What are the benefits of almonds: useful properties and contraindications of the product. Almond nuts: benefits and harms

20.09.2019 The drinks

Almond nuts are considered one of the most delicious. The high taste and nutritional properties of almonds have led to the fact that it has become popular all over the world.

Many people think that almonds are a nut, but in fact they are a stone fruit. The stone, or almond, is different: smooth, perforated, reticulate-striated, with a thick or fragile shell. In addition to these differences, almonds are also bitter and sweet.

We eat sweet oval-shaped almonds with a slightly oily taste. And bitter almonds are used to make almond oil, which is then used to flavor drinks, liquors and other food products. Bitter almonds contain a lot of toxic substances, so you can not eat it. And when processing bitter almonds, all toxic substances are removed.

Nuts almonds: application. Sweet almonds are eaten fresh and used in the confectionery industry, adding to various desserts, cookies, cakes and ice cream. Oil is also made from almonds, and the shell is used to color wines and make cognac.

Almond pulp can be added to baths as a skin softener. Almond wood is added to carpentry and turning products. Terry almond flowers are also interesting to gardeners, so they grow ornamental trees and almond bushes.

Composition of almonds. Almonds contain a lot of B vitamins, which are necessary for building new cells, normalizing metabolism, improving the condition of hair, skin and teeth. Vitamin E has antioxidant properties that neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals and prevent cell destruction.

Contains almonds and a complex: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, which positively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Almond kernels contain vitamins such as thiamine, biotin, riboflavin, peredoxin, as well as pantothenic and folic acids. It is recommended to eat 8-10 almonds per day if you do not have a tendency to gain excess weight.

Nuts almonds: benefits and harms.

Beneficial features:

  • improves brain function;
  • promotes cleansing of internal organs;
  • has enveloping, analgesic and anticonvulsant properties;
  • useful for urolithiasis, as it helps to remove sand from the kidneys;
  • opens blockages in the liver and spleen;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • has a choleretic effect;
  • enhances potency;
  • effectively relieves a hangover;
  • has a sedative effect with constant use, improves sleep;
  • helps in the treatment of bronchial asthma, stomatitis, pneumonia;
  • almond "milk" is used as an enveloping agent for diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • improves the condition of the body in all chronic diseases;
  • relieves painful thinness. To do this, almonds must be eaten directly with the peel, because it contains flavonoids.

Almonds in medicine and cosmetology. Alternative medicine and cosmetology have recognized that almonds have a good anti-aging effect. Therefore, almond extracts are added to natural cosmetics, oils, emulsions, shampoos. Almond helps to take care of hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, softens the skin, makes it velvety and elastic, and fights stretch marks.

Almonds can be used for baldness. To do this, gruel from crushed almonds mixed with milk should be lubricated on the head. You can do the same with furunculosis.

Useful properties of almonds make it possible for its effective use in such diseases: severe urination, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cough, anemia and anemia, insomnia, increased acidity of gastric juice, growth retardation in children.

The harm of almonds. When eating almonds, remember that only sweet almonds are suitable for nutrition. Do not eat unripe almonds. Almonds should be eaten with caution for those who are prone to allergic reactions. When eating almonds, keep in mind that they are high in calories. Almonds are not recommended for overexcitation or palpitations. When used a large number almonds may cause dizziness or mild drug intoxication.

How to peel almonds:

Almonds are very popular with those who like to snack on the go. They can be used in desserts or eaten raw. Almonds are loved by those who are contraindicated in dairy products, and they often help out vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists. The product is considered very useful due to the high content of fatty oils and vitamin B. However, it is important to remember that you should not abuse this nut either: almonds can be both beneficial and harmful to the body.

What kind of plant is almond?

It is believed that almond tree - thermophilic plant. But it grows not only in the warm south, but also in places where the temperature is quite low. It will not be difficult to find a photo of an almond tree: it is a beautiful lush bush with a lot of small branches.

