Lemon curd andy chef. Orange Kurd and all his tricks

05.03.2024 Buffet table

Lemon curd is a kind of custard made with fruit juice. This is a kind of classic, they like to use it on toast, in tarts, pastries, and goes well with pasta. The cream turns out to be quite thick, and after standing in the refrigerator it gains a good structure. Plus, look at how great the bright color is.


  1. Grate the zest from one lemon on a fine grater. There is no need to grind it too much, because in the future we will strain the cream.
  2. Squeeze the juice of lemons (115 g). By the way, remember the trick? To get more juice from citrus fruits, microwave them for 15 seconds.
  3. Separate the yolks from the whites, we will need 4 yolks.
  4. Collect sugar (75 g), butter (60 g), lemon juice, zest and yolks in a bowl or immediately in a saucepan.
  5. Heat the mixture in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly with a whisk.
  6. Gradually it will become thick, large bubbles will appear (which will burst immediately). If you want a thicker cream, add 3 tbsp. cornstarch at the very beginning. Remove the mixture from the heat and strain through a medium sieve. The important thing here is to get rid of the zest and lumps from the eggs.
  7. Pour the finished curd into jars, cover with film (so that it touches the surface of the cream) and let cool, then put it in the refrigerator. Overnight it will acquire its correct texture.

As I said, you can eat it with toast, or grease cakes and tarts (they also have liquid curd in them). And the most convenient thing is to pipe the curd from a pastry bag with a round nozzle.

There's no time to delay until the strawberry season is over. This berry not only tastes good, but is also very healthy. You can prepare many dishes from it, including. You don't need to use exotic ingredients to do this, you just need to have berries, sugar, eggs and butter. This dish is similar to ordinary custard, but does not contain milk or flour.


Unusual has a lot of positive qualities. It has an excellent taste and delicate texture. The sweet curd has a subtle strawberry note. The bright pink color of this dessert cannot but please the eye. Strawberry curd, the recipe for which is quite simple, is considered one of the rare types of custard that can be served as an independent dish, filling beautiful bowls with it. In addition, Kurd is often used as a layer for sponge cakes in the preparation of English cake. This dessert can be served with toast or pancakes, or filled with shortcrust pastry baskets.

Cooking secrets

Strawberry curd is prepared in a water bath in a stainless steel bowl. This avoids the appearance of small lumps that spoil the taste of the dessert, as well as the curdling of the eggs. In order for the cream to have a delicate texture, it is necessary to ensure that the water in the lower vessel boils well. If the dessert does not harden quickly, you just need to turn up the heat on the stove. When the cream thickens, remove it from the heat and rub it through a sieve to remove any lumps that might appear. Then add the oil, mix, cover with film and let cool at room temperature, then put it in a cold place. TO strawberry curd, ingredients which is available to almost everyone, continues to thicken in the cold, so if you need a lighter texture, it is recommended to add whipped cream to the cold cream. It is very important to use freshly squeezed lemon juice to prepare dessert; you should not use lemon concentrate. It is recommended to squeeze the juice over a sieve so that the seeds do not fall into the dishes.

A simple strawberry curd recipe

Ingredients: three hundred grams of fresh strawberries, one hundred grams of butter, one hundred and fifty grams of sugar, forty milligrams of lemon juice, five eggs.


Before you start preparing the dessert, you need to prepare all the ingredients. Strawberries are peeled, washed well and placed in a blender for grinding. Juice is squeezed out of the washed lemon, which is added to the berries and crushed together to form a puree. Then put eggs and sugar in a small bowl, beat well, add berry puree and mix with a whisk. Next, add oil, place the dish on the stove, heat the mass over the fire until it begins to thicken, while continuing to stir it with a whisk. Cook the curd, the recipe for which we are considering, until the desired thickness is obtained. Then the dishes are removed, the cream is cooled and placed in a cold place.

Frozen strawberry curd

Ingredients: (about one hundred and eighty grams), two eggs, forty grams of sugar, fifty grams of butter.


First you need to prepare all the necessary products. The strawberries are taken out of the freezer in advance and transferred to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator so that they melt. When it melts, put it together with the juice in a blender and grind it to a puree. This will take about fifteen seconds. The berry mass is transferred to a bowl, placed on the fire and cooked for about a minute after boiling. Meanwhile, the eggs are washed and dried. One egg is divided into yolk and white, the second is left whole. The protein is set aside; it will not be needed. The puree is rubbed through a sieve, put back into the bowl, eggs are added and beaten thoroughly. Then add sugar, which must be turned into powder in advance, and butter. Place all this on the fire and cook for two minutes, stirring constantly. If desired, the finished product can be passed through a sieve again. The dessert is cooled and served. It will have a bright taste and delicate texture. The cream goes well with pancakes.

Strawberry curd for cupcakes

Most confectioners put English Kurd inside cupcakes so that the latter acquire a brighter and richer taste.

Ingredients: three hundred grams of fresh strawberries, one hundred and fifty grams of white granulated sugar, five eggs, one hundred grams of butter, one lemon.


