Puff cake napoleon recipe step by step. With cheese cream

13.04.2019 Egg dishes

Russian sources insist that the most popular Napoleon in our country was invented by Moscow confectioners in 1912, on the occasion of the centenary of the expulsion of Bonaparte's army from Russia. Moreover, this culinary-historical event probably should have happened right on Christmas, since it was December 25, in the old style, under Alexander I, that became “the day of thanksgiving ... the memories of deliverance ... the Russian powers from the invasion of the Gauls ...”.

However, the version of the invention "on the occasion of" dishes with the name of a sworn enemy raises doubts. (Is it true, for example, the Guryev porridge, which Minister of Finance Count Guryev thought up in honor of the victory over Napoleon: they say who comes to us with a sword is in our Russian hlyabs, as in semolina, and will perish. but at least a patriotic one!) “Napoleon’s cake”, though not puffy and with almonds, is mentioned in the 1861 Molokhovets book.

Yes, and abroad have their own "Napoleons" and "Napoleon": in Denmark - Napoleonsterte, in Germany - Napoleonschnitte, in Norway - Napoleonskake, in Sweden - Napoleonbakelse... The French know the cake Napoleon, sandwiched with almond paste. Even in the 18th century, the same French were cooking concoction "milfeu" ("a thousand petals") - a multi-layered quiche, whipped cream or strawberry jam, the clear ancestor of our hero. In general, it is still a question of whether Napoleon has grown on Russian soil ...

Well built

The basis of the controversial cake is puff pastry (by the way, many nations, by the way, also claim the right to invent). In the catering, it was classically made of puff pastry, expertly prepared by only an experienced pastry chef. Too time consuming process. Judge for yourself.

To begin with, the dough is rolled out in a small rectangle, butter is put on top, and the edges of the dough are wrapped in an envelope. Then it slowly and smoothly rolls out, folds in four and leaves for 20 minutes. It rolls out again, folds back in four, leaves for half an hour, rolls out, folds in three and cools. Roll out for the last time and fold threefold.

Next, the dough is divided in half, each piece is rolled into a layer 4-6 mm thick and baked. The finished cakes are cooled, cream is applied on one, covered with another cake (smooth side up), pressed, covered with a thin layer of cream and sprinkled with puff crumbs (for them, the dough trimmings are specially baked). Cut and sprinkle with powdered sugar. By the way, once the cake was cut into triangular pieces, which were tied to a Napoleonic tricorn.

It is clear that no one at home was contacted with such a capricious recipe. Our grandmothers and mothers cooked a kind of “classics”, achieving the effect of dough lamination with a large number of thin elongated cakes. The most advanced tried to diversify it:

■ instead of water using milk;
■ replacing part of the liquid with brandy or other strong alcohol - then the dough will have an additional flavor;
■ adding cocoa flour and making chocolate cakes.

The layer is a delicate matter

The cream, again in the catering, was made from butter, condensed milk (to improve the texture), brandy, sugar and vanilla powder. In the home "napoleonoprechenie" layer was the subject of creative - from the field of family traditions. Some used purely oily cream, others lightened it with condensed milk, others only recognized custard, the fourth part of the cake was smeared with sour jam or jam.

And we, naturally, got used to my mother's version and considered it to be much more delicious than the “classic” one. I, for example, love with custard and nuts, and even “wet”. But with unsweetened layers during our childhood "Napoleon" did not. Maybe in vain. Puff pastry and so fat, and in addition the cream - a terrible blow to the waist and other parts of our full-bodied organon. It is not bad to soften the calorie content of the test with mashed spinach (or other leafy greens), soaked cheese, fruit and berry puree. Or make a cake savory due to blue cheese with pears or even forshmak.

But that's another story. Classical home "Napoleon", as a true delicacy, is supposed to be fat and sweet. For example, the wonderful chef Kamo Tatevosyan, who feeds the St. Petersburg Zenit, once admitted that often with his pastry chef Ina is preparing Napoleon for the player of the Russian national football team Alexander Anyukov - a terrible sweet tooth. Judging by the game of Sasha, the cake is not only tasty, but also nutritious.

Classic dough for "Napoleon"

To get about 1.2 kg of dough, you will need:

500 g flour
1 egg
400 g butter
1 tsp lemon juice
a pinch of salt.

Pour a loose egg into a glass, add water to the top, pour it into a bowl. Add salt, lemon juice and another half a glass of water. Pour this mixture into the flour. Knead a smooth dough.