Almond nuts, the harmful and beneficial properties of which will remain an eternal topic for medical discussions, are not actually nuts. This is a fruit in the form of a stone from a tree of plum fruit crops of the Rosaceae family. Many perceive almonds as a nut, but this is not entirely true. You may have noticed the similarity of flavors with peach pit or apricot kernel.

It is customary to distinguish two subspecies: bitter (wild) and sweet (cultivated) almonds. The wild fruit is inedible: it contains amygdalin glycoside, a substance that can provoke poisoning of the human body.

The use of the fruit in cosmetology and cooking

The almond fruit is very widely used in both food and cosmetic industries. They make from it:

  • milk;
  • butter.

Among other things, almonds are roasted and eaten separately. There are also many recipes that use almonds as the main ingredient. They are also often decorated with ready-made dishes: mainly salads and desserts.

The chemical composition of the almond

The benefits of the fruit are determined by the chemical composition, especially the content of a number of substances similar to elastin and collagen. It is recommended to eat nuts along with the skin - it contains more useful trace elements. Almonds are high in protein (up to 30%), saturated fats (up to 40-60%) and essential oils(up to 0.8%). The fruits contain:

  • B vitamins (B1 - 14%, B2 - 60%, B3 - 16%, B6 - 7%, B5 - 5%, B9 - 12%);
  • vitamin E - 135%;
  • organic acids;
  • carotene;
  • amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, valine, histidine);
  • fatty acids (stearic, myristic, arachidic, margaric, molescinic);
  • manganese - 44%;
  • magnesium - 36%;
  • phosphorus - 29%;
  • calcium - 9.5%;
  • potassium - 40%;
  • selenium - 4%;
  • zinc - 21%;
  • iron - 21%.

Calorie content of almonds

This nut is quite high in calories - approximately 650 kcal/100 grams. The calorie content of the product will vary depending on the method of preparation. Roasted almonds have a higher rate than raw almonds. If you abuse the fruits, then excess weight will not take long. Doctors recommend to consume about 30 grams per day. It all depends on the diet of each individual person: someone can afford more of these nuts, and someone should more carefully control their appetite.

Almonds do not contain cholesterol, they also have very little sugar and sodium.

Nutritional value of almonds:

  • proteins - 21.2 grams;
  • fats - 49.4 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 21.6.

Almonds - what is useful?

So, what are the health benefits of almonds? Some doctors advise to use it daily, and some recommend to refrain from eating it often. Whom to believe? In fact, this fruit has both beneficial and harmful properties.

Due to the high content of the above components, almond reduces the risk of developing cancer, liver disease, strengthens the nerves, and is also an adjuvant for atherosclerosis and some diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The reason for the benefits of almonds for the heart and blood vessels a high content of several interconnected nutrients at once is considered. Among other things, the fruits are enriched with flavonoids of plant origin, which enhance their effect in the presence of tocopherol.

Vitamins in almonds have a positive effect on the nervous system, preventing cognitive decline. By eating almonds, a person supports his brain, acquiring a healthy sleep and increased working capacity during the day.

The reduction in the risk of oncology can be explained by the fact that some components are counted in the almond: vitamin E, selenium and zinc. Properly combining the fruits of this valuable plant with other products, you can take a preventive measure aimed at combating cancer.

The undeniable advantages of the product include benefits for the bones of the whole body. Minerals contained in almonds strengthen bone tissue.

Among other things, this fruit helps in losing weight. Despite the high calorie content, the product reduces weight. The main thing is the correct dosage. As already mentioned, there is almost no sugar in almonds.

Almond oil is also considered healing. It has enveloping properties, softening the reactivity of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. Nuts alkalize the body, which has a beneficial effect on immunity. Dietary fiber in the right dosage facilitates the work of the intestines.

Another plus of almond kernels - prebiotic function. Walnut well nourishes the beneficial intestinal microflora. There is a study that brought together several women who included this valuable plant product in their daily diet. The result is a significant increase in the number of beneficial bacteria. The women participating in this food experiment consumed 56 grams of almond kernels for two months.

