Recipes for the winter: we prepare and close white currants. Whitecurrant jam: secrets and cooking options - how to cook delicious whitecurrant jam from white fruits

22.09.2019 Beverages

Traditional white currant jelly for the winter

The list of products for cooking healthy delicacies is small - we only need white currants in the amount of 1 kilogram and the same amount of sugar.

Wash the berries. It is not at all necessary to remove them from the branches, because we will grind the berry mass, which will allow us to separate the juice with pulp from the skin, twigs and seeds. Just place the currants in a saucepan (not aluminum, but preferably enameled).

Pour 50 ml of water into it, turn on the burner. The pot must be covered with a lid so that steam forms inside. Under its influence, the berries will soften, the skin will burst. In this form, the currant is easy to grind. We need a sieve, it's good if you have a fine one. Place part of the mass into it, grind with a spoon. The pulp will remain in the sieve. It can be thrown back onto gauze and squeezed out. Process the entire berry mass in this way. We will turn the resulting pure pulp into jelly.

Set a bowl of berries on the fire, send sugar there. As the mass heats up, its surface will begin to be covered with air foam. She needs to be removed. If this is not done, the transparency of the jelly will be lost. After boiling, the fire should be slightly reduced. The delicacy should be cooked for at least 40 minutes. Periodically it is worth stirring the boiling mass so that the liquid evaporates faster. Be sure to sterilize containers and lids. Pour the finished jelly into jars immediately after turning off the fire. Twist the lids, turn over the jars with winter harvesting and wrap them up.

Recipe for currants without cooking

Ingredients: white currant - 1 kg; sugar - 1.3 kg.

Since this berry contains a sufficient amount of pectin, it is possible to make jelly from it without cooking. However, it should be understood that juice that has not undergone any heat treatment at all will simply deteriorate during storage after a while; it will not stand idle until winter. Therefore, it is desirable to at least bring the product to a boil. This is how we will prepare the delicacy this time.

So, wash the berries, dry them. Then the raw material must be crushed. This can be done with a mortar or in another way. Our task is to extract the juice. Then we will wipe the pulp through a sieve and gauze. So we will be able to get rid of the seeds and skins. Drain the fruit mass into a suitable saucepan, add sugar. There is a lot of it, so it will not work quickly to dissolve it. Turn on the fire and constantly stir the syrup, otherwise the sugar will burn to the bottom. Usually, by the time the mass boils, the sugar grains are completely dissolved. In order for the jelly to be able to be stored all winter, it is required to boil it for one minute. Then immediately pour into jars (sterilized only). Roll up the container with lids, turn over and cover with a blanket. Store uncooked jelly in the refrigerator.

Plum, apple and white currant jelly

This recipe will appeal to housewives for its simplicity, and the finished product will be appreciated for its excellent taste, pleasant color, aroma and texture. Apples and currants - these components contain a lot of pectin, and plums will give a pink tint to our dessert.

Ingredients- white currant - 0.5 kg; plums - 0.5 kg; apples - 5 pcs.

Apples take green, dense and juicy. Fruits with a loose structure will not work. Plums can be taken any. Wash all fruits and berries, let water drain from them. Kill currants with a blender, put on a sieve and strain. Divide the plums in half, remove the pits. We do not touch the apples yet, otherwise they will darken. Pour plums with boiling water for 5 minutes, then transfer to cold water. Now it is easy to remove the skin from the fruit. And the pulp should be ground or chopped with a blender.

Combine currant juice and plum mass and put on fire. Now let's get to the apples. Cut off the skin from them, remove the seed boxes, and cut the flesh into cubes. Immediately spread the apple slices into the hot fruit mass.

Bring to a boil, with an immersion blender grind the apples so that they turn into a smooth puree. Now put the sugar in the pan. It will dissolve quickly in the hot fruit mass, but you still need to stir. After boiling, cook the jelly for 5 minutes, turn off the burner. The next day, bring the jelly to a boil and pour into jars, twist. Leave them upside down and covered with a warm blanket until cool. In the future, the product can be stored in the cellar.

See how easy it is to make whitecurrant jelly?! The recipe without cooking is especially interesting, as it does not require much time and allows you to save more vitamins that the berries contain. We are sure that you will definitely like at least one of the recipes, but in order to appreciate the taste of jelly, you need to cook it. Now is the time for this - many currants have already ripened in their gardens.

