Is pineapple delicious? Tips on how to choose a ripe pineapple and how to store it properly at home

Let's talk about the exotic fruit pineapple, how to choose and its origin

The question "how to choose a ripe and tasty pineapple?" not quite simple, if you do not live in tropical countries and you meet this fruit in everyday life is extremely rare. Pineapple comes from Brazil. They later spread to South and Central America. According to scientists, according to historical sources, it is said that pineapple juice served as a medicinal drink for the ancient Indians in the 15th century, and fibers were made from pineapple leaves for making fabric. For the first time during his trip around the world, Columbus, seeing this fruit, gave it the name "pine cone" and, of course, learned to choose the right delicious and ripe pineapples even then .. So a delicious pineapple came to Europe. For a long time, pineapple was used as a decoration. They did not use it, but put it on the festive table, which was considered prestigious, and the guests assessed the wealth of the owner. Pineapple came to Russia in the 18th century. The exotic fruit has a long history of its "journey" from Brazil to Europe. And in this regard, many countries arrange a holiday for their favorite fruit. In June, a lot of people come to the holiday, because. this is not just a holiday, but rather a congress of business partners, suppliers for the exchange of experience, everything that concerns only pineapple, in the question "how to choose the right tasty and ripe pineapple" - these people have no equal .. Exhibitions with pineapple dishes are organized, they are demonstrated new varieties, as well as souvenirs and delicacies. On this day, fireworks do not stop. Such festivals are held in India, Thailand, Florida and other countries.

Nowadays, pineapple cultivation is produced in countries with a tropical climate. In the middle lane, pineapples are grown indoors, which is very important for the timely ripening of the fruit, its ripeness and sweet taste. Hawaii, Philippines, Australia, Mexico, Ghana are the main producers of pineapples. Very large plantations are found in India. If you calculate what is the area of ​​​​cultivation of pineapples around the world, it will be about one hundred thousand hectares.

In everyday life, we often face the problem of choice. One of these tasks is the purchase of fresh, high-quality fruits. Let's look at one example - for example, how to choose the right pineapple.

So how do you choose the right pineapple? When buying a pineapple, you need to pay attention to a number of the following rules, following which it will be easy for you to make the right choice.

Seven basic rules for choosing the right pineapple

Rule number 1. Visual assessment of quality when choosing a pineapple

Rule #2

Take a pineapple in your hands, the first sign of its maturity is the softness of its rind. The crust should be not only soft, but also elastic. In order to understand what kind of peel, it is worth slightly pressing on it from the side of the pineapple, as a result of which a small cavity is formed, which should instantly spring under the fingers. You select a pineapple for ripeness and want to judge its taste and sweetness by its appearance, in this method, of course, the best are those who come across this on a daily basis - but here's what they look at. If such an effect occurred, we can safely assume that the pineapple was picked ripe. There is an opinion that an unripe pineapple can ripen if left to lie down. This opinion is erroneous. Yes, after lying down for a while, the greenish pineapple will turn yellow, but with such ripening it will lose its taste.

Rule #3

The question of choosing a delicious pineapple can be compared with an example, as in choosing a watermelon. To do this, you just need to take a pineapple in your hands and tap the fruit with your palm. In this case, you need to carefully evaluate what kind of sound comes from it. A ringing sound indicates an unripe pineapple, therefore, refrain from buying it. But, well, if you hear a dull sound - this is a sign of a ripe pineapple, buy it safely

Rule #4

According to experts, you need to pay attention to the foliage of the fetus. It is believed that if the pineapple is ripe, then its “tops” should be green, slightly wilted, and the leaves themselves should be effortlessly separated from the fruit. Experts also advise, when choosing a pineapple, to take one of the leaves and turn it around its axis, as if unscrewing it. If this was done without effort, then the pineapple is ripe.

Rule #5

As we said, the pineapple should be yellow-brown in color. In determining the freshness of a fruit, brown spots are not allowed on it. If there are, then this is considered a sign of overripe pineapple, after you choose it, it can be tasty and sweet, but this is rare.

Rule #6

Further, if the pineapple suits you on all of the above points, the time has come to smell it. You shouldn't be ashamed of it. Ripe pineapple has a pleasant, sweetish, delicate aroma. A sign of too sweet aroma is the ripeness of the fruit, which means that fermentation processes have already begun in it.

Rule #7

Finally, one of the main points of choosing the right delicious pineapple is its price. Among the exotic fruits on the shelves, pineapple takes pride of place. The high price indicates that the ripe pineapple crop was harvested and delivered in a short time, i.е. by plane. But, and the low price is a sign that the pineapples were not ripe, their delivery was carried out by sea, which means that their ripening was on the way. You can’t consider “expensive means good”, because. even for an average quality product, you can ask for a high price.

Well, we got acquainted with the main rules for choosing the right delicious pineapple

Ripe pineapple recipes

You have chosen the right pineapple, now you can enjoy not only its taste, but also cook many delicious dishes from it, because pineapple is not only considered a low-calorie fruit, but also participates in the process of splitting fats, which means you can easily lose weight when eating it.