Ladies use almond fruit for skin care, applying various care products with its addition: these procedures make the hair healthy and the skin smooth. Nuts are added to the diet during pregnancy and lactation - they help to quickly replenish the balance of micro and macro elements necessary for the mother's body. The rich composition of the almond tree kernel allows you to get several necessary substances at once, almost completely covering the daily requirement.

For men, almonds are no less useful: due to the huge number of useful properties, it improves the quality of seminal fluid and has a beneficial effect on potency. However, the stronger sex also uses the fruit of this plant for cosmetic purposes: a mask of crushed nuts is applied to problem areas, preventing early alopecia.

Almonds - useful properties and contraindications

We have figured out the countless useful properties of almond kernels. What can be said about the dangers of this nut? Contraindications, oddly enough, also exist. The first thing to note is that eating large amounts of almonds is bad for people with allergies. Although almonds are moderately allergenic foods, the body's reaction to almonds can be very sharp: to provoke Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock. In this case, the uncontrolled use of this fetus is life-threatening. Symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, nasal congestion, dizziness, blurred vision.

Eating almond kernels is highly discouraged: this is a direct path to a variety of intestinal disorders. Do not overeat - salicylates and amines, contained in both raw and roasted almonds, provoke flatulence, cramps and headaches.

Some believe that almonds belong to the category of foods that counteract the absorption calcium, iron and magnesium. The phytic acid found in the skins can slow down the absorption of these nutrients, which is why naturopathic dieters soak the nuts before eating them. But in most cases, this hypothesis is ignored, adhering to the traditional opinion that the peel of nuts is useful.

What is the right way to eat almonds?

The ideal option is to use raw peeled almonds with a little acid or salt. You can also pour boiling water over the nuts, leaving for a few seconds, and then remove the skin.

As mentioned, there is an opinion that the fruits should only be eaten in a purified form due to the acid content. However, almonds are mostly eaten roasted, cooked along with the skin.

You can also make milk from almond kernels. An excellent alternative for people with lactose intolerance, vegans, vegetarians and raw foodists. To do this, the fruit is soaked for several hours, then the water is drained, then mixed in a blender with the addition of clean water. The resulting milk is filtered through gauze or a sieve. Such a product is stored for only a few days.

The almond is not scientifically a nut. And this is not its only feature. It has really amazing useful and healing properties. It is worth talking about them in detail!

First, let's get to know him a little better.

From this article you will learn:

Almond nut: benefits and harms, composition, properties, application

The almond tree is truly a Masterpiece of Nature! How beautiful it is, especially during its flowering. The smell of its most beautiful, pleasing to the eye flowers, incredibly fragrant and intoxicating ... And all because this plant belongs to the Pink family. Its genus is plum.

And in fact, this is a stone fruit, and not a nut at all, as it is believed. But we will call it as it is customary, as we are used to. From this, its essence and the benefits of almonds for the body will not become less!

Origin and how almonds grow

He comes from Central Asia, therefore, like most "Asians", he is very photophilous.

Due to the fact that the root system is quite well developed, it is not particularly demanding on soils, it can easily adapt to stony, gravelly soils, slopes.

He is not even afraid of drought. Calmly tolerates frosts up to 25 degrees. The only trouble for him is that very early flowering (often even in February!) makes him suffer during the period of frost, which occurs with the onset of spring after the first warm weather.

Now these trees can be found not only in Asia. They spread, taking root very well, in many countries of the world with a warm climate.

These are, in particular, the territories of the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Mediterranean region. In America, this is the state of California. In Europe - Slovakia, Czech Republic.

By the way, it is the USA that is now the largest producer and supplier of this nut to all countries of the world.

This is a very valuable honey plant, which gives a lot of honey nectar and pollen.

There are many types of this tree. The fruits of many of them are not intended for food, they are simply decorative.

The wood of this plant is widely used in carpentry.

Chemical composition of almonds: vitamins and minerals

Consider the chemical composition using the example of sweet almond kernels.

  • riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 56% of the total daily requirement;
  • thiamine - 0.22 mg;
  • pyridoxine - 0.15 mg;
  • vitamin B9 - 52 mg.
  • Vitamin C is missing.
  • Vitamin PP - 6, 98 mg. (35% of the daily norm);

First of all, it is magnesium - 267 mg.

Phosphorus - 483 mg., Potassium - 706 mg., Calcium - 263 mg.

There is also manganese - 2.28 mg, copper - 2 mg, iron, zinc, selenium.

Nutritional value and calorie content of almonds

Nutritional value of almonds per 100 grams of product:

  • Almost half is occupied by fats - 49, 43 gr.
  • Protein contains 20 grams.
  • Carbohydrates are about 10 grams.

As well as dietary fiber - 12 grams, water - 4.8 grams, ash - 3 grams.


Calorie content of almonds is 575 kcal

These are palmitic acid - 3.05 g, stearic acid - 0.68 g, arachidic acid - 0.02 g, milistine - 0.01 g.

The energy value

Let's take 30 gr. nuts.

This amount is considered the maximum daily allowance for a person with a calorie diet of 2000 kcal. per day.

It turns out 170 kcal., 6 grams of protein, 15 grams of fat.

The amino acid series contains essential and essential amino acids in sufficient quantities for human health and nutrition: tryptophan is 53%, histidine - 52%, isoleucine - 46%, leucine - 45%.

Useful and medicinal properties of almonds

  • Traditional healers claim that if you introduce regular use of this nut into your diet, then many diseases can recede.
  • A healthy person can significantly improve his health, for this he only needs a handful of nuts a day, just to maintain.
  • Almonds are quite nutritious, so it will be very useful for those who have high energy costs of the body (physical, mental, mental), as well as for those who are in a weakened state, sick, who are running out of strength.
  • Almonds are an excellent tool for detoxifying the body, in order to get rid of unnecessary "trash" accumulated in the cells of the body, to remove toxins, toxins, salts of heavy metals.
  • It has a healing effect on the kidneys and the entire urinary system.
  • There will be a significant benefit when used for men's health, since almonds are incredibly capable of improving potency due to the high content of zinc, the most important mineral for these purposes.
  • It has good choleretic properties, strengthens the liver tissue.
  • Has rejuvenating properties.
  • Oriental science of health - Ayurveda - claims that almonds have a very beneficial effect on female beauty !!!
  • An interesting property of this nut is to help with a hangover.
  • Improves the quality of the blood, is used in the treatment of anemia.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the work of the spleen, pancreas.
  • Simply an indispensable tool for those who have problems with the heart, blood vessels, a predisposition to attacks of high blood pressure.
  • A significant calming effect on the body has been noted, and therefore it is a good remedy for a sick, loosened nervous system, including insomnia.
  • Has excellent antioxidant properties. Powerful anticarcinogen. The substances that are in its composition prevent the destruction of healthy cells.
  • In connection with the foregoing, we can safely say that the use of almonds helps to reduce the risk of malignant tumors, which minimizes the likelihood of oncology.
  • Traditional medicine has facts that the stomach begins to work better, it becomes easier and over time such a nuisance as a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer heals, and the work of the pancreas is facilitated.
  • In addition to medicinal beneficial properties, it is also an excellent cosmetic product. For these purposes, oil (fatty vegetable and essential) is used.
  • Ideal for skin, hair and nails care.
  • It has strong anti-aging properties, tightens the oval of the face, nourishes the skin, makes it soft, fresh.
  • After applying cosmetic oil in the form of masks, hair acquires a special shine, silkiness, their roots are strengthened, and dandruff disappears.
  • There are examples that the regular use of this oil for a long time to combat baldness (scalp massages, masks) revived the hair to a new active growth!!
  • It is very effectively used in anti-cellulite procedures - massage, regular application, as a care product, anti-cellulite wraps.
  • An excellent remedy for stretch marks (striae) on the skin of the body.

Video: the benefits and harms of almonds

Where is almond used and how is it used

The main areas of application are cooking, traditional medicine, dietetics, cosmetology, industrial production of the food industry.

