How to cook rice porridge with stew. Rice porridge with stew, bell pepper and cream sauce

04.05.2019 Healthy food

   Calorie:   Not specified
   Time for preparing:   Not specified

  I offer a very simple recipe with a photo of cooking rice with a stew, in which the cooking process is described step by step. Besides the fact that the stew is a tasty product, it is also stored for a long time. Having made stew stocks for several months, you may not be worried when there is nothing to cook lunch or dinner. Stew always come to your rescue. The main thing is to buy a natural product and read the composition carefully, so that there must be indicated meat or cook. If you are cooking stew dishes for the first time, then remember that it has enough fat, so do not add much oil to make the dish moderately fat. For me, a jar of stew plays always important. Often on weekends we spend time with the family, so I absolutely have no time to cook. Therefore, after walking for a rest for the whole day, we come home and the refrigerator is empty. There was no time to buy food, there was no time to cook dinner. In such cases, and rescues a jar of stew. When I have time to buy, my husband and I buy for the future: that is, we buy not only the products that will be needed in the near future, but also those goods that are stored for a long time and do not deteriorate. It is very convenient to cook rice with stew, as this combination is most successful. Rice is tasty and soaked with the aroma of meat.

Required Products:
- 1 cup of rice (long variety),
- 300 grams stew,
- 1 medium bulb,
- 1 small carrot,
- some salt
- 2 glasses of water
- A little oil for roasting vegetables.

Recipe with photos step by step:

  We grind vegetables: cut onions into cubes, and rub the carrots cleaned with a metal grater.

  Fry vegetables in oil, heat the pan well. When the vegetables are soft, add the stew to them, knead slightly to separate the stew pieces. Fry all together for another 5 minutes. We wash rice (we use a long variety, it is crumbly and tasty). Drain the water from the rice, let the water drain well, and then add the rice to the pan. Salt to taste.

After 5-10 minutes, pour in the water, mix and leave to stew, so that the rice is fully prepared. After 15-20 minutes, try again on the salt, as we poured water and can be undersalted.

  Ready rice served to the table. Instead of rice you can cook

Rice porridge is very tasty, nutritious, balanced and healthy. You can cook it with anything: with fish, meat, vegetables, or just boil, dressing with butter. In any case, it turns out delicious dietary dish. It is worth remembering the nineties, when many foods and delicacies were in short supply. As a variety, many mothers and grandmothers cooked a crumbly rice gruel, and then mixed it with homemade or store stew. Despite the simplicity and routine, the dish turned out incredibly tasty, juicy, nourishing and fragrant. And if you decorate it with fresh herbs and serve with vegetables, it is suitable for a festive table.

One of the most simple, but hearty dishes is rice porridge with stew, the recipe of which will impress with its uncomplicated and excellent result. To cook rice porridge with stew, as in the USSR, it is enough to use the proposed recipe. According to the recipe, prepare all the necessary ingredients. They must be high quality and fresh.

To make rice porridge tasty, it is not enough to use a good recipe, it is important to know the basic subtleties and secrets of cooking. You should also choose the right dishes for cooking porridge. It is important to remember that rice porridge is more convenient to cook in aluminum pots or dishes with a non-stick bottom.  Even if the porridge burns, you can easily clean the dishes without damaging the surface.

No less important is the rice grain variety. Each rice variety has its minuses and advantages, which significantly affects the taste and aesthetic qualities of the finished dish. That is why pay special attention to the choice of rice. To make porridge tasty, it is advisable to use only round rice, as it is sticky and sticky. However, before cooking it should be thoroughly washed to scrub the excess starch.


To cook rice porridge with stew, you need the following ingredients:


1. Rice cereal should be washed, then pour warm water for thirty minutes, so that the grains are swollen and slightly increased in size.

2. Then drain the water. Send the cereal to a pan of boiling water, add salt and cook until ready. You can pour rice with cold water and cook, but the cooking time will be longer.

3. At this time, peel the onion and cut into thin half-rings. Pour some vegetable oil into the pan, fry onions on it to a golden hue.

4. During the passaging of onions, enjoy carrots, namely, grate them. Then add it to the onions and fry. Do not forget to stir periodically.

5. Open the jar of stew, put the meat on a cutting board and knead with a fork.

6. When the vegetables are ready, it's time to mix them with beef stew. Simmer for about five minutes.

7. Put cooked rice porridge in a griddle with vegetables and canned meat. Then stir everything, cover and extinguish for ten minutes on minimal heat.

