Boiled sausage recipe. How to cook boiled sausage at home

25.04.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Cooked boiled sausage at home - always considered aerobatics in home cooking. Many of us mistakenly believe that this is a very time-consuming process that only the elect can master. If you knew that, in fact, you prepare dishes where it is more difficult and at the same time consider them completely simple. Cook the sausage once, and you will understand everything yourself. The recipe, which is now before you, clearly, can be attributed to the delicious meat delicacy. Sausage, and yes even with nuts! Caucasian cuisine, so distinctive and tasty, has long demonstrated to the world dishes with nuts. Walnuts in the recipes of the Caucasus can be found in the ingredients of various sauces served with meat and fish, in desserts and salads. They are even present as thickeners for soups. And you can imagine how original the taste of nuts with meat are combined. Sausage with nuts will always be the perfect snack at any celebration.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: sausage stuffing and cooking.

Total cooking time: 24 h

Number of servings: 10 .


  • fat pork - 500 g
  • ground beef - 400 g
  • chicken legs - 3 pcs.
  • chishchenny walnut - 1 tbsp.
  • nutmeg grated - 1/2 tsp.
  • a mixture of black pepper, ground and dry garlic - 3 tbsp. l (proportion 1: 2)
  • ice water - 150 ml
  • salt - to taste
  • shell for sausages or lamb bung.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the pork into small pieces and fold into the dish.

  2. Add ground beef and sliced ​​fillet with chicken legs.
  3. Sort out the walnuts so that the shells are not caught. Add to the meat.
  4. Pour in a dry mixture of black pepper and dry garlic. The ratio of garlic to pepper is 2: 1. Dry garlic can be replaced with fresh, extruded through a press. For a specified number of ingredients you have enough one head of garlic.

  5. Add grated nutmeg and salt. Pour into the minced water. Stir minced meat in a cutter or with your hands for about 5 minutes. All ingredients should be evenly stirred. Leave the mince to marinate in the fridge overnight.

  6. Lamb bung or sausage casings, which are wide enough in diameter, can be bought in online stores that specialize in sausage production. The shell should be tight. In the rounds or sheath, do not forget to make punctures with a needle in several places through which excess air will escape. If you do not do this, then when heated, under the pressure of hot air from the inside, the wheel may burst.
      If you do not have a shell for sausages and no carts, do not despair. You can always replace it with a simple tubular bandage. Tie the ends of the sheath with twine.

  7. Cooked sausage with nuts at the lowest temperature for about 2 hours. It is important that the water does not boil when cooking, and slightly shaken. At the end of cooking you need to cool the loaves under cold water, then put them in the refrigerator for 5 hours.
  8. In the cold, the taste of black pepper will be revealed, and the sausage will acquire the desired aroma and taste. The dish is served as a cold snack.

Mistress note:

  • Usually bung (round) has a specific, subtle smell, which is unpleasant to many. To get rid of it, hold the neck for 30-60 minutes in a solution of vinegar or in half lemon juice diluted. You can also add a little chopped onion into this solution.

The hostess can buy boiled sausage in the store, and you can try to cook it in your own kitchen. This homemade sausage is tasty and healthy, it is suitable for sandwiches, it is used to make delicious and nourishing salads, and they also add it to scrambled eggs.

To fully master the complex process of cooking boiled sausage, it is necessary to divide it into basic steps.

Boiled sausage will have high taste qualities only if you pay attention to the preparation of meat. It should be noted that the meat must be exceptionally fresh. Meat, taken immediately after slaughter, chilled and aged for about 2 days is best suited. The pulp is separated from the tendons and coarse connective tissue. Excessive fat is removed from too fatty meat. Then the meat is cut into large chunks, laid out in a container and poured with salt and saltpeter. The meat prepared in this way is brought to the cold for 2–3 days to salt. It should be noted that pork and beef meat should be cut separately. For 5 kg of meat, take 150 g of salt and 5 g of saltpeter. Then garlic is added to the meat and pork and beef are passed through a meat grinder.