Of particular value to us are almonds, they are also nuts. These nucleoli taste bitter, they are sweet, it all depends on the variety. And, depending on this, they are used for different purposes, in different qualities.

Bones of sweet varieties are used for food. Not only the kernels of this nut are valuable, but also its shell, which is very widely used in the cosmetic industry for skin care products as an exfoliating agent for the skin.

In the food industry, ground shells are used to flavor various drinks during their production. These are, in particular, wines, liqueurs, brandy. By the way, this improves not only their aroma, but also their color changes towards a deeper, more saturated one.

Essential oil is distilled from the cake left after the extraction of fatty oil, which is used for fragrance in the perfume and cosmetic industries, and is produced as an independent product.

In folk medicine, dietetics is used to treat many diseases and also as a component of a healthy diet.

Almond oil

The oil is also made from sweet almonds, which are very valuable and widely used in cosmetology, including for the preparation of face and body masks.

Also, the oil is considered very valuable in the production of high quality soaps and other cosmetic products.

And the harm of which is mentioned even in biblical writings. They are very popular and in demand today. This is because the unusual taste and many vitamins and minerals have a surprisingly for the human body. In nature, there are two types of food: bitter and sweet. The first is most often used to obtain various derivatives, including oils, but the second is applicable in cooking and suitable for consumption. Let's take a closer look at these qualities.

Almonds (nuts): benefits and harms

Let's focus on the components. Let's start with the fact that the fiber content can have a beneficial effect on digestion, but the presence of vitamin B will help to cope with beriberi and body weakness. Vitamin E will be an excellent prophylactic against cancerous tumors and cardiovascular diseases. What else:

  • nuts contain elements such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and even copper with zinc;
  • lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood by taking the ingredient inside for several months;
  • regulates blood sugar, which is very important for diabetics;
  • almond nuts, the properties of which are described in this article, remarkably remove sand from the kidneys;
  • oil is made from the product, which is part of various creams and ointments, not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for skin care of the face and body;
  • nuts can cure cough and sore throat;
  • the use of the ingredient regularly will improve vision, memory and brain function;
  • almonds are used as a sedative, as well as a means for regulating metabolic processes;
  • to strengthen hair, nails and improve their growth will allow nothing more than the daily use of a small amount of nuts;
  • increasing potency and fighting impotence.

Calories in almond nuts

One hundred grams of the product contains almost 60 g of fat and about 16-18 g of proteins and carbohydrates. But even with such an amount of fatty substances and a high calorie content (about 640 calories), the ingredient does not add weight at all, so it is often included in diets and fasting days. By the way, to get a daily dose of the elements that are in the product, it is enough to eat only 30 grams of nuts, this is not so much, given that they have a decent weight.

Almond. Nuts: benefits and harms

Since the positive qualities have been described, let's dwell on the negative side of using a useful product. And since it comes in two forms, let's consider each of them:


Almonds (nuts), the benefits and harms of which have been considered, have a very good effect on the human body, but do not forget that an excess of useful components can also negatively affect it, in fact, as well as their lack. Use all ingredients in moderation.

Since ancient times, many peoples have believed almonds, useful properties which are indisputable, a symbol of fertility, prosperity and marital happiness. The almond tree is a plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. Asia is considered the birthplace of this plant. Today it is brought from the United States, Syria, Iran, Spain, Italy. Every year the geography of production of this crop is expanding. There are about forty types of almonds. Breeders do not stop developing plant varieties that are more resistant to various climatic conditions.

Almond. A photo

Almond grows well on dry hillsides, poor soils. But it does not tolerate a lack of calcium in the soil. Does not like shady places, does not require a lot of moisture. Although a tree may live for a hundred and thirty years, it will only bear fruit for fifty years. Reproduction comes from "children" coming from the root of a tree or a bone. The culture is frost-resistant, but spring frosts and cold rain can cause crop failure. The plant is shaped like a bush or tree. Its height can reach six meters.