Let's start with the recipe for a delicious pineapple salad.

Ripe pineapple salad with shrimps.

To prepare it, you need the following products:

Shrimp - 100 grams

Mango - 100 grams (mango juice is possible)

Greens and mayonnaise to taste


For salad, choose a delicious pineapple. Cut the pineapple into cubes, about 1 cm, chop the shrimp and mix with pineapple, add mashed mango with herbs, mix and add mayonnaise. Salad can be put on a plate, or you can put it in a pre-cut half (boat) of pineapple without its pulp. It will turn out unusual and original.

It is worth noting that cooking can be done not only from fresh, properly selected pineapples, but also from canned ones.

Here is one of the salad recipes, but now with canned pineapples.

Pineapple salad "Snack"


Chicken meat (500 g);

Bank of canned pineapples;

Fresh champignons (500 g);

Lemon juice;



Black pepper

Dill, parsley (any greens to taste)


Boil chicken meat. Salt. Separate mushrooms from caps and legs. Mushroom caps should be boiled in salted water, then acidified with vinegar and lemon juice. Mushrooms and cooked meat cut into pieces. We chop greens. We take a jar of canned pineapples, lay them out without syrup. Mix all the ingredients. Let's move on to making the sauce. To do this, mix mayonnaise, yogurt, mustard and black pepper (all ingredients are added to taste).

Delicious Pineapple Pork Recipe

To prepare this recipe, you need to know how to choose the right pineapple, because. in this recipe, if the pineapple is unripe or overripe, the taste of the dish during its preparation will not turn out tasty and fragrant.

Pineapple Pork Recipe Ingredients:

fresh pineapple

Pork - 1 kg.

Mayonnaise - 200 grams.

Cheese - 300 grams.

Vegetable oil - 100 grams.

Divide the meat into small pieces, put on a countertop, grease the baking sheet in advance, salt and pepper to taste. Top with chopped fresh ripe and sweet pineapple, grease everything with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in the oven until done at 180 degrees.

Pineapple can also be used to make delicious delicious pastries.

Pineapple pie for 12 servings.

This cake can be served on the table, both on a normal day and for any holiday. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

Butter - 200 grams

Powdered sugar - 200 grams

Egg - 4 pcs.

Flour - 3 cups

Baking soda - about 1 tsp

Vinegar - ½ tsp

Pineapple (canned in circles) - 850 grams.

Beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer, melt the butter and add to the eggs and sugar. We continue to beat everything, add soda, slaked with vinegar, add flour. We mix everything. Put the finished dough on a baking sheet (pre-grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil or put parchment paper). On top of the dough, lay out the chopped selected tasty and sweet pineapple, or canned pineapple circles and place in a preheated oven, at a temperature of 150-180 degrees, for about 20-25 minutes.

The pie is ready to eat.

Also, pineapple can be chosen not only in order to cook a delicious dinner, but also in order to lose weight

In fact, in order to lose weight, it is not enough just to eat pineapple, which is actively involved in the breakdown of fats, you need to combine the duration of the diet with physical activity, salad recipes will help to make food using pineapple more varied. Also, after the correct choice of a ripe and sweet fruit, the use of pure pineapple in itself is recommended on fasting days. Fasting days are recommended by nutritionists, the period of which is 1-2 days. It is considered safe for health. To do this, you need a two-kilogram pineapple and a liter of pineapple juice. Take pineapple approximately 3 to 5 times a day, dividing the pineapple juice into the same number of doses between meals. At the same time, on this day, for the desired effect, do not eat other foods, do not drink other drinks. Eliminate everything except the pineapple itself and pineapple juice.

For those who find it difficult to consume only pineapple and pineapple juice, you can add 100 grams of boiled beef, 100 grams of fat-free cottage cheese and one slice of bread to the diet.

But, do not flatter yourself that the pineapple diet has no contraindications, no matter which pineapple you choose for this. In medicine, it should not be used for diseases of the stomach, because. Pineapple contains bromelain. Let's talk about the nutritional properties of pineapple and its vitamins. It contains many vitamins and nutrients. One of the most active substances in pineapple, bromelain, is an enzyme that normalizes the wrong process of protein digestion. Thanks to this complex of nutrients, pineapple has healing properties: it stimulates the digestion process, lowers blood pressure, and disinfects the intestines.

We got acquainted with the secrets of losing weight. Properly selected sweet and tasty pineapple is a great helper not only in the formation of a slim figure, but also slows down the aging process of the skin.

Masks from selected delicious and ripe pineapple

Women use the properties of pineapple also in cosmetology. Pineapple not only slows down the aging process, but also moisturizes the skin, breaks down old cells, and allows you to keep it in good shape. You can make nourishing, moisturizing face masks at home

Pineapple mask for wrinkles.

For the mask, you need to choose the right ripe pineapple. Cut off a small piece, add one teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of fresh sour cream to it. Gently put the entire consistency on your face for about 15 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

Moisturizing pineapple mask.

To two crushed spoons of pineapple, add two tablespoons of grated apples, ½ teaspoon of honey and one drop of any essential oil. Apply to the face for 15 minutes, wash off the mask with water at room temperature.