The berries are sorted, peeled, and washed. The lemon is cut in half and the juice is squeezed out, removing the seeds. Beat the juice and strawberries well with a blender until smooth. Beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer, add the berry mass and butter. All this is placed in a bowl, placed in a steam bath, stirring, and wait until the oil dissolves. Next, the Kurd is cooked for as long as deemed necessary. It is recommended to achieve the same thickness as when making berry jam, since then it will be easy to fill cupcakes with cream. In cooled cupcakes, make a hole in the middle, for example, using an apple coring tool. These holes are filled with ready-made strawberry curd. You can also decorate the top of the cupcakes with frosting.

Cake “Black Prince” with strawberry curd

Ingredients for the dough: four eggs, two glasses of sugar, two glasses of sour cream, three glasses of flour, six tablespoons of cocoa, two teaspoons of soda.

Ingredients for Kurd: three hundred grams of strawberries, juice from one lemon, one hundred and forty grams of granulated sugar, six eggs, one hundred grams of butter.

Ingredients for the cream: two glasses of sour cream, one glass of granulated sugar, six tablespoons of cocoa, cognac.

Preparing the cakes

Mix flour with soda and cocoa, beat eggs well with sugar, add sour cream, add flour in small portions and mix thoroughly. The dough is divided into four parts, each is poured into a mold and baked until ready.

Strawberry curd (cake recipe)

The berries are pureed using a blender, lemon juice, butter melted in a water bath and eggs beaten with sugar are added. Cook the curd in a water bath until thickened, remembering to stir. The finished cream is cooled.

Beat the sour cream well with granulated sugar and cocoa, then add a few tablespoons of cognac.

Forming the cake

Cooled cakes are soaked to your liking. Each cake is layered with strawberry curd and then sour cream. The top cake is coated with cream and covered with mastic, decorated with icing.


Strawberry curd is a delicate cream that has a silky texture. In season it is prepared from fresh berries, and in winter from frozen ones. You can add vanilla and cinnamon to the dessert. The base of the cream is strawberry puree; the dish also includes eggs, sugar and butter. As you can see, the set of components is very simple, as is the cooking process itself. Kurd is an excellent base for making ice cream; it is often served as a sauce for pancakes and cheesecakes.

The taste of strawberry curd is similar to children's cottage cheese with strawberries, which is why kids love it so much. Many pastry chefs use this cream to make cakes and cupcakes; in this case, the baked goods are more tasty, tender and aromatic. Today, Kurd is a fairly common sweet dish around the world; it is loved by both adults and children.

Hello, my dear girls and boys!

For most of us, desperate housewives and just housewives, autumn is the time to return to the kitchen, oven, hot dinners and freshly baked pastries. And no matter how much we resist it, in such cold weather it is simply impossible to resist the temptation to treat ourselves to a tasty, airy, aromatic and, most importantly, hot piece of fresh homemade pie. After all, we must not forget that food is not only carbohydrates and proteins, it is also the positive energy with which homemade pies are charged, if they are prepared with love. I began to notice with pleasure how my social media feeds gradually began to be filled with delicious homemade baked goods and the happy faces of the owners of these same baked goods.

But it's still summer in Greece! There are no yellow leaves (although there are never any here), people wear shorts and flip-flops, on weekends they still go to the sea to swim and sunbathe, and on the islands you can still meet belated tourists, in taverns and cafes people still sit outside even in the evenings . And only lemons and oranges ripening on the trees remind us that winter is coming.

I didn’t wait for the neighbor’s lemon tree to ripen and went and bought them at the market. Because it has been my plan for a long time to show you how to prepare real correct and rich lemon curd with fresh yolks and quality butter.

Who is a “Kurd” and what does lemons have to do with it?

The editor of a well-known culinary magazine, whom I respect very much, is actively fighting for the right to be called lemon curd. cream . She insists that the word “Kurd” in Russian can only mean the definition of an ethnic group living in Turkey. I can’t disagree with her, but you can’t go against the will of the people. But in the minds of the absolute majority of the Russian-speaking population of the planet, a stable phrase, a tracing-paper from the English language, has already formed and taken hold - “lemon curd”. So, it is this phrase that I will use in this context. Forgive me, dear Marianne.

Essentially, lemon curd is the same custard, or to be precise, a crème anglaise in which egg yolks are brewed, only instead of milk, lemon juice and zest are used.

Very often in recipes starch is added to lemon cream for thickness. In my opinion, this significantly spoils not only the taste, but also the texture of the Kurd. With the correct and only correct preparation, the curd turns out to be quite thick and homogeneous.

What I like most about lemon cream is that it's ready in no time!

Where can you apply lemon cream?

Fans of sour tastes can use lemon cream as a spread in any combination: with bread, buns, pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes, etc.

I have a friend here, so give her a jar of Kurd, a larger spoon and she will be happy, and she won’t need anything else. Those who treat lemons more carefully can fill tarts, cakes, rolls, pastries or cupcakes with them. I usually cook with it and.