The leaves of the almond tree are long, with a pointed end. Blooms beautifully and profusely in pink. After flowering, fruits are formed - drupes. By the time of ripening, the soft part of the fruit dries up, and the dry crust disappears. As the almonds ripen, they resemble green peaches. The weight of the almond stone is from 1 to 5 grams.

Varieties of almonds

Thanks to the protective shell, the kernels retain their useful qualities for a long time, because they do not come into contact with oxygen and ultraviolet rays. Purified nucleoli during long-term storage are able to lose their biologically active properties. In nature, sweet and bitter almonds grow. Sweet grains are oval in shape.

Bitter almonds are suitable for making almond oil, which is used as a flavoring for drinks. The grains of bitter almonds contain a large amount of amygdalin - up to 4%. Once in the body, this toxic substance decomposes into hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyde. Bitter almonds are not eaten. It is especially dangerous for children. Just ten nucleoli can cause severe harm to their health and even lead to death. For an adult, a lethal amount of poison is contained in fifty bitter nucleoli. In cases of poisoning with poisonous grains, you should immediately call a doctor.

The bitterness of almonds is given by a substance - the glycoside amygdalin. An interesting fact: after heat treatment, a substance that was poisonous becomes safe. Therefore, bitter walnut grains, if calcined, can be safely eaten. Only they still retain bitterness.

There is another type of almond - fragile. The kernels of this variety are sweet in taste, and their peel is very thin. Almonds are distinguished by the thickness of the skin. Here they are divided into thick-skinned, thick-skinned, soft-skinned, and also paper-skinned varieties. Paper-skinned almonds are very convenient to use, but do not tolerate transportation and storage.

Sweet almond. The benefits and harms of the product

Sweet almonds, with a calorie content of approximately 570 calories per 100 grams of grains, are a healthy food for humans. Its kernels contain 50-60% fatty oils. This composition still includes 10% of saturated fats that are harmful to the body. The rest of the mass is represented by monounsaturated fats, which are considered ideal for absorption. Proteins in the product - up to 30%, almonds contain a record amount of protein.

Almonds are rich in B vitamins, and also contain vital vitamin E. Sufficient amount of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium. In terms of potassium content, the product is slightly inferior only. According to the content of magnesium and zinc, walnut ranks third among its relatives. But, none of them has as much calcium as almonds. And if we sum up the entire content of biologically active substances, almond kernels remain in first place among all types of nuts.

Since almonds contain a large amount of calcium and vitamin E, it will be useful for people with anemia, eye diseases, with convulsive muscle contractions, and insomnia. With increased acidity, grains are able to regulate acid formation in the stomach. Almonds are used for peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines. It is recommended to give it to children with insufficient functions in physical development. For medicinal purposes, adults should take up to fifteen grains three times a day. Children are given the norm in the form of a powder in soft food.

Two servings of almonds a week reduce the risk of myocardial infarction. The product is able to stop the degradation of the brain in old age. Biologically active elements and vitamin E found in almonds and the manifestation of atherosclerosis. And the B vitamins do an indispensable job, maintaining skin, hair, and nails in good condition. The use of grains helps to remove toxins and poisons from the body, helps to cleanse the body and blood. Almonds and products with its content are used as a choleretic agent, it is useful for enhancing male potency.

To make the healing properties of almonds more effective, it is more advisable to use the kernels with sugar. It fully facilitates the process of processing and assimilation of the product in the body. When using almonds, you need to remember about its calorie content and complex digestion. Nuts eaten in unlimited quantities can only harm. The optimal daily allowance is a handful of nucleoli up to 30 grams.

Contraindications for the use of sweet almonds are much less than bitter ones. But still they exist. It should be eaten with caution by people prone to allergies. Since sweet almonds have a huge amount of calories, they should not be eaten by those who are overweight. Nut can cause heart palpitations, dizziness and overexcitation, and in some cases even drug intoxication.