From oily skin on the face, cosmetologists advise wiping the face with slices of a selected tasty, ripe and sweet pineapple.

Masks should be carried out regularly, with a break of 1-2 months.

Let's list a few points of the beneficial qualities of ripe pineapple

Vitamins and minerals.

These are potassium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iodine. As well as pineapple fibers cleanse the body, remove toxins and toxins.

Action of nutrients in pineapple.

Substances found in pineapple have a preventive effect in hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Serves as a preventive measure for many diseases.

This fruit protects against many diseases, for example, it is good for the prevention of influenza, acute respiratory infections, just as mentioned earlier, it does not allow pressure to increase and decrease.

Normalization of pressure.

During a meal, it is useful to drink a glass of fresh pineapple juice or eat a slice of it, while the enzymes in the gastric juice increase their activity. In this form, pineapple is good to use in the case of eating meat dishes and with a hearty meal.

Pineapple against cancer.

Scientists have proven that pineapple prevents cancer. It has an antioxidant effect on the body.


Included in many cosmetics, as well as the preparation of pineapple masks can be used at home. It turns out a kind of beauty salon at home.


Perfectly participates in the process of weight loss and the breakdown of fats.

The use of correctly selected tasty and ripe pineapple in pediatrics

In Russia, pediatricians do not recommend eating pineapple for children under 3 years old, because. it is considered an allergic fruit. In their opinion, it is not worth risking the health of a child from infancy. The pediatricians of European countries, for example, Spain, have the opposite opinion. There, doctors advise eating ripe and tasty pineapples if the baby has metabolic problems, problems with the urinary system. The Spanish favorite product is meat, and pineapple serves as a good aid in digestion, parents instill in their baby a love for pineapple from infancy, as well as the ability to properly choose a ripe, ripe and delicious pineapple. The kid eats pineapple with pleasure, then in adulthood he will use it, thereby his body can easily cope with the digestion of heavy food. Here's how pediatricians disagree about eating pineapple. Delicious pineapple, you always want to give your child a try. Russian pediatricians believe that children under three years of age are forbidden to use pineapple, because it can cause allergic reactions, and it also contains irritating substances. According to their advice, it is best to give fruit to a child at an older age.

Did you know that ripe and delicious pineapple can be grown at home?

The question immediately arises, where to start? To do this, you need to choose a ripe pineapple, according to the rules that we already know well. We cut off the “rosette” at the base of the fruit, but without the pulp. Then, we wash the “socket” in a solution of potassium permanganate and dip the cut into a layer of ash. Allow time to dry (approximately 5-6 hours). While the cut is drying, prepare a container for planting. To do this, you need a pot, approximately 0.6 liters. Pour drainage into the bottom of the pot, then earth and leaf humus. In the middle of the pot we make a small depression slightly larger than the diameter of the “socket” itself. Of course, in this matter, as well as in the question “how to choose the right tasty and ripe pineapple,” you need minimal practice and knowledge. Then, we take the “socket”, lower it into the recess, sprinkle it with earth and tamp it down. Pour abundantly and put on top a plastic bottle (previously cut off 10 cm high) and put in a dark place. Rooting will occur if the pot is kept at a temperature of 27-27 degrees. It is very convenient to do this in the winter, putting the pot on the battery and protecting it from light. After 15 months, the "socket" takes root, you can see how new leaves break through, now you can remove the plastic bottle. In a ripe pineapple, layering grows from the side at the base of the stem; when choosing a ripe ripe pineapple, you can see them on the shelves. They can be rooted from the top of the fruit. Pineapples are transplanted annually, while silently increasing the capacity of the pot. The root system is deepened by 0.5 cm. Pineapples can be transplanted, but only with the help of transshipment, while the root system and the clod of earth are not destroyed. When growing pineapple, you need to observe the temperature regime. The temperature in the room should be at least 18 degrees. Hypothermia of the root system of the future fruit also has a detrimental effect. Water the pineapple with melt, rain or settling water. Once a month fertilize, moisturize (spray). If you follow all the recommendations for caring for a pineapple, then in a year you will be able to see how it blooms, and at the same time it forms many small children. Be careful that pineapple can be affected by spider mites and powdery mildew.

How to make delicious and sweet "candy" pineapple

That's what a comprehensive utility of pineapple. Pineapple is used in many areas: cooking, nutrition, medicine, etc. Do you know that delicious pineapple can be consumed not only fresh, canned, baked, etc., but also “candy”? Yes, it's "candy". Pineapple, thanks to our imagination, can be served on the table in the form of sweets. To do this, we do not have to be puzzled how to choose a delicious pineapple, here the following components will be needed to make such a pineapple.

Sweets - 600 grams, you can and 1 kg.

Styrofoam - (15 cm high, 10 cm diameter)

Scotch tape (double sided)


Packing tape (polysilk)

Decorative ribbon (aspidistra) for making leaves.

Styrofoam, we make an oval shape out of it.