At the next stage, they start forming minced meat for sausage. It is worth noting that the number of ingredients can be changed depending on taste. This primarily concerns the ratio of pork and beef, as well as spices. But in our recipe for boiled sausage, we adhere to this ratio of products:

- pork - 1.5 kg;

- beef - 3 kg;

- fat - 0.5 kg;

- garlic - 2 slices;

- sugar - 1 tsp;

- potato starch - 0.5 cups;

- black ground pepper - 0.25 tsp;

- water - 1 liter.

Before you start mixing stuffing, you must also prepare the lard. For this, they remove the skin from a piece of bacon, and cut the bacon into small cubes. Stirring the sausage meat is done by hand and start with ground beef, gradually adding to it water with starch diluted in it. Then add pepper and minced pork. When the mass becomes homogeneous and will be well separated from the dishes, you can add lard.

The next stage of cooking sausage is to fill the ready stuffing.

For this, the guts are once again well washed and allowed to drain off excess water. To fill the intestines it is convenient to use a special horn or ring with a diameter of about 3-4 cm. Such a ring is put on the intestine and, holding its edges, filled with minced meat. You can fill the guts and hands, but this method takes a lot of time. Also, for stuffing guts, you can use a conventional pastry syringe. However, after such a procedure, the syringe must be thoroughly rinsed and boiled. Very convenient and quick, you can fill the meat with meat grinder with meat. Many modern meat grinders have special tools that make it easy to cope with this task. Before you begin to fill the intestine with meat it is necessary to tie up its end. The same must be done when filling the gut with minced meat.

It should be remembered that filling of guts with minced meat should be moderate, so that in the process of further processing the guts will not burst. Therefore, tying sausages should be given special attention so that the work done beforehand is not in vain. The slippery intestinal lining significantly complicates the mating process. Therefore, there is no need to hurry. Tying the ends of the intestine, it is necessary to ensure that the loops tightening its ends are formed at a small distance from each other, forming the so-called "navel". This will ensure reliability and durability. The small intestines, filled with minced meat, optionally bind in the form of a ring. When stuffing large intestines, it is necessary to make several dressings with loops all over the sausage long loaf.

After filling the intestines with minced meat and binding their ends, one can proceed to heat treatment, i.e. to direct cooking sausages. Before cooking, it is desirable to dry them for about 1-2 hours near the stove or inside an already cooling down stove. Some housewives prefer raw sausage a little smoke over hot smoke.

Sausages are a popular product that both adults and children love, but the low quality makes it necessary to refuse to purchase it. The absence of meat in a meat product and its replacement with harmful substances are increasingly prompting hostesses to the idea that boiled sausage at home is the best option. Only at first glance it seems that this is a difficult process, in fact, the technology is simple, and the result of the effort is simply amazing.

Boiled home-made sausage: chicken recipe

To cook a delicious, and most importantly - healthy chicken sausage, you need to take care initially about the correct set of ingredients and set aside at least 90 minutes for cooking. As a result, you get a portion of 3 delicious sausages with a delicate taste and spicy aroma of Italian herbs.


  • Cream (fat content - 33%, but if desired, you can take with less% fat) - 300 ml;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Chicken fillet - 700 g;
  • Italian herbs - to taste;
  • Egg white - 3 pcs .;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking chicken sausage at home

  1. Cut the raw chicken fillet into pieces.
  2. Then grind them to a creamy state with a blender.
  3. After - add egg whites, salt and ground pepper to taste in “cream”. You can add, if you want, nutmeg.
  4. Pour cold cream into a creamy mass, beat everything until smooth.
  5. On a piece (rectangular shape) of food film put 1/3 of the stuffing, turn the meat into a sausage and tie it along the edges with a thread. So we do with the whole portion of minced meat, in the end should be 3 full-fledged sausages wrapped in plastic wrap.
  6. Pour into the pan clean water, put it on fire, almost bring to a boil, and then reduce the flame, making it as small as possible. However, remember that water should not boil.
  7. Put the sausages in hot water, press them down with a saucer a little so that they do not rise to the surface, and cook the product for 1 hour.
  8. Then we take the meat products out of the pan, cool it, free it from the food film.
  9. We spread parchment paper on the table, sprinkle it (to taste) with Italian herbs. Put welded sausages on top of them and wrap them in paper. We perform such actions with each sausage.

After that, remove the product for 8 hours in the refrigerator (you can overnight). Before serving to the table with sausages we remove the paper, cut them and serve them to the table.

