making cottage cheese consists of the following steps:

  1. Milk acceptance and mechanical processing (filtration);
  2. Pasteurization (using an electropasteurizer);
  3. Cooling and fermentation of milk with curd clot processing (curd baths are used);
  4. Mechanical pressing of cottage cheese (using a press trolley)
  5. Or Pressing in bags (using a drum-type machine for pressing and cooling the curd).
  6. Packing (using a packing machine).

Thus, to build a complete technological process for the production of cottage cheese, it is necessary to use the following equipment (open type process):

  • Milk receiving and filtering station
  • Electropasteurizer
  • curd bath
  • Press trolley (economical option) or UPT drum type installation (more practical option)
  • Filling machine

As the main line for the production of cottage cheese, we consider the equipment of the Ekomash plant, Noginsk, Moscow Region. This manufacturer offers various options for completing lines, we will focus on two "Economy" and "Standard".

Option No. 1 "Economy", line capacity 130 kg. at one o'clock.

Consists of the following units:

Bath pasteurization OZU-0.35 Working volume: 50 l 230000 rub.
Bath curd VT-1.25 Capacity: 1.25 m3. 135000 rub.
Press carts for cottage cheese of the PTT-200 series Capacity (geometr.) 200 l 98000 rub.
Station of acceptance and accounting of milk of the SPUM EM-CM-5 series 348000 rub.
100000 rub.
Total: 911000 rubles

Option No. 2 "Standard", line capacity 130 kg. at one o'clock.

This kit includes the following units:

Station of acceptance and accounting of milk of the SPUM EM-SM-5 series Nominal productivity: 5 000 l/h 348000 rub.
Installation of pressing and cooling of cottage cheese of the UPT series Productivity: 130 kg/hour. Tubular drum volume: 950l 249000 rub.
Electric pasteurizer of the A1-OPE series Heating: infrared. Volume: 1000 liters. 605000 rub.
Connecting units, pumps, pipes, sinks and other additional equipment - approximately 100,000 rubles. 100000 rub.
Total: 1302000 rubles

In addition to the main equipment in the workshop, you need to purchase the following items:

  • (briquettes of 100-125g and 200-250g), productivity - 40-72 briquettes/min. - 885 000 rub
  • (working temperature +5 C), price 117,800 rubles.

Thus, the cost of completing the workshop for the production of cottage cheese with the Economy line, taking into account additional equipment, will be 1.9 million rubles, and with the Standard line, 2.3 million rubles.

Let us carry out a comparative analysis of these lines.

As can be seen from the presented table, with a similar productivity, the labor intensity of production on the "Standard" line is much less due to a higher degree of automation of the production process. The cost of production produced on this line will be lower than on the Economy line, therefore, the manufacturer can reduce selling prices without compromising profitability, which in turn will have a positive effect on the company's financial results. In connection with starting a business, it is optimal to choose the Standard line.

Feasibility study of the project

Capital investments

  • Purchase of equipment: 2.3 million rubles.
  • Transportation costs, installation supervision, commissioning: 0.3 million rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials 1 million rubles.
  • Preparation of the premises (repair, bringing to compliance with SanPina, electrical wiring) - 0.5 million rubles.
  • Registration in INFS, account opening, other expenses: 0.1 million rubles.
  • Total 4.2 million rubles

Calculation of revenue and profitability

* Profit according to industry average profitability data for this type of activity