Knead the dough with your hands to full elasticity. Roll into a bowl, cover with a towel and leave for 20 minutes. Then roll into the layer (the edges should be thinner than the middle), sprinkle with flour, cover again, leave for 10 minutes.

Mash softened butter in a bowl so that no lumps remain. Powder 3 tsp. flour and mix thoroughly. Put in the freezer for 30 min. Take out, cut into thin plates and lay them on a layer of dough: on the long sides to the brim, leave 1.5-2 cm, and wrap the short edges over the oil and fasten to each other. Pinch open sides of the resulting rectangle. Visually divide the rectangle into 4 vertical stripes, fold it along four folds along these “folds”. The result is a blank in 4 layers.

Put the billet in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, then remove and roll out on a floured surface into a rectangle 1 cm thick. Repeat the same process of folding four times to make 16 layers. Put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. and repeat the same operation (roll out - fold - cool) 2 more times. Cool 30 min.

Napoleonic secrets

■ Flour must always be wheat, top grade (with a high gluten content - 35-40%). It must be sifted.
■ Do not forget about salt and acid (lemon juice, vinegar) - they contribute to foliation.
■ Dough butter (82.5% fat) should be thoroughly washed and mixed with flour, taking care not to form lumps: the output should be dry and plastic.
■ The dough should be rolled at a temperature of 15-17 ° C. If it is lower, the layers of butter in the dough harden and crumble when rolling - crumbs can break thin dough, and the oil in the oven will drain out. If the temperature is higher, the oil spreads, soaks the dough - goodbye, elasticity!
■ Ready-made cakes are pierced in several places so that they are not swollen during baking, give them a “rest” for 10-15 minutes, and then bake in an oven preheated to 210-230 ° C. Then be sure to cool.
■ If the cakes are smeared with cream just before serving, “Napoleon” will turn out crunchy. And if the finished cake is kept for several hours in the fridge, and better under the yoke, it will be “wet”.

When you want a holiday, you can not do without a cake. Of course, a good housewife will never buy a cake in the store. Everyone knows that such a dessert, even if it turns out to be tasty, will be cooked with all sorts of preservatives and other substances that are not beneficial for the body. It is best to cook cakes at home, but not always have the ability or desire to mess around in the kitchen for hours.

Pamper cake "Napoleon" from the finished puff pastry will help to pamper your family with a delicious dessert and not spend half your life at the stove. Such a “quick” cake will not yield to the true “Napoleon” to taste, and it is easier to cook it. At all about everything you need only half an hour in the kitchen and a day for impregnation in the refrigerator. Well, this cake will look on the holiday table.

Taste Info Cakes and pastries


  • Yeast puff pastry - 500 g;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs .;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Milk - 1 cup;
  • Flour (or starch) - 1 tbsp. spoon.

How to cook a cake "Napoleon" from the finished puff

We begin work with cooking custard. To do this, put the milk on the stove and heat it, but in any case not to boil.

Meanwhile, in a bowl, break the eggs, add sugar.

Carefully scramble the eggs with sugar to make a small foam.

In the heated milk pour the beaten eggs, gently knead the cream until smooth.

Pour the starch into the warm milk and constantly stirring, bring to thicken over low heat.

Thoroughly knead the mixture until it thickens. Leave the mixture to cool.

If lumps form in the cream, then rub the custard through a sieve.

We take the dough out of the refrigerator, defrost at room temperature.

Sprinkle flour on the table where we will work with the dough so that the puff does not stick.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2 mm. It is necessary to roll accurately, in one direction, otherwise the dough will cease to be puff. Cut the dough into even squares (minimum 4 squares). Trim not throwing.

We bake squares one at a time in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Cooking time - 10 minutes. Also, we bake the dough trimmings - they will be useful for decoration. Ready korzhiki need to cool.

It's time to make a cake "Napoleon" from puff pastry. Lubricate each cake generously with cream. There should be a minimum of 4 layers. But the most "squeak" when there are at least 10 layers. The whole cake should be lightly rubbed with hands so that the dough with cream is laid down.

Trimming the baked "puff" turn into crumb. Sprinkle this crumb top of the cake and its edges. You can also use crushed nuts for decoration.

"Napoleon" from the finished puff pastry is best allowed to brew and soak. It is better to hold the cake in the refrigerator for 24 hours, and only then serve your household with tea. Nevertheless, it is possible and immediately after the "assembly" to eat a cake "Napoleon" from the finished dough with custard. Then the dessert will turn out crunchy and no less tasty.