Instead of chicken, you can use a turkey, it also has quite tender meat, and it will become an equivalent substitute for chicken fillet.

As for seasoning: it is not necessary to use only Italian herbs. You can add to the product any other spices (marjoram, ground pepper, turmeric, coriander, nutmeg, cardamom, etc.), orient yourself to your taste.

However, it is believed that the sausage flavor of cardamom and nutmeg gives the product the most.

Home-made boiled sausage: recipe with gelatin


  •   - 100 g + -
  •   - 800 g + -
  •   - 2 pcs. + -
  •   - 100 g + -
  •   - 3-4 teeth + -
  • 1/2 tbsp. or to taste + -
  •   - 1/3 tsp + -
  • Gelatin - 15 g + -
  • Nutmeg - on the tip of a knife + -

Cooking Homemade Chicken Sausage

Boiled sausage at home, prepared according to this recipe, turns out to be a kind of dietary option. At the end of cooking, the meat product gets a pleasant taste, and if you add beet juice to the mince, you will also get a beautiful meat color.

Cooking minced chicken fillet: grind it in a meat grinder with a fine-meshed grid.

  1. Add to the minced chicken proteins, milk, spices, beet juice, salt, crushed garlic under pressure, as well as gelatin. Thoroughly mix everything.
  2. We spread ½ part of minced meat on food film, we wrap it up, trying to condense the minced meat in the film as much as possible so that large air bubbles “escape”. However, see that the film does not break, do not overdo it. The edges of the rolled up sausages are covered with a tight knot.
  3. Each sausage should be wrapped in several layers of film, then it must be additionally packed in a plastic bag, and the edge is tied with thread (or tied with a knot). This is necessary so that when boiling water does not fall into the stuffing.
  4. Put the chicken sausages in boiling water and cook them for about 40-50 minutes.

Cooked meat products are laid out on a plate. It may happen that a juice is formed in the package. You can pour it by cutting the top of the plastic bag. The film itself does not need to be removed.

Juice from chicken sausage can be poured into special molds for jelly and cooked from it, respectively, delicious homemade jelly.

Ready sausages to cool to room temperature, then put them in the refrigerator. In the cold, the meat will get well, it will become dense and you can easily remove food film from it.

After that, sausage from chicken fillet portions cut into pieces and serve together with fried eggs or sandwiches to the table.

How to make boiled sausage: cooking secrets

To successfully cook homemade chicken sausage - you need to have on hand a notebook with simple tips that will help make the product much tastier than the store.

It is very important that the sausage cooks at t 80 ° С, and in the very center of the button the degree reaches 70-72 ° С. Not to be mistaken - use a thermometer probe to measure it.

If you have his special thermometer, then determine the cooking time as follows:
  1 kg of sausage should cook for about 55 minutes, if you have more than the total weight of the meat product - cook longer, if less - less and cook.

In this case, do not forget to closely monitor the cooking process, since the time, sometimes, may not coincide with that indicated in the recipe.

Preparing chicken homemade sausage, not only from the stuffing. There are mistresses who make sausages from finely chopped pieces of chicken. To do this, take a big fat bird, which is cleared of skin and bones, after which its meat is finely minced with a knife.

Some cooks believe that minced meat products are obtained more dry than from pieces of meat. To make sausages juicy - they sometimes add fat from chicken thighs. Fat is better finely chopped with a knife, or grind in a meat grinder.

According to the recipe, we use beet juice to give homemade sausage a pink tint. Of course, the juice will not brighten the juice very much, it will only make it not so whitish.

To somehow strengthen the result and make the pink color more saturated - add 2-3 tsp to the meat along with the juice. alcohol (vodka, brandy or alcohol). Well, only if your home product will not be children.

As you can see, there is nothing super-complicated in preparing such a delicacy as boiled sausage at home. Make the product easy enough if you have the skills and the necessary recommendations for cooking. Use our simple tips and make your homemade chicken sausages tastier than at any meat factory.

Enjoy your meal!

Store sausage has recently ceased to satisfy customers' requests: sometimes its components are too doubtful, and the taste is often not very pleasant. Boiled sausage at home is much more useful and less dangerous, and the financial costs of cooking it will be somewhat less. So you should roll up your sleeves and start making your own meat delicacy.