Fruits and berries


White currant jelly for the winter it will turn out fragrant, tender and very useful. To create it, we will not use gelatin or other preservatives. The fact is that the berries contain a large amount of pectin - natural gelatin. This pectin will be enough to thicken the jelly. It should also be noted that under prolonged exposure to high temperatures, pectin decomposes and loses its binding properties. To make the jelly the way you want, follow the instructions from the simple step-by-step photo recipe exactly.

Such currant jelly is being prepared with the addition of secret ingredients. In order to improve its palatability, we will cook the base together with hot chili peppers and garlic. These two ingredients will favorably highlight the taste of white currant, emphasize it and add a little bit of piquancy. Another main ingredient in this winter preparation is mint. With fresh mint leaves, we will boil the base, but we will also add it at the final stage directly to the jelly. A delicious treat after closing should be stored only in a cold place so that it does not lose its basic qualities. Let's start cooking at home whitecurrant jelly with mint for the winter.



    First of all, you need to stock up on white currants. You can take as much jelly as you want to get as a result. It is worth noting that for the preparation of this dish we only need juice, which means that the volume of the main ingredient will decrease significantly. We spread all the currants in a colander and thoroughly rinse it under running cold water, remove the twigs and leaves.

    Mint pick up fresh and young. Nothing if the leaves are with stems. Rinse the greens thoroughly in cold water and then dry on a clean kitchen towel.

    Grind clean and dry mint leaves together with the stems in any way convenient for you. We send a small part of the chopped mint to the refrigerator for storage.

    Pour the prepared currants into a deep enameled pan, send all the chopped mint, a couple of cloves of garlic, bay leaf and dried hot chili peppers there. Pour all the ingredients with water so that it literally covers them by 2/3 of the total volume. We turn on a small fire and begin to cook currants. Cook until the berries and garlic are soft. Carefully fish the chili out of the pan, as well as the garlic cloves and bay leaves. Next, we have to use a special jelly bag, as in the photo. Pour the contents of the pan into it and leave the juice to secrete for the next 12 hours. Under the bottom we put a deep enameled bowl.

    After the expiration of the specified time, the resulting juice is measured. Sugar must be added to pure juice in a ratio of 1:1. Pour the juice into a clean saucepan, add the right amount of sugar and send it to the stove. Bring the liquid to a boil and completely dissolve the sugar crystals. After that, cook the jelly until the temperature reaches 100 degrees. Pour the remaining chopped mint at room temperature into the pan, turn off the fire. Thoroughly mix the ingredients, wait for them to cool, then pour the jelly into prepared sterilized jars, twist them with lids. Delicious whitecurrant jelly for the winter is ready.

    Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 180 min

Jelly is one of the favorite foods of children. I bring to your attention a recipe for making whitecurrant jelly. It is very tasty, fragrant, with a slight sourness. Such jelly can even be diluted with water in winter, and you get a wonderful compote that children drink with pleasure. contains a large amount of vitamin C, it has a beneficial effect on the intestines. It is good to impregnate cake layers with such jelly. To prepare it, it is enough to prepare the berries, boil them a little, grind them through a colander, add sugar, boil and pour into jars. Such jelly will become a favorite treat not only for children, but also for adults. So, today for you - white currant jelly for the winter. Step-by-step instructions with a detailed description of the cooking process will help you make a healthy preparation from this vitamin berry.
Cooking time: 3 hours
Product yield: 1 liter jar
To prepare whitecurrant jelly, we need the following ingredients:
- white currant - 1 kilogram,
- granulated sugar - 400 grams,
- purified water - 100 milliliters.

Recipe with photo step by step:

White currants do not have to be taken whole. You can use a little wrinkled, as we will grind it anyway.

White currants must be washed under running water, stripped from the twigs and put in an enamel pan.

Add purified water. Boil for 2-3 minutes.

Cool slightly and strain through a colander. The remaining pulp can be used for pies or just add water, leave overnight, and in the morning you will get a wonderful compote.

Pour the resulting juice with pulp into an enamel saucepan, add sugar and boil for 1.5 hours over low heat.

Due to the high content of pectin in white currants, the jelly hardens well.