Cake "Napoleon" gives a lot of room for creativity with cream filling. The main thing - should be thick and preferably fat, so that the "puff" soaked, but not collapsed. Consider some of the options:

  • butter cream (you need to whip butter with sugar);
  •   (it is best to use the classic "condensed milk", and not boiled);
  • sour cream (you need to mix sour cream with sugar until complete dissolution of the "sand").

It will be very tasty if one of the layers is smeared not with cream, but with jam or berries rubbed with sugar. It is best to use sour jams and sour berries to slightly muffle the sugary sweetness of the cream.

In the cream, you can add spices that your household loves. This may be vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa. You can experiment with spices such as ginger, nutmeg.

This napoleon cake made from puff-free yeast dough is much faster and easier than the classic version of the recipe. Since the dough is fully prepared, no need to knead it and roll for a long time. Napoleon I do with delicious custard on milk. Optionally, the cream can be replaced by the one that you like best.

Not everyone and not always, there is a lot of free time for making a cake for the holiday. Therefore, in my opinion, any hostess should have such quick recipes. And even the simplest and well-known cake can be varied, for example by adding sliced \u200b\u200bbananas to it, which will make it only tastier. Napoleon cake according to the recipe from ready-made puff pastry will not leave you indifferent, but even a beginner can cope with cooking. Try this dessert and you will be satisfied.


  • Unleavened puff pastry - 1500 g
  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Flour - 1.5 st.l
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Chicken Egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 100 g

Servings Per Container: 12

European cuisine

Baking time for the cake: 15 minutes

Preparation: in the oven

Calories: 336 kcal per 100 g

How to cook napoleon from the finished puff pastry

Making a napoleon cake from ready-made puff pastry is easy and pleases that you don’t have to spend time mixing dough. I take a layered yeast-free dough, in a pack of 4 sheets, for a cake I need 6 leaves, that is, 1.5 packs. Immediately I take it out of the package and leave to defrost.

I sprinkle the work surface with flour, put dough on it and roll it out a little. Next, I attach a plate to it and cut a circle with a knife.

I put a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet, carefully lay out the cut circles on top. The pieces that were left of the circle also put bake, they are still useful. Then I make cuts on all the cake so that they are not swollen and well baked.

I put them to bake in the oven, at a temperature of 200 degrees, for 15-20 minutes, depending on your oven and the thickness of the rolled cake layers.

Similarly, I bake all 6 shortcakes. It is not necessary to make the cake round, you can make it rectangular, it will be more and you will not have to cut so much.

Cuts that are baked, break into small pieces, or grind with a blender, which will only speed up the process.

Now cooked custard cake. It is quite simple to prepare. Butter is previously pulled out of the refrigerator so that it melts. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, I pour in sugar, flour, and drive an egg.

I mix the added ingredients well to get a homogeneous mixture.

Then I begin to pour in the milk a little bit, stirring all the time.

When the mass is mixed, I put it on medium heat.

As soon as the cream boils, remove it from the heat and leave to cool. If you like a very well soaked cake, then feel free to make a double portion of the cream.

The longer the cream cools, the thicker it becomes. To make it cool, I put it in cold water. In principle, you can leave the cream like this and not add anything else to it, but since I want to show you a classic recipe, I need to finish it a little more.

In a bowl with already melted butter, add the cooled cream in a couple of tablespoons and mix.

Thus, I got a delicious custard for napoleon from the finished puff pastry. If you take not a butter, but a vegetable-cream mixture, you will get a cream with the same small flakes as mine. It does not affect the taste, but the view is certainly not perfect with him.

After that, proceed to the formation of the dessert. I put the bottom cake on a tray or dish, smear it with cream, then leather again and so on.

Napoleon puff pastry with custard is almost ready. Now I take the shredded pieces and sprinkle them on top and sides of the cake.

And finally, I put napoleon from puff yeast-free pastry in the fridge so that it is soaked. It will take from 12 hours. From this test can be done, the preparation of which takes you a minimum of time. Enjoy your meal!

Napoleon cake is loved in almost every family. Yes, and how not to love him? Incredibly delicious, with a delicate custard, sprinkled with crispy crumbs - just delicious! Of course, it takes a lot of time to cook it, so it is usually baked on especially solemn occasions. To save time, I suggest to bake napoleon cake from the finished puff pastry, and make him a gentle air cream from condensed milk, butter and cream.