Classic boiled sausage at home

A timeless classic is in this recipe.

In order to end up a kilogram sausage loaf, you will need the following products:

  • meat - beef (top grade) and pork (not too fat) 0.4 and 0.35 kg, respectively;
  • 0.1 kg bacon;
  • 2-3 testicles;
  • 0.1 kg of minced garlic (can be grated on a fine grater);
  • 1.5 spoons of salt;
  • condiments: ground black pepper, allspice, nutmeg and sugar in the total amount of 3 g.

As a shell, well-washed bovine or pork intestines of sufficient diameter (about 5-6 cm) will be used. This product can be replaced by artificial.

The cooking procedure consists in the following steps:

  1. The meat is well washed, dried, if necessary, separated from the bone and ground into minced meat.
  2. Pork chop and mix in minced meat.
  3. Add eggs and seasonings to the mass, and then mix thoroughly.
  4. The resulting mass is filled with a prepared shell. If there is no special device, you can do it manually.
  5. On both sides, the shell is sealed, and then sent for heat treatment.

Processing with high temperatures takes place in 2 stages:

  1. Smoking. The loaves are hung in the smokehouse and exposed to high temperature, raising it within half an hour from 70 to 110 ° C. Replace smoking can be a similar processing in the oven.
  2. Cooking. Baked sausages boiled in hot water (70-90 ° C) for about half an hour.

After the procedure, the product is cooled in cold water. The caloric content of the finished product is quite high: 257 kcal per 0.1 kg.

Simple and quick cooking recipe

A simplified recipe for cooking sausage with only one type of heat treatment - cooking - suggests the following composition of ingredients:

  • meat: chicken (half a kilo), boiled tongue (0.2 kg);
  • 2 eggs (proteins);
  • a glass of milk cream (20%);
  • garlic clove;
  • ground seasonings: cumin, black and hot pepper, ½ spoon;
  • spoon of paprika;
  • salt (as needed).

Steps for making homemade sausage:

  1. Preparation of chicken: it is washed, cleaned of bone and crushed along with the tongue.
  2. Mixing all the ingredients: the result is a fairly thick mass, not sticky to the hands.
  3. The formation of the loaf. Stuffing is laid out on parchment and rolled up. Top wrapped with five layers of cling film. The ends are twisted and fixed in several places with a string.
  4. Cook in plenty of water over very low heat. Sausage is lowered into boiling liquid and cooked for at least 2/3 hours. Periodically, it must be rotated so that the sausage boils evenly.

The last stage can be replaced by steaming.  Only in this case the product will be prepared for at least an hour.

Cooked smoked sausage

To make a smoked delicacy you will definitely need a smokehouse.

If there is one, you can safely prepare the necessary products:

  • kilogram of meat - pork or beef (it is better if both);
  • lard 600 g;
  • spoon of sugar;
  • spoon (no slides) salt.

If there is more beef, then sugar and salt take a little more (about half a spoon).

Cooked smoked sausage is long enough - at least 10 hours.

Cooking smoked sausage:

  1. Beef meat is crushed, add salt and sugar, mix well.
  2. The stuffing is removed in a container and, covered, with a film, leave to infuse at a temperature of 3-4 ° C for about 6 hours.
  3. Pork and bacon are ground with a knife and mixed with ground beef when it is drawn.
  4. Fill the shell with the finished mass, tie its ends and pierce in several places so that the air during heat treatment does not break the shell.
  5. Products are sent to the smokehouse for a couple of hours for processing high temperature (90-100 ° C). Ready sausages should be brownish red.
  6. The last stage of cooking - cooking for about an hour.

After heat treatment, the loaf is cooled in cold water (about 10 minutes).

According to GOST

To create this Gostovskaya sausage will need the following ingredients:

  • meat: beef (top grade) and pork (not too fat) in the amount of 0.25 and 0.7 kg, respectively;
  • 0.1 kg bacon;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • a spoon of milk;
  • crushed garlic clove;
  • spice mix (black and fragrant ground peppers, nutmeg, sugar) - half a spoon.

You will also need natural (guts) or artificial skin.