We wrap the foam with packing tape. At the top we leave a "tail" for fixing the leaves. We glue the film with adhesive tape. Now cut out the leaves from the decorative ribbon for the future pineapple. You can fantasize what leaves you will have: fluffy, long, thick, everything is at your discretion. Having made the “tail” of the pineapple, glue it on the top of the mold. We glue the prepared blank with double-sided tape throughout the volume. Now we proceed to the main process, we attach sweets to the adhesive tape. Better to start from the top down. Candies can be taken with a yellow wrapper, or yellow-brown, so that the pineapple looks like a real one. Although, for such original gifts, a wide variety of candies with wrappers are suitable, because. such a pineapple on the festive table will look very unusual.

And to surprise and delight your guests even more, offer them an aristocratic drink from distant France - pineapple in champagne!

For this drink we need:

750 grams of champagne

Pineapple - 1 piece

Dry white wine - 1 liter

Sugar - 150 grams

We choose pineapple. We know how to choose a delicious pineapple. Clean it and cut into thin pieces. The entire volume of chopped pineapple is poured into 0.5 liters of wine and covered with sugar. Insist in a cold place for 2 hours. At the end of time, add to the mass of champagne, the rest of the wine and ice. Mix everything. The aristocratic drink is ready. Pour the drink into glasses. Be sure to have 2-3 pieces of pineapple in the glass.

You can serve a drink on the table and enjoy a romantic drink from France itself.

Pineapples on the shelves of modern stores is not a rare phenomenon. However, few people have an idea of ​​how and where pineapples grow. This fruit is not only tasty and healthy, but also unique, because it grows right on the ground. And the fact that pineapple is a herb is a revelation for some people.

Many believe that pineapples ripen on palm trees. But this is a delusion. Pineapple is a perennial herbaceous plant. It has long sharp leaves. Fruits are formed in the central part on a leg. An elegant cone is a collection of small fruits (infructescence) formed by each of its own flower.

Pineapple fruits have beneficial properties:

  • rich in vitamins A, C, B;
  • able to thin the blood;
  • promote the growth and strengthening of bones;
  • inhibit the pathogenic flora of the intestine.

Pineapples are pollinated during the flowering period by hummingbirds or butterflies. Fruits growing from such ovaries have small seeds under the skin, which significantly reduces the taste of the product. Therefore, plantation owners tend to keep pollinators out of their property.

A warm climate and sun are important conditions without which the fruit will not ripen. In order to retain moisture under the rays of the scorching sun, the leaves of the fruit are covered with a thick, hard skin, and their area is reduced due to narrowing.

How to choose a ripe pineapple: 5 ways

The hard scales covering the pineapple are able to retain its juice.

Lateral shoots grow from the axils of the leaves, which can be planted. If these parts are removed, the plant begins to bear fruit again. Usually, after the second crop is harvested, pineapples are uprooted and new ones are planted in their place.

Southeast Asians and Filipinos use the leaves of this exotic plant to make fabrics and ship ropes.

Where can you find pineapples, a list of countries

Pineapple is considered to be a tropical fruit. Historical homeland - South America, or rather - Paraguay. From the 12th to the 15th century, this plant spread throughout South America. Moreover, its fruits were not only used for food, but also made wine based on them.

After the second trip of Columbus, pineapples came to Europe. Over time, unique fruits were transported to other warm regions, where they are still successfully grown. These include the islands of Hawaii and the Philippines, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia and African countries. Thailand is the world leader in the export of pineapples. They are engaged in the cultivation of this fruit in the USA, Southern and Central Europe, but exclusively in greenhouses.

In Russia, there are no suitable conditions for the cultivation of pineapples. Even in the Krasnodar Territory, such fruits can only be grown in greenhouses.

Growing pineapple indoors

It is quite possible to grow a small exotic fruit at home, right in the room. But for this it will be useful to have an idea about the methods of propagation of pineapples. There are three of them:

At home, it is more appropriate to use the third method. The growing process is quite long, so you need to be patient.

  1. First of all, the top of the fetus should be prepared for planting. The cut of the lower leaves must be carried out in such a way that approximately 3 cm is left of the cutting.
  2. The workpiece is determined in a dry room, with good ventilation. There it is left for 3-4 days in order to dry out.
  3. After drying, the top should be lowered into a transparent container with water by 4-5 cm. It is important to take care of protecting the pineapple from drafts and overdrying until rooting.
  4. Every second day the water in the jar must be changed.
  5. In order for the cultivation of pineapple to be successful, it is necessary to maintain the same temperature in the room all the time.
  6. You can plant a plant in the ground after the first roots appear. The diameter of the planting pot and the top of the pineapple should be approximately the same size.
  7. The container for planting must be equipped with special holes. A 2-3 cm layer of expanded clay is placed at the very bottom. After planting, the pineapple should be watered abundantly and placed in a well-lit place.
  8. To obtain the desired result, the planted plant must be watered frequently and abundantly. But if mold or a rotten smell appears in the pot, the soil should be completely changed.
  9. In order to bring the growing conditions as close as possible to natural ones, it is necessary to create something like a greenhouse by covering the plant with a transparent jar.