8. Rice porridge with meat stew, as in the USSR, is ready. It can be decorated with tomatoes, herbs. The dish turns out tasty, fragrant and juicy, and thanks to the stew - nourishing and nutritious.

Video recipe

Given that the preparation of dishes will require a minimum amount of ingredients, this cereal is simple and affordable. At the same time, this dish will be a great lunch or a hearty dinner. Pamper your family with a delicious and fragrant nutritious dish.

Servings: 6

Time for preparing:  55 min.

Traditional pilaf, oriental dish, which came to us from far away India, is cooked with meat. And if to speak more simply, this is an ordinary rice porridge with meat, which is cooked around the world according to completely different recipes. By the way, you can cook more. Also very tasty and hearty dish.

Modern hostesses cook pilaf with meat, chicken, any other poultry, vegetables and even mushrooms. If it is incorrect to take into account the recipe of cooking, then instead of the classic pilau, many people get ordinary rice porridge with meat, which is much easier to prepare.
  Classic pilaf is always cooked on lamb. Today, mostly pilau is cooked in beef or pork, but this is no longer pilaf, but ordinary rice porridge with meat.

Cooking traditional pilaf - rice porridge with meat.

Ingredients Required:

    0, 5 kg of beef

    1 tbsp. rice

    1 carrot

    1 onion

    black pepper

The recipe for rice porridge with meat

  • Step 1

    When choosing meat, stop at meat goulash, it is ideal for this dish. In a bowl where you will cook, melt butter and fry the meat in it.

  • Step 2

    For a more fragrant dish in the rice porridge with meat recipe, you must have lots of herbs and garlic, and do not forget about salt.

  • Step 3

    When the meat is slightly roasted, you need to add finely chopped carrots and onions.

  • Step 4

    Rice is better suited fried and oblong, soak it for some time in ordinary water.

  • Step 5

    Put rice on top of meat and vegetables, pour 2 cups of water and put on high heat to boil.

  • Step 6

    After the water boils, cover and simmer on very low heat until cooked.

    When the dish is ready, give it a bit of insistence!

    For housewives who do not have time and for those who are accustomed to cook on a fast hand, we offer the recipe for rice porridge with canned meat.

    Ingredients Required:

    • 1 tbsp. rice
    •   1 b. stew
    • carrot
    • vegetable oil
    •   salt
    • pepper

    Porridge Recipe

    1.   Rice is well washed, better than once and boil.

    2.   In a saucepan with thick walls, place the finely chopped onion with carrots and fry in vegetable oil, add to them stew, pre-mashed with a fork.

    3.   Lastly add boiled rice, cover with lid and simmer for another 15 minutes.

    The dish is ready! The recipe for rice porridge with stew is very simple, the dish is hearty with a rather unusual taste.

    Rice porridge with chicken

    Cooking rice porridge with chicken. Rice porridge with chicken has a nice golden color, such a dish can be safely called a dietary one due to its low calorie content. And if we have already started talking about diet food, then try to cook more for rice. It is useful and tasty.

    Ingredients Required:

    • 1 chicken breast
    •   1 tbsp. rice
    • carrot
    •   vegetable oil

    Chicken Porridge Cooking Recipe

    1.   Rice better pre-soak for some time in water.

    2.   Peel the vegetables, chop and fry them in vegetable oil in a thick-walled saucepan.

    3.   When the vegetables get golden color, add the pieces of chicken and fry again.

    4.   Put rice on top and pour water in such a way that the water is 1 cm higher than the cereal.

    On cooking rice porridge with chicken, you will not spend much time. It is very simple to determine that the dish is ready - the rice becomes dry and crumbly in appearance.

    Good appetite!

There are moments when a woman feels very tired after returning from work or from the country house. Sometimes there is no way to make lunch or dinner from fresh meat. Therefore, in this article we propose to cook a delicious dish - rice with stew.

Our popularly favorite stew

Any housewife, of course, is not averse to cooking for her beloved husband and children homemade nourishing and healthy food. But what to do if:

1. At the moment there are no suitable conditions for cooking (for example, repairs are underway).

2. Food needs to be cooked quickly.

3. The refrigerator does not have the necessary set of products, but there is no time to go to the store.

4. Not enough money to buy meat.

You have to agree that sooner or later practically every hostess can face a similar situation, therefore such a popularly favorite product as a stew can always help us, waiting for its time on the shelf of a kitchen cabinet.