  • 2 packs of unleavened puff pastry rolled into a roll (500 g each)
  • 400 g of condensed milk (1 can)
  • 1 pack of softened butter (180-200 g) 82.5%
  • 250 ml cream fat content of 33% (half the package, that pictured)

The cake can also be made from one package of puff pastry (from the personal experience of my reader Gulnara), if possible thinly roll out and bake 4 cakes. Accordingly, the cream to make two times less. This cake is obtained in the usual height, and the taste is not affected.

And today we are preparing the high Napoleon cake of two packages of dough.


Puff pastry is defrosted at room temperature. Carefully unfold the dough roll and cut it into 3-4 equal parts. Of the four parts, the cakes will be thinner, which is better for soaking, and the cake, of course, will be tastier. This time I baked 3 cakes from one package of dough.

We choose a plate, in the form of which we will cut cakes for the cake, and carefully roll out each part of the dough a little more than a plate (I took a plate with a diameter of 22 cm). As practice has shown, it is better to make cakes of even larger diameter, 24-26 cm. Then, when baking, the cake layers will not be so lush, and the cream will be better soaked. The surface on which we roll out the dough, and the rolling pin lightly grease with vegetable oil. Then we transfer the rolled dough to a baking tray made with parchment, cut a circle with the help of a plate and prick it with a fork as often as possible. Scraps of puff pastry, not crushing, set aside to the side, covered with a piece of dish. They will be useful to us.

We put the baking tray in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, and bake the cake for about 15 minutes until light golden brown. Thus we bake 6 shortcakes. For the seventh time, I baked all the cuts to grind them and make a sprinkle. Do not cut the parchment under each cake, use two in turn. If you have 2 baking sheets, just fine, the baking process will gomuch faster, one pan cools, the other is already in the oven. Here are the cakes I have turned out:

Lush, of course 🙂, but after soaking the cream, the cake will settle a little.

Now we will prepare the cream for the cake Napoleon. First, mix the condensed milk with a mixer and butter, softened at room temperature. We include the mixer on small turns. Our goal is not to whip, but just mix the condensed milk and butter evenly.

In a separate bowl, beat well-cooled cream. If you have them at room temperature, you can put them in the freezer for 40 minutes, preferably not at the bottom of the freezer, but on a stand, on a saucer, for example. In general, it is enough if the cream just stood in the refrigerator for a long time.

Whip cream to such a condition that they keep their shape, i.e. if you turn the cup, they will not spill out and fall out. At the same time, do not overdo it, make sure not to beat up until the state of the oil.

Then gently transfer the cream to the mixture of condensed milk and butter and gently mix with a spatula until smooth.

The cream turned out great, gentle and airy:

Now we will collect the cake. Cakes are stacked on each other, generously greasing each cake with cream. We also lubricate the top and sides of our cake. Cream do not regret, this amount is more than enough.

Grind baked pieces and sprinkle the top and sides of the cake. Sideways it is convenient to sprinkle with a silicone spatula, lifting the crumbs from the dish and, as it were, gluing them to the side surface of the cake.

This is the Napoleon cake made from ready-made puff pastry. Now, at 12 o'clock in the fridge, so as to be soaked. It would be nice to cover something, so as not to absorb excess odors. I used a suitable sized pot. 🙂 To cut such a cake, preferably with a large knife with teeth (for fresh white bread). You can also use a long, thin and sharp fish knife.

I want to note that Napoleon cake from the finished puff pastry is not so impregnated, as if we baked it according to the classic recipe and used custard. But here such a goal was not set, the main thing is that the cake turns out to be very tasty and is prepared much faster than the usual Napoleon.

I suggest you look at the recipe for another cake, which in our family enjoys great love - this is boiled condensed milk. Delicious, just you will lick your fingers!

That's all for today. Good luck and good mood!

Always cook with pleasure!

Smile! 🙂

And again we have the recipe for the most delicious pastries for the holiday table. We will prepare a real homemade cake - brewed Napoleon. Yes, it is true, because we will make puff pastry own cooking. This, as always, pleases my sister Catherine. She quite often bakes a real Napoleon cake and believe me, the dough for Napoleon, which is cooked at home, turns out to be much tastier and better, and the cake made from this dough is just Mega Chic! Responsible for every word I say. My dear, do not be lazy, and if you have conceived to cook a cake Napoleon, be sure to make homemade puff pastry, and do not buy it in the store, where the choice of this test is the most diverse. Cream for Napoleon Catherine proposes to cook boiled milk. You can make any other cream, but the custard always turns out to be lush, not too sweet and very tasty. This combination of homemade puff pastry and custard with milk is a classic and the cake is excellent. Well, what else can you offer for your most beloved and dear people. We ate this cake on the birthday of our beloved dad. Everyone appreciated Napoleon in dignity, and especially the birthday man himself, the biggest lover of pastry puff pastry.