When growing pineapples, it is important to adhere to the temperature regime. In summer, the most optimal temperature is 28-30 degrees, in winter - 22-24 degrees. The pot is not placed on the windowsill, but on a table by the window or a special flower stand. In winter, you need to take care of highlighting the pineapple with a fluorescent lamp. Every time after 10-14 days, it is recommended to feed the plant with a complex of liquid mineral fertilizers.

If you strictly follow all the rules for caring for this amazing plant, then in 3-4 years it will provide an opportunity to enjoy its unusual taste.

pineapple season

In tropical countries, the pineapple season lasts all year. We have this fruit can be purchased in stores. How fresh the fruit is can be determined by the smell, which should be pronounced and sweet. Ripe fruit has an elastic shell, and the top is bright green. An overripe fruit exudes a sour smell, has a withered top and a brown color. The fruit is soft to the touch. Too hard and green scales testify to the immaturity of the fruit.

Pineapple plantation at first glance is an unattractive picture. The most ordinary field with some small exotic plantings. However, growing this fruit costs a lot of work. For us, pineapple is not only a tasty product, but also a storehouse of useful substances and trace elements that can have a positive effect on the body.

Video about where pineapples grow

Exotic fruits have long ceased to be a curiosity in Russian stores. On the shelves you can find not only mangoes, coconuts, kiwi, but also such unusual fruits as pomelo, papaya, passion fruit, pitahaya, lychee, feijoa and many others. But despite the fact that many overseas fruits and vegetables are no longer a rarity in our stores, we have not learned how to choose them correctly.

One of the most famous exotic fruits in Russia is pineapple, which will be discussed in this article. Of course, many people prefer to buy canned pineapples that are already sliced ​​or sliced. But fresh fruit always contains more nutrients than canned. Let's try to figure it out how to choose the right pineapple to buy a really ripe and high-quality fruit.

To begin with, it is worth noting an important fact. Most of the overseas fruits that come to our shops are not yet ripe. They sing along the way from the plantation to our table. In the store, there may be both a fruit of normal ripeness, and an unripe or overripe one. Therefore, the purchase of exotic fruits should be taken especially carefully.

So, you came to the store to buy a pineapple. What features you need to pay attention to when choosing this unusual fruit?

  • AT pineapple leaves there should be no dry leaves, it should be green, dense and thick. Try to pull one of the leaves, if it pulled out without problems, then the fruit is ripe.
  • pay attention to pineapple peel. It should have a uniform color without spots.

    How to choose the right pineapple and determine the ripe one - the basic rules and the fruit ripening season

    If there are spots, the fruit is overripe. In addition, the rind must be sufficiently hard with scales of uniform size. Only such a fruit will be really ripe. Too soft a crust is a sign that the fruit has begun to deteriorate. A green rind means the pineapple is not ripe.

  • When choosing a pineapple, just like when choosing a watermelon, you need to tap on the fruit. A dull sound will mean that the fruit is ripe, but if an empty sound is heard, the fruit is already overripe.
  • The smell of pineapple should be pleasant and easy. A strong aroma coming from the fruit, especially if you haven't cut it yet, may mean that the pineapple has already fermented.
  • At home, cut the fruit and look at the color of its flesh. The flesh of a ripe pineapple has a rich yellow color, if the flesh is pale, the fruit is not ripe.
  • If you see pineapples in a store in different ways price, then, most likely, they were delivered in different ways. Expensive fruits - by plane, and cheaper ones - by sea. In this case, it would be best to choose a more expensive fruit, it will most likely really be tasty and ripe.

After you cut a pineapple at home, you need to store it at room temperature, because this overseas fruit does not like the cold. In the refrigerator, it can quickly lose its flavor.

Ripe and tasty pineapple will decorate any festive table, and will also be great in combination with other products in salads and hot dishes. We wish you a successful purchase!

HOW TO CHOOSE PINEAPPLE correctly, tips for choosing pineapples and other useful articles.

Today, a wide variety of fruits from tropical countries are sold in almost any store. One of the most famous and beloved exotic fruits in our country is pineapple. But often the fruit that seemed so beautiful and appetizing on the counter of the store turns out to be sour and unpleasant in taste, or worse, rotten. The fruit is sent to the bin, the mood is spoiled ... In order not to be disappointed in the purchase at home, you need to know how to choose the right pineapple, after eating which our body will receive a portion of vitamins and nutrients, and we ourselves will enjoy the delicious taste of a ripe, juicy and fragrant tropical fruit . In fact, it’s not so difficult to look after the mass of outwardly similar pineapples in the store - ripe and tasty, if you follow a few simple recommendations. So, how to choose a ripe pineapple? Read in this note.

Criteria for choosing a ripe pineapple

Examining the crust

Pineapple should have a regular oval shape, and its peel should be slightly soft, but strong and elastic. Press on the side of the pineapple with your finger - it should spring slightly, but if the dent does not rise - the fruit has begun to deteriorate or is already rotten.

A quality fruit has scales of the same size, a hard crust, its color is uniform, without spots. The presence of dark spots eloquently indicates that the fruit is very overripe.