But in this case, we do not want our dish to turn out to be unattractive. It must be very tasty. Therefore, dear hostesses, we will talk about how to cook rice with stew in various ways.

Choosing a quality stew

In the store you can buy a couple of jars of stew for the future - in emergency situations such a dish will always help out. Currently there is a huge variety of this product for quality. But to treat the purchase should still be responsible and adhere to some rules, namely:

1. Stew must be made according to GOST - this is indicated on the jar.

2. The composition of the product should be only meat, salt and spices - no starch, flour, soy and other undesirable components. This is a violation of manufacturing techniques.

3. Always when buying pay attention to the name. The product should be referred to only as "Braised Beef", "Braised Lamb" or "Braised Pork", but not "Home-made Braised Stew", "Food for the Tourist", etc.

When buying, you should always pay attention to the appearance of the can. In no case can not buy a product with a swollen lid - it is fraught with serious poisoning. The sticker should be glued evenly, and the pattern on it should be applied clearly and without erosion. A conscientious manufacturer always cares about the quality of its products.

And finally, the price. The most expensive does not mean the best quality and the best. Therefore, you should not buy a very expensive stew of famous European brands. The quality of them is no better, and the price is due to long carriage.

Cooking rice with stew - quick and easy

And now we offer our hostesses to cook a very simple and quick dish. If in more detail, then its composition includes rice with stew, vegetables and spices.

For the preparation we need the following products:

300 grams of long rice;

Vegetable oil;

1 carrot;

1 onion;

2 teaspoons of curry;

4 tbsp. l soy sauce;

Bank of any stew;

All the products we have on hand, we begin to cook rice with a stew. The recipe is quite simple.

First we need to boil the rice so that it turns out crumbly. To do this, rinse it several times, pour it into the pan, add about 2 liters of water, 1 teaspoon of curry. Boil for about 15-20 minutes. When the cereal is ready, fold it to a colander. Let the water flow out. Seasoning gives the rice a beautiful golden hue.

In the meantime, cooked rice, let's do vegetables. Peel the onions and cut them into small cubes. Grate carrots. Pour the vegetable oil into the dishes for frying, sauté the vegetables for 7-8 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Open the can of stew, lay out the meat in a plate. We remove excess fat, veins, films, crush with a fork. Then add the meat in the pan to the vegetables and simmer for a few more minutes. At the end add the soy sauce and the remaining teaspoon of curry.

And the final stage - we put the pre-cooked rice in the pan, mix well.

Our rice with stew is ready!

Multivarka comes to the rescue

Multivarka very much helps working women and young mothers in the economy. Meals in it are prepared very simply and do not require constant presence and stirring. Enough to lay all the ingredients and after a while enjoy a delicious meal.

Let's go and we will try to cook our dish "Rice with Stew" in a slow cooker. The device includes a cup with which we will measure the required amount of products. This recipe is suitable when using multivarks of almost all global trade brands.

For the preparation we need:

1.5 cups of rice;

3 ordinary glasses of water;

1 bank of pork or beef stew;

1 onion;

1 carrot;

A pair of bay leaves;

A few spoons of oil (vegetable);

Salt and pepper;

If you prefer rice dishes of viscous consistency, then we advise you to take a round cereal. Long rice dishes are more crumbly.

The croup must be prepared - washed several times. Perform this procedure as long as the water will not drain without flour admixture.

Chop the onion into small cubes, and grate the carrots or chop randomly.

Turn on our assistant, set the mode "Baking" or "Frying". Pour the oil into the bowl, lay out the same vegetables. Press the "Start" button and fry the onions and carrots. Turn off the program. Add to the bowl stew, spices, rice, pour all the water. Close the lid, install the program "Pilaf" and press the start button. Time is not necessary to set.

When the machine beeps, rice and stew will be ready.

A few words in conclusion

When purchasing food in the store, do not forget to buy a jar of stew. In the most emergency and unexpected situations, you can cook a tasty and satisfying meal for the whole family with a minimum set of ingredients. Moreover, now you know how to cook rice with stew. Bon Appetit everyone!

Would you like to cook a full-fledged homemade dish, but not a single piece of meat left in the fridge? Rice with stew will be a great way out in this case.