Would need:

For the preparation of puff pastry for Cake Napoleon:

For custard:

For the preparation of chocolate glaze (ink):

  • Cocoa (Russian) - 3 tbsp.
  • Butter (softened) - 3 tbsp.

Step-by-step recipe for making Napoleon cake:

We will prepare homemade puff pastry dough. To do this, prepare the liquid. In a deep plate or measuring cup we drive in an egg, add salt, vinegar and mix everything. Add ice water and mix again. It should make about 190 ml. fluid. Put the liquid in the fridge.

Pour the sifted flour on the table.

Butter or margarine is rubbed into the flour on a large grater, constantly dipping it into the flour. Stir lightly grated margarine with flour.

In the grated margarine with flour do the deepening. Pour cold liquid into it that is in the fridge.

First, using a large spoon, then manually, quickly knead the puff pastry. You can not knead the dough, just lift it from different sides to the middle and fold it in layers and press down a little.

Ready lump of puff pastry remove to the side, collecting all the crumbs in the main dough. We give the puff pastry a rectangular shape, put it in a plastic bag and send it in the fridge for 2 hours, and best of all for 10-12 hours. Puff pastry is ready. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several days, and in the freezer for up to several months, defrosting it, if necessary, in the refrigerator.

Prepare the custard on the milk for the cake Napoleon:

Rinse the pot with cold water and pour in the milk. Add sugar. Put the pot on the fire, stirring all the time until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then, the fire should be reduced to a minimum and just leave the milk to heat up.

In a bowl, drive eggs, add flour and mix with a fork or a whisk until smooth.

In this mixture, pour 2-3 ladle hot sugar with sugar and mix. Add 2 more ladle hot milk. Stir and pour the mixture into the pan. Put the pan on the fire and stirring with a whisk, cook the cream until thick.

Remove and add to the cream 20 gr. butter. Stir and pour the cream in a bowl. Cover with a bag or film and leave to cool to room temperature.

We bake cake cakes for Napoleon cake:

Pulls puff pastry out of the fridge and divide it into 4 equal parts. We will bake a medium-sized cake, about 20x30 cm. This is enough for approximately 8-12 servings.

Sprinkle the table with flour and roll one piece of dough into a thin layer 3 mm thick. Sprinkle dough and rolling pin when rolling flour.

Wipe the baking sheet with a damp cloth and lay out the thinly rolled dough. It is possible with the help of a rolling pin, winding dough on it. On the cake make incisions. We bake the cake in the oven, heated to 200-220 degrees for 15-20 minutes until golden brown. So bake all the cakes and put one on top of the other and allow to cool completely.

Prepare custard oil cream

Put the remaining (140 gr.) Creamy softened butter in a bowl.

Beat it white with a mixer or kitchen machine. Oil can be put more. So cream will turn out more magnificent and high at cake assembly.

In whipped butter spread gradually cooled custard, whipping into a dense mass.

In the process of whipping, pour vanilla sugar (vanillin) into the cream. It should make a very lush custard.

When the cakes and cream are ready, we begin to assemble the cake.

Put the first layer of puff on the cake plate or tray.

Top lay out the boiled butter cream. He does not need to regret.

Smear cream over the surface of the cake evenly.

So we collect the whole cake. We have only 4 Korzh. We well coat the top of the cake with cream and send to the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

Prepare the scattering for the cake from the scraps of cakes, which we exactly cut off, giving the desired shape to the cake. You can bake a separate cake for sprinkling the finished cake. Trimming or specially baked cake simply break hands finely. Sprinkle the top and sides of the cake Napoleon. Sprinkle the cake with icing sugar on top (this is the classic version of serving the cake), decorate with fresh fruit or make an inscription.

Today we have a cake to decorate the festive table. We celebrate our papul's birthday. That is why, Catherine prepared chocolate icing (chocolate ink) from butter and cocoa, just put 3 tbsp. cocoa with 3 tbsp. softened butter. Mixed and applied using a culinary bag inscription on the cake.

Ready Napoleon cake can be served whole, and you can immediately cut the bread knife into portions and serve with tea as a cake. Truly a festive cake Napoleon, always welcome, beloved by all - will decorate any table and will delight home, friends or guests.

But this divine cake Napoleon in the cut. Is not it beautiful and very tasty! We help ourselves - do not be shy!

Enjoy your meal appetite wishes Svetlana and my home site!