Application in medicine

For many hundreds of years, healers have been prescribing almonds for the treatment of asthma, migraine, anemia, and loss of sensation in the upper and lower extremities. Preparations for external use are made from bitter almonds, and sweet ones are widely used in the treatment of internal diseases. It is used for the prevention of malignant tumors, since vitamin E contained in the nut is the strongest antioxidant that can protect body cells from degeneration. Emulsions from almond grains facilitate the manifestation of diseases of the digestive tract: they relieve pain, relieve constipation, envelop the mucous membrane, protecting it from irritation.

Almond oil relieves inflammation. It is used in the dilution of camphor for injections, and medicinal ointments are also made from it. Buried in the ears for pain and tinnitus. The oil is used for bruises and injuries. Almond flour with honey is good for herpes. Just 10 grains of almonds can relieve heartburn. Bitter fruits are widely used in the manufacture of homeopathic remedies for the treatment of diphtheria, ear disease, asthma, and dry cough. Drops from bitter almonds are used in a small dosage (7 drops each) against flatulence and to improve appetite.

Dieting is easy with almonds. 100 grams of product per day can satisfy hunger. At the same time, a person can feel good throughout the day, because nuts have a low glycemic index. Therefore, from the use of almond kernels, the rate of sugar in the blood rises slightly. So you can not feel hungry for a long time. A constant level of sugar is the guarantor of satiety of the body.

Since almonds allow you to normalize and reduce the level of sugar in the body, it is prescribed for patients with diabetes. The nuclei are especially useful for patients with type 2 diabetes, as well as for patients who have shown a pre-diabetic condition. The product can be taken for the treatment of diabetes, as well as for prevention. Due to the properties of almonds to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, it reduces the likelihood of diabetes.

Almonds contain a lot of mineral salts, which are necessary for pregnant women. Almonds during pregnancy are recommended by gynecologists. This is the best source of magnesium. The microelement is also prescribed for women in the form of tablets. This drug relieves excessive tension in the muscles and prevents cramps. 30 grams of nucleoli contain a daily intake of magnesium - 80 mg. Vitamin E, which is abundant in the product, contributes to the normal bearing of the fetus. Walnut grains save a pregnant woman from constipation. To relieve back pain and swelling, a mixture is prescribed: 100 gr. almond oil, 7 drops of lavender oil and 3 drops of neroli and sandalwood. Almonds are good for breastfeeding.

Almond oil

Fatty oils are contained in almond kernels from 40 to 60%. To obtain a quality product, a cold pressing method is used. The oil is made from sweet varieties of almonds. It is very easily absorbed on the surface of the skin. The composition of the oil includes from 60 to 80% monounsaturated acids, 15-25% polyunsaturated, carotene, vitamin B2, vitamin E, amygdalin. A set of trace elements: iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, sugar, proteins.

The oil is widely used for the manufacture of cosmetics, as well as for medicinal purposes. The product is superior in the effectiveness of lowering cholesterol in the blood. Able to fight inflammation, helps with burns. Oil gives a cosmetic effect for any type of skin. And also it helps to recover well after a protracted illness, to gain the missing kilograms.

A little less than a teaspoon per day of almond oil is recommended to drink as a sedative, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and pain reliever. Useful for otitis, bloating and lung diseases. Creates a good effect when applying compresses. Bedridden patients are prescribed for the prevention of bedsores.

How to choose almonds? How to store almonds?

Almonds are best bought in shell. It is necessary to make sure that the shell is solid, without a rusty coating, without mold. The fruits should be uniform in color, similar in shape. You need to choose nuts by smell. If the almond is good, then its smell is pleasant, it gives off freshness. Rancid almonds should not be bought. The product in sealed bags will be of better quality, because it is least exposed to atmospheric influences.

If you are offered roasted almonds, then it is best to buy nuts roasted without oil. You should not buy a product that has been coated in sugar, doused in corn syrup, or with preservatives.

If you leave purchased almonds in an open container, they will quickly deteriorate, acquire a rancid smell, as they contain fatty acids and oils. It is best stored in glassware, in a cool place. Almonds can be stored in tight packages in the freezer. In the refrigerator, the product will be fresh for a long time. The beneficial properties of almonds are best preserved when they remain in the shell.