While the jelly is cooking, you can start processing jars. They must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. Now there are many different ways to do this. I find it best to use a steamer. We also thoroughly wash the lids and boil for several minutes. Pour the jelly into sterile jars and cool to 60 degrees. It is necessary to cool the jelly so that condensation does not form on the lid, and the jam does not deteriorate over time.

When the whitecurrant jelly has cooled, it must be tightly closed with lids.
Such jelly will be an excellent filling for baking, you can simply spread it on a piece of bread and eat it for breakfast with tea. According to the same recipe, you can make not only whitecurrant jelly, but also jelly from different types of currants. And from the berries of red currant you can cook very tasty

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in winter can be replenished with the help of sweet white currant blanks. From it you can cook delicious desserts, drinks, sauces, jams, fillings for pies. White currant jam is a real storehouse of healing substances that can normalize all the functions of the organs of the human body. The white berry contains pectin, which, when processed, turns into a jelly mass.

The benefits of whitecurrant jam

Pectin, which this berry is rich in, has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. White fruits contain proteins, monosaccharides, fiber, carbohydrates, acids, ascorbic acid, vitamins A, E, B, P, and mineral components. The calorie content of currant jam is 285 kcal per 100 g.

Interesting! White currant is inferior to black in the content of ascorbic acid, but surpasses it in potassium and iron.

White berries, unlike red and black currants, do not contain dyes, which means that a tasty delicacy does not cause allergies.

Useful properties of the product:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates cellular metabolism;
  • fights pathogens in the intestines;
  • improves eyesight;
  • prevents the appearance of tumors;
  • normalizes the composition of the blood;
  • restores liver cells;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • normalizes reproductive functions.

Currant dessert is 4 times healthier than a product with orange or lemon. Even when cooked, currants retain most of their healing properties and nutrients, unlike other fruits and berries.

Selection and preparation of currants

White currant has a dense shell, it is able to stay on the bush for a long time, not to deteriorate and not fall off.

  1. For jam choose ripe, preferably large berries. They should be sorted out, soft, spoiled are removed.
  2. Currants are cleaned of leaves, washed, separated from brushes, spread on a towel, dried.
  3. Wash in a colander under running water, allow excess liquid to drain.

Cook jam in enameled or glassware. Jars in which jam is closed and lids must be sterilized.

Additional ingredients for currant jam

  • Raspberries are the perfect complement to white currants.
  • Bananas make the jam taste exotic, the resulting dessert will not be so liquid.
  • Sweet apples, cherries, rosehips, gooseberries complement the taste of currants well.
  • Often, white currants are mixed with red and even black, but the benefits of such a product do not decrease.
  • Spices are added to give a peculiar taste: ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, mint.

Interesting! Pears and plums drown out the taste of berries, so they are not recommended to be added to jam.

Jam making methods

In summer, the berries ripen quickly, you want to enjoy fresh currants and preserve its unique taste for the winter. In addition to the traditional method - on the stove, whitecurrant jam can be cooked in a slow cooker and microwave.

Cooking in a multicooker

Thanks to gelling agents, it is not necessary to add gelatin to the delicacy for density.

You will need:

  • water - 120 ml;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • berries - 800 g.

Yield - 700 ml of product.

Step by step recipe:

  1. pick the currants from the branches, wash, let the water drain;
  2. put the berries in a bowl, add water;
  3. put in a slow cooker, turn on the “multi-cook” mode by 100 degrees, time 20 minutes;
  4. pour the mass into a sieve and grind - it turns out 2.5 cups of mashed potatoes;
  5. pour currant puree into a multi-bowl, pour sugar, cover with a lid;
  6. turn on the "jam" mode, set 25 minutes;
  7. pour the jam into sterile jars, twist.

Jam in the microwave

If you don’t have time to fiddle with blanks, you can use an easy recipe for currant dessert in the microwave. Unfortunately, such a delicacy can only be made in small portions.

Step by step preparation:

  1. washed fruits (500 g) are placed in a container for the oven;
  2. pour sugar (400 g), leave for 50 minutes until juice appears;
  3. send the dishes to the oven, set the power to 800 for 3 minutes, if the liquid does not boil, add a few more minutes;
  4. get, mix, add pink pepper (1 teaspoon);
  5. place a container with a sweet mass in the oven for 8 minutes at full power;
  6. pour into banks.