For me personally, the most optimal use of lemon curd is just a classic lemon pie with meringue. It is with neutral shortbread dough and sweet airy meringue that sour lemon curd goes perfectly well.

Anticipating your question, I will say: Yes, instead of lemons you can use oranges, tangerines, limes, and even various berries (preferably sour ones). At the same time, the preparation technology and ratios will remain the same. It’s just that such a cream will no longer have the characteristic lemon sourness. I advise you to try blood orange curd. The color turns out to be fire!

So, let's get down to step-by-step preparation!

From this amount of ingredients we will get a 250 ml jar of the finished product.

We will need:

  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 115 ml (2-3 pcs.)
  • grated lemon zest - 2 tsp. (2 pcs.)
  • sugar - 75 gr.
  • egg yolks - 4 pcs.
  • butter - 60 gr.

Step-by-step preparation:

For filling tarts, it is better to use Kurd while still warm. And for cakes, lemon cream must be cooled.

On this bright yellow note, I say goodbye, but not for long.

Good luck, love and patience.

Hi all. Today I will share with you a recipe for a delicious filling. It is ideal for both layering sponge cakes and filling cupcakes and pastries such as Pavlova, for example.

There is already a recipe for lemon curd on the blog; it is also great as a filling for cakes, but unlike orange, it goes better with vanilla cakes. Its orange counterpart is ideal with chocolate ones. Well, perhaps one more difference - the orange curd recipe does not contain butter, which makes it a lighter version of the topping.

So, how to make orange curd at home, step by step recipe with photos.


  1. 4 yolks
  2. 4 small oranges
  3. 150 gr. Sahara
  4. 2 heaped tablespoons cornstarch


First, we need to thoroughly wash our citrus fruits. It is better to pour boiling water over them, this will remove the wax with which they are coated (and therefore the bitterness).

To get more juice, roll the oranges on the table, pressing them with your palm. You can also heat it in the microwave for literally 10 seconds.

You need to remove the zest from one orange. The main rule is that we need a thin orange layer, the white film is bitter! Be careful, otherwise all the Kurd will have to be disposed of.

I get the zest on a coarse grater. Since we will be straining the Kurd at the end, there is no need to grind it.

Mix the zest with sugar and leave this mixture for 20-30 minutes. Thus, the sugar will absorb essential oils and the curd will become more saturated with aromas.

We get juice from oranges, so use the method that is more convenient for you. I have a juicer, but I’m usually too lazy to take it out and assemble it, and then I also have to wash it! In general, I squeeze the juice with my hands.

Mix the yolks with orange juice, sugar and starch. I always use cornstarch, it mixes well in the mixture without leaving any lumps. You can also cook curd with potatoes, but then first dissolve it in a small amount of juice and only then add it to the rest of the ingredients.

Place our mixture on medium heat and wait until it thickens, stirring.

It takes me 3-5 minutes.

Remove from the stove and strain through a sieve.

Pour into a jar and put in the refrigerator overnight.

The wonderful filling is ready!

This is how delicious it looks in a cake (carrot cake, there’s no recipe on the blog yet, but I’ll add a link to that soon). By the way, it is simply necessary in this cake, because it is the orange that so pleasantly sets off the rich carrot cakes. Also, I usually add this kind of curd - the perfect combination in my opinion.

Well, this is orange curd in trifles - desserts in a glass. I took the cakes according to this recipe -. As a cream - . It's sooo delicious, try it.

If you need a detailed recipe for trifles, write in the comments, I’ll definitely add it.

Bon appetit.


If you type “Kurdish recipe” into the Internet, you will find a million different recipes, BUT – they will all be incredibly complex and confusing. Weigh something a hundred times, report it five hundred times, heat it in a water bath, stand stirring for a thousand years, and then wash a million dishes... But this is not our option, right?
First a very simple recipe, then some points.


  • Zest of one orange on a coarse grater
  • 150 ml orange juice
  • 4 yolks
  • 80 g butter
  • 90 g sugar

How to make orange curd:

Place all ingredients in a saucepan and place over medium heat.

While stirring, wait for homogeneity and the appearance of large lazy bubbles.

After they appear, cook for another 2-3 minutes.

Remove the saucepan from the heat, strain and place in a container in the refrigerator overnight.

And it's all! Imagine, everything is actually very easy. Despite how easy it is to prepare, the Kurd turns out incredibly tasty. It can be used as an independent dessert, as a coating for a cake, as a filling in cakes and cupcakes, or you can simply spread it on bread and eat it like that.

What else you need to know about the Kurd:

  • If you overcook the curd, it will flake off.
  • Be sure to strain to get rid of pieces of boiled egg and zest.
  • To make the curd thicker, you need to reduce the amount of juice (the recipe calls for enough liquid curd to soak the biscuit. For filling, for example in cupcakes, take 80-100 ml of juice)
  • In the same proportions you can make any Kurd, even strawberry.

Now you can cook any Kurd with incredible ease.