Also set aside fruit that has wrinkled skin, smudges, or cracks on the surface.

Depending on the variety, the color of the pineapple peel can be brown, golden brown, orange-gray or yellow-green. Many people think that a fruit with a green color is unripe, but this is not entirely true. Pineapple, which has a greenish rind, can also be juicy and tasty. And if you come across such a pineapple, check it for ripeness in other ways given here.

pineapple scale

The scales of high-quality pineapple are elastic, and if you press them, they do not push through. Small tails that are at the end of the scales should break off easily. Bending, sluggish ponytails indicate improper storage of the product.

Bottom of a pineapple

When choosing, do not forget to turn the pineapple over and look at its bottom: it should be completely dry, without green shoots.

Tops will tell about the ripeness of pineapple

Inspect the tops: it is good if it is thick and green. Dry and yellow tops - in perishable fruit.

There is a test that must be done before buying. Turn the tops back and forth. If it scrolls easily, then we have a ripe and sweet fruit. The tops of benign pineapple can be rotated 90-180 °.

Make sure the pineapple is ripe by pulling a leaf from the top. If it pulls out easily, the pineapple is ripe. If, together with one leaf, all the tops suddenly come off, the fruit has already begun to rot.

You can just shake the pineapple. The tops of a ripe fruit will stagger.

How to choose a pineapple by smell?

Feel free to sniff the pineapple, especially if you have a good sense of smell. Unripe fruit has no smell or almost no smell. Ripe pineapple spreads a light, sweetish aroma. Too sharp, saturated smell indicates that the fermentation process has begun in the pineapple - you definitely should not buy such a fruit.

Pineapple price: the more expensive, the tastier?

Can a quality pineapple be relatively cheap? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Pineapples are brought to us from distant countries with a tropical climate. They are delivered in two ways: by air and by sea. If pineapples were transported by sea, they would cost less. But in this case, the fruits are picked while still green, and they ripen on the way. This method of transportation is cheaper, but pineapples may become overripe or lose flavor along the way. In addition, fruits transported by ships are treated more heavily with chemicals so that they do not deteriorate during a long journey. Transportation by plane is much more expensive, and accordingly pineapples are more expensive. But such fruits are better, more fragrant and tastier, because they are picked ripe and delivered to us as soon as possible. Therefore, if you see two identical pineapples on the counter, but one costs much more, then such a fruit, of course, is of better quality and tastier.

And further…

If you buy pineapple not in a supermarket, but in a private store or market, you can ask the seller to make an incision. Ripe fruit, when cut, has a golden yellow color, while unripe pineapple is whitish.

You can pat a pineapple with the palm of your hand like a watermelon. A dull sound indicates that the fruit is ripe and juicy. An empty sound is a sign that the fruit is dry.

Among other things, pay attention to the heaviness of the fruit: a ripe pineapple should be weighty.

When buying a pineapple in a store or in the market, do not hesitate to smell, touch, and carefully examine the fruit you like. Only in this way will you be able to choose a pineapple that will not really disappoint you.

You need to know that you can suffer from unripe pineapple - it can act as a laxative. And besides, it has a pungent taste. Therefore, your task is to do everything to buy a ripe fruit, in which the caustic properties disappear.

Delicious, extremely juicy taste and pleasant bright aroma you will find only in a ripe fruit.

Depending on the size of the "butt" (the place of attachment to the plant), it is possible to determine how the fruit ripened, on the plant itself or on the way to the buyer. If the fruit ripened naturally, its “ass” is small and wrinkled, and if during transportation and storage, then it is wider.

Try to pull on one leaf of tops - in a ripe fruit, it will easily pull out. If the pineapple has reached the stage of maturity, then its top (tops) should scroll.

How to choose a pineapple

Check out this fact.

Pineapples, like the other subtropical fruit banana, have a ripening peak, accompanied by the appearance of dark spots. Therefore, do not choose them with specks - there is a high risk of overripeness and spoilage.

If the pineapple is cut, then ripeness can be determined by the color of the pulp - the richer the light yellow color, the riper. The pallor of the pulp indicates immaturity.

So, a quality pineapple is a ripe pineapple, at least in the so-called. consumer stage of maturity. It is clear that fruits ripened in natural conditions are not delivered to the shelves of our stores. Being ripped off in the so-called. removable stage of maturity, they acquire ripeness on the way to the buyer.

You can also use the ability of the fruit to ripen on its own at home: if your pineapple still needs ripening, then at a temperature not lower than 8-9 degrees Celsius.

and relative air humidity of 80-85% for a period of up to 25 days, unripe fruits can ripen well.

What should a ripe pineapple look like?

Determined by color:

  1. Peel - a beautiful straw yellow, golden yellow with a red or orange tint. In unripe fruits, the color of the peel is green.
  2. The upper bunch of leaves (it is called "sultan") - salad, yellow-green color. The color of the topmost leaf in the bunch is yellow.
  3. The tips of the segments (scales) on the peel are dark brown, black.