White Currant Jam Recipes

White currant blanks turn out to be a beautiful amber color. It is possible to preserve the beneficial properties of fruits only by reducing the cooking time of the product.

Classic recipe


  1. Pour 900 g of currants with 100 ml of water.
  2. Put on fire, boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Grind the berries in a blender.
  4. Add gradually 1.2 kg of sugar.
  5. Boil jam for 30 minutes.

Important! The readiness of the product is checked drop by drop, which should not spread over the plate.

You can speed up the process: beat raw berries, add sugar (1:1), boil for 25-40 minutes, cook the mass over medium heat until thick, stirring all the time.

Seedless jam

  1. Pour currants (1 kg) with 150 ml of water, boil for 3 minutes.
  2. Rub through a sieve.
  3. Pour the grated pulp with 900 g of sugar.
  4. Boil 15 minutes.
  5. Let cool, cook for another 10 minutes.
  6. Repeat again.

Interesting! The volume of liquid during cooking is reduced by 1/3.

Jam on pectin

  1. Skip a kilogram of berries through a juicer.
  2. Combine juice with 900 g of sugar, boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Add a spoonful of pectin mixed with sugar (1 spoon).
  4. Boil 5-7 minutes.

Jam without boiling

  1. Skip a kilogram of fruit through a meat grinder along with a kilogram of sugar.
  2. Leave the sweet mass to infuse for 2 hours.
  3. Send to the fire, bring to a boil, but do not boil.
  4. While hot, pour the jam into jars, twist.

Video: five-minute currant jam with raspberries

Whitecurrant in preparations for the winter is in perfect harmony with raspberries. Jam from a mixture of these berries is very tasty, thick, easy and quick to prepare.


  • 2 kg of berries (currants and raspberries);
  • 700 g sugar if you are making pitted jam, 1 kg for pitted jam.

The ratio of berries can be any, but the most delicious jam is obtained if they are approximately equal. However, this is a matter of taste. By the way, you can take any currant for this recipe: not only white, but also red, black, or a mixture of them.


  1. Wash the berries, remove twigs, ponytails and other debris.
  2. Turn the berries into a puree. It is very convenient to do this with an immersion blender, and if you want to keep a maximum of taste and vitamins in the workpiece, then it is better to do it with a wooden pusher.
  3. To make pitted jam, you need to grind the resulting puree through a sieve (or using suitable kitchen appliances).
  4. Pour the future jam into the pan, cover with sugar, stir.
  5. Put on fire, cook for 3-5 minutes (no more!) After boiling, do not forget to remove the foam.
  6. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up.

Jam is ready! All the subtleties of its preparation, see the video:

Blank storage

  • After closing the jar, it must be turned over, covered with a warm blanket, left for a day.
  • Before sending for storage, be sure to check the tightness of the lid: it should be slightly pressed in, not click under the pressure of your fingers.
  • Store jam jars in a dark place, such as a pantry. The air temperature is preferably 14-18 degrees. In a warm room, the shelf life is reduced, the product may deteriorate.

Whitecurrant jam is a delicious preparation that allows the hostess to show her culinary imagination. For example, to achieve an unusual taste, you can add different ingredients: lemon, kiwi, orange. Or maybe you have an interesting idea with new ingredients, and you get an original jam that no one else has!

Pick whitecurrant berries from the twigs, rinse in running water and drain. Pour the berries into a saucepan (not aluminum!), add 50 ml of water and put on medium heat. Bring the berries to a boil and cook for about 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. All berries should burst and boil.

Remove the mass of boiled berries from the heat and rub through a fine sieve from seeds and skins. The result is a translucent light mass. That's the way it should be.

Add sugar to the berry mass in portions, stirring constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the berry-sugar mixture back into the pan where the berries were cooked before and bring to a boil. Cook, stirring, for about 5-7 minutes. The mass should become transparent and acquire an amber hue. At this time, prepare beautiful small jars (sterilized) and lids.

Remove the mass from the heat and, while hot, pour into jars. This is important, because the jelly hardens very quickly! Leave jars of jelly to cool completely without lids at room temperature. For storage, close the jars with lids and store in a cool place. Store the opened jar in the refrigerator. Bon appetit!