Creating a delicacy for this recipe is easy:

  1. Make minced meat (the smaller it is, the better).
  2. Grind the fat.
  3. Add the remaining foods and mix well.
  4. Fill the shell, and tightly tie up the edges of the harness.
  5. To subject the resulting product to heat treatment: smoking (0.5 hours) and cooking (0.5 hours), similar to the classic recipe.

It is important to remember that the more beef in the sausage, the higher the cooking temperature should be  finished product.

How to cook chicken?

The most inexpensive way to cook a delicacy is homemade cooked chicken sausage.

To create a chicken sausage will need:

  • kilo chicken fillet;
  • 4 egg whites;
  • a glass and a quarter of sour cream;
  • salt, spices (as required).

Preparing such a sausage for at least 1.5 hours.

Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Grinding meat to a pasty state. It is advisable to remove the fat and skin from the fillet.
  2. Mixing sausage mass. The remaining ingredients are added to the mince and mixed well.
  3. The formation of the loaf. The mass is spread on a food film so that the diameter of the resulting loaf is 6-12 cm. The film is wrapped and hermetically tied so that the liquid does not get inside.
  4. Cooking over low heat for an hour.

After cooking, the product is laid out on a plate and cooled.

Sausage without guts - in foil

Not everyone will like to pack minced meat into guts (this is a rather laborious business if there is no special equipment). It is much easier to wrap the formed loaf in foil and cook it in this form.

To cook pork sausage in this way, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. From pork (2 kg) remove all the veins, streaks and fat, and then chop with a meat grinder.
  2. Grind the resulting mass in a blender.
  3. Add chopped garlic (5 cloves), dry cream (2 spoons with top) and salt (as needed). Mix thoroughly with a blender.
  4. Add spices to the pasty mixture (a little bit of coriander, ground pepper, sugar), egg, mix well.
  5. Make sausages out of the mass, spread them out on parchment and wrap like candy, fixing the tips with twine.
  6. Wrap each "candy" in foil, put it in a saucepan, pour in water. On top of the loaves, you can put a small plate to prevent their ascent.
  7. Boil the sausage for an hour and 15 minutes after the water boils on low heat.
  8. Put the welded products on a plate, and when they cool down, remove the infusion in a cool place (3-4 ° C) for 12 hours.
  9. After infusion, remove the finished sausage from the casing and roll in the herbal mixture (0.5 tsp. Rosemary, basil, parsley and oregano) and wrap the parchment.

You can cook in this way and beef delicacy:

  1. Grind 1 kg of veal in a meat grinder together with 0.2 kg of mutton fat, a few cloves of garlic.
  2. Mix a little curry and dried dill, add a spoonful of salt.
  3. If the mass turns out to be watery, then you can pour a couple of tablespoons of flour or semolina.
  4. Mince shift on the foil and wrap like candy.
  5. Bake the sausage in a heated oven at an average temperature (200 ° C) for about 50 minutes.
  6. Cool the finished product, putting it on the dish.

Recipe for multicooker

You can make boiled sausage using a slow cooker. The main difference from the usual method is a programmable heat treatment mode. Cooking products in a multivariate can be on any of the above recipe. You can use another option in which a mixture of beef and turkey is used to prepare the product.


  • meat: 2 kg of turkey and beef;
  • 0.3 liters of water;
  • condiments: nutmeg, ground pepper and bay leaf, Provencal herbs - to taste;
  • 3-4 garlic cloves;
  • salt - as needed;
  • salty guts.


  1. The meat is crushed, add the remaining products and mix thoroughly.
  2. The resulting mass is filled with guts, the ends are fixed with a string.
  3. Sausages spread in a bowl, completely filled with water and cooked in the mode of "Quenching" or "Cooking" for about an hour.
  4. When the guts are cooked, change the mode to "Fry" and fry the sausages for about 10 minutes on both sides.

Before cooking, sausages can be subjected to half an hour heat treatment in the oven, as in the classic recipe. Then they can be served at the table, bypassing the frying stage.

Sausage - food product of minced meat in the shell. Sausages are so different that sometimes you wonder and do not know what to choose for yourself and your family for breakfast or on a festive table. And the price range is very different, from the very minimum (that you can’t even imagine what the manufacturer put there) to the most expensive sausage, which is sometimes nice to serve, but lately also doesn’t fit into your head, you can to cook such an inedible, unpresentable look and taste product. Surely, not one of these thoughts comes to my mind ...