How to choose a pineapple

Pineapple is one of the favorite tropical fruits of many people. Its great taste and benefits for the body are undeniable - as well as the high price. For this reason, the choice should be as responsible as possible: not everyone can afford to replace an unsuccessful fruit bought for the festive table. But how do you know that the pineapple is already ripe and you can take it?

Pineapple: how to choose a ripe one? The main signs of a ripe fruit

Pineapples travel a long way from warm countries before reaching the domestic market. Mostly fruits come from South America, Paraguay, Philippines, Thailand. They can travel in two ways:

  • more expensive fruits "board" the plane - due to the short delivery time, such pineapples are plucked quite ripe;
  • cheaper fruits “came” by sea, which means that they had time to ripen on the way - they were plucked completely green.

It is rare that a seller is able to provide information about the method of delivery, so the main focus is on the cost of the goods. In addition, you need to pay attention to the following signs of a ripe pineapple:

The easiest way to quickly check the ripeness of a pineapple is to turn the "top crown": in the case of a ripe fruit, it will easily come off.

True, not every store will evaluate such a test, so you will have to limit yourself to less obvious ways to make sure that the fruit is ripe enough.

Additionally, you should study the label (if any), taking into account the following information:

  • grade - most often found "Creola" and Gold. Outwardly, the pineapples of these varieties are identical, the difference can only be recognized from the label. Gold belongs to the dessert category, such fruits are very sweet. The variety "Creola" due to sour fruits is intended for the manufacture of juices;
  • manufacturer - reliable companies indicate information about the time of harvest and the expiration date of the pineapple. The best on the market are Chiquita, Dole and United Fruit.

When making a choice, you need to pay attention to the size of the fetus. In most cases, small fruits are sweeter than large ones, and those with thorns on tops are tastier than smooth-leaved ones.

How to choose a pineapple? Characteristics of an unsuccessful fruit

You can also go against the grain by rejecting fruits that meet "bad" criteria. The “symptoms” that something is wrong with pineapple are its features:

  1. Excessive hardness of the fruit indicates immaturity, excessive softness indicates overripeness.
  2. Yellow leaves are found in "old" pineapples.
  3. Dark brown spots on the peel between the scales are an obvious sign of a very overripe fruit, perhaps even starting to rot.
  4. A clearly green color on the upper part of the fruit means its insufficient ripeness.
  5. The “empty” sound produced when tapping on a pineapple indicates that the fruit is dry and it will not be possible to “achieve” juicy pulp from it.
  6. An obtrusive intense smell indicates the overripeness of the fruit, which in its "development" has almost reached the stage of decay. An additional "symptom" is the presence of mold on the crust.
  7. A light grassy aroma is characteristic of underripe pineapples.
  8. The dent formed when pressing on the peel warns against acquiring an overripe fruit. In principle, such a pineapple can be eaten, but this must be done as soon as possible, until the fruit begins to rot.

Whatever efforts the buyer makes, he always has a chance to lose in this "lottery". It is possible to understand exactly whether a ripe fruit was bought only at home after cutting a pineapple. The ripe fruit has a juicy rich yellow flesh with a golden tint. An unsuccessful purchase and an unripe fruit gives out a pale color of the “insides”.

Green pineapple can be placed top down in a vase and kept for several days: in this position, the ripening process is accelerated.

True, in this case, the fetus will contain caustic substances that corrode the mucous membrane.

9 Tricks to Pick the Ripeest, Tastiest Pineapple in the Store

A truly sweet pineapple is only when it is picked already ripe, and this happens extremely rarely.

A good pineapple can decorate any table. This fruit should not be underestimated: as a rule, those who do not like it simply tasted under- or overripe fruits. Time to correct the annoying oversight by learning how to choose the right fruit. It's time to add a new flavor to your life!

This representative of the citrus family has long been a favorite delicacy of many people, both in its natural form and as an ingredient in fruit salads and cakes. Everyone loves its sweet, pleasant taste. But many housewives buy canned pineapples, fearing the acquisition of a bad fruit and not wanting to deal with its cleaning and grinding. And completely in vain, as they deprive themselves of the beneficial properties of pineapple. Buying a good ripe pineapple is not so difficult. For this, there are some characteristic signs that will tell you how to choose the right pineapple. Now we will tell you about them.

How to choose the right pineapple for its color. The first thing to pay attention to is the color. A ripe pineapple should be a bright golden yellow with dark green leaves. Brown leaves may indicate that the pineapple is overripe. If the pineapple itself is slightly green at the top, this is also acceptable. You should not buy a completely green pineapple, which, according to the seller, will ripen within a couple of days at your home. Even if you wait for it to fully ripen in your kitchen, it will still be significantly inferior in taste to “normal” pineapples. If the pineapple has a dark brown or reddish tint, then it means that it is overripe. Feel the pineapple.
Fresh and ripe pineapples should feel firm and springy to the touch. If, under the pressure of your fingers, the fruit seems too soft to you, do not buy it.
Don't buy pineapples with bruises, mold, or sticky juice leaking.