How to cook this wonderful dish? It is best to cook rice with stew in a slow cooker, as in it it comes out very fragrant and rich. Yes, and cooking it does not bring you the slightest worries, because the recipe is very simple.

This dish will require the following ingredients:

  1. Pork stew - 500 grams.
  2. Long grain rice - 1.5 -2 cups.
  3. Onions - 2 pieces.
  4. Carrots - 2 - 3 pieces.
  5. Butter - 3 tablespoons.
  6. Salt and spices - to taste.
  7. Water - two times more than rice.

The slow cooker needs to be put in frying mode and put some fat from the stew in it. While it warms up, you need to chop the onion (in small pieces) and carrots (preferably straw). After that, you need to put onions and carrots in a slow cooker and fry the ingredients for 5-7 minutes. Transfer the mixture to the plate.

Next, you need to lay out all the ingredients in the bowl of the multicooker in the following order: stew, fried vegetables, rice. The thickness of the ball is not so important, but the more balls, the juicier your rice porridge with stew will be.

After each layer, you must add spices and seasonings. When you have laid out the last ball, fill it with water. For those who love garlic, you can put a pair of cloves around the perimeter of the bowl of the slow cooker, right in the pic. It will give flavor and pretty good taste. The recipe is quite simple, so you can experiment.

Next, you need to set the mode on the "Milk porridge / cereals" multicooker or "Pilaf" and set the timer for 30-40 minutes. After the cooking time has elapsed, the resulting mass should be allowed to infuse for 10 to 15 minutes, then mix thoroughly but gently. Rice with stew in a slow cooker ready. It should be served hot, best immediately after insisting the dish.

If you do not have a multicooker, then you should not be upset, because rice with canned meat can be cooked in a regular frying pan. How to cook rice without a slow cooker? The recipe is very simple. The ingredients are the same, but you still have to add curry seasoning and soy sauce. First you need to boil the rice so that it turned out crumbly.

When cooking, you do not need to add salt, instead it should be poured 1 teaspoon of curry, after it the rice will acquire a golden color. While the rice is cooked, you can do cutting onions and carrots. Put the sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables on a heated frying pan and sauté for 10 minutes, then add the stew, mix everything and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Then add 5 tablespoons of soy sauce and 1-2 teaspoons of curry seasoning. In the end, you need to put the ready rice in the pan and mix everything very carefully. Rice porridge with stew is ready. Instead of soy sauce, you can add tomato paste, which will also be perfectly combined with these ingredients.

Porridge with stew is very nourishing and tasty, if you have little time for cooking, it will become your signature dish. First of all, those who often rest in nature should learn how to cook stew with stewed meat: you should try this dish cooked on a fire, in a large cauldron, with a smoke, at least once to understand how tasty it is!

At home, the main advantages of this dish are affordability and speed of execution. After all, the stew is neither washed nor cut, and it is sold even in the smallest grocery stores. And in fact, to be honest, sometimes you want something like that - uncomplicated, but tasty.

What else to cook stew?

Stew can help out not only when cooking rice.

What can be cooked from stew? Many delicious and healthy dishes, and in a short time and with a minimum set of products. For example, soup with stew. This recipe will be a real salvation when you need something to cook quickly and without much hassle.

For its preparation will need:

  1. Stew - 500 grams.
  2. Carrots - 3 pieces.
  3. Salted cucumbers - 200 gr.
  4. Potatoes - 400 gr.
  5. Tomatoes - 200 gr.
  6. Onions - 2 pieces.
  7. Fresh green - a small bunch.
  8. Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.
  9. Spices to taste.

Carrots and onions should be cut into small pieces, carrots can be rubbed on a grater, and then browned in vegetable oil in a frying pan for 10 minutes. During this time, you need to cut the tomato into slices, but first peel it. Half of the sliced \u200b\u200btomato should be added to carrots and onions, after which you need to stew them for another 5 minutes.

Now you can do cutting greens and cucumbers. Then you should put a pot of water on the stove, salt. While it boils - chop the potatoes. When water boils, add potatoes to it. After boiling potatoes for ten minutes, you should add cucumbers, remaining tomatoes, spices and canned meat to it. After 7-8 minutes, passaged vegetables can be added to the soup. Before serving, decorate with fresh herbs, it will give the soup spice.

Enjoy your meal!