Would need:

  • on 1 kg. pork (I have a shoulder or ham) - I have 2 kg. meat
  • seasoning for boiled sausage - 3.5 gr. on 1 kg. minced meat
  • ice water (with ice / ice) - 100 ml. on 1 kg. minced meat
  • nitrite salt - 19-20 gr. on 1 kg. minced meat

How to make homemade boiled sausage with our hands:

On the subject of seasoning for boiled sausage, I want to say separately. I use the seasoning that I write on the website. Its composition is as follows: glucose (sugar), black pepper, nutmeg or cardamom. More in its composition is nothing. No phosphates and other charms. If you wish to make sausage with other seasonings - for health, my seasoning is checked and does not include harmful ingredients. Who has questions, please - ask them in the comments to this recipe. I also want to note that in different seasonings for making boiled sausage and a different composition. In some, there is already a small part of the nitrite salt, therefore, in order not to over-salt your sausage, carefully read the composition of the seasonings and reduce the amount of added salt in the stuffing.

And so, we start to cook delicious homemade boiled pork sausage. To do this, the meat (we have pork, ham or shoulder part), we first need to twist in a meat grinder with a 5 mm grill.

Separately measure the nitrite salt and seasoning for your amount of meat from which you will make boiled sausage. I immediately measured the salt and seasoning in one bowl. Stir.

In the missed pork mince add salt and seasoning. I also measured the temperature of the stuffing, because when working with it, it is important that it does not rise above +12 degrees.

Separately, I froze from the required amount of water - ice.

And then it was just ground in a blender.

Prepared minced meat minced once, we begin to skip in portions in a blender until the state of the emulsion. You can use a large food processor or special tools for this (but these special machines are very expensive, so we use the improvised means). You can also mince meat more than once, but do it 3-4 times. It is important that the stuffing reached the state of the emulsion, but at the same time its temperature did not become higher than +12 degrees. Headlights can periodically freeze and grind again in a blender. So do with all the stuffing.

Next, combine the stuffing in one bowl and knead a little. It becomes uniform and very soft. At this stage, add chopped crushed ice and stir until smooth. We remove the stuffing in the fridge for the night.

Stuffed boiled sausage we will be in a special casing with a diameter of 80mm. Cut the shell is not very long parts, on the contrary, short, I would say. We already have enough capacity in the specified shell.

And now, with the help of a usual tablespoon or with the help of a cooking sausage syringe, we stuff the shell with minced meat. I immediately tie it up and make the sausage very elastic, even bouncing. Additionally, I tug it with a special thread.

I got three sausages weighing from 650 to 780 grams. The size they have turned out quite impressive. Leave the sausages at room temperature for 1-3 hours and you can start cooking.

You can boil homemade sausage both in the oven and in the water on the stove. For the first experiment I wanted to just boil it in water. To do this, put the sausage in water in a suitable size pot, set the thermometer and start heating. The first hour I kept the sausages on low heat bringing the water to 60 degrees. And then the temperature began to rise to 80 degrees and cooked it until the inside of the loaf 70-72 degrees. It is very convenient to check with a thermometer with a long pin-sensor. On average, it takes about 60-90 minutes.

After the temperature inside the sausage loaves has become 70-72 degrees, we take out the loafs of the boiled sausage and send them to cooling in ice-cold water or hang them out on the cold on the balcony. Cool sausage should be at least 30-40 minutes.

Wash cooled sausage and refrigerate overnight. The next day the taste of the sausage will open and it will become even tastier if you cut it immediately after cooling.

We naturally could not stand it and cut one stick of home-made boiled sausage. It can be seen that the sausage is perfectly cut and keeps its shape, and it looks very similar to its store girlfriend. But to taste homemade boiled sausage is very different. We immediately note that the taste of this sausage is real, well, just like from the USSR, solid meat, natural!

Sausage can be cut as thick slices, and thin. Here is how. Eat your own homemade cooked sausage. It will also be very tasty if you replace the store-bought raw sausage with homemade sausage in an Olivier salad. I still cooked a delicious pizza with homemade sausage. All recipes you can find on my tasty site.

Enjoy your meal appetite wishes Svetlana and my home site!