How to choose the right pineapple by smell.
Smell the bottom of the pineapple. This is another way to choose a ripe, delicious pineapple. If it has a fresh, sweet smell, then you have a good pineapple in front of you. A barely perceptible smell may indicate that the fruits were picked too early and did not have time to ripen. The smell of fermentation indicates that this pineapple is already overripe.

There is an erroneous belief that the ripeness of a pineapple can be determined by the sound that comes from hitting it with the hand, as can be done for watermelon or melon. You should focus only on the appearance and smell of pineapple.
Another popular misconception is that large pineapples are the tastiest. In practice, it turns out that the largest pineapples are less sweet.
Also, do not assume that easily detached leaves are a sign of a ripe pineapple. This is usually characteristic of rotten pineapples, and instead of a tasty and sweet fruit, you can get sour and unpleasant, which you will soon throw in the trash can.

After some practice, you will be able to accurately determine how to choose a good ripe pineapple in the market or in the supermarket. Good luck with your choice!

If you love a tropical treat like pineapple, but have difficulty choosing this fruit in a store or market, then this guide should come in handy.

When buying a pineapple, you should pay attention to 4 main components: smell, tops (top with greens), peel and pulp.

1. Smell

Ripe should exude a subtle delicate smell. If the pineapple produces a sharp, instantly noticeable smell, then the fruit is overripe and has already begun to rot. If there is no smell, then the fruit is either still green, or it is a pineapple that has ripened at the time of delivery, i.e. already after it was harvested, which means that this fruit is second-rate.

2. Tops (top)

If the upper leaves of the pineapple are thick and juicy, while easily separated from the fruit, then the fruit is ripe. By the same principle, if a single leaf does not come off the base in any way, then the fruit is unripe. A yellowed and dry top of a pineapple means that it has already begun to spoil.

And most importantly, you need to take this very green top of the pineapple with your hands and twist it around its axis. Yes Yes! At a ripe pineapple, the top (greens) is spinning! If the top does not spin, then the pineapple is not ripe.

3. Peel

A ripe pineapple is slightly soft to the touch, but its rind remains firm. Unripe pineapples are much firmer to the touch. By the way, a green peel is not always an indicator that the fruit has not ripened. But the crust, covered with dark spots, means that the pineapple has already begun to deteriorate.

4. Pulp

Tap the pineapple with your palm. If the sound is deaf, then the fruit is moderately ripe, if the pineapple makes an “empty” sound, then it is overripe and “shrunken”. The insides of a ripe pineapple are a bright yellow-golden color. A paler color is observed in unripe fruits.

By the way, you need to store uncut pineapple only at room temperature, in the refrigerator it will immediately lose its flavor and become more watery.

The product, which is known to everyone for its beneficial fat-burning properties, can now be bought in almost any supermarket. Beautiful, tasty and incredibly healthy, pineapple has long ceased to be a curiosity among consumers of our latitudes. It is used as a festive table decoration, children like it very much, and girls who watch their figure generally consider this product to be a universal drug - both tasty and healthy.

How to choose a pineapple? This question is asked by those who want to purchase a quality product.

Consider the basic selection rules:

  • At first smell the pineapple. Usually, at arm's length, a tropical fruit does not smell, but if you smell a characteristic smell - most likely, it was sprayed with flavorings. So, there are problems with freshness. If you do not detect a smell by smelling the pineapple closely, then most likely the product inside has rotted, it was thoroughly washed, dried and put on display;
  • If instead of a pleasant smell, when choosing a pineapple, you smell mold, or, even worse, you will see whitish dots between the scales, the fruit is moldy and it is unsafe to eat it;
  • Choosing a pineapple carefully look at its surface- scales of ripe pineapple should be orange-grayish, sometimes with a yellow tint. If the pineapple you choose has a greenish tint, this is an unripe product. Of course, it can be stored much longer, but we can only dream of good taste. Moreover, eating an unripe fruit is dangerous to health;
  • Choosing a quality pineapple, pay attention to the elasticity of its scales. Normally, they should be dense and elastic. If the scales are flat and easily squeezed inward, then the fruit has been standing for a long time and has already begun to rot from the inside. It’s definitely not worth choosing such a pineapple;
  • Look at the tails of the scales. In a ripe high-quality pineapple, they should be dry and brittle, if the tails are bent, then the fruit was most likely stored in a room with high humidity. And it is very possible that from the inside it began to rot. Stopping your choice on such a pineapple is like playing roulette. You can buy a rotten product;
  • Now take hold of the tail. It should scroll a little, just a little. Don't twist too hard - you can tear it off. But if the tail of the pineapple sits tightly and cannot be scrolled, the fruit is unripe and tasteless. It is not worth choosing such a pineapple.

Remember that it is very unprofitable for supermarkets to throw away such a tropical fruit as pineapple. Therefore, employees do their best to mask the shortcomings in order to still sell the goods. Therefore, pineapple can be washed, dried, sprayed with flavors identical to natural, turned to the consumer with a beautiful side. Therefore, when choosing a quality pineapple, arm yourself with our tips and sniff, press and look carefully. Good choice and bon appetit!